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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

After Video Screenshot uproar, "El Americano" is removed from his position in the Fuerza Rural

Chivis and Pepe for Borderland Beat

At around 10:00 a.m. this morning, the Attorney General for the state of Michoacán announced:

They have begun an investigation of  Antonio Torres, better know as, "El Americano" and  will be summoned to appear and  give a statement about the video in question.  

They have asked the Michoacán Secretary of Public Safety to remove "El Americano" from his position in the Fuerza Rural,

And at around noon, the Interior Minister for Michoacán announced that Americano, the commander of the Rurales (Fuerza Rural), was removed from his position as leader.

Since Monday, the BB photo of Americano has gone viral.  It has been posted on BB each month since March 2014, but only this week did people take notice.

The words on the video were always difficult to read, a reader sent me the best copy available and said to full screen it.  It is this video, (follow link),that it clearly  states, it is Americano in the video. 

That along with other videos, such as a person about to be executed stating he trafficked drugs working for Americano, and Tuta's recent video, posted on BB on July 27th, where he complains of Americano owing him money.  

There is much to bolster the investigation, but it remains to be seen if the government will act.  Even if it can't be proven for certainty to be Americano in the video, the mere fact that he was removed from the Rurales and opened the investigation.  If the investigation is one without spins and corruption, then they will find this thug is, and always has been, in collusion with cartels.  First with Templarios, now with Los Viagras.

This morning, Mexican national t.v. channel Televisa included the "new" video (video is a year old)  story in their news recap at the top of the hour, 8:00 a.m and 9:00 p.m., with an image from the video with a red circle around "Americano."

Hipolito Mora , founder of Michoacan self-defense groups , said that,  while yesterday said That I wasn't sure that was Luis Antonio Torres González, "El Americano", who appeared in a video with Servando Gómez, "La Tuta", but that a person from the government in Mexico City called him "and tells me not to  have a doubt,  that it is Americano ".
 Michoacan 3.0-Talia Vasquez FB-el universal


  1. Tanto mal k les hizo a la gente, ahora se le vino patras la suerte

  2. You so mean chivis you have destroy poor americano life and we know he wouldnt hurt a fly. He really did mean well to the people of michocan (and yes im being sarcastic)

  3. Ya se cargó la chingada al Americano y a su cartelito el h3. No puede negar sus vínculos con el crimen organizado. Ahorita lo le necesita Simón es un
    chocolate ex-lax y no un viagra porke le debe de estar dando chorro x el miedo de hacer aprehendido.

  4. Good job Chivis.
    Off topic now,have you seen the mantas from Cartel Del Golfo and Los Metros on different bridges of Reynosa "MATAMOROS ZONA DE PELIGRO" ? Interesting to see what they say,i,m trying to read them,just sayin,keep up the good work girl .

  5. From the very being I know this dude was no good

  6. BB snitched him out

  7. He may take over and become the next Don. Maybe the Lord of the videos is intimitated by Ameicanos rise to power in such a short time. Not a fan of either one of them but someone is unhappy with Americanos presence.

  8. Great job Chivis!!!! this was all you amiga....


  9. NO, first he was with the viagras & then the templarios/viagras

  10. Borderland beat rifa !!!!!

  11. are you trying to confuse people? Viagras were not formed until a year ago they were all Templarios first. Americano was a reformed narco and allowed others like him to join self defense in Buena vista. only they were still narcos.

  12. Hola Cristero...long time no see
    well lets say I opened the window so others could peer in. Let's hope the gob will follow through 50/50.

  13. yes ct-viagras ct-viagras cjng

  14. Chivis is like chapo, she snitched!

  15. Chivis, quick question... With the amount of threats and deaths of Mexican journalists/bloggers, do you ever fear for your safety? Especially with news like this.
    I love BB and God Bless you and ALL the work you do.

  16. BE put the spotlight from the beginning on Americano, but also give credit to your readers for their insight when the readers were questioning Americanos loyalty back when he was still allied to Dr Mireles!

  17. Chivis all your hard work is all paying off all the bb staff u guys keep up the great work!!!!

  18. Its a start ..but lets be honest anyone that was directly under him was just as involved so im curious who stepped in to relive him??

