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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles, AUC: "We want the heads of 7 "Templarios'" Leaders"

Borderland Beat

Okay, The doctor is saying in this interview repeatedly that they want 7 CT leaders dead ("the AUC wants their heads,") and they'd like the proof with DNA testing because they have the knack of resurrection as we've seen "They Want their heads" is the figure of speech he uses for wanting them dead as doornails. It sounds literal but I'm sure it isn't meant to be taken so  literally to think he is advocating decapitations or anything that "Zetaesque"  But that is what it says. Again, he's using "want their heads," simply to mean for Michoacan to progress for the good of the people, they want to get rid of the seven CT leaders with proof of their DNA. And why wouldn't they want their heads? The CT's have been making their lives hell for far too long. If you read the post the context that he uses these words is really very clear.
Community Defense Groups: We demand the heads of the 7 Templarios leaders in Michoacan: Says leader Dr.José Manuel Mireles in an interview with Carmen Aristegui, MVS News.

In an interview with MVS News first issue, on Nov. 18, 2013, Dr. Mireles said that community defense groups continue to advance its goal and announced that so far there are community police in 45 regions of 19 municipalities in the Tierra Caliente area.

Among the Templars names Dr. Mireles mentioned are: Nazario "El Chayo " Moreno, Servando Gomez "La Tuta, " Enrique " El Tio Nicho "Plancarte, Rigoberto," El Tena"," El Chicano " and "El Toro. " He noted that in the region that has given rise to some criminals as has  "El Chayo "and Plancarte, and spoke about a video posted three months ago where "El Tîo Nicho" called out challenging, Hipolito Mora, community leader in La Ruana, to his death.
Dr.Mireles affirms that the government has started positive actions as total disarmament in Vista Hermosa and Briseñas, but you need to keep covering more in the territory of Michoacan because these people keep kidnapping, killing, and these areas they are contaminated by organized crime.

"Many of our vehicles and also the Army's are cloned and they use our emblems, so you have to more careful about that ... we have armored vehicles that we have been seized from them ," he said. 

José Manuel Mireles narrated that the last weekend they began with an operation in Tancítaro, after learning that the criminals had killed two young girls that they kidnapped, so self-defense groups in the region are concentrated in Buenavista and later took over city hall of Tancítaro.

"At 11:00 am, a farmer told us that we must be careful because they were preparing an ambush, so red alert was issued and that's when one of our cars was attacked with a blast ... I was in the van 4 truck back they wounded 2 companions who are already tending. When the fighting ended after 1 hour 45 minutes, they found two more bodies, and about 2 in the afternoon and  they had found more bodies. We were told there were nine bodies of the Templar," he said.
Templarios attack defense group with grenades
He said the Army was around Tancítaro, they asked them to disarm, however they didn't believe the order and returned with guns in hand to Pareo where 3,000 people joined to make blocks.
Last week he informed that five people had been kidnapped, including the son of a businessman from Nueva Italia and four of the doctor's family members who were were dismembered and burned.
"Then comes the kidnapping of these little girls, all of whom live here, are part of families, families with pure courage to face this ... local media are saying it was a clash between police and criminals but the truth is that it was an attack against us (AUC)," he said.

Dr. José Manuel Mireles said they have offered their own guides to the authorities, because they know where  "El Chayo" and "La Tuta" are, and will be, however as of yet there have had no response.

He charged that the authorities are aware of what is happening in the region from the moment the operatives leave from  DF.

He stressed that after the arrest of a sicario in a raid by the police, the sicario said, he himself orders the operations, and it is he who warns them that they are going after them. "We arrived in the municipalities in support but these communities are those that are putting their own in trenches... sometimes they insult the clean work that we are doing, we are not forming any cartel nor are we or funded by one. We are looking to help end state of violence, we want clean elections," he said.

He noted that there have been invitations to become part of them but they are not accepted because they charge favors because they are criminals.

Video: Watch interview with Dr. José Manuel Mireles, on Monday November 18 in News MVS first issue:

Part 1 Video

Above - Video Part 2 

Text: Read here Carmen Aristegui's full translated interview with Dr José Manuel Mireles:
Carmen Aristegui (CA), host: A few minutes ago there was a report by  Marco Antonio Duarte of the taking of  (city hall) in the municipality Tancítaro in Michoacan, the presence of the self-titled or "so called" community self-defense group of Michoacan and in any case  they had clashes resullting in the deaths of nine people, according to members of the AUC in Michoacan.

We've called Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles, whom is part of those who have talked about  what happened in the last few hours, so he can tell us what is happening in Michoacan.

You spoke of nine alleged "Knights Templar",  can you tell us what happened?

José Manuel Mireles (JMM) leader self-defense: Yes. Look, we started an operation at 8:00 o'clock in the morning to Tancítaro, because at 7:00 o'clock we were warned that criminals had murdered two young girls who they had  kidnapped a few days earlier, even though the avocado growers in the region had paid the ransom, I have understood that they had demanded 24 million pesos and the report we have is that they had paid it and still they executed the young girls, which has enraged much to all the self-defense groups of the entire region, we're concentrated in  Buenavista. 800 people of our colleagues decided to move over there.

We already had other companions who had already, previously entered Tancítaro at about 7:00 o'clock in the morning, declaring they took Tancítaro plaza and the City Hall, with only one shot by one of our companions and by accident he fired into his foot! It was the only accident or incident by a firearm in Tancítaro. 

