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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Body of Chino Antrax' Wife Discovered

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
she was hanged, no other injuries says the coroner

At around 7:30AM today the body of a young woman, wrapped in a white sheet was discovered behind Salvador Allende School  near the intersection of Las Palms Blvd and Ignacio Aldama Street.

The body is  that of Yuriana Castillo Torres, wife of Aréchiga Rodrigo Gamboa, aka "Chino Antrax", who is incarcerated in the Netherlands. 

The body was dressed on  wearing Lycra leggings, lilac top and white socks, the same clothing worn by  Torres when kidnapped.

Funeral:  A small group of mourners paid their respects at the funeral of the woman known as "Yuri".  Less than twenty sat in the chairs at the Culican parlor,  Funeraria San Martin de Montebello

Conspicuous were some of the  offerings sent for  the mother of El Chino Antrax' child.
"From her husband Rodrigo", "From( her mother), Norma Torres" ... "From her children" ... "From all the Anthrax"

 She will be buried at Jardines del Humaya

Source used to write this post: El Debate, RioDoce


  1. Well that ended sure she started running her mouth how shes gonna cut a deal for some cash because I bet they started gojng broke real quick..

    1. Nice!!!! We all know it was gonna end up this way, all the name brand clothes n cash for what???? Que estupida la vieja.

  2. anuttarayogatantraMay 7, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    2014 ▪ 05 ▪ 07

    She let her guard down . . . Driving by herself going to the gym without bodyguards? If you are affiliated with a criminal organization, you should keep a low-profile. She's quite a «fresita» pretty and looks like she has tons of money ~ that's a Louis VUITTON boutique . . .

    Great work Madame Chivis and I am hoping you are healthy and doing well . . .


    1. kyannaa_vanessaa_castillo_torresMay 8, 2014 at 5:11 PM

      Lmao just to let you know you didn't want to make it look like she had money tf am her sister I should know more and to all those talking shyt quit it thus ain't your business so just leave and stay off this page and my sister dose have a daughter of chino antrax so what they were married

    2. May her you get the strength to handle the situation in the best way possible. .I will pray for you and your family...god rest her soul.

    3. May she rest in peace! ! And don't be talking bad about the died...she was a wonderful person and good friend...and a very good mother that loves her kids...

    4. And as far as u people talking shut saying she was cutting deal...ur wrong she was a loyal friend and person. ..something a lot of u guys don't knw nothing about
      Rip yuri

    5. Well your sister wanted a lavish lifestyle now she can have a lavish funeral. If you live by the gun you die by the gun.

    6. She looks like yet another Mexican caricature of how they think legitimate wealthy and worldly individuals dress, act, and carry themselves. Is there anyone in Mexico with money that has class, and doesn't do over the top chrome on cars, gold on wrists, and gaudy leather on fake, laughably large asses and tits. It's like all the people I see in TX, buy a used truck, high miles, low end of the range of models, then slap some fake shit from auto zone on it and pump that sweet sweet accordion rich music. I have no idea how traditional Mexican music has not taken the world by storm, so easy on the ears. I actually saw a single cab Ford F-150 xl, and the guy had gone to the scrap yard and taken the ugly ass chrome strip platinum logo from the tailgate of a f-150 platinum, and glued it to his tailgate. Mexico is a beautiful country full of genuinely fantastic people, but the narco bullshit is a joke. Like I said, a sad charicature of Mexicans, the same way hip hop, fake it til' you make it culture is a caricature of black people, and the lifted truck confederate flag flying redneck, or the Maserati driving, $3,000 suit wearing, plastic surgery experiment girlfriend having, in debt to their eyeballs, wannabe Wall Street crook is for white people. Quit glamorizing the culture! America would be in worse shape than it is, and it's not good right now with the weak ass commie leftists making the rules, if instead of morons looking up to the kardashians and Katy perry's brain dead ass, they looked up to mass murdering poisoners who are too selfish and to realize or care that they are causing a proud culture to slip deeper into anonymity and pity.
      -Finesse in Texass

  3. She got off easy if all they did was shoot her in the head. I figured they'd rape and torture her for weeks.

  4. Maybe she should have travelled with her husband. Nearly anyone can temporarily profit from drugs. Most people don't because of common morality and a deep desire to avoid a grisly death for themselves and for their loved ones. The blood money makes them feel rich but they are truly poor. It is a shame that this woman fell for a disposable criminal. I pray for their child (children?) who are innocent.

