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Friday, March 7, 2014

'Chapo hero worship', is manifested by Mexico's lack of real heroes

Borderland Beat

The demonstration in favor of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera in Sinaloa shows that the cartel boss constructed a social network to protect himself in his zone of greatest influence. It’s also possible that, with the lack of heroes that demonstrate honor and moral integrity, people are seeking options in figures that are tormentors, according to university investigators. 
“There exists in the social conscience the idea that politicians are worse. That they're full of impunity, and of cruelty... Characters like El Chapo, that come from nothing, that are illiterate, make it so that the people have an option, even if it is as degrading, as degenerate as a leader of a criminal gang.”
So thought Raúl Villamil Uriarte, Research Professor from the Metropolitan Autonomous University at Xochimilco.

Nevertheless, the doctor of social anthropology thinks the march was arranged by the cartel that is now using civilian society-based strategies to defend an anti-hero. He said that in these protests there is symbolism related to a kind of "subversion against the national symbols that no longer function." El Chapo, he added, embodies a criminal who has killed many people, but who is described by his defenders in Sinaloa 
"—that part of the population that benefits from the drug trafficking—as a good guy who gives them money, helps them and protects their people. There is a series of contradictions in the idealization and the assimilation of the heroes. But with the state of things in Mexico, the situation is truly interesting, because the idols, the heroes, who should be official figures of moral integrity, decency, and honor, don’t exist."
For his part, René Jiménez Ornelas, coordinator for the Unit for Analysis of Social Violence of the Institute for Social Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, considered that the people that went out to protest did it because the boss 
“gave them work, even if it were just as a lookout, and because going to protest also is going to have some type of payoff, since, according to them, they're defending El Chapo.”
He recalled that this hasn't been the only such mobilization, since there were also some in support of La Familia Michoacana.
"This illustrates how the cartel bosses favor the population that is near them, where they live, where their territory is, because they require a social network that in a sense can shelter and protect them."
More than being a benefactor for the locals, he affirmed, El Chapo represents 
“a type of stability.. he’s giving me work. Just for hiring me as a lookout, he pays me.”
The fact that the people said that he had paid them or given them something in exchange speaks 
“of the great economic power of the cartel. El Chapo is in prison, but as for the cartel, they are only bugging it; it already has to have five others to substitute for him; the structure is not being hit.”
 Source: La Jornada and translated by Jillian Droste for Mexico Voices


  1. Que pendejadas son estas.. mi da verguensa ser mexicano.. este era un maton violador, que abusaba de ninas y vedia drogas. Que gente tan mierda.. no cabe fuea que ya estamos en los ultimos dias cuando la gente ama ah lo malo y Isis Li bueno.. no soy religioso pero no cabe dudad que el humano ya es basura

  2. This is disgusting

  3. Official figures of moral integrity, decency and honor do not exist...
    and worse, the official figures that exist are of a bunch of rats, kidnappers, extortionists, torturers, and corrupt politicians military and police elements that commit the worst crimes and steal all the budgets, noe finally selling the nations patrimony, on top of sponsoring the so much derided drug trafficking, all the mexican drug traffickers are better and more honest than one federal government official, the distinguished professor would be klled by the government's UNAM porros del Partido Verde Ecologista if he starts fucking around with the government. bottom line fucking pena nieto wants to pay for someone to support his motherfucking ass, and all over mexico more people support el chapo than fucking pena nieto, with his RAT FAMILY and godfathers, good education and all to become a fucking political RAT

    1. When the federal government cleans up their corupt act then the people may have faith in the institution!

  4. El azul se quedara al mando or who?

  5. Mexicans admire Chapo and Lazca while Americans admire Kim Kardashian and Duck Dynasty. It doesn't speak well of either culture. But then again I look at how stupid my fellow Britons are and I see humanity is fucked

