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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Caro Quintero asks Peña Nieto for "Justice, not vengeance".

Borderland Beat

(Jorge Carrasco Araizaga/PROCESO) With a possible extradition to the United States in the horizont, Rafael Caro Quintero is asking president Enrique Peña Nieto not to be pressured by Washington´s desire of "vengeance and payback" for the murder of DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena Salazar.

“What I owed, I already paid”, wrote the former leader of the extinct Guadalajara Cartel in a letter signed by him and which his lawyers delivered to the President´s particular secretary office this past November 19th, it was also addressed to the head of the Interior Ministry, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, and to the one in charge of re-capturing him, Jesus Murillo Karam, Mexico´s Attorney General.

Considered a wanted man since this past November 6th, when four ministers of the Justice Supreme Court reversed the protection which helped him get out of jail given to him three months before , Caro Quintero also asked for the Judicial Power not to concede to “the pressures and orders” from Washington, after they “obeyed” and reverted his liberation order.

Caro Quintero –via his legal representatives- sent a copy of his letter to PROCESO along with the complaint he issued last week to the National Human Rights Commission for the persecution he claims he and his family have been victim of by Mexican authorities “instigated by the United States”, after his release from prison this past August 9th, in a case that marked the first year of Enrique Peña Nieto´s presidency.

That day, at the early morning, the former drug lord left prison in companion of part of his legal team without any Mexican Government member or representative of the United States doing anything to stop him, this even after authorities from both countries knew about his release several weeks before the Mexican Justice System let him go.

His release caused a supposed surprise on both governments, but above everything else, caused doubts on Enrique Camarena´s murder official version given by both Mexico and the United States. 
Enrique "Kiki" Camarena at a marijuana plantation.
Extradition threat

At 61 years old, Caro Quintero knows he would be the rest of his life in prison if he is extradited to the United States, practically guarantying the silence he kept for the last 29 years on the case that sent him to prison. If he is given to the US, they won´t charge him with Camarena´s murder –he was already charged in Mexico-, he would however be charge with drug trafficking and money laundering. 

“This are crimes I did not commit, much less my family”, wrote the former drug lord in his letter to Peña Nieto, which the Republic´s General Attorney´s Office receive on November 20th, the Interior Ministry received it one day later.

In his letter, Caro Quintero asks: “How is it possible that the Country capable enough to spy on presidents and presidential candidates and to know what they do, for 28 years and 5 months I spent in prison didn´t charge any crime against my family? Why did they wait until my release was near to start the hunting against my alleged drug dealers and money launderers?”

Last June, the United States Government added four of Caro´s offspring, his wife and a daughter-in-law to their list of forbidden individuals and entities to which any citizen can do business with.

“After my release from prison”, wrote Caro Quintero, there was a resurgence “with great notoriety of a persecution against me and members of mi family by the United States of North America”. They pressured in such a way the press “that they got the Nation´s Justice Supreme Court to revert the decision” of the Third Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters based in the state of Jalisco.

In fact, on November 6, with 4 votes to 1, the Supreme Court reverted the resolution which acquitted him of some crimes, took others as served-drug trafficking as an example- and ordered his release from the double homicide, considering that these crimes should be tried by a local court, not a federal one, as it was done.

The Supreme Court ruled otherwise. They recognized Camarena as a “Intergovernmental agent” and “internationally protected”, and considered the Mexican pilot who died along Camarena as in function, which justified the Federal Justice intervention on the case. In consequence it ordered a new sentence against Caro Quintero. The original sentence was for 40 years, according to the legislation valid at the time. Since they didn´t mention the other resolutions made by the Court of appeals, they will remain, in other words, the former drug lord is only wanted in Mexico for the homicides of Camarena and Zavala.

He also has to fight the extradition request by the United States. In case of an arrest, the process for his delivery to the US could take 1 or 2 years. Unlike his first arrest in 1985, this time around Washington did make a formal request to the Mexican government for his extradition. In 1985, once Caro was apprehended, they did nothing to take him to the US. They didn´t believe Caro would be set free before his full sentence was served.