  5. This might have something yo do with ajuste de cuentes since Chino did his fare share of kidnappings/murders. It could also be a warning to Chino Ántrax to keep his mouth shut. Since he got arrested, CDS has been taking a lot of hits which included the capture of JAGL. The people that want him to maintain his silence might go after the rest of
    his family if he starts giving valuable information about the inner workings of the
    cartel to the authorities. CDS is bleeding and the bleeding needs to stop. The killing of Turks is a step in that direction.

    1. Fuck cds hope they keep bleeding they should not stop until they're all exterminated there in snitchaloa

    2. Agreed CDS needs to bleed out all the way. They have more blood on their hands than anyone else.

  6. Damn, I wished they had kidnapped Rita 17yr. old looking girlfriend Belly Banderas!

  7. Is she a Torres, from the Torres Felix clan? The Torres and Chino Antrax all work/worked for El Mayo.

  8. China antrax is spilling the guts all over the table with the feds. Seems like he didn't give a fuck about his bitch since they dismembered her

    1. Why is she a bitch? She just got murdered, and now her kids will have to grow up without a mother!

    2. Her kids will grow up without a mother because of her choices she bright this upon herself.

  9. the book of proverbs predicts the fate of all drug dealers and crooks as well as describing how they live ...its interesting how much it is relevant today

  10. Its payback for what chino did to the arellano brother,

    1. Could be true I wouldn't rule that out

    2. Puro CAF cabrones

    3. Caf is dead and has been for a long time

    4. Actually thats what I really think, CAF isn't in control but isn't dead either. El Chino Antrax hit them hard and killed their brother on his birthday in Cabos. Wouldn't doubt its payback.

  11. So thats what happens whenever you just see one shoe on the side of the road, I wonder if its still there?

  12. When you play with gangsters this is what happens

  13. Jaja te mataron pinche pendeja. Eso les pasa por andar enseñando lo que tienen y fotos de ustedes. Pinches Sinaloas se creen bien vergas y son bien fanfarrones. Aprendan que si quieren andar en ese negocio tienen que tener un perfil bajo.

    1. Calmate mafioso!!

    2. Todos los pesados que cuentan son de Sinaloa! Pura gente de huevos cabrones!!!! Y arriba Sinaloa!

  14. He'll be released in 10-15 years just like every other capo, and he still has what, 5 other wives waiting for him? And they'll all still be under 25 when he's released.

  15. It was chapo revenge for chino snitching on him

  16. Now Chino has a bigger reason to rat out all of them. Dumb ass move.

    1. How do u figure that pendejo??
      he keeps talking they keep killing his fam till they are all gone!!!!

  17. She started to get at his money refused to give some to his fam....Plus she had started to see some dude..Claimed Buddy was just a friend ...que pendeja...She had to go

  18. Maybe chino did this!, she was probably fucking around with other men enjoying chinos money!

    1. Yup, this is probably it!!

    2. Yeah these ppl dont really give a fuk....capos with a rep cant stand for a women to go around spending there money on other men plus she was getting old and default

    3. She sure was. She spent some of chinos antrax money to buy her new boyfriend japon antrax a new BMW. Chino had her killed for that!

  19. No CAF ordered the hit for retaliation for the hit on the arellano brother , since his family is in the u.s they chose her , yes she is a torres , chino has a daughter with her ..

    1. Quit it with the caf know that caf doesnt. Exist

  20. CDS ain't going to disapear , the structure is like a business CEO's get replaced all the time and the company still keeps going .

    1. Its not gona keep going for ever. Soon cds will be history jajajaja

    2. Cds will always exist as long as drugs are illegal

  21. Oh, now she was dismembered, why even do that anymore, its almost cliche and passe and is probably more trouble than its worth

  22. That wasn't even his wife but he does have a daughter w her. His wife's name is Mireya, I'm sure this was a "warning" before he starts running his mouth.