    1. Only dumb ass americans worship a whore like kim Kardashian or those dumb fucking rednecks. Speak for yourself.

    2. What about Lil Wayne..I don't know how this chango is rich and famous.

  6. Honest and moral character. Wow. Dude, really? I am not a drug lord supporter. However, the Mexican and US governments create these guys. If not for corrupt governments in this region, there would not be chapo ' s and Amado Carrillo's. Any moral character in Mexico lies outside of a generation created by prohibition. The whole way of life in a place torn by poverty and the hope for a better life. I personally know some really good investigative reporters. Every one of them are always telling me i am liberal towards narco cause, because I was personally connected for many years. But at the same time none of you realistically have an answer to what socially creates billionaire drug barons in a poor country where people suffer from repression. The heroes come from the almost robbin hood fantasy. I hate the fact that Mexico is so unsafe. I hate what everything narco dollars has created. But let's face it. The DEA has created a multi billion dollar circle that never ends. Billions to fight and billions to create it. Chapo is an evil they created. So spinning words like honesty and integrity to downplay a generation of narco scum created by governments and bad policy. I like your site, but some of your stuff is not exactly right. Sorry.

    Az bunny killer

    1. Totally agree and dont forget the. .cia. they have the most power and are the most corrupt

  7. Mexico has plenty of heroes, just because they are not covered by the media, Dr mireles??
    very incorrect & offending for the Mexican people, as for Chapo only those people know why to them he is a hero regardless off what the media says about them!!
    every country has a hero!

    1. Hes crooked too pendejo face it we are fucked

  8. Like or not he was more of a drug lord business man than a terrorist. El Mayo is the same. They're from the old school narco era. When Mexico wasn't as violent. Drugs will always be a business in Mexico thanks to the U.S. enough said

    1. You sir are fucking retarded.the way that mexicos cartel got violent is chapos fault.he statyed the wars haying on the arrellano family and then the carrillo family.the gulf cartel kickef his ass out of nuevo laredo cus he tried to take that too.hes an asshole not some respectable ol' schooler.

    2. 10:57 all the wars in mexico started with luis echeverria alvarez as secretary of state with president gustavo diaz ordaz, with his creation of los halcones and the olympic military pentathlon, and the official federal security directorate, DFS, from which all the dirty and corrupt federal police commanders spring out to corrupt every city and state and their police forces, under the protective umbrella of the federal government.
      All the narcos ultimately are not as evil as a few federal police and the mexican military commanders...

  9. these people are either morons
    or should be investigated for their ties to the cartels

    1. These people don't trust the government due to the fact the crooked government also steals from the people of Mexico of it's wealth or either they probably have ties to the cartel, but people forget that family comes first even though they're criminals

  10. Viva El chapo!!!!

  11. And chapo continues to snitch

  12. Chapo lost all the wars he started

  13. Mayo and azul are chapos dads

  14. They idolize the ratas that corrupt the system they so much cry about it so much. Pero que pueden esperar cuando la mayoria son personas sin estudios. Al rato hasta veladoras le van hacer , va acabar santo este pederasta, y cada luna llena van a recordarlo con aullidos.

    1. If it wasn't drug money corrupting the politicians then they would be doing other types of shady business deals so it wouldn't make a difference whether their is drug money or not

    2. Corrupcion has always been there ,,but drug money just mando todo ala chingada.

    3. @9:56pm drugs and corruption,plus kidnappings and extortions sent genaro garcia luna to florida as the latest mexican milionaire businessman to immigrate to the US...
      Carlos Slim Helu's protege, keeps riding high on the US hog, wonder why?

  15. this is a joke all the wars hes caused all the murder rates yes people say the cartel members BUTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUMPING BODIES in resedentials areas and kids and woman around seeing all this in baja norte sending people to be decapitated hes caused alot of wars due to greed know hes out it seems cartels will respect each other turf and the allies will keep being allies cause they see what miguel angel felix tried to do along time ago work together and make money that simple it took alot of death and greed and and family losses to realize that kill chapo ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. The sinaloan parasites make me sick.these people condone this type of garbage. They sure are the lowest class in mexico my respect to the people of michoacan who are the real heroes in this fight against drugs.

  17. Esta gente si es pendeja

  18. Yea keep not accepting my comments! I see worse ones that mine!

  19. Kenya!


    You are caller number 10. You have just won the state of Sinaloa. But wait there's more! For your continued loyalty and undeniable support, we will gladly include the state of Michoacan!

    Yay! Now please come and get them! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  20. Kenya, just remember you can only have all the Chapo and Tuta supporters you can leave the beautiful land and it's resources alone. Thank you for participating and as always remember to read the fine print!

