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Friday, July 19, 2013

Z40: Files 4 Writs Requesting Protection Against Torture

Borderland Beat: also Posted on Forum by Administrator "DD"
DD wrote: This is a new one for me.  Miquel Trevino, better known as Z-40 apparently believes in the Mexican judicial system. I have seen politicians use amparos (in effect an injunction) to try to keep from being arrested or to try to buy time to escape from being prosecuted, but have never seen an outlaw use an injunction to  protect themselves from the government by being held incommunicado, tortured, or subjected to any kind of mistreatment.  His detention and captivity has certainly not made him any less audacious.
Chivis: 40 sure was prepared with a plan of action.  I wonder how many hours he and his attorney team spent in  prep of the day he would be captured.  He should have stayed in Guatemala, I always thought it was a stupid move to leave.

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, Z-40, filed on July 17 four writs of amparo to protect himself from being held in solitary confinement, tortured, or subjected to any kind of mistreatment by authorities of the Attorney General of the Republic and the Attorney Specialized in Investigation of Organized Crime (SEIDO). 
The Zeta leader´s lawyer filed at the First Court District of Amparo in Criminal Matters of the Federal District, the writs of amparo against any illegal order of arrest, solitary confinement, retention, torture and abuse.
The demands for protection of constitutional rights were promoted against the Attorney General of the Republic, Jesús Murillo Karam; the head of the SEIDO, Rodrigo Archundia, and the Attorney General of the SEIDO. 
However, according to the Federal Judicial Council (CJF), the writ of amparo against the Office of the Attorney-General was rejected since it wasn´t ratified, while those filed against officials of the SEIDO were admitted. 
Legal protection of the personal data of the leader of Los Zetas was also  requested, requesting the his personal data not be made public. He also denounced as illegal, his arrest by the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar). 
On Monday night, Eduardo Sánchez Hernández, spokesman of the Security Cabinet, informed that Treviño Morales had been arrested by members of the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar), in Tamaulipas. 



  2. Wow, what happened to the big bad evil z40?! I hope they cut off his balls and feed em to him

    1. sell his ass to chapo,take bids,send his ass to Barbie's room,hee never getting out,juar,juar!

  3. Thats Mexico for you. No one should be surprised. Their government is the largest whore on the planet. Everything can be bought there.

    1. Lmao anything can be bought anywhere. Especially in the U.S. what you've never heard of lobbying? dumbass

    2. Lobbying is the same as them cartels buying their political candidates.crooked is crooked but u cant buy your way out of hell!!!

  4. god damn this guy is smart.

  5. It makes more sense now as to why he was walking with no shackles. He already knows how this is gonna play out.

    Also, article after article respect. Get some sleep.

  6. He will not make it til Charismas....A Lot of political people want him DEAD.....

  7. Pinche culo ya está llorando.

  8. Wtf, who protected all his victims from torture. Fuck this guy.

    1. I agree with you. "An eye for an eye" if you ask me. Fuck this guy!!



  10. The US must be the pimp then...

  11. lol what a joke. The truth is that mexican authorities themselves dont want this guy talking. I like the idea that some of you hold that this is like some movie where z40 is strapped to a chair and he is being grilled about what he knows. Guess what???? Mexcian officals know what he knows, Hell they have known where this guy was for years you think they dont know who he knows, what he knows and who is protecting his ass for a payheck. If anything he is being told by EVERYONE including the governemt to keep his mouth shut and let things calm down. Hell his money trail reaches as high as the mexican presidents offices and if you think thats something made up then i dont know what to tell you.

  12. dea should release updated prediction photos of capos. make them fatter, bigger head etc.

  13. Mundo narco had this 3 days ago

  14. I wonder how many people got extra time to live before being executed by Z40s command?

  15. This fool is a bitch. Hope he gets torture like he did to so much people. hope they laughft in his face and torture his ass. now hes a lil pussy.

