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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Z40: The aftermath of Miguel Treviño's Arrest and Looking at the Contenders

By Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat
During the early hours of Monday, the leader Miguel Treviño Morales, known as “Cuarenta” or “40”, was captured by the Mexican Marines in a municipality about 27 km south west of Nuevo Laredo.....reports idicate the capo was travelling visit his infant son, said to be living adjacent to Nuevo Laredo.  Reportedly, he was making frequent trips to visit his child.

Setting  aside the unproven, sensationalistic accounts, relayed by captured narcos, and perpetuated by the media,  legends such as Miguel Treviño boiling babies, one only has to view the photos of 72 migrants slaughtered by Zetas to establish how brutal Zetas are. ..

It was Zetas that crafted a drug business diversification, by expanding into the business of human trafficking.  It is a substantial business for Zetas, who charge thousands of dollars to transport economic migrants into the US.  But the process is not so precise.

Speaking directly with economic migrants through my work with the Casa Migrantes, I have learned that the journey is prepped by assuming two things will happen.  They will be kidnapped, and females will be raped.  All migrants   prepare for the eventuality of being kidnapped, at the minimum of one time during their 2000 mile journey.  Family members prepare and await the call from narcos demanding "ransom" money.

Zetas draw from  these huge migrant pools to select recruits they deem best for narco work, or the sex industry.  The outcome for those refusing to work for the Zetas,  is depicted in the photos of the  72 slaughtered migrants whose bodies were discovered in an abandoned ranch in Tamaulipas. (Above)

His criminal charges includes the authoring the kidnapping and murder of 265 migrants in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, a city 85 miles south of Brownsville Texas.  The 265 tally represent two incidents; the 72 migrants  discovered at an abandon ranch (photo above), and 193 migrants found in narco fossa.

It is because of the escape of a wounded survivor, we know what transpired at the ranch slaughter.  Through his testimony he said they were taken off a bus/truck and were killed after their refusal to work as drug mules.

It is worrisome that Miguel has a focus charge of the mass murders because "el Kilo" and his cell were responsible for carrying out the massacre and Kilo has admitted to going beyond the order of recruitment.  Nonetheless there are solid charges awaiting him in the US.
So yes they are brutal.  Yes they kill innocents.

But brutality was a part of drug war apart and long before the formation of the Zetas, and contrary to popular belief they did not initiate   the method of decapitation for the purposes of terror, it was La Familia Michoacán who shocked Mexico, in October 2006, when they tossed  5 decapitated heads on to the floor of a Michoacán disco.

The heads were accompanied by a “cartulina” (poster board with narco message) that read;
“La Familia does not kill for pay; it does not kill women or innocents. Only those who deserve to die will die. Everybody understand: this is divine justice.”
In 2006, such acts were very rare, today decapitations are so common they are not shocking to those that follow the Mexican Drug War.  Although previously rare, decapitations were a part of the cartel arsenal of terror and revenge prior to the lobbing of 5 decapitated heads in the Uruapan disco. It was the act of using multiple decapitated heads thrown into a public environment to send a message that was new.

Prior to this horrific occurrence, LFM had used decapitation to settle scores and revenge, but not to send a message.  The victims were props, either low level narco or innocents, it was never made clear.

The “Hearts and Minds of Citizens”

A defining difference between Zetas and other cartels  is that Zetas have never cultivated the hearts and minds of the people.  They simply, at the most basic level, are uninterested and uncaring what people think of them or their actions. Most cartels have the opposite agenda, with PR machines intact they espouse their work as good, in the sense they are helpers of the poor, and infirm and never would harm innocents.   This is a tactical maneuver called "pyops", that influences the value system of people, in which reality becomes shrouded.  Whereas Zetas use fear and terror as a means of control.
When I arrived in Coahuila a decade ago, Zetas were a presence but working as enforcers for the Golfo Cartel (CDG).  Zetas were much less overt as enforcers, taking orders from CDG’s premier leader Osiel Cardenas Guillen.

Osiel was one of those leaders who thought it important to capture the hearts and minds of the people, to gain their support.  He was fulfilling requests for medical and emergency assistance, throwing lavish parties for citizens with expensive giveaways, and celebrations at Christmas and Children’s Day (photo above).

However, behind the scenes he was ordering brutal murders, extortion and kidnappings. LFM worked for CDG as enforcers in the south.  Osiel was captured after a shootout in 2003 and imprisoned in Mexico, although he continued  commanding the cartel from behind bars.

The violence,  including decapitations by enforcers were conducted on orders given by Osiel and the other CDG leaders.  Osiel earned the  nickname of  “friend killer”,  stemming from ordering the execution of his his good friend Salvador Gómez Herrera, aka "el Chava", then the co-leader of the Golfo Cartel along with Osiel.   Osiel wanted to command solo.
Gómez, was selected by Osiel (at left) and given the honor of being his daughters godfather.  It was shortly after driving away from the baptism party celebration, with Osiel in the vehicle, when a sicario sitting  in the backseat, fired a gunshot into the head of Gomez, blowing his brains out.

To this day many citizens think of Osiel and a kind and generous leader that would never harm innocents, or extort or kidnap.  The PR machine could not have done a better job.
His command stopped in 2007 when he was extradited to the US.  He pleaded guilty in a US Federal courtroom where upon the brutal fearless leader broke down and wept.  He received a 25 year sentence.

The Treviño Morales Family
Clearly, it has been a horrible year  for the Treviño Morales family. Then again 2012 wasn’t so great either.

Arcelia Morales, is the 74 year old matriarch, the woman that gave birth to all of the 13 Treviño children. 

Juan, Arcelia, Irma, Alicia, Rodolfo, María, José, Ana Isabel, Jesús, Miguel, Ángel Óscar Omar, Cristina and Adolfo, born between the years of 1955 to 1980.
Arcelia and Rodolfo, father of the Treviño siblings, migrated to Texas from the Mexican border town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.  The family settled in a modest Pleasant Grove neighborhood of Dallas Texas.

Where Miguel appears chronologically  in the family tree is in dispute, even by the US and Mexican Governments, his year of birth is either 1973 or 1980, although it is certain he was  born in Nuveo Laredo where the family has always maintained a home.

Arcelia continues to live in the Dallas area and Nuevo Laredo.

Miguel grew up idolizing his older brother and  the first born Treviño child, Juan Francisco.  Juan had a landscaping business in Laredo Texas.  40 worked for his brother in the business, which included servicing the properties of well-placed narcos having homes in Laredo. He was recruited by “Los Tejas” of Nuevo Laredo.

Though he began as a go-fer which included tasks such as getting lunches, and running errands  he was a fast learner, bilingual and had the ability to move between the US and Mexico freely.  With his skills he was able to rise quickly in the ranks fortified by helping his brother Juan, who had by this time gone from pulling weeds to smuggling weed.

In 1995 Juan, he was convicted of conspiracy to smuggle hundreds of pounds of marijuana into Texas through Nuevo Laredo.  Both Miguel and José were implicated in the investigation leading to the arrest of Juan; it fell short of enough to overcome the standard of reasonable doubt, so they were not charged in the case.

Juan was sentenced to 20 years in prison; he is in the Florence Federal Prison in Colorado.  His original release date was July 2013 but has been delayed for an undisclosed reason to March 2014.

Treviño Clan’s “Años Horribles” 2012-2013

In the year of 2012 and the 7 months of 2013 the Treviño family crisis list includes:

Miguel Angel Treviño Morales, 40, leader of the Zetas, was captured
José Treviño Morales, 46 (a naturalized U.S. citizen) was convicted in a Zetas related money laundering/horseracing scheme.  He is awaiting sentencing. (With wife and daughter in the photo above)

Zulema Treviño, 39, wife of José also a naturalized U.S. citizen, pleaded guilty to money laundering conspiracy in March, she is awaiting sentencing, her whereabouts unknown.