We at, 11:00 am, 10:45, 11:00, we were entering the town of Tancítaro,  a farmer told us "Be careful, because they are preparing an ambush after the gas station." Through the radios that we all carry, I warned all my companions and issued a red alert, that there was an ambush waiting, which unfortunately those up head who were in armored cars, and did not carry the equipment, so they didn't hear, but everyone else did, and 15 seconds after that we passed the gas station, I saw when of our armored cars were hit by the bombs and they jumped nearly a meter. 
I had personnel with me from journalist Denise Maerker, I said,"If there are shots please jump out of the truck and roll, summersaults along the ground, until they reach a wall or a tree to take refuge", and that was what we did. I was in the truck number four, the first three were the ones that were hit by the grenades and shrapnel. Then they said two companions who are still very seriously injured, but they are being well cared for in a private unit in our region, and when he finished the skirmish that lasted about an hour and seven minutes, one hour five minutes, we realized that in one of the trucks that had attacked us were two dead bodies.

Later the companions from Pareo who organized self-defense too, they found two other bodies and at 12:00, 1:00 pm and they found the rest.

In the afternoon, the ministry was already there around 7:00 , 8:00 pm, issuing acts, and all that, when we left already, because the town was organized in self-defense groups and there they remained safe as such, we were informed that in total there were nine Templars bodies." 
CA: Tell me one thing, in this picture of things, Did authority intervene? Were they close?  Did it hear about it later? What can you tell?  Was it the Army, state police.....? 

JMM: The Army was there in Tancítaro before we arrive and didn't even allow us to get to  Tancítaro despite the plaza was already taken by our companions and also the people from the town I have understood this, because I was informed by priest himself, then they disarmed some 15, 16 companions, when I saw that they were disarming them all, laying weapons on the pavement that did not give me a good feeling and I ordered them all to back to their trucks, because we heard an officer, a colonel wanted to talk to us. Removing all weapons, and tossing them to the ground, didn't feel right  because, well, usually, no commander, general, or any colonel wants talk to more than eight or ten people, we were 800, something wasn't right and I ordered the withdrawal of all units, to hide their weapon but to have them handy out the respect that we owe to Army.

 Hence the colonel who was attending at that area said that if we returned to Pareo, he was responsible for returning the weapons, and when we went back to Pareo, the people of Pareo joined us, about three thousand people in the area, and the army delivered our arms to us. The Army retired and we stayed to support the community, to build their trenches which, incidentally, it was themselves not us because we were in the plaza and there were small groups of people there saying, "Hey, help us, we want to put a trench in this side " They made them, we told them nothing more than how to place the sacks themselves.   They already had trucks, dump trucks full of gravel and sand, for building their own trenches.

In general this is the information, we see that in some ways the local media distorts the news, by saying, it was a standoff between soldiers and gunmen or was between community and military, which is a total mess, but we who live now, we were under the rain of bullets, bombs, we are the only ones who know the truth and disseminate it through your medium and thank you in advance for all the support you give us in order for the truth to be disseminated.

CA: Thanks for the comment, but let me ask you some things. The raid-as it were-had to do, as you say, in response to a previous event that had to do with some girls, can you elaborate more on this situation?  What happened and what instigated the raid? And also tell me about the establishment of a self-defense in Tancítaro?
JMM: Well, look, in the same week there had been  ive people abducted in Los Reyes, four were federal employees IFE  and one was the son of a businessman from Nueva Italia, we still do not know where these people are. 

Three weeks ago they kidnapped four of my relatives, one of them with special needs, and we still do not know, and they told us that they had-I to say this seriously, my family is listening, they have dismembered and burned them. Then there are situations that we no longer see, honestly, we do not see results from the municipal and state institutions, we see them as having no interest in resolving this, so we have decided to continue doing it on our own after having had two weeks of truce.

CA: Doctor Mireles, sorry to come back to the information that you provides, are your four family members  the ones who were also kidnapped and dismembered? JMM: Yes, they already told my family, my friend Atilano, my comadre, Pilar that her brothers and were already sacrificed, as usual, they grab innocent people, tying them and executing them. That is the situation and then comes what happened to theses girls, who, honestly we do not know them, but many families of the towns of Ttepacaltepec, Buenavista, Apatzingán, Los Reyes  live in Tancítaro we are family, we are all family.

And it affects us very much to see how our people are sacrificed without anyone intervening, that's what makes us angrier and then goes (inaudible) and from there it is from the anger we have I think the day when we do not have anger we aren't going to have courage, but while this lasts, and with all due respect to the Federal Government, with respect to the Army, even with all due respect to the state that does not deserve it,  we will move forward. 

CA: Doctor Mireles, Now tell me one thing ,now that you mention moving forward at this very moment in history of the morning ,how many communities, how many municipalities, how many places in Michoacan have the presence of "so called" self defense groups or community police groups? How many are there, Doctor?
JMM: Right now we are averaging 45 communities of which we are already about 19 municipalities including the one we took the day before yesterday, 19 municipalities only here in this area of La Tierra Caliente, on the top of the mountains, which is Aguillia, which is Coalcomán, Chinicuila here and there on the side of the mountainous area of the Plateau Purepecha are six municipalities that already have more than three years that they organized and structured themselves and started taking up arms. 

CA: Dr. Mireles, what type of collaboration (If I can call it that), is there or should there be between you, configured as self defense and the authorities. I'm talking about federal, state and municipal authorities. 

JMM: Well, look, for starters, the Federal Government has initiated some actions that are very positive for us, as was the complete takeover of the port of Lazaro Cardenas, as was the total disarmament in the municipalities of Vista Hermosa, Briseñas and Zamora. Also the big support that they are  currently providing nowadays with their continuous patrolling and the daily arrests of criminals in the city of Apatzingán, but we need to continue to cover more territory, much faster in the state of Michoacán because if not, we will not finish. These guys are moving around from one region to another, and they are still executing people, they continue kidnapping, extorting and doing their stupid things and we need the government of the state to begin disarming all state troopers and placate them, because we are seeing that all municipalities are contaminated with organized crime. 
then yes we need the participation of the state in this regard.