  21. What a bunch of f#%@...The meth that he sold ruined a Lot of families. These people are ignorant and greedy.

    1. Those who BOUGHT and USED the meth ruined the families.your attitude keeps the cartels in power.personal responsibility for your recovery pgm.

    2. @3:22a.m AMEN! who the hell would use something thats cut with battery acid and god knows what else! Thats just stupid to me! I see them all over where i live and they are gross looking and even worse acting! Wanna slow the cartels roll? Dont buy that shit!!

  22. Esto Sinaloa!!!
    Demuestren su estupides..

  23. @4:44 how adept, foe, foe, foe, waah, waaah, waaaaah! by the smell of it, your comment must be no good crybaby, tell mamy, buuu, buuu, buu, waaaah! pinchi chillon chilletas...

  24. America is so greedy ..can't we give the Mexicans "Spiderman".or maybe Batman and Robin ?

    1. 6:0 2 you can't give them to mexico, they are trademarks owned by others, a person like you might have some pirated goods,keep em where the sun don't shine...
      Most americans are real nice, with the black and mexican votes they just elected and reelected the first black president of the US
      how about that honky?

  25. Chapo for President

  26. "Si Me Matan O Me Atrapan Nada Cambia
    La Estructura Esta Muy Grande En Esta
    Mafia Sale Un Jefe Y Brinca Otro"

    1. Para el negocio no cambia nada. Pero para ellos TODO CAMBIA, EL RESTO DE SUS PUTAS VIDAS EN LA PRISION. NO CAMBIA NADA? Preguntaselo alos hijos del Mayo.. Ke no cambio nada jajaja. Millones de dolares y no puede ni comprarse una cervecita.

  27. The picture with the mom and her daughter (?) strikes me, really sad. You can image what warped mentality the kids will grow up having with morally defunct parents like that. She has failed in her obligation and should be ashamed of herself. If she finds herself on the recieving end of cartel violence it's all well deserved and she has forfithed her right to complain. It's not like the CDS represents positive policies just because other cartels may be more in your face.

    -Mike Haggar

  28. I don't think it's for lack of real heros. I think that the sub-community of Mexicans (the majority) who support people like Chapo just have different priorities than many of us might like.
    What do we mean when we say 'real heros'? Those who fight for justice and equality? Well consider this: a 20 year old single mother of 5 has two priorities: 1) Get money to survive, and 2) Get married to someone who can give them more children. Chapo supports that by handing them money and employing men whom they can marry and who will support them so they can have more kids instead of working. Someone like Ghandi isn't doing that.
    In this way, the 'real heros' in Mexico aren't absent, they're just looked up to by a different type of person than those who support Chapo.
    If the Mexican people want to solve their narco problem, they're going to have to stop providing protection to narcos, and start providing support to real heros.

    1. 7:55 el chapo is liked more because he is a better person than all the other motherfuckers put together,bitch, not because he is a saint,but because he is the lesser evil of all the crooks in north america, including mexico and the US.

    2. That was so well said I admire you for posting it. I agree.


    3. So Enrique Pena Nieto and the PRI are real heroes?

    4. @1:26pm nooo! Pena Nieto and el pri are all assholes, more properly said, ellos son una bola de jundillos...

  29. @ March 7, 2014 at 7:55 PM

    You are correct. If there is real hero in Mexico, he/she is supported only by the good people who are already on right track and do not support Chapo. People like women in this video are the one who need help and to be inspire, but they will not support any real hero.

  30. @ 7:55 PM and 9:03 PM
    I agree with you both very well!

  31. Fuck people like this continue to make Mexicans look ignorant and uneducated. . Bonito Juarez, pancho villa , zapata etc were the real heroes.. not this narcos pendejos..

  32. for 11:40

    Mexico has plenty of heroes?

    please make a list of 10 present day heroes of Mexico and what they are doing for society of Mexico

    1. All the honest ads you prick.

    2. For 1:25am
      Are you serious?

  33. Havana banana, texas granma, canadian girl, brigitte, chivaaaa!
    Who loves you girls? Thanks for the company I know there are more of youses, I will try to keep the list handy...

