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Friday, May 2, 2014

Another US Marine shackled in Mexican prison on gun charges

Borderland Beat

 “I accidentally drove into Mexico with 3 guns, a rifle (AR-15), a .45 cal pistol and a 12 gauge pump shotgun...."

Prison authorities in Tijuana, Mexico, have shackled a decorated U.S. Marine veteran of two combat tours in Afghanistan to his cot in a prison infirmary, restraining each of his limbs, on charges of introducing outlawed weapons into Mexico.

The Marine reservist, Andrew Tahmooressi, 25, who is from Weston, Fla., outside Miami, drove his black Ford F-150 pickup through the San Ysidro, Calif., border crossing into Tijuana on April 1, carrying his worldly possessions, including three U.S.-registered firearms.

Tahmooressi, who suffers from what his mother calls “directional dysfunction,” got lost near the border after dark. He and his family say he took a wrong turn into Mexico.

Mexican prosecutors have slapped three firearms charges on him, and his fate has been clouded by an attempt to escape the La Mesa penitentiary April 6 that involved ninja-style scaling of a wall topped with coiled barbed wire.

Tahmooressi’s situation parallels that of a another Florida Marine veteran who was held for four months in a Mexican border prison in 2012 for carrying an antique shotgun in his motor home on his way to surf in Costa Rica. A media uproar and pressure from U.S. legislators helped win the freedom of that Marine, Jon Hammar, who grew up in Miami.

In a statement that he signed earlier this week, Tahmooressi said he had crossed the border inadvertently while he was looking for housing in the San Diego area so he could begin treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder at a nearby Veterans Affairs facility. Tahmooressi had received his official PTSD diagnosis on March 20.

“I accidentally drove into Mexico with 3 guns, a rifle (AR-15), a .45 cal pistol and a 12 gauge pump shotgun with no intentions on being in Mexico or being involved in any criminal activity,” Tahmooressi wrote in a signed privacy waiver this week for the office of U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., a Marine veteran himself whose district is near the border.

Tahmooressi grew up in a gated community in Weston and graduated with honors from Cypress Bay High School in 2007. He earned a pilot’s license at age 17, then headed off to Alaska’s Kodiak Island, where he fulfilled a dream of joining a commercial fishing crew.

“They went out into the Bering Sea. They pulled up something like 20,000 pounds of halibut a day,” said his mother, Jill Marie Tahmooressi, a nurse at Miami Children’s Hospital.

After returning to Florida and entering a local community college, Andrew Tahmooressi decided he wasn’t ready for schooling, and joined the Marines in 2008.

He served two combat tours in Afghanistan, winning a rare combat field promotion to sergeant in Helmand province. Earlier, in Marjah district, a homemade bomb upended his combat vehicle but he survived.

In 2012, Tahmooressi mustered out with an honorable discharge but he remains a reservist with a commitment until 2016.

He returned to Weston to be with his father, Khosrow “Paul” Tahmooressi, an Iranian-born engineer, and his mother, and to pursue a dream of training as a professional pilot at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. But the demons of war dogged him.

“He had been struggling for all of 2013,” his mother said.

He borrowed the family’s Ford pickup and drove to California, where he received an official PTSD evaluation at a VA facility.

U.S. officials have visited Tahmooressi at least nine times since his arrest the night of April 1, and the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana “is taking all possible steps” to ensure his safety, William W. Whitaker, the American citizen services chief, said in an email to a staff member of Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., that McClatchy obtained.

Tahmooressi’s two-day detention in a holding pen, followed by detention at La Mesa Penitentiary, has been far from calm. The first night was the worst.

“When he called me, with all the background noise, it sounded like a riot was going on,” his mother said. “He said, and I quote, ‘Mom, I’m not going to make it through the night. … There are hit men in that cell with me”

His escape attempt came after he was put in with the general prison population at La Mesa. On April 6, he was placed in a single-person cell, where he apparently stabbed himself in the neck, either as a suicide attempt or a ploy. After getting stitches at Tijuana General Hospital, he was placed in the infirmary.

His “arms and legs are restrained because the infirmary is an open room with access to many objects, but the cuffs are doubled in length so that he has some movement and padding and bandages are between his skin and the cuffs to prevent injury,” Whitaker wrote in the email.

