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Friday, December 27, 2013

Texas: José Padilla Pleads Not Guilty on Drug and Money Laundering Charges

Borderland Beat

Attorneys started preparing termination paperwork Thursday morning for disgraced Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office Cmdr. José Padilla, said Sheriff Lupe Treviño.
Federal agents arrested Padilla early Tuesday morning, when prosecutors unsealed an indictment against him for marijuana smuggling and money laundering. Agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement conducted the investigation.
Padilla worked with a Weslaco-based drug trafficking operation run by Tomas "El Gallo" Gonzalez, who co-owns a trucking business called T&F Produce. The drug traffickers moved marijuana and cocaine from Texas to Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and other states, according to federal court records.
Sheriff Treviño said he expected the attorneys from McAllen-based law firm Atlas Hall and Rodriguez to finish the termination paperwork Thursday. They'll also have to determine whether to attempt to deliver the documents to Padilla — in federal detention — or his attorney.
"It's not like he's going anywhere," Sheriff Treviño said.

Padilla appeared in federal court at 11:30 a.m. on Friday for a detention hearing.
Former Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office Cmdr. Jose Padilla pleaded not guilty Friday to federal marijuana trafficking and money laundering charges.
Hands clasped behind him, Jose. A "Joe" Padilla, 53, pleaded not guilty Friday morning at Bentsen Tower. Federal Magistrate Judge Dorina Ramos set bond at $100,000 — Padilla must post a 5 percent cash deposit — and ordered house arrest
Federal agents arrested Padilla early Tuesday morning, when he arrived at McAllen-Miller International Airport from Las Vegas.

Source: The Monitor-Thank you to "Luis" for the heads up


  1. And why is Lupe Trevino not in jail yet? Yes hidalgo county sheriff Lupe Trevino

  2. Al que deverian enserrar es a Lupe Treviño rata si por el fue que el task force comenso a trabajar con don Fernando juntos le robavan a los contras y con la protection de los zetas por eso el cdg trato de matar a don Fernando en su rancho y por eso tambien mataron a Nejo(Juan Garcia) y a su hermano Ramiro en la pelea de gallos ase un pocomas de un año en la blanca. Lupe Triviño siempre le avisava a don Fernando cuando le ivan a caer los DEA por eso nunca le encontravan nada. Lo bueno es de que ya lo train (Lupe Treviño) y le estan juntando las evidencies,por eso no le contaron de la operacion que los del ICE Narcotic Division estavan asiendo c en contra de don Fernando y por eso lo pudienon pescar junto con los del task force. Pero pues ahi sige el hijo mas chico de 21 años(Humberto) todavia jalando en lo mismo con su compania de camiones Blue Jay...

    1. Las ratas tarde q temprano se los carga. Lupe es jefe de varios grupos de ratas, casi todos los dias tumban puertas en el valle y nunca pescan a nadie pues como si son sus ganancias...

    2. Asi es a las ratas tarde q temprano les llega la hora o los ensierran o los quebran como le llego a Manuel Luna cuando lo quebraro por la 2912 a Nejo y Ramiro en las peleas de gallos y don Fernando y su hijo Jr. Pero al que lla le esta llegando la hora es a Miguelio por seguir los pasos de rata como su hermano Manuel Luna

  3. Very sad one guy go the wrong way. how dumb. Their pay is pretty good

  4. Sheriff Trevino needs to resign or be forecfully removed from office.

    1. 6:31 agreed,but I'd like for you to add why.
      Corrupt public officers should receive very harsh punishments,and if Mexicans,their punishment should be even worse,from the Mexicans,for giving us a bad reputation.

  5. They are caught all the time. I read the papers in the El Paso times and other areas and about 99% of the time person or agent caught has a Latino name. The problem is that many of these people have family and ties in Mexico. I am not completely sure, but I believe that once you become a citizen you can work for the border patrol or even homeland security. So there are big holes in the system that allow easy infiltration from Mexican drug, human cartels and more to work in Law enforcement in the USA. I know of a man now, that was born and raised in Mexico. Recently became a US citizen and is working for homeland security. He is a great person. Cannot imagine him going bad. But you do not know every ones dark secrets and thoughts. I guarantee you that someone of Latin heritage is going to be approached to do illegal things before any other ethnicity. It just makes sense. Not being racist as I live in Mexico and all my friends are Mexican. Great people. But this is how it is going down. It is easy to confirm this. Just google border patrol agents busted on the border. One bad agent can waive through massive amounts of drugs and illegals. The payoff can be very tempting. Agents are often caught transporting illegals and drugs in their patrol cars.