  34. 4:44 bell bottom , i think "they" have discovered who you are, your fundillo de campana (bell bottom) must have given you up, maybe they had forgotten all about you, i didn't, i have been expecting yo' ass for a while, i knew that your kind never learns, you think you are so sneaky and so squeaky that you can't see the trees because of the forest, you are on a race to discover if you are stupid or pendejo, believe me, you are the champ on both areas, a full combo of versatility, you can go now, pero ya, a chingar a tu madre baboso!

  35. Puro Chapo Guzman al 100 todo el equipo Gente Nueva ,Antrax,Talibanes Damaso Fuerzas Especiales. Bravo,Mini Lic,El Lic ,Senor Mayo Senor Azul. El Cholo.Los hijos del Chapo la dinastia guzman nunca se acaba.....

    1. pinche huevon aluzinas mucho.guey no.los conoces mejor ponte a travajar huevon

    2. @9:01 PM; y si hay mucho trabajo en Mexico?

  36. he wrote: "please make a list of 10 present day heroes of Mexico and what they are doing for society of Mexico"

    pick any 10 names from any auto-defense group,
    they are the heroes

    1. Right,those ex cartel members.

  37. for the MORONS in Sinaloa/Mexico
    the auto-defense groups are not the heroes ?
    the cartels are ?

    I D I O T S

  38. Ah raza tan pendeja, fck throw a da A-bomb at they ass, marching for a fckn scum bag, glad i ain't from sinaloa its a shame..

  39. It never fails that some psychologist or sociologist will come out and explain to the masses the rational pro Chapo supporters are experiencing. Some will say they suffer a mental disorder and/or have their priorities mixed, or they will give the lack of hero theory in mexico. Whatever it is people will identify either with the gov't or not. When the centralized gov't of Mexico is what seems like a far away land from Sinaloa, people are not going to identify with that gov't. Especially when in an abnormal way they attribute that Chapo is keeping the streets safe in parts of Sinaloa. Really, does EPN think that he has more supporters in Sinaloa than Chapo, come'on.

  40. Puro Sinaloa pues raza de accion y sin hipocrecia seguimos avanzamos aki no pasa nada. Les toca crecer y vivir aki con lo ke se puede pa entender idiotas.

  41. Sinaloa ain't got shit on michoacan btw the people of michoacan are not agachones like all people from sinaloa.michoacan got heroes and not pathetic drug dealers like sinaloa.when the people in mazatlan made a march too liberate chapo the lil girls from that region were carrying poster boards that read "chapo get me pregnant I want to have your kid" those indios from sinaloa disgust me and my family

  42. When your fuckn president is corrupted you look up to ppl like chapo. They be like atleast chapo helps not like epn that takes from the poor to give to the rich

  43. "Viva El chapo!!!!

    cry baby, cry :-)))

  44. All of them are idiots. I like corridos just as much as the next person but I'll take a safe Mexico over a failed state. These guys are not heroes, they are crooks who use blood money & mass media to portray themselves as Robin Hood-types.I understand these people have more faith on crooks over government but these are the same people who complain about all the good the government tries to do. How can you combat corruption when the masses worship the aggressors? Mexicans are revolutionary by blood, but now they are just complacent. Michoacan is the best example of what they should be doing. They are poor but fighting for what is right!

  45. @ March 7, 2014 at 7:55 PM
    You said it very well!

  46. Michoacan is the most failed state of Mexico in terms of the size of corruption within police, politicians and criminals. It's almost like they are operate with and against each other to rape the innocent people who live there. Why do you think there are so many people from that state in the USA because economically and socially it must be hard to get ahead there. There is nothing to be admired about the situation they are in, in spite of the auto-defensas. In can be said that they are in that situation because they allowed every Cartel to operate in the state with impunity. That alone shows that the culture there leaves nothing to be admired. I would trust a Michigander as far as I can throw an elephant.

    1. All Mexican states are corrupt. Don't act like Michoacán is the only one that has Marco politicians. Michoacan is the only state that has the nuts to go against organized crime. Fact. Don't hate. Congradulate...


