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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Details About the New Chapo Photo

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

It was on March 9th or 10th when I received an email from a reader saying there was a new to us Chapo photo.

I tweeted the photo, which was retweeted many times and featured on twitter pages such as #MexicoRojo among others.  Today I see that some of the other narco blogs are now running it.  The truth is it was not something sent exlusively to BB nor Mundo nor any other blog it was published on a Facebook page. 
That said, I made a post on the 10th titled "New Chapo Photo?  You Be the Judge", and I added a little poll and thought that would be that.  However, I continue to get emails and comments sent in about the "new Chapo Photo" which tells me most of our readers did not check it out on forum, hence I will post here on mainboard for your enjoyment and discussion. 
I will tell you that at first I was on the fence about its authenticity, but as I dug deeper clearly there are not only landmarks that are identical such as eyebrows and lower ear lobes, but I also ran in through software to see if it had been "photo shopped".
click on images to enlarge

From what I know...which is not a lot, I did covert the photo to ELA looking for obvious tampering. at first I spotted 2 areas and DUH it was my drop in of BB2013...after getting a clean photo I converted it and all that comes up are the uniform grids (see directly above) indicative of conversion from Jpeg to another format like PNG.  It looks clean and uniformly broken down as will occur  in each time a copy is made.  
Jpeg uses YUV coloring so certain colors will remain prominent such as purple, orange green among others.  

Maybe someone else knowing more than I do can take a look but what little I know it looks clean with no rain bowing and the grid looks uniform indicting the photo has gone thru same number of compressions throughout.   I had two friends very knowledgeable, one a professional look at it and deemed it with no detectable add ins.  So the question it Chapo?  I can say in my opinion this is the first photo produced that my vote says "yes".  It is supposed to be taken around 2006-2007.
Jumping on the ban wagon, blogs such as Mundo, added some other pitiful photos attempting to pass them off as new Chapos, one in a swimming pool, that  BDN tried to pass off as Chapo in 2010 when they first ran it. 
This was published in 2010 as a new Chapo and has resurrected this week

 Another known photo of Chapo:

Another that has been floating around for a while at left.  If him he looks very young, his clothing looks very "disco Don Juan" era.

Exactly one year ago a cell phone video surfaced with claims it was Chapo Guzman.  I am posting that video below. 

 It was accompanied with a letter, see below.  A reader sent Buggs a comparative side by side photo of a known Chapo photo and a screen shot from the video, see below.


There is also a letter dated February 28, 2012 that makes reference of El 50 - M-1, El Fantasma - M-Z and Bravo - Chapo. It is signed by Licensiado Damaso. It ends with "Note - Do not forget to filter "El Bideo" (video) and "las fotos" (photographs)

Letter translated by a BB reader:
"Valued friends Today is a day with lots of advantages for what we have planned the big bosses are very stressed and must feel trapped we are the only ones with any authority talk to your boys(people).we have very little time left i have been insisting on our plan for a long time don't forget you are the one's that made them big those who now only enjoy pleasures and betray us.  This is always more disturbing ,lets see if now you believe me, remember who will betray who: 50-M1, Fantazma to MZ , Bravo-Chapo PS don't forget to filter video and pictures or blog"

A big thank you to the BB reader who  gave me the heads up on this wanted to remain anonymous so I will just say "Thank you S" :)


  1. So as far as I know, La Tuta from the Knights Templar is the only cartel leader to have published a video of himself. Do you guys think that narcos deliberately avoid putting themselves out there because it could be used as evidence against them? I'm just curious as to how discrete they have to be. As opposed to, for example, the signed narcomantas. Are mantas ok, but videos and photos not?

    1. La tuta isnt the main leader doe its plancarte he's the main leader for those templarios

  2. ...also, just a general El Chapo question for anyone who knows. Some other cartel bosses have reputations for being personally brutal (torturing enemies etc), whereas Chapo seems to have the rep of being a drug tycoon, but no mention of brutality. What do you guys think, is he an evil sadistic businessman? Or just a businessman? Think he's personally murdered any innocents?

