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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Calif. Sen. Feinstein: "I oppose marijuana legalization because I worry about stoned drivers"

Borderland Beat

Yesterday Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) told the Associated Press she opposes marijuana legalization in her state partly because she worries about stoned drivers. "The risk of people using marijuana and driving is very substantial," she said. A.P. helped Feinstein make her case by citing "a possible example":
The California Highway Patrol is investigating a fatal weekend collision in Santa Rosa as being related to marijuana use. A woman and her daughter-in-law were killed when a Toyota Camry in which they were riding was rear-ended by a pickup truck. A preliminary CHP investigation determined that the 30-year-old man driving the pickup was impaired by marijuana and reading a text message on his cellphone at the time of the collision.

If this case is evidence in favor of marijuana prohibition, it is also evidence in favor of cellphone prohibition. By the same token, the fact that people die in alcohol-related crashes is evidence in favor of alcohol prohibition. In fact, since alcohol impairs driving ability more dramatically than marijuana does, legalizing pot might actually reduce traffic fatalities, to the extent that more pot smoking is accompanied by less drinking.
There is evidence of such an effect in states that have legalized marijuana for medical use. States like California, where traffic fatalities fell by 30 percent between 1996, when voters approved medical marijuana, and 2011. 

Even when you control for the nationwide decline during that period, adoption of medical marijuana laws is associated with a drop in fatal crashes, as opposed to the increase feared by Feinstein. The senator does not seem to have noticed that her own state, where the doctor's recommendations that allow medical use are notoriously easy to obtain, has been testing her hypothesis for almost two decades.

Feinstein offered another reason for opposing marijuana legalization:
She said serving on the California Women's Board of Terms and Parole during the 1960s allowed her to see how marijuana, in her view, led to bigger problems for many female inmates.

"I saw a lot of where people began with marijuana and went on to hard drugs," Feinstein said.
The "gateway drug" theory espoused by Feinstein is at least 63 years old, and it is no more credible today than when Federal Bureau of Narcotics Commissioner Harry Anslinger was citing it as a reason to fear marijuana. In addition to the conceptual problems with Feinstein's theory, you may have noticed a weakness in her research methods.

When you draw your sample of cannabis consumers from a population of prisoners, it is hardly surprising if you find that cannabis consumption is associated with bad outcomes. Such as going to prison. If Feinstein wants to draw a causal link between smoking pot and "bigger problems," she will have to do better than that.

Or maybe she won't. It all depends on whether we are past the period when pot prohibitionists could get by with unsubstantiated fears and anecdotes from the 1960s.
And...What will be the cost of a pack of joints?

At Fast Company, writer Thor Benson calculates how much a pack of joints—or marijuana cigarettes, if you prefer—would be likely to cost should a major cigarette company decide to get in on the game soon. As of now, rumors that Marlboro is going to pot (I'm sorry) are just that: rumors. But as the weed business begins booming legally in more states, "don't be surprised to see big tobacco turn into big marijuana," writes Benson. Until then, pricing a pack of joints is purely a thought exercise. But who hasn't wondered what a 20-pack of Camel Greens might cost? 

In June of 2013, a company named BOTEC speculated that the production cost of marijuana ranges from $2 to $3 per gram, which “implies a price to retailers of $6.25, which is broadly consistent with current access points paying about $5 per gram.” The average Marlboro cigarette has just under one gram of tobacco in each of the 20 cigarettes contained in a pack. So at the low end of things, you’re looking at a production cost of nearly $40 per pack of Mary Janes.....[continues on next page...]

... But production cost also does not factor in what the company must charge to make a profit. The Economics of Smoking, written in 1992, declared that production costs are often half of what cigarette companies wholesale their product for, so what costs a large corporation $40 per pack could result in a $70 or $80 retail price. [others estimate $50-55]

Bummer. But Benson is optimistic that economies of scale could bring the cost down. Another price-lowering solution might be for companies to mix tobacco with marijuana.

If marijuana cigarettes were to be mixed with tobacco, at a 50-50 ratio, it would bring the cost down significantly. Many tobacco farmers will wholesale a pound of their product for less than $2. With a 50-50 ratio of marijuana to tobacco, the cost of producing a pack of 20 pre-rolled joints could be brought down to just a little more than $20—so a $40 pack at the store.

But adding in tobacco would likely bring on more state sin taxing, so perhaps not a terribly cost-saving measure for consumers. Plus we'd have to endure a lot of concern over how half-marijuana and half-tobacco cigarettes would normalize marijuana, or re-normalize tobacco, or something. Heaven help us should anyone make one cherry flavored. 

Of course, with the kids all going e-cigarettes and vaporizers these days, perhaps the more savvy route for businesses would be selling e-joints. Electronic cigarettes are "now regularly used as a way to consume marijuana," according to Benson. There's apparently a booming underground and legal market in THC oil e-cigs already.  [on the internet and you tube]

Marlboro's parent company, Altria, recently acquired e-cig manufacturer Green Smoke, a move which Quartz writer John McDuling thinks signifies its interest in the marijuana business. One e-cigarette manufacturer told McDuling that use of the products for smoking pot is "an open secret," and that "all the big tobacco companies" are looking into marijuana vaping technology. 

