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Friday, January 24, 2014

Violence in Michoacan has not yet reached the levels attained in Chihuahua

Diario de Juarez (1-21-2014) By Martin Orquiz

Translated for Borderland Beat by un vato

In reading the following article, there are certain facts one must keep in mind:

The State of Chihuahua measures 95,543 square miles and has a population of 3,470,783 (2012).

The State of Michoacan measures 22,625 square miles, with a population of 4,412,767 (2012).

The State of Mexico (Edomex) is 1,800 square miles, with a population of 15,680,766 (2013). As reported here in the Borderland Beat, there have been 51 executions so far this year in Edomex.

The reason I include these statistics is that, calculated on a per capita basis, or using the standard index of instances per 100,000 population, the numbers in Chihuahua are actually much worse than the report indicates. I must also point out that the government officials and public representatives that the reporter quotes assume that the decrease in the number of homicides in Juarez was the result of the policies that these officials and representatives describe.--- un vato 

Although the state of Michoacan is now the focus of national and international attention due to the violence generated by crime and the rise of citizen self defense groups, it has not yet reached the levels of violence attained in Chihuahua. 

In fact, during the eight year period between 2006 and 2013, the number of murder victims in the central state (Michoacan) amount to about a third of the number reported here, according to comparisons carried out using information from the National Criminal Index (Incidencia Delictiva Nacional) published by the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Publica).

Just in 2013 alone, as reported by the organization, an office within the Secretariat of Governance (Segob; Secretaria de Gobernacion), 961 murders were reported to the Public Ministry in that state, while the same source indicates that 1,443 persons were murdered in Chihuahua.

Meanwhile, information from the State General Prosecutor (FGE; Fiscalia General del Estado) in the northern zone indicates that there were 485 murders in Juarez last year.

Along with the deployment of the Federal Police and the Mexican Army in an attempt to control the situation in Michoacan, the Federal Government is considering the implementation there of the strategy of citizen participation established here which, according to government officials and public representatives, helped decrease the level of crime, above all in the border city.

During his visit to the border area last week, the Segob's Deputy Secretary of Prevention and Citizen Participation, Roberto Campa Cifrian, met with members of the Juarez Board of Security and Justice (MSJ; Mesa de Seguridad y Justicia), members of the Trust for Competitiveness and Citizen Safety (Ficosec; Fideicomiso para la Competividad y Seguridad Ciudadana), the Chihuahua Citizen Observatory for Prevention, Security and Justice, and other civic entities to convey that intent.

The main objective, said members of the Juarez groups, is to permeate Michoacan society with the need to face public safety problems from a perspective of citizen cooperation without the use of firearms, as is happening today.

"What has been done here in Juarez has drawn the Federal government's attention, and they want to take this model and use it in places like Michoacan and Tamaulipas", explained the director of MSJ, Jorge Contreras Fornelli. The citizen representative pointed out that public participation in the resolution of public safety problems is basic, which is why it is important for for people to participate in the process of fighting crime.

Although the circumstances in Michoacan are somewhat different than those that prevailed in Chihuahua, the members of the local social groups agreed that it is possible, by means of several adaptations, to begin to work in that state towards a decrease in crime.

Data from Federal entities establishes that, between 2006 and 2013, there were 5,631 murders in the central Mexican state.

During that same period, there were 16,824 murders committed in Chihuahua, according to those same entities.

Using those numbers as a base, it can be stated that the number of persons murdered during that eight year period in Michoacan represents 33.4% of the victims reported in Chihuahua.   


  1. In juarez the violence is still bad they just anounce no dead or 1 or 2 a day when in reality everyday theres more killings they just stopped reporting everything.. an autodefence should start in the state

    1. 5 members of la familia got smoked in gro. Its going down ppl are tired of this bs and are taking up arms and handing tuta a can of whoop ass,its only a matter of time till we see a picture of tuta with his guts and brains hanging out getting eaten by crows...

    2. ^^^ Thats a little graphic but I honestly check this site daily for news on his capture or death. -Gio

    3. The word is that tuta is teaming up with cdg ..

  2. The vilence in michoacan is and was also way much worse the numbers indicated.

  3. El Señor JL es bien Buena persona y no se mete con la gente POR eso todos lo apoyan. O se entierran solos.escavan sus tumbas solos.aki todo esta calmado.

  4. Without firearms my ass! The reason the violence in Juarez diminished was because no nonsense chief Leyzaola arrived and improved the firepower the police carried and their training. He probably reduced the corruption also. It takes firepower to deal with firepower. Considering Juarez is a border plaza would explain why the war was more vicious in Chihuahua than Mich. In 3yrs. of Mr.Leyzaola
    arrival the number of murders dropped from over 3000 to under 500. CDS and CDJ had themselves a war in Juarez.

