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Monday, April 28, 2014

5 killed, 3 injured in CAM Autodefensas Clash with "Pseudo ADs"

Chivís Martínez for Borderland Beat
Chivis Note: I have edited my original post, I have heard from Dr Mireles who says they are in position and he looks forward to taking Lazaro Cardenas it has not yet happened.  He says, 18 Templarios were arrested, 4 killed, 3 wounded at the scene, and 5 fled.  He happened to be in the vicinity by chance he had a meeting until 4PM when the call went out from his "compañeros" for help. The autodefensas union, through Dr Mireles wants it known that this advance was not authorized.  Each advance into cites are planned for and voted on before being carefully executed, this advance was not.  The ADs advanced independently on the initiative of the Caleta autodefensas. Unfortunately, because of what transpired, the advance planned for today will be postponed.

Post below..
CAM Autodefensas  led by Dr Mirles (CAM is their acronym ) continues their surge of taking control of cities and communities before the May 10th imposed disarmament date set by the state government. 

Playa Azul and La Mira are two additional cities now controlled by CAM, AD’s.

However one group of CAM of Caleta de Campos, encountered a group at a blockade that were  “False Autodefensas” who call themselves “Occupation La Mira”.  As CAM  form approached the blockade the La Mira group began shooting initiating a 20 minute clash that resulted in at least 5 dead, 4 at the scene and one in route to the hospital, 2 seriously injured, and 10 arrested.

Grillonautus is reporting that the La Mira group were Templarios.
CAM held the 10 for federal forces who arrived and took control of the situation.  

The shootout began at 5PM in the town of Chuquiapan, in Lázaro Cárdenas.  As the CAM autodefensas advance, the entire port area is heavily flooded with CAM autodefensas, and federal forces, including the Marina, who are accompanying CAM as they work to take control of cities.  No state agencies are involved.

While the Michoacán commissioner Alfredo Castillo has released a schedule of  the initial  process of disarmament or registration, beginning on Tomorrow April 28th, for its part the EPN administration spokesman Osario Chong insists they have no plans to disarm and have not issued an ultimatum.  He further states, in speaking of working with autodefensas, “we have accomplished more than we could have anticipated, it has been surprising”.  

One can't help be wary of anything Chong says in the affirmative with respect to CAM.  He has  spoken out of both sides his mouth in the past, but it was encouraging to CAM.

There is a perception of a hidden message in Chong's  press release.  He said the government is all about adhering to agreements and if there is something unforeseen to consider then it will be addressed.  Those words seem without boundary or limit.
 Michoacán police force "90% in collusion with Templarios"

This week Rep. Sergio Chavez , who was present at the meetings with both federal and  Michoacán state officials said that Monte Alejandro Rubido ,national security commissioner  said "more than 90% of state and local police elements of Michoacán were in collusion with the criminal group of the 'Caballeros Templarios’.  

However, it is logical to think that if the percentage is 90% it must be 100%, as an honest officer would not be allowed to work in an environment so permeated and controlled by Templarios.  In the last year of the Calderon administration, Rubido’s counterpart issued a statement that every city along Mexico’s north border , is in collusion with cartels.  100% of all cities.  Michoacán is no different.

After this event, supporters of CAM established a command post in Chuquiapan and later a large group drove to this city and took control of it, as well as Playa Azul, which already has commenced several patrols on different streets and avenues.

Elements of the Navy, the Army and the Federal Police escorted members of CAM, the latter who indicated that their progress will continue for the 113 municipalities of Michoacán and stated that in the coming hours will meet with “Lazarenses” to and establish the Local Self Governing.

Sources:Grillonautas,  Provincia, Universal, Facebook, Eschema,Cambio


  1. Autodefensas are worthless. Why do you consistently show them?

    1. Your opinion is stupid. How can you say the A.D. are worthless. You probably just like looking at images and not reading the stories. The A.D. are doing more for protecting themselves and their community against the cartels than any agency or group in mexico.

    2. Shut up stupid how can you.say that ad are worthless unless you are a ct or ct cocksucker . Ad are the best that could happened to michoacan or any other state in mexico , as a michoacano i knew my people will take soon or later actions on their own matter . I am proud of being mexican but i am more proud of being a michoacano.

  2. So, who do you believe? Castillo, who says the ADs have until May 10 to disarm? Or Osorio Chong, who says there is no deadline and no plans to disarm? I just can't help thinking that the ADs are being set up by the govt.

