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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Interrogation of a Viagra, provides information of Americano-Viagras-Mencho alliance

Chivís Martínez for Borderland Beat

Here is one of the other videos that I have referred to and posted previously. In this video, a member of Viagras is interrogated, he reveals he is from Pinzandaro and works for Viagras,  El Americano, and Mencho leader of CJNG is mentioned.  The video surfaced last September.

When he was stopped, he states he was transporting money for gas and food for Viagras .

He says he works at the drug kitchens in el Valle,  and that he Viagra production is for Mencho.  He says besides the drugs he also is involved in the kidnappings.

This offers further proof of  Luis Antonio Torres', aka "Simon El Americano" collusion with Viagras.  Americano is rumored to operate the majority of the drug kitchens in Michaocán.  Yet he was appointed by Commissioner Castillo to be one of the three commanders of the new EPN backed Rurales, and commander of an "elite" team searching for La Tuta". 

He also speaks of being a part of the murder of Osbaldo Esquivel Lucatero,  former mayor of Buenavista who was ordered killed because of a dispute with Viagras/Mencho over the community police.

At the time of his murder, the PRD political party member, Esquivel was the state assembly speaker.

The confession of the man in the video means he was one of four men who, using machetes,  butchered to death Esquivel and injured Pablo Madriz Rojas, a journalist who happened to be speaking with the speaker.  Because he witnessed the gruesome killing he asked for protection.

However, Madriz  was killed in a car "accident" three days later, when a man drove into the opposite lane of traffic, where Madriz was driving, striking the vehicle and killing the journalist.  

El Americano gives statement
El Americano gave his statement to authorities today, he said he is innocent and never met with Tuta.  He further states the man in the video is  Dimas Guillen Mendoza, who works for Tuta.

Unfortunately, Americano gave his statement to state and local officials so it really does not have much weight.  

Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, was with Americano during his statement.  Castillo had said previously that it may be mistaken identity.  Which is what I said they would say in order to not compromise the reputation of Castillos' baby, The Rurales.

It is easy to find the connection between Viagras and Americano if the government has a desire to, problem is, they have not up to this point, hard to know if they will now be compelled.  

To find culpability, is to concede failure in their formation of the new state corporation, Castillo doesn't look like a guy who would let the truth fall where it may, if it means revealing his errors..

PRD weighs in says "Mireles was right"

PRD issued a statement that the State and Federal Government should clarify who they are allocating weapons to, when they place them in the hands of the Rurales, to determine just what characters they are giving power to and leaving in their hands,the safety of inhabitants of the Tierra Caliente.  This was said by the President of the Party of the Revolution Democratica (PRD) in Michoacan, Carlos Piña Torres. 

Piña Torres said, " José Manuel Mireles  was right when he said that criminal groups were infiltrating these new corporations" . Moreover, the fact show the Commissioner Alfredo Castillo and his staff, in the formation of new corporations never implemented appropriate mechanisms for selecting the members of the police force.

The PRD group stated that the "newly surfaced" video widely broadcast on social media and the mainstream media calls in to question the controls and vetting by Castillo of the members of the new corporation.

Continuing he said that the media is already calling Castillo's strategy a failure, and that there has already been an abandonment  of the priority  to capture Servando Gómez Martínez.

Hipolito Mora:
Mora gave a brief statement about the controversy, he stated yesterday, he was not completely sure if it was or wasn't Americano, but then he received a call from a government person in Mexico City who confirmed without a doubt that it is in fact his nemesis, El Americano.

Owes me money" says Tuta:
in this short video Tuta says Americano owes him money, follow the link to the story  
Michoacan 3.0-Facebook-Atiempo-BB-proceso


  1. There is a foto of this guy after being executed, I could not find it. I can't recall where I saw it.

    to the willis who believes Americano is innocent and thinks I should apologize, you are hereby anointed as the biggest willis of all time.

    1. And you are hereby the dumbest bitch of all time ariba el senor tuta

  2. Fuck willis!!!!!

  3. Wow...i did not go further than the killing date. some protection is right. I was thinking last night, if I saw what he did, I would be out of there. Immediately. I know it is difficult because of relatives, but he had to know what was going to happen. poor guy.

    thanks for the info I added it

  4. That guy was nervous as all hell....he knew he was about to get sent to hell. Can't feel sorry for him because God knows how many people he had talking nervous like that, too.

  5. What is Tutas purpose with these videos? do the Templarios still exsist?

  6. Ct still controls 95 % of michoacan. Viagras/cjng aint shit

  7. This investigation is getting pretty serious and it's appearing as if even Castillo is involved in serious under the table dealings. His unscrupulous ways are going to trip him and bring him down. Hopefully he'll rat on his boss on the way down. FREE OUR HERO DR. MIRELES!!!!!

  8. Someone should organize in riverside for the August 31 protest for the Dr.
    A lot of michoacanos over here. I've even met people who fought for Tuta when it was against the zs. They think he is a good man. But believe in mirrors cause

  9. Pinche Castillo quiere tapar el sol con un dedo. There's a saying that two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead. There are simply too many witnesses for Castillo to be able to suppress the truth any longer. There are also too many reports from people in Michoacan complaining that the Fuerzas Rurales have replaced the Templarios as their principal tormentors.

