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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Zacatecas: Journalist Returns Home, was not Kidnapped

Chivis Martínez Borderland Beat

A press release from the Attorney General stated that the journalist Zacatecas Zoila Marquez Chiu, reported missing since Dec. 7,  is back with her family this was announced by the Attorney General of the State Zacatecas (PGJEZ), Arturo Garcia Nahle.
He explained that it was the parents of the journalist who informed authorities that their daughter is at home, unharmed and in good health, she returned on Monday.
The attorney reports that authorities were able to determine that Marquez Chiu’s absence was not due to a kidnapping, but that in the absence of a crime, authorities are awaiting for information from the journalists to explain her absence.
"Zoila  will explain to her family and the journalists' union the reasons she was absent for 16 days," said Nahle García. where Zoila is employed issued a statement that said they have not been able to reach their employee after several attemps and:
"The official version that I have is that Zoila Edith was not the victim of unlawful or violent act, but I also think the authority should be clearer in the interests of transparency, because the purely journalistic field I also have many questions."
Since December 7th when the disappearance complaint was filed with the PGJE,  Governor Miguel Alonso Reyes ordered an intensive operation in coordination with federal authorities to the locate the journalist.
Federal help was sought by the Secretary of Human Rights, who brought the matter of the missing journalist to President Enrique Peña’s attention, asking for assistance in the matter, which resulted in a meeting with the journalist’s parents and the Ministry of the Interior.
Organizations such as Reporters Without Borders, applied pressure on the state and federal governments to pull out all stops in searching for the journalist, citing article 19 of the constitution that may  enact a special prosecutor being appointed in an investigation when a journalists freedom of speech right has been criminally compromised.
The investigation was initiated without proof from any source that there was even a kidnapping.  There was nothing to support that possibility.
It is difficult to understand why this case received such attention, and others have little help in resources and investigation in cases of the kidnapping of journalists, with evidence that a crime had occurred.
A massive search of footage from security cameras of each of the buildings in the metropolitan center revealed the journalist leaving the building, entering her vehicle and driving away without any signs of harassment or vehicles in pursuit.  She was not seen or heard from again for 16 days.
Reports of reasons for her disappearance vary, one is that she ran off and moved to Puerto Vallarta due to marital issues with her husband journalist  Iván Pastor.  It was noted that Zoila did not return home to her husband, she went home to her parents.
sources: Zacatecas


  1. yea right dam cops had her.done told her to shut up or6 feet under that's sad cant do anything no more in mexico.mexico instead of going forward going backwards.

    1. El mayo ya entro a zacatecas

    2. El chapo guzman,tuvo parocardiaco

  2. not one of Zoila's brightest moves. Jajajajaja!!! The problem is this ... if she really does disappear in the future, no-one will even lift a finger to go looking for her. Ohhh well, at least she is safe. WHAT can we say - journalistas. They are their own worst enemy. Jaja!! P, CA

  3. This is a good Christmas surprise!


  4. I think she left with her lover

  5. Como ay gente pendeja que no avisa ni a sus familiars cuando van a desapareserse para estar solos.

  6. Yea sure. She probably had a train ran on her by narcos and then they made her stfu or else her whole family would be having a dirt nap. If she were kidnapped do u think she would tell ppl? Hell no her parents probably paid a ransom and the terms were to act like nothing happend.

  7. She ran with her boyfriend to P.Vallarta, good move hahahaa


    - M

  9. She was kidnapped, the ransom was paid, and she was told to stfu or else.

  10. Chivis CDG hanged mantas in all over Zacatecas saying Feliz Navidad lol and they are the ones doing the kidnapings and blaming the Z...

  11. 6:57PM
    Have you seen those reports anywhere other than BDN group? WHen I saw them on twitter I thought they sounded very familiar so I check and they are exactly the ones from a year ago. word for word, I checked Zacatecas blogs and news and nothing there about it, but that was last night, so if you have seen it somewhere credible let me know...thanks!

    1. Chivis-estas mantas aparecieron en zacatecas, fresnillo, villa nueva, rio grande, loreto, ojocaliente, pinos, sombrerete, plateros en casi todos los municipios de zacatecas donde controla el cdg te lo informa el zacatecas al 100 saludos...

  12. @ December 25, 2013 at 1:16 PM
    Let's make sure our terminology is right.
    This is Mexico. If this boyfriend didn't propose to her over Christmas, he's now her 'ex-boyfriend'.

  13. Que the song: I'll be home for Christmas!

  14. un official word from source..told to be quiet.

  15. I have lot my nephew, and she does this BS

  16. Finally I had leave for good, cannot go back

  17. Merry Xmas . Great news this young lady is okay. Just to here this news that she is okay is a gift like no other . Hope everything is tranquil for her and her family. God Bless.

    Roughrider 1898

  18. In México we need good American police officers like Dog The Bounty Hunter and his wife Beth and his sons to kill all drug capos and corrupt politicians like Enrique Peña Nieto and the Moreiras.

    1. You do realise Doug uses paintball guns not 60 caliber weapons

    2. 10:28am there is no 60 caliber weapons, the M60 uses 7.62x51 rounds.

    3. 60 cal sniper berreta does exist silly anti aircraft weapons cartel now posses

  19. Chivis i know it has nothing to do with it but do you know anything about Alfredo Beltran ?

  20. Stop believing everything you see on U.S. TV - Doug the Bounty hunter was crying like the whiny, fake cop, wannabe poser he really is when they tossed him into a Puerto Vallarta jail. He's been deported PERMANTLY from Mexico you moron

    1. You must be kidding! When that happened? He is my grandmother's favorite TV hero.

  21. Send Dog the Bounty Hunter to Sinaloa to look for El Chapo and watch the video of el Bravo decapitate him live......another stupid American who think realtiy shows are real !! ay nomas y arriba El CDS Y El Chapo Mayo y Azul..a xruzar el border con la merca que los gabachos desean....

    1. If the Dog is fake then we should send in the crew from Secretos or the one from Operation Repo.

  22. Chivis rio doce has an article saying chapo was at a private hospital and was getting operated there i seen it earlier atte Californiano

  23. Segun el canal red noticiero en youtube publico informacion de Insightcrime que El Chapo Guzman se infarto este pasado Noviembre y fue hospitalizado en Guadalajara el Chapo Guzman.

    Oyes P@rr@nmierd@ que tan cierto que se infarto tu apa wey? De un coraje o de lo anciano?


    1. Pinche Chaputo se marraneó por las narices y le dió un paro sodiaco.
      La P@rr@nd3r@ ya mero se queda huérfana, andaba llore y llore.

  24. @December 26, 2013 at 7:02 AM

    That was f*cking hilarious.

  25. The only thing that matters is she is alive, safe & her family didn't have to bury their child. If, she was kidnapped, ransom paid and freed, she can't say so. This, also, means the kidnappers for profit are "locals," if, indeed, this was a secuestro. If, she ran away, that's her business, but i'd doubt that is the case.

  26. Ya dejen a esa muchacha en paz. Si se fué a dar una vuelta con el sancho es cosa de ella. Ustedes vigilen a sus viejas y dejen que el mundo ruede.

  27. she like one of those crazy gringas that runs away. bitches got hormones.


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