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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jose Manuel Mireles asks for unity to prevent disarmament

El Diario de Coahuila (4-6-2014) (Source: apro) by Jose Gil Olmos

Translated for Borderland Beat by un vato

MEXICO, D. F., (Apro).- After a year of risking their lives facing and expelling Los Caballeros Templarios  out of 14 Tierra Caliente municipalities, Costa and the Meseta Purepecha (Purepecha Mesa), the self defense groups in Michoacan are now being threatened by Enrique Pena Nieto's government, which is trying to force them to lay down the weapons with which they did the work that PRD, PAN and PRI Federal and state administrations failed to get done in 12 years.

The announcement enraged the autodefensas, who, through the words of Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles, refuse to disarm themselves.    Article 10 of the Constitution, they argue, gives every Mexican the right to possess a weapon for self defense.  The spokesman for the Tepalcatepec autodefensas asked for support from the  towns to prevent (the government) from taking their weapons.

On Thursday, April 3, the Commissioner for security and economic development for Michoacan, Alfredo Castillo, announced in Morelia that the disarmament of the autodefensas will begin within the next few weeks, and he warned that, at the end of this process, whoever is found in possession of firearms will be arrested.

Hours later, on Thursday night on (April) 3, confrontations were reported between criminals on one side and autodefensas and Federal police who had supposedly cornered Servando Gomez Martinez, aka "La Tuta", the leader of Los Caballeros Templarios.  

The threats of disarming them angered the autodefensas. Upon learning of statements made by the commissioner, who is touring the municipality of Coahuayana, Mireles rejected the disarmament and asked the people for unity.

He reminded them that there have already been violent reactions to the threats of disarmament, like the one that took place in February in the Antunez area, where the population prevented soldiers from disarming them and there was a confrontation in which four persons died, two of them autodefensas.

He warned that he is not in favor of placing the safety of his city, Tepalcatepec, in the hands of the "single command" police or the national gendarmerie, because they do not know the geography, the people nor the criminals.


Mireles' words clashed with the statements by the Federal commissioner. According to Salvador Maldonado Aranda, researcher with the College of Michoacan, these differences between the autodefensas and the government could bring about a new security crisis in the state. 

A scholar of the Tierra Caliente region for more than a decade,  Maldonado points out in an interview that the agreement signed at the start of the year by Castillo and the leaders of the autodefensas was meant to provide some certainty about the relationship between the parties. Also, disarmament was foreseen once demands for the arrest of the Templario leaders were satisfied.

He comments that, at least during these tense moments, there is in practice a distancing between the commissioner's team and the autodefensas, who have divided into at least two goups: those linked to Mireles and those who support Castillo. 

"I think this is the most tense situation, because it is not too clear whether the parties will come together or whether the the relationship will break up," Maldonado indicates. He warns that you cannot disarm the autodefensas with the stroke of a pen, like the EPN government is trying to do, because their importance in combating crime and governing Michoacan has not been (properly) appreciated.

"Without this negotiation, I believe we'll find ourselves in a serious dilemma: how are the relationships, the agreements going to be developed, what kinds of actors will form alliances to continue to improve a problem of violence and provide more assurance in governance. That's the problem".  


Contrary to Castillo's opinion that there is no longer any reason for the autodefensas to exist, (Maldonado) says that they can be an important intermediary, so long as new agreements are put in place to review the matter of infiltration and the work done to clean up areas previously controlled by (organized) crime. 

He explains that the Federal Government should implement a long term strategy to provide the people with some certainty, and not expect that the autodefensas will come in, clean up the zone, and, a month later, the problem is again in place.

Worse still, if the Federal Government does not act carefully and wants to make the autodefensas disappear, there could be a phenomenon like in Peru or Colombia, where similar groups ended up being a problem for security and governability.

"That is a problem that was also experienced by other groups in Latin America, like the Civil Defense Committees in Peru, and, in some ways, the Self Defense Groups or paramilitary groups in Colombia. They had to reach a point where they had to negotiate to determine what they would do with them."