  23. I have not heard she was dismembered. But Riodoce said she was badly beaten from feet to head. Then bound with a electrical cord and wrapped in a sheet

    1. It's sad byt these guys that do these types of horrible acts will one day meet the same fate!

  24. RIP Yuriana =( dios cuide de tus bebes y fortaleza a tu familia

  25. Here to show OCHE is still whit us and when betrayal is whit in sacrifice have to be done .. 18E es la clave ...

  26. THE AFO work with more brains than before in the the past they would of just put 4000 bullets now they use intelligence la patrona is something first chinita gets caught and then all cds top level people get caught then chapo looks more pissed off than a kid not getting a toy when he got cuffed but this could of got avoided if senor francisco arellano didnt get killled when the peace was made really who callls the shot in the BAJA THINK ABOUT IT ALL THIS HAPPENED WHEN FRANCISCO GOT KILLED also they found more then 40 diffrent cemen in antrax wife

    1. AFO is the weakest cartel, actually they're more like a street gang than a cartel. The strongest cartels rite now are Cdj, Blo, & Zetas

    2. How the fuck would u know ? Do u have full contact with the AFO ppl? Your pathetic go to USA and those are your junky street gangs ,AFO provides those gangs with drugs, they might not move as much as others but they are still suppliers to USA STREET GANGS.

    3. AFO? Who's that? LOL

    4. Cdg is still stronger than the rest

    5. Afo is very low key that's a very good thing that means there rebuilding zetas cdj sinaloa federation defenitly the strongest around

  27. CAF is Dead......DEAD dead DEAD

  28. I don't know the things she did or didn't do. All I know is she's dead. R.I.P. -El Nemesis

  29. I have a 2014 dodge durango, nices than taht jeep. I bought it by getting an education and a good career....I sleep good at night..

    1. Preach on brother! Same here I sleep like a baby all my stuff I bought with hard earned money. I know I will never end up like that.

  30. what husband chinos married this was just one of his girl on a side I heard that's what happened to her for messing with a married man

  31. Wat dnt these cds wannabees understand?let me. Explain, ur leaders at the top have ratted on their own people in mex and abroad.everybody from suppliers,sicarios and customers, have been turned in by cds leadership, to save ththemselves. Do u really wanna wrk for such criminal org. This brood was probably killed as revennge for something chino probably did!!

  32. What happened to the Sinaloan credo of respecting women, children and the elderly? Anyone that would hurt a woman is a POS.......

    1. Agreed , but all gangsters are pansies that's why they have to ride around with so many chickas at one time bc they are not shit alone. La Eme is a joke so are the cartel just a bunch of pansies making the politician rich while looking like idiots being pulled by a string.

    2. I think you're the POS since you're willing to let a woman get a pass for doing something a man would get killed for. That's the thing with you white knights: you think you hold some kind of moral ground when in fact it's the complete opposite. Hopefully the feminazis are very delighted too. Give the bitch a fucking Louis Vuitton coffin.

      -Mike Haggar

      -Mike Haggar

  33. Maybe next they will target CDS's biggest turncoat Vicente Zambada Niebla's family. Right Mayo....

  34. here we go again.....all these stupid snitch comments....why don't you guys wiki your favorite criminal super heros!!! 95% of them SNITCH!!!!!! its called self preservation.all part of the game. Rot in prison for the rest of your life for some misguided sense of least you got the respect of all the wiggers, inner city retards and wannabe gangstas right? while the rest of the world goes on not giving a FUCK!

  35. Or maybe MZ gave up his lifelong partner so his son could seal the deal with the DEA...

    1. Es neta en un corrido dice que hay un trato para que Vicente regrese

    2. pendejo le crees todo lo k dicen lo corridos

  36. The "drug war" was concocted in hell by Satan himself and foisted upon the world

  37. I wonder if we will ever know why she was killed?

    1. Obviously someone wanted to kill her idiot

  38. Michael Thompson was a leader in the Aryan Brotherhood (AB) prison gang. He is big (6'4"), tough and highly intelligent. He dropped out after AB's leadership starting targeting family members of snitches. Thompson said, " I was a true warrior. I did not kill women or children, mothers or fathers. So I left. Now, I am lower than scum."

