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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Knights Templar Mantas Announce a Withdrawal of Sorts in Michoacán

Borderland Beat

In several parts of Michoacán, narco banners appeared directed to the state and federal authorities, which were removed by the Army, Navy and Federal Police.
The banners were placed in Morelia, west region, the coast, Tierra Caliente and Cienega; all of them had the same message

and were placed during dusk and morning of this Wednesday.
On the banners, signed by The Knights Templar, they announce that they will withdraw to leave the safety of society in hands of the municipal, state and federal government.
At the same time, they demand the termination of the sham of the community police and expel from Michoacán, the scourge and abusive criminals and establish conditions so the society of Michoacán can live peacefully and can develop fully.

The message that appeared in four cardinal points of Morelia, such as exit to Salamanca, road to Patzcuaro, street to Mil Cumbres, freeway Morelia-Quiroga and exit to Charo. It also was placed in the municipalities of Zamora, Sahuayo, Zitacuaro, Uruapan and Lazaro Cardenas, among other points.
Text in English:

The message was written as below:
“We remind the society of Michoacán that our mission is to protect and improve the quality of life and we have always worked to achieve this purpose, we don’t want to be an excuse so that the government establishes an alliance with cartels of other states and come to trample the rights of the people of Michoacán, for that reason we decided to withdraw and not intervene in social problems and focus only in the protection of the territory of Michoacán, we want to make it clear, under any circumstance we are going to allow that scourges of other states establish in our territory. Michoacán is of the people of Michoacán and we are willing to defend it.
So as of today, we leave in hands of the municipal, state and federal government the safety of the society, all of the denounces or complains will be taken care by the competent authorities, we ask the government to exercise all the public force so there is respect and maintain a state free of robberies, kidnapping, extortions, rapes and other federal offenses and also free of scourges and abusive criminals; also establish the conditions so that the Michoacán society live peacefully and can develop fully in the social, labor, economic, educational, political and spiritual field.
If the government achieves this purpose, we will always support them, we have never been against the government, on the contrary, we have support them in the tasks and they have not been able or did not wanted to make it happen. Michoacán and its people deserve a government of quality, for that reason we demand that they do their job with capability and efficiency; hold to the law and apply it fairly for everyone.

Humbly, the templar fraternity apologizes with the Michoacán society for all the mistakes that were made and for the abuses that might generated, we never agreed with them and we punished the people responsible, we will continue protecting our state and we wish this decision will be for good, in any case we will be aware of any petition that, as society, will be made in case it is required our intervention”.

Meanwhile this video surfaced showing the damage the Templarios created after torching a gas station and  lemon packing company.  In the video people express their anger that Templarios continue to affect them personally such as the destruction resulting in an economic consequence .  This is a new video

the infamous plastic helmets

The following is the manta text in Spanish:

“Le recordamos a la sociedad michoacana que nuestra misión es protegerlos y mejorar su calidad de vida, y para lograr este fin hemos trabajado siempre, no queremos ser pretexto para que el gobierno establezca alianza con carteles de otros estados y vengan a pisotear los derechos de los michoacanos, por ellos hemos tomado la decisión de replegarnos y dejar de intervenir en problemas sociales y enfocarnos únicamente a la protección del territorio de Michoacán, que quede claro, bajo ninguna circunstancia vamos a permitir que vengan lacras de otros estados

a establecerse en nuestro estado, Michoacán es de los michoacanos y estamos dispuestos a defenderlos.
Así que a partir de hoy, dejamos en manos de los gobiernos municipales, estatales y federales el cuidado de la sociedad, todas las denuncias o quejas son con las autoridades competentes, al gobierno le pedimos que ejerzan toda la fuerza pública para hacer respetar y mantener un estado sin robos, secuestros, extorsiones, violaciones y de más delitos federales y delincuentes lacras y abusivos y establezcan las condiciones para que la sociedad michoacana vivan en paz y puedan desarrollarse de maneras plena en el ámbito social, laboral, económica, educativo, político y espiritual.

