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Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Junior Cortez" Rumored Killed in Internal War Within the Gulf Cartel

As reported by Chivis, the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas is experiencing a number of shootouts and blockades.  While the full situation is still developing, it appears that recent tensions within Los Metros faction of the Gulf Cartel has reached a breaking point and a state of all out warfare has started anew.

Reports are emerging that Sergio "Junior Cortez" Ortegón and three bodyguards were killed by the forces of "El Gafe", specifically, those under the command of Alberto "Guero Cleofas" Martinez Gutierrez.  This is said to have happened around the colonias of Vista Hermosa and Portillo, near Pavón park behind the Soriana Morelos, where "Junior Cortez" was struck twice in the chest by an AR-15.

Update on 8-22-14: It has been more recently reported that another notable person, "El Chiricuas", was killed.  Also known as "El Metro 85", "El Chiricuas" was a close ally of "Junior Cortez" and has been previously reported as the sector commander of the Centro zone of Reynosa.  There are also rumors that although "Junior Cortez" was shot, he managed to escape alive.
Background Information
"Junior Cortez", also known as "C2", is often confused in reports with his father who also uses the alias "Cortez".  The senior "Cortez", Sergio Ortegón Silva, is also known as "C1" and "El Loco" and is leader of the group "Los Ceros".  He is a long time member of the Gulf Cartel, going back to possibly twenty years.  Past rumors indicated that senior "Cortez" had a falling out with Héctor "El Metro 4" Delgado Santiago, which led to "El Metro 4" being killed on January 15, 2013.

"Junior Cortez" was said to have been an ally of Miguel "El Gringo" Villarreal and Jesús "El Puma" García Román, who were both killed on March 10, 2013 in a purge ordered by Mario Armando "X20" Ramírez Treviño and said to have been carried out by the senior "Cortez".  It was further said the senior "Cortez" was able to convince "X20" to spare the life of his son, as "Junior Cortez" did not provide aid to "El Gringo" once the fighting started.

In April of this year, Juan Manuel "Juan Perro" Rodríguez García led a purge of forces loyal to Juan Fransisco "El Paquito" Martinez, who was plaza head of Reynosa.  It was rumored that "El Paquito" then went into hiding in southern Texas to escape death, though his lieutenant, "El Gafe", stayed, and took control of the Reynosa plaza.  "El Gafe" is a mysterious individual, with little said about him besides the rumor that he was once a bodyguard for "El Metro 4".

Following the purge of "El Paquito", "Junior Cortez" was mentioned as plaza head of Diaz Ordaz and the senior "Cortez" as a possible sector commander in Reynosa, though other information placed "Junior Cortez" as in charge of the Pharr bridge area in Reynosa. 

Things seemed calm for a while, though it was unclear if it was due to a truce between "Juan Perro" and "El Gafe", or if both forces were merely regrouping.

Regardless, on June 26, Federal Police were ambushed in Ejido Periquitos.  It was said that the area was under the control of "Junior Cortez" and that his people were behind the attack, along with kidnappings and killings of innocent people.  The forces of "El Gafe" warned that such action would not be tolerated and suspected that "Junior Cortez" and his father were attempting to seize power by destabilizing "El Gafe".

In the following days, it became clear that an alliance of father and son "Cortez", Guadalupe "El Tachas" Leal Flores, and Jesús Alejandro "El Simple" Leal Flores, had been formed to overthrow "El Gafe".  It was further reported that "Junior Cortez" controlled the colonias of Delicias, Unidad Obrera, Laguna, Lazaro Cardenas, and Loma Blanca. 

At the time it was also said that "El Guero Cleofas" was part of this alliance, as he had been arrested and thought "El Gafe" had betrayed him, but in light of recent news it is uncertain if this report was a mistake or if he later changed sides, possibly convinced that "El Gafe" was not behind his arrest. 

On June 29, "El Gafe" was said to have been shot in a failed assignation attempt.  It is unclear what happened to "El Gafe" thereafter, though recent information implies that the power of "El Gafe" over Reynosa would become somewhat diminished.  It is possible that "El Gafe" retreated from Reynosa and/or had to recover from his injuries.

