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Monday, January 27, 2014

A Minister's Story: I Was a Templario for Two Hours

By: Rafael Camacho 
Pedro Preciado is a big man, standing in at 1.90 meters and weighing 120 kilos leaves no doubt about it; his speech is slow and soft.  He has a voice that lulls, one that transmits peace.  Pedro is a Christian pastor in the ministry of the Free Methodist Church that serves the area of Tepalcatepec and parts of Coalcomán, both municipalities of the Mexican state of Michoacán.

Pedro and his family were kidnapped by the Knights Templar cartel twice in the same day. This is his detailed story, which sounds like a horror movie.

Source: Subversiones


  1. SOOOOO COMPELLING! Great Find Valor

  2. I´m speechless, all I can say is thank you for posting.

  3. Wow...sounds like escaping Nazi Germany.

  4. Perhaps, knowing this man was a man of God scared them even more...Godbless

  5. Broly or what ever the hell his name is, said they do not kill women and girls. I one of the posts said at least he is honest. I had to laugh at that comment. Everyone knows they kill women, girls, children and innocents. They need to be lined up and shot. Knees first, crutch shot and then left to die slowly. No captives would be better.

    1. I don't agree. This is not severe enough

    2. Burn them them the same mercy they showed to the innocents.

    3. Whats the difference between what you want for them and what they are doing? What really needs to happen is genuine law enforcement and punishment. Not killing them the same way they do, you sound just as monsterous. Build a real police force that does their job and a prison to house these criminals for their heinous crimes.- Gio

    4. 7:31 the narco kidnappers do not keep any prisoners, why should the people's AD keep any ct prisoners?

  6. Wow, they can make movie out of this story!!!

  7. El pueblo que andaba en la oscuridad ha visto una gran luz. En cuanto a los que moran en la tierra de sombra profunda, la luz misma ha brillado sobre ellos.
    (Isaias Capitulo 9 Versiculo 2)

    1. Eso si los z o templarios no han atakado la comusion federal de electricidad. Mejor rezales a ellos. Y de psdada preguntale a dios que todo lo ve , que se siente ver como violan y destazan cjamaquitas de secundaria y hasta bebes. Preguntale donde estaba su luz.

  8. While listening I felt like I was escaping right along with them, really nerve wrecking. Really hoping that the rest got out alive.

  9. Wow its crazy even when a man of God is about to get murdered. God protected them from death by giving them small windows of opportunity but I cant say that about the rest of the people that have been murdered cold blooded. This is a sermon this minister could share for the rest of his lift to the people who think they had it rough. Now the tables have turned and its the ct running for there lives but God has no pitty on there souls.

  10. I'd like to slap him upside the head! God gave you a brain, use it! I'm sure He was telling you to turn around, gut feeling? Taking your wife and children thru known hot spots. I would've never put my family in that scenario, want to go thru hell Preacher? leave family at home! Wake up, it's a war zone! One big tall lucky ass dummy.

  11. Bone chilling -- riveting story!

  12. Damn this is incredible, I was at the edge of my seat.

  13. WOW! Best 19.33 minutes I spent in a long while.

  14. Wow, pure anarchy. Those CTs were being invaded from all sides and they were torturing this poor guy. And I believe there is a special place in HELL for messing with Gods workers.

  15. Con la ayuda de Dios Padre todopoderoso vencerá el pueblo,sus hijos,al mal.saludos dsd Guadalajara.

  16. This is a scary testimony. It sounds like hell where that man escaped from, and I'm trying to get an idea of the rough distances he travelled so I can make out if these are small places or cities that are under control etc. Either way though it sounded freaky like a post-apocalyptic nightmare, armed people going crazy, burning trucks, random killings all sorts of stuff - and all this pastor wanted to do was to share the message of God with people to possibly bring some peace? In that situation, I don't know how I would react, especially if I had children with me. Respect to that pastor!

  17. MY BEST WISHES TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY SENORE.A gentle man,this is a story of horror that happily ended with no harm to this gentlemen and his family.
    I hope you never have to endure anything like that again senore,from a concerned person(a gringo)who does think about decent people in Mexico.
    It breaks your heart to see decent human beings being treated like this.
    Senore Pedro Preciado,i hope god gives you all your wishes,and i bet they wouldn't be selfish wishes.This is a true Mexican,a true human.

  18. I wish we could do something to help families and people like this,,,so frustrating and to me angering that a gentle man like this can be terrorized,through his family and his nature...CT are nothing more than scurrying rats who prey on gentle law abiding people.To do acts like this shows exactly what and who their organization is.Broly considers himself a"warrior"?Against who?Is this man your enemy?

  19. Are there human rights group riding along with the ct??

  20. so all of that.. revolution crap to end up like this? on the payroll? what a fu*ken disapointment.. and where is that mireles guy?

