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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

PGR Explains Indentification Process Used on El Chapo

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat
The Attorney General's Office (PGR) gave a press conference to explain how the agency verified the identity of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera, following his arrest in Mazatlan, Sinaloa on Saturday  February 22nd.

Sara Monica Medina, general coordinator of services expert PGR said that the identity of "El Chapo"  was verified by genetic DNA, morphological [a study of facial construction] and fingerprint evidence.

Among the analysis to which Chapo was subjected, the PGR conducted a buccal  swab to extract  DNA and access his genetic profile, it was then compared to that on record,  which was positive.

Additionally,  a comparative study of photographs with existing physiognomy which also resulted in a match.  The   anthropometric of features and overlay test was consistent with the image of headshot matches.

The benchmarks fingerprints of both hands that confirmed the identity of  detainee  Joaquín Guzmán Loera, is the same person who spent five years imprisoned in the penitentiary that at the time was known as Almoloya.
The government of the US is reported to have conducted testing in tandem.
 all photos are from PGR


  1. Yeah its undeniable

    1. As people get older ,gravity and bone loss makes them shorter.This dude is taller now.Did he have elongation surgery as well ,or its not him.?

  2. Yea no denying its him for all you conspiracy believers out there

    1. I still think the one in the right is Elvis. LOL.

  3. ( its not him please believe it) LOL there is want thing he could not change his height 5' 5 1/2" fucking midget went out like a looser with his head looking down. if you lock chapo in a cell with z 40 he would fucken eat him like baby food... his boys are pussies too ... what orders you waiting for attack in the moment.. just my thoughts

    1. He's 56 for a start, also being a kingpin isn't about being who's the better guy with fists either is it?

    2. The internet houses all the tough guys...

    3. You did noticed that they forced his head down right other that not being able to read or think are you blind too?

    4. Chapos nutt huggers. ..

  4. Justice, regardless of how you personally define it, always prevails. If the man was crawling around in sewers like a rat, doesn't that tell everyone that he was typically on the run and always on the verge of being caught?

  5. is that a cctv photo top left...he looks like he just shoplifted

  6. is that a cctv photo top left? he looks like he just shoplifted

  7. the only part that sucks about this is that people from sonora tell me that chapo didn't allow extortions or kidnappins there so if that changes, its unfortunate

    1. Id live in any city controlled by CDS if i had to...cant say the same about CDG, Zetas, Tutas world CT or Arellano FFelix.


  8. Chapo fought the Law ...

    ... the Law won.

    1. What law? The same law that sold him all the guns? Fast and furious.. Or the same law he pays to protect him

    2. I get it...The Clash reference...forgive this doofus

    3. Billions of $ later. If you want to call that losing and the law winning.

  9. Did I read that right saying the US also preformed a test also! If so how messed up that MX would allow the US to even to that to one of there own citizens. I can see for them to do that once extradited but that is fuked in SO MANY ways imho

    1. Well imho your sensibilities are fucked.oooh a buccal swab! You order families wiped out and kids decapitated left and right you can handle a buccal swab wey.

    2. Stop your embellishment!!! What kids got their head cutoff by his orders-please provide proof.

    3. EPN is a sellout for letting the US be apart of that capture!!

    4. El chapo did it big and still is and da government helps him. Its all in da money. He can buy you out if he wants. Think about it. If he wants I'm pretty sure he can get out again. He just tired of running. Last longer than any of you losers.

  10. mexico is smart to share this information. to those that nitpick


    case closed


  11. just saw your tweet on BB twitter> "Buccal up shorty" > Love it

  12. so he was not short after all ?

  13. Cant wait for the novelas of Chapo...

    1. Hell yeah! Either Antonio Banderas, Nicholas Cage or Doug The Bounty Hunter can be the new version of El Chapo.

    2. Ha lol. Dog the bounty hunter? Lol

  14. he's back home again ,he must be so relieved he doesn't have to hide anymore .

  15. it doesn't mean that they're not showing the real him, but then it's actually a double who stays in prison and does the time.

    for example: "hey chapo, the public is getting suspicious. could we get you to pose for a few pics to quiet them down?"

    1. Lmao some people, pls chivis stop letting retards post random non sense

    2. 7:40, ever heard of freedom of speech? no matter how stupid or ignorant it is people can post whatever they want

    3. 8:42am

      Ever here freedom to not post dumb comments? FOS in a legal sense applies to the state not blogs deleting comments.

