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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hunger Strike at Altiplano Super Max?... yes Barbie and Chapo?... no

 Chivís Martínez for Borderland Beat
The Washington Post is reporting that the widely reported hunger strike, allegedly initiated by El Chapo and El Barbie, did in fact exist, but was small and did not include the two incarcerated cartel leaders.

Proceso magazine,  broke the story of the hunger strike, stating that it was El Chapo who was the author of  the grievance hunger strike which was joined by 1000 inmates over a five day period.

Rigid rules are implemented at the Altiplano No.1 super max prison. Strict regulations, mindful construction and offensive measures, assure the prison maintains its stratus of being the sole prison in Mexico that has not been confronted with a successful escape.  Many of the most notorious of prisoners are housed in Altiplano.

Visitors including attorneys, are not allowed to enter with wallets, shoelaces, pens, even tie clips.   Complaints include; inspections by guards inside underwear, and women must remove their bras.

 As in American super max prisons, for exercise inmates are allowed only one hour daily outside their cells, but are in a fenced inclosed area, they are not privy to the general prison population..
Proceso had reported that the 1000 inmate hunger strike was to protest against  prison’s poor hygiene, medical care and food, and the assertion that Chapo had organized the strike, a remarkable feat under the isolated conditions he is subjected to.

NYT wrties: Not just that the world’s most fearsome drug lord was now apparently a human rights crusader but that he had the freedom of movement and communication inside the prison to pull it off".

Prison officials confirmed the July strike occurred, but states that Barbie and Chapo did not organize the strike, adding  their isolation makes it  a virtual impossibility for them to do so.

The hunger strike had 100 people involved, and lasted only 1 day.

Some of the notorious bigs that are or have been incarcerated in Altiplano are:

  • Joaquin Guzman Loera, alias "El Chapo Guzman", former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel .
  • Mario Aburto Martinez confessed Alleged murderer of Luis Donaldo Colosio
  • Daniel Arizmendi López Known as the Mochaorejas former head of a Mexican kidnapping gang.
  • Eduardo and Francisco Arellano Félix family members Arellano Felix, leader of Tijuana Cartel
  • Mario Villanueva Madrid Ex-Governor of the State of Quintana Roo
  • Osiel Cardenas Guillen Ex-leader of the Gulf Cartel
  • Teodoro Garcia Simental Alias ​​El Teo known as who fractured the cartel of the Arellano
  • Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo Alias ​​The Godfather , former leader of the defunct Guadalajara Cartel
  • Edgar Valdez Villarreal alias La Barbie Sicario and head of the armed wing of the Beltran Leyva Cartel
  • Miguel Treviño Morales Alias ​​The Z-40 premier leader of Los Zetas
  • Jesus Zambada Garcia-Known as "the king Zambada". He is the brother of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada
  • Oscar Oswaldo García Montoya alias “El Compayito” leader of the criminal organization  “La Mano con Ojos
  •  José Jorge Balderas Garza, alias "El JJ", suspected of the attempted murder  footballer Salvador Cabañas
  • Luis Fernando Sánchez Arellano  alias "El Ingeniero", leader of Tijuana's CAF criminal organization


  1. Chapo should get served shit for breakfast lunch and dinner. .. This place is Arkam asylum. .

    1. Chapo is nobody

    2. Anonymous aka juevos nada - you are so jealous of Chapo, his money, his close family, the people who love him, and the legend and corridos that will keep him alive forever after your no-name (anonymous) loser life dies in a cigarette smelling apartment or trailer that your mother probably pays for. You no nothing about Chapo or his family so keep talking shit in your government supported housing with government paid cell phone you type on...pindejo

    3. You love chapo don't you, how sweet!

    4. carretera. what has chapo done for u kid? maybe you are a millionaire living it up in vegas!

    5. I got your back carreteradurangomazatlan.fuck these other fools they aint shit.....they didnt have the balls to do what he did.he didnt get to be a boss for being a bitch or a snitch all these fools think he snitched but what inside info do they have? Oh......they were

  2. fixed....
    hopefully others will post this weekend :)
    otherwise it will be slow....thanks for understanding, those that don't ....

