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Thursday, January 30, 2014

5 die in Tamaulipas

A total of five unidentified individuals were killed in two separate incidents with Mexican federal security forces in Tamaulipas state since last Tuesday, according to Mexican news accounts.

A new release published on the official state government website said that four unidentified armed suspects were killed in Mier municipality Tuesday after they encountered a Mexican security detachment.  The incident took place near the break Las Morenas on Kilometer 108 on the Mier to Nueva Ciudad Guerrero road.

A total of six rifles, 96 weapons magazines, 2,486 rounds of ammunition were seized in the aftermath.

In a separate encounter, one unidentified armed suspects was killed last Sunday in San Fernando municipality, according to another Tamaulipas state government news release.

The incident took place at the break near Rancho El Angel on the San Fernando to Reynosa highway.  A Mexican naval infantry unit attempted a traffic stop of several vehicles but instead exchanged gunfire with a number of armed suspects traveling in a convoy. 

An unknown number of suspects escaped the encounter, abandoning their vehicles at the scene including one Dodge Dakota pickup truck, one Chevrolet Tahoe SUV and one Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck.

The armed suspect who died was said to be in his 20s.

Marines seized three rifles, 23 weapons magazines, an undisclosed amount of ammunition and a bag of poncha-llantas, used to puncture vehicle tires.

In a separate news account posted on the website of Milenio news daily, federal security forces have temporarily left Ciudad Valles to reinforce security on other areas of Tamaulipas state.

The news report quoted a spokesman for the Grupo de Coordinacion Operativa Huasteca Gilberto Almendarez Marín saying that federal security forces including part of a permanent Policia Federal detachment in the municipality has been sent to Ciudad Mante, Tampico, Huasteca and other areas of Tamaulipas.  According to the report a number of federal security elements have been retasked from Tamaulipas to Michoacan.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and  He can be reached at


  1. Wtf is that? Poncha llantas? Like a bag of tacks like in cartoons?

    1. They are caltrops. Yes like
      a giant set of children's jacks. Effective against car tires. Unfortunately they won't slow down bullets. Good reason for the miltary to end a vehicle chase before it really starts. The military could disable the vehicle if they try to flee but if the perps fire or display guns, unleash hell.

  2. Maybe it's in retaliation for the 4 tons that were seized...

  3. Now you can boast English Zeta Mierda! Mier is a Z scum plaza. You probably never been in a fistfight with your native hooligans much less a shootout. But as you can see that the fate that awaits the Z foot soldiers is death.

  4. @ January 31, 2014 at 1:52 PM "Caltrops" very nice descriptive choice of words used to describe a Medival device used to stop horses or personnel.
    No matter how much "tactical" driving experience you have . The Mexican bad guys will get you with poncha llantas / Caltrops. Wonder how many poor souls in Mexico have fell victim to this booshit ?

    Roughrider 1898

  5. Well, some one is kicking bad guy azz in Tamps. The Mexican Military needs to publicly display the bad guy corpses as an example that crime / evil does not pay.

  6. 1:52 PM Since the spring of 2012, Mexican Army units are not allowed to fire on vehicles unless they either receive incoming gunfire or they see a weapon.

  7. Who controls Ciudad Mier and/or Camargo?

  8. En ciudad Mier disque controla el CDG por que cada ratito se les mete la Letra por la Ribereña ahi por Nueva Ciudad Guerrero es cuando el Golfo e echa los wachitos a La Letra y Camargo si es controlado por el CDG.

  9. Camargo es CDG. No se por que estan dicendo en el otro post que las 4 tonneladas eran de los Z. Mier si es Z. En la mera frontera todo de Nuevo Laredo a Mier es Z. Lo Frontera Chica hasta Matamoros es CDG. Y lo de mas del estado esta divido horizontalmente esta 60/30 con los Z controlando el oeste y CDG el este.

    Los Z utilizan Falcon Lake y Mier para cruzar drogas (igual que Nuevo Laredo). De ella aggaran la carretera para Laredo.