    1. Leyzaola is the biggest crook my man. Chapo guzman brought him in to help fight la linea. Chapos people were getting killed so thats when chapo brought him in. The same happened in tijuana. Cd juarez is still experiencing alot of killings, they just dont put it on the news anymore.

  5. US military vets should be hired by these self defense groups to train them on how to apply military tactics when battling these cartels, its one thing fighting against a specific cartel in Michoacan who mostly consist of young inexperienced criminal, but when you form self defense groups in Zeta controlled territories, you are fighting more experienced killers in warfare tactics, in Michoacan AD's progress with ease with few casualties, I would gladly volunteer my time to help the cause SF 36th Commando Battalion

    1. Actually, that would be the worst thing to do. Noth8 mg against my second motherland, but as a person who likes pilitucal science, n history.

      The us gov and personel seeking to help always comes with baggage n a hidden agenda. SO NO US intervention from no One besies Mexicans.

    2. Theres already 5 that I know. Two are cousins of mine. Both did tours in iraq and afgahanistan. We all still have family there.

    3. Trey bostic the autodefensas dont look like they need much help anymore.. and what makes you think zetas are well trained killers if most of them are robbingcause payday hasnt came in months.. taxing the fucken ice cream man an shit.. they all get the same training.. you get trained to shoot automatic weapons physical exercise and cardioo.. if they were so well trained they wouldnt get there ass kicked by the mexican military so bad when they run into each other.. autodefensas know who they are and where they hide.. thats thereadvantage

  6. The movement is growing,

  7. The impression I've got from hearing non-Chihuahua-government/police people is that the decrease in crime in Juarez was due more to CDS' winning the war there.
    Whether or not that was the main cause of the decrease in violence, it WAS a factor. The fact that they don't even mention that here gives me the idea that the Secretariat's information is deliberately misleading. What do you thing?


  8. Guns for cartels,
    guns for auto-defense
    guns for the army
    guns for the navy
    guns for the police
    guns, guns, guns

    So who made them ? Do Mexico make some guns ?
    Or all guns in Mexico come from USA ?

    1. Germany and of course the usa where more people have guns per some books..or quit acting your shoe size..

    2. US is a big consumer in drugs, in order to pay for them they either offer $$$ or a large amount of guns, and most of those guns are mainly military weapons.

    3. Swapping guns for drugs.. noone wins - Gio

  9. As an American looking in from the outside, it's mind boggling that Mexicos problems with narcos isn't on the top priority list of all officials on this side of the planet. Really simply leads to one conclusion, every official is either in on all this, or they are turning a blind eye to what's going on for other reasons. What will it take for the world to act? Good luck Mexico.

  10. Me da mucho gusto saber que la verdad este saliendo a la luz nacionl y internacionalmente. Que el mundo se de cuenta de la realidad de lo que esta pasando en mexico y como es tan corrupto el govierno mexicano. Las autodefensas se estan expandiendo y acabando con los templarios, los cuales pagan a los corruptos para que los dejen trabajar. No bajen ni entreguen las armas que mas gente se les estan uniendo. Espero ver un dia muy sercando el derrocamiento de los templarios por completo y el fin para JOAQUIN LOPEZ DORIGAS el reportero mas corrupto que mexico tiene. Deslean a la patria, a la onestidad, a la etica y a la moral. Que bajen a ese puerco por cochino.

  11. Penas das Nieto doesn't want the news in mexico to broadcast anything that is related to Narcos. Why??? Because he doesn't want the truth to come out, just in case that something goes wrong. He and his corrupt goverment can use their own vias media and lie to the nation just like televisa did with the manipulation of the Dr. Mireles interviews. See, it all a stragedy to commit crime and not be found guilty of it. Penas das Nieto is fliying under the wing Carlos Salinas and working with the cartels. See, when the two USA agent were killed in San Luis, they had no problem finding the criminals, but when Ruiz Macie was killed (carlos brother in law) till this day no one has been arrested. When the brother of carlos was killed, what happend, nothing, no was has been charge, and raul salinas could never explain where all his money came from, (11 million dollars consfiscated at the airport in the USA) Then paid a wealthy 1 million dollars to be free from the mexican jail....funny how everything moves in mexico and there are no answers. Penas Das Nieto is been directed in the same foot steps from the old PRI. La revolucion needs to happen in orther to have a clean and LESS CORRUPT MEXICO. ARRIVA LAS AUTODEFENSAS. JOAQUIN LOPEZ ORMIGA ERES UN CORRUPTO CERDO, FUERA POR COCHINO

  12. oh yes, segob and the federal gob, they are so honest and accurate, let's believe what they say

  13. For sure, one way to keep the numbers down is stop looking! As in the fosas of 2 months ago, it was not halted because of lack of bodies just overnight the government says they will stop at this time.