  16. He looks like everybody's goofy mexican uncle. To think that's the evil bastard that ordered so many killings is disturbing. He really looked evil in his other pictures. HAHAAHA Now he's trying to play paloma blanca on everybody at the PGR. HAHAHA

    1. What have you accomplished... a comment on BB. "Oh how impressive"
      shut the fuck up!!!

  17. Se ve que le ponia a su propio producto.

  18. What are peoples thoughts on how Z40 was displayed to the World, without handcuffs and with his head held ... Then you got Chapo in handcuffs basically being dragged by the kneck??

    1. I don't get that, maybe the cops where he was caught were still scared shitless

    2. it's all a smoke screen, just a show to make epn look good

  19. That's some ugly ass handwriting lol preschool type of shit

    1. Dude only finished primary school I think

    2. Fyi..he's illiterate. He came from a poor rural village... he dictated all his letters to a writer.. hence the bad handwriting

    3. An illiterate worth a billion bucks... drugs are a hell of a business

  20. Boy narcolife took a toll on him! He look like a used tire!

    1. He is almost 60 years old and just got beat up by the mexican marines. He probably had very little sleep in the last few days knowing the govt forces were coming up right behind him. And still he looks younger than 59..

  21. This monstrous little man (and others like him) has managed to de-stabilize large sectors of Mexico’s economy and the cost in human lives is beyond belief. Since there is no death penalty in Mexico, he and all his flunkeys should be locked away for the rest of their lives!

    Kudos to you Ms. Martinez on this very good article explaining the identification process.

  22. chapo is illiterate and that is why his signature is immature

    Mexican children in the mountains and isolated rural areas, don't have schools. they have visiting teachers that visit once a week or so to the village and teach all the children. When Chapo was 8 the teacher stop coming and there was never a replacement.

    Mexican society really could care less about impoverished children

    1. Which is why becoming a narco in many cases is the only hope for these kids to get out of poverty. Help your children Mexico!

    2. He's still a piece of $h!t

    3. I still have a hard time believing he was caught without a single shot being fired and no bodyguards near him. Also hard to believe that "illiterate" man ran the most prosperous drug ring in the Americas and had over 3000 businesses world wide. What are your thoughts on that?

    4. Very sad but true...maybe there's where the real problem education and no opportunities to become a productive member of society

    5. *Couldn't care less. Not "could". The difference being that the latter implies that you still do care to a certain extent wich even if it is true goes against the intended message of the saying.

      Not trying to be a smartass but just putting it out there.

  23. thank you, I just used the info released by PGR and their fotos..

    1. If you look at the footage where he is being escorted out of the airport hangar, you will notice that "Chapo" is as tall as the other marines that are escorting him. It's not noticeable because one of them is pushing his head down. Wouldn't they have him walking straight so the whole world can see him? Because his head is pushed down, it makes him look shorter than he really is. When "Chapo" tries to lift his head they push it down again. #2- When the footage is from afar, his legs are long. He also seems to be wearing dug rent clothes. There is a photo of him wearing a black t-shirt when he's looking straight at the camera. Then suddenly he is wearing a light colored button shirt. If you guys google or you tube it you will see what I'm talking about. And what happened to the story where a family claims that man in the footage is their relative? Any pictures?

    2. And the other guy arrested when they are on the helipcopter gets on a cell phone why would they let him make phone calls?? You can see it in the video and pictures check it out. And has anybody found out who that guy is?

    3. He is a U.S. Navy Seal

  24. DEA pinpointed him and the US is doing everything in their power to extradite him, but yet people think it's a double. Sometimes I think some BB posters are 12 years old.

  25. Hey chivis did you hear about one of the main guy from cartel del golfo got caught this morning . Any more info on that

  26. nothing changes he still da boss even from inside the toughest prison he'll always b public enemy #1 usa sorry but no chapo for u

  27. well that settles it, DNA, trace his lineage, betcha he has some German in him. Germany=war mongers, that's how they got their name.