Alexandra García Treviño, daughter of José and Zulema, pleaded guilty to having knowledge of a felony. She’s believed to be living in California with her military husband.

Omar Treviño Morales, indicted in the U.S., has not been arrested.

Alejandro Treviño Chávez nephew of Miguel was shot by forces in Piedras Negras Coahuila in October 2012 sparking a "Nephew for a Nephew"  retaliation resulting in the death of Eduardo Lalo Moreira, nephew of the governor of Coahuila.

Juan Francisco Treviño Chavez   aka kiko son of Juan senior, arrested in Monterrey in June 2012. Quico escaped from a Nuevo Laredo prison in 2010.[update arrested in Texas 2016]

The future of Los Zetas

The feared leader went down without a shot.  That does not surprise this reporter. He is a calculating
criminal and leader.  Surrender equates to; opportunity.
Powerful cartels are big business.  Sinaloa at the top and Zetas are in scores of countries around the globe. They plan for every eventuality, so it is way too soon to write the Zetas epitaph.  That said, even the best laid plans fall apart by the unplanned circumstances, or rogue players.

Perhaps a serendipitous advantage, just before and directly after the death of premier leader of the Zetas  Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano in October 2012, infighting had resulted in two known splits within the group, those staying with the cartel were deemed as being faithful to 40.  Another fracture is possible, but more so if 40’s brother Omar (Z42) is not named the heir to leadership.  Or an unknown factor such as a power play by one or more of the members to overthrow the Treviño hold on the cartel.

Splits within groups are deadly to the organization, case in point is CDG.  When I moved to Mexico, CDG was arguably the most powerful cartel, and the oldest, having begun as smuggling alcohol to the US during the prohibition.  Although they are experiencing a strengthening, they had been weaken through several events; Osiels arrest, death of key players such as Tony Tormenta, inept leadership, the split with Zetas, and a division within the organization.  Had they not been so powerful before those events, they would not exist today.

Another factor in their survival can be attributed  to the alliance with CDS (Sinaloa), teaming against the Zetas.  CDS made the alliance to attain a path in the northeast.  It is no secret Chapo has wanted the NE border plazas and none more than the lucrative Nuevo Laredo Plaza, if CDS acquires the Nuevo Laredo plaza, they will control every major plaza along the frontera. .  Many felt if the  Zetas were eliminated in the NE region,  at that time CDS would break ties with CDG and control the NE.

If Omar (42) gains premier leadership, it is likely that 40 will govern the organization from behind bars.  As far as franchising plazas or “leasing” for a price the use of routes, similar to CAF in Tijuana, that is also a possibility, it would be smart of Zetas to concede their position of black and white and attempt agreements.

As Osiel did, until extradited to the US,  it will be probable that 40 would continue in control Zetas behind bars .

It was disturbing to see that he was taken into custody sans handcuffs.  It could be the style of Mexico’s new president Enrique Peña, or it could be an indication of a lax treatment that lies ahead for the capo once he is incarcerated.  Capos have a comparative luxurious life behind bars.  Two room cells with kitchens, electronics, liquor, and just about any amenity they want.

The other “opportunity” for the fallen leader  is escape.  Though the days of Chapo’s laundry basket escape are said to be a thing of the past, Zetas are known for daring escapes, involving scores of inmates, and in Piedras Negras an escape of over 100 inmates were facilitated by a tunnel.  However, how feasible that would be in the more secure federal prison system remains to be seen.  Money has been known to buy freedom, not a likely scenario, but not impossibility.

When Osiel was apprehended, Zeta enforcer “Mamito”, the former GAFE member, headed an extravagant, but failed attempt to free the incarcerated leader. The ambitious  plan used air support of three helicopters and over 60 Zetas as the group moved in on maximum security prison 'El Altiplano'.

The best course would be if Mexico would allow 40 to be extradited to the United States.  Given the strained US relationship with the new administration of EPN, that is unlikely.  EPN has detached his administration from US agencies and cutoff the previous privileges enjoyed by US agencies under the Calderon administration, such as open access to information and data.

It would not be surprising to learn the US provided the information to the Mexican Navy to execute the capture of 40.  The Mexican Navy is the sole hold out in the sea of Mexican agencies having cut off open relationships with the US.  The Mexican Navy is the most respected Mexican agency, highly regarded by US agencies.

The US recently was instrumental in the capture of the father in law of Chapo Guzman.  The capture was called a “gift” from the DEA to EPN.  Some think the capture of Z40 was another gift from the US.  Mexican officials ignored the direct question when proposed in the press conference conducted to announce the capture.

Top contenders for new leader of Zetas
Appointing 42 as the Zetas new leader would likely be the most desirable scenario for the fallen leader.  The bond of trust between the brothers is paramount to the organization continuing, at least for now, under the direction of Miguel Treviño behind bars.
However the list of possible replacement can be shortened to four standouts.

Omar Treviño Morales  " Z-42 ", brother and strongman" Z-40 ", who is identifies by Mexican agencies by being responsible for the same degree of violence as his brother Miguel.  People on the ground in Coahuila,  where Omar resides, consider him a person with potential of even greater violence and brutality.

Maxiley Barahona Nadales, “El Contador” or “El Maxiley”, if it’s a leader with the potential for high brutality that gets the nod, this is the Zeta.  The Mexican agency PGR Labels him as “Extremely Dangerous”.  He is the second in line in the Zeta hierarchy, if Omar is not the leader, it will be this man.

He is in charge of the plazas of Veracruz, Tabasco and Chiapas.  Under his direction a mass of murders, and kidnappings have been conducted in the regions that he is responsible for. He is also suspected of detonating grenades at the offices of the Attorney General Justice of the state of Chiapas.

Román Ricardo Palomo Rincones, “El Coyote”,  This Zeta is one of the leaders in charge of the kidnappings and massacres of Central American migrants, including those in the municipality of San Fernando, Tamaulipas.

The PGR identifies him as being  involved in the murder of 145 people who were abducted when" traveling on 'Omnibus de Mexico' and 'Commercial Orient' bus lines, travelling north from various states to Tamaulipas, through the city of  San Fernando, to  Reynosa, from there hoping to  cross into the US.

Sergio Ricardo Basurto Peña “el Grande “, The Trusted and close friend of Miguel Treviño is in control of the narcotiendas, in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.  This means he is also responsible for authoring and ordering the killings in the city.  Since Lazca's death, he has been awarded greater responsibility to include the major port city of   Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz.

There are other contenders, but these are known to be at the top, trusted and respected by Miguel Treviño, making it likely one or more will be appointed to fill the position vacated by the arrest of 40.

UPDATE:  reports are surfacing that Z42 has been named as the premier leader of the Zetas.  Further, the three men  named above as possible contenders, have been appointed 42's new lieutenants, meaning they are next in succession should Omar be killed or arrested in this order of succession;  Román Ricardo Palomo Corners, "El Coyote", Maxiles Barahona, "El Contador", Peña and Sergio Ricardo Basurto, "El Grande".

There is no way to confirm these reports but they are highly probable.




    1. Chivis nice article but have you looked into el H Beltran Leyva who most dare not speak of as being the new leader of the Zetas ? He has all the credentials and power for the compania to fall on his grip. My money is on him taking over

    2. Chapo izidro will take over.

  2. La Familia Michoacán were trained by Zetas somewhere between 2002 - 2004. Check out Mamito's interview about them as traitors.

  3. Z3 and Z40 shared leadership before his death, so 40 knows everything there is to know about Zetas including all the cells, their bosses, their finances, their territory, their hideouts/safe houses ect. Also who they bribed in the government to operate.

    He will rat the core of Zetas straight out to save what's left of his family from total ruin (retirement to gilded prison cell on hooker tier) and once the military starts picking up more bosses they will rat everybody underneath them too until Zetas don't exist anymore.