  16. I hope any lawyer that defends him, ends up in a barrel... i don't want to be tortured, what balls of this guy!!

  17. Why even fuck around with this guy? A bullet to the head and move on to the next one.

  18. His arrest was "illegal"??? WTF

  19. When was 40 in guatemala? Any details on that?

  20. The best and fastest resolution here is take this filthy maggot behind the police station and beat hem with whips and 2x4s with nails at the ends to a bloody pulp, than drag him slowly behind a car and than say to him " okay you chicken shit, we are going to cut you to pieces alive. pick which eye you want stabbed and the which leg you want cut off. " Give him a little taste of what he dealt out , than cut his throat with music blasting in the background and boil is filty ass alive. He deserves it, dirty son of a street whore!! Fuck this animal - kill him!!

    1. That is well said gosh we can only hope as I couldn't agree more

      Vegas Guys

    2. Lmao...Did you get it all out? Lmao!

    3. Yeah, make him fight his brother to the death, like he did to others

  21. Fuck That,,Give him a Taste of his Own Medicine!

  22. After a taste of what he got on arrest I guess he knew what was in store! That pummeled face with blood on the corner of his mouth. I believe he lost his temper and tried to throw his weight around. HA!

  23. 2:37
    money buys everything here, there, and anywhere.

  24. "He also denounced as illegal, his arrest by the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar)."
    That's not what the ex-governor's third cousin's ex brother in law's supervisor's son promised.... ha ha ha

  25. This guus a bad as

  26. Heard he ran into the woods and fell on his face trying to escape before capture.

  27. Two questions:
    -"requesting the his personal data not be made public" - Does that mean anything that he reveals in interrogation? Or what else does 'personal data' refer to?
    -"He also denounced as illegal, his arrest" - Is he saying it was illegal to arrest him?

  28. @ 5:38
    Yes I heard that also, and I laughed because there are no woods where he was captured is a big open dry desert with a few bushes, no where to run and hide so I doubt if that part is true.

  29. I may be wrong, but I took it as his personal info they collect such as cell phones etc. But I could be wrong.

  30. @ 4:07

    So mundo had this article in English? oh yes on the blog they cloned off our RSS. Why are you here silly person? I have done my best, if you don't like it...stay at mundo.

    1. Chivis,
      . You and the rest of BB staff have been great at getn articles out on this high profile arrest it seems each time I come back to the site you have a new blog up keep up the great work.
      @ 4:07 stay at mundo then

      Vegas Guys

    2. I would like to say that I worked with 40 for ten years as his guard. He is a very sadistic man. Now he is gone and we have gone hiding. 40 will now start turning people over to la marina. I am in hiding and I pray to my sanisima . I want this man to get what he did to to many innocents.

    3. YES!!! Who cares what mundo or hundo or crudo says. Keep it to yourself since you don't have to spend any time but reading it.

    4. Hear hear....

    5. GREETINGS Chivas- Wow. I go to visit family,where I don't go online AND MISS THIS HAPPENING!!! Congratulations on the detailed posts. I am very grateful. I chose this post to comment due to 6:20's post. So, you guarded 40 for 10 years. Now you are in hiding. If you know for a fact tbat 40 is savage (Who the f**k doesn't), I think you are part of the problem. And, should be caught and setenced for your own criminal actions. If in fact you aren't a freaking liar. As for 40, totally agree with you Chivas. He will run the Z's from behind bars. Thanks again and my prayers are with you. Get well soon! Texas Grandma. Peace.

  31. He's not that stupid

  32. So true

    Vegas Guys

  33. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty and needs to be treated that way.Stories need to be confirmed and backed with evidence.

    Example: When all that stuff in San Fernando happened i read a story, guy that survived said how things went down.And i read his story thinking ,HOW HE KNEW WHO TREVINO MORALES WAS, HE DIDN'T KNOW HIM,NEVER SEEN HIM IN HIS LIFE, YET HE CLAIMS HE KILLED PEOPLE, allegedly before smashing peoples sculls he said he is Z40 as i recall the story.Well sorry to say but that is not the evidence.I'm not saying he didn't do it or that he is innocent just that it NEEDS to be PROVEN WITH REAL EVIDENCE, NOT STRANGE STORIES.

    1. There are WAAAY too many ppl who all tell the same or similar stories about him.they cant all be liars as alot of them dont even know each other.DONT THINK SO! FUCK Z40 hope he dies a slow and agonizing death

  34. He wants protection??? Hahah everything written about this guy was false. He is a pussy, no real gangster is this big of a bitch.

