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Friday, April 5, 2013

CJNG Releases New Video

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat


A  new video in which Cartel of Jalisco New Generation (C.J.N.G) sends a narco communiqué directed to the citizens of Jalisco.

Seen on the video are more than 70 armed men, uniformed and hooded. Sitting at a table, in the center of the scene is a man who is delivering the narrative.  Hanging at the rear is a banner with the initials of CJNG and the names of the states which they claim to operate in; Colima, Nayarit, Jalisco, Veracruz and Guerrero.
The following is the video narrative translated and paraphrased:
The hooded man begins;

“Today Wednesday April 3rd, 2013, with respect we give this announcement to all the population of the state of Jalisco, we are speaking to you and the Federal and Municipal forces.  The purpose for this video is to specify and reiterate that we are a cartel of broad criteria”.
There are some groups that after seeing themselves defeated search for ways to discredit us with accusations, which are well known by all of you that we don’t do.  Such as implementing fees, abduction and extortion, though it is a daily occurrence in other states, it is well known that we don’t do that. 

Big entrepreneurs and families that had been affected by other cartels, in various states, are transferring to live here.
We,  that belong to this cartel have to live clandestinely, since our acts require so, but with all due respect that society, authorities, political field and the Mexican people deserves, we advise you know that we are in the best character to maintain, in the places that we are present, the peace and tranquility that the Mexicans hope for, and for those that make attempts against the state will be receive what they deserve.
Here is a message sent by el señor; "Bark dogs,  while you keep barking you know that I am advancing”. [this last phrase is a saying in Spanish and this is the best I could do]



  1. De Colima a Nayarit de Guerrero a Veracruz, y Jalisco controlando es la nueva generacion la que aqui esta limpiando, si escuchan perros ladrar señal que vamos avansando...

  2. De Colima a Nayarit de Guerrero a Veracruz, y Jalisco controlando es la nueva generacion la que aqui esta limpiando, si escuchan perros ladrar señal que vamos avansando...

  3. CJNG=Kid rapist's and murderer's,they extort and kidnap and kill families in Jalisco,remember the 35dumped body's in Veracruz that were supposedly "Zetas"....and they were not...they were all innocent.

  4. Who is providing financial help to this cartel? Blo, cds, cdg, who? Can some one please tell us thanks.

    1. Drug money all these dollars,USA

  5. What about Michocan? Pussys! Talk all that shit

  6. CJNG is not weak at all...right now it seems that they are controlling an important part of Mexico...not cheering for any particular cartel but us here in Mexico all we want is peace. Enough Mexicans have die in vain smh


  8. Wow! Just look how well GUN CONTROL works in Mexico !! All these people all the killing just so the Mexicans can sell drugs to the USA, Poor Mexicans they are forced to be Criminal Opportunist forced to kidnap,extort,steal,murder,rape because Mexico does not have a good enough social welfare system to take care of the poor people. I wonder are there any poor people or countrys that do not use the same RATIONALIZATION, O Well I am poor so I think I will go out and rob someone tonight.

    1. Go kill yourself. You live on welfare and you complain about being poor? Get a fucking job than, rachet ass. Fuck all lazy losers

    2. LMFAO..... Haha that was the best reply to that situation luv it..... Amen

  9. Ignorant selfish Savages!!

  10. It would be so fitting for a drone strike take out that roomful of garbage.

    1. Your room is full of garbage

  11. I wonder how it is to live a day in a cartel members shoes. It would b a crazy tv show if u could get one of these guys to where a helmet cam for a few months (if he lives that long) and send it n to be edited and produced into a mini series. N I kno everyone on this site would watch it

    1. I hope these drug cartels make a reality show then we common people can understand what circumstances compel these people to become inhuman killers...Abused when they are poor and abused when they become hardened killer, what a sorry life...I pity them.

  12. Thank you chivis you replied to my request and one last comment if I were a cartel member of the zetas,templarios,beltranes,any other one that is not working with cds I will be looking for a way out before its too late because it is very clear to me that cds is being helped by the federal government and is the one that is going to win this war because of that soo if you are a cartel member but you're. Against cds runnnnnnn for your life stupid this is not going to last forever

  13. @ 8:36...(camera man):"ok pan left...zoom in...zoom out...pan right...great! lets do that again!"