However, he explains the the Michoacan autodefensas are different from the ones in Peru or Colombia, which were created by military (personnel) and subsidized by the government for counterinsurgency purposes.

If the differences with the Government persist, he adds, and they are made to disappear, there is a risk that in the intermediate term the autodefensas will take on another face and that other problems will grow, because then, the danger would come not only from criminal organizations, but also from the groups created to fight them and which are now considered to be illegal.

He argues that these groups are not going to give up their weapons even if they go underground; in a political situation hostile to them, they can form alliances with other kinds of groups.

The problem, he concludes, is that there have been no effective measures developed to provide predictability in the manner in which public security will be generated in Michoacan, except for deflating a political movement and eliminating organized crime.

He proposes a plan for citizen security, more so than public (security), whose strategic focus is on society and its long-term welfare.    


  1. the federal envoys can't clean the federal police, in the very DF, can't clean the michoacan state or municipal police organizations, can't clean the corrupt municipal and state governments, how dare they want to clean out the autodefensas?
    it is more like they want to make and leave there some sitting ducks for the criminals to eat alive, what they should do is release the AD they have kidnapped and keep in prison without credible charges, but with the customary interrogations and torture, and of course murder, to intimidate and extract "confessions" to get them out of the way.
    Fuck the police and el puñeto's envoys...
    the mexican and US press of course keeps silent, they have always sold out, we can only count on the blogger power and the anonymous community to spread the word, TIME charges about a half a million dollars to publish favorable reports, and don't count on televisa...

  2. The ADs should review the Mexican constitution to see if individual states can make laws in their favor and for their protection. The old constitution needs to be amended in favor of the people with the changing of the times not just in favor of the politicians of which many are with out a doubt corrupt. Something needs to be done to prevent the spread and growth of the criminal cartels. In Mexico now a days every idiot wants to start their own cartel. Puras bolas de idiotas arrastrados que no quieren o estan muy pendejos para trabar y quieren tener todo lo que un trabajador tiene.

    1. This is the opportunity for Michuacan to continue its grass roots movement and get rid of its corrupt politicians and begin their own clean government! That way they will have more clout in dealing with the corupt federal government!!! Peopke need to stand up! What do they have to lose? Those mines in Michuacan belong to the people, and not the few corrupted who are milking them dry for their greed!

  3. What does he mean by form an alliance with '' Other Kinds of Groups '' ?

  4. Hmm.. Interesting point of view, diario de Coahuila... Future FARC or sendero luminoso in the hands of those who started this righteous AD movement? Who knows, time will tell. People get tired of being oppressed and having their image distorted by government.

  5. Like drug trafficking, once it plants roots, along with freedom of speach and freedom of religion, or any of the things most democracies have. I dont see how disarmament can truly happen, I mean maybe on paper but, how could it if you got ahold of a weapon, wouldnt you just go hide the fucker, and break it out when you need need it again,

    1. There forcing the auc to become criminals.there scared of them.they cartels only kill the poor people.the auc threatens the crooked government can't allow that.

  6. In addition to citing Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution, granting citizens the right to possess arms to protect themselves, Dr. Mireles has also added:

    “Después vienen las leyes, la Ley de Armas de Fuego y Explosivos del Ejército, acuérdense que el Ejército apenas cumplió 100 años, pero nuestra Constitución cumple 200 años, y ya en las leyes del Ejército pues resulta que todas las armas buenas sólo las puede utilizar el Ejército, o sea que al pueblo nada más le queda para defenderse las resorteras, las guadañas y los machetes, algo injusto, que también es parte del porqué nos levantamos en armas”, remató.

    "Only after came the laws, the Law of Firemans and Explosives for the Army. Remember, the Mexican Army just celebrated its 100th anniversary, but our Constitution is over 200 years old. And so this Army Laws leaves all the good weapons for exclusive use of the Army, so in order to defend ourselves, the people are left with only slingshots, scythes and machetes. This is unjust and it's one of the reasons we rose up in arms."

