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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mexican security forces detain 27 in Tamaulipas

A total of 27 suspected criminals were detained over a week long period in late July and early August in Tamaulipas state, according to official news sources.

A news release posted on the government website of Tamaulipas said that several units of Base de Operaciones Mixtas (BOM) between July 29th and August 4th detained 27 suspected criminals and a number of weapons and drugs.  The news release doesn't not say where the detentions took place in the state.

According to the data supplied by the Tamaulipas state  Grupo de Coodinacion Tamaulipas, in addition to the 27 detained, BOMs seized 27 rifles, six handguns, 220 weapons magazines, 5,142 rounds of ammunition, five grenades, 28 vehicles and 35 cell phones and radios.

Drug seized during that time included 1,600 kilograms of marijuana and a small amount of cocaine.

Of the 28 vehicles seized, six had been reported in carjackings, five were from the United States.

BOMs are security units comprising Mexican federal and state police units.  The reason for the mixing of forces is for security purposes and cross training.  BOMs have been used in several areas in Mexico including La Laguna andVeracruz, where the Mexican federal government has concentrated its security forces to take drug criminals head on.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and He can be reached at


  1. Tamaulipas coah nuevoleon rifa,C.D.G 100%

  2. Tambien sabemos que en la salida santa eulalia y para,la presa de la amistad donde quieran el topon no lo damos culitos cdg

  3. Andamos tumbando ratazzz CDG matazteazzz

  4. Yo invito a los zetillas al topon aqui en acuna solo diganme si van a querer pero ya no se escondan mas,no que muy cabrones Cdg

    1. Orale chida invitacion. Van a servir bebidas y botanas?

    2. Okay cyberbanger

    3. Tranquilo maton no c te valla a descargar el fusil en el teclado..piden vergasos luego le ablan al ejercito paque les haga eskina ojetes

  5. Donde estan zapatozzzz ? Salganle

  6. Bien chngones sefun esas golfas cybersicarios jaja pos salganle al torpendejo que hacen aki en el blog bola de maricones.eso demuestra q nomas abren el osico por abrir ni son golfas son unoa ardidos de acuna tienen la valentia de.enfrenta a esos zetillas y andan llorando aki jajaja quien son los culos pendejos jajaja .no salen de moros y reynosa jaja y el otro pendejo q dice coah,tamps,nvoleon jajaja pendejo si sabes q loa zetas tienen mas terreno q tus golfas en esoa lugares jajaja sigue llorando golfas cybersicarios jajaja

    1. we are all here mariposona,keeping you company,not everybody in the world needs to be a maruchanero,drug trafficking little boy,greetings from my armchair.PS you had your chances,and we got ours

  7. la raza del CDG se esta poniendo pesado!!!!!! quien quiere ser Z cuando todo Los carteles se Los quieren chingar por andar de soplones con la ley.... ni respectaban al lazca que gacho chingar la Mano que te da de comer

    1. Oy este pendejo si ya tienen rato diciendo k van a limpiar terreno no mames entre todos y no pueden con la Letra joto

    2. Tambien los actos terroristicos como en Casina Royal y otros mas

    3. your fucking ambition fucked you up,I wonder if the zetas ever did something for anybody that wasn't family.just inspiring fear on everybody,don't really work,only pits everybody against you.a little decency is always appreciated.

  8. Viva any cartel but zorraz mugrozaz people will never forget what they did at casino royal or San Fernando no 1 likes them I don't really like cartels but id rather see zorraz lose than chapos

  9. drug cartels are a cancer and when they are killed they will wake up in hell and be beheaded over and over again for eternity

  10. Meanwhile elsewheres, United Nations are thinking of restoring order in Good Ol' Mexico

  11. Chiv -- Can reports please contain cartel affiliation of those arrested? Thanks

  12. To the reader who sent in the message about CDG and the 100 people, I was sent a little info. I could not locate the video on grillo. can you send me the link?

    1. What are you talking about chivis what 100 people what video?

  13. Para el idiota,q dice que soy un ardido nosotros no estamos ardidos sanganle,al topon y dejen de hacer excusas nomas digan donde pinches,zetitas yo te,demuestro lo que digo cuando,quieras nomas hablate,perrita puro C.D.G

  14. Bring in the U.N. !!!!!!!!!!

    Way past due.......

  15. @11:20 AM That's right !!!!!

  16. Pinches Golfas son para dar hueva cuando tienen que van a limpiar terreno y no hacen nada son puro osico homie.Inches paisas wey son de aguas homeboy pura last letter vatow.y puro canton cuerno y mexikano ese.

    1. Callate pinche batiyo ridiculo ijo de la berga. Ya luego no bas ayar ni akien darle el culo pendejo dejen de desir mamadas.. Bien ke saben ke al cdg no lo conocen ni en foto pinche pochiyo mierda pongase a trabajar

  17. I wonder if those American cars are returned to their rightful owners or if they become property of the Mexican government...unless they belonged to American cartel members?

  18. 27 arrested and I bet 0 will even see a court room

  19. Whats up fool tango blast que pinches kuerno ni que nada,tu y tus zetas me dan pero lastima homie

    1. Jaja eres Tangita Blast estan iguales que Los Carteles Unidos ustedes se tienen que aliar con Los Vallucos,Orejones y otros para poder ser mas y ni a si pueden con Los Cuernozzz o La Mexikanemi osea La Eme de Texas.

      Pueden ser mas pinche Tanguita Blast pero ni juntos ni revueltos nunca llegaran ser grandes como Los Cuernoz,Aztecaz o Eme! Y chinge a su madre las Tangas y Las Golfas!

  20. They dont need the UN the usa needs to stop demanding drugs!!!!!!

  21. @5:39 Mexican bad guys choose to be bad guys.
    If it were not drugs it would be more rape , extorcion, robbery, and lawlessness .... Anything for a dollar. So Mexican will sell their whole family out for the dollar. Not a U.S. problem A Mexico problem that Mexico cannot and will not control . The U.N needs to brought in asap. This is the proper diplomatic way of doing things when a nation is having the problems mexico is having. Cannot wait to see Mexicans waving UN flags and welcoming UN troops with roses and flowers.

  22. at 5:39 AM
    "They dont need the UN the usa needs to stop demanding drugs!!!!!!

    "And Mexico needs to stop making it and flooding it,but you got your own addicts now,supplied by Mexicans!!!!!!


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