Si el gobierno logra este propósito nosotros los apoyamos siempre, nunca hemos estado en contra del gobierno, al contrario, lo hemos apoyado en las labores y no han podido o no han querido realizar, Michoacán y su gente merecen un gobierno de calidad, por ellos exigimos realicen su trabajo con capacidad y eficiencia y sujetasen a la ley y aplíquenla de manera justa para todos.
Con toda la humildad que se puede tener, la hermandad templarios se disculpa con la sociedad michoacana por todos los errores que se hayan cometido y por los abusos que se pudieron generar, nunca se estuvo de acuerdo con ellos y se castigó a los responsables, y seguiremos protegiendo nuestro estado y deseamos que esta decisión sea para bien, en caso contrario estaremos pendientes a cualquier petición que como sociedad se haga en caso de que se requiera nuestra intervención”, concluye”.
A big thank you to the reader who sent me the links to this story yesterday!
 Sources: Proceso and Narco Rojo


  1. Highest Yoga TantraMarch 14, 2013 at 2:16 PM

    2013 ▪ 03 ▪ 14

    Interesting article ~ Perhaps the «C.T.» are losing the bloody turf war against the «C.J.N.G.» along the Jal./Mich. border

    -OR- they (C.T.) are just running out of cash and unable to bribe the local, state & federal officials.


    1. If u dont know shit then dont talk it,i know for a fact they do have money and they are not losing to CJNG they r gaining more terreno asi q suck it

    2. Aww te enojastes perra templaria haha usa tu cascos de pladtico pendejo jaja pa q mites q son de dinero jaja

  2. sure am happy bb has you to translate these mantas. I tried using google translator and what a mess. nice work as always

    1. Yea me too bb.i cant read spanish for shit lol

  3. These plastic helmet wearing narcos are at a whole new level of bizarreness

  4. Michoacan is a strange place with strange narcos, by now I have lost track of the whole mess, there have been accusations coming and going among different "policias comunitarias" about this or that group working for this or that cartel, kidnapped people, kidnapped militars, businesses being burnt down, even some guy who after joining the local grupo comunitario went on to kill his girlfriend's parents with his brand new gun, all this plus the usual narco stuff.

    There is a strong sense of belonging in this part of the country, some nationalism of sorts I guess, the whole Michoacan for the michoacanos and all that and the local cartels have always fed on this so my guess is things have gone out of hand and the templars have decided to make a typically political move, keep a low profile while things calm down while still painting themselves as the true defenders of the Michoacan people, trying to save their face...but they are so weird that who knows, the whole cult side of their cartel makes them more unpredictable than others.

    1. Its cause michoacanos are a bunch of 2 faced shit starting pussies , not all but most , atleast the ones that live around here

    2. True. I work with a couple of them. There Tight asses, Two Faced, Envious, Hard headed, stuborn And full of pride. Then theres the cool one who i hang with. So u never depends on the region were there from.

  5. Highest Yoga Tantra your assumptions are not true. The reason they are retreating from la Ruana, Michoacan is because they think that it would be a mistake to attack the village people even though that they know that Cartel de Jalisco infiltrate la Policia Cumunitaria in that part of Michoacan. It is logical what they are doing for the reason if they kill innocent people, the people of Michoacan probably would support another cartel to take them out and Pena Nieto would send more soldiers to Michoacan. So Caballeros Templarios are letting the government handle it and yes, probably the Caballeros Templarios are paying a high official in Michoacan to eliminate this threat.

    With the your assumption that Jalisco cartel is winning the war in the state of Michoacan. It is a no, no. I have a lot relatives in Michoacan, and they have tell me that Caballeros Templarios are kicking Cartel Jalisco ass so bad that the Cartel de Jalisco had to infiltrate the Policia Comunitaria.

    1. I hear the same that CT is winning against cjng and my family is from Jiquipan Mich... hopefully what they are saying is true. I guess time will tell.. -

  6. What strikes me as a neutral is the attitude of"we will defend Michoacan,or Matamoros,or Reynosa,or Nuevo Laredo,or Sinaloa,etc etc?You are all Mexicans?They behave as though they are a disparate group of different peoples in a type of foreign country?Where is the"we are all Mexicans"?Where did that attitude come from,little city states that govern themselves and fight it out if anyone dares intervene,its like renaissance Italy when it was separate city states that would go to war against their next door neighbor for an insult.Of course in all our own country's city's we have unique accents and customs and behaviors,but to kill each other is taking it a little to far.

    1. To say all mexicans are the same is an over generalization. Yes, the vast majority are poor, but each region has distinct ethnic, tribal, and family groups.