CA: What would have to happen for you, or to you to return the arms and even the vehicles that you have taken from criminals? What situation would have to be experienced for you to return to your own activities and lay down your arms?

JMM: Just that they deliver to us the seven heads of the main leaders of Caballeros Templarios and we see it confirmed, through the DNA testing, it's really them because they have the bad habit of resurrection.

You see, here in Michoacán, and already two have resurrected, supposedly one had been executed by the feds, which was "El Chayo" and another allegedly had been executed by the military that it was "El Tio"  Nicho Plancarte, then these are situations that we don't believe. And yes we are ready, yes, all of us, who have arms are willing to give up all of our arms when this situation of total elimination of the top leaders of organized crime happens, we will withdraw to our normal activities, hey, we don't have the need to carry weapons and many of the vehicles, but mine because those are mine-Iown-and many are the cars we took from them.

Even in the shootout the day before yesterday, that is another situation. One of the trucks, one Lincoln 2013, had the logos of the community police, which is us, can you believe that? 

CA: Ah!

JMM: Exactly and we have told the military men about the military vehicles being cloned.
even in Aguillia, two trucks were stopped  and surrendered. Right there in Apatzingán military vehicles are cloned, there are city patrol vehicles cloned, but the ones inside wearing the uniforms and carrying the guns are "The Templars" because remember that on October 26 the army disarmed the Apatzingán municipal police.

So right now lots things are happening, the kind of things that we have to be very careful about.

CA: I read, for example, this weekend, in the many stories that were written about what happened in Tancítaro that there were many armored vehicles used by you.

Do you use armored cars taken from ...?

JMM: From themselves, homemade by themselves.
I want, if I may, to honor, those who led this column, those who resisted the onslaught of war grenades, bombs and gunfire. In the first, armored vehicle in Tepalcatec, a pickup truck with a double line of the strongest metal, filled with sand, an idea that emerged among our poor community people, who saved the lives of all who were riding inside, the Commander Cuacua, my respects, also the Commander Molina, my respects, I got to see how the truck jumped at every bombing, that this man also saved our lives once in another ambush back around Aguillia, which by the way Miriam Moreno was with us, a companion also of Denise Maerker.

They are people who, you know, take risks, who know what they are doing what I have previously said above, we have chosen our way of dying, since  (inaudible) that they kidnap our people, execute them, dismember them without even looking up.

Now, we decided that we will die fighting and that's what we're doing.

Fortunately, someone is with us, because we haven't had heavy casualties. Yes we are very sorry for the casualties that we have had of our companions who were risking their lives, for this disgraceful disaster we have in the entire state of Michoacan, to come to an end.

CA: Let me go back to a fundamental point of what you just said, when asked what would have to happen for you to  finally not have to be armed and you very clearly said "that they turn in  the seven heads of the leaders of organized crime in Michoacán along with the DNA testing  tests so we know it is  really them." Who are the seven?

JMM: Well the main one is one of the resurrected, which is "El Chayo Moreno", another is "La Tuta", Servando Gomez, another is Enrique Plancarte, another is Rigoberto, some names escape me because we only know their nicknames, the ones who most disgraced my community, one that was called "El Tena" and his two main henchmen was "El Chicano" and "El Toro"

Then with the main heads delivered to us, we will know that nobody else can finance those idiots, who ambush us, they shoot bullets and then they run away, we do not get it, they are the ones who ambush us,  and they are the ones that are falling like flies.

We do not understand, we know they are there because we were attacked when were driving, you know what I mean? We only reply to the attacks.

CA: The nine who died this weekend that you report was it as a result or response  their attack?

JMM: That is right, very close to  the road, Listen, inside an avocado orchard, it wasn't even 20 meters from where we were bombed, right at the curve, past the gas station entering Pareo, some others were further back and some others were up there on a little hill
And then obviously we are 100 percent alert, these people have the custom to burning the first cars, so we don't go forward  and yes, indeed, we had spend time there  moving the damaged  thundered vehicles

But also, I repeat I want to honor people who risk being at the front, that's a very important thing, because all of the others just follow.

In Apatzingán I've been in the front,  and also I had to be at the entrance of La Guardia,  I had been the leader into, "Agulilla" but because of the warning from that honorable peasant who warned us about the ambush, we sent the only three  armored cars we have to the front.
One of them, my friend Molina who has been under attack many times, this is not the first ambush that he suffered, his car has grenade pock mark scars everywhere, our companion, "El Comandante Cuacua" this was his first foray and he has already been buried, then our colleague Simon "El Americano", the general coordinator Buenavista was also driving a armored which was also "welcomed."

So what we do is to respond to an attack, many times we have known that coming in and out of communities, "The Templars" are out there watching us because we can hear them on the radio, we hear that they say," here this truck is passing by with two or three and they are going that way."

CA: Tell me, Dr. Mireles, Simon "El Americano", who you just mentioned, is he American or so is it only nickname?

JMM: So called that, because he lived a few years in Tijuana, hey, see, anyone who leaves his ranch, he is called a foreigner

CA: But is he from Michoacan?

JMM: That's right and do not forget, Carmen, that 52 percent of the population of Michoacan has dual nationality, some by birth in the United States and other citizens by naturalization in the United States because it is a state that has had many longtime immigrants.

