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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mexican security forces seize munitions in Reynosa as 3 more die

Three suspects were killed in Reynosa, Tamaulipas Tuesday and Wednesday, including two armed suspects who were killed in an armed encounter with a Mexican Army unit Tuesday night, according to official Mexican news sources.

The latest report bring the reported death toll in two days of fighting in Reynosa to 17. 

According to the news account, a Mexican Army road patrol was fired on Tuesday night by armed suspects who were aboard a Pontiac Torrent SUV near the intersection of Bulevar Del Maestro and  Avenida Mozart in Narciso Mendoza colony.

Army return fire killed two of the occupants, one of whom was identified as Fidel Gutierrez Gonzalez, 34.  The report hinted that rifles, pistols, one hand grenade, ammunition, tactical gear and the vehicle was seized following the incident.

Meanwhile Mexican Army unit conducted four raids in Reynosa  stretching out across Tuesday night and into late Wednesday morning, seizing a total of 76 rifles, six each 40mm grenade launchers, 12 each 40mm grenades, drugs and vehicles.

Tuesday night at a residence in  Hacienda de las Fuentes colony, Sector 4 near the intersection of calles Quebec and Liverpool, soldiers seized 22 rifles, two each 40mm grenade launchers, four each 40mm  grenades, three kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 415 small packages of cocaine, 714 small packages of marijuana, 3,000 marijuana cigarettes, weapons magazines, ammunition and one vehicle.

Just after midnight Wednesday in  Los Caracoles colony, a Mexican Army patrol was fired on by armed suspects who were moving aboard nine vehicles, who then immediately fled the scene, apparently abandoning their vehicles.

Following that incident soldiers seized 19 rifles, one pistol, three grenade launchers, three each 40mm grenades, 103 weapons magazines, ammunition, 10 kilograms of marijuana and the nine vehicles.

Eight hours later at 0840 hrs also in  Los Caracoles coloy, a Mexican Army road patrol found one vehicle abandoned with one suspect dead inside.  Soldiers also seized 10 rifles, five grenades and 67 weapons magazines.

At about 1100 hrs in Riberas del Bosque colony soldiers located an abandoned vehicle which contained  25 rifles, two grenades, two 40mm grenade launchers, 2,100 rounds of ammunition and 12 weapons magazines.

A news story which appeared Wednesday afternoon in the online edition of Milenio news daily said that numerous shootouts had taken place throughout the city and that local criminal gangs were uimplementing road bloacks in various points in the city.

In one incident, according to the article, armed suspects entered an OXXO convenience store demanding car keys from customers so their vehicles can be used to block roads.  The story failed to say where that incident took place or whether it was just one of many.

Another part of the news report said that large convoys were reported moving in Reynosa.

All of these reports were gleaned from Twitter and other social media.

A separate Milenio news report hinted that Reynosa mayor José Elias Leal had at least discussed asking for either more army reinforcements or a curfew in the municipality, but denied actually making a request for either.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and He can be reached at


  1. Wtf! Sicarios were abandoning their and leaving their rifles behind! Hug? You mean to tell me they were unwilling to fight the guachos for their bosses! There has to be some pissed off bosses! I guess their realizing that dying for their bosses for a mere $10,000 pesos a month, if not less, is not worth it.

    1. Shit probably less than that.

  2. I know the report says army forces were fired upon but, unless these guys are barely functioning retards and there are a shit ton of red flags saying that they are, but I just dont believe these guys just start to blast the army guys. So whomever knows what usually happens in these situations that are constantly repeted in the news, is it that the army fires on these guys, the cartel guys fire their volleys and then the shit is on,or does the army just start blowing these guys away on sight, and the guys just are trying to fight back? Please let me know..

    1. A lot if not most military is not paid by cartels, they pay the generals in charge of certain areas and soldiers listen orders from them.most of the military is fed up with cartels they don't longer want a reason to shoot at a sicario a with a weapon, if u rolling with sicario a and they catch y'all , SOS is how most military is starting to be with em and that's how it has to be done ,shoot first ask wat cartel they belong to after

    2. Its the army wtf is the point on looking for a fight with the army

    3. A lot of times its the military shooting first just to get rid of em, but no one will blame em for doing anything wrong .

    4. The military usually fires first these guys are rolling in convoys most of the time and the military detects them rolling deep and just get fired on, plus you can spot them from a mile away with their brand new stolen trucks! lol

  3. I know the report says army forces were fired upon but, unless these guys are barely functioning retards and there are a shit ton of red flags saying that they are, but I just dont believe these guys just start to blast the army guys. So whomever knows what usually happens in these situations that are constantly repeted in the news, is it that the army fires on these guys, the cartel guys fire their volleys and then the shit is on,or does the army just start blowing these guys away on sight, and the guys just are trying to fight back? Please let me know..