    1. Y para salir de Laredo está duro, hay un checkpoint en cada carretera, y es raro que pasen algo, ahorita andan todas las mugreZZZZ de poquiteras vendiendo latas o robando la mercancía de los trailers, acaban de pescar a 6 en Laredo hoy en la mañana, salieron los cuatro batitos y las dos viejas llore y llore en las noticias hoy.

    2. Si supieras cuanta merca pasan en Laredo, los clavos que pescan es el puro despiste.La mera merca esa la pasan y sin problema por el puente.En ambos lado de la frontera existe la corrupcion ya deja de vivir en tu mundo de caramelo.

    3. 6:49pm Cada rato se les caen los tiros por la 35, ya no traen nada, ya deja tu de chupar caramelo, y ponte a trabajar en vez de andar basculeando carros parqueados en el Mall.

    4. Si ya no trean nada por que no otro cartel le rebata la plaza? Digo tu juras que no traen nada ya no? Tienen años diciendo que Los Z van para abajo y no se les mira nada abajo si no ya vez Mier se la rebataron al Golfo hace unos meses.

    5. Cual plaza hablas, Nuevo Laredo es de la gente que lo habita, los halcones salen baleados todos los días o atropellados. El z42 anda todo cagado escondiendose de los militares pero especialmente de Juanillo Carrizalez, alias El Flako, representante del CDG en Nuevo Laredo, la hermana chavala del z42 vive del lado americano con un Golfo pesado, así que las cacaz ya no corren nada aquí, ahí se juntan en un congal para asustar pendejos o secuestrar y asesinar señoritas, por que si ven a los verdes sueltan el chorro de kk y a esconderse se ha dicho, cuando la mugre del Kiko Treviño secuestro a la chavala de la Secundaria hace dos semanas para violarla y de seguro matarla, se peyó para adentro cuando se dio cuenta que era sobrina de un agente federal y la soltó, ya bajate de esa nube y deja de chupar.

  10. 8:08 up to now the military will fire on any vehicle fleeing or not when they are working on their side job, depending on the requirements, finish all survivors and leave no witnesses, take the targetted for kidnapping,or steal the loads for their masters. their side job is the most remunerating,and they only work for the government to enhance the take and help themselves to more impunity...

  11. Ciudad Mier was territory of R-1 back in the day. Does any body know what happen to him? Who knows if he is still out there. Some people on the internet say he is dead some that he is alive. Who knows. After the break up of CDG and los zetas Mier and Nueva Ciudad Guerrero fell into a war where CDG had control, then zetas.....ect.
    I just hope that everything gets better in this areas.

  12. 10:34

    excellent job in giving an explanation of CDG/Z plazas in Tamaulipas
    thank you

  13. desde guerrero hasta matamoros es cdg los zetas entran por las brechas ha mier y guerrero pero no controlan ahi los wachos se les dejan ir mandados por el cdg ya perdieron esos terrenos desde 2010

    1. El CDG controla tanto a los wachos que hasta les decomisaron droga en Camargo? El CDG tanto controla a los wachos que hasta torcieron al X20? El CDG tanto controla a los wachos que siempre se enfrentan con es en Reynosa y Matamoros?

  14. January 31, 2014 at 12:26 PM
    "Now you can boast English Zeta Mierda! Mier is a Z scum plaza"
    Dude,are you unhinged in some way?Why the hell are you bringing that idiot up for?Try and stay in some kind of coherent thought process?Even on the topic at hand?Which is,,,5 deaths in Tamaulipas.

  15. January 31, 2014 at 10:34 PM
    Good stuff brother,concise and knowledgeable,,you are most definitely wanted for more posts if you would ?

  16. February 1, 2014 at 8:55 PM
    Hermano,what shape are the Z in now in your eyes,,are they hurting for money,,are the young bucks part of the Cartel del Norte,the ones throwin pictures all over the internet?Or are they more or less the same?If you would say bro ?


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