    1. Castillo is a snake! Thats for sure!!! It seams that Chong is just a puppet for a higher authority!

  3. I dont know if the second picture (from the top) belongs to this article, but behind the goons jumping out of the SUV (these are clearly not AutoDefensas) the heads of a few soldiers can be seen.

    Antoher case of the Federales being in cahoots with the mafia, or a simple mix-up?

    1. You're stupid as fuck don't you read these articles??? are you not aware that the A.D. groups roll with federal forces?? or are you just like those other dumb shits that just look at the pictures like an idiot???

  4. Hi Chivis,
    I'm not sure what exactly the May 10th disarmament agreement entails, and what the autodefensas are planning to do when that time comes. I know you've addressed this, so could you point me to where I can read about it?


  5. I hope the AD's are not being set up. Without the AD's Mexico has no future of remaining a free nation.

  6. I have an idea. Mabey the United States can anex Mexico into America. They can use the exscuse that they are only doing it to provide protection for American speaking Mexicans.
    Hat Tip Vlad the invader.

    1. Fuck that, I ain't taking care of unresponsible parent kids that has too many to support that is the basis of all this crime and poverty in Mexico. Same thing has happened in Detroit and wherever there is black people.

    2. Mexico w ill eventually overcome it's blatant corruption and be a better place, unfortunately its going to take a thorough cleaning and the super wealthy may not like it!

    3. Donald Sterling is that you?

  7. The self-defense movement of Michoacan revolution is accomplishing the task of retaking of their state from organized crime. This can't feel good for the corrupt state politicians/govt. officials who are losing the cash cow that the CTs were to them with the bribes they received from their criminal enterprises. Dr. Mireles is looking more like the new Zapata/Villa leading Michoacan out of the grip of the evil CT scourge. He even has the federal forces under his command. This can't be good for PRI and EPN either. Dr. Mireles is rescuing Michoacan from the vultures who want to exploit Michoacan and it's people for their economic benefit.

    1. This is the best statement I have heard all year! I truly hope this is true!

  8. Those dead don't look like ct... they don't even have heavy artillery.

    1. How are they supposed to look? Are they missing the gold chains, tejanas, cuernos de chivo, botas de charro, and hummer trucks? Get real bro. -El Nemesis

  9. Can you imagine the defense groups giving up their weapons. There would be mass slaughter. They would come for the leaders and their families first. The Narco's would just have the mun The people of Michoacan need to have a law passed where people are allowed to have guns permanently for protection. If not another group could come in, and will, to take the plazas in these areas. The local police could just stake out people as they walk around unimpeded gathering information, and even killing people when they see an opportunity using non issue weapons.

  10. Chong is also announcing the start of disarmament now....if 90% of the police force is corrupt and going to be fired, that means a lot of dudes with training in the use of firearms are going to be pissed at the government and the AD's for bringing this on them. They also won't have a means to live and feed their families, making them likely candidates to join kidnapping and sicario rings. It reminds me of the de-batthification of Iraq after Saddam's fall when all the government employees joined the insurgency. firing the police in the short term, will add fuel to the fire

    1. What the difference? They already are doing it but with government uniforms. This is not Iraq!!! Tjere are no tribal loyaties and religious factions. The common people of Mexico are all the same, they want a government free of corruption and to have no fear of living freely!!!!

  11. sooooo. they gave an ultimatum for AD to disarm eh? What makes them think they t have that kind of power? And if they do have that kind of power to order people to disarm, why didn't they ever issue an order for the templarios to disarm?

    1. This ultimatum is a trick! If it is carried out without any concessions, it will truly backfire horribly wrong for the government!!! If the AD are strong and united they will get some concessions, but be wary because this is a game of chess and the government eventually is going to want total control!

  12. Good report BB. I saw where all the other Mexican media and facebook said the were gunmen posing as autodefenzas, but a couple hours later they reported the obvious they were caballeros Templarios.


  14. Note: the majority of the dead are very young, the practice of CT is too put the young on the front lines as first defense shields, but recently, since they have begun the cockroach effect, it is rumored that they have implemented the practice of arming forcing innocents to guard borders.

    I am not sure I buy that, as if the CT flee and they are armed they can easily call for help. But that is a rumor that I wanted to throw out.

    1. Do you know if the ct gunmen guns were taken away before these pictures were taken? They only have a small hand gun pictured.

