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Monday, March 10, 2014

Power Struggle? Agua Prieta violence surge after Chapo's capture

Borderland Beat


The first signs of a drug cartel power struggle might be appearing on the Mexican border after the arrest of Mexico's most wanted cartel leader.

It's happening in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, right across the border from the Arizona city of Douglas.

It was broad daylight Wednesday in Agua Prieta when hundreds of bullets blew holes through most everything in sight - trucks, windshields, walls, windows and suspected cartel henchmen inside those vehicles.

Afterward, federal police wearing commando gear poured into the streets of Agua Prieta.

It was the latest episode of gunfire in a border town that played an important role in the Mexican Revolution nearly 100 years ago.

Locals residents worry another revolution may be brewing now, the result of the recent arrest of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the head of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel.

It controls the smuggling corridor in and around Agua Prieta.

Juan Carlos Olvera, a local journalist who captured the aftermath of the violence on video, told CBS 5 Investigates that gun battles have pitted two factions of the Sinaloa cartel against each other.

But his images show there was also collateral damage.

Bullets flew into this home while a family was sitting down for a meal, one wounding a 9-year-old girl, who is expected to recover.

Mexican police took four of the people involved in that gun battle into custody.

But they were still asking one question: Is this the first sign of a civil war within the drug cartel - now that its leader is gone?   (video plays satisfactorily in full screen mode)

Note:  Last night some of you readers wrote about POE closures in AP and San Luis.
has that been confirmed?  Thanks!
Source: CBS5AZ also posted by Siskiyou_kid


  1. El Chapo incarcerated. EL M100 in prison R5 dead Macho Prieto dead yet no body to prove it . Gente Nueva vs Macho's?

    1. Asi es. 100% Macho prieto aqui

    2. Al 100 con el R8 y 0-4

    3. Cual pinches Mugrosos de la Macha Prieta todoa Sonora es de Los Beltran con el apoyo de Peña Nieto

    4. Al 1000 con Beltranez y la linea

  2. CarrioBletrZzzzz owning GN scum as usual get rdy for some new plaza owners, it brings tears of joy to my eyes to see that greedy mofo sapo getting his shit pushed after all these deaths at the border in order for his greedy cheap ass. Burn in hell shrimp

    1. Agreed carnal

    2. Beltranes and zetas are the scum of the earth fool how can you be for change of new plaza owners only to terrorize the innocent get rid of beltranes and zetas and some peace will be restored.

    3. Where's MAYO and AZUL to restore order within the Sinaloa Cartel

    4. Arriva el boats blancas.
      An public enemy number one the last letter alv

  3. And the beat goes on in Mexico.
    African countries are better run.
    Write a corridor about that.

  4. not only in agua prieta but rumors are a redada was made last night in naco and people are missing one by the name walterio dont know the names of the others.

  5. Lol this was Goin on before Chapo got arrested , get your info right Has nothing to do with Chapos arrest

  6. Cdg in the House bitche$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ pura gente putitos

  7. who are the ones fighting for la plaza?who has it now that R5 is dead?

  8. Its chuy bravo and el 20 trying to take the plaza from los paderes!

  9. Graben las pinches balaceras queremos ver las peleas en la television inclusive podemos pagar ppv si quieren.

  10. Look out for Loz AVENGers where here

  11. who is el 20 what is his name?

  12. Chapo has nothing to do with this!

  13. Media praying for post Chapo power struggle. Not going to happen truth is the mascot for CDS wasn't as powerful as they led people to believe.

    1. You are right. The top f ogs are rarely mentioned on the media

  14. Chapo snitched on his gente there and now they are revolting!! Revolucion Beltran Leyva!

  15. Damn. I just trip on some of you dummies. This has nothing to do with chapo ' s arrest. It's really stimple. Los Paredes trying to hang on to their turf. This is Sinaloa trying to replace the old with the new. M100, Marco Antonio Paredes Machado lost control of his house. It's really sad because Paredes/Salazar kept the peace. (Don Adan) (Marco Paredes) Now that shit hole , AP, will be just like everywhere else in Mexico. I know these people. There is a huge history here. (Juarez cartel) The Paredes have been aligned with different times with different people over the years. (Beltranes) But I promise you, if M 100 got out, he would regain control. But if this keeps up, it will be so Caliente down there the area will a ghost town. After what happened to Mandy Moreno it is no surprise that this is happening. Remember, 20 and El Goyo used to be the Paredes' security. So if 20 is cleaning house this isn't good. Really bad news.