    1. Innocents don't matter my friend something people such as yourself do not understand is its a war over here. Their are no real innocents their are the enemy, the speed bumps (government elements) and casualties of war. This isn't about morals or even drugs its about a revolution. Soon you will see this start to happen as the government will continue to struggle to reinforce its ranks due to more rigorous training selection and checks. The government is getti g weaker daily and the "cartels" stronger by the minute. The question your asking at an intellectual level is like someone being charged with child pornography and you asking do you think that he ever printed it off the computer or just saved it in his files. There's right and there's wrong there is no middle

  3. Buisness man no doubt about that but jst like a business he has to take care of shit no metter what

  4. El mes de Mayo...

  5. It looks like chapo is wearing high heels in that pic........hahah

  6. loco in the pool is chapito isidro.

  7. I truly doubt thts El Chapo, I mean look at how tall he looks and he's only 5,6 which is my height and if that is him then the guy next to him is extremely short or the authorities have mistaken Chapo's height like Lazca which I seriously doubt.

  8. Ears are exactly the same. Looks legit. I just hope everyone understands that this picture just didnt leak accidentally. And wherever he goes he confiscates phones so whoever had this picture was family or someone very close

  9. It's just business and like what he says in the mantas he doesn't kill innocents like zetas do . He helps the people who you think build school and road and bought electricity to the poor in his region to many he is as a hero not a criminal

    1. Mantas are cartel PR. Chapos tunnel diggers died when they finished. He's knowingly killed many innocents. Don't be fooled.

    2. I know people here don't care about my emotions BUT it pisses me off that people have not realized that MOST of these so called mantas are put up by the government. They lost the support of the people long ago so their instigating this war to make the people return faith to them. There's nothing wrong with dealing drugs people will get them no matter what. Meth cocaine marijuana and ESPECIALLY heroine are all available in prescription form, meth for weightloss cocaine for eye surgery heroin for pain killers. Do you know that in American good there's literally poisons so bad 3rd world countries will not accept our food for import. It's all a game drugs don't do people people do drugs guns don't kill people people kill people

  10. 1 of the recent articles About someone else, a cooperating witness or something, describes El chapo as having had plastic surgery to change his face. Despite this Consider how the US government cought up with Osama bin Laden, I I think if they really wanted to catch and kill him like Osama they would, he must serve a purpose for them. Any ideas about what that is besides keeping the masses of us sheeple (sheep +people) tame?

    1. Mexico does not allow US covert military ops in their country. America advises, eavesdrops and gathers intel, pays for equipment & trains Mexican soldiers.

      Pakistan also did not allow US covert military ops, but Obama said fuck it, Osama gotta die.

      Chapo hasn't blown up any American buildings or knowingly killed Americans so Obama doesn't care enough to kill him & risk pissing off all of Mexico.

      Columbia didn't want direct US military aid to kill Escobar either, but finally relented. Delta team helped los pepes and cornered Pablo.

    2. They dont want to kill Chapo... he is feeding into the US machine. Think about the money the billion dollar prison industries would lose, or how much less police force would be needed with dealers and addicts off the streets. Or the "legal" drug producers like pfizer would lose creating drugs like methadone. Or the guns being bought from US and taken into Mexico. I think US has more to gain in keeping him alive. I wouldnt doubt if he worked with CIA to make sure he stays around...just my theory -

    3. You don't know crap about economics

    4. And you do? If so let us know your opinion if not stfu

  11. Hey chivis do you know when that other photo of chapo holding a rifle what year is that showing this new photo look real different where this one looks gonna slim and other one looks a little heavy set ? Thks your the best

  12. El Chapo also has a video of him questioning someone tied to a poll that came out last year or the year before shot on what looks like a cell phone

  13. since el chapo loves his tunnels so much, I bet sinaloa has a ton of them for him to hide like in vietnam

  14. Chapo has murdered many innocents.

    It does look like him though....