Even though the government of Peña Nieto favors extradition, Caro Quintero is asking, as president of all Mexican –“In which I´m included”-, to make sure all the legal processes against him are conducted in compliance with the law.

“Respecting my constitutional and above all, human guarantees, and not just because he has this or that last name justice has to be any different for me”.

He adds: “My only petition…is for my file to be analyzed with justice, a trial where last names have no weight against legality. I ask for a fair trial…neither to yield to political pressures, nor a process which only competes to the Judicial Power be resolved by polititians”.

He tells his Federal government interlocutors: “It´s not fair, Sirs, that Mexican justice be subdued to the orders the United States wished to impose over a Mexican who only wishes for peace and tranquility for himself, and for his family”.

This past August, the United States government requested to Peña Nieto´s government for the former leader of the Guadalajara Cartel, this by a petition of a Federal Court in California where he is accused of drug trafficking and money laundering. “The conducts they try to charge me with are totally false. They only want his vengeance against me to be felt, using my family and discrediting Mexico, its laws, and pretending to overwhelm our sovereignty with the only ever present intention of feeling superior”, he adds, “I´ve always said…that I had a debt with both society and law (and) it has been settled.”

“The justice the US is asking for his compatriot has already been paid in Mexico under the terms they imposed me”, he tells Peña Nieto in allusion to the 28 years and 5 months he spent in prison, 18 of those in maximum security federal prisons.

Since international laws forbid judging someone twice for the same crime, now the US government insists “on charging me with new criminal conducts”, the former drug lord writes: “Incredibly (they charge) not only me, but also my mother, wife and kids”. According to Caro Quintero, “none of them has ever committed any crime, them being proven humble and decent people”.

Letter to the Ombudsman

In his complaint filed to the Human Rights National Commission, he states the Mexican government has acted against him and his people yielding to pressures of the United States. PGR, the Army, Marines, Interpol and the DEA offices in Mexico, he adds, have “harassed and pursued” him along with his family, “who has been a victim of aggressions and intimidation without any investigation, presentation or arrest warrant”.

He is accusing those institutions of physically assaulting those close to him during raids to their homes. He particularly accuses the Federal Attorney General´s office of “socially and publicly insulting them” when they mention them in several press releases as criminals responsible of several crimes, “of making operations with illegal money”, a situation “of which there is no clear and direct accusation, since it has never been proven”.

According to the former drug trafficker, “several rights and benefits” have been cancelled by “harassment and threats done by State organisms”.

“There´s an obvious hunt against everyone who has any family relationship, friendship or who even works for me”, this in reference to his lawyer Juvencio Ignacio Gonzalez Parada, who achieved his release.

In his complaint addressed to the Human Rights National Commission, Raul Plascencia Villanueva, he insists his debt with the Mexican State has been settled. “However…It has been my last name the reason of constant stalking by the Mexican authorities, conspiring against me urged by the American government”.

Mexican Authorities, he claims, want to transfer an imposed sentence to “innocent people, without giving them an opportunity to be heard and beat” in a trial. He claims those are violations against human rights –like the presumption of innocence- which are protected both nationally and internationally, among others, by the International Pact of Civil and Politic Rights and by the American Convention on Human Rights or San Jose Pact.

My name notwithstanding, this violations cant remain unpunished nor be taken as a vengeance or payback against me or my family, because if I had a debt with the State and society, I have paid it”, he states.



  1. Quintero is right, the goverment is full of shit.. All about politics.. He should look for protection from his fellas in the sierra. The guzmans and the zambada should jump in.

    1. STFU! Why don't u go rescue him since u care so much for him? Pendejo.

    2. Why is the us even still on this case get over it. Its there fault CAmarena got killed they should have pulled kiki out of mexico when he told authorities where the plantation was.

  2. I guess those sanctions the U.S has put on his "Family Business's" is really hurting. Now he is trying to make someone out there feel bad for him. Dude! Your family made millions more from your drug money. Shut up and live your last few days happy. Drawing this attention to himself as a martyr is going to bite him in the ass.

