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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Caballeros Templarios Decapitate 5 and Leave Message Signed "CJNG"

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat

The bodies and decapitated heads were found In two locations of Michoacán, around  6AM this morning.  Three decapitated bodies were found in the municipality of Tarimbaro, near the bridge known as “Los Erandenis”. 
The bridge sits at the town entrance and is heavily travelled.  The decapitated heads were found lying to the side of the bodies.  Discovered along with the bodies was a blood drenched knife. 

Por Libertad Michoacán is reporting a narco cartulina. (poster board) was left with the bodies indicating Cartel Jalisco New Generation were the killers, this was done by singing the message as being from  CJNG. 

Por Libertad and other sources report that in fact the killings were perpetrated by Templarios with the purpose of directing the blame at  CJNG.

There is no proof that the dead men were even involved with a cartel, and quite possibly are innocents, picked up and killed for use as props.
Within 10 minutes in Morelia, the capital of Michoacán, two additional decapitated bodies were discovered, the heads were left on the sidewalk on Francisco Juararez Mijia Street close to the bodies.  Another Narco message was left at the scene.
The narco message reads "we are here already, (you) fucking Michoacana .  Sincerely, CJNG"
The men have not yet been identified and were estimated to be between 30 and 40 years of age.

 sources used: IM noticias, YouTube and facebook


  1. sorry but your info is wrong CJNG were responsible for the executions

  2. Damn ! How about some margaritas in Mexico. This kind of mayhem is does not get the attention Charles Manson did. The Manson family and crimes shocked the world. But these decapitations by obviously demon possessed people will not make it past BB. Its truly a war against evil.
    Drugs are a sideshow and tourist destinations are the camouflage . The real truth is corruption , evil, greed, racism , Mexico will bore itself into a pit of filth. Eventually hoarding warlords will fight for the many from tourism.
    And hopefully the world will pull its head out of its anus and force Mexico to change like the former Yugoslavia... Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia. And those responsible for crimes against humanity be held responsible and accounted for. Damn , Savage Hijos de putas.

    1. Mansons people killed white people stupid. If you kill white people its not okay.the world dont give a shit about
      fucking mexicans.its all about the mighty dollar not the beaner peso.if they cut five whites heads off in mexico it would be world news for weeks.when are you stupid mother fuckers going to get it.its the money.its the money stupid. Everything is about the money.

    2. No ones forced mexico to change. EVER. Every revolution its ever had has been on its own. Just like the communitarian police in michoacan, no one told them to ride. Mexicans are some of the toughest people in the world. They dont need help

    3. If is about the money I guess we all have to get jobs:) you see I just made world peace:)

    4. You should all stfu mexicans are the reason why all the fuckin americans have food to eat with out mexicans theres no fuckin crops so take that shit back you said

    5. All this stems from Americans, and on a growing basis Mexican's appetite to consume meth, mota and heroina. It's not a color of your skin or nationality issue; just a supply and demand issue and most of the worlds consumption and descretionary income for dope is spent in Los Estados Unidos.

      For the racist that started this post - there are exponentially more people employed selling dope in the USA than there are in Mexico. Likewise there is just as much corruption - it's just done on a more sophisticated level.

  3. Gee, Gee , daddy when I get big I want to ride my motorsickle to Mexico and prove my manhood and tell everyone how beautiful Mexico is, and practice my Spanish, and look how cute and nice are the little Mexicans are and how I love the little Mexicans servitude inferior towards me because I am a rich gringo.

    Oh, waiter bottled water and ice porfavor !!!!! ( I only drink bottled water in Mexico) Wait , Wait , where did the ice come from ? lolololololololololol Duh!

    1. What did you just say? You sound mentally challenged..

    2. Somthing is wrong with that guy I think he was drop on his head Or somthing you know

  4. Esto me recuerda cuando La Familia Michoacana tambien reconocidos como La Empresa saco a los de La Ultima Letra de Lazaro Cardenas en el 2008 a si aparecian cuerpos de Z y Federales y con sus mensajes.

