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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Government Leaders: The Gravediggers

Borderland Beat 
It is the war's worst slaughter. In Coahuila in 2011 Los Zetas disappeared 400 people. The PRI [Party of the Institutional Revolution, Peña Nieto's party] state government investigated but, instead of reporting it, passed the information to the Attorney General's Office (PGR) of Marisela Morales and Felipe Calderón, who secretly buried it.

In the municipality of Allende, two young men from wealthy families and prestigious private universities--José Luis Garza Gaytán and Héctor Moreno Villanueva--worked for Los Zetas; one day they fled to the United States with five million dollars [sic] and a notebook containing compromising information. Drug boss Zeta-40 spoke clearly: if the fugitives didn't return the money and notebook, Los Zetas would kill their families. They didn't respond, and the Zetas occupied Allende (March 2011); then, aided by police in the municipality governed by the PAN [National Action Party of President Calderón], they snatched [disappeared] about 300 men and women, elderly and children, relatives and employees; they took the opportunity to kill 100 of them.

The 400 evaporated. To avoid a scandal similar to the one caused by the execution of 72 migrants in San Fernando, Tamaulipas (August 2010), the Zetas incinerated the majority of the bodies in the desert, and one hundred in the facilities of the State Prison of Piedras Negras (one of the "cooks" who did the job in the prison explains that some were alive, but he feels good for not having executed any "woman or child").

The terrified and defenseless population kept silent. The government of Coahuila, according to then Attorney General Jesús Torres Charles, made ​​"very serious preliminary investigations" that it delivered to the PGR [Attorney General's Office] of Marisela Morales who, for those dates, had already compiled the names of disappeared persons received by state prosecutors (by the end of 2012, the list exceeded 26,000 persons).

On this secret list--leaked to the press in the last days of the Calderón administration--no disappeared persons from Allende in 2011 appear. Perhaps they hid the information that Felipe Calderón received in that year because he was already wandering through the labyrinth of denial; he said that he had not declared war on drug trafficking and remained silent on the humanitarian tragedy.

Little by little the outline of the massacre became known. On March 26, 2011, the story appeared in Borderland Beat, but it was ignored. In November of 2012, current Governor Rubén Moreira spoke publicly of the
"destruction of more than 40 houses" and that "a great many people have disappeared and are feared dead."
A month later, Juan Alberto Cedillo published the first of a series of reports in Proceso, and in 2014 more articles have appeared: a good chronicle by Diego Enrique Osorno and different texts in El Siglo de Torreón [Coahuila], La Jornada and El País [premier Spanish newspaper], among others.
We lack details, but the populace remains secretive, because it knows that it is still at the mercy of the murderers. Their defenselessness is absolute, because even the bureaucracies paid to serve them pretend not to notice. On the web page of the Commission for Human Rights of the State of Coahuila (presided over by Xavier Díez de Urdanivia), nothing is said about the disappeared. The organization Forces United for Our Disappeared in Coahuila (FUUNDEC) says that the Commission is "irrelevant," "passive" and devoid of "results."
The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) cut and run, as usual. Its head, Raúl Plascencia, was in Coahuila in June of 2013 at a forum on the topic. He came out with a string of splendid phrases ("Mexico no longer tolerates a single disappearance"), but made ​​no reference to the disappeared from Allende or from Coahuila. It wasn't until May 2014 when the CNDH finally responded to the Allende case. It is natural that FUUNDEC, United for Our Disappeared in Mexico (FUNDEM) and other organizations claim, among other criticisms, that they did not find in the CNDH "the response that we were hoping for."

Mexico is the country of defenselessness and impunity. The "narco-university students" who caused the slaughter are protected witnesses in the United States. Enrique Peña Nieto named Marisela Morales consul in Milán, one of the fashion capitals. Felipe Calderón does not explain why he hid information about the disappeared persons, and on June 24 he had the gall to tell Christiane Amanpour of CNN that his
"strategy was to protect [...] and provide security for Mexican families [.. .] it was correct."
Z400 ended up in jail but, according to an unconfirmed source, he is not charged with the Allende massacre. In Mexico criminals disappear, and government leaders are the gravediggers for the bad news.
Source: Reforma,  translated by Jane Brundage mexico voices.


  1. "strategy"... pinche borracho hijo de su puta madre, the strategy and security was and keeps being provided to bertie boy moreira and los zetas, even saying it was a local affair, after he and marisela morales and all of the federal government, PAN party headed, they still didn't do anything, and the US protects them, gives them asylum and nice jobs, including drug trafficker, kidnapper, extortionist genaro garcia luna, and sends to mexico mexican american mercenary gorillas to train some more murderers, paid for by the US taxpayers...THANK YOU US TAXPAYERS!!!

