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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Colombian Kingpin "El Papero" captured linked to Juarez Cartel

BOGOTA, - Colombian authorities captured the veteran capo of the dismantled Medellin cartel, Marco Antonio Gil García, alias "El Papero", alleged partner/associate of the Juarez cartel, according to the Criminal Investigation Department (DIJIN).

The capture occurred in western Bogota, the Colombian capital, when the drug trafficker "driving his truck contacting one of his partners," said the report, issued in conjunction with Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization).

According to security agencies, Gil Garzon, 69 years old, "enjoyed the fortune he amassed during his almost 30 years as a senior drug partner of Fabio Ochoa Vasco, Edgar Guillermo Vallejo Guarin, Beto Gitano, and Miguel Arroyave in Colombia." 

The Colombian capo was also a partner of Eduardo Gonzalez Quirarte (alias Lalo) and Alcides Ramon Málaga (alais El Metro), henchmen of Amado Carrillo Fuentes (Lord of the Skies), principal leader of the Juarez Cartel, now deceased.
According to the authorities, in the mid-1990s, when the Colombian authorities hit the Medellin cartel, Gil Garcia was responsible for procuring drug routes, men, weapons as well as establishing new partnerships.

The drug trafficker created alliances with Mexican drug traffickers arranging drug shipments from Colombia and Venezuela to Central America with final destination being the United States.

Gil Garcia managed to structure a significant business network in central Bogota marketing  perishables, potatoes, flowers, intertwined with his construction, transportation, travel businesses arranging the transfer of goods and passengers. He owned real estate businesses in Colombia as well.

The detainee will be brought to justice in Colombia "for the crimes of manufacturing, possession and trafficking of drugs, money laundering, conspiracy, and illicit enrichment of individuals," added the report.

Sources: NoticiasExcelsior, Military Protection Juarez Cartel

News Of A Kidnapping - Gabriel Garcia Marquez - one of many good books on Colombia


  1. What? This is crazy and people say cdj ain't trakateros anymore.

  2. Ah Havana- Sure you got that foto correcto? He looks exactly like someone I saw (an old geyser) recently on the pedophile next door? At least this way i know the old creep won't be out on the street offering my sweet child with a sweet tooth candy.

  3. Hey, how'd you get that photo of my abuelo? He ain't involved in that shit! Leave my family out of it or I'll be forced to squeal to your jefa Chivis!

  4. He lasted long time narco grandpa

  5. @4:09 pm- I pulled the photo off of a pedophile website. Talk to @3:59 pm

    1. Hahahahavana! U will get yourself in trounle making a joke. Come back to the forum where your humor is always appreciated! Thanks for the story about the child molester.

    2. Was El Papero caught luring muchachos with potato chips?

  6. That's not right....acf robbed medellin Pablo and oocha for thousands of kilos of dope stored in juarez and then started to work with cali cartel.....not sure how much accuracy is in this article....respect
    atte. ThinkTank28.7 N.V.

    1. Thinktank I have bein reading your comments and you are correct in alot of comments . I thought amado was a honest drug dealer but he was just a opportunist . That's why the ocha family killed him and send a reef to his funeral

    2. TT, can you be specific and say exactly what is not "right"?

    3. TT, It is a honest question and you replied with name calling. My assessment of you was correct after all.

    4. ....the persona at the bottom of th.comment board....

  7. 5:08 pm - true but after the obvious changes, renegotiationthey drifted back into transport

  8. It sounds like this guy was linked and was a heavy back in the day, but was now living off the fat from all his previous activity back in the day before all the dismantling of his Med. Cartel. That makes sense.

  9. I read that gabriel garcia marquez kidnapping book. There are similarities between Colombia's organized crime/kidnapping then to Mexico's current problems. Good tip off

  10. March 17, 5:08,,, your right something aint right in this article. Juarez had beef with medellin, unless medillen got restructure but i doubt it

    1. Also wasn't.Norte De Valle cartel Remants of the Cali.Cartel.?? Correct me.if.I'm mistaken, or was it.Medellin , And the Office Grupo is.Remants of medellin , cuz I.remember JAGL was connected to the last chapters of Pablo, The Mexican, and Oocha associates and purists....
      atte. ThinkTank 28.7 N.V.

  11. Photo mistake again. That's Jerry Sandusky being arrested outside his home in Pennsylvania. That guy is more concerned with banging soapy 10 year boys in the shower, than he is with running a drug empire.

  12. I taught los arellanos send to kill amado carillo fuentes. Amado was suppose to come back from that trip, and arellano had to give up his pistoleros, ramon wasnt gona give up his pistoleros to amado. We all know the story, amado never came back alive. Los arellanos try to kill amado carillo fuentes but they failed and amado found out and told ramon to give up his pistoleros. Ramon told him " no way josay"
    -Big Sur- ( I may be wrong, but thats how the story goes)

    1. 8:19 your correct . But their was a Colombian in the operation table that didn't suppose to be their and they say he was put their to kill him by the Ochoa

  13. LOL! Sandusky? En serio? No wonder! Havana really was telling tne truth about pulling him off the pedophile site. That is hysterical!!! Jajajajajajaja!

  14. This Doggie is not going to like steel bunkbeds and cold floors and Big Black Burly cell mates that call him "cookie". Well Pepe- it looks like what went around is fixing to come around for this asswipe cartel monkey!!! HA!! HA!!HA!!! Its great when you see them crash and Burn!!!

  15. @March 17, 2013 at 10:15 PM

    Stevie Wonder agrees.

  16. if you people believe THINK TANK 28/7 he's wrong in everything he says not most things just EverythinG .... not hating he's probly white guy that has no conects just toughts on wats going on. ...... tell u the thruth HalF of the news in borderland beat is fake only people involved know the thruth... atte 27

  17. Seriously guys-
    I just was told by Chivis that some readers actually truely believe that I used a photo of Sandusky! I don't ask much, but give me a little credit here.

    The photo that is running with the story is Marco Antonio Gil García, alias "El Papero" Check the links.

    Though I have to chuckle at you guys. I wouldn't do that. And he doesn't really look like Sandusky in my humble opinion.

  18. @March 17, 2013 at 11:26 PM

    Easily bamboozled by someone not even trying, you need to use Braille technology and keyboard if, like Stevie Wonder, you are also blind.

  19. I think most were teasing Havana back, but then it got nasty even bringing up times where Havana owed an apology in the opinion of some readers. Give me a break here. This is her style take it or leave it. She takes this very seriously but if we did not have some fun with it now and then we would go crazier than we are..Paz, Chivis

  20. @March 18, 2013 at 12:54 PM

    Some people get it and some doesn't. That's about it. :)

  21. Sandusky Cartel ...2:58 you are the ringleader

  22. What I don't get, is how was this guy able to get away with this stuff for so long. I mean everybody had to know that something was up with this guy. How did Joe Paterno just continue to let it go on? Nobody has mentioned this to my knowledge, but is it possible that Paterno was also banging the youngsters? Something just doesn't add up.

  23. @11:31 Ahahahaha! Sorry but you completely cracked me up and made my day. There is nothing wrong with comic relief. I for one welcome it as you know. Others criticize me for it thinking I take the situation too lightly. I assure you I don't.. Sometimes I just need the humor. So Thank you! And thanks to everyone for the comments and especially Chivis, for having my back.

  24. I'm bored. This isn't even a burning gas pump or a sabritas truck. Just a quibble between some partying kids and lying bored municipales that have to do somehing other than move tourist blocades


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