  5. Narco Terrorism - that all it is. Mexicans you need to fight back!!

  6. Just normal Michoacán road raged, I'd like to see these CT fags try this at the entrance to a CP town.

  7. Hey chivis, what's the latest with el lava carros and are they going to extradite him? Also what happened to la barbie, are they going to extradite him or does he know to much Mexican corruption that he'll expose?

  8. Here we go again , The Los Erandenis bridgehead was held at the price of 5 " Ordinary " Mexican lives .

  9. ok...I did additional searching and found what I just posted. I looked at various Michoacán libertad and valor sites. mainstream are not saying much not even the words on the message.

    to the commenter please send me your source so I can check it as well.

  10. CJNG,CDS,CT,CP,CDG,Z,FM,CJ,CAF any more cartels i did not mention?

    1. 11:11 CP,better known as Policia Comunitaria or Communitary Police are not a cartel,bitch,I sure hope they become one, anything will be better than the cabelleras kagadas,then you will be kissing ass motherfucker...

    2. What about the Cartel de Zacatecas

    3. 12:54 zacatecas,occupied,allied,associated, no zacatecas cartel...
      -Taliban's zetas,who is in charge?
      -sangre zeta who they with?
      -who was or is sangre zeta's boss?
      -zetas in zacatecas,only in fresnillo?
      -zetas in zacatecas ranchos only?
      Zacatecanos that know,say something please,I miss my hometown,fresnillo...


  12. chivis you had it right. bdn said it is cjng but everyone else says it is ct faking it is cjng. redgrillo in your link also said at first it was cjng and bdn copied their story and even stole the photo. but later grillo changed. it is funny because historias and bdn are same people, one says cjng and other ct. covering all bases. good reporting BB

  13. Chivis l swear this war was done on porpuse by usa and mexico governments to ease pushing their agendas speccially in mexico for me there is no coincidense that this war happen at the same time the internationally governments ask mexico to do all of the high level reforms they have being pushing on this last decade speccially on this last presidential term in mexico the drug war was like the prefect smock screan and made insecurity the number one concern in mexico above economy making mexicans worry less about anything else the gov have being doing in the country without having all the trouble they would have likelly have if this war never had happened if this war never had happened they will never ever be eble to pass all of reforms and changes they have done in the country that easy coincidense i really dont think so

    1. I sometimes also wonder, if this was done intentionally to distabolize mexico

    2. No im not a politician or anything like that im just a citizen that think outside the box and quetion anything and everything that comes from governments because i do know governments ( no dan paso sin guarache ) they do not do anything either good or bad without a reason i know they are not that stupid they seems to be like and they do not care about the normal citizen from the streets soo i always question and try to get to the bottom of anything that governments do and most of the time i do get to it

    3. 3:50,what 5:22 says is that all the crimes against humanity in Mexico are being caused by the evil to distract the Mexicans, while the evil steal everything else,it is so bad that all the Mexicans want now is peace,and nobody notices the plunder...