    1. Chivis any word on the activities of caro quintero since his release no one has heard from him please publish a story

  3. Chapo snitched on every single one of those heavy's...

    1. Yes and thats why he has a loyal group of people in both prison (ref hunger strike) and Mexico that when totaled, multiplied by .5; and divided by 10 still make more loyal people than what you'll ever know. You no nothing of what you speak pindejo

    2. All sinaloans are snitches its just a hard fact truth!

    3. 1:18 real men just go about their business, they don't go around crying snitch about real or imaginary snitches, snitch...

  4. Let that snitch suffer. Ahi no me gusta la comida fushi, pinche vato ridiculo. Should of gone guns blazing like his corridos said, jajaja

    1. Hahahahahaha totally agree..

    2. Another one did any of you read the article im going to sum it up for you dummys it says chapo and barbie did not start or participate in the hunger strike they have enough money to buy there own food and eat what ever the hell they want.

  5. If he does not like it their extradite him to the Florence supermax. At least the food will be better. Then the use can probe him to see if it's the real chapo and not some poor bastard who sold his soul to the devil.

    1. I doubt Mexico will allow Chapo to cross the border northward but that's just my opinion. If they did who will pay for all of these corrupt politicians children's college? I bet he supported half of Mexico with all the kickbacks he provided. He is only loved for his money and nothing else. That's why there were protests because a lot of people will do without while he is incarcerated.

  6. I always thought Oscar Oswaldo García Montoya alias “El Compayito”was one crazy dangerous looking fucker,and wasn't he a fuckin commando or some shit.
    Dude looks crazed

  7. Nither EL Chapo or El Barbie look like they miss any meals! They lent their names to, or, started a protest and recieved attention. No one wants to read about " Fulano Tal is on a hunger strike. Everyone gets a little interested when a big fish is involved. It would all be comical if it weren't for the evil impact on society in the Americas.

  8. They should all be put together in a room and winner walks free.

  9. It's so bizarre to me how Chapo is there la barbie and z40. Also ingeniero and teo. Enemies forced to share the same space, though they might now see eachother it's strange

    1. Theyre seperated in small cells they don't even hear each other

  10. Trivia question.
    which one of these druglords did chapo snitch on?
    D.EL TEO

    1. You forgot that he snitched on osama bin laden,

    2. N don't forget he also snitched on the Huston bomer

    3. And the boston strangler and son of Sam hahaha, ya he snitched on some but not everyone. Morons jajaja

    4. El montaperros del chapo guzman

    5. He probably snitched on his own sons.

  11. No que muy brazo.. pinche chapo joto.. what happened to all ur fake corridos. . Sing one bout ur big bad brave ass not being able to handle the food. . No que muy de la Sierra. . My sugro is from that Sierra n always says what a lil bitch chapo is

    1. Did you even read this article?? It clearly says hunger strike at the prison yes.. But not chapo n Barbie dumbass...

  12. Haha It's funny how all these "pinche Chapo puto, fake ass, que paso con tus bazookas etc etc..." key motherfucking board valientes talk all this shit pero hasta el culo les suda cuando se avientan una luz roja. Fact is most of these capos have more huevos que los que los habladores se tragan en el desayuno...CAYENSE A LA VERGA PUTOS PAJAROS NALGONES

    1. @ 9:31 ala mejor el chapo y su gente te iso rico pendejo plebe! te isieron rico pero a 20 unas pinche plebe mocoso:)

    2. This post makes you a "key motherfuckin board valiente"

    3. Barbie, Inge, the Alleranos, Gallardo, Osiel and Z40 put in the work. They fought next to their foot soldier. While Chapo just gave orders and paid for shit. He was never loyal to his partners. He sent his sicarios to kill Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes after the CF financed his breakout of prison. He is where he belongs. He is the main reason Mexico is in the state it's in now.

    4. Lol barbie z40 where sicarios a real big boss has people to do the dirty work if you have the money and power you dont get your hands dirty and go on gun fights lol this guy thinks its like playing plaststion and you revive after lol

    5. A real boss gets respect from his subordinates because he won't order them to do something he hasn't already done. Barbie and 40 rose from within the ranks. No matter if you get your hands dirty or not you still end up in jail or prison. I wonder who would come out of alive if Chapo was in a cell with 40 Mano y Mano. Or even Chapo versus any other capo on this list. I say Chapo loses each and every time so fuck being a big boss who can't fight. But don't worry he will be protected in Mexico and no one will be able to prove my theory correct. I would like to hear the corrido about how it happened. I'm sure the singer would make it sound like it was Chapo versus 30 men.