  28. i dont know guy but maybe there was sum type of respect giving to z40 vs chapo or maybe they had already beat the shit out of z40 which was evident by the limp that they knew he wasnt going anywhere on top of that he was surrounded by army and marines that fucker chapo had already gotten away once and didnt want to take a chance besides im sure chapo was walking around with no cuffs once he was secure why is everybody so fond of chapo???? gente nueva did the same shit any other gang does exploit innocents hell in sinaloa they poor workers where complaining how they where getting there pensions checks taken on the regular and this was not to far from culican so what does that say

  29. Le querían hacer la pregunta, pero esperaron a tenerlo sentado en el asiento de piel del avión Learjet 60 de la Marina.
    Había tiempo. 75 minutos de vuelo entre Mazatlán y el DF.
    La Operación Gárgola había concluido cinco días después de lo planeado porque Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán Loera usó el complejo sistema de túneles para huir de Culiacán al amanecer del 17 de febrero. Finalmente fue detenido en Mazatlán por la Marina —que desde el sexenio pasado ha sido la más eficaz contra el crimen— y la nueva Agencia de Investigación Criminal, a la que muchos llaman “la nueva PGR”.
    Pero había algo que no se explicaban los altos funcionarios de inteligencia que llevaban años estudiando al más buscado del mundo. Y se lo preguntaron:
    —¿Por qué cuando te nos escapaste de Culiacán no te fuiste pa’ la sierra? ¿Por qué te quedaste en Mazatlán donde sabías que era más fácil para nosotros rastrearte?
    —Ya me iba a ir pa’l monte, pero no había visto a mis niñas.
    Y en efecto, la cuna de viaje con las dos cuatitas durmiendo —las más pequeñas de los 16 hijos del capo— estaba en la recámara contigua a la habitación en cuyo baño fue aprehendido el líder del cártel de Sinaloa.
    Quienes lo acompañaron en vuelo lo describen tranquilo, carismático, francote, de marcado acento sinaloense, apretando las facciones del rostro para enfatizar sus ademanes con los brazos casi pegados al cuerpo, que no grita ni insulta, pero cuando algo lo incomoda o no quiere contestar con la verdad su lenguaje corporal lo delata: mueve los hombros alternadamente como si fueran remos en lago y se acomoda en la silla.
    Le preguntaron sobre Rafael Caro Quintero. Reveló que cuando salió de la cárcel se juntó a comer con él en la sierra. Estuvieron como una hora. Explicó a los funcionarios de la Marina y la PGR que Caro no tiene interés en regresar al negocio de la droga, que está enfermo, viejo y con la certeza de que ya pagó sus culpas. Le cuestionaron dónde se escondía: en la sierra, soltó con desparpajo El Chapo.

    Habló de sus aliados y rivales.
    De Servando Gómez La Tuta y Los Caballeros Templarios dijo que eran unos “rateros mugrosos”. Y se diferenció: “Yo soy un narcotraficante. Yo no secuestro, ni robo, ni extorsiono, ni nada de eso”.
    Dijo que su compadre Ismael El Mayo Zambada estaba en el monte y que su otro socio, Juan José Esparragoza El Azul, seguramente andaba por Guadalajara.
    Sobre Los Zetas, relató que Heriberto Lazcano El Lazca “era mi enemigo, pero era un caballero”, pero despreció a Miguel Treviño, el Z-40.
    Dijo que los Beltrán Leyva, que eran sus operadores, lo quisieron matar cuando se fugó del penal de Puente Grande en 2001.
    “Maté a dos mil o tres mil”, confesó sin tapujos. Contó que mandó asesinar a Ramón Arellano pero no al cardenal Posadas, sobre cuyo caso respalda la versión oficial de que todo fue una confusión: “Yo pensé que los Arellano venían en el Grand Marquis, eso me dijeron mis escoltas”.
    Dijo que no es rico —“ese es un invento de Forbes”— pero las autoridades informaron que le incautaron tres relojes de a 150 mil dólares cada uno, 16 casas, 47 vehículos y señalan que cada tres días una mujer, apodada La Michelle, le llevaba una adolescente de entre 13 y 16 años de edad, quien recibía 100 mil pesos por un día de trabajo sexual.


  31. with all that cash he should have had a private teacher to learn to write and read , and open up schools in poor villages etc.

  32. He really looks like mr wilson lol

  33. I know ppl are gona say theres hella feds around him but why is he uncuffed and wearing the same shirt thats bullshit i think mexicos playing the us and the citezens. Who knows though

  34. Some people who are older over 50 have signatures that are not so great especially men so who is to know how literate he is by his last name is Gonzalez & my sig is printed almost looks like a gr 2 kid wrote it & I have a degree so not to judge by that/my husband is Mexican and he prints his name looks uneducated & he went to school in the USA...