  15. No se pero lo que si les aseguro es que el cartel de sinaloa va ha salir ganando al final esta guerra junto conel gobierno en otras palabras el cartel de sinaloa es parte del gobierno mexicano mas claro ni el agua

  16. Chapo or not, la neta that looks like my pops,hahahaha...

  17. i thought of height at first but it is the angle the shoulders are not much lower and no one says he is the shorties of all shorties. unless you can see a full length you can't really consider height being a factor. the features are there, the photo has my vote.

  18. that poor person in the pool probably got killed thanks to bdn lol

  19. Chapos is just as evil and cruel as the wors MoFo out there, he has killed entire families, lots of cops who didnt want to work with him, he has killed many men just for the simple reason of not wanting to pay them, That story of chapo being good with the poor and all that is just BS, sure, he gives them some things but its not because he is good, si only to have them on his pocket so they alert him when the police and army come looking for him, it like having lots of halcones.

  20. His neck looks kinda thick for a lean body. Could that be el bravo next to him? If that guy is identified the chances are higher of knowing its authenticity.

  21. Chapo dresses in tailored 3 piece suits made by Armani suits even his camo fatigues .That's not El Senor Chapo .Arriba El Bravo y Los Talibanes

    1. I DO fucking HATE clowns like you. NO escolta from bravos(cdg) would even be mentioning the name of Los talivanes unless their counti g their kills, and NO talivan (sangre) or bravos (cdg) will call el chapo el señor. What is your problem kid? What do you not understand this is not a game it's not about being cool or faithful to the leader, it's about being down for your shit, having a taste for blood that can't be quenched. It's about living chaos and being sick in the head. It's not about money or bitches you kids don't get it. Get some blood on your hands and well see how much of this shit your talking. I was down for this country and 9/11 went down when I was in boot. And since I swore to obey any officer appointed above me I shot the face off a girl no older than 10 for crossing the street at the wrong time, now they treat me like a sick bastard and I am I can't control my thirst this shit is no different lies and propoganda get your head straight before you really fuck yourself

    2. Chapo dresses in drag on the weekends and hits the track

      el chiludo

  22. i dont see a conspiracy here, just some mexican who won the lottery basically, im sure he has no problem taking photos with people he knows and family, stuff like that. the photos dont have him doing anything illicit other than having a steak neck and chilli bowl haircut with a bad fashion sense, thats just about like 99.% of most mexicans out there. so i doubt these photos could be used for any type of evidence..

    1. Thats not true about all mexicans but i am LMFAO at the chapo having a steak neck and chili bowl haircut

    2. Worst attempt at humor ever.....

    3. Why? Cause u couldnt be funny? Gotta have a sense of humor amongst all this madness

    4. I agree, humor is good...peace

  23. Chapo is a very good person who sell dreams, like michael jackson did it for children. We will miss him when he will die. LOL

  24. Chapo had Sylvester Stallone surgery........Lmfao
    Also notice the hand on his.shoulder so that guy has a giant hand and wingspan of a NBA player...GTFOH.....

  25. It could be an old pic, but like some one posted on here in the Guatemalan pic he looks a chubbier and even in the one where he holds the baby he is chunkier and in the one where he dances with that lady, he doesn't look that tall like this picture..either he is standing on a crate or like I said Sylvester Stallone surgery of the leg bones...Lmfao....

    1. The one you say where he dances with the girl isnt el chapo. That is el chapo de sinaloa the singer.

    2. Then why do they have it up on here you space cadet.....

    3. TT, yea could be old pic or not... Could be him or not, fake or not.


  27. Lol facial recognition experts

  28. Arriba el CDS! Esta "guerra" la tenemos ganada y el jefe se la rifa..

  29. It looks like him and being the smart guy he is he took a pic with a guy shorter than him to make him look tall

  30. He looks like Malverde , what a wicked lifestyle to live

  31. Most of Mexico is controlled by one group or another, and it is much more complicated than Chapos or Z, there are sub groups and smaller cells. I live in an area controlled by a Chapo friendly sub group. There is very little crime here, and a feeling of calm, they deal with troublemakers and even punish their own for stepping out of line. They run a local "Teindita" that sells drugs, They work with people from the town to help, and yes, the town people I guess are inderectly working as Halcones letting the the group know of outsiders entering town or of Military or Federal activity. But it is relationship that works, and people here clearly understand that if the Chapo group left another group will fill the void. Zetas near here controll people by force and intimidation, Kidnapping and extortion "taxes". are common. Count me as a Sinaloa Ball Hugger.....

