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Saturday, July 5, 2014

#LiberenAMireles: Widespread Protest in Support of Dr Mireles

 I am pleased to report the support in protest is growing and spreading fast, and not just in Michoacan but many other states and key cities.  They government were clueless to the respect and admiration people have for Dr. Mireles.  I hope he will soon be told.  I have not seen a groundswell like this for anyone in Mexico.  Amazing.  It is difficult to determine what will occur, but based on his subjection to multiple human rights violations, on that alone he should be granted a direct amparo, aside from his innocence.  Below is a photo of a pavilion in Hermosillo Sonora, where a rally was later held.  

The Sonora group marched in protest with saved heads and carrying a chicken leg, a nod to Dr Mireles' comment "I was armed with a chicken leg".  He was arrested inside the Happy Chicken resturant.  

Thank YOU readers for the outpouring of support and well wishes from you.   As I did the get well wishes after the plane crash, I will save the comments and present them to Doc Mireles when I am able to. 
There is a  campaign to demonstrate support of Dr Mireles by shaving ones head.  Many people including his female attorney have done so.  Here is a congressman from Veracruz, followed by Talia (atty), a man in Spain and one other foto. 
anonymous video.  I am posting it because of the information provided in the video with links to more.

Dear brothers, as I have noticed it has become a custom for the Mexican government to repress the people in different ways.

Therefore we demand in this statement for the immediate release of political prisoner: Dr. José Manuel Mireles, and so we also repudiate what circulating in some media.

He is behind bars for having crossed the laws in defense of a people that the government of Mexico has not been able to defend. The State has left the helpless citizens subjected to the violence in Mexico by organized crime and corruption by the government itself.

His name is Jose Manuel Mireles Valverde, community leader of autodefensas in state of Michoacán. Best known as "Doctor Mireles" was arrested last Friday June 27, 2014 in the town of Acalpican holding of La Mira, municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas.

His arrest is considered a political distraction used by the government to proceed with the reforms that affect the people.

And who is directly responsible for this injustice?

The answer is: Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, and now we explain who this person is.

During the presidency of Vicente Fox, he was advisor to the Deputy Criminal Procedure Do you remember the explosion at the PEMEX TOWER?  You know who investigated?

That's right: Alfredo Castillo Cervantes ...

In 2010 Enrique Peña Nieto appointed him procurator of the entity, replacing Alberto Bazbaz, who resigned from that position, after the case of the disappearance and death of  4 year old girl named Paulette, who  girl was found nine days later, strangled and wrapped in blankets jammed into the footboard of her bed. (the wealthy mother was not charged, more below)

When Enrique Peña Nieto took the presidency,  Castillo was commissioned to arrest any individual who will challenge the federal government.

Currently- is the Commissioner for Security and Integral Development of Michoacán. 

Returning to the Mireles case:
At the time of his arrest, police stated that he was armed. This is where irregularities begin, because several witnesses claim that the only thing Dr. Mireles was in possession of, was a chicken leg, as he  was in a restaurant.

Although Commissioner Castillo said Dr. Mireles has not hooded when arrested, there are multiple images and videos that reflect Mireles  being hooded when arrested.

The defendant said he could see them planting  weapons and drugs in his vehicle. And that is the “evidence” being used  to support  the charges for which he is accused.

He was only given access to a lawyer after 27 hours, a iolation of his rights.

Another irregularity was how he moved to Hermosillo, 1000 miles away from his support and attorney. 

Note that in the case of Florence Cassez, Fransesa went free because they gave a direct amparo in determining that their “human rights were violated” and that the so-called 'television show' influenced the legal process.

Therefore we ask the people to raise their voices demanding the immediate release of Dr. Mireles and other political prisoners:
 Mario Gonzales; Nestora Salgado; Marco Antonio Suastegui; Jessie Alejandro Montaño, and everyone else, to those who did not forget, because the state uses the same methods to try to stop anyone who rebels against the oppressive system in Mexico and around the world. 


Mireles Attorney explains how the arrest took place:

Mireles arrested while 'Templarios’ can be armed: (Attorney)

Paulette case to the Mireles case ... and other stories!
a look at the mentiradementiras government and the mexican state.
Castillo’s controversial Paulette case [The wealthy elite and organized crime get away with murder in Mexico]

Another Proceso link

Alfredo Castillo, guardian of Peña

Pemex Case
Continuing investigations explosion Pemex Tower: PGR

The brief and murky career of  Castillo the Michoacán Czar

thanks to "Tu Sancho" for sending in the link to this video


  1. Your all in love with mireles. Chivita

  2. Dr Mireles for president. He is a true hero and in the face of death he won't blink to protect the mexican people. He said I might not survive long enough but if I do I will fight for my people. With that kind of thinking one can only stand back in admiration for a man who would give it his all to free mexico from the grips of the cartels and corrupt officials. IF THERE IS HERO IN MEXICO IT IS IN DR MIRELES. Well done sir. By your side we will stand & we will fight. Should you fall the journey will continue in your honor.