    1. Sooooo,Mexicans kill Mexicans and its the US taxpayers fault.Your thinking is the #1 reason behind Mexico's problems.

    2. Not US taxpayers, US drug addicts.

    3. They use american guns released, to the narco-terrorists, by the ATF. Yes I'd say thanks tax payers. Your thinking is the number one problem, why Americans are running clandestine operations, and selling drugs and weapons to fund them. It's all about oil. Destabilize México has been the plan all along. Bush worked hard to make this happen. That's why in the valley they called the zetas the bush cartel. Your lack of thinking and civil action has definitely led to these circumstances.


    1. Wait...I think it's working.
      Mmm no I think he's gonna be in there for a while if not he'll leave when he dies. He should have learned to play nice with President EPN (EPZ). Chapo will walk free before Mireles ever sees the light of day. If you don't believe me ask the Presidente Electo EPN. They where too smart to let him become a martyr, once he's been in prison he'll be just another malandro. If he ever leaves he won't be able to carry a nail clipper. And he won't be permitted to protect pandas at a zoo. I hope his 15 minutes of fame where worth it.

    2. When you go against a gov.,you will lose.

  3. send the zetas to guatemala, mexico coddles them, guatemala may want to know about their missing citizens.
    no news about interrogations of z40! after close to 2 years of arrest, why?

  4. Chivis,

    What would be in your opinion be a reasonable outcome of an investigation of this massacre? How many players both direct and indirect and both from the Zeta organization and the Coah. Govt. are still in a position of power that they can face any type of charges? it would be nice if you can report a list of all the players involved both from the Zetas and the state govt.


  5. cause z40 is living like a king! oy yeah...where all you chapo lovers now!!!

    1. You sound stupid if z40 is living like a king so is chapo since they are both in the same prison!!

    2. Don't compare the two 40 is a real boss chapo is just a fucking coward who was hiding for most of the war

  6. guatemala does belong to the zetas you fool !!!!

    1. And soon we willl have ALL the world under our feet.BOW to the Zetas you clowns!!
      ATTN- Chinese Zeta

    2. Keep dreaming Hao. And no one cares what nationality you are. Your a loser. Period. I feel sorry for your mother that you have shamed her with your life choices.

  7. Cause he well protected for the government

  8. Capturan al Comandante aleman cuñado d juan perros jefe de plaza del rio bravo

  9. Once again this is Pulitzer material.

  10. im getting bored of all this crap, how about we mix things up and start debating about WAR LORDS in the U.S and all the money they make and all the luxury's they have..

    1. Not gonna happen because the American war lords are UNTOUCHABLE. They are way smarter and don't do stupid shit like murdering a whole village of their own people. Oh they murder alright but in another country or even on another continent. If they come after you they will ghost you and your entire legacy in manner of minutes. Real bosses don't get caught they just retire. Just ask former president George W. Bush. Mr Bush is retired and raising chickens on a farm in Texas. Now that's a boss. Kill millions and go retire in Texas.

  11. sorry but this story aint accurate and dosent even harmonize with the other stories about coahuila allende leaders and paties

  12. El mini Lic captured according to m##don##co.

    F.E.D special forces.

  13. --hiding on the hills, he zetas own guatemala, oh yeah...
    --still the people might want to talk to z40, about the migrants the zetas murdered in tamaulipas

  14. Yoo chivis they caught el mini lic look into it porfas

  15. Hola Cirstero, long time no "see"

    with respect tp the investigation, its all smoke and mirrors, they were hoping to close the case on the books and in effect make FUUNDEC go away. But they were the first to discount the so called search and investigation, which
    wasn't close to protocol standards.

    When it was happening we could not believe that no one was reporting it or the government at least warning people not to go into the area. Actually you couldn't because of government blockades.

    As the article says for a month Borderland Beat was the only news source reporting it, and that was because of people on the ground sending info in.

  16. About mini lic
    I have the story in draft but decided to sit on it, there were no facts and after a day we would have more info. I think it is rumor, but if you see other credible info please let me know...thanks!

    1. Maybe it's not a rumor maybe he was really captured and later that day released????

  17. That says much about BB that you are so often recognized in other publications, in this article the much respected reforma

  18. Dearest Chivis,
    I know you do not consider yourself a journalist but I agree with anon @ 1:38pm! I majored in Journalism and believe you and your contributers deserve the very highest of recognition. Bless you all!

  19. Goddamn mexico, you run your government like a cheap soap opera, 400 people thats more than the recent war in gaza plus the downed maylasia plane.. that shit should have been worldwide news, you are becoming more proud and secretive than china

  20. I like Cristero's post and Chivis' response. I've tried many times to initiate dialogues like this by directly asking Chivis questions on here, but rarely get a response anymore. I hope that by reading and learning from others' posts, that eventually I can come up with discussions on BB that others deem interesting.

    Thank you for posting about Allende by the way. It's good for there to be an outlet for topics like this to be kept alive so that even if the corrupt authorities sweep them under the rug, they aren't totally forgotten.

