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Thursday, March 6, 2014

La Tuta's son arrested

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat

During a press conference, the head of the Ministry of State Security (SSPE), Carlos Hugo Castellanos Becerra, revealed that, on Monday night a man named Luis Alfredo Aguilera Esquivel was arrested. 

The  23-year-old, was identified as  the son of Servando Gómez Martínez, alias "La Tuta", maximum leader of Caballeros Templarios cartel..
In an operation by the SSPE and the Attorney General of the State (PGJE); the detainee was arrested and  in possession of a check for a million pesos, plus 10 thousand dollars in cash.  He is being investigated on charges of kidnapping and extortion in the city of Los Reyes, the official said.
Along with Luis Alfredo Aguilera, an accomplice was also arrested named Cristian Salinas Ruiz, 30.
The public safety secretary explained that all data has corroborated the fact that  Aguilera Esquivel is a descendant of La Tuta, "mainly because the accused made a historical narrative explaining  how Servando Gomez is related to him and is in fact his father," said Carlos Hugo Castellanos  adding: "I want to clarify that the prisoner said in his statement, that his given name  does not match surnames of his “father”, since he is not legally recognized."
Aguilera Esquivel has illegitimate birth status in Mexico.  Children born out of wedlock must be formally recognized to attain legal birthright status, if the detainee’s story is factual, that would explain the difference in surnames.
The basis of proof of his parentage, seems to be solely the assertion of the relationship by the detainee.  However, Aguilera Esquivel was apprehended with a large amount of Templarios extortion funds, and he offered the personal information.  There would be no reason for him to fabricate the information and many reasons not to.
Castellanos Becerra said the alleged son of Servando Gómez and his companion were captured  in Los Reyes  "at the time they  were extorting  a large sum of money in check and cash discovered on him when arrested.”
He also revealed;  "According to investigations, in January, 2014,  the extortion victim  was kidnapped by people who claimed to belong to a “criminal group  operating in the area”.
In lieu of the immediate payment of ransom, the victim, an avocado farmer, was released but was forced to sign a document, a promissory note; agreeing to forward a massive payment in June 2014.
But, earlier this week, the victim received a threatening call demanding a partial payment.  He agreed to provide a portion of the requested funds, to prevent harm to him and his family.
And it is those funds, in check and cash that was discovered with Aguilera Esquivel when apprehended. Additionally, 550 grams of meth and 30 packets of meth were found in the possession of the detainee.
"The defendants provided details of the organizational structure of the Caballeros Templarios, the criminal group to which they belong." Stated SSPE spokesman Christian Salinas
Sources used to write this post: Cambio, La Voz, Facebook, Esquema


  1. Replies
    1. Mayo snitched.

    2. Jajaja now its mayo the one that snitched and not el chapo....jajaja

    3. Some people are so! Mayo

  2. Cut off the scumbags balls and shove them down his throat then beat the living shit out of him with some bats. When Papa is caught, La Tuta Fruta, chainsaw his arms and legs off and watch him die like the cockroach waste he really is. Then hunt down his whole family and execute them like he does to honest hard working Mexican people not involved in criminal activity. They do not deserve to breathe the air of normal folk, they are taking up oxygen for the innocents.

  3. That is one ugly Mother "F"er

    1. Lmao a turtle without a shell

    2. yeah no wonder his dad didn't want to give him his last name

    3. Well,he's not as ugly as his dad..bola de indios michoacanos,pelos de puerco

    4. ^ 4 29 hahaha. You nailed it

    5. "Bola de Indios michoacanos"??? Really u racist fuck!!!??? The fact that they're indeginous does not make them "puercos" pendejo. Talk shit about them but don't be talking shit about indigenous michoacanos u stupid fuck.

    6. *who were taken over

  4. I read that chayo el mas loco is still alive and armed can you write about that chivis looks interesting

    1. "What year is this!" This has been known for years .

    2. Yup sorry bro, old news.

  5. Let the Snitching Begin !! HA Ha !!

  6. Line him up, shoot him in the temple in order to save the time and effort of trying him and letting some fancy lawyer get his charges reduced or dropped.

  7. what,tuta says he does not kidnap or extort.this canot be true! on a serious note this man does look abit like tutas other known son.

  8. It's only a matter of time, La Puta.

  9. Replies
    1. dude are u retarded or somthing

    2. At 6:42 pm ur the retarded one, it's a joke u stupid ass!

    3. Why do you make stupid jokes?

    4. @4:30 PM: No! Tuta Snitched!
      And La Tuta is losing the War..

    5. @10:58 to make stupids jump up and down

    6. bunch of idiots...