Source: Reason.Com


  1. Ok so because people drink and drive and because people text and drive, then we should also get high and drive??? Then i guess we should also legalize meth, heroine, coke and the drugs available, because in the end alcohol and tobacco kill lots of people per right? Why do people always bring this kind of arguments to justify something as bad or worse? I mean, the fact that i do drink, and also use to smoke doesn't mean that i agree with drinking and driving, or that i disagree with the tobacco prices going up, and if tomorrow the goverment says that alcohol sell is prohibited because many innocents people are being killed by drunk drivers, then count with me even thou i like beer.

    1. It should not be up to any government to dictate to me what I can and cannot consume. It should be a matter of personal choice and personal responsibility, there already are millions of users in the US and around the world and the only ones that benefit from the criminalization of drug consumption are the most corrupt, greedy and power hungry among us. I'm not just talking about the ultra violent narcoterrorists in mexico but also crooked politicians/law enforcement, private for-profit prisons, government contractors, pharmaceutical corporations etc. They all stand to lose billions if drug consumption was decriminalized, this of course could never be tolerated but tens of thousands of deaths, millions impoverished or incarcerated is perfectly okay. Instead of wasting resources on the foolish war on drugs we should instead invest in better education for those who are less privileged than most as they also seem to be the most vulnerable to end up either abusing drugs or as a part of the illicit drug trade, either way they are bound to end up dead or imprisoned. And the whole argument that decriminalization or legalization leads to more kids using harder drugs, or more addicts in general is bogus and has been disproved in countries in Europe where decriminalization is a fact; drug overdoses are down, transmission of HIV/Hep-c down, crimes related to drug users down, prison populations down, teens using hard drugs down, rehabilitation success rates up, tax revenues from marijuana is in the billions etc. etc. I am in no way advocating that anyone abuse drugs, but I do believe that its not the federal governments job to forbid anyone from consuming anything they choose in turn creating a lucrative and violent black market where nobody is accountable for anything and organized crime operates with impunity and even complicitly with governments. I believe that parents should be responsible for their kids and stop blaming rock/rap/video games/movies for their kids behavior. The war on drugs has been a failure of epic proportions and I think its time to have a serious discussion about a different way to deal with drugs, we have more to gain by having a realisic drug policy rather than prohibition.

      What would it be? Surely not the preservation of the status quo, or the provision of chances for the rich to get rich.
      Self preservation would be a role of the government, institutionalizing itself? Not!
      I would say the role of government on a world were money talks and bullshit walks, is to make sure money talks no more, and is not used as a tool of conquest, control, destruction, dominance, etc etc, and less than anything, the tool to control corrupt politicians, rememba' to make sure money does not need to talk at all

  2. For Pete's sake, bring back the decapitation videos. I can see this crap on the evening news.

    1. @5:13 p.m GET HELP!!! ok jeffrey dahmer oops i mean anonymous take your meds! Would u be as quick to watch those videos if it was your mother or other close relative getting decapitated? Dont think so!

    2. Bb has been posting boring stories lately. The autodefensas are way overrated .

    3. Decapitation videos?! I think you have your blogs mistaken this is BB not BDN. Besides im sure theres plenty of sites where you can get your fix of human depravity at its worst, or u can just look in a mirror! Oh snap! The ppl at BB do an outstanding job of hosting an informative and entertaining blog, posting reports on the world of organized crime and how that can have unintended consequences worldwide or as Dahmer jr. would put it: boring! Well BB you failed to fulfill psycopaths insatiable appetite for gore so thank you for that, personally I am more than appreciative of your hard work.

    4. Where you live?? We'll film a new one!

  3. It's not just marijuana. The entire drug war is scam. It's con game 101. Create a problem, and then sell us the "solution".

    The organized crime and violence are not created by the drugs. They are created by the black market for the drugs. Get rid of the black market, and you get rid of the role for organized crime.

    Guess who loves the drug war the most? Answer: The police unions and the drug cartels. It's very profitable for both them.

    Does anyone have a coherent argument against what I'm saying? And please don't start with the "drugs hurt the children" bullshit.

    1. Organized crime and violence is created by greed, the feel of power is overwhelming and is something that is been in the world since human first appear, how many brothers kill each other just to inheritg their fathers crown, how many war we seen because of land, resource, territory etc etc... Drugs are not the exception you sell drugs because you're gonna get money, with money you get cars, weapons, girls, even your own soldiers, greed, along with the fact that humans will never understand, and therefore respect each other are the main reason, why as long as there are humans in this worls there will be conflicts, and therefore wars.

    2. Organized crime and violence is created by greed, the feel of power is overwhelming and is something that is been in the world since human first appear, how many brothers kill each other just to inheritg their fathers crown, how many war we seen because of land, resource, territory etc etc... Drugs are not the exception you sell drugs because you're gonna get money, with money you get cars, weapons, girls, even your own soldiers, greed, along with the fact that humans will never understand, and therefore respect each other are the main reason, why as long as there are humans in this worls there will be conflicts, and therefore wars.