  39. May she rest in peace. She didn't deserve this because of who her boyfriend was.

  40. @ 5:19 your proud that you have a sorry ass durango lmao , you are a joke learn how to spell and type dumbshit.

    1. I have alot of respect for that guy with the Durango because at least he earned it through hard work unlike these Narco freeloaders that rape and kill defenseless woman!!!

    2. You ain't one to talk. You need to take some grammar classes. At least that Durango vato is a honest, hardworking man. Hard work pays off man. Karma doesn't forget. -El Nemesis

  41. Poor gal by association to CA she did not deserve this even if she was (assuming here) vain and self serving. If this was done to get back at CA, I doubt he would even care, considering he wouldn't have empathy for anyone.

  42. it happend on 5.7

    1. Great observation... it was BL who carried this out...

    2. Idk i dont think it was bl because they all somehow related so it will be bad for them too so lets see later who it really was.

  43. This is the real Sinaloa Cartel tying loose ends. They're a federation which comprises of several bosses not just 2. They're cleaning house of security risks of El Chapos and El Mayos guys who are all dead or in jail from all the bad ass narco corridos that were banging the last 6-7 plus years. La era nueva empieza

    1. Will they clean out the singers also,like Commander,Gerardo Ortiz,and all those shitty singers.I don't wish anything bad on them,but damn,can they make them stop singing,can't stand it anymore!!

  44. Was this the mother of his child or just girlfriend???

    1. Yes she was the mother of his smallest baby girl named "Paris"

  45. Very, very few - capos, flunkys or lords - will get out alive and ALL will "snitch" sometime along the way. Snitch-bitches (low level criminal brown-nosing sycophants) are the dumbest of the dumb and never understand this and are usually the first to go, if they envolved.

  46. Damn you people love to speculate and make up these little scenarios in your head if you don't know anything don't speak about it.

    1. Thank you!!..I wonder where half of these guys got their Narco degree from...cause they speak on shit like theyre involved in the game.. SMH..chinguen a su madre si no les gusto mi comentario..

    2. Lol that's what I'm saying as I read all this bullshit. CAF did it then no it was BL then it was CDS then it was Chino and the even the corner junkie. Lol

  47. the worst thing you can do is to become envolved in the drug trade sooner or later you will pay i did my time everyone that was involved has now been arrested some are gone forever and for what... most of us were legit guys and we never turned anyone in but its always the same story its your friends out of envy that turn on you... i never killed and if i had the chance to kill the guys that did me wrong i wouldnt do it... life takes care of traitors on its own as for me im out clean at least for now but im always looking over my shoulder or watching whos following me through the rear view mirror i dont think i can ever live a normal life anymore even if i was never involved with cartel people directly but i knew alot of the big fish at the time from 2003 to 2009 we worked alone until all this war bull shit started in the big state around 2008 and they started pushing us to pick sides either way it didn't matter what side we went to we all knew we were dead men... wish i could turn back the hands of time... the day i go at least i can tell God i have no blood on my hands but i know i had a role in destroying life's and family's no one thinks about that... when your at the top you just dont care...

  48. @3:22 haggar the horrible, i think you have been hanging for too long with the vikings, and now you want all the dick for yourself, maybe some fishnets and high heels on main street would ease your misogynia. wax your ass,ok?
    --regarding the safety of any cartel depending on the murder of a woman, no matter how high her standing on the organization, that's bullshit, like everything cartel related, todos son unos pendejos, los ricos y los politicos los usan y los tiran como dirty toilet paper, and all the money always ends on somebody else's banks and on somebody else's name...

  49. @May 8, 2014 at 3:22 AM


  50. I really can't stand these types of women who hang around the 'badboy' narco's thinking their life will be nothing but money and glamor. NO!! if you are associated with criminals then other criminals will target you if need be.