  10. El Americano is kicking the mordidas upstairs like a good little soldier... since this video came out about him with La Tuta and Los Viagras... the Michoacan Gubberment has to do something... like investigate... so the people be happy that Gubberment is looking into El Americano... but he won't be arrested or anything... it is all show and play to make the people happy... it be over soon and everyone back to work... extorting the innocent people of Michoacán.... viva mexico.

  11. Everybody knows Mireles was right ,,

  12. The guy in the video looks EXTREMELY SCARED.
    Why ?

    Is he interrogated by the police ?

  13. Willis without wiwis should not be commenting, unless they are trying to amuse us...
    Welcome to Los Videos Prohibidos de la Chvis. Nobody else has the cachetes mofletudos like el ameriprrrt!
    Now let's find put how come it is clearly evident that Dr Mireles is in prison without proof of any wrongdoing but el castillo de cagada can't see evidence of el ameriprrrt! and la puta tuta's relationship, even as it bites his ass, are they having a baby or sompin'?

  14. Thought I do not doubt Americano's involvement, this confession seems dubious as the guy looks to be reading something when he looks down toward his lap and he makes sure he states time and time again about Americano's part in the whole thing.


  15. Ah esa pinche Tuta puta y sus video. Ya matenlo por favor.

  16. Who was the interrogation done by.

  17. Que es esa mamada que se van a juntar...

    BLO,Z,CDJNG & CDJ Para formar un nuevo gran cartel??

    Que alguien me explique Por Favor!!!!


  18. I think El Americano is as slimy as they come...corrupt to the hilt. however, i don't consider some loser about to be executed saying that he's corrupt as proof of it. The guy is about to die and wants to live. he can be made to say anything, including that he had sex with Oprah Winfrey. it doesn't make it true. also, most of you say tuta is the biggest liar, but when he smears El Americano, you take his word for it....I want to see Americano go down for betraying his countrymen and being a snake, but every time flimsy evidence is used as proof, it won't stick and will just make him seem like a victim of persecution/harassment, and come out stronger....its like the boy who cried wolf, after a while no one believed him....let him get more comfortable, than nail him with real proof

  19. Castillo, I have some advice for you. how about some background checks before you give Policia Rural credentials and weapons to someone..just sayin..not tryin to tell you how to do your job and whutnot....oh, and you are imcompetent, corrupt, inept, and an idiot!, and should not be allowed to be a public servant

    1. Background checks? And who do you think will be in charge of the checks?

  20. Chivis, what id the purpose of Tuta with all these videos? is he trying to be a good guy or a bad guy? do his Templarios n Familia Michoacana excist?

  21. It was done by local and state government with Castillo watching.


  22. @ 9:13
    Not true at all, no one lives he knew he was dead man walking. They all give up info.

    This guy easily gave info even when he wasn't asked.

  23. I think the video was proof enough. Now you can tie in this guy's words. You can tie in Tuta saying he owes him money. All these things are not being said out of thin air, and for no reason. When you tie them all together it helps to connect the dots. Add in everything that was done my him to oust Mireles, plus his actions. People know what is going on and I am sure they will find more on him if they care to dig a little.

  24. Big news blo zeta jalisco carrilo joining forces
    big meeting was held cartel de carteles

    1. And the government Marines are where? Isn't this a good chance to get all the Kingpin leaders in one swoop!

  25. Is there a super cartel brewing

  26. 11:34
    I was working on it, :)
    I had to do some checking for the article

    some people will not like it but I have heard for months there is an alliance, I am sure many of you have also seen tidbits here and there.

    I am puzzled about the z43 reference. any thoughts?

  27. That guy probably is a Viagra but they told him read this and we wont chop you up

  28. The so called viagra is reading from a piece of paper, it is a scripted confession


  29. pepito
    He is not reading. He is intimidated and scared shitless to look into the eye of his executioner. Even calling him sir as he is almost hyper ventilating.

    He glances down but for a second then one, I repeat no one can search text and read it in a second.

    His eyes are not moving back and forth as in reading. the lids stay sedentary, no movement.

    armchair detective you need need to use logic and physiology to figure this out. not relaying on what you want, or what shallow thinking perceives.

  30. exactly what I surmised. his lids are not moving, and he only glances down, as trying to get a grip on his fear. also noteworthy is when he says the drug is for Mencho. he says Mencho as if it is an assumption, even shrugs, which is body language for "I think", or I assume or I guess, for sure not reading the answer. he also offers information without prompts, in trying to ingratiate himself to his captor. I have been meaning to write about this but thought, what the hell for, most of the readers commenting wouldn't get it

  31. Idk about this guy reading from a paper

  32. BB needs a like button. for august 31 11:52am

  33. First these scag politicos claim no pase nada aqui now the scags claim no veo nada que pase aqui, 'ta bien. How "special" are these políticos licking the short bus windows with helmets on. Everything that's done in the dark will come to the light.


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