    3. Money talks, because we have been led to believe it.
      Those that have created that greatest lie are wining because for many it has become their truth...

  4. The need for decriminalization is obvious to anyone who follows this blog. But do we want full legalization? Is there a downside? In the current rush by pot-advocates for legalization and societal normalization are the larger implications being consideres? An increase in stoned drivers is a given. I worry about younger and younger school children experimenting as the stigma goes away. Overall use would increase dramatically once corporate America gets in on the action. You can bet they'll find a way to screw the small growers out of the action. And once states get the tax revenues they'll be in bed with Big-Green until the end of time. There is no doubt that legalization is coming but we would be well served by crafting the associated laws and regulations very, very carefully.

    1. Been following this blog since it began and i am against legalization.

    2. @530pm u bring up some great points! However I disagree that marijuana use would somehow dramatically increase if it were legal. Access to marijuana right now is not that difficult, so those who chose to consume do so with relative ease but there's the threat of criminal prosecution in most states. I think most people have now realized how bad tobacco really is despite big tobbacco corporations best efforts to misinform the public. When people are better educated about anything they will make better decisions for themselves. I agree that legalization is coming and as part of that there should be an honest fact based discussion instead of the current unofficial policy of fear mongering and willful ignorance.

      @850pm so if you're against legalization then by default that means that you are in favor of the status quo or do you think that the failed war on drugs needs a surge?

  5. Feinstein and Boxer need to retire. These two were CA senators since the age of the Model T. How they continue to win their elections baffles me.

    1. Because only stupid people vote for them , and a lot of stupid people live in calfornia.

  6. In today's economy, the state and federal governments will legalize anything that'll bring additional money to their coffers. They are hurting financially and according to many articles on the internet our economy is on the brink of disaster.

  7. Don't legalize marijuana please..................

  8. Ok so because people drink and drive and because people text and drive, then we should also get high and drive??? Then i guess we should also legalize meth, heroine, coke and the drugs available, because in the end alcohol and tobacco kill lots of people per right? Why do people always bring this kind of arguments to justify something as bad or worse? I mean, the fact that i do drink, and also use to smoke doesn't mean that i agree with drinking and driving, or that i disagree with the tobacco prices going up, and if tomorrow the goverment says that alcohol sell is prohibited because many innocents people are being killed by drunk drivers, then count with me even thou i like beer.

  9. how ill-informed this senator is.
    good post, thanks

  10. She's so out of touch with reality.

  11. Crashed while high and Texting. I have many experience of being in a car with some one smoking ,and trusy me their reflexes are faster then average ,but when the same person starts textinf ,im scared Shitless cuz it does fuckinf distract them ,2seconds is more then enough to crash,once again talking by experience.
    Instesd crack dowb more on drjnk drivers and texters.

    1. Your grammar scares me more than your driving.

    2. Man, if I had a nickel for every time I saw a grammar Nazi, I'd be a millionaire.

    3. What they need to do is require all car manufacturers to install a cell phone jammer that only works when car is in drive. That would solve the txting problem

  12. looks like the alcohol and tobacco companies are really lining Feinstein pockets

  13. All Women drive as if they are stoned. What's the difference?


    1. Lol nice one bro.

    2. Lol. Thats a true statement, no bs...

    3. Should be worried about me driving not stoned

  14. Oh, Diane. Who do you owe that you could even say such a thing a estas alturas de la vida and expect to be taken seriously? LEGALIZE & TAX IT ALL.

  15. I am really enjoying your mix of posts. It all ties into what is happening and keeps me coming back to read more. When are we going to get idiots out of government? I will answer it my self. Probably never!

  16. Who the hell votes for this dumb old bitch? She is fucking worthless.

  17. I'm more worried about her old ass trying to drive sober. Worthless old woman trying to for younger geneations. Stay home and die please.

  18. Id rather see cell phone use banned than weed!:) its probably safer to drive stoned than be texting and driving like that moron who caused the accident!

    1. You my friend are a stoopid stoned driver who wishes stoned driving was legal. The only smart thing about you is recognizing text driving is also dangerous.

    2. I feel sorry for your parents.but they should have never reproduced

    3. Is it me or is thier a lot of druggies on this board??? Whoever ddisagrees with this lady is obviously a drug cartel supporter.what a bunch of hypocrites on this forum. I agree with this lady pot is a bad drug look at how many people have died over it in mexico and United states.

    4. 11:08 Come on, you gotta be a stoner! Look at your spelling.

    5. No I'm not a stoner unlike you, I got high standards and am a god fearing catholic. As for my spelling I was typing fast. You need help man perhaps rehabilitation sooner than later you'll be left with if you're lucky with one brain cell

    6. @ 9:48

      Sure buddy, like God is ok with liquor that kills thousands a year, but he isn't ok with weed. KEEP dreaming.