Tahmooressi’s mother visited him April 14 at the penitentiary.

His mood was grim.

“I would say, precarious at best, fearful, nervous,” she said in a telephone interview. “He’d already had his life threatened. Very anxious about the legal process, highly distraught.”

More news came this week. Whitaker wrote to Jill Tahmooressi to say the consulate had gathered a summary of VA medical records of her son’s ailment, and an affidavit, and presented them to the judge. A trial is set to begin May 28.

“We learned today that the prison system intends to move Andrew to another penitentiary called El Hongo II, a new facility located near the town of Tecate, about 40 minutes east of Tijuana,” Whitaker wrote. “There, he will be in a single cell.”

That move may be imminent. Whitaker wrote the family Wednesday that prison authorities “indicated that this would happen in around a week.”

Legislators, including Hunter and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat who lives in Weston and is the chair of the Democratic National Committee, have voiced concern about the case.
A spokesman for Wasserman Schultz, Sean Bartlett, said she had “instructed her staff to get in touch with the State Department right away to ensure that Andrew’s case was being handled as expeditiously as possible.” He said the legislator was “in close contact with the State Department as the trial approaches.”

For his part, Tahmooressi offered a simple plea at the bottom of his half-page handwritten statement allowing the public to be informed of his plight.

“Please help, thank you very much. I appreciate anything you can do. Thank you,” he wrote on his U.S. privacy waiver form.

Source: Stars and Stripes


  1. Yea sure he took a wrong turn. And people wonder why so many guns get into mexico because we the US as their neighbors simply decide to take them there for a little road trip and then sell them off for some quick cash or like most people in the us for simply just a quick refill to our addiction of drugs.

  2. wonder how many armed people with ptsd are roaming around in the US? and how many armed guys FROM FLORIDA are going to mexico and getting lost by accident, this seems to be the second time the exact thing happens and is reported, don't the marines say the first time is an incident, and the second may be an accident, by the third time, it's a program, and somebody is definitely messing with you, no matter what the cover story...

    1. It's funny, incredible even, that you would mention that little, wrongfully attributed quote of yours; I literally just randomly watched the movie "wild things" (1999) last week as a last resort... I served in the marine corps for 8 years and I have never heard those words uttered as any doctrine until I heard them come from the words of an extra on a B-Movie, who attributed it to "Navy Intelligence". That right there makes you a jack ass; but I'll continue.

      Everything you said is based on speculation and conjecture - nothing more. However, one can't help but notice the smug fashion in which you made such a nonsensical claim. You speak as if you already know the case; you're a true "investigator" of veteran marines from Florida who accidentally went into Mexico with guns.

      I did 8 years. I've been to Mexico plenty, my friend. Marines are all over Mexico, especially Tijuana. You think drug cartels are relying on corrupt marines to run guns? These multi-billionaires can't get guns without marines who are seeking medical attention? And they buy them by the "3's". Sure. The non-criminal element is not buying weapons, you can bet your ass. We're talking life in prison, bub. The only people buying guns are criminals who will use them, and those guys don't need to conspire with marines bringing 3 guns. Not when Obama and Holder have proven so generous.

      By the way, thanks for your faith in service members. The last thing i could imagine is that a marine would dishonor himself, especially after the work this one did, and then forsake it all to sell 3 guns. The details about him being documented as seeking medical attention in the border town, driving on unfamiliar roads (which I'm guessing you're not at all familiar with), and pleading with boarder patrol as soon as he reached the checkpoint to allow him to turn around, that he did not intend to cross the boarder - I'll tell you, that would make him possibly the worst gun runner in history.

      You have a disdain for the military. Ya know, we don't sit around and talk about what a pussy a guy like you is. When I hit enter, I'm done with you. You, however, will hate on the military and continue stereotyping because you are a coward. You hate on what reminds you of what a sissy girl you are. If you have a relationship, it's probably best that you keep her away from "our kind". See our kind makes your kind look dumb. Then you compensate by slandering them online.

      I'm so glad I didn't grow weak like you.

    2. It's funny, incredible even, that you would mention that little, wrongfully attributed quote of yours; I literally just randomly watched the movie "wild things" (1999) last week as a last resort... I served in the marine corps for 8 years and I have never heard those words uttered as any doctrine until I heard them come from the words of an extra on a B-Movie, who attributed it to "Navy Intelligence". That right there makes you a jack ass; but I'll continue.