    2. Unfortunately, when somebody is shooting rounds of Ak-47's at you there is no time to ask how old they are. No time to ask for ID. If somebody picks up a gun and points it at you, and you have a firearm, it's kill or be killed. It's either you or him. The young soldier is the desired recruit of all armed groups in the world. Their easier to mold or manipulate into the desired fighter. Their is also the common practice of forced conscription of youth into armed groups the world over.

    3. The government should have looked the other way and let the AD exterminate these criminal CT'S

    4. Is it true that CT's are still threatning people if they speak bad about them, I've heard rumors from people I know to be wary of people from that part of Michuacan?

  15. It looks like the little kid in the orange got executed extra-judicially [with him lying on his knees and a spray of blood in front but no head near it and it doesn't look like he is bleeding anywhere on his body] . . . anyway nice clean hat they put on his head to cover the bullet wound. i don't know how you can trust these AD's Chivis that ride around with the Federales. Do you remember that these are the same Federales that rode around with Sinaloa in Tijuana and Juarez and wreaked havoc on the populations there? Are you so sure that they are not doing the same out here in Michoacan like they did starting in 2006 when Calderon sent them here to wage war on the Valencias aka CJNG and La Familia aka Templarios.

  16. I've always wondered if u are put in the situation where the ct scum make u fight for them and u are an innocent, might as well blast the asshats that gave u the weapons right then n there ur gonna die anyways hypothetically.

    1. Thats exactly what needs to start happening!

    2. But maybe these were troubled youths to start with, its to bad they ended up with these CT scum! This should at least serve as an example not to join cartels!!!!!!

  17. A few months past the PRI was crowing that Lazaro Cardenas was purged of CT.
    Lie number 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. from the PRI.
    Obviously, the AD who have lived through this real life horror movie for years have no intention of disarming.

  18. note to troll: why not move on? Mich is the hottest region in Mx. currently, involving all l levels of state, municipal and federal agencies as well as cartels and citizens self defense groups. I write about all subjects that interest me, and at this moment I will devote more time seeing history being made. and we at BB are fortunate to have information provided to us at the top level to make sense of a complicated situation.

    I wish people like you would not read my posts. I don't write for you.

    1. You tell him Chivis!

    2. Thank you for the excellent coverage on Mich. Your much appreciated. . Nvrmnd the trolls

    3. Thank you very much chivis for keeping us informed of whats happening in mexico and in this case michoacan where i am from and well for all the people that are not from michoacan you guys should be very proud and intersted kn whats happening there because that is in my opinion the best way to stop these cartels from abussing people good or most of them good people standding up against bad people with the help of deferal government.

    4. Thanks Chivis! Your coverage is top notch!!!!

    5. If it were not for your coverage, we'd probably be getting Televisa lies and the AD movement shut down!

  19. cam is pissed at the coordinator who unilaterally called for this advance. he has been removed as leader. it was not approved. no one can be allowed to act independently if they are in the federation that will disrupt all order.

  20. Those dead were unarmed those ads from caleta are some cowerds,thats not rite,Chivis i understand what these guys are doing but to shoot at people whith no weapons something realy big has to hapen aki en la mira todos sabemos k los d la barricada no tenian armas y los mataron a sangre fria y no eran caballeros era gente k no keria k los autodefensas entraran a nuestras tierras pero los defensas ahora si la cagaron aki no los keremos nadie los llamo es injusto k el gobierno deje a esta gente aser lo k ellos kieran necesitamos ayuda urgente esto ya es demasiado,DR Mireles contodo respeto nesecitamos k nos d una explicacion d lo k ustedse kieren en nuestras tierras...el pueblo c lo merece

    1. Do you really think that they took the time to build a sandbag blockade/barrier and then just stood there with no guns? If I put up a blockade, you better believe I'ma be ready- El Nemesis.

  21. It looks like they stood over the guy w the red shorts and just filled his head with lead.

  22. Trust me, I have issues with what happened, and so does the federation. They are VERY unhappy over this, they can not be allowed to go with a separate agenda and conducting unauthorized advances.

    I think what happened is they advanced and encountered the ct group blockade who began firing, they are posted at these blockades to repel AD.

    But the AD group had no business being there. That said to me of all the fotos I have seen it appears the CT were taken care of quickly, it is estimated 20-25 mins. The ct group was 30 members. But I think clearly two things may/most likely happened, they executed at least one, who was on his knees, blood in front. and I think the pistol in the others hand looks planted.

    I may be wrong, but that is what I think. On one level I feel like saying "fuck it, fuck them", look at what CT does even raping 8 yer old girls and killing them, and no doubt something bad happened to all those men who advanced to the blockade, BUT if we want law and order it must be respected and everyone.

