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Friday, March 28, 2014

Ten Alleged Zetas Shot Down in Veracruz

By: Noé Zavaleta
Xalapa, Veracruz- Ten alleged members of Los Zetas were killed this afternoon by members of the State Police and the Army, after repelling an armed attack, after trying to search a particular house in the village of El Sabinal, in the municipality of Perote.

The spokesperson for Javier Duarte, Alberto Silva Ramos, presumed on his Twitter account that with this operation, the state government, with the support of federal forces, took down one of the “most dangerous” organized crime cell.

In a statement, the government of Duarte said that after an operation carried out to look for kidnapping groups, a safe house was found in the municipality.

In Perote, located 64.6 kilometers from the state capital, complaints from citizens of missing persons (mostly young women), homicides by firearms, and finding clandestine graves in mountainous areas are common.

Duarte’s government reported that as a result of the confrontation, nine men and a woman was killed; a policeman was also injured, however it was only a grazed bullet wound.

At the safe house, federal security forces secured: 10 rifles, tactical equipment, cartridges, ammunition, shirts with “false insignias” of the Federal Police, and hats with fake shields usually worn by the Federal Ministerial Police.

“Preliminary information suggests that it was one of the most dangerous organized crime cells in the central area of the state, presumably belonging to Los Zetas, dedicated to kidnapping,” said the PGJE.
(photo on next page)

Source: Proceso


  1. Replies
    1. 10:27. Could not have saidit better! 10 down....another million to go.

    2. Yes, one day they will meet their fate.

  2. NOW THIS IS A GREAT STORY.I recently signed a FB page for a missing young girl who's family is absolutely distraught,she was taken in CIUDAD VICTORIA.If anyone sees how many young girls go missing it is truly horrifying and no-one does a thing about it?I have no doubt that these rats were taking young women and girls.KILL THEM WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE AND NO MERCY.Thankfully there are some men left who do the right thing and don't worry about rats lives and justice.Vermin like this needs to be obliterated so they will never take a young girl again.Have a look at the untold tales of heartbreak families go through looking for their child.No wonder they just kill them without compunction.

  3. ValorxTruth... good post brah.Great to see kidnappers dead,just being real.

  4. Looks like a ambush to me. Hey you guys are making too much noise around here. Surprise!!!! Time to die

  5. Looks like they were having a good time before the grenade entered the room and killed them. Beer on floor , coke in pockets. This guy's never saw it coming. Good riddance!

    1. I heard the army said "Su modelo senores" when it began.

    2. I would have said the same ajaja

    3. Yup! This ones for all if the young girl's they kidnapped and raped!

  6. is it just me or does it look like they were slaughtered. like someone walked in lined them up and shot them, and then placed the rifels near them. as if to make it seem like they put up a fight. dont you think they would have run to a different room as soon as the first one got popped? dont think they would have held up the place from one room. plus the room looks too neat not like they were fighting for their lifes. just saying, looks like dudes got set up.

    1. Are you serious? Whens the last time you were in a bloodbath? Setup? Their crimes speak for themselves! Its about time the government started taking out the bad guys!

    2. Honestly if they really are who the govt says they are they could have been publicly executed and nobody would shed a tear. I hate to sound so cold but some people just need to die.

    3. I don't see any shell casings on the floor around them but who knows. Maybe they wouldn't surrender so they busted n and fucked em up. Haha that's what they deserve

    4. Grenades. U can see shrapnel injuries on the dude without a shirt. Somebody threw a couple in there. Kabboom

    5. Kabooooom!!! Sianara motherfuckers!!!!

    6. Its ok man. Don't worry about it,they deserve that and then some more. Bola de cucarachazz

  7. A good zeta is a dead zeta! Theyve joined their daddy lucifer in hell now! No ice water there!

  8. I'm not one to root for these Zeta scum, however, it doesn't appear like they were taken down in a shootout - it looks like they were executed. The rifles have a feel like they were planted next to them in the picture to make it appear like a shootout. When it comes to Mx., the military/state police are the cartels are cut from the same cloth and are susceptible to commiting crimes/human rights violations. Somebody might have been trying to shut these guys up.

    1. What's your point? Zetas are dead, better than capturing these dudes alive so they can escape and keep killing

    2. Not only that but they have been known to be let out at night when in jail to continue their criminal activities and co back in the morning!