CA: Let me close this conversation, Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles of General  Coordination of Self-Defense of Michoacan. You said a moment ago, in addition to mentioning the seven heads you are requesting and demanding that you from  the Mexican government to be arrested and delivered, let's put it that way to justice, and you say  you say: " do not resuscitate or resurrect them" and  you mentioned two to them " El Chayo" and "El Tio Nicho"

JMM: Right.

CA: Where, forgive me for saying so, well, where  did you come up with the idea that they have been resurrected

JMM: Well, because we have seen the video, hey, at five months after supposedly, El Tio Plancarte, killed at a checkpoint  when he didn't want to give up his arms, he would not be disarmed, and it turns out that approximately three months after that he was resurrected and challenges Hipolito Mora to a duel to the death, even sends him a personal video.

CA: Really is that true?

JMM: Yes, we all saw him in this video, check it out.  It's out there, it s in the alternative media and you are going to see "El Tio Nicho Plancarte" challenge Hipolito Mora to death and also what  "El Chayo" does because we know that  allegedly the Feds killed him from helicopters in Apatzingán. He had nine funeral marches and masses in the city and is now resurrected with the name ... now he's called Ernesto Morelos Villa,  for Ernesto Guevara Saldaña, "El Che",  and Morelos for José María Morelos y Villa for Francisco Villa.

CA: Is that all he named himself?

JMM: Yeah, just like that, yes.

CA: What a name he chose.

JMM: Yes, therefore we don't want them to come back to life again, we want them and another thing, I will say, it s going to bother some people, but many times it has been reported to the relevant authorities where these people can be found at that moment but they are not lucky, they can not find them,  or they don't know how to look for them.

Even we have offered our own guides  for example, "La Tuta,"  we know where he is going to sleep tomorrow, and we know where he is going to sleep the day after tomorrow and the same with "El Chayo", we know where he is going too be today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but unfortunately we haven't had the immediate response we want to make this be over.

CA: I remember, Dr. Mireles, what we read in the letter from the bishop of Apatzingán, to  the Bishop Patino, where in few words or in other words he said the same things in terms of there not having been notable arrests, although there is a great federal and state presence in Michoacan, well, even knowing where those people are they are not being detained.

JMM: Yes, indeed, we have already given some projects without knowing, but it has worked out for us in order to clean out our towns of bad people but we have presented some views to senior officials of the federal government pointing out places where they are going today, tomorrow and the day after, and pointing out how we can reach them, because these these men are more informed than we are  and better informed than the federal government is, because since starting the operation the Mexico City, they already know, since also when a federal operation starts (inaudible)they already know

CA: From Mexico City, Doctor?

JMM: From Mexico City and they know it perfectly.

CA: So that means once the operation arrives in Michoacan they already know

JMM: They are already somewhere else or maybe even close, but they are wearing peasant clothes and tools like a machete and they are riding on top of a donkey, we know that, because there are the reports we have received lately of "Chayo" the way he escapes is that he never rides in a car

CA: What you are trying to say, Dr. Mireles, of course, indeed is a very delicate, very serious,thing because I want to ask you if it is you just saying or if you know for a fact that they are being alerted from Mexico City.

JMM: Yes, it is, because once I asked someone before we started the fight and I asked him, "How is it possible that there are so many operations and they never find them?" He says, "Mr. Doctor, what you do not know is that the same person who ordered the operations is the same person that advises us that they're coming to get us and we immediately move ".

CA: who said that, Doctor?

JMM: One of the sicarios, one of the criminals that we had detained here on February 24 in Tepalcatepec.

CA: Once held by you, Is that what he confessed?

JMM: Yes, of course, when the Army gave 'em to the Federal Ministerio Police in Apatzingán they freed them for lack of evidence.

CA: All together, doctor.

JMM: Yes

CA: Well, look, I think what you said is of enormous importance and gravity, which means, of course, everything you narrating and telling following these events this the weekend  obviously has increased the  presence of self defense groupo.
This weekend's events in Tancítaro, we know for granted that citizens formed their own an organization 

JMM: That's right, in all the towns where we come, to support the cries for help that the relatives ask for  "Come on in and help us, we can not stand", we go there, we support and the communities themselves are organized, put their own selves, build their own trenches and we return to our own trenches
CA: Let me close with the following, some say that some good faith and some without good faith, are encouraging the creation and existence of self-defense groups to clean up the plaza from some criminals for other organized criminals to enter. What do you say about that, doctor?

JMM: These are words that have "Chucho" Reyna has repeated since he was first secretary general of the government and then interim governor, he wants to insult our clean effort or hard clear work which the people are doing, taking up arms, we are not a cartel, nor are we displacing a cartel to give access to another, we are not forming a cartel and we will not be sponsored by one or another cartel.
Let it be clear, there have been offers, invitations, there has been proposals, but our project is solely to clean the state of Michoacán from any kind of organized crime so that the Federal Government, the Senate of the Republic or whoever may be, to help restore the state of law, but on legitimate grounds of internal elections, not elections managed and controlled by the same mafia itself  in politics or within organized crime.

CA:Let's make it clear, doctor, you say that you, that of course, there have been proposals, offers, I ask you, from whom and for what?

JMM: The proposals we have come from neighbors who want to help, but do not want to accept from any cartel nor any politician, because we do not want to be asked later to repay the favor, you know what I mean? There have been offers, for example, cartels here,near the state of Jalisco and even in Sinaloa, and also in Sonora, they want to support us, but we know what they want.

Michoacán already suffered one of its (inaudible) for supporting a cartel called "La Familia" when "Los Zetas"  invaded us here in this region of Apatzingán, Tepalcatepec, Buenavista and all, at that moment "La Familia" came to offer support, La Familia got rid of los Zetas but what happened after that was "La Familia" cartel takes over the entire region and the entire state, and then they have internal problems of their own, and conflicts between them and La Familia" cartel become "Knights Templar" and the latter is taking our region as their main business.

