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Sunday, March 24, 2013

7 Executed in Uruapan, Michoacan found sitting in white plastic chairs

Borderland Beat

Updated: 4 of the Seven Identified. Names to follow.
Uruapan, Michoacan. - Early Saturday morning, motorists circulating about Paseo Lázaro Cárdenas, reported to police that on the roundabout, "Glorieta de la Pepsi, were seven dead, male bodies, hands tied, seated in white plastic chairs.  The rotary (traffic circle) is nearest the corner of Calle Niza, between the neighborhoods of Joyita and Los Viveros, in the vicinity of the Pepsi bottling plant. They were executed with a final gunshot to their heads, cartulinas lay on their chests.Two of victims had messages nailed to their bodies with icepicks.

Cartulinas said, "Warning, this is going to happen to all muggers, pickpockets, thieves of cars, homes and pedestrians, kidnappers, rapists and extortionists." 

The deceased are between the ages of 25 and 30 years, though one reportedly looked closer to 40. Some victims had tattoos and wore cholo type clothes, similar to what's worn by those who are often engaged in cleaning cars' windshields and asking for change from motorists according to reports.  

PGJ Inquiry

After finding seven dead persons sitting in white plastic chairs in a roundabout of Las Palomas, the prosecutor investigator assigned the Regional Deputy of Uruapan Justice to launch an investigation. From these facts it is known today, around 05:30, the state police was informed by C-4 (the Centre for Communications, Computing, Control and Command) on the roundabout traffic circle known as the "Glorieta Pepsi", seven males were found dead. State police officers of the Lázaro Cárdenas promenade, arranged the transfer of the seven dead bodies who died from a gunshot to the head. 
It is presumed that the victims were executed in the same place because  they found shell casings from a firearm in the soil.

Update According to reports from the State Attorney, four of the seven individuals have been identified as Santiago Gómez Ramos, 31, laborer, Jorge Alberto Téllez, 28 windshield washer: César Basilio Órnelas 17 years old minor, who was also a windshield washer and Alberto Rodríguez Vega, 29. The bodies of seven men were found shot to death, sitting in plastic chairs, with the coup de grace and a message of warning on a card in Uruapan, Michoacan. 

(With information and photo from Techie, 2 smaller one thanks Chivis)


  1. Eso deveria pasar en todos los estados de la republica. Los jefes de todas las plazas deverian enforsar esas reglas, y no dejar que lacras vivan y mantengan sus mugrosos visios terrorizando la gente humilde, trabajadora que no le hace mal a nadien

  2. That is something I've never encountered on any of our traffic circles. We call 'em rotaries too and many question the regional name. Totally absurd this story is.

  3. My whole life, since I was eight yrs old, my goal was to retire in Mexico. I'm really pissed that the cartel's are screwing me over. How can a beautiful country with beautiful people (most anyway) allow everything to be ruined. Mexico is a gold mine, everyone could be rich from tourists, expat's, retirees's, new businesses..but no. So now I'm stuck with what option, Canada..geez wow lucky me

    1. They are killing criminals and showing publicly they are dont taking crime.

      Are you planning to move to Mexico to retire in a poor crime ridden city and then commit crimes? If so I hope they put you in the same place.

    2. Sometimes we don't understand why things happen in such a relaxing and beautiful place where there is the most humble and decent people in the world. Then you got people who take at advantage of this situation and screw it up for the rest of the humble and innocent people. Two wrongs don't make a right but people are getting tired of the abuse and advantage people take over them. Sad but not all people are like that, it's universal and as we speak it's all over the world. I hope to retire and move ti México also

  4. BTW, the killers must be better informed than police
    they know who is rapist and who is extortionist

  5. Caballeros templarios all 7 of them. people killed them ....cause they are tired off them being theives. Todos unidos contra estas ratas,nomas matando, violando, robando a la sociedad nomas x que no kieren trabajar y andar de arrastrados.

  6. 'A picture paints a thousand words...' starting with, "Now, just how completely fu*ked up is that?" Can you imagine seeing that on the way somewhere early on a Saturday morning." First you'd register promanade crew, then why sitting down in a row? Then finally dead as a door nail and probably nearly run off the road! Rough!