  9. Picture shows at least one shell casing. They resisted arrest. Killing justified! Actually, we can't be sure what happened but, if they were kidnappers then; all's well that ends well. We need more police action in Mexico to keep citizens safe from these.ratas. Forget the "Plata 'o Plomo". How about "Plomo te va traer mas Plomo". Plata means nothing compared to ensuring human rights and fighting injustice.

  10. This is a set up !! Well if you look closely the tortilla was starting to burn in that comal so the corrupted officials of the law had no choice but the element of surprise thus the tortilla had to be
    flipped in order to start fresh again

  11. I always knew modelo beer will kill you :)

  12. Good post.. I do appreciate AD but chicks got me feed up with ever Danm article bout them.. there's a lot more going on.. my respects to AD but there's more going on. Tijuana is starting to heat up. A lot of cds getting killed.. el 300 got killed them sine of his people... Idk if this is true but there's also a supposed video of z40 wife being killed. The 300 thing is true but donno bout the video

    1. There may be more going on criminal versus criminal , and throw in se corupt officials once in a while! The AD seem to be the only honest people up against both the criminals and corrupt government! Not to mentuin the infiltrators within AD!

  13. at least they won't be getting out of jail on a technicality. Mexico has some dismal conviction rates.

    1. Good one! Justice has been served Texas style!

  14. Haz patria mata un zzzz

  15. So focking glad these loosers got killed.

  16. i hate how this website has turned into the mexican justice system. you guys take the official story n run with it. no evidence needed. it looks like they just stormed in and shot everyone unawares and placed the guns and coke and booze afterwards. how do you know they weren't innocent people? just because the police (who are proven liars) said so?

    1. And how do you know the police were liars? The army was also involved. Everyone is entitled to their opinion including you but the fact of the matter is that borderland beat is a great forum for information. If you don't like people's opinions I suggest you move on to CNN OR FOX NEWS!

    2. I hate to say this but there is a very sll chance you could be right, police have been know to work for rival cartels. In this particular case I hope this is justice being served plain and simple!

  17. The Mexican government needs to do this operation one town at a time and just kill all fucking criminals. No questions asked! It no5 like the residents want criminals in their backyard!

  18. Surprise! Boom! love it after what they did to my family Kill Kill them all

  19. Zorras dead!!! Yesss!!!

  20. Yeah it's weird that there is a lack of struggle and firefigjt evidence. No bullet holes on the walls. Almost as if they were executed in that sane room. Can't say they were Zetas but I hope the army doesn't do extrajudicial killings of criminals. Even as bad as the Zetas or Golfos are. The arny shouldn't be the judge and punsher/executioner. The law should always have the moral high ground. Mexico isn't North Korea or China. Plus having them alive should give the army or authorities more info on the criminal network and use that info to prosecute them and at the sane time go after the commadantes or plaza bosses. And do a RICO on them and send them for a long time. I have always speculated that criminals fear doing time then death. Because being dead means you don't get to face the consequences.

    1. I agree with you but the only RICO in Mexico is the Ricos Tacos cart at the corner.

    2. Fuck you. Cartels don't follow the rules. These rats need to die period. Mexico is fed up!!

    3. While I agree with you that's clearly not been happening. Z-3 was nicknamed 'the torturer' while he was still in the military. Many high level narcos start out as cops or military. What better school to learn torture and extortion?

    4. Its no use capturing them alive! Just kill them and get rid of the problem! They don't care about the consequences! There's always they problem of them escaping jail again and while in jail them taking up space intimidating othee prisoners, and sharing their criminal knowledge with other prisoners! So just kill them and get rid of the problem forever! The good people need to fell safe in Mexico once again!

  21. These evil fokkers were idiots .

    1. Yeah! These fokkers are pretty stupid drunks!

  22. Duarte is just as corrupt as Los Zetas - cause he's been in bed w/ them for a decade. Unlike in America in Mexico we believe little we read; and I regret that most likely those kids killed were enticed to a house with party supplies and killed as a prop for Duarte and the PRI Cartel.

    1. They don't look like good little school boys to me! Let me see drugs, beer, guns and sausage festival? No girls? Oh yeah thats the kind of party to entice young good momas boys! I call bullshit!!!