      Everything you said is based on speculation and conjecture - nothing more. However, one can't help but notice the smug fashion in which you made such a nonsensical claim. You speak as if you already know the case; you're a true "investigator" of veteran marines from Florida who accidentally went into Mexico with guns.

      I did 8 years. I've been to Mexico plenty, my friend. Marines are all over Mexico, especially Tijuana. You think drug cartels are relying on corrupt marines to run guns? These multi-billionaires can't get guns without marines who are seeking medical attention? And they buy them by the "3's". Sure. The non-criminal element is not buying weapons, you can bet your ass. We're talking life in prison, bub. The only people buying guns are criminals who will use them, and those guys don't need to conspire with marines bringing 3 guns. Not when Obama and Holder have proven so generous.

      By the way, thanks for your faith in service members. The last thing i could imagine is that a marine would dishonor himself, especially after the work this one did, and then forsake it all to sell 3 guns. The details about him being documented as seeking medical attention in the border town, driving on unfamiliar roads (which I'm guessing you're not at all familiar with), and pleading with boarder patrol as soon as he reached the checkpoint to allow him to turn around, that he did not intend to cross the boarder - I'll tell you, that would make him possibly the worst gun runner in history.

      You have a disdain for the military. Ya know, we don't sit around and talk about what a pussy a guy like you is. When I hit enter, I'm done with you. You, however, will hate on the military and continue stereotyping because you are a coward. You hate on what reminds you of what a sissy girl you are. If you have a relationship, it's probably best that you keep her away from "our kind". See our kind makes your kind look dumb. Then you compensate by slandering them online.

      I'm so glad I didn't grow weak like you.

  3. Do your time pussy!for those who think that there is corruption in us. He was working for a cartel like big time."i accidentally drove into mexico" yea sure.what about the huge sign that says "bienvenido a mexico" See if i try to do the same in us it would never fly.

    1. You are the only vagina here!!! He called 911 the minute he missed the sign that had grafitti from one of your ignorant family members...not to mention he TOLD them about the guns!!! Get a life

  4. I really dont see what shackling is supposed to teach someone, im sure once this news gathers steam, this guy will most likely get out after a brief stint at a mexican jail

  5. Directional dysfunction, whats that and how was he a marine with that, while I am sure that one can easily get turned around but to end up in a different country seems like an extreme case..dont border crossings kind of stick out like a sore thumb, lots of lights and gvt officers running around. How is it there in san diego, are there lesser known border crossings that no one is around??

  6. Didn't read anything about were the weapons loaded. Did he have a permit to carry a weapon and or concealed. Also having a mentally disabled Veteran with diagnosed PTSD having known access to weaponry is a red flag.
    Hope alls well for him and a speedy treatment.

  7. Great that they're doing this for this marine and he's very lucky he doesn't have a Hispanic name because there wouldn't be a single politician that would dare to speak up on his behalf. I mean, we're all drug dealers and the law just happened to catch up to us on the wrong side of the border!

  8. I am actually a friend of the family.

    If you want to help, there is a petition so please sign if you can.

    Thank you,


  9. hmm diectional dysfunction.. mm hmm but in the marines and blah blah blah

    too bad bro, you will be in jail for a while...

  10. I hope this bro makes it back okay. One tough hombre so to speak!

    1. Why is he tough.?..if he cried to his mom the first night he was there..what pussy.

    2. You'd be crying too you hypocritical loser!!!

  11. I´m having a really HARD time believing this guy´s story, how the hell did He miss the signs? and He is a US Marine?

    MAYBE He is telling the truth about the confusion going into Mexico, but trying to escape from La Mesa prison? Did He really believe He would be able to do it?

    Just so those who don´t live near TJ or have never crossed though San Ysidro to TJ here´s Google´s map for the area, feel free to roam around.,-117.031032,3a,68.5y,144.23h,93.95t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sskG35hJwkcHufoFCZBcK2g!2e0

    1. Thats is how you claim to be ftom tijuana by looking at maps!!!!

    2. It's very easy to get stuck on that ramp right into Mexico with no place to turn around until you're over the border. Especially in the dark. And no, the signs for Mexico are not equivalent to Las Vegas signs. It's a dark and scary area. Why don't you stop judging about something you know nothing about!!!