    7. @9:48 a.m no i do not smoke but unlike u i know the facts about marijuana! No one should be driving on any substance period but i have had near misses and seen accidents because of ppl using the damn phone! I was just saying between the two of them id rather see the phones banned! Ppl die over it in mexico and elsewhere because it IS illegal you moron! Maybe being catholic is part of your problem as alot of them are hypocrites and its one of the bloodiest religions on earth! You know theres plenty of ppl on the front row at church that are riding it right straight to hell and theyre not smart enough to know it! Sitting in church thinking youre a christian is like sitting in your garage all day thinking youre a car!!!

  19. ive got news for you senator, there will be stoned drivers on the road no matter what legislation is passed or not passed.

  20. Drunk drivers worst than stoned drivers.

    Drunk & stoned drivers are MUCH worst.

  21. As for the "THC" oil you speak of ...its called extract or butter , wax. Dabs have been around for years . Educate yourselves people

  22. we all need to remember that China tried to end drug use and trafficking about 200 years ago, not because of any christian values, but because of their economy got all fucked up, along with poor work habits, the worst consequence was that the foreign owners of the drug trafficking business, used their ill gotten gains to buy anything worth owning, after not paying taxes on anything, due to corrupt public officers. the british owners of the drug trafficking, re-imposed it by the might of their superior navy and heavy weapons, taking chinese ports and the country, the british are accused of having worked their opium business all through maoism, and until our days, still using their dirty profits to make whole countries fight their dirty wars for them, destabilizing and buying out any business they want, imposing all kind of conditions on the countries they take over for as long as they want, the end result is whole continents going bankrupt and empoverished peoples mired in wars and destabilization.
    if the owners of the world's economy, can do as they please, WHY SO MANY PEOPLE HAS HAD TO DIE AND SUFFER on top of everything?
    just to satisfy somebody's twisted ego?
    The US could buy all the drugs produced in the world for i% of the expenses of the wars on drugs, the producers would be helped, and supplying those drugs to the addicted, without tax, for much lower prices than legalization for pushers and taxing would bring,
    private enterprise does not have anything to do with drug trafficking, least of all "rights", the government can corner the business and stop it all cold, and every addict can have their full of any drugs they want, and leave the fuck alone of other peoples lives, property and business.
    bending over bacwards for some rich cocksucker billionaires has never done anything for the US, kicking them rich motherfuckers, brought around the independence of the US, and seems like it will have to happen again.
    the people's drug addictions do not need to be some rich men's business anymore, drug addicted brokeasses deserve to at least have something they can really call their own, and they can take the profit factor out of it.
    of cousrse, corrupt white politicians looking to have their own grifa farms and "medical" dispensaries, can't try and take off the profit factor, being the big lousy libertine "capitalistas" that they are.
    of course, black, chinese, african and mexican politicians are for it too, expecting to get some big returns of cash, and they can never contemplate that whitey will still get the customary 90% profit off all the rigmarole, and that doesn't mean US withey, it means foreign whitey like the rothschilds and their evil partners, servants sicarios and associates.

  23. Very informative post! BB i love you!!

  24. BB is boring lately? from the best chapo coverage anywhere to inside info inside the autodefensas movement, and everything in between plus a great variety of posts, BB is addictive and interesting, something for everyone, that is unless you are society reject looking for decapitation videos, and by the way there aren't any, because cartels have finally figured out that conducting business quietly is the best method of operation.

    1. @12:37 some people consider some posts and comments boring, especially BORED AND REAMED PEOPLE.
      The worst part for them, is that they can't do without us and keep coming back for more...

  25. Feinstein needs to be put out to pasture. Her oldness is brightly shining.

  26. Just take the idiotic laws off the books, and if people want to get high they are going to, this is the puritanical bullshit that started the crusades, and this is the bible belts way of addressing issues. For fuck sakes prescription drugs are far more addictive than the worst drug on the streets, granted, these drugs are given in place of things that can be addressed with sound psychiatric approaches, so riddle me this, if the only reason why heroin is illegal is because it can kill or, shall I put it in baby boomer terms, heroin is illegal because it makes white people turn into black people and black and brown people to bec on me rich, and people have been killed in the arena of the black market. This isnt the dawn of man anymore, blasphemy doesnt get you killed, maybe in backward countries hijacked by illiterate people but for the most part we are figuring out it is Gotterdammerung, people huff spray paint and air conditioner fluid and gasoline for chis'sakes. Laws are so the gvt can keep itself going , and so infractions of the law makes it easy to bring In money.. americas laws are just this nonending spaghetti bowl of redtape and bullshit. Take the laws out of the books, let "americans be where they really want to be, high. And let the world get on with its problems, without every thought of american celebrities be broadcast for some idiots who dont understand why they care..

  27. Looks like the stoners have taken over this blog. What a shame.

  28. The award for the best, and most concise comment goes to 5:30 pm.

    The award for the best, long-winded post goes to 11:10 pm.