    The reality is most crew members have no loyalty they are just criminals, so they will jump ship to another organization or make their own crew. I doubt Zetas will continue to exist I see cells just calling themselves something else and continuing to be criminals just not nearly as organized, strategic or well funded (money's gone.. they got the boss' accountant too). If they hang around they're gonna get ratted out. Beltran-Leyva going down with them, for ratting them fully out 40 will receive a lawn chair on prison roof with unending supply of frijoles and dos equis

  4. Familia was trained by Zetas and turned on them because Z started doing too much dirt in Mich.

  5. A little bit out of subject,but there is a corrido by Tucanes de Tijuana named "el macho prieto".Does anybody know if its about Omar trevino z42?

    1. Tucanes aren't under contract by zetas.... only by cds and there allies... and el macho prieto is Gonzalo Inzunza!

    2. Tucanes sing songs for every cartel golfo, zetas familia juarez, caf and off course snitchaloa jaja u have no clue ..stfup ..sorry im rude but I hate ignorant people.

    3. Tucanes did the the song "el 42" on the album "propiedad privada" . It's paying homage to omar trevino...

    4. Dang, you took it pretty personal.

    5. Nah bro not personal. Just I'm a bb fan and know most then other people.

  6. They need to just extradite him to the u.s at the supermax hilton.he will get a 6 by 8 cell and a bunk and a sink like they did john gotti.he would never get out of there but personally they need to let the families of his victims have at him no holds barred!!!!!

  7. Great article ... It covers everything ans highlights the most important information.. Well done

    I think that the mexican goberment is still working close with the americans and this capture proves it.. congrats to everyone who has been afected by this beast called al 40 and his zetas the most hated man maybe in mexican history and the most hated cartel in the world if you ask me ... El Pri had alot to do with the zetas quick uprising there political war and the zetas destruction of mexico when hand in hand .. But know that there in power how things have changed and the zetas knew it thats why they killed Moreiras son and put up narcomantas against Osorio Chong .. its now up to them (and the u.s) to clean up their own mess ... Good luck and god bless

    1. Chivis if bb is a" respected " blog then please do some editing before you post. They're are many gramatical mistakes that take away from your credibility

    2. 11:38 PM Mr. Complainant on Chivis, think about it....Its not everyday that Z40 is captured meaning there is immense input left & right. The Man is overwhelmed. Correct the grammer as U are reading it.

      Central African Republic.

    3. This is the biggest story of the u really think ppl care about grammar and punctuation mistakes? NOT!!! I think chivis does an outstanding job so leave her alone and quit knitpicking

    4. Im no chiviz but thanks for confusing me with him its an honor .. Hehehe yur the friend

      The Ghost

  8. Thanks for the insight. I'm glad you wrote because this event is like a book you don't want to end (not the cartel and their doings) but a chapter of what's going on. And it will be going on.

  9. Hey chivis. Any info on what he did with Lazcanos body? I'm really interested on what was the outcome of his body and where he took it to! Any info greatly appreciated......

  10. I think narcos learned from the muslims (releasing videos early 2000's), colombians, and their ancient azteca past. And I thought the afo were doing these gruseome acts in the late 90's and early 2000's well before michocan.. hmm

    1. Beheadings in Mexico ( from narcos) are from at least the 80's. I remember seeing them in the newspaper called Alarma

  11. Im gonna be the new jeffe. Im on my Z14 shit. RIP Z3

    1. Dumb little kid go back and play with your Barbies pendejio..

  12. Whats next for los zetas and nuevo laredo? Who will own the plaza

    1. Your mom will.

    2. Chapo will.hell the way theyre going chapo could end up the president of mexico sad to say

  13. Puro Culiacan Sinaloa.

    1. Mientras ahi se queden a toda madre por ustedes.

    2. Juralo pendejo!!

    3. U shuld see my rancho we got some more aks !!!!

  14. Pushing tons from San Antonio to Chicago.

    1. Number plz cause we got a drout out here in boston

  15. I got global contacts. Took me 3 years to make a billionUSD. All you jotos is bitches. Pinche maricons

  16. yeah, i feel you. the reason this is such a crazy story is because of all the pointless shit that was done, it is astonishing how deep the shit trail goes, this cartel represented everything that was clammy and viscious. human trafickers are the lowest of the low

  17. Los Zetas is dead. Puro Sinaloa

    1. Los Zetas IS not dead.. los zetas ARE. dead. oh yeah fuck sinaloa

  18. I disagree I think alot will jump boat to cdg.

  19. how did you get pictures of potential candidates to take over the leadership and how do you know what their jobs are?... im very curious.. are you a puppet for the CDS chiva or what?..

    1. Because its on a Spanish blog

  20. So let me get this straight. 40 turned himself in so he could escape? Why go through the trouble??

  21. cruelty yeah but not intimidated the mayans actually beat up then burn criminals that's cruelty/divine justice.we can learn a lot from these people.



  24. can you guys get more info on the pucd armed group?

  25. This operation by the Government of MX. that brought about the capture of MATM could probably have the objective of assisting one cartel to maintain their strength as the strongest of the cartels: Cartel de Sinaloa. Zetas have alliances with sworn enemies of CDS and their leaders El Chapo and El Mayo; the Zs are assisting them as we speak : CDBL, CDMF, CDJ. I think the MX. govt. wanted to slow them down and back them off some from attacking CDS-they might just have done that with the capture of Z-40. Chapo and Mayo just got EPN to eliminate a major threat to the power of CDS. As it is, EPN assisted the CDS-Sarabia cell in stripping Gomez Palacio- Lerdo, Durango plaza from el Cartel del Poniente and Their leader "El Danny". This occurred when EPN sent a strong detachment of security forces to Durango earlier this year and culminated with the capture of el Danny this past April in Zacatecas. Chapo and CDS are sitting pretty in Durango side of La Laguna. El Poniente is on its last breaths. The Zetas will be slowed down some, but they are from finished. La Letra has made too much money.

  26. chivis I love u. whit my fkd up gramar

  27. Chinga tu madre tu y culican sinaloa pinche sinaloka..aki en nvo laredo les peleamos a todos es.nuestra plaza no inporta q cayo el 40 pendejo.tu pinche cartel de sinaloa los vende patrias a los gringos x unos kilos ni mexicanos son maricones.son nomas unos soplones q ni pal topon le entran,tiene q mandar a sus gobierno por k de frente a frente ustedes nos pelan la quieren la plaza de lareso pos dejense caer culeros que aki sobran las cuernos.y mucho mas.los huevos.


    2. Si guey ya calmate pinche Rambo40!!

    3. No qué bien pilas el 40 y sus cucarachazzz pal topón, poco faltó para que se las dieran a los marinos, bola de tacuachez cobardez, claro los marinos no son niños, nomas los vieron y las lakrazzz les aventaron la tanga.

    4. Pinche alucinado maricon a llorar al panteon joto el 40 tambien tenia gobierno a su lado pero tu camote es un pinche maniaco y se le cargo la verga asi es esto el chapo tiene el poder oritas alratp quien sabe vete a la verga pinche morrillo alucin


  29. Photo tamaulipas

    1. Being that his family lived in united states did he ever become lawful permanent resident aka greencard holder

    2. I know it cant be easy to translate from spanish to english so ppl like me can read the stories but god bless chivis for doing for 40 maybe having a green card? I can only hope so so that he can go to a supermax in the u.s for the rest of his natural life or get the death penalty.he will be in a cell by himself.i pray the mexican gvt does the right thing and dont let him run the show in jail and for gods sake doesnt let that evil bastard out

    3. They won't extradite him to the us if the death penalty is on the table, that's the rule. Most likely he'll snitch and serve 10 to 20 years.

    4. Snitch on who? Theres nobody above him in the zetas to snitch on he is the top dog of them.too bad mexico has that stupid rule cause if anyone needs to be executed its him for real

    5. give his ass to chapo, he will buy z40's ass!

  30. Chivis,can you tell us more of the tried but failed prison break for Osiel cardenas pls,thats sounds interesting,was there a lot of zetas end up dying that night? Go mamito,tries to break out his bossman.