  14. How can EPN call himself president when this stuff is happening in Mexico?

    What a immoral, disgusting, shameless human being EPN is. I hope the revolution happens and he is hanged for the countless innocent lives lost due to his corrupt administration.

  15. For me, there are three possible explanations for the decrease in the number of murders in Juarez, Chihuahua:
    1. The press and government agencies are not reporting the true numbers, so the decrease may not be as great as the government asserts;
    2. The citizen participation policies promoted by the Federal, state and local governments were effective and murder rates decreased for that reason; or,
    3. The war between the Juarez and the Sinaloa cartels is over, and the Sinaloa cartel is in charge.

    As in other areas with large numbers of now-unemployed sicarios, poverty, high unemployment and economic disparity, street crime has skyrocketed. Kidnapping, extortion and robbery rates especially are high. I personally believe that the truth is a combination of explanations 1 and 3. The press in Mexico is complying with government demands to put a spin on crime reporting, and Juarez/Chihuahua is no exception. Things are still very tough in the Valle de Juarez and the Sierra Tarahumara, for example, but we see no reporting on that. But the main reason that murders are down is because the Sinaloa group took over Juarez.

    1. Right Mr expert that's exactly what happened because you live in Chihuahua and know that CDS erased La Linea. CDS didn't do nothing.

    2. CDS couldn't take out weak ass AFO what makes you say such nonsense fucking nuthugger you should take a tour to Juarez and see if your gay ass GN are in charge

    3. A ese pendejo aya lo violan.. aber si su mama ba por el

    4. Los aztecas run cd juarez. La linea is in chihuahua city. Cds is in the valle de juarez. Thats the bottom line and the truth in cd juarez.

  16. @5:19 and @2:19: After CDS' initial gains, they were beaten away by CDJ with the help of the Zetas.

  17. meanwhile, Obama's inviting those people to the U.S. by the bussload at taxpayer expense. He claims they come here to work

    1. Alot of them are indeed looking for a better life just as your people have in the past looking for a new life and freedoms. You should be complaining about the wars an healthcare before immigration. That was mexican land before your governments. -Gio

  18. Duh cuz chihuahua is on the border of mexico and usa where the drugs are voming and going which results in more violence

  19. I live in el paso tx and I cross into juarez at least once a month; now u can see a lot more traffic and pedestrians; where as a couple of years ago the city looked like a ghost town. The reason is that the sinaloas finally realized they aren't gonna control any part of juarez; almost every family here in juarez & el paso has somebody who is an azteka or la linea.

  20. The war in juarez never really stopped it just shifted to other parts of mexico, I have familly in cuatemoc and chihuhua most in juarez.. juarez is anyones guess nobody really knows who is who you just know the 3 main gates are under la linea but the city is still very dangerous alot of murders the press says there aro no deaths most of the time which is a lie, and from my familly most of the towns from chihuhua to cuatemoc are la linea, chihuhua is more like juarez there are people working for different people but the small towns are under la linea, leyzaola was working with the federales and military along with cds they were all corrupt just like in michoacan. They are still fighting but dont believe the whole cds is in control on chihuhua I know from familly everything is just constantly shifting from place to place

  21. the people in chihuahua have a different situation, obviously. the idea of having the people, public, pueblo actually talking to, cooperating with the policia is ridiculous on its face since mexican police are corrupt and abusive. that is the purpose of autodefenses... they are not neighborhood watch. or the dare program. these are peoples militia taking up arms. not much different than the american revolutionaries or those earlier led by francisco villa and emiliano zapata.


    1. I read it on tierra del narco la puta is leaving michoacan but goin to nuevo laredo to fight zetas

    2. He's going to hide because he is toast in Michuacan! Get the story straight!

  23. I received this short note of thanks after resending the greetings, this is to Borderland Beat Readers I know for sure he received them-but yikes he isn't sleeping well

    On Sunday, January 26, 2014 at 1:24 AM, "JOSE MANUEL MIRELES" wrote:

    Gracias amigos. Que Dios los bendiga por su apoyo moral. --- Mensaje Original ---

    Enviado: 25 de enero de 2014 6:26 PM
    Asunto:Por parte de todos en Borderland Beat, esperamos que te mejores pronto