    The Mexican Army under General Gavlin two years ago wrote new rules of engagement stating that if a site or patrol commander observed the presence of weapons and the suspects holding the weapons had failed to obey any army signals, the order can be given to open fire on the suspects. The idea was that as long as a site or patrol commander gave suspects the chance to surrender without a shot, army units could not fire on suspects if those suspects obeyed signals.

    At the time the rules were released, I figured that the new rules simply codified army practice.

    How it works in practice, I have zero idea, but it is clear that in instances in which civilians were fired on outside of those rules, prosecutions could come into play.

  4. Great reporting finally know what is happing Tamps. Its like the fourth of july or cinco de mayo. wipe them out. go army and marinas. Kill the little bastards.
    Viva Mexico

  5. since GENARO GARCIA LUNA is not there to get them assassinated, the military are killing more narcos, with impunity, when will the ex EX SSP boss be investigated for drug trafficking and money laundering in the US???
    or in mexico for torturing flase confessions from innocent people? or for kidnapping and extortion?

  6. The money laundrying is done by Lupe Trevino's family More will fall

    1. Lupe Treviño's son was sentenced today to 17 years in federal prison, he was crying like the little bitch he is. And his friend Espinoza the son of the chief of police passed out when the judge read his sentence, he was sentenced to 14 years in federal prison.

    2. Wish I was there to laugh in there faces. Dirty bastards should get life all of em

  7. I can remember when the Gulf did not kidnap extort that was the good old days. I am not going to Matamores

  8. Like I just told many so call Friends from the M group a la verga con todo el CDG. I was kool with hella CDG people even tho my family are Zetas from nektar. They call me el 2 banderaz because I used to work & push hard marka for CDG. Pero todos los del golfo hantan komo perros y perras caliendes todos quieren el puesto pero nadien actuan como era el sr. Osiel o komo saMu3l. Ahora tiene un gran aliado menoZ y otro pior enemigo que saben todos sus puntoZ debiles cabroneZ. I knew i should of stick with Family pero yo pense que eran mis amigos pero miro que no. Ala verga todo el kombo del CDG pendejoZ. Soy Nuevo miembro de la gran letra Z de Centro Califas hasta Nektar Lima y hasta Nektar Sierra hando en mi F150 o mustang kon plakas de California me miran. Y tu pendejo de Jose Ismael Mendoza el poliputo ya veras joto yo o mi tio de vomoZ a chingar bien culo kabron. Arriva La Pinche Z la ultima letra fuck CDG yall fake friends.

  9. i'm so sorry about the fate of the hidalgo county texas treviñas and co. but ha haa haaa haaaaa!
    --la ultima letra, los muthaphakzz don't even go to the sto' for the maruchan anymo', no money, after paying their mordidas, all they have to eat is each other for soplapingas, and they still have to pay for their mass murders of mexican and southamericans, especially the big commanders...

  10. May 1, 2014 at 8:15 PM
    "Like I just told many so call Friends from the M group a la verga con todo el CDG" Brother you do what you do,but i wouldn be throwing names and shit around,if you just fuckin around it dont matter,but many people read this thing and may know your ass?Tener cuidado,just saying weyyyy

  11. May 1, 2014 at 12:39 AM
    "I know the report says army forces were fired upon but, unless these guys are barely functioning retards and there are a shit ton of red flags saying that they are"
    As soon as their spotted by the Army they know they are going to killed,so its either shoot or feet dont fail me now time.The Army is going to kill you if you are caught in convoy,simple as that..As for fightin with the Army etc?Fuck yeah...I'd take off into the abyss and never look back,,peeyooonnnn,he went thata way....

  12. Juan Perros is the Reynosa chief with El Toro,,Cmdte Gera got killed by the Army or blues,and some of Cmdte Vampiros estacas are in the pictures,, anyone clear it up a little or add ?

    1. @ 3:17

      Polimenso is the new plaza boss of Reynosa and takes direct orders from comandante Cortez

  13. I was in Reynosa about 2 weeks ago, was needing female companionship and headed to La Zona for the chicas! At the 7-11 gas station at the entrance were about 60 armed CDG..I said "oh shit".. cartel guys said nothing and just waved us to the Zona paid my 20 pesos, but was scared and could not perform with the ladies..told the taxi to drop me of at the bridge...just watch out when going to's dangerous !!

  14. 9:55 20 pesos or dollars, even chicken are charging more than that, i don't know nothing about no burras pardas, so don't even ask...

  15. All the 60 cdg mercenaries were there to see comandante polimenso mom dance on that pole, lolo, ... damn he even got hes mom working, they doin real bad.....


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