  35. Who gives a fuck if its him or not theirs been drugs since before anyone new what drugs were before all the drug cartels and before any master mind drug dealers its never gonna stop

  36. Any way you look at it, he is fucked. He has no life, he will rot in prison forever, his Lex Luther super criminal adventure has come to an end.

  37. face doesnt match at all. and why doesnt the ear show on the right picture. and the height difference. shit like this pisses me off. either theyre trying to throw someones game off to make them talk or theyre really idiots and just pulling bullshit out their ass to look good and not be worng. Im a white, 24 year old female just by looking at the photo match its just off. space between eyebrows and eyelid, the lips, Just like those stupid before and after weight loss commercials they hire someone who looks almost identical in facial features but its because america is too fuckin brainwashed most of the time to look into further detail besides :oohhhing and ahhhhing.

  38. Hey chivis did u guys hear about one of cdg bosses got caught.. anymore info?

  39. Now that the capture of Joaquin "El Bieber" Guzman has been confirmed through the DNA testing, what next Guzman will wreck havoc and gain notoriety for it. You had the Maoist leader Abimael Guzman almost overthrow the govt. of Peru with his guerrilla movement Sendero Luminoso in the 80s and early 90s. You had Arturo Guzman Decena begin the paramilitary group the Zetas who went on to become a worldwide notorious cartel. You had Bensigno Guzman begin the guerrilla group EPR in
    Guerreo in the late 90s. You even had Gordiano Guzman lead a rebel group in Michoacan during revolutionary times who was well respected by Villa and
    Zapata that refused to enter Michoacan, and the federal govt. could never subdue. That name won't disappear anytime soon either in Mx. since Chapo created 16 kids, grand kids have been born also, that we know of. Ahhhhggg!! Chapo has spawned a lot of Chapitos/Joaquinas.

  40. So now we must ask, "Where is MZ, Azul, Quintero, El Viceroy, Damaso Lopez, Mayito Gordo, Ivan Archivaldo, El 42, El Inge de Tijuana, Chapo Isidro, El H, etc....?"

  41. Why should. Mexico extradite chapo if al the crimes were committed in Mexico not USA ?? Americans will still be #1 drug consumers so whats gonna change chapo goes and ten more come to take his place. Only the people in the sierra of Sinaloa know why they protected him! Where was the government when huracan manuel struck? Why was it Chapo the one who helped all those poor communitys when the government was pocketing all the money. I mean i dont justify him but he has done so much more than the government for the Sinaloenses than anyone else.thats why he will always be El señor de la montaña.

  42. Arrested with his head DOWN just like a straight PUNK...

    1. Yeah... But they forced his head down moron..... You are still mad even after they arrested him if he was dead you will still be mad.... Lol looser and chapo is in jail what is your excuse.

    2. I'm sure , you would not call the man a "punk" to he's face if you had the chance.. remember buddy TALK IS CHEAP..

  43. just an observation on the side by side overlay.

    the "chapo" on the left has a look on his face that seems to say "don't fuck with me"

    and the "chapo" on the right has a look on his face that seems to say "damn, I don't know how I let my primo talk me into this double thing"

  44. The side by side pic is photoshopped. The mustache has been drawn in and if you look at the hair its shorter than the other pictures. This is way off....why is no one else noticing? What about the height difference? These are questions journalists should be askingn.

    1. I noticed the same thing about the mustache. the height could be explained by the shrinking as you get older it happens to everyone

  45. Chivis
    "Mexican children in the mountains and isolated rural areas, don't have schools"
    Is it that bad that there are no adults at all who would willingly help these little kids?A lot of people even on here,who passed their grammar exams who would love to teach little Mexican kids their ABC's.How rewarding would that be?Yes i know there may be more important things in their life,but?What a world we do live in,children who are illiterate bear no fault,the fault is all ours

  46. They usually put your head down when being escorted towards a helicopter, people trying to find conspiracy theories in the darndest things

  47. Is it him? Who really knows? A few things I think we can all agree on is that 1) EPN is a puppet whose election was purchased with the assistance of the cartels; 2) The Mexican Government is corrupt; and 3) Joaquin Guzman is extremely wealthy.