We, people from Michoacan, or other towns in Michoacan who have weapons, do not want to make the same mistake that was made ten years ago

CA: Doctor José Manuel Mireles, I appreciate your taking this phone call and I ask that we stay in communication.

Thanks for being here- until tomorrow.

JMM: Thanks and really, thank you very much for helping to spread the truth.
CA:Be well Doctor, we'll be in touch 

JMM: Thank you.

CA: Doctor José Manuel Mireles, one of the general coordinators of Michoacan self defense, in difficult times, no doubt, as of this weekend and the whole panorama of things that we have just heard which are not not a trivial matter.



  1. The community police are getting stronger daily. Hopefully they keep puahing forward. La tuta must be concerned. If they keep growing good things can happen through out the country

    1. Nothing good will happen wen u have an army of cps trying to get control of all the towns and citys can't anybody understand that this is a cartel de comunitarios there not defending ther tows most of the people mireles has next to him are from other states like jalisco driving around in bullet proof trucks and all kinds of weapons its really bull can't anybody listen to us goverment please help no more cartels mireles or aka mula d seises cartel leader

    2. Hey man all i can tell you its if you are a ct or have a relative or friend please tell him / her or them to get the fuck out of that organization because it is doomed to desapired or be destroyed , trust me dude this time its for real the gov does not need cts anymore so cts are been given the green light to be destroyed . Again be smart not be stupid do you really think the mexican gov dod not get them before because they could not do it really or rather they did not try hard like they were suppose to . Think about it zapata was killed so pancho villa you think cts leader are smarter than zapata and villa really?

  2. How amusing that the Doctor speaks of the Templarios as resurrecting themselves. And demanding DNA results for Tuta, Chayo Tio etc. Another high mark for the doc.

  3. Send the doctor lawyers, guns and money! I want to see a duel between the doctor and La Tuti. Give La Tuti a thracian sword and a mace and give the doctor a net and trident ... the doctor will kick Tutis ass.

  4. Never can get enough of this guy. Chivis, does the doctor read BB ever? Do you know? He told the interviewer, Carmen Astigma to check out the alternative media. He'd notice plenty of coverage here at Borderland Beat

  5. WHAT??? what is Dr Manuel saying when he says he wants the heads of Templaario's?? does he want to start a full cartel war with CT? either this man has a certain death wish, or he is not what he is pretneding to be. these words do not sound like the leader of a small civilian group. they sound like someone connected with a cartel.

    1. @7:33 AM What a stupid and nonsense agrument by a garbage lowlife CT thug like you. You CT meth head cockroaches are all cowards like your beggar asshole Tuta the Puta. Hey you garbage CT sissy punk go learn how to apply makeup from Tuta's Slutty Whoring daughter so that you too can post your photos on FB like that Faggot "Broly CT queen".

    2. It sure sounds like you live in the down here is difrent everybody knows cps have backup from cjng.c'mon bullet proof trucks aks high powered weapons for a doctor so its cartel vs cartel with help from feds and army hiding behind women and children chasing a lot more blood to spill

    3. @732:am. Unless you have lived in a warzone under constant threat of attack, kidnapping, or murder, or you have personal knowledge of the situation, then you miss the point: if you are gonna die
      , then die with your boots on, standing and fighting not cowering and defenseless.

  6. After this bold 'uping' of the game I give Mireles max 4 weeks until he is killed or disappears.

    1. its been more then six months already!! CT scared when someone points a gun back at them!! They only kill unarmed civilians or children!! Not a grown man with a gun to protect himself!!

    2. 7:54 good for you,we will wait and see,Dr mireles is not being persecuted by the government,the cabelleras kagadas are being persecuted,and nobody wants their shitty arses around,maybe you will shelter the puta tuta and his boyfriends in your house???

    3. 4 WEEKS ? Is that a joke ?he's survived all these months he seems like an intelligent man so I'm sure if hes " uping the game" he's prepared for it

  7. Siga padelante senor Jose Mirales! estas lacras ya estan muertos! nomas es question de tiempo

    1. Aribba Los caballeros templarios parabun mejor michoacan

  8. An excerpt from an earlier BB article . "So we were just going to accept the situation. But one day, I told them, "They came to my neighbor's house and took their 15-year old daughter. They told her mother, 'That 11 year old girl you have there, give her a bath and change her clothes while I bring this one back. She's next.' <<<<< That's a sad/sick story.

    I do not know about the civilized world I know but this whole booshit in Mexico needs to stop. Bring in U.N. / NATO,/ someone needs to intervene.

    Here's examples of what how "Safe" people actually believe Mexico is.

    There's some kind of Graph on the attached link.

    Sadly it appears Mexico is without hope as Pro "safer" travel
    than anywhere else in the world is spread as propaganda from the internet pulpit and the newspapers. No one will come to aid these poor souls..
    God Bless and God Help these poor folks in Mexico that have to exist among the evil, satanistic fascist , capitalistic (defined as extorcion ) in Mexico.

    From the store owner to orange picker everyone has to pay or else? Booshit

  9. if you guys noticed these so called defense groups have the same tactics as the cartels even when they ralk on the radios the codes they use are exactly like cartel member lingo. another thing there are always gun fights but somehow they always say we killed 5,6,7, etc cartel members and notuing happens to them why? if they really regular people I woukd expect more cadualities on tgeir side since they would not be use to being in a shoot out and have no training.

    1. Hey smart guy did u not read last post the caballeros shoot with gun over there heads .lol bet they shoot at the ground while somebody is is aiming for thier heads

  10. Havana...
    Dr Mireles wrote to me this morning and said this:

    Este dia tuvimos 3 ataques.