    I could tell Dr M was very unhappy about this. Rogue actions like this can't be tolerated.

  23. why don't you post my comments

  24. Who's supplying all the druggies in AD territory? Someone is making drug $$$$. Who? AD knows.
    Who's gonna make the $$$ from the smuggling of contraband and drugs from the port? Don't tell me that's going away.
    I guess the end game is: Crime is okay just don't touch the people or business who don't want to involved. However AD must be concerned that it will revert back to the CT or Zeta crime paradigm.
    After all this Mexico

  25. 3:07
    it is illogical to think that 30 men would create a sandbag blockade and not have weapons.
    CT without weapons? now that IS ridiculous

  26. at 3:07 PM
    "Those dead were unarmed those ads from caleta are some cowerds"
    Dude,they were standing at a heavily sandbagged defense point,no doubt they took time to do that,and no doubt they had weapons..Take all that time making the defense point and have no weapons,hell no.CT have no problem throwin impressionable young bucks into skirmishes with AKs/ARs,,it really is a pity we don't get to see people like El Pantera the stinky child rapist killed about 10 times,,when its young kids its kinda sad...But,its a sad situation?

    1. Yes, weapons are a valuable commodity in a war zone and would be snatched up quickly. The weapons could be utilized by their own comrades, the police, the AD's, resellers, and even metal recyclers if all the others don't get there first. Real combat casualties don't always die by bleeding out in to the street. There can be damage to vital organs, or internal bleeding. There is also a double tap that can mask the real cause of death. For example: the guy with his brain splattered, could have died from a collapsed lung before the headshot. No one can be too sure of what a picture shows in relation the the cause of death. I speculate a little about the scene being staged but can't be too headstrong about it. LOL.

  27. They had been there for more than 2 months bloking off ADs from caleta and i pass thru ther all the time,about a month ago ADs from caleta went and shoot at them but the army was near and heard the shooting and chased ADs back to caleta,Those people got killed or executed...if. they were armed and shoot at the ADs were are the spent bullet casings???? From the fake ADs??? And the ADs from caleta walked thru the mountain to kill those unarmed kids the youngest was14 and no they had nothing,those ADs from caleta crossed the line betwen good and evil and Michoacan does not need more of that i will put up news paper from the last attack ADs did on those people its just that now they just kill like nothing and keep going no difrent from a cartel

  28. @12:21hola, estupido.
    China, with about three billion people, the us 300 million, mexico over 100 million, most of them are poor ignorant and exploited people, the great majority of them are NOT black, the great majority of them love their children, so who the fuck are you to be assigning guilt for the living conditions of anyone?
    --the military budgets of the US and the corporate welfare contracts private government contractors extort from the federal US government, consume more than 50% of the yearly budgets of the US, welfare for the poor, may take 10% including welfare fraud and housing assistance. so what is your motherfucking problem blaming the poor, the black , the mexican, the hillbillies, garbage pickers, street people, etc etc etc? last time i checked, not one of them has been accused of losing a couple billions of dollars like some rich banks, or of laundering drug trafficking money by the trillions of dollars or of defrauding medicare or medicaid, with imported russian mafiosos, or health care organizations like florida governor scott, or mitt romneys, or prescribing expensive medicines that do not work, even when they were approved for sale in the US by tommy thompson, Elli Lilly, george w, and hw bush, for black judges and their lobbyist wifes.
    in our exploited mexico, the poor did not pay the mexican government to rob the country blind, or to corrupt themselves for the benefit of the US.
    the US under guise of friendship, has exploited mexico and the mexicans for over two hundred years through corrupting and arming the mexican government and their military to keep down the rabble, you may have better luck talkng to their knowledgeable ears instead of blaming the poor behind their backs.
    and goodbye, estupido@12:21

  29. The dead were unarmed AD that didnt let the AD from mireles group enter to lazaro cardenas and they started firing at the harmless young unarmed

  30. 1:33 to popo on you, apparently, and apparently you are not welcome anywhere else, i don't understand how one guy can be such a cocksucker, does it take practice? or were you born like that?

  31. 6:06 maybe your comments are not posted because they suck or because you forgot to enter them, it happened to me, i was about to send immigration to send chivis back to guatemala, because i forgot to post my rants...