  7. This guy is a problem for Pena Nieto, he will be dead soon. Cartels r ok, revolution no way, wey

    1. Mexico will have revolution no doubt if Mirales is assasinated!!! People are not that stupid! It would just draw more attention and create a rallying cry! Just look at history! Remember the Alamo? Davy Crockett anybody? And countless others in history!

  8. Viva La Revolution, Viva Mexico

  9. Start the revolution!!!! Viva la resistance!!!

  10. Oops. *Firearms. (Hadn't had my coffee yet ; )

  11. why doesnt the mexican gov create an agency with teeth, similar to the FBI, to investigate corrupt politicians....oh wait, nevermind.....

  12. no guns in Germany remenber

  13. I was lucky I got of Mx alive

  14. The ill fate of mexico again is decided by a corrupt government which alies themselves with the organized crime, in return receives payoffs to keep their mouths shut and look the other way direction as these cartels once again position themselves to gain control over regions. Hope was started with these brave town people and now the same government that fought beside them is ready to stab them in the back!!!!! I see the United Nations, nor U.S.A will help. Dr Mirles, and the people of mexico the last resort is to bear arms against the o.c and the government that sold you out to them.. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE THEM HELL, if these people disarm that will be their demise.

  15. If you head to the forums about the situation in Mexico and peruse through the endless comments you'll find out that Mexico is a "polvorin" a powder keg. 98% of the people on all newspaper, forums, blogs, etc that are from Mexico are calling for civil war. The reality is so bad that President Peña Nieto has called for a new law to censor the internet and limiting all information. The new taxation law is killing the economy and the continuous raise in gasoline is hurting from poor to rich all over. The scandals of sex slavery on the PRI, the children organ trafficking and prostitution trafficking of women and children, the kidnappings, violence all over the country has riled the people to unify in one voice. MEXICANS HATE the government, the political parties all of them and the police forces. Whatever respect they had for the armed forces is eroding to a point that many will see as a collapse of the power in Mexico. Who knows whats in store for the country but I can tell you is not good.

    1. It's sad that its coming to that, but the corruption is just to rampant. The Mexican Government has been an open joke for corruption for a long time but now with the Zeta cartel model established all over in different parts of the country and the government elected leaders being such corrupt buffoons, they are setting themselves up for a revolution. I believe you no doubt that the Government will do all it can to censor the media and use its puppet TELEVISA to be the bearer of all news. Like it has been said on previous posts the governments efforts to hide its corrution will backfire on it and Televisa. The people of Mexico are waking up and won't play dumb anymore. Unfortunately the poor will suffer even more, but hopefully the outcome will be better for Mexico!

  16. "Contrary to Castillo's opinion that there is no longer any reason for the autodefensas to exist"
    How many people have been arrested who belong to the CT and the myriad different criminal groups?Where are all the members and facilitators,police,sicarios,drug runners,extortioners,kidnapers,local government officials,business owners,need we go on?They are all still out there and they are pissed off at the AD and especially Dr Mireles.I imagine Dr Mireles will always be a target of anyone of these dogs.For this idiot to say there is no need for the AD anymore is tantamount to saying all the crime of Michoacan and the deeply entrenched crime groups have left is patently ridiculous.The government of Mexico is trying to shut the AD down before all the Mexican people see that they to can do the same thing.The Mexican government will do ANYTHING it takes to stop the growth of ADs in Mexico.

    1. Yup I agree!!! The AD are just doing what the Feds never did!!! What did the AD do wrong? Get rid of a cartel modeled on the Zetas? So now that thw Feds used the AD as pawns the want to discredit them! They are playing a dangerous game and fate will bite them in thw ass! The corruption is just too entrenched!!!!

  17. Work in earnest and finish the job, ie kill as many ct as you can,and then, cache your arms so that when the feds come you can show them "compliance".