On the morning of August 8 there was a number of blockades in Reynosa as federal forces made an unsuccessful attempt at arrest the senior "Cortez". 

A letter appeared online on August 17 denouncing recent actions by "Junior Cortez" to increase his power in Reynosa and asking for the return of "El Paquito" and "El Gafe".  In light of the killing of "Junior Cortez", it seems that this was all a pretext. 

It is very likely that the senior "Cortez" will seek vengeance for the death of his son and his allies will counterattack the forces of "El Gafe", who, quite possibly, is welcoming the return of "El Paquito".  The entire area under the control of Los Metros is currently under high alert as cartel vehicles are being mobilized for attacks and counterattacks.


  1. Cdg is so fuckin confusing!

  2. Mexico dont ever have to worry about OVER POPULATION. All you hear about is dead dead dead dead. I say Kill'em all n let God sort them out!!!

  3. So this would be Cleofus ( grupo cero ) against cortez jnr , (grupo fox). Kinda embarrassing for Snr Cortez that one of his underlings killed his son, isn't cortez snr Head of Grupo Cero?

  4. How many fucking factions does cdg have I can't keep track post a list please

    1. if im correct i counted about 6 or 8

  5. damn good report itzli.


  6. They keep fighting the zetas will try and move in.

  7. What about the other fractions like fresas, Dragones how they play into this or is this mainly in Reynosa?

  8. Good let them kill each other.

  9. La banda de Los chapulines CDG they change they're mind like changing their underware

  10. Chivis when will you update the "Cartels Structure" tab or the "Map of Cartels" tab needs update

    1. It's too confusing to make a map right now. The whole country is in conflict. There is only a few states that are controlled by just one cartel. But that is just my observation.

  11. In forum someone said he was shot 50 times.

  12. that's fake shit !

  13. I hope they kill them self a lot faster who needs those cartles anyway.what you people from mexico should do is fix your country.its sad you all just keep killing your same RAZA

  14. Very confusing but hopefully things will clear up and we are able to understand more of what's going on with the CDG infighting.

  15. Cdg sounds like their own worse enemy, definitely a victim of the power vacuum caused by killing or apprehension of their leaders

  16. never heard of any of these guys. the cartels are extremely watered down now.

  17. "Itzli" If you there check out Moros Rap,picture of Cortez and some comments from players about Ciclon 7 and trying to rid Rojo(Reynosa) of Metros.
    "xk es el bando mas fuerte y van x progreso.valle hermoso y matamoros para ser los jefes del CDG"
    I can understand Espanol a little but you will do better ?

  18. How the can these guys have shootouts for hours and no police????? The answer is they are the police!!!!!! Y does usa send mexico money to fight drug war mexico politicians take the money and buy ferraris....

    1. Haha! You answered both your questions. -El Nemesis

  19. Seems since Osiel went down CDG has been in turmoil.
    There has never been a leader that truly unified CDG after osiel. As Plaza heads are arrested or killed there is no clear second in command to take the leadership and infighting ensues.
    Not very intelligent! However, that is to be expected with Narcos!

    1. In a way ur right and wrong. After oziels arrest there was a little chaos it was lazcano who kept shit together until tormenta and costilla and lazcano were able to hold it down together til the cdg and zetas totally split in 2.

  20. Hey pena nieto how can these guys have gun fights for hrs and u do nothing....???????? Mexico president is a joke.... no more of my tax money to that dumbass plz!!!!!!!!

  21. Cartel de pendejos aka cdg

  22. These guys are stupid, they are always sniching each other out or there killing eachn other in groups. Making the zetas job of getting ridv of them easier! ! Que se mate los mensos!

  23. Cdg needs someone to control the whole organization. Since the death of Tony Tormenta they have battling themselves

  24. This is the result of a lack of strong leadership. And whoever killed el metro who was a respected and loved leader of reynosa is at fault here. When you betray a good leader bad shit always follows. Matamoros the cdg premier plaza and seat of power has its troubles but nothing like this.