  31. there was a manta a few months ago where they (CDG)said they will come after the new zeta leadership. there was 3 people named- Z40,(Z42 i think) and someone called "oldman dumbo" mabey this guy will be new zetas leader

  32. Thank you Chivis for this nice article

  33. The info on cdg being the oldest drug cartel is wrong they didn't start trafficking till 1970s before that it was just booze. Either way in Sinaloa they where trafficking marijuana and opium way before the 1940s the people of the Sinaloa sierras got a lot of the Chinese culture because of the Chinese settlers. chivis please correct that my great grandpa was in those eras and passed it on to my dads dad opium and marijuana smuggling and cultivating has been around a long time in Sinaloa that's where they got there opium in World War Two from Sinaloa campesinos and that's how they turned into narco trafficantes

    1. If were gonna talk about reefer and booze smuggling, the northern states were supplying the usa before and during prohibiton.the italian mafia was using the juarez corridor for it booze and reefer.its documented along with other northen mexican states points of entry,run by local mafias.not sinaloas, look it up son.

    2. Not any more. So who gives up fuck? Tell me? who gives up fuck?

  34. So do we know what the process is now for Miguel? When will he be in court?

  35. I am starting to think that there is something really wrong with the Mexicans.


  37. Chivas, whether you like it or not you are a journalist (collecting, writing, editing news). I'm from England, Shakespeare couldn't give a hoot about spelling or grammar because all that mattered was the stories.

    And this is no different. Getting these stories and facts out is all that matters here. The time and the effort you put into this put's other 'professional' journalists to shame.

    Massive respect from across the pond.

    One day this archive will incredibly valuable when people want to know what the F* was going on in Mexico at the turn of the century.

    Keep up the great work. Have you ever thought about making a documentary?

  38. @July 17, 2013 at 11:39 PM


  39. ATTN Chivis Authorities seeking growers after more than 18,000 marijuana plants found in woods

    Posted: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:00 am | Updated: 12:42 am, Tue Jul 16, 2013. By Maggie Kiely maggie

    Madison County authorities said Monday they'd successfully confiscated 18,410 marijuana plants worth an estimated $9.2 million over the weekend, but the investigation continued into who was responsible for the large-scale operation.

    Madison County Sheriff Travis Neeley said the plants -- which ranged from 2 to 6 feet tall -- were discovered "way back in the woods" Friday by hunters who'd leased the land and were exploring locations to set up deer blinds.

    The hunters immediately contacted the owner of the 600 acres of the leased land, and the landowner then called the sheriff's office to report the illegal plants, Neeley said.

    "This is the largest [marijuana operation] in this county anyone can remember," he said. "It appears it's been going on for about three years and they've been producing about $9 million a year."

    On site, Neeley said, authorities found 13 bags of fertilizer, about 3,000 feet of irrigation piping, a gas-powered pump, a generator and three smaller electric pumps.

    "It was a sophisticated setup," he said, adding that the marijuana farm would have been undetectable by air because of the trees it had been planted under.

    He said the marijuana grow field was about a half-mile into the woods.

    "Hell, stumbling upon it on foot is about the only way you'd be able to find it," Neeley said.

    A small campsite was found in the area, along with toothbrushes and holes in the ground with plastic lining, which appeared to be makeshift bathing areas. The sleeping grounds suggested the growers spent a significant time maintaining the operation, Neeley said.

    "Any rural county with large farm land is vulnerable to this," he said. "Obviously, it was very fertile [soil] for growing marijuana,"

    Brian Risinger, Madison County district attorney, said that, from what he'd gathered, it seemed the planters were not locals.

    "The biggest deal about that big of an operation is it's hard to keep something like that a secret, which means to me it's probably someone who's not around this area doing it," he said.

    Neeley said investigators will be pursuing any leads that come in and testing physical evidence from the operation for fingerprints or DNA in hopes of discovering those responsible.

  40. everybody knows this homeboy aint miguel trevino aka z-40 you really think hes that dumb ass to move around with these fuckers? he and omar and lazca are the smartest motherfuckers around along with el chapo mayo and azul and this one is a publicity stunt

    1. You're an idiot

    2. My Guy, you are a total moron & complete schmuck. I have see a variety of Idiots here on BB but for are proving to be a Classic Scumberg.

  41. Chivis, this site's the best and we all appreciate your efforts!

  42. By writing about them as it does, writing a kind of "folk history" Borderland beat glorifies these evil bastards.

  43. i come to BB everyday checking for these events. it may be relatively quiet for a bit but you know eventually you'll pull up BB and see a great headline like this. i've said for a year that one day id come to BB ans see z40s capture or decap vid

  44. CHIVIS, you are awesome. Do not listen to these grammar police. I have seriously been checking everyday for as far as I can remember waiting for this headline. Z-40 is a sick man. It seems that all the capos get fat; I bet its just from the stress of being on the run all the time. Just a thought, anyways great work as always to all of the BB crew!

  45. I wonder how many zetas are scrambling for the buried money. There has to be millions hidden on the ranches. Under concrete slabs, in wells, holes. Cohuila will be rubble after they get done digging for all that cash.

  46. Lock z40 in an american prison and watch him crumble.

  47. The military needs to do raids in nuevo laredo to flush out as many z as possible while they are confused and weaken them as much as possible.

  48. July 17, 2013 at 9:41 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Z3 and Z40 shared leadership before his death, so 40 knows everything there is to know about Zetas including all the cells, their bosses, their finances, their territory, their hideouts/safe houses ect. Also who they bribed in the government to operate.

    He will rat the core of Zetas straight out to save what's left of his family from total ruin (retirement to gilded prison cell on hooker tier) and once the military starts picking up more bosses they will rat everybody underneath them too until Zetas don't exist anymore.

    I strongly disagree!! Read latest intel report of Startfor!! by far they have the best intel on Mexican Cartels...

  49. WHY don't you post of the new leadership of the zetas.

    1. @July18, 9:13AM. "The Los Zeta directors are holding a board meeting where they will elect a new CEO and Borderland Beat will cover the minutes of this meeting & then post it on their website"...Dumb jackass go ask the Zeta bosses who is their next leader OR wait and watch to see what unfolds.

  50. "Puro Sinaloa" = Pure traitor to the Mexican people, like ALL other cartel members. "CDG" = Copycats of Zetas' videos.

    Most interesting is the question, and maybe Chivis can answer it. Is it possible Z-40 will run into CDG's "Comandante Diablo" in prison, or does the Mexican prison system segregate the various hostiles?

  51. @6:21

    Your comment really touched me. Thank you so much. You get it, I am not a journalist, if I were I would hire a finish editor. I am just a anonymous citizen reporter, and if a readers objective is to get info from Mexico and people on the ground in the English language, BB is a good source for you.

    I read the reports from so called "Mexican drugwar experts" reporting from the US after the capture, and I was flabbergasted at their inability to offer insight that was meaningful or had depth. I decided to relay to readers historical information and who the contenders are, in addition to other possibilities.

    Most readers are so kind and supportive. But if one ever wonders what happens to the reporters that are here one day, posting vigorously, then vanishing the next, it often is due to the unnecessary criticism. I am thankful for specific, and relevant criticisms, however if the message comes across in a way that has clarity, I would hope that the content be the factor and not anything else.

    As for a documentary, I can do nothing while in Mexico. I have much to say, but always must hold back to assure safety for myself and my staff. They chose to stick with me after I informed them of my reporting, but they are fearful.

    1. Keep up the great work, your doing a awesome job! I check your site everyday to find out the latest with the narcos. Like someone said, its like reading a good book you don't want to put it down.


  52. The fires are still burning in Mexico literally in violent little Ramos Arizpe.

  53. Read all about it !! Read all about it !!!!

    Mexican judicial system makes special concession for the pampered devil bastard.