    The award for the best material David Letterman should consider goes to 9:46 pm.

    "Because only stupid people vote for them , and a lot of stupid people live in California."

    And rounding out the best of categories, in at 1:02 am, a former school teacher, an official Spelling Police Officer, and currently a little stoned herself, please give it up for one of California's own... the honorable Senator Diane Feinstein!!!

    "11:08 Come on, you gotta be a stoner! Look at your spelling." (canned applause)

    1. @7:21 THANKS FOR MY AWARD! *d·:l
      atentamente @11:10 (·:{

  29. This might sound crazy, but trust me on this one. That lady is one of the worst people that has ever walked the earth. She's worse that any of the cartel cats that we gossip about on here. She gets off on the power big time.

  30. I don't think that the Govt has any business supplying, taxing or regulating weed. Nor should they intrude upon the sanctity of the homes of those who wish to grow, posses or partake of weed in their homes. I fear an expansion of public weed use due to the inattentiveness or distraction of people who are extremely high. I do not wish to fly on an aircraft that is maintained by a stoner. The Government is simultaneously loosening weed laws and studying how to keep it's use from expanding to youth. I think they are already high! LOL.

  31. I lkiy my smokes, iam not stoned

  32. I don't get how you post this but never posted the interview with Chapos mother or other stuff that's been going on in Mex... Just saying

  33. interesting article:
    "What can the Dutch teach the U.S. about selling marijuana ?"

  34. i know friends who have driven high & i myself have to & never got into any type of accident. the speed limit on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago is like 55 mph or so i forget but when we cruise high smoking we drive less then the speed limit. as a matter of fact i think i seen studies that were done in New Zealand or forgot where but they had drivers who were high & those who were sober, it came to conclusion that high drivers drove under the speed limit but might of swerved just a bit but nothing serious compared to sober drivers who drive way faster then the speed limit & just cut peopl off wildly...

  35. Kind of surprised actually, most democrats like Dianne Feinstein usually love marijuana.

    You'd have to be good and high to vote democrat.

  36. Feinstein is a reptilian :o

  37. I am not for or against,but,this stupid old bitch is making pronouncements on issues she has absolutely no real knowledge of?How can you make an educated judgement on something you know nothing about?By that i mean she has certainly never tried MJ?She can read all the experts opinions and statements she likes(just like the rest of us)about MJ but until she has tried it,how can you put trust in a self important idiot such as this?I don't really care about the MJ argument but i hate to see these political parasites making UN-educated judgements that may affect everyone.Next time it could be a very important issue?

  38. March 24, 2014 at 5:35 AM
    "Looks like the stoners have taken over this blog. What a shame"
    Looks like someone just gave you a key to get out of your padded cell.
    What are you blabbering about?Remind me,,what was the topic of this story?
    Oh yes marijuana legislation?Dayyyum boy you is stupid.

  39. at 9:48 AM
    Dude ,don't argue with the hysterical clown,you can see his comments here,he is clearly starting to rave and gibber,about BB,stoners,and possibly anything else he can gibber about with his slavering big lip.

  40. I work in Security etc,i have yet to see people of any age acting aggressively or causing any kind of trouble when smoking marijuana,quite the opposite actually.Now Alcohol,that is a completely different matter.See a group with alcohol and you have to be vigilant?Ridiculous laws,,and no i don't partake of marijuana,just stating fact.

  41. why alcohol is legal ?
    drunk drivers cause hundreds of accidents

  42. The criminalization or legalization of marihuana is a win-win situation for the corporate elite/politicians. In both situations they end-up the winner. The corporate elite end-up with a lot of the profit from the proceeds of marijuana sales through money laundering, especially drug traffickers get taking down. Ditto for the politicians who receive their bribes from drug traffickers and and the money they get from the elite in the form of kick-backs. Law enforcement gets the money for their funding from the dismantling of a criminal ring and the seizing of their dirty money. If marijuana was legalized the corporate elite would corner the market and the government would get tax revenue from the sales of marijuana. Prohibition and legalization pot will not deter individuals who want to drive under the
    influence. Do to high drivers what you do with drunk drivers. Give them stiff fines and stiff sentences for any harms they might cause the way they do drunk drivers. It's time to end this sham war on marijuana. To many people have lost their lives fighting for the right to sell pot and the billions in profits that arise from that market. The growers, sicarios, dealers, transporters, punteros, etc. end-up paying higher prices for risking themselves in the criminalized marijuana business. The big winners are the elite, banksters, and politicians/authorities. They will still win with legalization. There just won't be as many victims of violence from the present prohibition of marijuana that exists in most of the U.S.A. and Mexico.

  43. Marijuana is not the gateway drug to hard drugs

    alcohol is

    1. Amen. I have always said this.

    2. Whats the point of arguing with drug supporters. its like the age old battle between democrats and republicans. Never going to agree. Druggers will not look at the billions spent yearly on drug addiction rehabilitation. In other words prople who are trying to get off the drugs but find it so difficult that they need proffessional medical help.