    I would say that if he does not get extradited to the US or if he somehow mysteriously dies in his cell, then there is a strong possibility that the individual in custody is not Chapo Guzman.

    There is already misinformation being circulated:

    This could turn out to be Mexico’s JFK conspiracy. Figures don’t lie, Liars figure.

  48. Your "señor de la montaña" is a p.o.s PEDOPHILE ! ! !

    No different than Lazca building churches one week, the next killing defenseless migrants.

  49. "EPN is a sellout for letting the US be apart of that capture!!"

    please elaborate, or are you just an angry individual with one liners that don't mean shit! if so, join the GOP

  50. February 25, 2014 at 11:34 PM
    "EPN is a sellout for letting the US be apart of that capture!!"
    Grow the fuck and stop being a child,that's the sum total of your comment?
    My god i swear the world is getting dumber and dumber.Absolutely idiotic.

  51. Holy shit!! Chaps is right handed!! SO AM I!!!! I knew we had alot in common!!!! He's sooooo dreamy, with all that blood on his hands, i mean who wouldnt want to be just like him!?!

  52. The real question here folks is that ???who is going to supply el Chapo with "Just for Men(black color)" ?? I need to know!!!!!!!

  53. about CDG comadante 14....Garza merdrano is him ...right? I apologize no time to research and write a post of the capture

  54. EPN is a sellout - BULLSHIT! The real sellouts were these men that brought evil and misery to the good people of Mexico.
    Assholes like you defending these murdering fuckers are the REAL SELLOUTS.

    1. EPN and PRI is the reason why Mexico is the way it is, that political party has been in power since the 20's, they're the SELLOUTS you ignorant ASSHOLE I want to you tell that to the three Auto Defensas members that were gunned by soldiers in Michoacan for not turning in their weapons or the Zapatistas that were massacred in 97 by paramilitary group known as RED MASK (Mascara Roja) that by Enrique's political party (PRI), what you think the privatization of PEMEX will benefit Mexico? Hell no alot people might lose their jobs...
      Enrique Pela Nieto and PRI the true sellouts of Mexico

      Watch the videos lets see if people of Mexico agree with you.

    2. Listen you Asshole Enrique and his Compadres from the PRI Cartel are also SELLOUTS, that's why Mexico is the way it is! The PRI have been in control since the 20's being unfair and stealing from the people, you want to talk about "murdering fucks" what about the Zapatistas that were Massacred by a paramilitary group known as the Red Mask (Mascara Roja) hired by the PRI Cartel in 1997 in Chaipas, what about the Auto Defensas members that were gunned down by soldiers last year in Michoacan for not turning in their weapons. What you think the privatization of Pemex will benefit the people, a lot of people my lose their jobs because of that.
      Enrique Pela Nieto and The PRI are the true SELLOUTS.

      Watch the videos, lets see some of the Citizens of MEX agree with you.

  55. @7:40 only anonymous stained stain shorts ain'tstain should be allowed to post here? what are you genius ass doing in a site like this, populated by the rabble?
    --american "educated" people don't know how to write,and the news is? what can you expect of a people that only writes on computers by fingering the keys
    --chapo did great without so much of a formal education, without extorting others, against doctors and engineers like the arellanos, with generals and governors of all sizes in his pocket, against soul less muderers with "military training", there were deaths of his people, and there were deaths of his enemies, tit for tat, but not having abused the poor or the innocent immigrants, or extorted under torture and murder, is his saving grace and most of mexico salutes chapo with gratitude, respect and admiration, while pena nieto is about as popular as z40.
    --how is there going to be "educaishun" if the union leaders steal the funds (i mean privatize, sorry global capitalistas) to deposit the money in the US or other foreign banks, without prosecution?
    --in a nation whose government and businessmen are so corrupt, in spite of their harvard degrees, combined with the degrees of other tools of the international vulture capital.
    --el chapo guzman, seems to be more efficient and a better businessman than mitt romney himself, with two harvard degrees, (who also writes horribly), who claims only 250 million usd, all made by laundering drug money and investing it on offshoring the jobs of the american workers of the US, and who will not say how much more he has stashed away, safe from the claws of the US government or people of exotic ideologies that may want to expropriate it, AND SHOULD...

  56. 12:12

    good post brother!