  16. One thing I wonder. IM also grateful because my entire family stays there. Is why San Luis rio Colorado is always so calm? When 2 hours east is sonoita where there's shootouts all the time and west Mexicali which is the same Shit. Cuervos and aLgodones are also constantly calm. It's great for anyone who is still looking to party down south and still feel safe.
    PS saludos a Los Macias, Gamez, Juarez, Villarreal, DE Los Gonzalez

    1. San Luis, mexicali , they got it on lock believe me nobody is gonna take over if u ain't lookin for trouble u won't find none..I'm from algodones n they got that town on lock ahi no entran ninguna lacra por k devolada lo encuentran its a small town..that's why its so quite n peaceful..Algodas

    2. West Mexicali, es donde esta la periferia, donde llegan a vivir la mayoria de la gente de fuera, especificamente chinolas, de lo mas jodido, en esa parte de Mexicali se maneja mucho narcomenudeo por eso hay robos, asesinatos ajustes entre bandas de pushercillos poquiteros, polleros por eso los shootouts, ya la ley mejor los deja que se maten entre ellos, el resto de la ciudad es relativamente tranquila, Cuervos no es tan tranquilo lo que pasa es que tienen sus targets bien ubicados

  17. Chivis,

    What you are seeing is a battle for control that has been going on for a couple years. It's just finally coming to a head. They are trying to unseat the Paredes. Marcos is gone, doing time. He can't hold on from in there. El 20 killed Mandy Moreno. 20 is cleaning house. It's sad because Marcos Paredes and El Indio Salazar (Don Adan's son) really kept things peaceful. This will continue til the purge is complete. Settle in, this may take a while. These people were very close to me many years ago. It's sad. You don't have to publish this.


    1. Who are the Paredes? Who do they work for?

  18. Whoever posts 20 ' s name will be hunted forever. Keep it to yourself.

  19. R10 R8 y toda la Gente Nueva al 100 con la plaza del Senor Guzman .La plaza tiene dueno. Y puros corridos de Los Traviesos de la Sierra, Martin Castillo y Javier Rosas...

    1. Pinched capitalista. Levanten sus armas para pelear por un systema justa. Pelea por una patria socialistica ke les beneficie a to do el pueble y atoda la gente. Estos capitalistas americanos acen ke odiemos a nuestra gente mientras el govierno burgers se ace mas rico cuando los capturan. Ayn van a ver ke deveras gana end esta guerra contra la gente

  20. I don't know 20 real name but I know that he is always in A.p. trying to take over with another dude called chuy bravo 20 had bin kicked out of A.p for not paying they can't take la plaza from los paderes fuck them!!!!

    1. El camello y el arabia .el senor de la milicia .el double x

  21. La historia se termino del cartel de las traiciones. Puro beltran leyva. Y arriba la mochomera

    1. Chapo triniz y el chapo isidro. Tomara la plaza con tiempo .

  22. This morning I heard that it is on fact outsiders trying to take the plaza. All of M100 ' s guys have been fuck in up. Now outsiders are getting everyone. It's bad. Real bad. But Los paredes seems to always pull through these things. I heard Kadafi Roscon is on the M100 shit list. With Marcos gone everyone acting a fool.

    1. Kadafi Rascon tambien conosido como el FOX en agua prieta es el que esta al mando de la plaza queremos saver que a pasado con el 80 (Arturo Rascon) que ya lleva 3 meces desaparesido

  23. Beltranes are traitors,they were working with zetas behind mayo and chapo back before mochomo got busted.get your facts straight

  24. Marcos Paredes M100 work for el Senor de las Montanas Chapo.

  25. Kadafi xavier rascon and arturo rascon are on the DEA most wanted are they with cardian ?i heard they shot cardian that he is alive but paralized.