    Varios heridos.

    Readers he says they have several wounded after three attacks "today" it looks like he is speaking of today as his email is dated this AM. twice the feds have taken guns away from them exposing them to attack, them retuned the weapons.

    Usually Dr Mireles doesn't give information like this unless I ask, so it appears it is bad.


  11. He a puppet for the "other guys" and a dead man walking now.

    1. Bullshit 9:27-he is a puppet for the poor extorted people in Michoacan. Have a little respect and do a little reading up on the subject before you spout off like a moron. And I'm down here as always. So STFU you sound retarded.

  12. The feds took their guns away in this post I'm enjoying and gave them back later. I hope they'll not suffer more. Please be safe our beloved doctor with your loyal communitarios. Our thoughts are with you!

  13. Chivis Oh I'm sorry to hear that terrible news. I was nervous, like he was tempting fate or something, when I heard that line where he says, "Fortunately, someone is with us, because we haven't had heavy casualties. Yes we are very sorry for the casualties that we have had of our companions who were risking their lives, for this disgraceful disaster we have in the entire state of Michoacan, to come to an end."

    I hope they can turn it around and get on another safer streak for a long spell.
    I'll be thinking of them and wishing them safe.

    Thanks for telling us Chivis-

  14. @7:16
    when I first establish contact with Dr Mireles I told him who I was and sent links to stories Valor and I have posted, I also sent link to BB on wiki and gave him info about us. I am sure he looked at them. I am not sure how well he speaks English and for the most part he communicates with Nextel and emails on Samsung cell. he does have a laptop of course but he is "out" most the time when not at his office.

    the attacks were of yesterday...there were three but several wounded.

    They sure need the ambulance. They must take the wounded out of the area so need ambulance fully equipped to sustain life until they transport.

  15. How rapidly this movement has gone from peaceful, communitarian resistance to an all out call for "heads". I hope that Dr. Mireles takes all the necessary safety precautions now that he too is a legitimate target of violence by both the narcos and state. There is always collateral damage when waging war and that collateral damage is what will destroy the peaceful message Dr. Mireles was espousing early on. Suerte

  16. Omg!!!!!! These people need 2 band heavily & strike often & swiftly. If they wish continued success they must not ever let their guard down. Seems like the young girls kidnapped & other activities were done 2 bring the Dr.& his men out 4 an ambush. They need lotsssssss of help from everywhere -if they r 2 succeed. There's been mention of some sort of account being set up, important 2 do it asap. Get the info out 2 the public so hopefully results can start pouring n. @ The end they'll have 2 anser 2 a higher authority & there is a "HELL "I can't comprehend how a human being can't /or won't think 4 him/her self of the acts being committed against humanity & GOD.!!!!!

  17. Criminals nothing moar, funny how they never report their dead like they're bulletproof or something but if its Templars they always say we killed "X amount" etc

  18. retard about the armored trucks they are a dime a dozen any body with an extra 150 thousand can get one....... and they said that they took them from the cartel..... get the picture...... plus many U.S. citizens send money back home and or smuggle guns to help their relatives..... would you not do the same...... i would........ whatever it takes to make life safer for the children and older aged neighbors....... before you make irrational comments please take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and then type away.... and then you have the private security companies that can and do have armored vehicles in mexico...... and pick a country..... ........ no common sense, and brains........... bubble head

    1. You might be the one who needs to think before he types. *cough*grammar *cough...
      In all seriousness not just anybody is going to be riding around in a bullet proof truck that can withstand a grenade detonating under it. You truly don't know shit, heavy armored vehicles are not a dime a dozen. I'm sure you've also smuggled a few hundred fire arms to mexico a couple of times to supply 3000 men. Haha you crack me up.
      Doesn't matter though I actually like the idea that there is such a thing as Communitarian Police it gives the rest of mexico a sense of hope. It also sets the ground for other citizens to rise in arms, letting them know they have the right to.

  19. What, "Broly" isn't on his hit list?

  20. Dang, I wanted CT to do good for Mexico. I thought Tuta was smart, but for all his brains, he missed one big point. Said point can be found in the Machiavelli's the Prince, The Kama Sutra's advice for rulers regarding other's women, and a few other books on ruling. they all say that people can accept being punished and dsicliplined, but when you take their women, they will revolt and thats what i've been reading is a mjaor factor in these self defense groups...they didn't rise up over being taxed so much as having their daughter and wives stolen from them....its common knowledge you don't dop that if you want to have the masses on your side, and Tuta fucked up big time by letting his minions do just that, as did Saddam Hussein's sons-most of the people whwo turned on them would mention how Uday would kidnap girls off teh street for his own pleasure-another idiot...there's plenty of fine single women and messing with the women of others, is just asking for a revolt....
    Still, a prince should make himself feared in such a way that if he does not gain love, he at any rate avoids hatred; for fear and the absence of hatred may well go together, and will be always attained by one who abstains from interfering with the property of his citizens and subjects or with their women. And when he is obliged to take the life of any one, to do so when there is a proper justification and manifest reason for it; but above all he must abstain from taking the property of others, for men forget more easily the death of their father than the loss of their patrimony. Then also pretexts for seizing property are never wanting, and one who begins to live by rapine will always find some reason for taking the goods of others, whereas causes for taking life are rarer and more quickly destroyed.

  21. Quit saying he's a dead man! It makes me mad. Look at the former mayor of Juarez- he beat the odds and they wanted him dead! There are exceptions and Michoacan needs to pray on that!

  22. Interesting el Chayo never escapes in cars. Now I picture him on a donkey, wearing campesino clothes and a sombrero. I know that isn't what he said but now it is in my mind.