    Sad she died and all but maybe if she would had hung around with decent men she might had lived a lot longer.

  51. According to Latin Times, the arrest of Chino Antrax was what helped the capture of Chapo. Chino's phone had provided info on Chapo going to Culiacan. ....And apparently Chino is in the U.S. already. ..Did you know about any of this Chivis?

    1. I knew of a wedding in Culiacan that chapo had attended. They told me that "el chino andaba de lambe huevos con el chapo" basically that chino was doing everything for chapo and kissing his ass.

  52. Culiacan – Body of Yuriana Castillo Torres found tortured/murdered/hands and feet tied/wrapped in sheet, after being kidnapped the day before. Yuriana was the girlfriend of Chino Antrax, who is incarcerated in the Netherlands. Witnesses indicate that her body was dumped in the side of the street by two men

  53. keep thinking afo is done thats why they controll tecate, tijuana .ensenadaand all the penninsula when you charge a toll its cause you own it YOU CANT CHARGE PISO IF YOU DONT FCK OWN IT cds pays thats cause they dont own it

    1. Your a troll

    2. Cds made it their home thry dont pay piso they pay off the police and goverment but afo is dead been gone nomore!

  54. 2500 in mass graves in Coahuila , 500 in mass graves in the San Fernando massacre while people live in denial. I urge BB readers to get the word out tell your friends family and get the word out. Tragedy has struck in Nigeria and their are protests in Hollywood and all over the place. Get the word out about Mexico. Somehow , some sick way when people think of victims in Mexico everyone is a bad guy . Wrong.

  55. Totally unrelated to the AFO's Pancho Arellano. Pancho's death is in relation to el rayos murder back in the 90's payback is a bitch. His name was on the list.

    1. Otro pendejo aqui Que se Cree Que sabe...pendejo

    2. Haha! Estamos en 2014 no 1990. Las cosas cambian. Debes de cambiar con el tiempo pendejete! @4:12

  56. She was la emperatriz she was affiliated from what i read..

  57. 12:18 no I havent, can you please send a link?



  59. Lol chapo is a g he hasent said shit nor the people who where suppose to testify against him

  60. The real players in the sinaloa federation are all the real people that push the most weight and the sinaloanese politicians but the the major drug movers get pushed around like girls to do dirt for the sinaloa politicians and that's how it all started either you pay your tax to the people high up or you get downed.

  61. @kyannaa_vanessaa_castillo_torres

    We're free to comment as we like on here...Pissed off cause your slut sister got what she deserved ? Cry more... Maybe if she didn't hang out with scumbag murdering kidnappers she wouldn't have been found on the side of a road, lit up like a Christmas tree...all you narcos make me laugh. You destroy families and murder innocent people, and the you cry about it when it happens to your family...shut the fuck up and live with it like everyone else has to. She made her she's laying in it.

  62. Vincente Zambada is a U.S. informant. Since his arrest, CDS leaders and plaza bosses have been dropping.

  63. I live in Sinaloa, word has it that Chino Anthrax is giving info to officials in the Netherlands. It was planned for him to turn himself in. Chino was working closely with the DEA here in Sinaloa and before El Chapo's arrest is said they gave him two choices and too pick sides between Zambada and El Chapo. Chino and some of Los Anthrax's associates were being taken out by El Chapo a month before his arrest.

  64. Sorry did not finish after Los Anthrax beame aware of what was going on and begin to retaliate Sinaloa capos began to switch sides. Giving them also a choice. Zambada or El Chapo. So where do the Netherlands come in? They have important drug hubs run by El Chapo a few yrs ago. Chino Anthrax and his compadres Los Anthrax begin wiping out rival distrubuters in tje Netherlands who they were fighting is unknown but it is said they were Colombian Cartels who already set up major hubs in the Netherlands without using midle men help. Chapo wanted to increase his foreign exchange as you already know, Zambada gave the orders of killings in the netherlands but el chapo did not. This became a problem for both sides because el chapo was working a truce with colombians in the Netherlands. They planned to have los anthrax bosses and chino anthrax extradited to the netherlands and handed over to the u.s to help his safety bc El chapo was and is aware he was working with officials overseas. Not sure if Zambada will face charges in the netherlands and if chino anthrax is really givung info on a very tight lid that has just opened up for everyone this brings a new chapter to how chapo got arrested and also sinaloas new plan and who the #1 capo really is. Not to mention people are saying chino anthrax is responsible for a split in the sinaloa cartel. hmmmmmm makes u wonder but that is whats been going around lately. just a little insight on whats really going on. u have no idea.