  44. BB won't post my take on lagalizing weed. It deals with the prospect of stoner aircraft mechanics as an example. Also with government intrusion toward dominating another vice (weed). It seems on topic and is based on years or marijuana research (by a friend). Why the reluctance to post? Sign me, Twice Denied.

  45. Mean while in Denver we are seeing tax profits like we never have before. Of course I am not entirely sure that money is going to those who need it (I am sure government officials are taking their piece), but it is a success here nonetheless.

  46. March 24, 2014 at 4:12 PM
    "BB won't post my take on lagalizing weed.Why the reluctance to post"
    "Sign me, Twice Denied"

    Why this man is indignant at BBs refusal to post his comments?So indignant that he needs to chong MJ in further research on the causality of BB not posting his comments.
    Sign Him Blitzed Off His Trolly and Hugging a Tree

    1. Speaking of Chong; according to the Los Angeles Times, Cheech and Chong are in negotiations for a new movie. This should give us a look at the post-legalization world that we will have. [officer pulls over a driver and asks for license. Driver: " it's on the back of the car man!".


  47. Finestein showed up in Washington worth about one million dollars. She is now worth more than one hundred million. Time to vote Fonystein out of office. Her stance on marijuana may be just what it takes to kick this crook out of office.

  48. About not posting your comments about legalizing weed. I don't know why, but I have only an hour in the AM and hr at night and it is difficult to keep up.

    sorry, its been slow. It's the season for my foundation to be ultra busy. and I am moving my office, so I will be slow at times.

    to the reader who wants recommendations for another blog because you are unhappy with ours.
    Try K Mennen's Hell on Earth,
    see if Sylvia Longmire has hers still going
    and Molly Malloy's

    to the reader posting about the study of stoned drivers. I read the study but it was a part of a study on the Dutch decriminalization.

    also another interesting result of the long term study was that there were less that smoked legal pot and advanced to harder drugs.

    they attributed that to skipping the middle man, the dealer, who at some point "sells" a pot customer into trying a harder drug and giving free samples for a while.

    Prescription drugs and heroin are where the big increases have been. and they go hand and hand. RX, opiates: Oxy, Percocet, Norco, etc are very expensive on the street and very addictive. Typically, a user will switch to heroin because of the much lower cost.

  49. There's a lot of good things about modern medicine, but one of the very serious downsides, is that you end up with 97 year old arrogant, worthless, trashy, parasites, like this broad, who still roam the earth with enough energy to try to boss normal people around.

    You would think that she would just go in her sleep any day now, but it just goes on and on.

    I don't really believe in reptilians and shit like that, but this "lady" has me suspicious.

  50. "I worry about stoned drivers." Hell, I'm more worried about old geezers behind the wheel than stoners.

  51. I would lose my sanity if I couldn't puff on my commute out of Los Angeles every day. Yes, every day. And more when I get home. I have my card, I like it, and there's no one stopping me.

  52. March 25, 2014 at 6:17 AM
    Huh what,ok Dr Phil.By the way whats a"drugger"?
    Is that something from the 60s ?

  53. at 11:20 AM
    "This should give us a look at the post-legalization world that we will have"

    Ok,,,,,Dash Riprock. And don't forget to mow your lawn to the required legal height of 3/4 of an inch or we will throw a ball and chain on yo ass..

  54. The political buzzword"gateway drug"where is the evidence for that?
    Alcohol is more damaging in every aspect than MJ ever could be,its just that we have complete idiots who follow the outdated thought of political parties and individuals such as this one here.It is mind boggling to think we can legally purchase as much alcohol as we want,yet be jailed for MJ?People really do need to think for themselves instead of being told what to think.

    1. Its well PROVEN in the classic documentary REEFER MADNESS. so sorry,junkies.

  55. @4:05PM. I agree with you 100%. People don't HAVE to read this blog. But you must realize by the content of his/her comment that this person is just trying to ruffle feathers. You just got sucker-punched. You responded to this dumbass, troll wins. Don't respond to those types of comments, it will make this blog alot better.