  54. Hopefully he'll get extradited 2 the good old USA -Where we all no what they do 2 baby killer's, especially the demonic kind.Can't believe how the demon is having his rights so properly administered, when we all no how cruel & demonic he was with others -including the innocent. Irony *caught while attempting 2 c his newborn child, makes u wonder how it would feel 2 him 2 have ur newborn child & his mother burned alive n front of him??????? Or hacked into pieces?????? Wrong 2 even go there with ur mind & heart, however, his atrocities r beyond normal comprehension. The bible says "an eye for an eye "

  55. The Zetas ceased being Los Zetas when Z3 died. They are now Trevino family cartel. It was only because 40 was respected by older Zetas crew (and respected by Z3) that they kept alliances. Nobody is going to pay up to whoever takes over.

    One thing missing from this article is that Z was stealing state oil and natural gas for a while by siphoning pipelines and selling it for more profit than yayo. They also taxed all crime wherever they operated, so if you were a poor villager draining gas out of parked cars to sell you still had to pay up a tax to the local Z's. Zetas were primarily gangsters and drug dealers second. They don't need to handle any product when they can just find other people taking the risks and tax them.

  56. @ 11:38
    You whining motherfuckers need to learn that all the contributors on BB do it for nothing,and can spend days looking things up to post on here for English speaking people,i aint no cheerleader for no-one,but i always appreciate their efforts,and i hate to see pricks like you whining about shit.I,m quite sure Chivis could use exemplary grammar,but when she got other things to do"like getting well"do you think she wants to see ungrateful pricks bangin on about grammar?It just pisses everyone off,know what i mean?So give it a fuckin rest or,rrrr fuck right the way off,choice baby,you got choice.

  57. "Chivis if bb is a" respected " blog then please do some editing before you post"
    Fuck off,you aint got no credibility at all complaining about grammar you fuckin idiot.We aint trying to be a dictionary here,its about disseminating news quickly,,,anyway fuck off and dream about commas,and hyphens,you tart?

    1. This mofo eats sopa de letras up his ass!

  58. Scott said...
    A lot of common sense and truth,can anyone argue with it?
    Greetings to you brother

  59. the american intelligence apparatus NSA was responsible for taking down z40. If you guys havent heard about that NSA whistle blower hiding in russia edward snowdden, he has said the NSA can listen to any conversation on the telephone or computer by any person anywhere in the world. the fact that iphones/smart phones are the regular mobile devices of the world now make it easier for the NSA to spy on you. If you have internet on your phone, say hello to the NSA. NSA has been tracking z40 for awhile now and that 2 million dollars z40 w/ was protection money that he didnt pay fast enough.

    drug lords are like rich men who go to a trendy club. they have to "tip" many people to get to the vip section. they have to tip the bouncer, the hostess, the dj, the waitress etc. (mexican police, mexican politicians, mexican military, U.S. intelligence, U.S. polticians) before they can finally sit in the VIP section.

    1. Snowden is a spy. For the beautiful USA

    2. NSA = National Snooping Agency.

  60. Good stuff pero what happed to the other original 20 zetas that are unknown to the public they only cam out in the early 2000s like I read in a blog a while back that z40 and this guy galindo mellado Cruz were the last two bosses of the zetas and el mellado never comes out on anything just heard que sela

  61. There's also this other guy el erotico also original z but I forgot his name he also was gafe,, I'm pretty sure there's still original zetas that we stil haven't heard of maby they just got back into military but still controlling the z at the same time could that be possible?

  62. On what basis do you think they'll try him? The news keeps mentioning the murders of migrants, but I suspect they'll try him either for ordering Reta+Cardona to murder the Americans, or for the 14 murders that occurred during Trevino's feud with El Taliban, since there seems to be more evidence for both of those.
    Can't wait to see how this unfolds!
    And by the way, I overheard a close family friend (18 year old girl) the other day asking if Z40 had been married, or if there were "any photos of weddings or weddings rings he bought". It's interesting that despite all that Z40 is alleged to have done, young Mexican women are still more interested in what wedding-related things his money could have bought.

    Chivis, I'll write again soon with my comments on your article specifically. Thanks as always for keeping your dedicated BB crew informed :)

  63. It is starting to make sense to me as to why Z40 wasn't handcuffed. Because the authorities are worried he's going to talk. You seem Zetas nor Sinaloa cartels cannot and would not function if it weren't for the help of corrupt politicians and police leadership. This goes to show you once more Mexico at its best. As the saying goes, "Como Mexico no hay dos!" You're damn right! With the exception of Afghanistan, no nation is like you. I laugh when I hear Calderon and Pena Nieto talk and boast about how Mexico should be recognized as an industrialized country such as Brazil China US etc...Calm the hell down I say! Mr. President, when all of your cities have running water, water that you don't have to fear drinking, natural gas instead of your propane trucks driving through cities such as Guadalajara with its speaker proclaiming "el gaaas el gaaas", paved roads, and police who don't salivate at the sight of a $1 dollar bill, and finally, when you pay your citizens an honest days wage and treat them with the same respect you demand that the US treat your undocumented citizens, then MAYBE..just MAYBE you will be CONSIDERED to enter the realm of the First World Nations...Until then,HUSH! Take pride in being a third world country, and enjoy the title of "Failed State" given to you by the UN.

  64. Chivis,

    Was this story ever confirmed?

    A Nightmare of the Massacre in San Fernando:

    Monday, April 18, 2011 | Borderland Beat Reporter Buggs
    Editor Note: Ok, for the readers who might be confused, this story is making its rounds around the internet. To this point we have not been able to confirm its validity, we publish it for information purposes and for you to formulate your own conclusions. I felt regardless if fiction or not, it has some value in light of all the atrocities we have seen in the last couple of months in the region .

  65. I can't believe 40 is in custody. I would never be found and if I did id kill a lot of solders. Im the real deal.

  66. el grande takes over a side with 42. Zetas will clean house for sure, la linea, blo and zetas will take out cdg.

  67. dear Chivis, thank you for your informative and outstanding article. great work as always

  68. Somebody decided to pay more to have him captured. None of these cartels, or for that matter any money making criminal enterprise, can operate without complicity from corrupt government authorities - in other words the paying of bribes or quotas to corrupt auths. that provide protection in return. No protection money, no protection. That is were the stronger cartels can buy more complicity and protection since they have more money. Tip them off on a coming operation against their criminal enterprises or capture attempts. I'am sure most BB readers are aware of how the GAME WORKS! If you look at a little closer, the corrupt politicians, police, military people, and intelligence personnel are the real cartels. They got the SHIELD! As far as NSA and Snowden is concerned - tell me something I don't know. The FCC moniters every radio station and T.V. stations on-the-airwaves. Every Internet carrying device and phone calls are being monitored by the FCC, which then passes the information to NSA-Pentagon and CIA. That's why I believe in scripture and adhere to the words of Jesus Christ.

  69. El Rey de Reyes aka R1 was given the ok by El Senor Chapo to take over the reynosa plaza .Nector Lima is now Chapos property .

    1. Bruh you don't even know what's up. R1 is back to CDG pelon X20 & R1 has always been good friends that's why el gringo & puma weren't down with pelon.

    2. U are wrong, Gringo and R1 were the close friends. Pelon backstab Gringo because he was envious of him. Gringo had all the U.S. contacts and he was very close friends to one of Chapos nephews. It was Gringo who gave R1 a pass when everyone wanted to kill him after M3 death. The conditions were that they would spare R1 life as long as he left Tamaulipas.

    3. they didnt have a problem they had rumors of puma actually letting a old time friend zeta cross dope thru that plaza and making money out of the taxxes

    4. Homeboy you must only get your info from Blogs. I get my info from the main people. You must have read Wikileaks no doubt because I read that same thing you said but I just laugh my ass off. I know what yall don't know.