    1. Don't know if this is true or you just have a good imagination.But anyways,what did this have to do with the girl?Its doudtful that they would kill her(and the way she was killed)because he did all this.And if she wasn't main girl.Wouldn't they go after his wife and kids to really make him suffer.just my thoughts.But of you really know something about something,let us know,anonymously of course.peace!!

  65. Chapo been locked up before he a real mobster he dident snitch when his son got locked up the same he dident snitch straight real mafiosos. The zambadas on the other hand!!!

  66. 9:46 and you are such a bad ass for badmouthing a dead woman, you would not be talking shit face to face with her, which makes you one pinchi maricon. la barbie gave bus fare to the girlfriend of the man that went to kill him, and sent her home, other mafiosos have shown that real men do not mess with women or children of anybody else, hijos de la chingada, don't respect their own mothers, much less other women, no matter what.

    1. Yeah but if she was a player in the game then she was fair game too. There ain't no honor in the drug business. Better them than me is the only rule it seems.

  67. 3:03 respetuosamente,fierrito mojado, a 20, la tuya, safo y sin safaderas, cada que respires you know who this is, mini-lecter, so you can go and fuck yours, and her mama, and the mother of the mama of her motherfucking mama; mini-anibal when will you learn and mind your manners? you know, it is free to be considerate, and respectful, even if you lead a desperate and lonely life, full of regrets for having done that with your priest, and resentment against everyone else, be kind and nice, nobody cares either way anyway, see you around, mini-anibal lecter...

  68. Ladies, This would not have happened if she had dated a nice Zeta gentleman.

  69. She got what she deserved. All these cartel whores deserve the same as their husbands and boyfriends do to others.

  70. Its all about the evil........ no morality just evil processed beings that worship evil. What kind of fokkers build shrines in a cemetery devoted to lowlife killers? In Mexico even the avacados are bleeding. & no cavalry to come to the rescue.

  71. If all they did was hang her she got off real freaking easy! And for the person who made the comment that this would have not happened had she dated a Zeta hombre. I agree! They would have dismembered her, made a video and left a message!

  72. Un camarada que trabaja en el forense me alcanzo a decir que la morra tenia desfigurado el culo
    no se si por las operaciones o el dano desecho. Tenia marcas de quemada y como k le dieron con un bate. No tenía ningun balazo la morra.

  73. why are so many people saying this would not have happened to her if she was with a Zeta husband? the Zeta's have rivals also it could quite easily have happened to her.

  74. Yo, I wuz doing tyme in chitty azz Neanderthal itz a country and sum foo dat go by da China man Aflac was getting dp by sum bbc. Das it mane...

  75. Pobrecita. Taba bien Chula y buena. QDEP

  76. Rest in peace, young lady. Condolences to your family.

  77. she was killed because ivan guzman was also fucking her. back story: chino killed her husband [disemboweled him at his home to be precise]. she knew about it, fucked him anyway made her kids call him dad. and when chino got buster started running around with ivan [chino fucked his wife and half of culiacan too]

  78. Maybe she was dating Chino Antrax but she was only the mistress or ex-girlfriend she was never the wife. The week of Easter Sunday yuri and group of friends were partying it up at emerald bay en Mazatlan with Ivan guzman.

  79. May 8, 2014 at 9:46 PM
    "We're free to comment as we like on here...Pissed off cause your slut sister got what she deserved?"
    What a fuckin tough guy you are,talkin shit to a girl you dont know about a victim you dont know.You silly fucker,we all got females we love,and i dont want to see none of them get treated like this.So fuckin what she was with him,did she deserve to die for that you fuckin clown.I really dont believe the pricks that come on here.Girls get killed for who they sleep with?Imagine if us dudes got killed for who we slept with?There be no dudes left..