  26. 2 families control Sonora Los Paredes (M100 ) and los Salazar (Don Adan).Both families work for CDS . Gente Nueve is the enforcer group and works for CDS specifically El Chapo. Macho Prieto and his people also controled a section of Sonora .Although Sonora is a CDS plaza there has always been infighting between the families /group that operate there . Paez, Jabalines, Saboris families have fought in the past. add to the mix Beltran Leyvas /Zetas .Sonora will become Armagedon.

  27. who is chuy bravo and el 20? and what cartel are they from?

  28. They work for cds but its two factions at war puro gente del senor m100

  29. Los chapos pay plaza to go through sonora get ur shitt straight just like tj!

  30. That would break my fuckin heart if i was involved in shit like that and a young girl got hurt,thats why we aint motherfuckers who put little children at risk..The most innocent and precious form of life are little girls we should always protect them,us dudes?Fuck us,is what we do,but leave women and children out of it.
    Is this CDS or BLO/Isidro sniffin around,the young Beltran and his estakas?

  31. March 10, 2014 at 6:40 PM

    "And the beat goes on in Mexico.
    African countries are better run"

    Motherfucker thats a bold statement that .Considering that they'll even forcibly tap on dudes down there?

  32. Saludos senores...... ABK 7:48 10:58 2:58 PM
    Good comments and educating from our Mexican bros out there,appreciate it people,isn't it nice to talk amongst ourselves civilly?We can do it you know.
    Gracias amigos

    1. well arguing with people isn't productive. I hate what's happening down there. I know Marcos. I feel bad for him. what these assholes did with his house is disgusting.


  33. March 11, 2014 at 1:27 AM
    "Whoever posts 20 ' s name will be hunted forever. Keep it to yourself"
    Your gonna scare someone

  34. Was Mandy Moreno plaza boss as some have said or worked for R5?

  35. Compa mandy was plaza boss for marcos paderes in agua prieta sonora and r5 was his inforcer!

  36. Comandante Gafe y todas sus estakazzz vamos a tubarle al Chapo toda su gente y todas sus plazas.

  37. Caro quinteros brother wants his stuff back.

  38. Someone post el 20's real name. Use tor to do so :)

  39. 20 real name please!

  40. El 20 real name is what?

  41. el 20 era el cinco hindu, despues fue el chapito isidro, ya las dos cambiaron de nombre, despues del segundo cliente ya son unas burritas pardas...

  42. HEY! que empinen al comandante gafe y a todas sus estacazzz y que se las dejen cair por el overthere, it's not only in africa, prisons all over he world, have fans of the chonchon, in the US they don't even have to be in prison, it's all voluntary, for love, and you, and you, and you, can even get married, how's about that? yes you too brokeback...

  43. can anyone send me a link of the video where hes in prison and they start asking him questions and he says hes a farmer. with subtitles and the other video where hes walking around and there is a guy tied up and el chapo asks him questions and chapo says are you telling the truth and the guy replies yes sir

  44. El 20 is a complete a$$ hOLE cardian is active as well as the gn no one knows whos backin 20 but he has a strong line behind him and is givin a good fight the plaza is and continues to b that of el m100

  45. What happened to the Chinese boss in AP? Or was he never a boss there? Some dude from cumpas or Granados.

  46. what about the xavier and arturo rascon who are they backing?

  47. Xavier is a turf.


  48. Chino louie is from cumpad he controls the in Sierras

  49. el R5 was killed by chapo because la gente nueva wasnt reporting money to chapo and refused to pay him when he asked for it, & chope sent a message saying that he was going to "cleans" sonora of la gente nueva, so la gente nueva is now fighting what used to be there cartel. they did report 40 bulletproofed cars driving in to agua prieta to help la gente nueva in their fight. still dont know who is helping them out, but with no head in the gn organization it has gotten crazy through all sonora,

  50. El 20 is dead what's the update in sonora?

  51. Bottom line the narcos have killed thousands of Mexican Nationals...
    scum bags!

  52. Pa culiarlos putos aki pura gente nueva compa y cheken bn el dato y pa dejarles claro el R5 no ta muerto babosetes sonora es y sera del chapo.39 en uno C.D.S G.N


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