  70. Why can't we all get along? This forum is for information that is mostly not in the main stream media. There are a lot of haters and supportters that talk shit on people making legitimate comments and opinions.Nobody here wants to read stupid comments from wanna be cartel members- and if you are a cartel member posting stuff on this site,your an idiot!!!!! Chivis, keep up the good work and please take care of yourself-.

  71. @ 3:10 pm that story is just that, a story, if you read it you will realize there's no way someone or even more than one person would have witnessed everything and be alive to tell it, it's told like a movie, where you are told what happened here and there, simultaneously, with details...and that's not the kind of information you get from real accounts of something like that unless you have a bunch of witnesses.

    I'm not a zeta cheerleader, they are all criminals of the worst kind, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to believe any tale of evil things done by them thrown at me, there are lots of fake stories out there mixed with the real ones, in my opinion that story shouldn't have been reported here.

  72. Readers: Thank you very much for your kind words and support. I will answer a couple of questions.

    1. about the post titled Nightmare of Massacre in San Fernando: No, it was never confirmed. I had issue with the story from the beginning, it did not add up. It is not out of the box of possibility that either it was a story greatly embellished on some fact, or narco generated for a fear tactic. Either way I am putting my label of what I call "Narco-Lore"

    2. His charges are framed around the focal charge of the kidnapping and murder of 265 in tamps. I added more info about the incident on the post and the breakdown of the 265. It is troubling that the government is focusing on that charge as his defense could defeat the charge, he could stands on the grounds that he did not author the killings and had no knowledge of it. No matter, he has solid charges against him waiting in the US, and I am praying he will be sent there (for many reasons)

    3. I have not seen any wedding photos of Miguel Treviño, and no knowledge of a marriage. But that does not rule out the possibility and one can bet he is a father.

    1. SF story is easy to confirm

    2. Do confirm it then. Or are ypu ready to criticise Chivis for not doing so?

    3. I never criticise chivis. I confirmed it long ago and it me a while.

  73. Replies
    1. don't criticize chivis mofo,for she is the beauty queen and should be boss of all the cartels and president of mexico ASAP!

    2. These assholes who criticize her just need to STFU and get off here and leave the rest of us alone who want to stay informed.i for one live in america would not have known anything about whats going on in mexico if it wasnt for chivis and bb.our media dont cover this stuff at all.40s capture was a blip on the radar in the news here which was amazing considering the zs operate in the u.s.god bless u chivis and bb stay safe

  74. When are the Mexican ppl gonna stand up for themselves? This man killed who knows how many and responsible for thousands of deaths and YOUR joke of a Government wont even cuff him, then have the nerve to show the WHOLE world how little they care.
    I used to feel sympathy for the Mexican ppl but no more, not after this. This was a perfect moment for the Mexican Government to stand up and say "Enough is enough", but instead, show a video that looks more like the release of Z40.

  75. chivis do not listen to nerds(grammar style) who only focus on typos rather tnan the meaning.

    we are people with skin in the game and what matters for us is the message more than the stupid typos; we are pragmatic people and never dogmatic ones, dogma will be fine for people who like rules and be ruled by the stupid academic sistem .

  76. Nuevo Laredo is like nothing has happened the drug stores(tienditas) are open no navy just ugly tinted trucks crusing checking the streets so someone is in charge already of that innocent town so what it if you go

    1. No one is in charge of Nuevo Laredo, all the drug addict zetillaz are hiding or just quit fucking around and are now selling chewing gum in the corner store.

  77. @July 18, 2013 at 2:00 AM

    Thanks for asking, I´m still here, just had a some health issues but I´m OK now, There´s not much news right now in Baja, I´ll keep working on the War for Tijuana series and post it soon!

    Saludos from Baja!

    1. @Tijuano El charco (Tijuana) is dead bro. No real noise occuring. Not much killing means more profit for business.. Everybody working. Too bad Ramon A. & the juniors are not present nomore.
      Tijuana in the 90s those were the days

  78. Zetas are split now because of this between Z42 & Z14. After TT die from CDG Z14 split from CDG & join his buddy Z3. Nuevo Laredo will belong to Z14 unless CDG Carrie's out a big attack which they might not because they know if they take over Zacatecas Zetas will loose major ground making Nuevo Laredo Zetas weak. When ever CDG turns up in Nuevo Laredo CDZ calls its recruits from Zacatecas only since San Luis got taken over by CDG. Golfo has a very strategic move going on. Who ever owns Nuevo Laredo owns pretty much all of the USA East Coast which makes more $$$$ then the Westcoast due to over populated areas on from the mid west to the eastcoast. -X-

    1. Z14 is dead you pendejo. You are a idiot, I bet you think Benjamín Arellano Félix and Ramón Arellano Félix are still flourishing.

    2. Yea you right the old Z-14 but when Z3 die Z40 made a new structure making him Z1 so this Z14 is a different guy more violent his the one that's been in charge of attacking CDG plazas in Tamaulipas & MTY recently. I ain't no zeta cheerleader fuck them fools I hate them because they fuck shit up in Nuevo Laredo & Monterrey. This Zeta was a scorpion CDG before & when TT die him & el comandante Perro became Zetas to take control of Matamoros.

  79. Lots trucks marke CDS moving threw NL at dawn today is word i been hering. Is el.chapo alresdy here. Is this good or bad? Im confused and worried.

    1. Its bad for the citizens of NL. They hate los sinaloenses. I think it would be easier and for sure smoother take over if its CDG going in there.

  80. El comandante Bravo y los talibanes junto con el Rey de Reyes y su gente y x20 y los Deltas van por la plaza de new laredo.....La Tuta brinda su apoyo.

    1. La Puta es un gay. En narco mundo estaba un video de un gay sicario de los ct. El dijo como le gustaba a la puta que le metieran el cuerno de chivo humano y le descargaran todo. Que cuando la puta mandaba a secuestrar a alguien, el los torturaba mamando les y jalando les el chile. Ese guey cuando era maestro hacia a los niños que se lo cojan en cambio por un buen grado.

    2. El apoyo de la tuta,he can stick it up his ass,he wants to buy friends to save his pinchis nalgas,hope not!

  81. Poll.....Who had more power? Nacho Coronel aka King Of Ice ????Arturo Beltran Jefe de Jefes ? or Commandante z40 lava coches?

  82. attn chivis this needs your special attention.
    Police chief killed with rifle lost in ATF gun-tracking program

    By Richard A. Serrano

    July 5, 2013, 12:45 p.m.

    WASHINGTON—A high-powered rifle lost in the ATF’s Fast and Furious controversy was used to kill a Mexican police chief in the state of Jalisco earlier this year, according to internal Department of Justice records, suggesting that weapons from the failed gun-tracking operation have now made it into the hands of violent drug cartels deep inside Mexico.

    Luis Lucio Rosales Astorga, the police chief in the city of Hostotipaquillo, was shot to death Jan. 29 when gunmen intercepted his patrol car and opened fire. Also killed was one of his bodyguards. His wife and a second bodyguard were wounded.

    Local authorities said eight suspects in their 20s and 30s were arrested after police seized them nearby with a cache of weapons — rifles, grenades, handguns, helmets, bulletproof vests, uniforms and special communications equipment. The area is a hot zone for rival drug gangs, with members of three cartels fighting over turf in the region.

    A semi-automatic WASR rifle, the firearm that killed the chief, was traced back to the Lone Wolf Trading Company, a gun store in Glendale, Ariz. The notation on the Department of Justice trace records said the WASR was used in a “HOMICIDE – WILLFUL – KILL –PUB OFF –GUN” –ATF code for “Homicide, Willful Killing of a Public Official, Gun.”,0,2692834.story

  83. Mexican government owes the people Z40 shackled and publicly displayed.

  84. For the one asking what haappend el Mellado he was an original Z but switched sides with the CDG.Since 2010 El Grande from the Z is dead 40 killed his ass in Nuevo Laredo since a while now........

    Two Borders

  85. @ Chivis

    Not sure if I read it right but, did u post that this dickwad was handsome?