  3. Just a quick BB got a mention in Forbes:

  4. Que libren a Dr. Mireles imediatamente y investigen a EPN y Castillo. Que no se les ase sospechoso que EPN sale envarias fotos con goviernadores que an sido investigados por el DEA y que tambien an recivido milliones de dolares por abajo de la mesa. FUERA PAR DE PAYASOS CORRUPTOS

  5. I an astonished at the level of coruption, and how long they've been able to get away with it!

  6. Mx govt is so scared of this guy. he is the new Emiliano zapata

  7. It's pathetic that drug traffickers can roam free in Mexico but a vigilante gets the cuffs and gets shoddy treatment while in custody. Way to go Mexico. Thanks for being on the wrong side of justice, as usual.

  8. I dont know to much bout this mans fight but im sure by the look of the support by the mexican ppl that he's doin some good. But in situations when a man goes on a crusade of anything good gainst factions of any goverment ,its always a bad thing for the individual leading to be murdered.

  9. July 5 marches and demonstrations:

    5 julio 4:00 pm todas las plazas centrales del país.. D.F. monumento a la revolución 4:00 p.m..Puebla el zócalo 4:00 p.m...Jardín de Manzanillo 4:00 p.m..Plaza de armas en Zacatecas 4:00 p.m..Plaza de armas en Guadalajara..En Morelia 5:00 PM Plaza Brnito Juarez Cuando veamos infiltrados nos sentamos al suelo, no hablamos no decimos nada, hacemos cadenas humanas agarrados de los brazos... Así quieren llevarse a uno.. Encapsulamos a los narcopolicias y los aislamos en el centro, sacamos todos celulares y empezamos a grabar todos, no niños porque es por ellos y para darles algo mejor, si quieres molestar o destruir abstente de ir o nosotros mismos te sacamos, ya terminó el fut así que llevar las playeras de la selección para que sirvan para identificarnos, Que tal una playera blanca debajo de la ropa normal y cuando empiecen los revoltosos a causar destrozos se quitan la que lleven encima y se queda con la blanca y que la gente que este marchando se tome de las manos como una manera de desentenderse de ellos... cada quien organice su ciudad inbox para enlazar...por México!...ayúdame posteando inbox a los amigos para no ir solos...denme más puntos de reunión en el resto del país porfa!.

  10. After reading this last night, I checked websites, blogs, social media and Mexican press. and THIS GUY IS LOVED. I should have been paying more attention to his fight and him personally. He is a MLK or Mandela, both who were imprisoned.

    Castillo and EPN did make a big mistake thinking this would be the end of him. It has made him huge and relevant.

    chivis when did you last speak to Doctor Mireles?

  11. Chivis thank you for giving us information on how to support the good dr... God Bless You Chivis - Gio

  12. Don't forget that the US government validated this asswipe's(EPN) FRAUDULENT victory the same way US government validated Calderon's FRAUD(within minutes). The reason the US validates this crap is so that they can back stab the Mexican citizens and hand over THE OIL. Calderon tried in 2007 and PRD with the help of PRI didn't allow it. NOW suspiciously that same PRI is the president and change their mind and decide to give up the oil. Coincidence? In politics nothing is a coincidence. Calderon in his FRAUD won with 1/2 a percent point and was immediately validated by US within minutes. Maduro in Venezuela won with 2 percentage points and is not validated by the US government because the presidential race was too tight. WTF??? Don't take my word at face value and investigate what I just said so you can see why we will have thousands crossing our boarders illegally because the only thing in Mexico that was keeping the greedy corrupt politicians with money in their pockets was PEMEX.