  35. LOL I can just imagine z40 sayin
    No me pegen no me pegen porfavor
    the should just take him out back
    lay out a plastic sheet get a rusty machete
    and end this joto 40.
    -El Corta ZEta

  36. Would have been better to have killed him where they found him, everyone would have slept better knowing he was dead.

  37. Guards need to execute him, and pretend it was a failed attempt to escape.

  38. From what I understand, this is something routine that detained people usually file during the legal process in MX. The filing of injunctions is a legal move that even Benja AF participated in once he was captured. I don't think they will
    help Z-40 much. He won't be seeing the light of day as a free man for the rest of his lifetime.

  39. I cant get mundo narco in english i have tried.where were his victims rights? He has no rights as far as im concerned.this bastard needs to be tied naked to a HUGE fire ant bed with honey poured on him and then let the buzzards have whats left

  40. He is now in Tijuana Jail with La Barbie and the mexican mafia

  41. He also cross the river to Laredo Texas to visit his family and nobody catch him in Laredo Texas. With La Barbie was the same shit

  42. 40 and La Barbie have a house in Laredo Texas and nobody cares. Shame on you Cops

    1. like,together? Like now?hope they room together in the Altiplano.Barbie get him,get him!

  43. Mademoiselle chivita casate with me!!!

    1. la chiva es mia guey,buscate una borrega.chiva te voy a tener que quitar de trabajar...

    2. Hey! What about me!!!!!!

    3. you+your hand.special instructions on youtube

  44. Man fuck him.. tortured that mothafucker.. what bout all the people he killed?? I got an idea, sell him to he's rivals, to highest bidder.. they get to tortured him and he can be the super star of he's own video.. Z40 is a fag he probably turned himself in..

  45. hopefully chapo has 40 killed at least chapo doesn't kill innocent people what 40 did to the 250+ immigrants from south america should have been considered genocide. I wish the U.S. would have just missiled his truck.

    1. Chapo is the same shit as 40.. he kills innocents too, ask the people from la sierra de chihuahuha or northern sinaloa.. get the fuck out with Chapo s robin hood bullshit

  46. Someone get the gimp...

  47. Throw La Barbie and Z40 in a cell together, give them a fight to the death.

    1. La barbie is ALOT bigger than 40 as he played football in his past but 40 is demon possessed like charles manson.mmm interesting combination

    2. El Barbas was all man,la Barbie,well she'is all a Barbie.magma is all a pinche culo,maricon y chillon.Barbie will tell him"y tu que guey"very soon!I hope somebody records it

  48. If they were worried about 40 giving up politicians they would've just killed him during the arrest or sent him to the US to be housed in solitary forever in some supermax.

    If they are worried about losing money with him going down, they will work with another cartel and finish off the Zetas completely. Not like there isn't a million narcos ready to replace Z at a moments notice.

    Z's engage in small low level government corruption, not nearly as much as CDG/CDS. Those other cartels are running entire states from the top official down and are entrenched in 100 years of corruption while the Z's were just upstart terrorist thugs who would roll into town, kill all the police and demand taxes from everybody and since they were defected soldiers who normally would've been the one's dispatched to take back N. Mexico, nobody could stop them until they bit off more than they could chew and had to fight off both CDS/CDG, the US, and Mexican military. You can't fight all of them and not expect to lose, and judging by the list of dead and incarcerated original Zetas members their strategy has obviously failed bigtime and now it's time for the Mexcian gov to finish them off and replace them with a new cartel they can siphon money from that's easier to control. Z's were not under control of anybody, not even their own bosses. Cells stopped paying up a tax to the orig bosses so they sure weren't going to pay to any government officials when they could easily kill them instead and coerce whoever replaces him with threats. Remember Z's are gangsters first, drug dealers second. They simply tax existing operations where local narcos have already bribed politicians and aren't nearly as hands on in the drug trade as the traditional cartels are. Why sell drugs when you can find somebody who's doing it already, put a gun to his head and tell him to give you 30% of all future trades.

    I'm sticking with the theory that z40 is going to sing his guts out to them to avoid extradition (also another reason he filed this protection, to prevent rendition to US solitary) and they will start rounding up bank accounts and plaza bosses until Beltran-Leyva takes over their operations, or golfos.