  10. templarios need to be caught and killed by mexican marines

  11. It is funny how every detail given and every piece of evidence seized relates perfectly to everything that we know about the CT. The punk looks worried because he has been doing evil deeds against innocents and now the tables are turned.

  12. They all look like a bunch of fat stinky drunk mariachis !! At least chapo didnt look like a fat stinky mariachi !!

  13. @ 2:29 and @ 4:29 you all are funny but correct. I couldn't stop laughing. LOL

  14. Las pinches Cucarachas estan callendo una por una. Ojala sigan eliminando esos lacras que son el cancer de Mexico. Viva Mexico y gracias a Border Land Beat por traernos las noticias sean buenas o sean malas.

  15. Get a job loser!

  16. All of these narcos it seems make this a family business.

    1. Def becomes a family business

  17. I hope they rape and kill that pussy in prison so his dad could feel what all the innocent victims family he murdered felt.

  18. Tuta vamos por ti! Chayo ya te tenemos localizado!
    Fuerzas Especiales Del Mencho....CJNG Mata Zetas...Azul/Mencho al 100

  19. Paying ransom with a check? Who the hell pays ransom with a check? I mean was the check made: Pay to the order of Kidnapper? The kidnapper has either got to be too stupid or too desperate or both. No wonder he got caught. By the way did he get caught at the bank trying to cash it? Lol.

  20. There's something about his face that reminds me of shia labeouff!

  21. This kid never had a chance, growing up as a narco son to La Tuta. I doubt thos kid will ever amount to anything other than a no good narco terrorist. So sad!

    1. No matter your up bringing at a certain point you know right from wrong.

    2. That is a fact.

  22. Clock is ticking for his daddy! Mexican marines r comin for him! Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do when they come for you!:)

  23. Is it inherent that everyone who's caught becomes a fucking snitch? I've heard the line that Mexican police make you talk which is just another excuse for cowardice, plenty of people had their asses kicked and still kept their mouth's shut. Here, once again this no chin piece of shit gave his life story when he got caught. Praise to those who make the state prove everything, why make it easy for them to put you away.

  24. March 6, 2014 at 5:35 PM
    "Well,he's not as ugly as his dad..bola de indios michoacanos,pelos de puerco"
    "pelos de puerco" Dude thats a killer,,, funny shit

  25. 10:27PM

    It is the look of "I'm not famous anymore."

  26. ahaha Why do people seem so desperate to see this guy get raped?

    1. 9:27 pa' que vean lo que se siente...they wanna share the experience.

  27. "I want to clarify that the prisoner said in his statement, that his given name does not match surnames of his “father”, since he is not legally recognized."

    hahahaha!! what a bastardo!

  28. 12:03 AM
    nothing is going to change, there will always be ignorance in Mexico,
    "raped, massacred and enslaved by the others known as the Spaniards
    other ignorant Raza"Its the raza like you who is rapin your own one else.Oh fuck here we go again,always with the whining negative vibes,wah wah wah woe is me wah wah wah how sad are you wah wah wah whine cry bitch cry

    1. Haha what negative hype? I was just stating the facts, and how are you going to call me a bitch behind a computer screen? Haha look who is the true bitch here

    2. 5:16 you need to understand that whatsumara believes nothing happened before and that we were born yesterday,fuck him.
      No room for pinchi pendejo...

  29. 12:03 AM
    Leave everyone else out of your shit,its your mess,you clean it up

  30. @2:23 @2:24 the mexicans must clean the shit left behind by 200 hundred years of friendship with their north-american "friends" and 300 hundred years of being a spanish colony, wemare witnessing now the reconquest of the american continent, all of it, by the european powers that imposed drug-addiction to the chinese, and have imposed drug addiction and traficking on the US, with the complicity of quite a few 'rogue' agents from the sacrosanct US institutions, now go and shed a tear in your beer motherfucker, history is repeating itself because assholes like you never learned anything all your motherfucking life, not many years ago, the US gave Mexico 1.3 billion dollars to help fight drug trafficking, after two CIA planes were nabbed by the mexican authorities, one crash landed, another just got caught, the money was paid to american middlemen, to split with the mexican government agents who downed the planes and stole the drugs, the american government saved face, the american people paid to rescue the mask of decency of the US, genaro garcia luna became the newest US millionaire businessman immigrant to the US, the Mierda Accords did nothing to the drug trade, and deniers of the holocaust like you keep trying to save face for your side.
    it is recent history motherfucker, before telling anybody your shitty advice, check youself, your middle finger might find that your brain is full of hemorroids or just plain shit!

  31. El huerco se mira igual de pendejo que el papa.

  32. Mexicans would alienate the mother of Jesus with their horrible attitude,unpalatable but true.

  33. Saw the interview he gave to a CNN reporter. This man has no soul.


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