  3. Hope caro starts growing that skunk weed again he had some good weed cloas de borego we miss that here in rio grande but we seen some good bud they are starting to grow the same stuff they sell at tge wees storea but very much cheaper its awesome weed keep it coming let the man be he did alot of time more time than people do in the usa fir murder he in starr county there is a guy who did 5 months probation for killing a guy in a bar so i rhink the man has payed his crime so fuck off obama we need this guy you need this guy to be free he old school maybe ge can get shit together in mexico he must know alot of shit for obama to want him a word to caro duck them just grow do your thing bro

  4. Poor guy let him be alone and enjoy his wealth in peace.

  5. Kiki camarena's supervised and associate agents just said a little while ago that the CIA had kiki killed,why is caro not saying anything about it?or his lawyers?

  6. The DEA are also the bad guys. How many families did he ruin who were depending on that crop to make a living?

    1. 9:47 farmers never make a good living working on agriculture,the intermediaries are the ones making most of the money, even marihuana or cocaine,the little guys never see any money,drug traffickers deserve all the prison time they get, murderers too of course,they do their crimes on the sly because they know they are wrong,stop nagging on their behalf beech,you would not do their time for them.
      The poor farmers,need to do their own marketing,but I am sure it would be against the law,there was a time in Mexico,I saw it,when tortilla factories were FORBIDDEN by the authorities of making white corn tortillas,they had to move all the US yellow corn that the pigs in the US would not eat,but it was good enough for the Mexicans, and the law.
      Archer Daniels Midland,Monsanto,or other big agri-companies,will be running the grifa production when it is legal,middlemen and narcos will still be outside of the money.
      Even when the narcs get some money,they put it in foreign banks,where it gets lost or stolen or repossessed by the US,no doubt,a stupid business for stupids.

  7. Recapturing him? Did I miss something here?



    1. kiki Camarena was TORTURED WORTH A LIFETIME,he was convicted in the kangaroo court of quintero and associates first if all, then he was tortured into confession,until he died,his death was not just "a kill" and quintero and associates are very lucky they have not been tortured all these years...

  9. a druglord crying foul when he is on the receiving end....karma is a bitch..

    1. Drug lord? ??? You need to wake up.

  10. Don't worry Caro if Mexico doesn't turn you over the legal way, there's always the black ops.

  11. Let him be he dd his time

  12. A few thoughts on this:

    1) It infuriates me when criminals pull the 'family' card: "This is hurting my family", "I needed money to feed my family", "Please shorten my sentence so I can be with my family"...Caro Quintero is trying to appeal to the president's sympathy by presenting himself as a family man. This is manipulative and unfortunately exactly the type of rhetoric that gets you what you want in Mexico.

    2) What are the chances that this story is correct: They released him, and then realized it was a bad decision, and are now working hard to re-capture him.
    I'd say about 0.
    The chances are high that there is an underlying deal that he has with the Mexican government and perhaps with the DEA. I would discourage people from believing that the government is actively trying to re-capture Caro Quintero.

    3) I believe the news stories surrounding Caro Quintero will get less and less numerous until most people have forgotten about him. And I believe this is the Mexican government's Quintero plan.

  13. Saludos para el R1 desde la Noria...

  14. @December 5, 2013 at 6:28 AM

    He's old man and no need for more anymore, just asking to leave his family alone. Why start new shit now? Just poor bloodthirstyness what's just sad with USA.

  15. Right, don't forget the CIA relationship that has come out. CIA and DEA working against each other AND in another country - MEXICO. Nothing new but don't forget this fact. Caro, you guys fucked up. I have no sympathy for you.

  16. @December 5, 2013 at 9:18 AM

    How could he? He would be dead sooner.

    1. 9:18 Sonia atala,the niece of general barrientos,president of Bolivia back then,talked to the DEA about the CIA's dirty deeds,and she did not die,the agents talking about the camarena case, are still around,of course,Barry seal is dead,you gotta take your chances I guess,like Vicente zambada and the CIA vs the Flores twins and the DEA

    2. 9:54 now the CIA don't know nothin' about no Vicente zambada,any further action regarding this matter will be dealt with in a professional way,not in a circus of amateur clowns...