  32. some towns who've managed to expel the CT like Cheran are doing just fine without the CAM and prefer to keep it that way. and the guys doing work as Cheran self defense groups don't go around with big egos

    1. I saw the video of the AD of Cheran a couple of mo.s ago that BB posted. Man, those guys are a well-oiled machine! Nobody is goin to duck with those guys! Not CT, CJNG, Marinos, Guachos, Federals, Americano! Nobody! They wear uniforms and perform marching drills. If Cheran AD were the model for all Mexico, there would be no cartels.

  33. @ 10:35 p.m.

    Just curious. You can post whatever you want. You're not being offensive or anything. But ... why do you keep writing Michoacán as "Michuacan"?? I can understand not adding the accent over the second "a," ... but that "u" ??

    I assume it's you, the same guy who's been writing it as "Michuacan" for months now.

    What gives?

  34. @9:27
    You said you would send links, Still waiting for your newspaper links to prove your point. Please send, because I can find not one source to back it up, I need proof, to present to sources and get a response.

  35. 11:56

    I am an American living in Mexico. I came to Mexico with not a lot of money. It was easy to find many ways to make money here. I am talking a lot. I realize the Americans have money to spend. So I found what Americans want, I found a source for the product to sell, and I am living very well. I am taking advantage of America and their money. I do not look at it as America taking advantage of Mexico. My wife is Mexican and comes from a very poor family. Her father kept her and all the children out of school because he felt the woman belonged in the house, and the men were meant for labor. It is not the fault of the government, but it is also part of the culture here. Just like the Black kids in the ghettos of the USA, the parents do not push school on them or try to prepare them to succeed. This obviously is not true for many here, that have kept there kids in school and nurtured them for success. Many people here that just get a good high school education, can read and write properly, have drive and a desire to get somewhere do well. It is amazing how many people here cannot spell correctly. A basic fundamental that is needed for success anywhere. The government does not hold them back. But it is easier to blame it on the government, and not the parents. If you have a will there is a way. It is easier to blame someone else for your failure. Maybe human nature?

  36. came for the stories. stayed for the comments.

  37. Rio Nexpa on my mind after reading about Caleta de Campos, a beautiful area of Mexico.

  38. It's sad to see these young kids dead! Mexico is a beautiful country! There has to be a way to lead these kids a better route!

  39. It's time we collectively pray for a better future in Mexico!

  40. 11:32 and what do the americans want? young boys and girls? grifa? cacaine? you may know your market and your supply, knowing mexican corruption from criminals' to government's is another thing.
    @ chivaaa! fuck it? not yet, i know the burnout feeling, and how empty it makes you feel, but that is when you really start doing something worthwhile, just think, the real AD do not go around picking gunfights, if the dead on this case had weapons or not, we can't know, until castillo and co torture some confessions out of somebody, but if this can be blamed on Dr Mireles, he will go to make company to hipolito and enrique, even if he didn't have anying to do with killing these people.
    @myopia, the US is still the main corruptor of the mexican politicians, army, police, businessmen etc in mexico, that on top of being the main drug traffickers and money launderers in the world, even if they do it for somebody else behind the american people backs, and those rogue elements of the US government have been doing it since forever all over latinamerica and the world, heroine from vietnam/laos/cambodia, on american planes (air america), from bolivia, guatemala, peru, costa rica, el salvador, honduras, mexico, colombia, etc etc etc, through the caribbean islands, including CUBA! with, again, air america (and richard secord's airplanes, he of the deals with iran, many many secret deals) and now transportimoving heroine from afghanistam to the US again, there goes the theory of the hyperthethical mexican badness, all the circumsticized evidence points to the US lackeys of somebody very rich who use the US institutions to fuck up everybody they can all over the world, even the US.
    even hillary was wondering if we were working with al-qaeda to carry on the arab spring, (libya is missing about 40 billion dollars, the banks won't release their customer's money, and with gaddafi's death the customer ain't saying anything) and now we are working with the nazis to carry on in ukrainia, i wonder when the texas separatista movement will start, at the moment they are busy stealing business from all over the US, we'll see later.
    mexico ain't nothing in the world sea of corruption, maybe a templario's huaraches' the US is the face of corruption all over the world...
    --welcome for the comments...
    chivis are you from guatemala?

  41. the federales were not there with the AD, that killed el pollo rostizado, but the federales were there to arrest the AD accused of roasting el pollo's roasted ass, and clearly the federales believed the chosen AD side's lies, or truths, with consequences...

  42. Smurf is insinuating that Caleta is one of those rogue AD groups with intentions of becoming a organized crime group. Something about this group was stinky from the beginning. they don;t take orders, seem to work independently.


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