  32. Hmm, don't know what the big deal is on this? What does it matter whether or not there are photos of Chapo floating around? It's not like "we" don't know what he looks like. Granted...most of the photos used in posts about the drug lord are old and outdated but you can pretty much assure that he's older, grayer, has more wrinkles and fatter!

  33. The one in the jacuzzi, is 'Lamberto Verdugo' . ..

  34. Person in photo looks younger than el Chapo would be but photo is supposed to already be six or seven years old, so who knows. Sinaloa cartel leaders have used top Mexican plastic surgeons to alter their looks, so a el Chapo looking younger than he would look otherwise is possible. An video appeared awhile back on BB supposedly showing Guzman murdering a rival. I sent it to a friend who knows Guzman and he said it did look like him although the video wasn't clear enough to actually tell.

    1. Hope they dont use la chuckys plastic surgeon LMAO.i still cant get over her face lol.

  35. you guys are funny. Chapo has been in photos where he is taller than the other subjects. I Don't think he is a Roloff. I posted another old photo above.

  36. @12:47 CDS has alaways been the cartel "protected" by the government, with permission of the US, and from a practical point of view I guess it makes sense, one open front less, one faction helping you take care of the rest and possibly sharing info about other cartels (see Vicente Zambada Niebla)

    1. No it has not of you want to talk about cartels with support from US it WAS cdg those "deserters" from fuerzas especiales were trained by us on purpose and it was paid for. Cdg has always been one of the most innovative they started the tunnels but through sheer numbers chapo did do damage chapo invests, others retire just because chapos people were the first loud mouths to be caught with a tunnel does not mean they invented it. There's tunnels that run right into US ran transportation companies no worry of dogs no worry of snitches. But those conveniently fall under national security threats so their not public ally reported. THEIRS 12 US states RAN BY CARTELS people are so blind.

  37. I believe that is chapo in the picture. If the picture is from 2006-7, it might be him due to the fact that he married 18yr. old Emma Coronel in 2007. He is probably in combat fatigues trying to get in shape for his mora. Now I'am changing the subject. I believe these narco corridos do have relevence in the lyrics; in fact, these corridos are requested to be made by the capos. For example, a corrido sung by grupero artist Roberto Tapia, called "la batalla", talks about how el chapo gained a victory over former head of SIEDO Jose Santiago Vasconcelos. SIEDO chief had chapos son, Ivan detained and interrogated, and according to the song wanted Ivan to turn in his father. That did'nt happen and Ivan is now a free man. This is the part that's interesting. SIEDO chief Vasconcelos and Secretario de Gobernacion Juan Camillo Mouriño were killed in a helicopter crash over México City on Nov. 11, 2008. A day later Mex. Pres. Calderon net with Col. Pres. Uribe. Let me add this: three trata to the date, Secretario de Gobiernacion Francisco Blake Mora was killed likewise in a helicopter crash. The song does not talk about the death of vasconcelos, but does talk about how JAGL has a lot of support in México. And the legend lives on.

  38. In mexico when u are 5'7 they consider u tall..

  39. Chivis is right Chapo is short, but that doesn't mean he is the shortest man around. I'm 5'5 so Chapo would be taller than me by an inch lol.

  40. How is the photo relevant? To prove he is alive or what he looks like in present time? It looks like him, and I dont see a problem with his height or the guys hand or arm length. Maybe he is standing next to a guy who is just as short? Its not like he is the only short guy in Mexico. -

  41. Remeber Sadam who had so many copies of himself running around that it was impossible to take him out? If Chapo is halfway smart - which he must be having survived this game for so long - hed have a few copies of himself running around too. I mean it cant be too difficult. The guy doesnt have the most original looks, does he?

