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Monday, December 16, 2013

Interview with Templarios Leader "La Tuta" Featured on American TV Tonight

Borderland Beat
Tonight at 10/9 Central Time MUNDO FOX (KWHY-TV Los Angeles) will air  an interview featuring Servando Gomez aka "La Tuta" premier leader of Los Caballeros Templarios. 
Monday December 16th  at 10pm/9c

Los Angeles view the red box below
Fresno/Clovis (NorCal) Comcast@ 10, Direct TV 43
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  1. liar liar! your lies will not stop us las Auto defensas pronto terminaran con tu teatrito.... poor excuse of a human !!!

    1. He sells fruit with chili powder here in L.A. off the 110 freeway and Florence, he is not in Michoacan.

    2. The show that ended was the Policia Comunitaria their own ppl are putting up names now the PC are selling drugs like crystal meth and Cocaine in Buena Vista, Michoacan and other small towns where their is no CT and is rule by Policia Comunitaria..

    3. Tuta is the paris hilton of the narco leaders on the real..look at his drunk ass

    4. 11:59 Yes,tuta,we know all about it,but as long as it is NOT YOU,no problemo,aaight?
      make plans to bring somebody down with you to prison,you killed a lot of federales, police and soldiers,you will die in prison,so make plans,how about taking el brook with you?or at least:
      is he family with former michoacan governor Godoy?

  2. Can you send me a foto of the mantas?
    also where is the article you read of R5? I just checked 10 of the reputable media sources and nothing. thanks!

  3. ok...if you see something REPUTABLE let me know especially fotos.
    authorities, the hospital, the girl and his family all confirmed it was him.

    BDN is far from reliable. When you hear mantas are posted in several cities and points and there is not one foto...that is a sign to question it. But thanks!

  4. Otra vez este payaso! Ya deja de estar chingando a tu pueblo vale. Por Que no te dedicas al trafico como otros narcos y deja vivid al pueblo empaz. Los lovers no tienen ni que comer y tu chingandolos. Nadien cree tis babosadas, todos sabemos la clase de persona que eres. Solo haces el ridiculo.

    1. Y su jefe Manuel Gallegos aka "el traficante mas grande de tierra caliente",que dice?
      The ex-interim governor of michoacan,now secretary of government,tuta's wife brother in law,keeps protecting him,as do governor vallejo and president Pena nieto,and el pri.

    2. 7:25 correct,Miguel Angel Gallegos Godoy is the name of the most powerful drug trafficker from tierra caliente,now said to be fighting with his narco-police inspector and sicarios...

  5. How is it that authorities can't find him, but news media can?

  6. del chapo's mundo. the world is his. the real scarface.

  7. why does anyone care what this dog says. The sole purpose of this interview should have been to place a homing beacon on his person so the cruise missile could find its target.

  8. asi me gusta q les arde el culo de ardor pinches lacras culeras arriba LA TUTA Y LOS CABALLEROS TEMPLARIOS

  9. Si - La Tuta is a poor excuse for a human. I can't believe the media are doing this. This is a crock of sh**. Unbelievable.

  10. Why give this loser the time of day. Shame on you kwhy. These fools are criminals!!! gb

      Lissen,and lissen good pinchi puta,you are coming down soon,are you OK,that Miguel Angel Gallegos Godoy, your boss is going to stay free and unsuspected,enjoying the money you earned for him,and all those young boys you won't be able to appoproach while in prison? That sucks man,it is all his fault,bring him down with you,do yourself a favor tuta,think...
      Tu mero padre

  11. How is it possible that they're giving this murderer a public forum? Why not interview the autodefensas or Dr. Mireles? Instead of helping the poor people in Michoacan this idiotic reporter gives this bastard free publicity. And wtf is up with the government? These thugs are all carrying weapons" of exclusive use of the armed forces" Fucking hypocrites, they're all in bed with these murderous thugs.

    1. 8:50 don't worry my friend,the puta tuta,expected to come out of the interview smelling like roses and looking like Little Red Riding Hood,and it backfired,he came out looking like a dog full of fleas and smelling like lying sad sack of shit he is.
      most readers and posters of BB agree on this,we hate la tutta outta,and support CP and Dr mireles 100%,the more interviews, the fear!

  12. Narco interviews : RATINGS!

  13. Nada de caballeros,son cobardes asesinos.

  14. my first reaction is why recognize these criminal groups. but then I remember they are the defacto authority in Mexico.

  15. This is the last time we my see him.cause if the maxican government does get him this time somebody going to get he"s ass.It just to much for him to be on tv this should be embarrassing for all mexico how in hell this fucking killer be on tv after all he done.I just cant understand this at all what a dam shame my people.