    4. Kind of like what just said

  14. If the dead hombres were cartel members then burn in hell,but if they were inocent men may they rest in peace.

  15. 7:05

    Is is not just the money. It is for the fame and notoriety, the power, the sex, and driving nice stolen vehicles. Sicarios do not make shit. Many of the lower tier people are doing it for drugs, women, the feeling of power over other people. You do not have to kill people for the money. It is because they are poor and illiterate, and do not know how to make a real living. What do you expect when 70% if the country has a third grade education? It is obvious that unless Mexico can produce it's own cars and big money products, they will be slaves with low wages to other countries, and this shit will go on forever. The violence is getting worse in the USA also, because kids are foregoing an education, and thinking they will make it big without it. They idolize rap stars, and drug dealers. Just like kids do Here in Mexico. So they try it the illegal way, and hope that they can get to the top. But many die trying, and many that do make it higher on the food chain will also eventually die. Everyone knows it is for the money too. But everyone needs to know why. Because not everyone that wants money, resorts to this crap. Manson did not kill for money. If Mexico does not care and find these things appalling, and just brush it off, why should anyone in the world care. There are people that do care in this world. You want everyone else to care more then their own people do? That is pretty sick! I live here in Mexico, and the people are Mexican, and the killings are not their problem until it effects them directly. It is a cultural difference without a doubt. As a White American living here I am appalled, and when I want to talk about it, It is like talking to deaf people. Even the government does not want to talk about it. They want to hide it. I cry everyday when I see this shit happen. But Mexico needs to fix the problem. If the USA said they would put troops on the ground and help Mexico. They would be turned down. Too much macho bullshit here. If you dance with the wrong person in a bar you get killed, just like my friends son did. Great kid! He is missed by me!!

  16. "Mansons people killed white people stupid. If you kill white people its not okay.the world dont give a shit about"
    Here we go again with the poor innocent Mexicans being manipulated.
    When are you people going to take responsibility for your own heinous behavior.The world is unfair,not just for Mexicans.Little African babies are dying for want of clean water right now,stop your pathetic whining and blame game.No wonder no-one wants to get involved,why would they.

  17. You r rite about da money, but whites r disposable 2, how many brainwashed gringos died for Irak's oil? How many are slaves of meth? It's all about the money, people don't matter.

  18. The mayhem in Mexico is an agenda of the global elites to facilitate the creation of an North American Union;; to integrate U.S.A., Mexico, Canada into a single governmental/economic entity. That is why EPN is carrying out economic reforms, such as opening-up PEMEX to foreign investment, i.e. American; thus, eventually calling for needed measures to protect those investments from organized crime. The plan would call for Denver, Colorado to become the capital of the new union. That would explain why NORAD is located in Colorado. To think that if it weren't for 3 U.S. senate votes, Santa Ana would have sold the U.S.A. the present 7 northern Mexico states. Instead the U.S. only bought the southern territory of what is now southern Arizona -- the Gadsden Purchase. This new union will complete the total conquest of Mexico by the U.S.A.

    1. I agree with you on everything except that you think this is about countries that usa will conquest mexico or something like let me open your mind just a little bit more and you would realize that is about individuals privite interests not coumtries per say , there are no more countries per say in the world they dont even print their own money look into it there just a smock screan of the real powers

  19. December 29, 2013 at 7:05 AM There are plenty of U.S. citizens "missing "
    in Mexico. Its all about the mayhem and get what you can , while and when you can when you can. as a Mexican bad guys do and die young. Sell your soul to the devil. That's what bad Mexicans are doing. They know they can never afford new 4x4 Ford 250. So accepting that the country is crap and they have no hope. Unlike poor good hearted Mexicans of the old days the newer generations do not care. They will take as they take in Somolia.

  20. Well at least im not so innocent and or stupid that keep on believing what the gov says and what you religiouslly believe that your vote count when chosing the president hahaahahahahaha!!!!!!! Keep on in your deep ignorance stupid sheep

  21. Esto no fue CJNG, Fueron las lacras de las templarias.

  22. @ December 31, 2013 at 8:08 AM

    Please do not blame the U.S.A. for any of Mexico's Criminal activities and decisions based on what an individual decides to do . In other words what ones decision is to right or wrong. If Mexicans prefer to do evil , worship the devil, behead , dismember folk. Its a Mexican individual decision. Its not the U.S.'s fault that
    Some demon possessed inbred Mexican criminal might decide to extort legit businesses in San Luis Potosi. Its Mexico's fault and accept it !!! Beginning to wonder your agenda. Always nut hugging or defending crime in Mexico .

    Long live President Polk , Long live Zachary Taylor
    Long live General Blackjack Pershing.


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