  13. The Battles of Dr Mireles:

  14. Hermosillo SON, hoy 5 Julio - a caravan to the federal pen Hermosillo:

    from facebook, SONORA CON MIRELES

    11 hours ago · Edited
    Siendo el día de mañana, sábado 05 de julio uno de los días más importantes del proceso judicial del Dr. Mireles debido a que se definirá su situación legal, CONVOCAMOS a la caravana de vehículos que partirá desde el Aeropuerto Internacional Gral. Ignacio Pesqueria a las 8:40 A.M. hacia el CEFERESO 11 acompañando a un grupo de ciudadanos michoacanos y a la Abogada Talia Vázquez.

    mas --->

  15. What can we do on the u.s. side to help ?who can we pressure to make even a shred of difference?

  16. 12:46...we are followed by 3 forbes reporters. :)

    12:23 I am in love with the idea. The idea that for once a group of people said BASTA, and were no longer shrouding by defeatism and apathy. I am in love with the idea that if people fought against evil should to shoulder that perhaps they could triumph. and I am in love with the idea that a victory would compelled other Mexicans to say BASTA. and I am love with the idea of Mexicans taking Mexico back, that they become strong and establish a fair system of justice, a rule of law, where corruption is controlled, and lawbreakers face justice and lose.

    Narcos are not the paramount issue of Mexico, they are opportunists

    Corruption is not the paramount and root of all problematic issues, corruption is a manifestation of the real culprit

    The culprit is APATHY. Mexican society accepts what is and has no interest to fight, (hopelessness) "what can I do?" I am asked, "be willing to die for right" is my answer. 98% of the population being held hostage by less than 2%. That is ridiculous and shameful.

    I last received an email from his cell at 10:47AM a few hours before his arrest. He was in La Mira going to a meeting he sent me a photo.

    I texted him around 3:30 and said "Be careful! "Please send me fotos later" I never heard back. he was arrested around that time.

    To the reader asking for a Hola....there you go.....Paz Chivís

  17. @Tu Sancho
    the Nexos article is a great one! Pepe sent it to me last week and I said I would translate it but it is sooooooo long. I am finished but editing. It will be finished tomorrow sometime.

    1. If you're in the U.S. Start placing pressure on the mexican consulate.

  18. Dumb move by the government. They are only making themselves look guilty and corrupt by nabbing this guy.


  19. UPDATE

    DOC M's ATTY SAW HIM FOR AN HOUR TODAY. He is doing very well, and is in excellent spirits. he is aware of the outpouring support and that a national poll was 70% in support of him and AD.

    His sugar is now being regulated well and he says the only thing that will take some work is getting used to prison food..:)

  20. govierno no es la Solucion .govierno es el Problema.


  22. Dr Mireles = A real man
    Tuta = Coward

  23. Hopefully they will put Castillo in prison for crimes against humanity under UN law and release the good doctor with big cash compensation.

  24. Chavis thank you for the great work you do, You're a brave and an intelligent woman!

  25. Thats great news Chivis, thank you. The authorities may have inadvertently united and reinvigorated the Autodefensas, with their actions over the last few days.

  26. People so impressionable so quick to jump on the band wagon. Ignorant to the fact mirales was in the wrong. He tryd to remove the Michigan defense group Los templarios and he don't want to unite with the othe defense group for his own rise to power. Because of mirales, drug cartels and their hitman have set up base in what's northern michoacan and eastern michoacan. All for what? Because the templarios defense group raised the tax on the rich. The temptations help the poor and get things done that the government ignores. While the government sells you expensive as the templarios sell it at a lower cost. Same goes with food, the gringo backed corporations charge the people expensivly but thanks to the revolutionary guard the people get help while the temptations give the rich and greedy the boot out of michoacan. Their mirales was supported by foreigners for their own greedy achievements to set up corporations and further exploit the people. The templarios don't allow exploits of the poor. You people need to realize the difference between narcos, bandits, freelance hitman, and just defense groups. You let America call all them narcos just like they gave cannabis the name marijuana to add racism to the beginning of our end.

    1. Are you willing to sacrifice your life for that baby girl the ct as puta murdered ? You need to shut up.

  27. Thanks for the update Chivis.. I will keep Mireles in my prayers...

  28. Dearest Chivis,
    Bless you fore that most recent update! Reading confirmation that the good doctor is alive and apparently well is the most wonderful piece of information I have ever read on BB!

  29. I was so scared to check this site tonite, but now I'm glad that I did!!! I pray to keep the Dr. safe and also give the Mexican people enough courage to keep up the fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. @7:52 poor little you, you have been brainwashed with the communist propaganda del pinchi chayo y la puta tuta.
    --have you seen the support Dr Mireles has from the people wherever he goes?
    --have you seen the support la puta tuta gets wherever he goes, giving some of the people some money?
    --Dr Mireles does not have to buy any knives or coerce the votes to follow him without regard for the well-being of his followers, he consistently puts himself at the front of their liberation movements, that is why his people trust and love him; next time you go around them, try and see where the support for the ct is, of for el castillo de cagada, the ct did not buy themselves any real support of any real value, the people know...


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