  86. Good stories on all articles, thank you for your hard work and efforts, keep us posted!

  87. @ 9:08
    jajaja ...well, yup...guilty.
    He WAS handsome, also Lazca WAS handsome...
    Mamito still IS handsome.

    narcos male and female can be blessed with good looks, but that is meaningless because as we can see by the time they are in their forties they have lost their looks and appear much older than their age...

    1. Lazca looked like a hyena....

    2. @Chivis...Chapo looks like an ugly circus midget but then gold digging women get attracted to money & power and that's why Chapo bedded a lotta beautiful females.

    3. LMFAO at the circus midget bit!!!! i dont think i cud get that drunk to hook up with that!!!!

    4. @ Chivis...male Narcos with good looks? Only El Mamito & Jeffe De Jeffe Arturo BL.

      1) El Indio-looked like a Wood-pecker on a tight-schedule;
      2) El Chango-looked like Wart-Hog at time of arrest after Z40 turned him in b4 their scheduled meeting;
      3) Tony Tormenta-had Donkey looks;
      4) El Hummer-a Pigmy from Cindarella & the 7 Dwarfs;
      5) El Teo Simental- Had Carmel looks.

    5. When a man has money, there won't be a shortage of woman wanting to be with a man with the money. It won't matter how you look or how old you are. That's why there is a lot of infidelity and Don Juans. Just look at Mayo Zambada with a wife and
      5 mistresses , practically wives if you ask me, that live with him. That also goes for Chapo with his 24yr. old wife.

  88. Zetas aint goin anywhere and they aint dead, regroup regather and grow once again...sorry to say..fuk chapo the snitch!!!

    1. @11:06 p.m. u out yo mind? These guys like all narcos are like roaches kill one and 100 come to the funeral to take over.stop smokin the shit and see them for the lowlifes they really are

  89. EL GRANDE of the zetas is NOT dead.

    In fact immediately after 40's death the gov raised the reward money offered calling him one of the 4 most dangerous and most wanted Zetas.

    some reports are saying that Omar is definitely the new premier lider and the 3 other Zetas I named as possible candidates are now the 2nd layer of Zetas with the most power. They are now also the governments most wanted Zetas. Including Omar....

  90. @Chivis if have seen an exclusive photo og him with his girl and baby boy I heard his ass got killed because he was stealing money.It was the time when Comandante Guerra got killed in Nuevo Laredo and then Quemado got killed by the army.They say those three top comandantes where having an internal war and 40 didn't like that sheet and send the army to kill them they where untochable in Nuevo Laredo......

  91. @Chivis Interesting post. It seems like the Zetas are now like the CAF of the 90s when the Arellano Family was the most powerful cartel with associates in every corner of the Mexican empire. If the government wants and decides to put you out of business regardless of how powerful you or your organization is it just takes a phone call to the General at the base... Chapo is jus the face for the real boss of CDS.. Its a game of chess not checkers.
    Any question on Tijuano regarding part 3 ? Thank you

  92. @ July 18, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    Greetings back sir,

    Us armchair readers from outside Mexico really should give a big thank you for the brave work Chivis and others are doing in getting this important information out, and specifically in English.

    4 years now and still going stronger than ever.

    For most of us, as someone else put it, this is a 'great book that you just can't put down', but we must spare a thought for the people who live it everyday and live with the fear of the consequences.

    Weaved throughout these articles and the insightful comments through the forum lies the truth or the nearest thing to it, and that is a very rare commodity.

    I tip my hat.

  93. I think the U.S. should help Mexico in giving the Mexican marines good salaries and benefits. Give them bonuses, pension, great healthcare, etc. This is to keep them from getting corrupt like the police and the army. I know they are very decent, but need to be protected from the temptations of the cartel riches.

  94. now z-40 is asking for protection from torture...really.

  95. Word around town is el presidente nieto gave up Z40 so his boss Chapo Guzman wouldn't stay mad at him.

  96. USA had to capture Z40 because Mexico is to weak to defend themselves, DEA can capture Chapo as well but Nieto is on the payroll so he won't allow it to happen.

  97. its one thing to expose a great story chivis. it's another to rest on your laurels. keep the stories coming. Remember, the capture of one or more leaders does nothing to change the game. Although this guy was exceptionally brutal, he is by no means unique, he was just more successful.

  98. Hi Chivis,
    Your reporting is amazing, as always. I have a bunch of questions if you have a few minutes:

    -When you say 'transport economic migrants to the US', do you mean they charge the migrants to let them continue to the US? Or are these the ones they traffic to the US for prostitution?
    -Do you know what El Kilo's status is right now?
    -You mentioned it's worrisome that Trevino has been tied to the SF massacres. I remember in the alleged survivor's testimony (2011) he said that Trevino was right there participating in it. Do you think he wasn't involved?
    -I agree that in general the Zs don't bother with citizens' hearts and minds. Two interesting exceptions (interesting because they wouldn't ordinarily do this) are when Z40 expressed his 'condolences' to the Monterrey casino victims, and when the Zs started throwing children's parties.

    -You said that "surrender equals opportunity". Do you mean he may get a lighter sentence given that he didn't go down shooting?
    -I'm curious about the idea of his controlling the Zs from behind bars. How would he do that? If so, wouldn't the police be well aware of that and prevent whatever kind of communication he would need? Or do you think it would be similar to Chapo's corrupt impunity while in prison?

    Thanks again!

  99. Do any opf you experts know why there's no Z-41?

    1. The family don't like odd numbers

  100. EDo any of you experts know why there's no Z-41?

  101. Zetas are split now because of this between Z42 & Z14. After TT die from CDG Z14 split from CDG & join his buddy Z3. Nuevo Laredo will belong to Z14 unless CDG Carrie's out a big attack which they might not because they know if they take over Zacatecas Zetas will loose major ground making Nuevo Laredo Zetas weak. When ever CDG turns up in Nuevo Laredo CDZ calls its recruits from Zacatecas only since San Luis got taken over by CDG. Golfo has a very strategic move going on. Who ever owns Nuevo Laredo owns pretty much all of the USA East Coast which makes more $$$$ then the Westcoast due to over populated areas on from the mid west to the eastcoast. -X-
    Z14 aka La Chispa has been dead for many years. GTFOH!!!

    1. Si ese wei ya esta muerto desde ase años este z14 es otro wei segun es de Matamoros.

  102. Breaking News!

    reported the plaza chief for san Fernando was apprehended (zetas)


  103. @ chivis... Are u serious? U find this low lives rats handsome? Especially z40? Smh (shake my head)

  104. @ Chivis, do you know the name of this plaza boss? It's tough to find any news with keywords 'Zetas' 'San Fernando' 'plaza boss' because it all re-directs to Z40 stuff.

    Along the lines of the anticipated "spike in violence" post-Z40-capture, here's a short article about violence that may or may not be related.

  105. CDG is takin over several zeta plaza. san luis potosi ect. capos are negotiating and have agreed on lowering the violence. they will split Nuevo Laredo as the zetas are now splintering into smaller cartels. all of this has been confirmed. From high ranking members.

  106. @ July 17, 2013 at 9:41 PM
    Where's this interview with Mamito?

    @ Steven Rodriguez
    I never even thought of that! I'm on the edge of my seat eager to hear what info they can get out of Trevino.

    @ July 17, 2013 at 11:28 PM
    That's a really interesting theory that Beltran Leyva could take on a new role now. I think according to Chivis' updates it sounds as though Omar Trevino might be taking the lead, but who knows if/how long that will last...

    @ July 18, 2013 at 9:43 AM
    I'm curious about that too, how they decide where to put people in prison. Maybe they have an Excel spreadsheet that shows who everybody's enemies are haha.