  23. This was a massacre by the government. I doubt they even had their rifles in their arms when the government thugs stormed in. Expect a retribution. Y que no anden llorando los del gobierno cuando secuestren y decapiten a uno de ellos o varios. Ojo por ojo!

    1. Pendejo, this was ojo por ojo justice, these rats where already kidnapping and killing, they got what they deserved, hope these guys rot in hell and pay for all their crimes, viva mexico cabrones!!!

    2. Why do these guys even have guns? They don't even look like auto defensas! They don't look like they were up to any good! It guys like you that make things in Mexico what it is now, because now you are wanting and cheerleading for these Zeta fuckheads

  24. I've been in the military.looks like a bomb without warning to me.

  25. Who cares what it looks like?They are a gang of people with shooters in Mexico?They were innocently minding their own business in their own apartment,not bothering anyone,its so sad.We could have asked them what went wrong in their life,were you sexually abused,did you have to eat chicken balls cause you were so poor?What turned you into someone who kidnaps and kills innocent people?Now we will never know,how sad....And if you believe that load of bollocks you also believe they should have been arrested
    Fuck them and the burnt tortilla they were chowin down on

    1. Yup, I agree! I'm not no psychologist but these guys need to be exterminated!

  26. Im sorry, maybe I dont see the same picture as you guys but where is the cocaine, and I dont see a tortilla, lol

  27. CDG now control's Veracruz & Cuidad Victoria due to some Zetas Comandantes switching Cartel's . CDG will be gaining more ground in the coming week's.

    1. Ciudada Victoria jaja mira pendejo no nomas x que el marrano voltio bandera no qiere decir nada che estatal y el ejercito ala orden de la letra x parte del gobernador jajaja che werkio charolero jajaj xontrolan Victoria jajaja siempre dicen lo mismo y ni controlan sus plasas lacrosos jajajaja.golfa d agua sigue llorando pendejo

  28. Nobody dies the day before they are supposed to. A hierro matas, a hierro mueres....

  29. The RICO act is an instrument of US law.... FYI

  30. to the cartels of mexico mess with the best then die like the rest attn: federales

  31. who cares if they were set up.All kidnappers AND cartel scum should killed on site.Maybe a little torture first,like their victims

    1. I agree, they are deserve to die

  32. The only thing better is they would have been executed while sleeping. A dead Zeta is a the only kind there should be

  33. I doubt it wss a grenade. If it was, you would see body parts strewn throughout the room and the bodies would show signs if burns. But-who cares, the important thing is they are

    1. Grenades are not that strong as to blow a body to pieces,.

  34. Who was the girl they killed, was she a hostage or one of the zetas? That sucks if she was a hostage that finished getting abused by these low lifes and just to end up being murdered by the military.

  35. they were eating tortillas ? I think i see one on the floor , why do they always look dirty and stinky

  36. yeah but...10 die...another 100 zetas are made...oh yeah...what happened to all you chapo nut huggers!!!!!!!!!!!!! that coward is scared crap less in almoloya! hahahah

    1. Why is he scared.he got more balls then you.he didnt start his own cartel being scared

    2. Who said chapo started the sinaloa cartel pendejo jaja dumbass pocho from California jajaj

    3. Here we go anothe Zeta scumbaf to rile up everybody! Are you in need of attention? You need to repent and change your ways before you end ul like one of the Dead Zetas! You are the scum of the Earth!

    4. Yes he is, he will rot in hell :-)

  37. They clearly got sniped see the holes in the glass, all of them have a bullet to the head also, look at the pools of blood, definetely not a grenade attack would be a lot more messy

  38. YAY!!! Dead zetas. Wish there had been more of them. Remember the only good zeta is a dead zeta!!!

  39. Hell yeah! Fuckin' puto zeta scum!

  40. Floor shows no signs of grenade damage neither do the victims clothing nor skin. Why are all the guns in the center? Its definetly a setup. I am a US Marine! i've been active in action, i've seen grenades blowing people to pieces and believe me there was no grenade explosion in that room and the victims died by weapon fire probably somewhere else. I am Mike, Mike Pachelski, im coming cabo

  41. March 29, 2014 at 1:48 PM
    " I am a US Marine! i've been active in action I am Mike, Mike Pachelski, im coming cabo "
    Greetings brother,dont slow your mofuckin roll and keep that shit wrapped and be safe ya eard me

    1. Hey, P@RR@ND3RO! Long time no see you! How've you been?

  42. Dam thats crazy the fact they where drinkin before that happend imagine how they musta have felt like who saw who die.any idea by the way there laying?any expert picture analyzers on here ??