  42. guys never allow me to do anything half assed :) due to popular demand I have added the video of last year and a damn good comparative sent to Buggs. I edited the photo a little for clarity....paz, chivis

  43. man that letter is hurting my eyes, and by now we all are used to the narcos´ terrible orthography from their mantas, but that letter deserves a special prize

    1. That letter isn't from a narco numbnutts

  44. ja ja ja detailed great job chivis something I have learned to count on and trust.

  45. The way you people go on about his height,you would think he is 3 ft 7,Chapo=Shorty,not fuckin midget,or dwarf,or umpa lumpa?If it is Chapo,he lookin alright,keepin himself in shape.I got big hands myself,but that one on his shoulder,looks fuckin monstrous?
    Could be him,he aint averse to gettin his picture took with shooters and camouflage"im macho man,ill take that knife and stick it up your ass,im macho man"pic a few years old,could be Guzman?

  46. what baffles me is how the letter states how one person is going to betray the other my question is, is the betrayal of one another done on purpose for whatever reason?

  47. Que Licensiado tan jodido pinche ortografia pal lado de la chingada jajaja

  48. Why do people say El Chapo kill's innocents? Every post I see about El Chapo say's that he is killing innocent people and that is %100 incorrect. All of his people say that they do not harm the innocent's El Chapo even said that he wants peace and does not want to harm the innocents.

    1. Well Iran say they ain't making nukes do u beleave that addicts say they don't got a problem u beleave that beleave nothing u hear and half off what u see sir or mam peace LoKs

    2. North Korea said that every American lives in tents provided by the Red Cross with materials from North Korea, and that we only have coffee in the winter because we use melted snow for it. Also we have no birds in the US because we have eaten them all. All this said to prove my point, it's called propoganda just like we made Libya look like a 3rd world country when they had a higher standard of living than we ever had in our history. When you need a public swing in reputation do like women and lie and cry. It works wonders

  49. Look at the pictures were there at in the video hes under a shade made off plam trees and in the picture off chapo and don juanito look in the back ground there a shades made out off palm trees and a couple off mouths ago dont remember the name but there was a ranch tooken from the sinaloa cartel in sonora it was took by the goverment ..and it had the same shade of palm trees.

    1. "Was took", is HORRIBLE english. The correct way is, "was taken". The teachers we put in the classrooms today are failing us. It's not right that you're old enough to be on this site, but can't correctly type a sentence. I mean the entire "paragraph" is an insult to our language. Even if you chose not to learn for yourself, there is SOO many assets available to you today for this. Have you heard of spell check or google? I'm not sure how old you are but if you ever want to be successful it's very important to learn proper grammar and punctuation.

    2. Calm down, grammar nazi. I didn't know we where in English class...

    3. Fuck off grammar police.. leave your opinion or a statement about the topic not just policing someones grammar.

    4. Look i didnt go to school cuase i had to work sends i was 8 years old ..i didnt have the opperturnitys u had ...i learn english my self just by listing to a friend talk to me in english and he knew no by the way i probably talk better english then u..and by the way iam succesful i owe a constrution company and five work agencys that offerd jobs to people..this hole narco think just intreses me cuase aperantly two of my brother go mixed in all this and iam afriad to los them.there still in mexico working big time for a cartel.

    5. @12:10 And what makes you think he/she lives in the U.S.A?

    6. If all you are worried about on this website you have major issues.the point of this site is to inform people about the atrocities in mx not an english and spelling lesson.some people who post on here their english may not be so good so just give them a break.i dont know if thats the case here but just saying.i never have any issues understanding anybody on here unless its completely in spanish which i do not know

  50. Well the letter must be BS right? Horrible spelling and fantasma is gone now.

    1. El ondeado is to..and I heard el cholo is hiding out to from el mz.

    2. So you believe any comment Thats anti cds from another blog because is to good to be true stupid el cholo is not hiding from anybody if mz wanted cholo dead he will tell chapo to get the army to get him or like he told el guano guzman brother of chapo to turnover el popeye and his brother to mz so he could killed him internal fight happens mainly because the money from the drugs does not get turnover hey look what happen to the sobrino of el chapo and el guerito bastidas chapo found out that his nephew Was talking to the dea to turn him over so he doesnt get fucked chapi gave a fuck that that was hes blood and since the nephew and el guerito were both drug movers for el mayo mayo did not step in for both of them even doe el guerito was hes main distribudor for mz in arizona