  17. Am I missing something. He served more than 25 of the 40 year sentence. CIA have admitted they ordered Kiki killed. Coming to the US for the murder would be double jeopardy. If there is old drug charges, the statute of limitations have expired. Is this a case that the DEA and our Criminal Justice System want to try to rewrite law or mix and match so we can spent millions on a worthless trial and at best lock him up here to cost us millions for the maximum security. I say stop spending our money for ridiculous causes.

  18. Fuck this guy and fuck his sense of entitlement! It's because of shitbags like this that the cartel war is as bad as it is . I know for a fact this turd ordered the executions of many drug smugglers because he didn't want to pay them! Now he wants the very system he corrupted to work for him!? Waaaa waaa waaa keep crying like a bitch Caro

    1. 3:21 no no no and no! the ones murdering their associates to steal the goods and get rich quick, were the zetas,specially Judas,aka z40,if caro killed kiki for taking the CIA's money,the zetas stole the money and the goods from friend and foe,and their lives.
      Thank the GAFES,the Mexican military,and the SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS...
      Caro does not measure up to that shit,fuck him all you want,but the zetas and ct are the truest devils of our days...

    2. 3:21pm Do you really know for a fact that he ordered those executions? Prove it. Talk is cheap.

    3. Your telling me he was a huge druglodd and never ordered the deaths of any innocents u dumbfuck@230 who cares anyway!? We got kids in Juarez getting stabbed to death Cus of a family debt fuck caro

    4. @3:21pm, you're confusing the Lord of the Skies with Caro Quintero. Amado used murder as a business tool. If, a shipment got lost, everybody got killed. He tortured and killed 6 of Pablo Acosta's men, but knew the men were innocent, because Amado, himself, had been who gave the info to DEA that got one of Acosta's shipments seized at the border.

  19. @10:33 drug dealers are the effect of the problem. the root cause is the illegality of harmless drugs like marijuana and other hallucinogens that we have to get from drug dealers who are forced to be violent because of the laws that are in place. Drug dealers are only supplying the demand. the slap in the face comes from the DEA and other law enforcement who don't respect our freedoms.

    1. 4:10 there is a demand for women forced into prostitution,also for children to sexually abuse,among other demands,impunity for the perps,anything anyone desires...
      Most people do not think so,stop whnning,whinnie winny.

    2. Well I learned this week from BB that cartels are killing and extorting people over avocados, and that are a legal fruit, so there goes your argument.

    3. 7:37 Avocados are legal,extortion is not,neither is Meth etc,the problem is,the kind of people that have gone from drugs to kidnapping,to prostituting women,their bosses discovered that if the sicarios don't get paid,they can go and exact a living by diversifying into other types of crimes.
      Therefore,prison and death for traffickers,treatment and help for their victims they got addicted to get their money,if dope is so good,why don't they keep all of it and smoke it themselves?
      Because other people's money is better. now Mister argument winner and destroyer,I am not trying to argue anything with anybody with the intent of "winning" a debate or the argument,just stating my perceptions,maybe get corrected, or find a better idea somehow.
      "When winning is the only purpose,it becomes the purpose irregardless of the truth or the methods used to obtain victory"
      With practice you can become a very well paid mouthpiece of the Australian eavesesdropping kangaroo,faux news' rupert Murdoch,but any lowly underpaid liberal can and will keep kicking your sore ass,you are free to chose and decide!

    4. I can agree with your disdain for cartels. Your argument for legal drugs is too simplistic; the problem lies with the fact that legal or illegal, the cartels will extort or skim from whatever product or industry. Take away the money generated from selling illegal pot,and the cartels will push deeper into other legal areas of society to make up the difference. I pointed out avocados as an example as a direct contradiction to your argument.

    5. Smoking avocados is not against the law yet,insisting on wining or destroying an argument,by nitpicking,preying on little omissions or minimal errors do not help solve the problem,drug traffickers greed, that must be satisfied by as much money as possible,causing ever increasing social problems,damaging people that don't have anything to do with drugs...

    6. Spellcheck:

  20. where do i sign up to be on the firing squad for this pos?