  12. I believe it because it's happened to me before. If you miss the last exit which is easy to miss the freeway takes you right into Mex. There's no turning back. Plus I have cousins who ran guns, easy.

    1. Yes i have almost crossed into tj once by accident, missing the ladt exist while i only tried to shop at plaza las americas in San Ysidro, it is easy to accidentally end up in TJ, the U turn is not even on the U.S. side its inside Mexico

    2. It is possible to miss the exit Ive almost sometimes missed it and had a frnd that missed that exit and went straight into mexico

  13. Violated the law, now do the time. As simple as that

  14. Bunch of BS... he was recruited and was going down there to join an AFO or CDS cell... why else would he be driving around with an AR15, 45 and Shotgun... sounds like he was intercepted after someone snitched on him...

  15. There is no way you can cross a normal port of entry and not know it.

  16. I believe his story... why would you try to smuggle guns registered in your name

    1. Good point. But what if he is really really good at doing what he does when he goes to Mexico.

    2. Only one of those guns would be of any interest to any criminal looking to buy one. The other ones are not something cartels would ever look at. You are an idiot !!!

  17. Even if you miss the last US off ramp before the border you can still turn back into the US less than 100 yards from the border. There is an exit run by Customs and Border Patrol. A few years ago another Marine claimed the same thing with several weapons in his vehicle. Our congress men ran down to TJ and got him out of jail. Just dumb.

  18. WTF is goins on?!?!?

  19. every bordercrossing clearly says. firearms illegal in mexico. its a huge sign in big bold black letters against a reflective white backround and it stands out especially at night.

  20. I believe it.its just me but im not gonna risk it for only 3guns.its not like hes gonna make that much off em

  21. @1:08 am. because once you sold them to support your habbit you can report them stolen. and besides. there are no consequenses when you sell firearms to criminal enterprises.

  22. What a dumb ass...
    What would be the reason to carry 3 guns with you on your pick up truck?
    While going to the VA?
    Idiot .. hope he stays there

    1. Oh, "what would be the reason to carry 3 guns with you on your pickup truck?" What are you some anti-gun pussy? 2 guns is better than 1 gun and an extra magazine, so 3 is perfect; rifle,pistol,shotgun.The 3 guns a man would want to carry for allaround self-defense! Are you kidding?! Like 3 is too many - you're a fucking iggnorant piece of un-educated shit

  23. 1:08 leathernecks just go ahead and carry on, they don't get called bullett stoppers for nothing, it is funny that some millionaire baseball player from around there in califas OWES a lot of money to someone from FLORIDA, where the cuban connection of colombian drug trafficking operations run so smoothly with their zeta connections, pilot training schools for arab terrorists, republican businessmen...and USMC tragabalas.
    spiderwebbs of warnings for YASIEL PUIG? evidently, not, yet...

  24. In south Texas it would be ABSOLTELY impossible to cross into Mexico "by mistake."

    You have to pay a US company or official at the bridge crossing. It's like a toll both.

    "Ummmm, what am I paying for, after driving over these half dozen huge speed bumps and having these signs telling me weapons are illegal in Mexico and the cameras are taking pictures of me and my license plate?"

    That's how you'd "accidentally" enter into Mexico in south Texas. Is SoCal different?

    This case is not like the poor sap from Florida who crossed in S. Texas with one old hunting gun. There, he actually asked the US border guys how to register the gun with Mexican authorities, and the US border patrol guys gave him bad info.

  25. Wow! It states in your article: "He borrowed the family’s Ford pickup and drove to California, where he received an official PTSD evaluation at a VA facility". So he drove across state lines with those weapons!!! That itself is a Federal Violation!! 18 U.S. Code 922,
    Also question to: "Fuck everyone trashing on this guy"! Well sir, analyze the article thoroughly!! Read it over again. Yes he served his country, but people that violate Federal Laws here in the U.S., if a border jumper crosses the border illegally and has in his/her possession a firearm. Believe me this person will serve time in a U.S. Federal Prison? My question to you what's the difference? Think before you answer!
    Another question to: "I believe his story... why would you try to smuggle guns registered in your name" I recommend browse through the ATF website, Yes, people do smuggle guns illegally that are registered under their names! Check out the statistics on this sort of violations.
    Conclusion, if he gets transferred to El Hongo II my prayers to you! That's the Pelican Bay Prison of Baja California Norte, Mexico. The worst of the worst...