  19. Off topic question for chivis is there any stories developing into chapo isidro ,la linea, or cngj

  20. Good job chivis for keeping on posting the video of Americano over and over.

  21. @9:21
    not until this. My husband teased me today, about getting more life insurance on me. I will be closing shop in Mx soon and just work in Central Am and maybe Chiapas, trying to slow down. I want to visit Doc but I am thinking that is a bad idea because of possible exposure. They are not giving him letters, or anything to write outgoing letters with, and not allowing stuff sent to him.

  22. yes, cjng,
    also viagras
    and LFM pre thru post split

  23. El American = Evil Porky Pig!

  24. Im sure this news will thrill the Doc and give him awesome credibility as he didn't trust Americano and made that publicly clear.Guess Mexican government sure has egg on their face now and I got a hunch theres more cartons of eggs on the way.

  25. Chivis great work :) please be safe.

  26. I am starting to get convinced that this criminal behavior is part of the culture in some of these towns and villages in Tierra Caliente! Why else would guys like Americano operate so freely and for such a long time right under their noses and with Castillos aproval! The politicians are only bring down the guys that are bringing to much heat on them! Except for Tuta, he gets a free pass! I guessing because he has the people hypnotized! This is idiocracy!!!

  27. Well done Chivis, it's about time your work on outing this clown caught the media's attention. Like you mentioned, the fact that they removed him from his position pending his investigation speaks volumes, we all wonder why it took so long though.


  28. Why Did It Take So Long For PGR To Begin An Investigation

    1. They act dumb as long as they can.....

  29. can you post the video of the guy about to be executed talking about Americano(AKA ex used car salesman)


    Pepe sent me this:
    Hipolito Mora , founder of Michoacan self-defense groups , said That while yesterday said That I wasn't sure that was Luis Antonio Torres González , "El Americano", who appeared in a video with Servano Gómez , "La Tuta", but that a person from the city of Mexico called him "and tells me not have a doubt that it is him"

  31. sounds like Castillo is saying that video of Simon and Tuta doesn't prove a thing....lets wait and see if any other proof comes out because this isn't enough to discredit Simon or the FR

  32. He is saying, "Y abunda que el que aparece con una cachucha y una camisa a rayas, es Dimas Guillén Mendoza, jefe de plaza de Tumbiscatío"

    "it appears abundantly the guy with a cap and a striped shirt, is Guillen Dimas Mendoza, plaza boss of Tumbiscatío"

  33. ... It would be a Shame if El Americano was "not" in the video and it was Someone Else???...

  34. as i stated yesterday it would not matter as long as they continued the investigation. but since they kept it local I knew there was zero chance. he said it is not him and that is it, no PGR questioning, or investigation.

    he also says he never met tuta. most people think it is him, but unless it is clear or a deep investigation that's it. remember castillo and EPN would look very badly if their hand picked commander was a narco.

    they know what he is an does, the ONLY reason there was a bogus investigation on 2 days is because the media was all over it.

  35. The good part is that since el ameriprrrt! Is not guilty, he will be found murdered soon and probably roasted like his buddy el pollo, i hope he has a chance to give his gun to his best friend and murderer, like el pollo gave his gold plated gun to his own best friend, el comandante cinco hindu...

  36. @ Chivis, I'm still around and read all you articles pretty much on a daily basis. This was an excellent article as I have always said that continuous public awareness and exposure is the best nonlethal weapon against the drug trade and this is prove it works.


  37. I guess giving notice that Americano is in the radar, whether Mexico's or BB's I guess getting him hauled in before the prosecutor is a minor victory. Hard to beat the PRI, they have mastered the arts of deception and corruption.

    Let go and reinstated to FR.

  38. 2:31 what the hell, el ameriprrrt! Released before anybody had a chance to protest and demand his release! We are becoming more effective!!!

  39. @ 6:23 AM

    "I am starting to get convinced that this criminal behavior is part of the culture in some of these towns and villages in Tierra Caliente! Why else would guys like Americano operate so freely and for such a long time right under their noses and with Castillos aproval! The politicians are only bring down the guys that are bringing to much heat on them! Except for Tuta, he gets a free pass! I guessing because he has the people hypnotized! This is idiocracy!!!

    August 28, 2014 at 6:23 AM"

    When you have an AK 47 pointed at you and your family, from psychopaths, one tends to be "Hypnotized".




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