  21. 10:51
    sorry if you asked questions and I didn't answer, it is usually because I may have time and hope someone else will answer.:(

    Cristero: I did not answer the gob/Zs question. It is very complicated since Pelon became gov. Not the open door policy of his brother. I have an opinion but can't answer it in this forum. I will say that Zs are not hurting no matter what people say, think or write. and they own Coahuila. Many people in the north know where 42 is for example, nothing has hanged since 40 was busted. there was more of a change when Lazca was killed. just differences in the style of the two premier leaders. but operationally no one has proven any difference.

    People think because of big hits that is doom, not so with strong cartels, they prepare for such events. Zetas have huge numbers.

  22. 10:20
    thank you for your kind comment

  23. I bet if guns were legal it would be a different story Mexican government needs to change if they cant defend the people then at least give the people a chance to fight back...

  24. Los tetaz suck 40 sucks 42 sucks viva mireles!!!

  25. Chives. Sonia Nazario spoke before the US Senate committee ( foreign affairs ) and mentioned the issues regarding the influx of immigrant children today. She mentioned the violence and problems down in Central America. Can you reach out to her and get Dr Mireles on her radar.

  26. How is acuña any news is it better than before more safe ? @ny one know plse

  27. @2:39 i am curious, since your patently adversarial rant shows contempt against Dr Mireles, what is exactly the reason?
    did he rape you or ran away with your wife?
    or the killings of el chayo and kiki left you a widower?
    maybe Dr Mireles even started as a member of a corrupt organization, but at the moment there was a chance to cash in, he chose not to, unlike the AD who went chapulin for the money or cashed out, so, what is your problem?

  28. This is why Mexico needs more people like Dr. Mireles and autodefensas...

    You think the autodefensas would allowed this to happen?

    Free Dr. Mireles!

  29. @2:16 you live in a one dimensional world. The drugs do not turn into cash the moment they cross the border. They are purchased for consumption by all races and and the US is the largest user. One can turn blue going over this topic with you and it will never sink in. Billions of dollars give the thugs in many countries incredible power creating a desperate situation for ordinary people trying to survive. Consumers are not victims. Celebrities like Charlie Sheen snort up massive amounts of drugs and still are celebrated in the US. The bone head from glee overdoses and sob stories on every major network and not a mention of the terror south of the border.

  30. 2:21 we all know how powerful the zetas are, the book The Zetas Infiltran a la PGR, LA AFI, al ejercito etc etc etc, explains ...but apparently mexican army retirees formed a colony in coahuila state, home of the zetas,who were THEIR PUPPETS, and who inspite of the infiltration could not take over all of the cdg, who must have had powerful allies too, and i'm not talking about el chapo.
    nobody ever mentions this military retirees colony in the coahuila state, and i wonder why, is it part of the supression of the news characteristic of the zetas?
    if so, chinese zeta, you are a big mouth, as is anybody who publicizes the zetas dirty deeds, soon you will be in the company of the people the zetas have put under their feet.
    certainly, the zetas are powerful, with all the president's priista governors on their side, friends of US presidentz and governors, partners on the milking of pemex and selling of black market gasolines on the US, to police associations and mayors' partnerships who now have the money needed to buy pemex from their mexican puppet, El Presidente Not.
    luckily he can't release z40, or can he? the names around pena nieto, suggest he is zeta, and he will take care of his buddy z40, no matter how many people he and his paletero partnerz de agua y de leche MURDERED, it was all part of "the US shock and awing of latin america", google it...

  31. "Sooooo,Mexicans kill Mexicans and its the US taxpayers fault.Your thinking is the #1 reason behind Mexico's problems"

    Dude don't bother,he is a hater of every country on this planet,and as you say,he is a BIG part of Mexico's problem.This guy is about the most negative on BB always whining with his hate agenda,how can anyone talk sense with an idiot like that?

  32. 5:20 AM
    "did he rape you or ran away with your wife?"
    No,he ran away with Garcia Luna,Castillo and you,a gang of freaks..

  33. Is there any update on what's actually happening with Z40? Is he going to trial? If so will it be public? Or are they quietly letting him go?

  34. 8:25 both did hide, the only thing they have in common is chapo has been an operator for about 40 years, , and forty, is z40, but he lost his ass after 6 months on his own, chapo fought enemies, z40 murdered innocent people, a whole lot of them and somebody had to tie them down for him, guess what, el chapo may get out someday, z40 will never get out...

  35. Chapo has killed more innocent people then all the other cartels combind

  36. chapo walked freely in sinaloa, i doubt that z40 could walk freely without bodyguards anywhere in tamaulipas, because he owes for a lot of murders of innocent people, chapo's army is all volunteer, z40 is all conscripts, forced to work under penalty of death, i guess the difference is clear...


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