    1. The three border patrol agents caught last year in Laredo, TX were black.

  6. You know nothing about the world

  7. Lupe Trevino knows exactly what's going on, he's not fooling anyone. I can't wait till he's exposed to

  8. 12:50 LUPE TREVINO,HIDALGO COUNTY SHERIFF,has been accused,and he has testified,declaring his innocence,maybe he has not been found guilty by a jury of his peers,from there to being innocent is a quite long stretch.
    Lupe's son has been accused too of being a dirty cop and escorting loads of drugs while on the job,Lupe said that if his son is guilty,it is OK for him to be arrested and tried.
    So it is up to the witnesses against Lupe Trevino to reaffirm their charges,and how he carries on his shenanigans...

  9. B.P. Agents are always approached for illegal smuggling no matter their race. They will always get busted if they do, because all they have to do is follow the money trail.

  10. Y'all need to read "Down by the River" by Charles Bowden. Learn how Pablo Accosta and Amado Corrillo ran drugs out of Ojinaga, Mexico and how every sherriff 3 counties deep into the US north of the river were deeply involved. They would corridor off highways, allow a plane to land and unload, then protect the scene and the load until it was out of the jurisdiction. This was in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. A law enforcement salary was meager compared to the payoff. And don't think for a minute O plato o plomo (the silver or the lead) doesn't apply if you think you don't want to be involved. It doesn't stop with sheriffs'' departments. Local police, the DEA, Border Patrol, judges, district attorneys', they are all involved. This is just the grass routes of the corruption in the US. Every large city in th US has it's kingpins and ditrbution networks. All are protected by corrupt law enforcement. Don't be so naïve as to think such a thing happens only in Mexico. We are as greedy as they. That is why we don't stop the drug trade or legalize it. Too many powerful people pad there retirements by helping or turning their heads.

    1. The fence does not stop corruption from crossing the border in either direction. Americans seem to think that the border has magical properties. Agents that make waves by aggressive inspection are often called on to the carpet of their supervisor or reassigned. It is easier to wave 'em on by and float towards retirement.

  11. a slightly forgotten website called
    has 157 federal officers and counting clickable portrait links listing the charges against the officers and the outcomes of the trials against them. i contacted the reporters that made the site and suggested they do the same with state and local officers. he liked the idea and said he would look into it. still waiting but still i think the ones yelling mexico mexico will begin to realize it takes two to tango.

  12. All the land below the Nueces river was deeded by the Mexican government to Mexicans before Texas gained its independence. There are many hard-working Americans of Mexican descent in the South Texas area. However, somehow corruption in South Texas is rampant. Look at Hidalgo county and other border areas. South Texas is almost as corrupt as Mexico. Why do South Texas residents continue to elect corrupt officials? Is it the acceptance of corruption or the insatiable desire for government handouts?

  13. Oiga compa que es la blanca

    1. Es un pueblo chico en el valle donde se jugaban gallos. Ahi tumbaron a las ratas de los nejos los dejaron tragando tierra un gran favor isieron. Solo se salvo el soltador de ellos. Nunca pescaron a nadie como la mayoria de muertos aqui por eso lupe no vale madre no pesca ni matones ni ratas porque son sus compas en tiempo de relecion

    2. Es que Lupe Treviño no quiso aser muncho pedo con la investigasion porque no queria que saliera su relasion con ellos y con don Fernando.

    3. Tambien iso lo mismo con chuy quintanilla cuando lo mataron.todos ellos eran de la misma bola y cuando lupe teviño supo que sus camaradas los zetas fueron los que mandaron matar a chuy ya no quiso aser mucho wuato en buscar a los assesinos.

    4. Ahista el video onde intrevistan a Lupe Treviño sobre la balacera onde mataron a nejo y ramiro, nomas checa como trata de desimular que le duele la murte de ellos y trata de aser como si no save quien son

  14. La blanca es un pueblito/area aqui en el condado hidalgo...

  15. I would not be surprised if one day Sheriff Lupe Trevino is found shot dead in an orchard in Hidalgo county.

  16. Mira nomas lo que ase y deja que agan lupe treviño


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