    1. You are wrong, If those weapons are registered to his name, he can take them with him wherever he wants to go in the CONUS, but without a loaded magazine in them.

  26. Who the hell is going to run a background check on the gun in Mexico they just dismantle them once they get confiscated or resold in the black market

  27. I made that wrong turn as well myself! I know EXACTLY what gate he went through... I was driving a rental and as soon as I realized I had flown through the Border the Mexican highway patrol was on me... I had illegal contraband in my vehicle as well! When the police asked if it was a rental I said "YES" and they said ""This vehicle is now the property of the Mexican government." I told them that "I hoped they enjoyed my vehicle" and I started walking to the border and crossed a half mile later then reported the vehicle stolen as soon as I was on US soil. I was sent a new rental and continued on my vacation. Just be calm and be smart and do as they say and walk back through the way you drove. Hope this help someone else in this predicament as the Entrance to Tijuana looks like a TOLL you can simply fly through

  28. @ 1:06 AM
    He very well may be just a gun loving American, but his wrong turn took him to another country where he violated their laws. Now he has to be punished for it

  29. Should've crossed through Otay Mesa, that's where all arrangements can be made without army watching over.In SY they stop you for anything.

  30. Wrong turn my ass, theres signs clearly stating ur goin into mexico,a mile two miles,and theres sign stating no guns in mexico! Wats he doin with all those arms to begin with? The kid was upto no good!!

  31. the law is the law .have him do his time. dont usa racist politicians make a lot of noise and news networks a big history when mexican military by accident come thru your borders? he is a criminal .he is selling guns to cartels.

  32. @1:06

    shut the fuck up gung ho rambo, you dont even know the deal with this guy. hes a fucking gun runner, simple as that

    1. 12:12 pm, and you know everything? Post the proof that he was a gun runner or stfu. If that Marine was in front of you face to face, ready to go at it toe to toe, would you talk like that? Do you hate military service members because you were/are to damn yellow to serve?

  33. Lol why was my comment never posted! And u call yourself a journalist. Only stupid comments are pisted here. Thanks I boycott this website.

  34. When I was in Ca. they checked you going in and out of state for plants which were not allowed to cross even state borders. The San Ysidro border crossing is very busy and one think hard to miss.

  35. It said he was blown up in Afghanistan maybe he's dealing with a traumatic Brain Injury

  36. You're an idiot also.So what if he served his country,he's still a dumb criminal now.

  37. Let him rot there for smuggling guns. You people believe USA marines are so dam good but they can as easily be corrupted . And the corps is full of druggies on spice and bath salts . If it was a mexican marine you would be all over the corruption wagon.

    1. 2:37 pm why don't you go back to México? Are your food stamps and welfare check good enough to live without a need to work?

  38. give the guy a break

    he does have ptsd and just moved to san diego for treatment

    he was moving and had the guns with him, among other items for the move.

    he missed the last U.S. exit on April 1, forcing him to cross the border.

    Road closures because of checkpoints and construction added to the confusion, and there was no opportunity for drivers to turn around,

  39. Funny how my post about double standards didn't come through. :D
    That was surprise!

  40. He just moved to SD for treatment, and was moving into his apt and ran into the construction going on at the border and got in the lane to Mexico and no way to turn around.

    I just posted a video

  41. @May 3, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    Just his friends telling the story. I'm still sceptic.
    Those tears means nothing.

  42. accidentally? as I leave my driveway headed to the border, I always I have anything in my car that I shouldn't? duh!

    1. He didn't mean to head to the border. -El Nemesis.

  43. Almost weekly (if not more), Mexican army men cross our borders WITH fully automatic weapons (of which are illegal in our country) yet they are not detained and are allowed to return to Mexico. Some of these are for nefarious reasons that they enter our country yet we still allow them to return home. My question is this: why has the same civility NOT been afforded to Americans who, clearly, made mistakes by crossing a virtually non-existent border??

  44. I live out here where this took place (on the US side) and if you miss that laaasssttt exit your next turnaround IS going to be in Mexico.