  48. A que mi raza chinola,ya les pase lo de malverde pero ahora esta mamada?cmon sinaloa ur embarressing urself!!!

  49. There's a new order of heroes in Mexico who dare defy injustice's corrupting forces, like BB reporters, who are among the most brave in print, any where. It takes heroic hearts to carry out the dangerous work that they do so very well. Dr. Mireles is a miracle. The people's hero who gave breath to real hopes for a better, safer day for el pueblo and los campesinos--scared and angry, hostages to the government, living under narco rule. The daily fear factor in Mexico has to be experienced in "carne propia" to "get it." Fear is terror's shadow, you're afraid for your family, your children, your friends, yourself, you're left powerless, with no one to trust, and nobody trusts you, either. You can't think. Traditionally, Mexico's government offers very few opportunities for education or basic schooling to the country's rural citizens. Work the land, herd cattle, fishing and smiles for tourist dollars are what is left to the honest campesino whose daily existence isn't big on the radar in DF. There is basically nobody to help or protect you. Major land owners ignore the campesino plight, since doing other wise would cut into their profits as well as Mexico's social frabric, woven in classism, etched in stone. Meantime, Mexico's military protects the money temples government washes who-knows-whose-money in, while the Church loses faith, but keeps busy blessing law and social order, ignorance, superstition and extreme poverty. Amen. What's left to el pueblo besides intense prayers offered to the Virgin de Guadelupe and/or working for narcos in some capacity or another? Where your "pan de cada dia" comes from is not an issue if your children are hungry. El Chapo not only defied the law, he wielded his control over it. In the eyes of many he is seen as the anti-hero. Even a villian can love a wife and his children. Obviously, Chapo has been able to provide very well for his family. This, too, separates from him from Mexican men who can't take care of their families. Chapo's success gets savored vicariously, celebrated with corridos and wins him his fan base. Guzman's got some serious cojones "hechos en platino." He owns the bragging rights to his legendary prison escape, 13 years on the run, his billions and getting arrested, again. He "thinks" 2 or 3 thousand people met their deaths because of his actions. This makes the man a killer. Guzman is a street thug that got very rich on killer spacepowders, playing both ends to the middle, on both sides of the fence. He's no hero.
    Peace out.

  50. Keep the people ignorant and they will dance on a string for you. Throw money at them and they see you as a God, but eventually it all comes to an end. Time for Mr. CHAPO to face some real justice, some American justice.

  51. Lol research mexicos failed state it's michoacan. They weren't saying anything when they where worshiping el chayo like he was god they even came up with a prayer asi ke dejense de mamadas.

  52. No one is hating it's not like they came up with the revolution remember it was villa and Zapata. Ezln has been about the revolution way before the autodefensas. People should take a second look at there state before they comment stupidity.

  53. Capos and members of the cartels are not true heroes, why are there so many chapo supporters lurking here.

  54. Reals heroes abound! Chivis and the other administrators of this site are a prime example. There are also countless parents that work hard at honest jobs, contributing to the benefit of society while raising honest children with strong morals. If you forget about the money grubbing narco-roaches for a moment, you can refocus on the type of people that make Mexico great. I know that Most Mexicans are hard working, honest and capable. Everyday people are heroes when they stand strong in their morals and in the eyes of God in spite of great hardship. Narco criminals are the worst kind of anti-hero.

  55. @7:18 en mexico hay trabajo pero no pagan, por eso nos vamos a los US a ganar lo que sea en los trenes de la muerte, a trabajar en los trabajos que los americanuses no quieren.
    there are jobs in mexico, but they don't pay, that is why we go to the US to earn whatever, on the death trains, to work jobs that the americanuses don't want.
    most mexicans go to the US and work decently, the christian employers have always preferred to hire illegal latinos than black, mexican, blaxican, portorroids, chiggers, or chiricahuas, hiring chiricahuas is the lowest that a soprano mafioso can stoop, they get sent first to sheriff arpaio, the next worst are the chilangos, they are not even mexican, always watch your wallet when there is a chilango around, those pickpockets don't even miss a chance to steal from their granmas. when white honkies come to latinamerica on the other hand, it is usually on business trips, or to engage on sexual tourism and pederastia, or on some intelligence work, to hire burros to move their drug loads to the US, or to train terroristas to exterminate the indian infested lands they want to acquire... we are all famous mostly for what we all do, and the fruits of our pursuits show what kind of tree we all come from, the banana republics are famous for the exploitation and murders that our american friends bring, the US is famous for sticking it to the latinamericans under the sorry excuse of trying to end poverty, through depopulation by any means necessary, there is no racism there, maybe, but there is a difference in the way latinos and slave masters behave...


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