  49. If(?) he is extradited to the US all this legal nonsense ends.

  50. Ay ya yay, really!! The evil one demands privacy of his personal info & wants his rights protected???? Wow, mexico u no what u have 2 do -ain't no one gonna care if he is eliminated from the face of the planet on the contrary humanity will b @ peace without Satan 's son. Seems like he is trying 2 protect family???? What about all the people u allowed & ordered 2 b mutilated, hacked, burned alive, raped, sodimized, decapitated alive, castrated, kidnappings, human trafficking, young girls used 4 prostitution against their will.,etc..he doesn't deserve any kind of rights!! He forfeited all that the moment he decided 2 b a monster, demon, psychopath.


  52. They should have a couple prisoners rape him . Every other day. .

  53. Just goes to show you what a little coward Pussy Bitch this mother fucking rat Z40 is.
    And any of you Rat Z's out there that still respect this piece of Donkey shit are fucking Meth addicts and Crack heads!

  54. you were 40's guard aye? hmm, does he like to get high?

  55. cia works with these "people" its becoming a little more apparent every day.

  56. Welcome back Tex-Gma

    I wondered where you were..Paz, Chivis

  57. cia/fbi works with them (criminal groups) and sets them up look at that irish mobster, james bulger working with the fbi for years they let him run rampant, killing etc. then they hunt them down and take the lions share of the illicit profit. another case was the cia shipping drugs to the bloods street gang in the 80s funding both sides of the coin always.

    1. We combat Veterans remember Air America, the CIA funded airline in Viet Nam that was shipping the bodies of American Soldiers fully loaded with heroin back to the USA.

    2. Frank lucas was behind alot of that heroin being shipped back in the caskets then and the police were in on that big time!

    3. Thanks for the info brother, just couldn't remember the name of that asshole. I think back in the early 70's a book was written about that shit. We hated that even the Government upper echelons wouldn't respect our dead brothers in arms.

  58. where are the zzz nuthuggers? oh they are right here saying how smart he is, let's see what they have to say when he start giving up people, because he is not gonna let nobody stay on his brother' way

  59. Chivis, I've been hearing a lot of rumors down here in S Texas about the U.S being involved with his capture. Intel, drones and DEA. What have you heard? After all , 40 had some responsibilities in the kidnapping and killings of American citizen! Thanks for your hard work

  60. Its obvious to me that this man is a coward in the highest degree.

    Hope he gets stabbed in prison.

  61. Where is Doz Fronteras. Néctar Lima and The Ciber Sicario? Last time I heard something about them, they all were in an intensive care unit due to a nervous breakdown. They were crying like little bitches for their pimp z40, and telling everyone they were sure he was an innocent man that was charged with those crimes because he was an orphan and a poor car washer.

  62. morales did not build los zetas . They we're made before he rose to the top. he manipulated, snitched, and murdered, his way. he knew he'd be caught. he lived
    in the "now", just like many of us do . he wanted the rockstar life. he built nothing. if anything , he only made the zetas into a cheap murderous street gang. he had his fun at the top. doing as he pleased. now he's just the street punk he was in the beginning.

  63. Boohoo. 40 obviously had some oppurtunity as a kid. Typical to blame society. Apparently he could have landscape with family even start own business. but this
    family seems to have chosen crime as a life. It originates with
    his parents brothers cousins self. they
    chose life of crime.

  64. They should torture him anyways...

  65. Can. you say firing squad

    1. absolutely NOT! It's too quick

  66. Every time I hear a story about serious criminals' requesting this kind of treatment, it makes me really grateful that the legal system is, for the most part, unbiased and fair. The fact that they generally stick to the idea of treating all prisoners equally, regardless of their allegations, is something to be proud of.

  67. July 20th at 7:19 u get a marrana and a donkey

    1. you mean your pa' and your ma'?

  68. Que se mueran los feos!!

  69. BB Mil y un gracias por el trabajo q hacen. It takes courage & authentic journalists' instincts to do the fine job you can certainly take credit for.Mr. 40 is mocking the law. Extridite him to the States!

  70. which one of you wanna bet that this guy is guatemalan and is not z40


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