  21. As the old saying goes, "DON'T DO THE CRIME, IF YOU CAN'T DO THE TIME." For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

  22. In another words he is saying to pena nieto.Chill out act like u are looking for me,but u cant find me cos sapo is hiding me.I`ll sent u a big pay check.

  23. CIA did NOT admit to anything. Don't be stupid. one guy writes a book and you think it is a confession by CIA. even in his BS account caro did it. wake up and smell the menudo

    1. 6:57 DEA agent accuses,CIA agent concurs, CIA drug trafficking pilot agrees,THE CIA will not say anything,will not testify,will not even deny the charges...
      business as usual,the point is,what does caro quintero says about it all...

  24. Why isnt caro exposing dea or cia incolvement?makes u wonder if cia really did have anything to do with kikis death

  25. They should also let don neto free

  26. 10:26 spellcheck,and edit your pendejadas, then post again,and again and again,it works...

  27. Lol the only people who extort money for avocados are the caballera templarias from michoacan. Let r1 go. they shouldn't have gave them the go to kill Kiki now they want to act like he's a national threat if only people knew that sometimes the money in there pockets is laundered drug cartel money it keeps going on and on its a cycle

  28. one could tell a pocho/chicano a mile away. gringos think all hispanics are the same..pendejos.

    1. 1:02pm How can you tell a poncho or Chicano from a Paisa?

  29. @ 7:35 you are retarded. Equating child molesters with people who smoke marijuana is an indicator of your small mind. You're invoking godwin's law. So intelligent conversation is a no no for you. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so ignorant in this age of information. And your grammar is horrible.

  30. 1:44 Treatment for addicts,prison for traffickers.
    -While not comparing the criminals,the quest for impunity lumps them together.
    -"The first to claim Goodwin's law or the names or situations it alludes, loses the argument" Mike Goodwin,U of I.
    -"Goodwin's law has been invoked,I'm out of this thread" Fryth,Aug 28,2004. Note that Fryth does not claim victory,for that would fit:
    -Danth's law,smartass Fryth;
    -Quirk's exception does not apply in your case.
    -Skitt's Law "any post correcting an error in another post will contain at least one error itself, which likelyhood is directly proportional to the embarrassment it will cause the poster"
    -Skitt's is an online version of Murphy's law also known as Hartman's law of prescriptivistic retaliation...
    -Cohn's law "whoever resorts to the argument that 'whoever resorts to the argument... ...loses..."
    Bryan Cohen,2007.
    -laws are there to be broken,for a price,it will be paid,if you "didn't know" that is your problem.
    -I personally find my English and grametrica excellent,satisfactory and good enough broken English,spanglish and the admin post my comments without editing! thanks BB...:) <<< "Poe's Law":) :) :)

  31. 7:05 Danth's Law, also known as Parker's Law "if you have to insist that you have won an argument,you probably have lost it badly".
    -He who invokes Goodwin's Law loses.
    -in your case, Quirk's Exception does not apply
    -Skitt's Law "any post correcting another post will contain an error itself,the likelyhood of that error is directly proportional to the embarrassment it will cause the poster"also known as Murphy's Law and Hartman's Law of prescriptivistic retaliation...
    -Cohen's Law: "whoever resorts to the argument that 'whoever resorts to the argument that... ...loses the argument',loses the argument" Brian Cohen,2007
    -My statement was that criminals deserve punishment,and seek impunity,not that all criminals or their crimes are equal,if I may add,addicts need treatment...
    drug traffickers need customers,and will get them by any means...
    -as for the grametrica,mine is very good for Spanglish and broken inglish,my rants get posted all the time,thanks BB!!
    -Poe's Law: :) :) :) Nathan Poe,2005
    -Bart simson "eat your shorts"

  32. zetas and ct are weak quit being a nuthugger

  33. Imperfect words, perfect win...?
    The Red Baron knew he would be shot down some day,his kills only knew they got shot dawn...
    Salute the fallen.

  34. We're out of this thread EAFER BAFFER,change you name and come back someday...

  35. Que lo encierren al bastardo junto con su puta madre 1000 anios.

  36. Show your face "Ananymous" who are you? What do you have to hide?


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