  45. A lot of Marines out of work and looking to join a cell down south of the border for some quick green backs... and then drive back up north to their home... well... it sounds like easy money... but think twice simper fi... there are many people south of the border that have more kills under their belts than your whole platoon combined.

  46. Yea... he took a moral wrong turn... thought he could go to TJ and make some quick cash as a freelancer mercenary...

  47. payback for chapo

  48. If he was smuggling guns he would filed off the serial numbers , whos dumb enough to smuggle guns with serial numbers that can be tracked back to yourself ?

  49. This Marine should have done the right thing and joined Eric Holders ATF or worked for California state senator Leland Yee. They are the only ones allowed to smuggle guns to Mexico.

  50. i'd love to read some Semper Fi posters about USMC corps all american hero Lieutenant Col. Oliver North, who then went to work for the domestic enemies of the US, importing drugs for personal gain, and allowing other US army heros like Felix Ismael Rodriguez and USAF Richard Secord to piggy back their own dirty deals with his, all of them receiving proudly their presidential pardons from USN george hw bush...after losing the drug money on the cayman islands' banks, and the wars on the central americas.
    it's a pitty that heros can't be stuffed before leaving the service...
    by the way, somebody corrupted some Team 6 Seals, i hear a couple of them died on the MAERSK spy ship, heroin overdose...Montezuma's revenge , Osama's way?
    we need to keep a closer eye on US heros and service men, too many of them are being abused by their own friends, too many broken little men, and i don't mean this in a bad way, i mean as a grown man, beware of your friends when it comes to drugs, of any kind, i hope straight out suicides from US service men are less now, the US defense dept had been working on it for a while 4 years ago, i noticed the concern about the number of casualties, but none about the root causes, as usual...

    1. Can you get some new names? Always the same, Ismael Rodriguez, Oliver North, Osama Bin Shit, Seal Team Six, etc, etc etc. Looks like you all have a one track mind.

  51. “He said, and I quote, ‘Mom, I’m not going to make it through the night. … There are hit men in that cell with me” For a marine who was in combat he is a little to much of a cry baby.

    1. Texcoco de Mierda, why don't you go an fight, see if you can cut the ice in combat. But let me tell you what, it's a different environment, if he can get his hands on a weapon, some other punks are going to be the cry babies.

    2. First night there & he knew they were hitmen? Hmmm. He definitely did not need to be in possession of firearms in any country until he was properly treated.

  52. @1:26 if you had just re-posted we would not be missing your comment, which i think was more important than your scientifric analysis of the other commenters' postings and personal complaint, now with the boycott, we will never know; perhaps, you will reconsider, baby?

  53. frankly, the US watchtowers look more aggressiverly for truckloads of MONEY leaving the US for mexico, than for drugs coming into the US, from anywhere in the world especially mexico, but things are changing, the US is competing for the market again, who needs mexico when the 20 military bases on colombia can handle all the trafficking into the US?
    also all the teabaggers can handle the business, with the expert direction of cuban-canadian tom cruz, texas US senator that can read green beans and no eggs on the senate floor for days on end, the "green is good" philosophry of Dr zeuss and his hideous characters, frankly, i blame for a lot of the educational problems and mental traumas of amerikkka's school children...not many of them have even seen a cover of Dr James Herriott's books, whatta loss!

  54. I crossed that border at San Ysidro over a hundred plus times in my life. I too missed the last stop because I made a honest mistake. I was looking for the U.S. border parking and missed the last turn. It happens! The San Ysidro border crossing has over 7 lanes. If you are caught on the far left lane and its a busy day (the busiest international crossing in the world!), you are forced to cross into Mexico.



  55. Long time ago I got stuck in traffic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was FORCED to drive into New Jersey, all with my .38 revolver (which would have been very illegal in NJ!) Once across the bridge I immediately drove back into Philadelphia!

    It does happen.

    But I assure you, I'd have a GPS Tom-Tom by my side before I get within 50 miles of Mexico. I have no intention of going there... ever.

    1. Really? What bridge are you talking about? There are two bridges that go across the river in Philadelphia, PA, can you name it? No self respected driver is going to use a cheap ass Tom Tom gps.

  56. A marine that gets lost, eh? PSTD riding around with firearms, eh?

  57. 2:13 pm , and what you do for a living?