  23. De veras Don Docor Deathwish! Tranquilo, por fa. No es necesario. Su vida es lo mas importante de todo!

  24. "its been more then six months already!! CT scared when someone points a gun back at them!! They only kill unarmed civilians or children!! Not a grown man with a gun to protect himself!!"

    they might kill innocents, but they've also gone up against some of the baddest vatos in the business i.e., BLO/Zetas...and the AFO when they are hot...that dude Teo who tore shit up in Tijuas fueding with Inge, was a LFM operative and not an AFO defector as commonly stated in the media

  25. I'm glad to say that I was part of this time and period of when a new legend was form.. much respect Dr..

    I well try my best to move down to mexico to help out my peole and I invite anyone who wants a change, to come and help out are people, for a better mexico... Viva la revolution!

  26. Hey chivis I have a question for you. I mean no disrespect with is in fact I'm a huge fan of yours but I can't help but ask. Does it ever cross your mind that the autodefensas you support might also and most likely are financially supported by certain criminal organizations?
    I met a Colombian guy who once was a hitmen for the cali cartel and told me after I of course told him about what's going on in michoacan and what not, told me what he thought about the autodefensas. He said that they were most likely financially supported by a criminal organization like what happened with the medellin cartel who as we all know where strategically wiped out thanks to the fact that the autodefensas who were supported by the cali cartel weakened them therefore leading to the capture of the big dogs of medellin.
    To be quite frank with you is what is most likely going on in Mexico.
    Btw I do understand what Dr. Mireles says about them taking the fire arms and equipment of the fallen caballeros templarios. But the doctor clearly states that he has 3000 armed men ready to fight off an incoming attack by the ct's. So 3000 that's a big number. Honestly I don't think they have picked up to 3000 firearms from their enemies who are out numbered 10 to 1.
    I'd just like to hear your thoughts on this and once again no disrespect.

    1. True point there my friend

    2. Even if they wernt another cartel will move in anyways .so right now they r getting rid of the stupid templarios.cjng will be next if they fuck with the ppl

    3. I had the same thoughts from the first time i heard Dr.Mireles say he had 3000 men ready. Plus all those vehicles and 4 or 5 level 6 bullet proof trucks, you just don't find those laying around. Only those with power and money can afford. There are many things that just don't add up... There is hardly ever any deaths reported from the Self defends group yet there always being attacked. Then they started taking over towns that have "asked" them for their help. Now they demand the top heads of the CT be taken out and they want solid proof. It just seems odd is all I'm saying.

      Regardless of whether their being financially supported by another cartel or not i still like the idea that they are putting forth. Hopefully, actually encouraging others in mexico, not just in michoacan, to stand up against crime and the corrupt government. Its the thought that counts.

    4. @3:37 PM & 3:39 PM..You CT parasite thugs always read between the lines to defend your gang of cockroaches...Dr Mireles has stated that inspite of CT thugs extorting the honest & hard working town folk, they still managed to feed themselves and survive and now with usless CT gangbangers thrown out the community defence uses that same money to buy guns and ammunition...GTFO from BB and do society a favour by killing yourself and your rotten garbage family.

  27. Where can I send the check! I really believe in this guy? I always have and rarely am a believer in causes but this one- 1000000%

  28. CT are just a bunch of stupid jackasses like they ride to work on. They think of nothing more than taking what others make from hard work. Greedy, lazy, nasty criminals and at last someone organizes and says, "Basta ya!" Thank heavens for Dr. Mireles

    1. I can't see that you are wrong 4:18 pm. The CTs are the worst thing to happen to Mich. ever. I'm glad AUC are standing up for themselves and I hope they won't have to die doing it

    2. 3:37 ,3:39 and all concerned,if another cartel is behind the CP, it is no problem.
      The problem is the caballeras kagadas and they must GO!
      Then we will talk about other,new or old cacartel,up to and including popoliticians!

  29. Raise money for this cause BB?

  30. Los Texas? Los que desvirgaron a 40 y toda su familia? Incluyendo a tu viejo y tú suegro?
    November 18, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    Los texas?,los que Miguel les mato hasta el perro,upss sorry jijiji xD.

    Y al respecto de la joven Golden,ahh raza que ridiculos son ahora resulta que todos son investigadores si en realidad tienen pruebas de lo sucedido presentenlas ante las autoridades correspondientes,de lo contrario no me lo tomen a mal no sean ustedes animales es un consejo que les voy a dar,CALLESE EL OSICO jijiji xD

    1. 4:59 "Miguel"es solo un pobre agricultor asi que TU te deberias callar el hocico,guey.

      "Miguel" is just a poor farmer,so YOU should shut the fuck up,guey.

  31. El Chayo's new name couldn't be anymore egotistical or inappropriate now, could it? what a joker

  32. 9:27 the "other guys" will be dealt with when the time comes,having to prioritize, we all make choices and pick our friends from our enemies'enemies

  33. Todo mi apoyo a la autofefensa!

  34. 800 armed men be it with shot guns ,rifles, and some ak47,ect .and backing of the peole.
    Thats a force to be recond with way to go Doc.
    Fight on
    Viva mexico!!!

  35. Stupid, shameful Vallejo says they are going to arrest the community defense groups if they try to take any more city halls and plazas. Yesterday there was a lot of shooting-in pareo and tancitaro again.

  36. This is a good post though it was very long. I like reading about the doctor and wish he could get more protection.


  37. Heyy chivis facebook pages in spanish are reportting that cts atacked pc in a comunity known as razo de horganos where unfortuanally 2 pc members died ans 8 were surious wounded, last week 4 pc members from aguililla michoacan as far as i know razo de organo villige is not too far away from aguililla so i think its have to be the same group of cts whom did both attacks but thats just my guessing

  38. why in laredo texas nobody touch la barbie and la mexican mafia and los texas and gonzalez bath????