  7. knights Templar have not disbanded just reducing their visibility from public perception. They have just increased their surrounding states and.other regions. Also they and CJNG have been supporting and putting their supporters into the self.defense units mixing into the phenomenon of guardian self defense groups. Final analysis is that Knights Templar are reducing public visibility and cells influence inside michoacan but expect to see their numbers and operations increase in other states. Expect an.uptick of more K.T. vs CJNG , K.T. vs LFM/Zs inside Michoacan. atte:ThinkTank28.7N.V.

  8. The official motto in Mexico should be " WHITE IS RIGHT"!!!

    Mexicans are racists againts other Mexicans because of their skin color.The whites think they are better than the "tanned" ones!

    1. Lmao is funny because it so true...

    2. Wow!! That shit is so true.. and I'm Mexican haha.. when I got to the swamp meet and I don't speak clear Spanish they talk to me like I'm the idiot.. come people let's stop that racism shit.. its 2013

  9. Que cono pasa aqui???

    First the plastic helmets.
    Now these guys want a ROUND TABLE too?!
    Why don't they just pull a sword from the stone and join King Arthur??? HAHAHA!!!
    Never smoke your own product ... Templarios.

  10. Yea in italy back in the day what u got out of palerno and sicily was the likes of carlo gambino and lucky luciano

  11. Think Tank I don't think Chivis needs your help in explaining what the article says. I don't see where it says they are disbanding.

  12. What a bunch of silly Mexicans. Is this their version of the Knights of Columbus? But armed? In a country where guns are strictly prohibited? How any of these guys wives can take them the least bit serious is beyond me. Goofy bastards. All of them.

  13. I agree think tank,no way would they just give up all there power and shitty influences like they seem to be saying they are....sly old dog this la Tuta.
    these guys think its funny running around slicing farmers throats,fkn animals.

  14. otro cartel que valio verga desde que se formo , ahora vamos aver cual otro cartel naceria de michoacan , todos modos va ver matansia en muchoacan no va cambiar nada, si alo menos la violencia bajaria pero asta que tanto va durar.

  15. Plastic helmets? Pinche bola de chisquiados!

  16. I recently visited jalisco and michoacan, my understanding is that the cjng is in control of the jal-mich border and advancing deep int CT territory.

  17. 8:50

    The information that they gave was wrong because I have family in Michoacan and the Templarios are killing a lot sicarios from el Cartel de Jalisco. Nevertheless, the templarios do not make up videos showing how many they kill. The templarios like burning the sicarios and burying them in the hills because they do not want more federales in Michoacan. If it was true that CJNG were deep in the territory of Michoacan, You would see a lot videos from the CJNG showing how many templarios they have kill. Why you think they infiltrate the Policia Comunitaria de la Ruana, Michoacan? Think, if they were winning the war, CJNG would not waste their time trying to convince farmers to revolt against the Templarios. In addition, I have been to Michoacan too, and the templarios like to work under the radar when killing enemies. Did you know that there are Templarios in Jalisco? Have you heard the new cartel named Aliados and how many they have kill? Aliados= Templarios and the Corona.

  18. CJNG is kicking CT´s ass. This manta only shows that they are running away. However, this could also be taken as a threat, they are telling the people that "without them" violence will be greater, in other words, you dont like me, then ill show you how it could be...

  19. CT Days are numbered
    Puro C.J.N.G

  20. The Knights Templar have been one of the most extreme cartels since is origin within la Familia Michoacn; bordering on fanaticism. Knights Templar/Familia Mich. have waged a war against federal and state forces in an attempt to become the government of Mich. A narco state so to speak. In fact, la tuta has taller of disbanding before and that did'nt happen. Seeing that the people of Mich. are starting to arm themselves, and won't be as easy to push around, la Tuta is scheming to get the people to develop a sense of victory and stop their revolt. I doubt Tuta/KT would be willing to give up their lucrative drug trafficking, extorsion plaza anytime soon. The chickens have come home to roost!?

  21. Los Caballos Templarios no se hacen patras ante la refriega. Si se quieren topar los contras,gobierno, guacho, indios comunitarios el CT los espera con honor!!! CT tiene apoyó de la gente de Michoacán no se les olvide! El Chato vive!!!