  25. puro paletero/tamalero vs carwasher/taquero combos fighting like hungry bitches for the gramero market "plaza", all the spilled blood will keep them fighting forever, how is that about reaping what you sow?
    the big money is in traffickng to the US, but that side has OWNERS, so all these motherfuckers have is the mexican little town tianguis to operate and extort, with diversified piratized goods from china, two peso whoring, one peso teiboleras, kidnap for cinco pesos, they learned it from the zetas!!!

  26. It is not just cdg with many cells , every cartel in a different county usually are called by a cell name not by cartel name . And all those fools saying zetas will come and try to take turf now that cdg is fighting , sucks to break it to u all , cdg had been fighting with itself since 09 10 and zetas couldn't wipe them out . If zetas would think about invading cdg turf now or anytime soon would be suicide because with all the Feds and military right now it would go real bad for zetas and no matter how much infighting , they all hate zetas equally

    1. Yea, they were fighting themselves back then too but not like this! They been turning in a lot of bosses to the Mexican feds

    2. 2009-2010 split
      Zetas fought everybody ..
      CDG goes back to Osiel nickname "el Mata- Amigos"
      Or friend killer .
      That right there sets the tone.
      Always been treachery in the ranks. Reynosa has always seen and lived in Warfare.. CDG are shady backstabbing bunch..
      They created the ZETAS go figure!!

    3. The CDG haven't been wiped out but they have been forced to operate in their home state only. CDG USE to have the entire East coast of Mexico before the split. The only reason the Zetas didn't wipe them out was b/c they were fighting CDS and LFM also.

  27. If CDG continues killing each other the Zetas will move in and nobody wants that!

  28. That looks like little blood for someone shot in the chest, more like a hand wound.


  29. Who the F**K are all these guys? Perros, Cortez, Gafe, Paquitos, fresas, dragones...sounds like a bunch of street punks trying to make a name for themselves. As long as you can't win over the ppl, no one will care about you. That's how metro 3 and el Karis were respected. By sticking to the business and not letting greed get to their head.

    1. Another dumbass. The groups are named after letters of the alfabet like group f or group d and they pick a word that starts with the respective letter therefore group f pick the word fresas group d dragones and so on. Get it?

    2. Then why if 1st letter, why two names with a p, so confusing

  30. Currently the areas were Los Metros have influence which is Reynosa, Ribereña, and Frontera Chica, are in a state of tension. Comandante Gafe or El 77 (used to be bodyguard of Metro 4) reportedly killed Junior Cortez and this lead to short gun battles. From what I have read Gafe is being supported by Los Metros because when the war started against Los Zetas Gafe was in the frontline fighting. Some of the CDG commanders that are involved in the conflict are Panochitas (Metro 103) and Paquito.
    After the death of Metro 3, Metro 4, and the capture of El Simple (Metro 24) Los Metros have been killing each other ever since.
    However, Los Zetas have also experienced tensions between the Zetas from Nuevo Laredo and Ciudad Victoria. All the orders that the Zetas get come from Nuevo Laredo, but the Zetas from Ciudad Victoria who are loyal to Comandante Lazcano do not like to get orders from anybody outside of Victoria.

  31. Where is the Michoacan Tuta article Chivis! !????

  32. These golfas are some drama queens cant ever function always betraying , zetas have had there internal problems like once , an thats the difference ,
    La union ase la fueZa

  33. cdg is already doing the zetas job for them they just have to sit back and let these stupid ass vatos kill each other cdg really isnt a cartel anymore they are just a bunch of pussy ass bitches from different street gangs

  34. Man! This is crazy and confusing. Thank you guys for the great reporting. -El Nemesis

  35. Fresas, Dragons, Perros, Gatos, Piñas; Papas, Moscas, Cortez, Junior Cotrez, Señor Cortez, Baby Cortez, Abuela Cortez..all punk ass wanna be factions..Need AFO to straighten all this crap out. AFO would of cleaned house n stamped there name all over these chump cliques.