  39. "What, "Broly" isn't on his hit list?"
    Not today amigo - he was out buying another pink shirt.

  40. There is a update on 7 killed in Juárez on Ap news killed over 150.00 Dollars


  41. Why label them AUC (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia)?
    The Castaños and Colombia are very different from the citizens in Michoacan and the whole mexican state of affairs, the only thing equal is the narcotics. Not even the violence is the same.

  42. For all the CT supporters and crybaby's saying that they are acting like a cartel, for wanting their heads. Need to grow up and see the whole picture. These people have suffered and lost family member for years in the hands of those scumbags. In the interview the doctor said he lost 4 family members that week, so how would you feel knowing your family member was cut up into pieces and burnt to a crisp?

    1. 11:03- this is it- the meat of the whole interview- if it we me- I tell you my words would have been way harsher than his! I mean look what they've been put through! He was actually rather in control.

  43. Michoacanos r some of the dunmbest fuks out there


  44. 4:59 "Miguel"es solo un pobre agricultor asi que TU te deberias callar el hocico,guey.

    "Miguel" is just a poor farmer,so YOU should shut the fuck up,guey.
    November 21, 2013 at 6:59 AM

    Ahi mijo tas bien mecate.

    1. 10:18 well "miguel" declared that to the federales,and that he knows nothing about any crimes or about the who is the mecate miado de cochino?also he says he did not kill anybody,not in Mexico,much less in you see the irony anywhere?.

  45. 12:24 If your mexican than your a hyprocrit because this mess is going on in every Mexican state even yours. The autodefensa groups just had enough and are raising arms. With that said it's clear to say Michoacanos are smart.

  46. I love this post so much I could die! Oh no, I swear I'm not suicidal, for all you literal minded who ever thought he was calling for La tuta, el Chayo"s heads on sticks, posts, and platters, don't be calling police, looney bins, or suicidal hotlines on me cause I wasn't being literal. I just love the doc to death and to pieces. Oh no that's not a direct threat

    1. I laughed for 15 minutes -I died laughing@1:34. Really funny.

    2. 1:34 the big guy nobody ever mentions, above the seven guys doctor mireles mentions is a Miguel Angel Gallegos,the biggest drug trafficker from tierra caliente, aka el Rey del limon,owner of lemmon orchards,hotels,hardware stores,biggest Meth producer,million dollar contributor to Pena nieto,king maker of city mayors, federal deputies,senators,governors etc.all at his Beck and call,how come nobody mentions him ever?

  47. Ah 12:24, you may take the prize with that ignorant comment. Seriously

  48. I am open to any information pro or con relating to autodefenzas.
    But words won't make it so, nor from the government who meets with narcos, and are related to Tuta. Investigation is good as long as the evidence is indisputable.

    Autodefense groups have been in existence for more than a hundred years, and almost without exception crime has been curbed when they conduct the duty that the government refuses to, mainly because they are in collusion, they are within their legal right to defend themselves, article 2-10-27-39 gives them that right.

    That said I promise to keep an open mind. Paz, Chivis

  49. I don't understand why anyone could possibly have any question as far as what AUC are doing and what the cartel is doing to the area. They are ruining everything and this blog here must show at least 12 different examples every week. I mean their sources are varied! Read, Retain and apply your common sense here. Maybe it is like the American saying you can lead a donkey to water but you can't make it drink!

  50. You do keep an open mind, oh great one, and have much patience. You can feel Havana's frustration adding that introduction. I could feel her head shaking, Javana learn patience from your mentor.

  51. why is the term AUC being used? Dr. Mierles uses the term autodefensas
    it gets confusing

  52. @AUC is not what the citizens or Dr Mireles refer to themselves. It is Autodefensas, or autodefenzas, another term is comunitarios.

    AUC is Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia...illegal paramilitary groups in COLOMBIA. The use of the term is used by some media and government, most likely came from Naranjo the Colombian EPN hired to fight crime.

    he has to learn about Mexico first, and that is the problem when they have tried hiring a foreigner in the past.

    1. El general arturo durazo,alias el negro, started killing Colombian drug traffickers in Mexico df,stealing the business too,it became easier for Colombian dtos to deal with Mexican dtos,now we have Colombian police sticking it to Mexican egos,is general naranjas working for the Colombian recovery of all the traffic?on orders from....

  53. Sr. Puta oops Tuta is good man as he will send his Se..oops Simple daughter across Mexico to spread her Le.. oops Love.
    We CT just got our payment of meth and enjoyed smoking the good shit.

  54. @5:23 you ain't no CT u b more like ET using correct English grammar fool. Didn't fool me tweaker with your Saludos-

    1. @3:45PM Asshole you think we CT are not educated. Some of us are more educated than you and your stupid family will ever be.

    2. Tan bonitas las que tenemos los bien educaditos hijos de Mami y Popi, like every other social cleansing, classist fu*ck on the planet.

    3. No te enojes,tuta,pero ya vete a chingar a toda tu reputisima madre que te pario por error,cuando fue a hacer del dos en una bacinilla templaria...andele guey!

  55. Chivis- what is going on with the Doc. Tell him to chime in and let us know he is safe. I'm sure your boss would let him post himself- but then again he has very important life and death to attend to, right?

  56. Yeah Chibas get on yo bat phone and tell him yo from Philly and be careful, we gots you back in our mind's eye. Please be careful

  57. Chivis- I have posted a couple comments but have not shown up about mreles...why?


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