  22. They use too much of their own supply hence the name, helmets etc.

  23. how do you know those helmets are plastic, If they are plastic then it shows that they dont have alot of power or money and just use fear and murder which is not power its people under pressure and they are cracking, if it was shorty's helmets they would be diamond encrusted gold helmets. And at this rate the more they all split the weaker they become and the more chance of more splits making them even smaller. Soon you might have one man cartels as they cant agree which side of the neck to cut, fuckin savages and why do mexicans have difficulty cutting of heads?? kill them all until there are none left, leave the ordinary mexican to live life freely with out fear and intimidation. \In the U.K we have our problems just like everywhere else but we dont kidnap and headchop if someone steals our drugs or joins another gang and as for the yankees this is your fault and you sit and do nothing until its to late. oops it is to late and your still not help the mexicans apart from armiong them to the teeth also who is the real cartel, Is it sinaloa, cdg, zetas???? No its the mexican and u.s. governments, Legalise all drugs its the only way to protect our communituies and children from a future of DEATH DEATH DEATH

  24. Where in the article states that they are disbanding? People need to work on their reading comprehension....LoL It is funny how people from Jalisco are proud of the CNGJ even though that Mencho is from Michoacan and their other top leaders as well.CNGJ= Michoacanos in command

  25. Templarios and other carteles= Nothing but a bunch of Meth strung-up thugs.

  26. Good on those people whatever one may think.Those dirty stinking bastards destroying infrastructure in their own towns because they don't get their little quota?They are hurting local people that's the bottom line.Look at the outrage from these people,CT protect Michoacan?Go ask those people what they think.They don't want you.
    I hope all those young bucks and women are safe.Maybe the CT will start targeting the women in that video?I wouldn't put it past those phony fuckers.They don't need you and don't want you.

  27. @9:36 so those are the Aliados or Alianza or something like that? I had heard of them recently, not sure if t was a manta or a message on someone they executed but I didn't know who they were, also ovejas negras, who are they?

  28. March 14, 2013 at 5:55 PM
    "Think Tank I don't think Chivis needs your help in explaining what the article says. I don't see where it says they are disbanding"
    Yeah,and i don't think chivis needs your hysterical ass drooling with anger any time there is a disagreement with her.
    ThinkTank,contributes a lot on here,please don't scare him away with your psychosis and need to flatter the mods.It is a blog with differing opinions after all...

  29. there are reports about Dionisio Loya Plancarte "el Tío" (high rank guy within Caballeros Templarios) being killed by militars last night, what will happen now with this withdrawal thing?

  30. 1:19PM

    jaja well I must say I agree think tank is a great contributor and even though I may not agree it is his right, but I often agree with what he writes and I have complimented him.

    But getting down on people that protect me in some way is not right either. Over the years we have lost so many great reporters who busted their ass only to be beaten down by negative comments.

    In this case I am confused about TT comment also but just thought he was speaking to another commenter and not me.

    1. Respect to chivis
      atte. ThinkTank28.7N.V.

    2. they are basically falling back into safety procedure ..and I f its true that el tio was killed then it signals that Michoacan state business for knights have taken a turn for the worse, as LFM /zs is gaining grounds as is CJNG. I'm.not saying that all municipalities inside michoacan are affected by this transition , also their movement many states in Mexico is a signal of their transformation from regional to multi regional organization with independent cells that have almost franchised the Knights Templar.

      el Tio if confirmed dead will be a michoacan death blow inside the state...

  31. thanks chac-moo got your heads up

  32. March 15, 2013 at 7:14 PM
    Fuck sake,now your doin it,i shouldn't have opened my mouth.

  33. ThinkTank28.7N.V.

  34. My dads from michaoacan. He's a serious tough yet humble guy. He tells me during the late 50' and 60's in the town where he grew up in people always had some sort of weapon so people weren't so loud down there. If they said something they would do it. Arguments were short and would result in fights. Families were very united so if someone hurt a family member of theirs the family would seek revenge and the cycle would go on so people would avoid fights unless they were really prepared. He said there were morals but also a lot of dudes that always thought they were tough. MY gf dad is from colima he is also a quiet guy. idk the people in that region seem pretty serious. he has the best aim in shooting guns also.he said he was strapped since the age of nine
    he used to go to open fields and spend his free time shooting bottles and cans. The locals used to have shooting contest in the feilds. lol serious.hh


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