  13. Very few happy endings for drug dealers...

  14. U idolts dont even know wat ur talking about when ur locked up all da street beef is left out side u guys r just haters chapo is da real leader every where he goes he calls shots

  15. If your Suegro was from la sierra he would not talk shit about chapo or anyone of that level because he would know to keep his mouth shut or have problems. The worst thing he would say is that "No trabaja bien" mejor callate compa y vete a dormir. If you never lived in la sierra yourself callese

    1. Actually in a way ur right.. If he lived there he wouldn't. . Cuz ur big brave chapo would show up with 30 guys.. like the man he is... my sugro is a hard worker. . N doesn't like lazy people. . I think he ment like if u brag thst ur from the Sierra ur suppose to be a hard worker. . Not una Fresa that's crying bout food.. That's what he knew would come or death

    2. Not my big brave Chapo...and of course why would he show up by himself? He worked his way to the top...once you call the shots it would be stupid to do the grunt work que no? And sembrando, cuidando Y peleando is far from lazy. It's all these guys's a lifestyle it's how they grew up man. Just like there is CHAPO "NUTHUGGERS" There is those keyboard warriors that say they would fuck (insert capo's name)...fake little tough kids.

    3. So your duegro foes not like you. I hate those type of people that are conceided thinking they are above other people just because they lived or where from the sierra they act like they bigger than chapo like when we hear im ftim the sierra we should be scared!

    4. Firat of all not EVERY sierra is dominated by chapo ignorant fool, there's parts of sierra where chapo can't even step a foot in, killing his enemys workers has also made people dislike chapo, not even in culiacan were he has been snitched on, there's no place safe qhen you are that big, the same amount of people that like will dislike you for making it big

    5. Chapo was scared of el RAYITO de los chaidez and the kid was 18 or 19. You are right about Chapo not owning the sierra eventhough he does have a bunch of people there. But these dumb kids are quick to talk shit about how chapo is a bitch and snitch etc...even when they would sit there and shut the fuck up if they ever came across Chapo. They are many FAMILIES that control vast parts of la sierra but they are either foe or friend of the big bosses. They can't be neutral they have to pick a side because shit can go sideways.

  16. Vete todos a la verga el señor Guzman sigue rifando y al mando y arriba sinaloa

  17. @ 8:16 STFU keyboard warrior , everyone talks bad on these board but your the first one to go to work like a slave a pinche mandilon.

  18. just quit feeding them

  19. Put them on a diet of bread and muddy water for the rest of there life and give the food to the poor . like they todo pal pueblo they won't miss it

    Ya q

  20. Lol sure. Because no one in the SHU or Solitary has ever never been able to communicate with their slaves, er 'soldiers', in GenPop. Unheard of, impossible! What planet are these prison officials living on?

  21. Lmao when the first report came out everbody said ohh el chapo still has power even in they are quik to believe chapo aint crying bout food cuz of new report.hay un chingo de pendejos in the comments

    1. Its true because you are one of them!

  22. What a bunch of hoe's.....gangters, right....momma there being mean to me....sick fk's....

  23. All the mexican gangsters, free or in prison have been paying extortion to their favorite mexican government delegate, the worst, genaro garcia luna, who never even went to police academy, and I mean 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...or 10, at the movies, like osorio genghis chong, or luis cardenas palomino, but he now enjoys the protection of the bush crime family in florida state in the US, how's about that for working for real drug capos, and rats like carlos slim
    helu, instead of being a pinche gramero by the ton?

  24. All you right wingers give chapo a break chapo created jobs this guy is a hero like kunt de kente the black hero

  25. cds lost the war!jajajaja,chapo guzman begging for better food while vicente carrillo fuentes continues to live the life,,,,FREE!!!!

    1. And CDS is losing terroritory every day without the mighty Chapo. Well actually they were losing even with him.

  26. As usual pinches gringos putting their noses where nobody calls them. Fuck Washington Post and all gabacho media, they only tell you whats convinient for them

    1. And you are buying and reading their material then bitching about it. If you don't like it don't read it just move on.

  27. 9:29 PM
    "Chapo was scared of el RAYITO de los chaidez and the kid was 18 or 19"
    Little more background about that,,if you would.Los Chaidez of Durango ?

  28. "As usual pinches gringos putting their noses where nobody calls them"

    Wah wah wah cry me a river,water is good...


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