  56. 7:01 responding to trolls may help the uneducated a little bit, i do not think this site is just to promulgate the personal edicts of other trolls, also the discussion tends to be funny and entertaining, don't be affraid that you may be wrong, please respond...
    @12:11 is it slobbering big lip what you mean?
    chivis (; since nobody was born with a joint in their mouth, and our "friends" are usually after gas grass or ass, and after a few freebies they start asking for $$$ as cooperation, which was the idea on the first place, and since those friends are always trying to enhance the revenue, helping you on to other things that you are free to buy or not, but you usually end up buying, or they will start insinuating that you are buying from some other cartel which leads to your getting beat up or murdered, or bullied or something not very nice altogether, would we agree that friends are the doormen at any gateway?
    by the way just go to a bar or another, don't buy any drugs, and the
    psychos accuse you of casing the joint to steal their business, and you may be a real heavy one who don't touch it because you just sell it by the ton.
    the figt to legalize it is being led by those that want to just profit without harassment, otherwise called impunity.
    politicians are not very well known for their business sense, but they are well known for corruption, and the blinding promise of economic benefits, that like the "casino industry" may start producing a few billion dollars for the pension funds, and then DRY UP, like bit coin, enron, all the investment funds, big banks that lose billions of money and don't know what the hell happened to them, like the promised economic advantages people were promised by reaganomics and the consequent brokeback economies of the PIIGS of the EU and latinamerica.
    drugs only brought a vibrant economy to china after 200 years of slavery, but only because of their communist slave labor force, and have brought no economic benefit to latinamerica over the last 50 years, all we have is murder and mayhem, and the takeover of all our economies, just when religions were not working so good anymore, we are suppossed to accept gambling and drugs to alleviate the pains of our miserly existences.
    i don't benefit either way, and i don't care, i'm just trying to point to other aspects of drug use and trafficking. as long as there is a promise of profit, there will be no end to drugs or prostitution, public corruption and greed, and we can't move on to other problems of society, maybe that's the whole idea... as we argue about grifa legalization, we don't argue about the offshoring of american jobs and flight of capital, very smart...suckers!

  57. yeah they will ban cigarettes and legalize pot makes a whole lot of sense At least cigarettes have a filter U pot heads are smoking your unfiltered pot complete with pesticides grow operations often get spider mites and of course the residue isn't washed off or the THC would go Think here in Canada there are twice as many pot smokers as cigarette smokers

  58. The U.S. should decriminalize all drugs not just marijuana. In Portugal you are not criminalized for small amounts of drugs. Jail and prison makes people believe that they are criminals, even if they just have drug probelms. In Portugal and countries with similar laws they offer treatment for the users in order to help them with their issues instead of making them worse and drug usage is less there than it is in the U.S. where you are criminalized. The U.S. accounts for 5% of the world population and 25% of the world's inmates. The system obviously isn't working. Decriminalization would lead to less violence by gangs and better relations among races, not every poor white family does meth, not every hispanic traffics drugs, not ever black person sells crack. Sources:,8599,1893946,00.html

  59. March 24, 2014 at 11:32 PM
    "There's a lot of good things about modern medicine, but one of the very serious downsides, is that you end up with 97 year old arrogant, worthless, trashy, parasites, like this broad, who still roam the earth with enough energy to try to boss normal people around"
    Dude,your so right,but public apathy is a politicians best friend and there is so much of it right now.I mean you only have to look at her to know what kind of person she is?Yet,someone supports her,so what does that say about them?Horrible,truly horrible people.

  60. I'm sure the cited 30% decline in traffic related deaths had everything to do with marijuana use and nothing to do with the wide spread implementation of airbags in vehicles.

    On another note, determining whether a driver is drunk vs. stoned is pretty simple. The drunk driver runs over the stop sign, whereas the stoned driver waits for it to turn green. ;P

  61. smoking pot by californian potheads, gave them ronald reagan, arnold scwarzenigger, the nazi governator, and blackouts fueled by ENRON, the hungry company that took california to the cleaners for billions of dollars.
    l fully hope that BB potheads get better and stop playing the enemy at the gates game of self immolation for smoking green bogger laced joints.
    legalizing pot could bring radioactivated and more potent grifa, with a choice of paraquat potency enhancements, your choice!

  62. "The U.S. accounts for 5% of the world population and 25% of the world's inmates. The system obviously isn't working."

    America's only war of any real consequence is the internal one that the good guys have been losing for over 50 years.

    When prison is a coming of age and right of passage for the thugs of every race,
    When prison is like club med for the truly guilty yet hell on earth for the rest,
    When liars & cheaters can steal your dreams, but you still get stuck with the bill,
    When Tweekers, Crackheads, & Dealers have custodial rights of their children...
    Yet some "nice" responsible father is denied ANY, based on gender preferences,
    When you taxpaying workers eat potatoes and ramen while Ms. Always-pregnant,
    has 3 grocery carts full, every trip to the store, with WIC and EBT to the MAX!!!
    When "reverse" discrimination is not only excused, but encouraged & rewarded...
    When all of this is "normal", business as usual, and ALL DAY LONG baby, then
    I would say that the "system" is definitely NOT working. Of course, those who are benefiting from the corruption say, "Your loss, My gain!" And, NO, they won't give a damn either, about all of us who are getting screwed over, until God FINALLY decides to step in and clean house.
    Which, for folks like me, couldn't come soon enough, already.