  14. @8:57PM
    At your service. :)
    Sorry it took a day to get to the translation. Paz, Chivis

  15. El Chapo les dio mucho poder demasiado poder para pararlos va estar cabron, Eso te pasa Chapo por querer tragarte a Mexico en un fregazo.

    CJNG no son apoyados por nadien tengo entendido ellos tienen el terreno para hacer droga,tambien pagan cuota en Tijuana para pasar droga.

    Doz Fronteras

    Chapo gaved the CJNG power a lot of power now there is no stoping them!

    Chapo that's what you get for being a greedy and selfish person and you want all of Mexico by you're own!

    CJNG is not allied with no one they have the territory to make drugs and they pay cuota in TJ to move drugs!

  16. I don´t know if CJNG has backing from other cartel, but they have an agreement in Tijuana to pay "piso" or tax to some CAF members so they can smuggle their drugs into California. At least that´s what the local police says.

  17. Primero que nada el Cjng es un cartel Antiguo de la epoca de Caro Quintero y Miguel angel gallardo y don neto fonceca, mejor conosido como cartel Guadalajara hoy cartel de Jalisco ...

  18. They also learned that the water bottle thing is goofy lol

  19. Puro cjng le pese a kien le pese putitos y arriba jal hay gente nomas kemando al cartel van a chingar a 20 todos los vividores y extorcionadores y lacras limpiando jal

  20. whos the poor grandma that sew all that cjng on their vest

  21. el paisita indignadoApril 6, 2013 at 6:22 AM

    PINCHI BOLA D JOTOS" a leguas se nota. pura puta propaganda. d IDIOTAS!. pinchis videos INFANTILES!. dime d q presumes t dire d q careces! ya se la saven gueyes!. si deveras quieren ayudar al pueblo. AGANLO! con sus manos derechas. sin q se d cuenta la izquierda! entonces si se las creo" ay les encargo. puro chimaltitan. jlsco.

  22. La plaza se está calentando. Á la mejor el CJNG es una amenaza más sería para El Chapito que ni la amenaza de los Zetas. Les hicieron un panteón en Veracruz a los Zetas en 2011. Y también tienen su apoyo en el gobierno. El Mencho guarda la línea listo para la refriega ó lo que pueda llegar á la perla Tapatia.

  23. haha ladren perros que mientras siguan ladrando voy avanzando hahaha aqui para y controla CJNG

  24. Veracruz es Z El CJNG nomas tenia poder en ese estado cuado el Chapo los apoyaba.VeracruZ siempre y sera terreno importante para los Z.

    En Colima ahi presencia muy fuerte de los Beltranes y Zetas.

    El CJNG tiene poder eso si sin duda, el chapo los dejo creecer de mas ahora el CDS ni puede con ellos que bueno que le paso eso al Chapo por siempre quere tener mas y mas!

    Doz Fronteras!

    Veracruz is Z the CJNG had power in that state but that was when the Chapo had there backs.Veracruz will always be important to the Z and they still run that state.

    In Colima there is a huge presence of the Zetas and BLO.Don't get me wrong CJNG does have a lot of power i am glad that happend to Chapo for always wanting to have more and more that happens when your a very gritty person like Chapo!!!!

    Two Borders

    1. No ceas namon en colina jajajaja los ztas y beltranez te la jalastes.en colima puro cjng cds y ct nomas. los ztas ya ni poder tienen en zacatecas como antes ya nomas les queda fresnillo guadalupe y jerez y partes de las oriyas de durango por donde controlaban antes en las froteras de jalisco ya los sacaron los golfos y cu y si quieres vente para zacatecas y los dices o preguntas quien esta controlando o mas claro bente para colima para que veas quienes controlan aki compa...he leido sus comentarios y la neta comenta por lo que mira aki compa ya no se meta mucha coca compa vengace a vivir aki a los estados que estamos asta la chingada de tanta violencia por estos huevones rataz.

    2. gready, not gritty.

    3. greedy... not gready dumbass. correct yourself before you correct someone else.

  25. Y quien esta hablando de Zacatecas? Zacatecas es CDG gracias al Taliban wey el fue el que dejo entrar al CDG pero ya vez el CDG con tantas traiciones el CDS les va tumbar Zacatecas y Tamaulipas lo poco que le queda al CDG.

    Quien esta hablando de Colima? Colima ahi CT y CJNG pero ahi mas CJNG.Nayarit ahi gran presencia del Isidro y Zetas pero anda tu di lo que quieras.