    1. I know plenty...she loved the cartel lifestyle and knew full well what Chino did for a living. You can white knight for her all you want, but she obviously didn't give a shit about all the people he murdered and all the families he ruined. So tell me again white knight why I should give a fuck about this heartless narco groupie where getting her comeuppance ?

  80. All of you "real men" defending the poor dead woman are completely missing the point, maybe because the other side is being so vitriolic about it. The fact is she was just another in a long line of women who are so lacking in morality that they don't care that the money they spend lavishly on themselves is soaked in blood. They know from the outset that their boyfriends/husbands are murderers, and they couldn't care less, because they're going to drive nice cares, live in nice houses and have expensive clothes and jewelry. So, basically, they are whores, or prostitutes, or whatever you want to call them; they fuck for money. There's no hope for the kids, either. One minute we're looking at a posed picture of a baby on piles of cash, then they're a toddler holding an AK, then they're a teen in a car none of us could ever afford, driving the streets of Europe. They, too, know the business and embrace it, because of the corruption of their souls by wealth and power. So get your heads out of your asses, false caballeros. It may be disrespectful to speak ill of the dead, but the truth is the truth. Anyone who believes in an afterlife knows there will be no "resting in peace" for these people who are Christian only at their baptism, when they're praying not to get caught, and when they reap what they've sown.


  81. Un camarada que trabaja en el forense me alcanzo a decir que la morra tenia desfigurado el culo
    no se si por las operaciones o el dano desecho. Tenia marcas de quemada y como k le dieron con un bate. No tenía ningun balazo la morra.
    May 9, 2014 at 5:21 PM dude pretty much said his friend worked at the coroner and that she had burnt marks, got hit with maybe a bat, had no bullet wounds and had a disfigured ass

  82. She got what she deserved!! She knew of MANY that met a similar fate and I guarantee she didn't care or she would have left that lifestyle.. As for her kids being left alone.. they are better off w/o her. something tells me she wasn't a good mother... Y Hermana enojada, sigue tu!!

    1. I highly doubt she was a mother to them at all. These so called high dollar whores like this one are always coked up partying getting fucked by all sorts of losers.

  83. chino antrax lived a loud and fast life. no one does that unless they have protection from the DEA, jult like el Vicentillo...

    1. Not how it works. In reality the USA is bound by law and evidentiary rules. We are not cowboys.

  84. Esmy Zuniga TorresMay 20, 2014 at 7:55 AM

    all of you people disrespecting the death of a young woman and a mother she has family and children that are morning for her have some respect her personal life was nobody's business and if you're following her life it's because you don't have one of your own jealousy is a horrible thing and a lot of you sound jealous and it's very sad that you are relishing in her death..... to my little cousins don't let the comments of this ignorant people bother you, they know nothing of Yuri or our family except what they read on tabloids & the internet... que en Paz descanse preciosa

    1. Yes we're all super jealous of your murdering, kidnapping family that ruins innocent lives every day. You're stupid as fuck and the proof is in what you wrote. Go do the world a favor and jump off a bridge.

    2. If you hate them so much why the hell are you here? Nasty arse troll with no life. Weak like a cup of warm p*ss!

  85. Praying for the girl and her family, very tragic. Unfair to target women or children. Jesus protect this family, in your name amen. People will do / sell drugs, happens every day, but people dont have to kill other people, esp. for something petty and take it out on the girlfriend/wife. Karma.

  86. She was trying to live in a world where people are killed everyday. She is just as guilty as Chino, she loved the money and should have known that she could have been killed. She is lucky that she was alone and not with her kids because narcos are assholes who don't care who they kill.

    1. Something about the Sinaloa Cartel, they don’t kill children they go ahead and kill any other of your loved ones but never children.

  87. Went to Jardin de Humaya yesterday and saw this incredible beautiful ladys photos and ended up here, What a horrific and sad affair. No matter what she did not deserve this. My heart aches for the loss. Will return with a rose.


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