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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dr Mireles Videos: Living under the control of Templarios in Michoacán

Borderland Beat
Dr. José Manuel Mireles mocks the  book of codes of the Caballeros Templarios, reciting a "code" , then explaining the reality of what exists under the rule of the narco terrorist group...two videos from the same interview and report..


Above, auto defensa was asked how his pistol can
work against such powerful Templarios weapons 


  1. Haahahah this dude has balls!! The dr is more gangster than the real gangstas!!!

  2. Amazing how this gui is not dead yet...

  3. If I was living in michoacan I would be scared ass fuck Kus of these dudes michoacan is one if mexicos most dangerous eras that's where the crystal was invented (go figure)there all loose in the heads

  4. That old man looks badass he should replace the "xx" man

  5. So impressed these Brave people. President of Mexico has let them down, so they have guts protect themselfs. I am old man\ and can not be much help.
    Here is your chance go to the Aid of your countrymen. Take your country back. Remenber Emilo Zapata.

  6. Do as I say not as I do...

  7. Chivis, good stuff. am glad they are translating Dr. Mireles videos now. Do you have a time frame for you interview with him yet?

  8. DD...and BTW congratulations on coming on over to mainboard as a reporter and mod

    I also am pleased that some of the newer vids have subtitles saves me days of work.

    I plan to interview him within a month, he wants via telephone. need to figure out dream interview.:)

    1. Damn so proud of u Chivis!! Ask him to open a Pay Pal..LOL

  9. This brave man is DEAD.
    He just don't know about it.

  10. Chivis if u talk to him ask him how we can donate money to them

  11. He might be dead but at least he lived

  12. Chivis. let him know, the world knows what a coward EPN is. We are watching the President of Mexico allow genocide happen under his watch.

  13. What is Dr Mireles thinking? He appears to be a good man, and the people with him are brave. But to mock the cartel that controls the same area where he lives - that is a recipe for becoming a martyr. Is that what he wants, because that is the journey he is on???

    Meanwhile ... I will drink and say another toast to Don Alejo.

    And by the way Chivis - looking forward to the second installment of the article on Don Alejo. Hope you are feeling much better this week, and tell Javana Diva that her article on the killing in Acapulco was very good :-)

    1. Nobody is mocking the templarios he is only stating facts...nobody seems to be laughing as they know this is not a laughing matter and its simply sad..

  14. Brave brave people!! Bravo to them protecting their loved ones and communities from CT scum!

    I would also like to send them money to help!

  15. Chivis, didn't you post an article on his murder? He was stoned to death, wasn't he?

  16. Weres is the guy who says
    that narcos dont go affter
    innocent hard working people?
    Because his dumb ass
    needs to see this 2 videos.
    I hate Narco Nuthuggers
    they always say oh but
    if your not involved in
    the Narco life you don't
    have to worry.
    that is total B.S.
    Grate story chivis.

  17. readers:
    I wasn't going to say anything about the interview with Dr. Manuel (he goes by his middle name) but my friend DD outed me, my bad. because I did reveal it on a comment on forum. he assumed I did the same here.

    About the donations. I already asked him and he said to use the wire instructions. But I think paypal is better and I will set up one. My foundation is a 501C3 so I thought I could use our ID # so you can get a tax break. But our foundation CPA says no can do.

    If anyone is astute on recording telephone or even Skype conversations with excellent sound. Please email me. I imagine no more than 30 mins. he uses a Samsung cell.

    To the reader upset because we don't allow his propaganda against dr mierles saying he is CJNG.

    I have told you to send me have not. I can say this great journalists such as Denise Maerker and other high profile people have interviewed him many times and written about him and never said such a thing. they would dig deep and have stringers all over. I myself have found nothing but a few lies especially from La Tuta in his videos.

    yes I just posted the article. They are saying based on the evidence he was pulled from his car and stoned then strangled with an instrument such as a pipe across his neck. then placed in his car. a short distance from the car were bloodied stones..

    1. oh yeah well where is the proof that tuta is lying on what he has said in his videos, i dont have any proof but i know all this things cause ive been there my familia is from the area where tuta is usually at, i ve met him before but i dont put all this stuff cause nobody will believe me

    2. 3:48 !!??!??whhh?,i confess I didn't see the videos,can't play them,but who did they stone to death?

  18. Dr Mireles sent me a new report (video report) that he asks if I will please help distribute it. I am looking for someone to transcribe and translate and then I will post.

    any volunteers please email me..

  19. @12:45

    I will have the 2nd installment of Don Alejo up on the weekend. This is the anniversary week of his murder. I have included quite a bit of the violence in 2010 in Tamps. It is amazing how many of the huge events of violence there were in that year, the year Zetas split from CDG

    Thanks for asking!

  20. Protesteth too much, methinks.

  21. wow thanks so much for the response to translate the video!
    Someone has already done it and sent to me.
    I have save your email addresses for the future

    Big Thanks!

  22. Is there a way that we Americans can donate money and supplies to Dr. Mileres's organization?

  23. Chivis, love you work!

  24. @ 8:50 crystal was not invented there, it just is produced in large quantities there

  25. I have lived in Puerto Vallarta for 7 years. Meridiano, one of the local newspapers, as of yesterday, no longer publishes the Police reports online. As kidnappings, murders, breakins, & theft have skyrocketed here in recent years, now crime has suddenly "disappeared" here. CENSORSHIP!!! Typical thinking around here, including the Expatriate community, living in la la land who think things are the same as they were 5 years ago. Sweep the problem under the carpet, bury your head in the sand & problem solved!! This Country is fuc..d!!!! Glad I didn't buy any property here.

  26. We see this 'blog' about the narco crime of the borderlands has become a propaganda blog to support the idea that Mexico is a safe nation of idealists that have become occupied by narco terrorists. This could not be farther from the truth. Explain the contual wholesale firings of municipal police. Explain the mayors on the payroll of the narcos. Explain the abuse by the marines and navy. Explain. ...... the answer is $$$$$$. Everyone is corrupt in Mexico.

    I dare you cowards to post this. I dare you.

    1. 8:20 then who are the victims of extortion, expropriations,murder,kidnappings, beheadings etc,etc,? BB has dared post your ignorant crap,now what @#$%&?

  27. Michoacan should fend themselves against the Templarios. Auto defensa is a must because some Templarios "might" stray away from the "codes" they exercised.

    1. The cabelleras kagadas'deeds speak louder than their propaganda,barely worthy of use by the CP commandos as toilet paper...
      Man! I am amazed of myself for another smart ass comment,I can't believe soo much ignorance can be so inspiring,but,but there it is,thanks BB!

  28. Here in the United States my local community and i have begun forming a citizen’s militia kind of what Dr.Mirales has going. i can honestly say that what he is doing is of the most highest honor a human being can achieve! Fighting for what’s right and for basic human rights has always shown to be a bloody struggle. it fills me with great hope to see we still have courageous men in this world who will not coward themselves when fighting "Goliath" he has made his voice herd by screaming to the world "I’m a human being got dam it" "my life has value" he has the full support of the people and the peoples abroad! Bravo Dr Mirales un saludo en particular para usted senor! Hombres como usted pocos nacen! si de gran cazo yega a mirar este comentario le aconsejo que forme manera para que el pueblo internacional pueda participar en donaciones para su causa! Comprele botas estillo militar a sus hombres "viera como eso ase tan gran diferencia" su amigo de Trojes Michoacán

    1. Que bonito nombre...we aer here all anonymous,supporting the cause of Dr Mireles y compania, and grateful to BB for letting us rant...



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