  16. Ah shit I'm going to miss it !! Family Guy is on at 8

  17. You can say what you want about him and it may all be true.but in mexico the government and police are the same as usa the government is corrupt. But anybody can succeed without the government interfering. You can open a restaurant or start a roofing company and make all the money you want as long as you pay taxes. Your not going to become rich in mexico the government or the cartels will see to his way is the only way.there in bed with the government. And the government is in bed with them.Thats why 15 million Mexicans came to america so they can work and be left alone and take care of there family. Like men.I believe there will be a war against the drug dealers soon.and people will just kill them wherever they can find them.its allready changed there not out in the open anymore. They hide now.
    Will just kill drug dealers where ever

    1. 11:10 these greedy narcs,their sicarios, politicians,army,etc,are working for some very rich and powerful people that want all the land for their mining projects,industrial
      and agricultural,and all enemies of the peoples of Mexico...

  18. Los hombres de Autodefensas - no se desanime!! algunas cosas estúpidas como esta va a suceder. muchas personas están viendo ... y el apoyo. Su causa es justa. No te rindas!!

  19. I would rather watch them interview el Broly!

    1. 11:18 callese pinchi maricon! Por su culpa nos van a cachar a todas,despues todos van a querer las nachas,ya ves como son los del BB,

  20. i can see fear and hopeless on his face he knows the end is near , i now feel sorry for this bastard while i go to sleep at night tired i sleep all the way , he gotta have nightmares some times he most likely does not sleep at all , he probably wake up in the midle of his sleep cover on sweet with his heart beatting at most thinking and fearring for his life looking all around for the mexican gov or the autodefensas people all paranoic at night for every sound he hears that does not know the origen of it thinking fearring that dr mireles finally found him haaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Just like his innocent victims screammed there it go matherfucker what goes around comes around dont ever forget that!!!!!

  21. Jose De Jesus VillarealDecember 16, 2013 at 12:08 PM

    Pinche govierno mexicano, when they were giving this interview they shouldve placed tracking devices in their vehicles and let them be on their way, that way when Tuta gets to his compound, the location would be indentified and every branch of the military wouldve pounced on them, captured this disgraceful human being and castrate him

  22. Wow, that shit is unbelievable. These type of interviews are granted usually after they are caught, this makes me think of Dinero in casino, where he goes on tv and the bosses cant believe it

    1. Now his big boss has to kill the puta tuta's motherfucking ass,to make him shut the fuck up,la puta tuta sabe mucho,ora lo tienen que matarrr!
      Miguel Angel Gallegos Godoy is the big boss,right tuta? he caused all this problem, right tuta?

  23. If this sorry human being met with Dr Mireles in a room without his bodyguards or weapons, I think it is obvious who the victor would be, morally and physically. End of.

  24. Seattle/Tacoma 51-2 rat bastard is hearing the steps in the attic,look at his face when they ask him he is la tuta to call shots in mich,lookss like je gets pissed off silly

  25. I bet if he owed protection money to the PRI they would find him in a heart beat...

  26. HAAHAHAHAHAH someone gonna kill this bitch! he not so tough now is he? LMAOO! hell awaits you asshole.

  27. I have DISH network and i live south of the Texas border.Does anyone know what channel they are going to show it?

    La Tuta now promoting Tommy Hilfigher with his cap? Lean like cholo Tuta!

  28. I'd rather they interview El Broly. haha - I bet he'd love to mug for more cameras!

  29. this terrorist of innocents is taking a page from the Mireles school of success. Mireles works 24/7 to secure interviews to get info out. and it has worked amazingly well. He has hurt dumbass by taking away so many municipalities, so now the terrorist thinks he can work the PR.

    But from the preview looks like the reporter sure is not going soft on him..

    when pendejo was explaining about one of his crimes, the reporter essentially asks who the hell he thinks he is, and who gives him the right to disobey the constitution and state laws ...

    and the foto at top is the expression that came over his ugly face when he was asked

    can anyone record it for me? and send to me in a file? I will translate. or get it translate for everyone.....

  30. Murderer, torturer, rapist, extorter, kidnapper.....why does Fox give this piece of scum and his band of thugs airtime to promote his propaganda?

  31. Chivis --

    I don't have a recording but came to the comments section specifically to ask if someone wouldn't mind transcribing this in English.

    That being said, thanks to all of you who contribute to this site for what you do.