    1. AFO is no more.

    2. It ain't the 90s anymore bro calm down

  36. Que se maten todos a la chingada y que nos dejen en paz. Estamos cansados y cansadas de toda esta pinche violencia. Nuestros familiars del EU no quiren visitor por causa de estos animals pendejos. Unanse, matense, o poganse ha trabajar por que extranamos mucho ha nuestra Reynosa de mas antes.

  37. Replies
    1. It's going to rip quando te la meto!

  38. August 21, 2014 at 7:36 PM
    Good post dude.
    The picture up top is not what Cortez got fucked in,its a black truck with the windshield shot to shit.Looks like an ambush type of shit?

  39. "Cártel del Golfo ejecuta a jefe de plaza de Los Zetas en Zacatecas
    En el municipio del Teúl de González Ortega, fue localizado sin vida el cuerpo, de quien presuntamente sería el jefe de la Plaza de los Zetas en Zacatecas"

    CDG got the new boss of Zacatecas ?Shit,he didn't last long at all ?

    1. It's easy to talk tough when you are a cyber sicario. Los Zetas are the only cartel that I know who has fought four rivals at the same time. Los Zetas kept CDG relevant when Chapo made his move to the east. Just because you love to hate them 3:13 doesn't mean they are a joke. CDG don't have the federation to back them anymore so we'll see how long they last.

  40. The cdg that once existed is no more

  41. If the cdg only have one learder for all groups ,only then they can move forward .but as always the problem is everyone wants to b King of the mountian

  42. Cdg as worst as the de z!

  43. I think that is why the CDG killing each other... they all confused who is on there side and who are the contras... Govt should give CDG a college course on who is who within the Cartels... this would help reduce a lot of the killings.

  44. The photo of the chrysler 300 apears to show an infrared headlight affixed to the front of the car. It has a very dark voilet lens that appears like black glass. The light that shines out in not easily detectable by the naked eye but illuminates well for someone driving and wearing night vision goggles. Verry interestiing! Driving slow with NVG's is not too bad but driving fast with them would be scary for the occupants as well as any one else near the road. Unfortunatly stealthy driving does not make one bulletproof.

  45. It's a stock headlamp. Google a pic. These guys on the street with a machine aren't that smart. The smart guys are the guys in suits dealing the tons of cocaine making the real money in the cartel while these street thugs kill each other to protect a grammero

    1. @1:13 A.M., I speculate that the single dark lens seen in rhe lower grill of the car is an I.R. lamp. I did not Google anything. My specularion is based on my long military career and experience. I i have maintaned and operated many vehicles equiped with such lights and have experience driving with their use. I stand by my speculation of the picture but am willing ro view a specific link that might explain the single light with the very dark colored lens seen in the lower grill.

  46. For all the zetas cheerleaders the cdg is infighting and still finds the time to kill zeta plaza bosses. The zetas are a fucking joke
    August 23, 2014 at 3:13 AM

    The only reason the Gulf Cartel was able to kill a "supposed" comandante in Zacatecas is because of Talibans people. Heck the only reason the CDG was able to even step foot in Zacatecas was because of Talibans people who were originally Zetas but just shipped when Taliban went to war against the Z.
    Look man I know the CDG is probably your favorite cartel from what I can tell because of your post, but anyways they are just a former shade of themselves. They ain't what they were pre-rupture 2010. They are a joke now-a-days and the biggest hypocrites along with the Caballero Templarios. In the end of the day FUCK ALL CARTELS y me la pelan.


  47. Entonces gafe mato a c2 y esto quisas hara que c1 se bengue? Quien apoya al gafe en esta batalla?

  48. the only reason el taliban left, is he was sick of getting short-changed by z40, even before lazcano got killed he was working on his move to split, el lazca really got lazy when he put z40 in charge of judazing his zeta brothers on top of robbing all the company money...

  49. Matamoros groups of cdg
    fuerza de racion FR
    Los tiburones
    los garafones
    los lobos
    grupo X
    grupo M
    grupo kalimanes
    grupo bravo


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