  63. Senator Diane Feinstein at 97 is still very pretty, at that age, i bet she is a very busy cougar, like hilary clinton, the chicago gangster that should have been president even before bill.
    --if she has taken advantage of being a senator, and made 99 million off insider information like all the politicians on the senate and congress, imagine how much all of them put together are costing the people of the US with the customary selling out of their votes.
    --lobbyists should be taken out and shotgunned in the ass, as they push for the benefit of their millionaire handlers to get laws passed that don't pass the smell test.
    --it is easier to put in prison a prostitute for blowing a politician than for a politician to be put in jail for abusing children or young men and women working for them at the capitol or for prostituting their lofty positions.
    --nobody working as public servants should become millionaires off their demagoguery, or be taking political contributions for selling the country's ass.
    --back in the times of george washington, benjamin arnold was ex-communicated for being a british agent, now they get positions as ambassadors, on the foreign relations commitees, as lobbyists for foreign enemies of the US, foreign, domestic and domesticated.
    ---->>>>BIG MONEY should not be buying the lawmakers of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA<<<<------------
    --that is the treasonus reason of all of the country's ills, the selling out...
    --that is the reason for Obama defending the takeover of Ukrainia by nazi rednecks bought and paid by the rich zionistas that have ruined the EUROPEAN UNION and who have the US on its knees, begging for loans from the communist slave labor empire, china.
    --The US has a similar problem, with the nazi inspired tea party's rednecks, their bible powered weapons and secezionist TEXAS! (US's Ukrainia)...
    --the many communist cults posing as religious enterprises.
    --tea party heros like closet homo grover norquist, has in his pockets many political mavericks that have been bought, and are working against the best US intererests, on things like weakening the military through budget cuts, and nobody elected his motherfucking ass for office ever!
    ---President Obama is being forced to kiss ass, and the US is about to start a war against the russians to defend the shenanigans of a bunch of nazi hitler glorifying thugs, puppets of the zionista conquerors who always make a prety bunch of money out of financing both sides of all the conflicts they themselves start.
    --the US press, conveniently fail to report on the real causes behind the problems of the world, as always, plata o plomo works well with them.
    --the 97 year old cougar, sen. feinstein may not know why, but drugs are not good for anybody, least of all right now when we all need to stay awake and on point, aware of the real enemies of the US, foreign, domestic and domesticated.
    --the US needs to disown all foreign debt.
    --stop fighting zionista neo-nazi wars for them, on the zionista credit card.
    --make friends around the world that cooperate with the US, not enemy slaves that are forced to kiss ass or else.
    --expropriate all the most powerful companies that handle the most vital and strategic operations, reward competence, not corruption...
    --reduce off-shored dollars value to ZERO.
    --tax all commercial exchanges and all big corporations, donations to churches and communist cults alike, and let god punish the motherland all he wants.
    --i don't think politics is any business of government or religion is any business of government.
    --TAXING, the State's and the public welfare, are the business of government.
    --stop being the tit all the big government contractors want to suck off dry if the US wants to restore its illustrious independence and be the shinning light of liberty it once was, a looong time ago...
    --cougars will have time to pursue much more leisurely activities.
    \*).). <<---9|9 !
    --BB will be finally out of business, no more trolls!!!

  64. March 26, 2014 at 2:55 PM
    "legalizing pot could bring radioactivated and more potent grifa, with a choice of paraquat potency enhancements, your choice!"
    Dr. Bruce Banner?Shit man we found him,he's not in Brazil anymore he's right here?Did you get your little problem sorted out?

    1. Feinfrakenstein would be more believable if she wasn't such a babies blood drinker...

  65. March 26, 2014 at 12:03 AM
    "also the discussion tends to be funny and entertaining"
    Exactamundo?Exactly,so you do have a sense of humor?Because a lot of the time,it is what it is?Chivis clearly has a sense of humor,she is the mod,and she knows what she will let in,and will not appear.We all have differing opinions and that,sometimes unfortunately,makes a world.

  66. Brigitte said...
    "U pot heads are smoking your unfiltered pot complete with pesticides"
    Brigitte,you are using a huge wide brush to paint with.Do you know anything about grows?There are so many different grows,many many people grow their own with absolutely nothing on it.In fact it is becoming a huge cottage industry with the only thing being used is feed.Grown with no pesticides and completely trimmed,all you have is bud.Take into account social problems also,i,e,alcohol.To my mind the worst social troublemaker we havet.Honestly speaking,MJ or alcohol?We already know the answer.

  67. @9:21 not fair! you only read four lines, no comment about the other 97?
    it is disheartening, you know?
    now l'ii have to do it all over again...

  68. --if you want weed for the medicinal properties, see Dr. Sanjay Gupta MD's CNN report: Weed
    --if you want the grifa to get high, nothing replaces the lice and spiders loaded, that comes from the traffickers, the one sanitized, is for pussies.
    --i still don't understand how comes so many women hang with the ugliest looking pushers and get into it with them and anybody for a "high" and then move on to cacaine heroine, crack, meth, anything for a happiness that never comes, and keep doing it even if happiness never came as old wasted still young hags.
    --of course mariguana didn't have anythin' to do with it, it was only a personal "choice"...
    --and not everyone turns onto a two dollar crack ho, only too many, that had no need until they couldn't live without their chronic...
    --taking out the profit would do wonders, while satisfying the addicted and providing help for them...
    --nuts to the pushers and traffickers!!!
    --no to impunity!!!

  69. bless murica.dig up Ronald Regan,clean him up,inject a little reanimator juice,and restart AMERICA,(and mexico too)god bless.....


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