    3. Se mas de lo que pensas ..stupid u what do you know.

    4. Hahaha chapos nephews wasnt talking to the DEA. That was all chapito isidro killing people

    5. El cholo we be dead in a but 2 mouths..remeber this 2 mouths from now.

    6. A whole 2 MOUTHS from now huh.. lol

    7. Another chapito isidro nuthugger youre one of those idiots dat believe every death in sinaloa is because isidro is killing chapos shows u know nothing and go of blog de narco coments isidro never killed an alto mando fom chapo or mayo Pistoleros yes el pancho arce was killed by el 20 gente de carillo but you dont metion the fact that cds levanto y descuartuzo a el wacho who at that time was bigger than chapo isidro now thats limpia Believe wat ever u want from any idiot in any blog dont comment if you dont know shit stupid ass

    8. El guacho no fue descuartizado.....y su muerte fue por lo de marcial fernandez......

  51. Just saying..becuase sonora is all control by the sinaloa cartel every plaza is theres in that state.

  52. Why would el cholo be hiding from el mz? That's bull crap

  53. Chapo's still murdered many innocents just to get where he is now....just because he is being all goody goody too shoes now dont excuse the fact that there still digging up mass graves of innocent people that never wanted to side with him or were at the wrong place at the wrong time.. fuck chapo he is a piece of shit...

  54. Like in other pictures and clothes he wears chapo try always to look bigger! So its him!

  55. "addicts say they don't got a problem u beleave that beleave nothing u hear and half off what u see sir or mam peace LoKs"
    Run that by us again,i think i need glasses?Believe half of what you didnt see and a little bit of what you felt?No thats not right...Believe a lot of what you say,and a whole lot of what you eat?No,thats not right,,

  56. Who is 50? Any info on him?? What's with this letter about?? Its way to complicated cuz lic damso is one chapos top men.

    1. El Cholo Ivan is el 50?He was the one that has been keeping el Chapo Isidro from completely taking over Guamuchil,and Culiacan.

      His girlfriend Miss Sinaloa was killed by the military

    2. No. El 50 es francisco torres sobrino de manuel torres. El cholo ivan es ivan orso gastelum. Pero el 50 no es nadie. El que se quedo con el puesto es compadre del M1. Le dicen el 9.

  57. Damn he's fucking goofy looking! To the dumbass saying that he does'nt kill innocents look on youtube at the video of Creel, Chih where his men killed a whole family or the others when he started the war. Go to Chihuahua to witness firsthand or Durango to the mass graves. Just because its not on here does'nt mean it did'nt happen. Obviously you're a teenager that believe the media hype.

  58. Word on the street in Culiacan is that the Mayos are fighting the Chapos because they are tired of the war and because Mayo his son set free so he offered el chapo. That he can't be trusted thats why the BLO's are cool with the Mayos. That Chapo setup el vicentillo because he did'nt send his suckass lawyer. Don't want to pissoff the fanclub or the guys that know them personally so take it like a grain of salt cool guys. Its just hearsay like i said. Also that the BLO's chased him to central America thats why there was so many killings in ZZZinaloa.

    1. El CHAPO y EL MAYO estan mas unidos que dont mix things up here


  60. 12:10AM

    Rather presumptuous remark.

    As long as readers can communicate their message in a way that is understandable that should be good enough. This is not a grammar class, and MANY readers are ESL, maybe ETL. In such cases I think of it as brave to try and communicate in a language that is out of ones comfort zone.

    You entire comment was about grammar and so off topic that it had zero to do with the content. Maybe it's because I am grouchy and feeling pain from my broken foot, but I think your comment is rude and irrelevant.

    Secondly, not everyone has the benefit of an education, and 38-45% of our readers are in Mexico.