  58. Mexico can keep him. One less "phony traumatic stress disorder" (PTSD) Disability Check on the taxpayers backs!

  59. funny, they have another sign stating "No medical marijuana permitted in Mexico" on 5 frwy in San Ysidro.

  60. Regardless of the situation if your going to make comments under "anonymous" it makes you look like a coward. Have the fortitude to put your name and face behind your opinion.

  61. @8:17 educated persons need no guns, they are for brainwashed NRA and teabagger mind control victims, or for american fascista neo-liberats waiting for their marchin' orders to go for the US pinochetazo, if Obama and co keeps opressin' them and don't let texas US. rep. louie gohmert's people go

  62. 3:32, i am still working on the connections of richard secord to the takeover if the irani government to the takeover of the US embassy to embarass jimmy carter and steal the election for ronald reagan, which put ghw Bush a heartbeat away from the US presidency, which a few months later almost occurred anyway when hinckley shot ronnie in the ass, hinckley's brother dinner with neil bush that very same day had to be cancelled...
    i'm working on a lot of stories about criminals and rogue government officers that engage on drug trafficking, money laundering, murder and mayhem under guise of working with patriotic dedication to saving our beloved country from the koreans and their cardboard rockets carrying multiple heads of nuculear arms of mass destruction, also i'm trying to find the hidden burial grounds where saddam hussein hid his nuculear bombs and yellow cakes, well i'm too busy, i wish it wasn't like it is, but the worst of the worst are the names that keep popping up in thousands of internet pages, and are the ones that keep popping up here, thanks to my dedication
    i sincerily wish it wasn't so, but my dead mexican compatriots, and my suffering mexican compatriots, have charged me, with finding some real dirt and bringing it up as many times as needed, i have found some dirt on obama, on the clintons, i'm trying to find some about jimmy carter,but jimmy was real slimmy, there is some pendejas' accusations, but nothing really dumb or corrupt maybe you can help and bring me some names that you want investigated? otherwise, i"ll keep sticking it to the worst that the republican side has had to offer since ike fucked up and chose a lame ass corrupt US senator richard "dirty tricky dickie" milhaus nixxon for his vicepresident, bebe rebozo, dick nixxons boyfriend represented for the cubans and the maffia in the protection of la cosa nostra, all the way tru lbj to today, millions and millions of deaths murders and assassinations of our fellow human beings, for the personal enrichment of a few motherfuckers...
    I encourage you to debunk any and all of these incredible falsehoods that pretend to pass for truths, and truths that many want me and all the world to forget, like why george w bush was flying barry seal's favorite plane after mr seal'and his girlfriend's assassinations? people say W doesn't even really know how to fly an airplane and that his service was all fake, others say john kerry's service was all lies, we want the truth, before these motherfuckers die and get away with it, do your part little bored boy!

  63. 8:17 anti-gun is not pussy; gun totting motherfuckers are pussies,and psychiatric cases of people brainwashed by NRA and the gun lobby psychopath sociopaths, that live off their prey's fears and girly hopes that the cucuy is after them, the worst basket cases are those of big men with hairy ...eyeses, living affraid for "their guns", when a look at them would set the devil running back to hell. the plain truth is the extreme right just want to have their stürmtroops ready to take the government down in a minute if they so decide, in a classic pinochetazo, coup d'etate, golpe de estado, or whatever you wannacallit, the defense brass is to much into personal gain to care about the business of the country, and that is the chance for a US military junta to take over the US government, to save the queen, i mean the US motherland, that is the only reason why they want to have as ,any weapons as possible on the hands of the citizenry, a smaller government and a US defense department that can't make doo without the private companies that posess the many military billionaire contracts they have extorted from the US government, including cost overrun payments, breach of contract payments, profit loss protections and all the perks not included at the time the said contracts were awarded or extorted, or whatever; gun totting civilian = pendejos

  64. @May 6, 2014 at 8:17 PM

    Chill out, hillbilly. :)

  65. Please Remember There are Marines and marines. Technically Andrew Tahmooressi is a suspect of Gun Trafficking and a sheame for the marines Corp.
    Now see the good side of Marines, The story of Rubén Ruiz Vega a Marine who is defending Human rights in Mexico.