  21. He was the proverbial daniel in the lions den and god made a way once again! Say what u want but every opportunity he was given was a door opened by god himself for him! Those devils can run amok all they want but in the end god wins bottom line!

  22. All Templarios need to be hung by the balls !!

  23. Good story went to hell and back untouched what gets to me is that he had his famyli with him the whole time what a scary situation i dont know what i would do if something like that happend to me .. Anyway god used this man

  24. If I had eyes, I would see...
    If I had ears I would hear..
    but I am blind to suffering
    from the comfort of my life
    and I am deaf to the cries
    of people far away
    God help the knights templar
    see the error of their ways
    and God help me find my way
    in this land of make believe.


  25. faith is personal,and religious worship should be kept to the houses of worship, it is for something that religion is considered the opium of the peoples, used now by televisa, some people hope that the virgin will somehow will help their causes or save them from the all human devils that prey on them...
    in the US, about half of the people are controlled and directed by a few men of the lord to assist in their own degradation and that of their countrymen,lending themselves to the betrayal of their nation as a whole by those selling them down the river,greedy businessmen and politcians and demagogues at the service of the devil.
    to caesar,s what is caesar's,money and God,to the people,the devil and hell!!

  26. Why didn't he notify the army or feds about the other family held captive?

    1. Maybe bcuz he had a doubt the military and feds were looking for the truck too. A lot of corruption in Mexico. Unfortunately

  27. Just a thought - the pastor is a Man of God (you ever see "From Dusk till Dawn"?) but these guys messing with his family, they are straight up demonic. Like 1:46PM said - "in the end God wins bottom line!" totally True... these KT need to meditate on that simple Truth and have a good look at what they're doing and what they're trying to achieve.

  28. @4:49 a.m that is not faith that greedy men do as even the devil can disguise himself and fool the ppl! You either have it or you dont simple as that! I believe the lord led him out of that! Even the murderer on the cross next to jesus said lord remember me as he knew who was really in charge and it wasnt the romans!

  29. 6:17 barrabas got pardoned, jesus and the others did not, anyway, that was a while ago, in these latter days of us, i am sure the murdered and the dissapeared, died with the most immense faith that god would send some mercy their way...
    on these latter days of ours, most all religious organizations are the busiest collecting money from the neo-liberals to brainwash the rabble on to the gas showers, if you know, by the grace of the miraculous lord, of one truly honest man of the cloth, let me know, i have faith, i have given you this job and i trust you will deliver, Diogenes lamp may help your quest, they are 2x1
    on the General Dollar...

  30. 3:02 "all templarios need to be hung by the balls"
    and a shotgun blast on the ass, right? there can't be justice if it is not fully applied and carried out.
    the criminals do not keep prisoners, not for long, the people should make it clear to them that there will be no prisons in the future,and no corrupt politician will find one either...

  31. gio,once again, why should society as a whole should have any mercy for absolutely known criminals? all that is needed, would be better lie detectors, and lawyers that understand that justiceis not about helping criminals to get away with murder and crime as much as possible, it is not about attaining impunity, nor about how much money you use in the pursuit of it, like bankers that launder 300 hundred billion dollars a month and get fined 1 billion dollars a year IF CAUGHT, with no penalties for the highly paid executives, not even an indictment...gio gia gia gio,grow up...

  32. how, on these illustrated days ,do we separate the false from the real prophets ? seems to be a problem of personal choices, but the loudest they preach, the more luxurious mansions, the richest ranches full of the most expensive horses,the most scary of the communist sects that will spy on their victims,the ones with the highest jumping preachers, high flyers that go in their personal jets to rome, accompanied by their luscious secretaries to deliver in person to the pope the two or three dollars that they got left
    over after living large on their ill gotten donations.the pharisees,
    the philistines, the romans, and the false prophets still rule after 2100 years, resignation is out, reconciliation does not mean making peace with the enemy, it means adjusting the accounts and paying or collecting the balance, it takes the devil to artfully use the rethoric to mislead the flock to his waiting arms...

    1. Jesus said,"a good tree produces good fruit,a bad tree produces bad fruit".he also said"when you see the wicked sprout like the grass,it is so god will soon destroy them.the trecherous will be torn from the earth".this will happen soon at armegeddon when god attacks the wicked humans and executes ALL of them ,from one end of the earth,to the other".we are living in the "last days of this system of satan,his demons and their human worshippers.".look up the great day of jehovah on you tube.but after they die pnly the good people will be allowed to posess the earth.the dead victim will be resurected on earth,with no memory of their suffering.and the earth will be made into a paradise,with abundance peace,and happiness.but before it gets better,it will get worse.but thats only temporary.


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