  57. February 25, 2014 at 7:57 PM - ¿De dónde sacaste esa información?

    1. Lo dijo lorett de mola en galavision

  58. how soon before we never see chapo again? in the past just a few photos circulated on the net. after this capture there is a new supply. how long before no more new photos, ever? when will he be gone forever? only to live on like jesus malverde?

  59. 12:12, for you to trade in your chapo pom poms, and start looking for a new hero.

  60. @7:57 are you trying to say the arellanos were at the guadalajara airport with 20 gunmen and shot the cardenal dead because el "chapo got confused"? and el chapo said that himself? that el chapo prepared the arellanos quick escape to tijuana?
    it has been common knowledge that the cardinal had been pestering the mexican government about the crime levels and the drug trafficking, the main drug traffickers and murderers at the time, the arellano felix were supposed to make the cardinal shut the fuck up, per orders of jorge hank rohn, their tijuana partner, and el chapo was planted there for the icing on the cake, or as a diversion. anyways, the flow of drugs shifted from ojinaga to tijuana/califa, a lot of airplanes, mexicana de aviacion and aeronaves de mexico,plus amado carrillo's planes shifted to califa/arizona, as on cue...
    then the devil got loose, the US/MEXICO "foreign steel courtain" shifted the pedestrian flow of drugs and illegals to the sout-east US/north east mexico, wher george w bush and his compadre yarrington made a ton of money off all the free trade trafficking while governors of their states, just for looking the other way, and the main movers in the area, los zetas, mexican army- gafes/dropouts. extending the pedestrian style (infantry) takeover of the
    "plazas" from guatemala with the kaibiles, to texas, leaving behind all the murders and dissapearances characteristic of the zetas, who i think infiltrated the gulf cartel to steal the business for the higher ups of the mexican army from the military retirees colony/base in coahuila, it was good until the politicians sold the plazas to two or three different cartels at the same time behind their backs, see <<>> there is always confusion in what one hears moving to saying what one thinks he heard and then some more in sayin what we think we are saying, maybe we need to hear the tapes again...

  61. Chivis, talk about school problems... how about converting schools to dance halls? I guess there must be a surplus of school property in Mexico and a shortage of good places to drink and dance. Ni modo...

  62. @5:22 money lap dogs vs chapo's nuthuggers...
    -- lap dogs are like pigs chasing the carrot dangling on a string from a stick.
    --the lewinskis of the world do not do too much honor to themselves when all they can do is throw their panties away, to the bad men they do not like.
    --i wish you the best, you are really a quinceañera with no arguments to express in defense of the nuts of your choice, you do no debunking.
    --we are comparing cockroaches in the run for worst cockroach.
    --you come throwing your quinceanera panties to the wolves in response.
    ----------you are welcome----------

  63. Wow, he appears so tired and worn out that he doesn’t look the same from even 10 years ago; and we are only viewing his outer image; he may just have some internal health problems such as heart disease from all the stress and strain. We already know he has some mental problems such as chronic paranoia etc. and all those houses with tunnels & security equipment still didn’t make him feel secure. I think he may be able to get a decent night sleep “ONLY" in prison.

    One other thought: I wonder why small but very powerful flash lights weren’t placed in the tunnels…this could have prevented the men from injuring themselves while running in the dark…

  64. @7:52 there is no room in truth for outright lies or half truths,but there is room between your pompas for my pom-pons.
    --prove where i am wrong.
    --i hate to be wrong, but i will gladly recognize when i am wrong.
    -- i want to learn; teach me a lesson please!

  65. Lmfao just like Saddam Hussein.
    -Al Quds.

  66. Chapo you should have been running
    things from Cuba

  67. @6:53 amado carrillo fuentes is said to have been in cuba, and to have fathered children there, el señor de los cielos, airplane fan, must have done some business there, general arnaldo ochoa of the cuban air force executed for being a confessed and corrupt drug trafficker, using cuban air force facilities and planes, of which operations raul castro, intelligence officer and chief boss of the cuban military and air force "did not have the slightest idea"... the US does not have any idea where that came from, and does not know nothing about air america's drug trafficking operations since giving laos allies their own air company, or the continued operations moving cacaine to the US from latin-america, OR the movement of heroin from afghanistan to the US... moving keiko sized drug loads to the US seems to be getting easier and easier as time goes by, right under everybody's noses to avoid radar detection i suppose...

    1. Attorney General to El Chapo after DNA tests, about the twin girls: Mr Chapo Guzmán... You ARE NOT the father!


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