  66. 8:17 chill pill hill hillbilly, don't use that BOOK for the subsequent consequence of hanging with these poisonous snakes the devil himsel has sent our way, BB you are going to burn in hell for putting the righteous trough these tribulations that only drive us close to the lord's investments, like Utah's most gigantic shopping center, mysteriously surrounded by hideous drug trafficking gangs of all nationalities...
    the biggest estaca full of halcones and lookouts of all sizes, mammon, is so happy...

    well at least it's not the evil eye, let's move on, we don't care, unless el mil escupidas starts some fatwah against us we are safe.
    @1:16 technically it is only posession, maybe importing without...
    --regarding Ruben Ruiz Vega, of course, there are many good persons that have served, selflessly, and never would throw their weight around or try to rub their medals or those of others on anybody's faces, or get mad because of our childish shenanigans, they have teir special places and are welcome here, we need to talk about some of them once inawhile too, they do not need anything, and do not care either way, only crooks need praise, to collect on the sacrifices of the real heros of the US, those that put their asses on the line, while the corrupt chickenhawks keep running to the banks to watch over their ill gotten gains, for their chickenassed children...

  68. Accidentally drove to Mexico all the way from Florida right??? what a bunch of bullshit! it's impossible to accidentally cross into Mexico from Tijuana! can't you see the big as border crossing??? now there will be an uproar for this guy to be freed cause he's a US soldier, let that motherfucker rot and do his time he knew what he was doing.

  69. Yep hate for him to shoot in the wrong direction and hit an innocent person.

  70. He is lying: there is surveillance video of Him driving into Tijuana previously.

    1. Post links to that information or quit lying.

    2. He was going to visit his girlfriend in Mexico. This wasn't his first visit into Mexico. There are over 13 signs along the freeway and flashing lights letting you know you are about to enter Mexico.

  71. Its a good thing he got out of the Corps. He would of put a Plt or Sqd in jeopardy for not knowing how to read a map or a GPS. All its sudden he gets out of the Corps and becomes stupid not knowing where he is at. Coming to CA for PTSD treatment is BS. FL. Also has a VA.

  72. Saw a picture of the weapons and ammo he had, green tip 5.56 (ball) only for military use, meaning you can't buy those. Hmmm

  73. Maroons are so dumb, in the Army we used them as the reference point for Stupid: "Fuck, even a Jarhead could figure that out!"

  74. Marine my ass! Running guns what a dumbass. Momma stop your crying.

  75. What a tragic series of events that lead to Andrew Tahmooressi's imprisonment! First he took a wrong turn and accidentally smuggled guns across the border into Mexico. Then he was cutting out some newspaper articles for his scrapbook and must have accidentally cut his own throat. As if his luck couldn't get any worse, he just goes for a stroll to stretch his legs and he accidentally finds himself climbing over the prison wall and he gets falsely accused of trying to escape! What are the odds? Mexico should stop harassing this Marine hero and send him home to a ticker tape parade, as should all American veterans incarcerated abroad for multiple felonies.

  76. Wrong turn? How about the fact that he was in Mexico that day. He walked back to the US side and retrieved his vehicle. He had previously made 3 trips before that. What was he doing in TJ? No ones seems to have those answers.

  77. Someone said "why would someone smuggle guns registered to them"....

    Because if you get caught you can say "ohh but they are mine" ..... and once you smuggle them you can say "Hey, my guns were stolen"

    1. "Hey my guns were stolen while i was down in Mexico smuggling them..."

      So whats your excuse for lacking common sense?

      To the ANTI-GUN/ANTI-MARINE/ANTI-US putanos...

      He is now Free, suck it.

      Eres un hijo de la chingada..!!!!

  78. I live in San Diego and it is WAY too easy to accidentally drive into mexico... I have done it before as well and know many people that have too.

  79. I dont think the cartels are using marines to smuggle firearms into mexico but our laws are very clear you need to have a permit to enter mexico with foreign firearms if not thats smuggling period i wish claiming a "wrong turn" would free me from jail if i break the law in USA!

  80. the state of california bans people to carry weapons if they are or where under psycological treatment, why this guy had weapons! it doesnt matter if he wasnt carrying the weapons for any particular reason into mexico but the fact itself that thats illegal in mexico, are USA now deciding witch other contries laws are valid or not?


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