    Give it a rest

    1. Chivis your work is awesome!

    2. Amen preach it sister!! I just said the same thing in a comment.i am from the u.s and ive never had any trouble understanding anybody on here even the ones whose english isnt that good but i still understand what they are talking about.i do not know spanish so if its all in spanish then im out of luck but i go on to the comments i can read.that guy was just an idiot and sorry about your broken foot hope it gets better and by the way i really appreciate what you do for us non spanish speaking ppl.if it wasnt for you and this website i would not known very much about whats going on in mx as our media here doesnt cover this stuff

  61. Compre una camisa bien chingona del señor, en Zazzle. 'ta biiien perrona!

    1. Limpiate el culo con la camisa del "senor" que panomas eso sirves.. pocho!

  62. Ay 945 pm no ables puterias si no sabes como se mueve el agua ain't no chaps or mayos fighting each other dummy there would be chaos in chapos and mayos territory like in Reynosa Baboso quit talking out your nalgas when I see it with my own ojos ill believe it.

  63. Chivis you are beyond awesome but the grammer comment as irrelevant as it was was fuking cool am mexican american and when am in mexico and talk our way of speaking spanish am corrected like there's no tomorrow and reminded how pocho we are and personally I don't care how you spell do your thing but the picture TOOK N of chapo in the pool looks more like jorge porcel then chapo

  64. Chivis for president!
    That comment pissed me off also and I was going to write something but you and the guy whose comment was attacked took care of things better than I could have.

    Grammar Police move to CNN

    1. Yea we are not writing a resume for a job.that guy was just so OCD and anal.i bet their closet is color coded lol

  65. For the idiot above claiming that cdg has tunnels..lmao.. dude why are you lying.. cdg is nothing more than street hoodlums fighting for El Chapo's cause.. even in their climax they have never pushed as much drugs as Sinaloa, Juarez, or the Tijuana cartels have. Everyone knows that golfitos extort, kidnap, and steal to make ends meet. and how if the territory controlled by golfos is tamaulipas which is separated by a river from the U.S. building a tunnel under the border in this part of the country would be an almost impossible task.. Sinaloa controls everything from Chihuahua to Tijuana and there is no river only a fence if that... building a tunnel would be alot easier here than in tamaulipas.. please get your shit right if your gonna comment.. cdg is shit compared to SINALOA!!

  66. hey chivis

    proceso ran your chapo photo and has a post about your article

  67. Hey 1:13PM

    I saw the PROCESO article. The foto has gone viral as they say.

    and thank you to all the readers sending me the heads up that Proceso wrote about my post....paz, chivis

  68. March 14, 2013 at 9:38 AM
    "Look i didnt go to school cuase i had to work sends i was 8 years old ..i didnt have the opperturnitys u had ...i learn english my self just by listing to a friend talk to me in english and he knew no spanish"
    Brother,you don't have to apologize to that fuckin idiot.You can write and speak English,you are somewhat bi-lingual,which is more that can be said for that whining bitch and i.We understand you perfectly,take no shit off these picky girly men.You can speak 2 languages,most here cannot,you get me brother.Saludos bro.

    1. You go boy!!! I read,write and spell in the english language very well and i understood you perfectly but i do not know spanish so you are one up on me and i have a pretty good education.dont let no one put you down you are doing just fine with it

  69. Muchas gracias ..saludos a ti bro..and stay safe buenas noches.

  70. Man i hate chapo I cannot belive mexico wont give him up.Even Lazcano was bearable

  71. There's things you will never understand about the mafia its a very sophisticated business which everyone seems to underestimate, Guzman cartel is one of the worlds most organized enterprises if legal it would be at the top of Fortune 500 everyone in that "enterprise" works with a code of honor only the major players call shots unlike other cartels to where anybody can call hits and do whatever they want they dont report to their bosses and operate on their own terms.

  72. To March 13, 2013 at 8:59 AM

    Sounds like chapo is keeping his word to protect the people against the z's


  74. I'd feel safer with Chapo than the Mex govt


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