    El CDS no puede hacer nada primero tiene que limpiar toda esa zona porque los CJNG tiene a los CT y Corona como calzon de putas en toda esa area de Jalisco no pueden con el Mencho y eso es para dar lastima de ser alianzas porque no pueden el CDS solito son CULOS!!!

    1. Ha primo todos los putos carteles entran gracias a las pinches alianzas, una los ztas estan en nayarit sinaloa con poka prececia gracias a la alianza que le dio el h y el izidro.asi que todos los carteles ecepciones minimas en diferentes estados y TIENEN ALIANZAS VATO LOS ZTAS ENTRARON A CHIHUAHUA GRACIAS A LA ALIANZA Z BLO Y CDJ ES UNA ALIANZA.ENTONCES NO DIGAS QUE NO HAY ALIANZAS PERO ALRRATO SE ROMPE ESA ALIANZA Y SURGEN NUEVOS CARTELITOS.Y ASI COMO NO PUEDE CDS CON EL CJNG AL IGUAL A SIDO UN DOLOR DE CAVEZA PARA LOS ZTAS Y YO TE ASEGURO QUE EL CJNG TIENE MUY BUENA PRECENCIA EN VERACRUZ COMPA ALLA ENTRADO COMO ALLA ENTRADO ESTAN DONDE ESTAN Y LE HA MATADO MUCHA RAZA DE LOS ZTAS...Y SOBRE ZAC.COMO ALLA SIDO EL CDG ESTA FUERTE Y BIENE CON TODO Y ESTA CON TODO y yo te digo no apoyo a ningun cartel pero si le aseguro que donde este usted vive agusto no como nosotros que estamos asta arisco que ni savemos cuando vamos a ver restos tirados de una persona o esperar una balacera que ni te deja dormir que ni en la cama estas acostado si no en el suelo eso es vivir con el pan de cada dia...hay se lo dejo de tarea...a cual quiera que apoye de su cartel favorito nomas pongase a pensar cuantas personas an asezinado y el dolor que le provocaron al torturarlo sea contra o inosente no deja de ser humano pero es la realida y toda via se satisfacen viendo un video como los decapitan y despadasan pero en fin que podemos aser mas que pedirle a dios que nunca nos toque a nosotros o a un familiar nuestro por que inocentes an caido en las garras de estos perros.

  26. In jalisco CJNG is runed by them. its always better for one cartel to dominate the state . other criminal groups are active in jalisco but not as powerful as CJNG.

    1. Totally agree with u I was there on January n CJNG controls most of the state

    2. I was the january aswell sure they do. very powerful

  27. "Go kill yourself. You live on welfare and you complain about being poor? Get a fucking job than, rachet ass. Fuck all lazy losers"
    I got caught with a ratchet,how do i get out of that cus.Chill out man,who da fuck you even talkin to?

  28. the accent sounds like somebody from Guanajuato

    1. Some ppl in Jalisco talk like that depending.on the area they live...

  29. a little correction..son 43 sicarios in the picture to be exact, not 70!!

  30. Dont be pendejos.ct.cdg.cds cdjng. R tgether..caf is still making there turf they r smarter.from n.m to sm.pendejos.

  31. Kill all the cartels!

    Viva Chiapas! Viva la revolucion! Viva Zapata!

  32. CAF is doing a good job by charging other cartels to smuggle drug in tijuana. but once chapo finishes wars with other cartels im sure that he will try to finish CAF once in for all . i doubt it beltran leyva is having much control of northern sinaloa and its hard for chapo to even finish them off

  33. Arriva de tu abuela..pendejo.

  34. quien supuestamente es el senior?

    1. El que te pika todas las noches.wuey.

  35. Puro CJNG
    Andamos Rifando, protegiendo la plaza
    Siempre estamos al 110%

    1. tu... eres pendejo.

    2. Tu... Eres un werco meco mal cojido

  36. This video has done just what they wanted.Proven that CJNG are a force to be reckoned with.A lot of us thought they were well organized and funded and had the drive to go against other people.Some of the worst videos have come from CJNG,they look as though they are getting more powerful and organized,they don't need funding off anyone,not anymore,they have their own sources now.

  37. Def jalis.. Naya..gro. Cjng presant

  38. "quien supuestamente es el senior?"

    el mencho, i think.. who else.. el chapo?

  39. Que gueys. Puro cartel de Sinaloa estamos con ustedes CJNG ARRIBA el chapo y CJNG.


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