  24. Chuco Town and Juarez Arriba mi gente.

  25. drugs are allowed on the US in order for the weapons manufacturers to be able to get their hands on a lot of that narco money,they can't use fast and furious anymore, the sales of weapons to narcs continue unabated,as before fast and furious,which started waay before obama took charge,i don't think george w bush was aware of the situation either,presidents of the US don't need to know the dirty little stuff.
    the murder rate during leyzaola's reign,and after him, is only because he and his disciples,the police he corrupted,were more selective about who to kidnap and extort,namely anybody with some money,ill gotten ot not.
    the narcs they allow to thrive are not going to say anything, leyzaola and his jaguar group have been at it for a long time and have a lot of experience in covering their tracks and in making sure there are no witnesses left behind.
    all expert police officers coming from the capital DF or around the state of mexico,are shipped out to spread the kidnapping and extortions there down a little bit,murder rates get kept down a little, kidnappings,extortions and dissapearances skyrocket,news don't cover it if they know what is good for them. there is no perfect crime,the criminals are not sophisticated enough to cover their tracks,military influenced police and narcs are,and nobody needs to keep it silenced like the police,militarized or not.

  26. "That was mexican land before your governments. -Gio"

    1. How do the Navajo, Apache etc. feel about their land being Mexican land before?

    2. What part of Nebraska, Chicago, etc. were part of Mexico?

    3. Did Hernan Cortes speak Raramuri?

  27. Watch u who u call cowards u idiot!! if ur the type to believe organize crime wnt return to michoacan than ur a bigger idiot than i thought!! Good for the michoacanos for fighting the local cartel, but in reality their just cleansing the state for another,and if ur so naive to believe somehow some way,the ad were not funded by a rival cartel disguised as the good guys, then i dnt know wat to tell u,u see my ignorant friend greed runs amuck in all of mexico and if ur really gonna clean things up ,it has to start at the top not the bottom, meaning the president,oh by the way us chihuahenses have proven our valor many times over,the mexican revoution, can boast of having mexicos first oscar winner,also nba players,mlb players,olympic athletes whove medaled,grammy winners ,reknowned scholars and the worlds richest man ,sims is half chihuahense, i just wish i could hear u call my people cowards in person,becuz id punch the spit out ur mouth!!! Att a Proud Chihuahense

  28. You make no sense whatsoever and I still call you a coward and all those who think like you, there no evidence that the autodefensa movement are affiliated or financed by another cartel so shut the fuck up.

  29. 10:12 chihuahueño pedorro, ese puto de carlos slim helu, may be half chihuahueño,but he is 100% chilango, and the biggest rat from the city, he would not bother to work in a government position because he buys government officials to do his bidding, legally,for a kickback, his brother, who may be a little and a half dumber, has worked with policia judicial federal all his motherfucking life,enough to have been part of all the corruption,since the start. carlos slim got leyzaola and garcia luna their jobs on the police agencies they used to kidnap, extort and murder,whatever other glories the chi hua hua state may have, pale before the spectacle of all the murdered cd juarez women,and all the murders carried out by the different police agencies that buried the carcasses in the houses of death in cd juarez, the release of sergio rafael barraza bocanegra, the assassination of marisela escobedo in front of the state palace of governance, the murders of honest military officers in ojinaga, ordered by their own generals. if you want to brag about chi hua hua, brag about how its people cleaned the whole motherfucking state of chi hua hua, some day,or at least the chi hua hue ño governor's house...
    Saudi arabia, gives Lebanon 3 billion dollars to help the country of Lebanon defend themselves,after Lebanon catches an al qaeda element spying and carrying terrorist attacks there, he was saudi royalty,his family and bin ladin's family,long time friends. he died of "health issues" after confessing to his misdeeds i am sure. the 3 billion dollars will be sent to france to provide all the necessary armament to Lebanon, and military vehicles,no money to remain in lebanese hands but the necessary kickbacks, about 3 000.00 dollars, and an expense account to help the syrian revolutionaries depose assad, because obama won't get into it,causing the US republican chickenhawks great anguish, a big war is needed to prop up france's fucked up economy, the saudis are said to be helping the ukrainians to make trouble for putin in rusia for helping syria,putin is expected to attack saudi arabia to get the arabs out once and for all,no arabs are to keep ownership of any oil whatsoever or any of that mone in the foreign banks of the foreign infidels,all they need is their camel dung ,and there is plenty of that over there. mexicans need no oil either,the chinese do, and help is on the way, mexico! mexico! mexico!!!
    The US don't need cacaine anymore, opiates, heroine and meth are on the way, to be the dominant species for a while,after grifa, they will be legalized too, as before, when china could not control drug addiction and had to give in to the english drug merchants trafficking,after losing the war. the US is slowly giving in to the globalization that includes drug trafficking and the population's addiction, the US has prepared itself by repeatedly making its population repeat "JUST SAY NO", "JUST SAY NO", "JUST SAY NO" in public, while always saying YES in private...


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