  32. They should have threw the Cuffs on his stinky ass and lock him up in a 2x4 cell for the rest of his Stinky life !!!

  33. He looks like "shit, this isn't going as well as I expected!"

  34. @December 16, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    Yeah, her hair is better.

  35. Saw the interview.earlier that reporter has.some b alls. To meet up with low life he was fighting roosters walking the town.

  36. Wow . They show him hanging out at cock fights and walking around drinking a beer down the street like nothing. Obiously hes s not worried.

  37. There´s a good side to this, now the Mexican government will feel forced to catch him instead of pretty much looking the other way as to not step on the toes of the corrupt state authorities. La Tuta´s days are numbered.

    Would love to see the interview, I really hope the reporter does a good job at exposing him for what he is.

  38. What's the deal w/ this klown he's nothing but a straight koward always tryN 2 put the blame on the straight up fellow's this koward definitely has 2 be put on a narko video by 1 of his rivals N make him shit on himself enough w/ this garbage of la PUTA N his kaballeras templarias....que no my MEXIKANS?

  39. post the full interview didnt see it

  40. Basically tuta is triying to brainwash America,he's good but that was a stupid move,temps kill and kidnap and wash their hands claiming they are cleansing.tuta this is the end you fucked with America land of the free...Rest In Piss Tuta

    This is the link to the 1st part of the interview.
    Please translate.

  42. A transcript/translation would be greatly appreciated by this gringo! Thank you for all the work you do Chivis. I love this website!

    1. 6:02 OK,you ast for it,I hope you"be happy...
      Unless you like it here enuff,then you can stay if you lorn to say "Aqui estamos,no nos vamos, y aqui nos quedamos" deal?

  43. This is the video of the interview, I believe. I am unable to translate. Maybe someone else is able.

  44. It's on youtube now.

  45. Part 1 aired last tonight. "Last question: Is La Tuta an assassin?" .. cliffhanger.

    Part 2 tonight. Part 3 ....?

    1. 8:11 that is the 64 Mexican cents question
      Mofo IS more than that,a serial murderer, corruptor of minors,drug trafficker, extortionist...
      El broli is getting him out of the way to get all the young rifles all for himself...

  46. This reminds me of the Ku Klux Klan back in the 1980s, when they went on a new public relations drive. They had a new, young, suit and tie leader, named David Duke. He represented the new and improved, repackaged, KKK. A white people civil rights organization. He sounded calm and reasonable. Unlike the old guard of the KKK, red in the face screaming, gun packing and red necks.

    We were not fooled. We knew and remembered the KKK long 100 year history. Lynchings, threats, repression of not only Black people but of all minorities in the USA. No, most of us did not buy this "new" KKK" product of deceit.

    The CT drug cartel cannot clean up itself with a few televised interviews and narco banners. Terrorism is the Ct's message. The history of thousands of murders, robberies, and rape are burned into the souls of millions people from Michoacan and surrounding states.

    1. 10:11 enough people were fooled to vote David Duke and his fellow Republikkkans Reagan/Bush,whose policies of trickle down voodoo economics,secret deals with the ayatollahs,ELLIOT ABRAMS And OLIVER NORTH drug trafficking,for the subjugation
      of Latin America,through terrorism and murder...the righteous message of the austere right-wing of American politics got written with the blood of south America,with the blessings of the church of sung myung moon,and Billy Graham.of course all the powerful Latin Americans were in the bag too,the people just got their arses quartered

  47. THANK YOU readers for the videos sent to me. I will try to get it up (the narrative) today I will post the interview in Spanish in a little while.

  48. Hey chivis enough of that clown any updates on the vicente zambada case??

  49. Orale!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Who in the hell is Dr Mireles?!

  50. Is broly banderas dead?video on 11/30 says he is

  51. @ December 17, 2013 at 1:13 PM Chivis can explain in the best words who the Doctor is.

  52. Sorry, we are having a little difficulty with some of the translation. But tomorrow it will be up. I am tired... goodnight folks..

  53. Tutu is a repulsive looking man. Does he think he looks tough having his armed henchmen surrounding the interviewer. I look forward to seeing the translation. Chivas, do you think the interviewer will be hurt or killed off by Tutu sometime after the interview airs?
    Canadian girl.

  54. Ke ondas with these Templarios! it seems they like all the public attention, just like the other Templario and Homosexual Broly Banderas.....

  55. michoacan no se anda conn pinches mamadas
    animo animo esto no se acaba apenas empieza
    puro CT

    1. Ivanna,ivanna,tan bien que ivanos.
      Don't you know that it is bad luck being a soplapingas and a jalapollas?
      Now la puta tuta is going to have more bad luck because of you...


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