  43. Checkout Aliester Crowley in Mexico. The wickedest man in the world. Did he plant the evil seed in Mexico ? No one messes with Aliester Crowley.

  44. The only good Zeta is a dead mutilated Zeta :)

  45. i like your work.

  46. Nice family photo. Keep them coming.

  47. Grenades blow out glass windows. These asshole were shot.

  48. And most I net agree with you! It's gonna be a sad day when the criminals in government starts killing innocents and just calls then kidnappers, rapusts and kidnappers, and murderers! Because if the day hasn't come yet it is coming down to more and more of that! Mexico is so corrupt that the Government has been known to be the extension of the Cartels!

  49. Whats the background on these guys! For all we know it could have been a setup between rivals under the cover of government forces! I'm all about dead Zetas but I don't trust Mexican government. Theres just to many criminal government people in positions of power! The lower level government forces are just pawms in a bigger game of power and money! Greed and money is root of all evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Los Zetas tambien son victimas

    1. Your fnking crazy, victims of what???? Pinche penejo dont know what the fuck his talking about.

  51. you don't put the place under siege or shoot some tear gas or give any chance of survival when the idea is to leave no witnesses alive.
    it is well known that corrupt police and military need to present some "work" once in a while, and with the help of their criminal partners, they will present some work.
    this case stinks to high heavens because of that, the mysterious call, no kidnapp victims are said to have been found, in spite of the accusations, these dead people are talking, people that have seen the effects of grenade explosions, are saying here there seems to have been no grenade explosion there, these guys, associates or not, seem to have been planted for the killers to present some work.
    yarrington, bertie boy moreira, pena nieto, fidel herrera beltran, grainger, femat, deschamps, the salinas de gortaris, mario marin, manuel cavazos lerma, and so many others, would never be dealt with like this.
    the expendable get spent, the invaluable baluarts of corruption are preserved for the common good of their brethren, and supported with the second hand surplus weaponry the white politicians from the US sell to the mexican government at superinflated prices...
    -- regarding texas style justice, railroading people is not justice, really.
    --when the governor of texas can not even contemplate postponing a death sentence, or overturning it because: "a jury of a defendant's peers has been manipulated to convict an innocent person" there s no justice, really
    -- when a president that comes from the state of texas has committed genocide and torture around the world, even in the name of the of
    The United States of America, after selling the country on to fighting a war under false pretenses where so many US and iraqi citizens have died for nothing, texas has no right to claim that justice is there, really...
    --when the US president's comrades have used him to wage a war for 10 or 12 years to enrich themselves and he is from texas, texas should threat at least his comrades to some real texas style justice, that would be JUSTICE, really...

  52. ---los muertos no hablan, matenlos a todos...
    ---the dead don't talk. kill 'em all...
    --many people got killed on vietnam to present "work" according to former US soldiers.
    --american indians got killed for the same reason, for 5 cents a scalp, as long as it looks indian, no problem.
    --buffalo pelts paid more money than a dead indian's scalp.
    --indians scalp their enemies, white man skins his friends.
    the federal police as a whole, and all the top military in mexico are the most corrupt kidnappers for ransom, fabricators of guilty parties and false convictions, since not all of them can get to partake of the drug trafficking, someone has to pay to make it up to them, and it's usually the lower echelon or the people of mexico, anybody that looks like they must have some money somewhere.
    and they will plant and kill people to protect themselves and politicians around, many times after committing the previous crimes themselves, a la Genaro Garcia Luna, the most total criminal now living in the US, and no Federal congressman or senator in the US is asking any questions...?!?!?!?!
    living in florida and doing business close to Felix Ismael Rodriguez...?!?!?!

  53. March 31, 2014 at 10:27 PM
    Died for nothing,writing for nothing,same thing,no one reads it

  54. burn in hell zetas!!!!!!


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