  18. Do not comply with the corrupt forces of Peña Nieto.

  19. The corrupt government officials will expose themselves with their actions! Televisa will be on the wrong side of history! I truly hope all out war doesn't break out, but the greed of the people in power is just too much to overcome! Just look at history, it only took a small organized group to garner the support of the masses to begin a civil war and knock out their oppressive governments!!!! The more oppressive the Regime the more hardened the peolle will get!!!


  21. The world needs to know this story now

  22. They need to declare a full on war on the government. That is the solution for a cause with a solution.

  23. If they give up their guns, they will all die.

  24. This is life people good people go to jail for fightting for their rights. Bad people get away with murder all the time

  25. When people are backed in the corner and don't have anymore to lose is a dangerous situation!

  26. BB can you run the story of the PRI and the deal that Televisa just got last week that willake their monopoly of Mexican Media even stronger?

    1. Televisa le anda sacando jugo a las nachas de la pinche gaviota

  27. The corruption is so entrenched and matter of fact in high government that it would be very nearly impossible to combat?Imagine if,right now there is a Mexican politician who wants to do the right thing,who wants to help spread wealth and make jobs and infrastructure etc,how would he possibly get that done?

  28. By publicly outing the corruption! Then get asylum in a foreign nation for him and his family, or getting enough political allies and separate. The most posible would be to to give up information to the media as an anonymous person!

  29. Maybe not, there are guns In. Germany you just have to have your shit within bounds, but, I. Switzerland, it is the duty of everyone of age to spend some time in their military and it is their duty to keep and keep in good repair their military rifle and sidearm, just in case...

  30. in the School of the Americas' franchise in guatemala, in the compound, have been found mass graves of people, men women and children, with bone fractures that had healed and got fractured again, proving that the tortures went on for a long time.
    the little school of the americas in guatemala keeps operating training the future assassins of the american people, native indians and humble farmers being their specialty, because of their being potential communist guerrillas, due to the fact that nobody can live miserable lives like theirs without having some evil motives, like toppling the US supported government of the guatemala.
    see: the new york times eXaminer, el muerto: la pequeña escuela de las americas de guatemala, jueves 29 de noviembre de 2012/Dawn Paley.
    a little friendship would have gone a long way, the military interventionism, for the purposeful supporting and keeping all the known sons of bitches in
    power in the latin americas just because they are the US's sons of bitches, does no good to the United States of America as a whole.
    such support only benefits US oligarchs and US drug traffickers that use the US government, its armed forces and intelligence services to enrich themselves and perpetuate their asses in power while dragging the US in the mud and to the cleaners with all the laundered money they make for their foreign masters, "who only exist in our imaginations"...
    the false wars started in the latin americas in the 60s have arrived to the border between mexico and the US, and no imported steel fence will contain the spillage into the US, just as it can't contain the sales of precursors to process the cocaine that gets trafficked into the US on US government planes, by the thousands of tons.
    --drugs, weapons and oil, the best and more profitable businesses in the world, no reason to let some tunneling grameros have any of it.
    --have some weapons, bring me the drugs and the oil, pay for the weapons and go and save your ass if you can.
    --who cares about some ranchero pissants from michoacan?
    Not the US government, that's for sure...

  31. Who knows , hell, every site that has anything to do with politics, anyone that posts always calls for revolution... but you gentleminz and wimminz down there in mexico way actually have shit to revolt for, too bad that the people are soo poor, anytime you can implement change, you can only go so far before the needs of the people start to take away from the momentum of the revolt...

  32. Fuck Jack Hawkins.

  33. 11:34 what have you done jayhawk?
    i see your name for the first time in weeks and your fans do this to you?
    ok, jay, time to publish your mea culpa and your manifesto, we'll be waiting.

  34. Jayhawk, black jack, jackass, whatever the hell he calls himself these days needs to stay away. I get upset enough having to live through this, I don't need some asshole thinking he knows it all and knows nothing. and he goes on and on and on. I was celebrating to see he is banned. I hope it is permanent.


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