    @ Chivis July 18, 2013 at 5:42 PM
    I see what you mean about the charges related to the 265 migrants. I posted a question earlier today without reading that comment first, sorry about that. I'm inclined to not be worried that they would press charges on an event for which they DON'T have enough evidence though, since they're well aware what his defence might be, and there are other charges for which there's definitely more evidence (like the US Reta/Cardona stuff, or the 14 El Taliban men). I'm just saying I'd trust the courts to play their cards right. I'm not in the LEAST worried that Trevino would get off :P

    @ July 18, 2013 at 6:14 PM
    Is that true? Is there a law against extradition if it means he might then and only then face the death penalty?

    @ July 18, 2013 at 6:14 PM
    I wouldn't read too much into that. The fact that he's un-cuffed doesn't mean his arrest is being taken any less seriously.

  107. @ July 19, 2013 at 1:47 AM
    I agree with you. And you'd be surprised how strongly most Mexican women will hold strong to their morals and judgment of bad people, right up until those bad people offer them jewelry and the prospect of having a lavish wedding at age 15...

    I make this point over and over only because I think it's overlooked: the selfish, materialistic shallowness of (the average) women in Mexico DOES play a role in fostering a culture of of criminality.

  108. 12:06

    awww come one I said WAS as USED to be...but looks are only a shell of a person ...correct? inside U G L Y...uglier than La Chucky on the outside

    1. @chivis.good one and thats pretty damn ugly thats just fugly to top la chucky LMAO!!!

  109. The government has never confirmed his death. I know the rumors have been out there for some time...but is there any proof? He was just advance as the 3rd most wanted zeta by the government? It could be..but they have said that about other leaders.

    any recognizable death foto? thanks..

  110. July 19, 2013 at 1:22 PM "Is that true? Is there a law against extradition if it means he might then and only then face the death penalty?" Yes, same rule for extradition agreements with any other country that doesn´t have death penalty, it´s perfectly logical, if in your country death penalty is not only not applied but against the constitution it would also be against the constitution delivering someone to another country to face said penalty, I remember some controversy a few years ago with someone captured in Europe whose extradition to the US had to be denied at first under the same basis.

  111. @ Chivis, yup Mamito was really handsome in some of his old pics and he still is but not that much (40...meh, not so much), a handsome piece of shit is still a piece of shit.

  112. @2:50...
    Mamito is still handsome.

    I am sure many readers figured out that it was Havana in the courtroom everyday during the trial. She took notes then sent to me and I would write the article. She worked her ass off and had excellent notes to work with. I researched material and images as well.

    But Havana had a great view of Mamito as he testified, she confirms he is good looking.

    BTW She is traveling this summer-she shall return.

  113. @ July 19, 2013 at 2:47 PM
    Ok cool, thanks for clarifying. Wouldn't that totally rule out the possibility of 40's extradition though? If they can justify the death penalty on anyone, I think he'd be a prime candidate...

    Also, Chivis or anyone, do you know if they ever release interrogation videos in Mex? They do in Canada on youtube in some cases, post-trial.

  114. @ Chivis
    Whom do you think is better looking, El Kilo or La Ardilla?

  115. 42 is the new leader, no zeta is going to challenge him. he has been a top dog for a while and knows the business side as well. and his nephew kiko is already out. 42 commands respect(fear), that is no lie.

    1. Do you really think the mexican military is going to respect his fat ass? Not even the regular citizen will respect this faggots, they already know his real color, he is yellow.

  116. @ July 19, 2013 at 3:58 PM
    Not really, most if not all of the charges he would face in the US wouldn´t mean death penalty, I´m not that familiar with US laws so I´m not sure if there can be an agreement beforehand that death penalty will not be asked or another alternative would be requesting the extradition only in basis of the charges that would not make him face death penalty and drop those that would or downgrade them to take death penalty out of the picture, I believe this last option is the one that has been used in the past regarding extradition problems because of death penalty with other countries

    1. He would get life or life w/o parole here for what they want him for in the u.s

  117. Hi Chivis, here's another article featuring interviews with two alleged experts on the outcomes of Z40's arrest:

  118. here is something I came across regarding z14

  119. @6:22

    Shoot me....jajaja
    but yup that's what I am talking about..drives me 2 scoops of crazy..

    thanks for sharing I had not seen that

  120. @12:05
    you are 100% correct and I wish I had the foto...his baby son lives right outside Nvo. He may have been on his way to visit or on the return trip. He made frequent trips.

    With respect to economic migrants:
    Zetas have cultivated human trafficking into a business that has various elements, at the core are migrants that pay Zetas X amount of money to act as their "coyote" in safe transfer across the north border into the US. However they are typically kidnapped before then in states such as Veracruz, taken to stash houses and extorted for money that is apart from the coyote money.

    I want you to think of this fact; each and every year 10-12 thousand migrants vanish while on their journey.

    Kilo has confessed, he will remain imprisoned baring a break out-for decades.

    About Treviño being name by "Luis" the survivor, I don't recall that. In fact within days Zetas executed the shooters and dumped their bodies in SF with a narco message they were killed for what they did. Kilo also said they were suppose to just recruit the best for various jobs, and the remainder to be used as mules on their trip across. But he said "it got out of hand".

    There is however good testimony from other killings that 40 has been a part of, I am not talking about the sensationalistic narco-lore, but solid testimony and tangible evidence.

    There is a great article about all the myths attributed to 40, the writer refers to him as "the mother Teresa in reverse". I am NOT saying he is this great guy, nope, but the myths, and American media bought into it, was designed as pyops, brain washing techniques to cultivate hate against one cartel and good will towards others.

    it worked.

    To my knowledge there were banners for two zetas parties for dia de los niños. I am not sure if there was even two parties given. I thought it odd. Narco-lore says Lazca built the church for his mother at her request, but that was the end of his " Philanthropic " ventures.

    Zetas have been known to pay for repairs at prisons. Painting, plumbing and those things. I was in Saltillo once when Zs had painters and roofers working on the prison.

    They create a plan to operate behind bars. access to electronics can usually be had along with most everything they could want. As long as he is not in solitary confinement. as I stated other capos have been successful unless extradited to the US.

    which is what should happen here.
    No, he won't necessarily get a lighter sentence for surrender, and what's a lighter sentence for that many murders? what I meant is, he would have been killed. dead equals no opportunity :)

    But surrender equals at least 2 possible ops, continue working at the helm, or an escape. Mass escapes are not uncommon. and I am sure they have plans ready. It depends where he goes he is in federal #1 at the moment

  121. Hi Chivis, thanks for your solid answers to my onslaught of questions :)
    -That 10-12k figure for disappeared migrants is surprising. I didn't realize there even WERE that many migrants in a year!
    -Regarding the SF massacre, I was going by the wikipedia article, and I think I've learned a lesson in trusting different news sources now, jaja. In the alleged testimony there, the survivor mentions 'Commandante 40', but it sounds as though that story might have been completely inaccurate. Thanks for clarifying.
    -Regarding 'narco philanthropy', I always thought it would be funny to imagine approaching a group of narcos and asking for a charitable donation for an NGO or something...and that led me to the idea of, since the Zs have branched into other activities like gun running to generate income, I wonder if they've considered more traditional fundraising like bake sales?
    -The idea that Trevino could have access to electronics is pretty mind-blowing too. I guess the politics behind allocation of resources in prison is beyond my scope...
    -And yeah, I see what you meant about "dead equals no opportunity" jaja :)

    Last question is, do you know where I could read about the 'reverse mother theresa' article, and the tangible evidence of Z40's involvement in other crimes? I agree wholeheartedly about the media-perpetuated narco lore. I'd guess 95% of that comes from people in the US who, as another reader put it, are "reading a good book they can't put down".

    Thanks for being wonderful!

  122. Amazing how many specialists on Z40 on this site. Wow u guys know for a fact hes a horrible monster.Not even Mexicans know the facts. Americans are narco experts.

  123. El chapo is brake dancing to el jefe de la sierra .

  124. El z40 is crying like a lil bitch in one pic! Lol

  125. Z40 should get life in the hole and an ass beating daily from the citizens that feel like it.


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