  7. "Some victims had tattoos and wore cholo type clothes"


  8. I've been around there probably a million times and never noticed the statues. There is a big kidnapping and extortion problem here now. 1000 times worse than ever. Maybe the statuary will help with the social dilemma. A real artistic statement.

  9. Wow, haven't seen anything weird like this lately. A few years ago when Juarez was going full storm and El Teo was running crazy in Tijuana, we saw macabre stuff like this every other day. Now stuff like this is either rare or just not reported anymore.

  10. this smells like CT, so much for their "truce"

  11. Wow do you think municipal police ran interference.while this happend

  12. And the beat goes on!!!!!

  13. Words are pointless at this time, nothing can save Mexico except the good people(WHO KNOW WHO THE BAD PEOPLE ARE)taking the law into their own hands...
    And that never ends up good either.
    Such a shame!

  14. Esto lo hiso los CABALLALLEROS TEMPLARIOS asta donde se save los altos mandos de varias organisaciones ya pactaron de no cavidad en plazas a lacras y estan eliminando tanto miebros y lacras que viven de extorciones, secuestros, violadores, lacras anino jente...mexico libre de ratazz.

  15. New challengers to Templar presence in Michoacan? Sort of like the kind of massacre CKT would carry out during the war with LFM a few years back.

  16. @10:32 In my opinion Canada is the best country in the world, but if you were looking to retire in a place like Mex, there are other tropical countries you can look to, that don't get as much snow as Canada haha.

    The interesting thing here is that it's clearly made to look like the work of civilians, but what would prevent a cartel from writing a fake message like that to mask their own crimes? It may be like all the narcomantas that blamed Z40 for crimes which he later denied.

  17. everyone knows that is Los Templarios calling card to use icepicks like that....they have done this before too...exactly like this in those white plastic chairs

  18. You can be sure they were definitely crime victims because they had no choice to live. Whether they were guilty of some crime for which they paid the ultimate price, who the hell knows....

  19. The people vs hypocrites Knights Templar.
    and the armed guard supported by CJNG has arrived disguised as Peoples milita but really a public gateway for them to continue modus operandi.
    ATTE. ThinkTank 28.7 N.V.

  20. @4:39 that's not made to look like the work of civilians at all, the fact that the message is not signed doesn't mean anything when the whole thing has cartel shit written all over, this could be internal cleansing as the second comment said, it's what seems to make more sense, another cartel heating up the plaza would have left a different kind of message

  21. If they were dressed like cholo's they probably were cholo's. Here in Chihuahua where I live they commit murders, robberies and more. They are definitely a blight on society and the world is better off without them. They only know crime, period.

  22. Why are some of you worrying about the cartels in Mexico. They dont kill people who are innocent. So if you plan to travel, retire in Mexico do it. Dont be afraid of what you once always dreamed of doing. Its people like those which they stated that their lives end. Also those who do not follow the rules the cartels impose on the people. So if you create enemies with them you are most likely not going to live. In some ways it is actually helping people in those cities.

  23. I don't care what cartel these punks are affiliated with. All cartels suck and the members are pieces of shit. So who cares who belongs to who, ill be the first to donate 100,000 white chairs....if they promise to fill them with punks like this.

    Kill them all.

  24. Some of you guys make me laugh, specially Think Thank. Dude, the plancartas were sign by the Caballeros Templarios. First, you guys should do some research before commenting. In addition, for all the CJNG followers, the CJNG infiltrate the polia comunitaria in la Ruana because a guy name el abuelo a top rank leader from CJNG is from La Ruana. He has a lot support in that pueblo " ONLY" in that pueblo. How you think el CJNG infiltrate so easy la policia comunitarua in la Ruana? That does not mean that el CJGN is all over Michoacan. Again, doing research and knowing people from Michoacan would give knowledge of what is really happening in Michoacan. Oh, I was about to forget. Most of the people in la Ruana son sembradores de mariaguana. The reason they rebel against the Caballeros Templarios is because the CK were taking them for the mariguana plantations.

  25. @ 2:05 am Don't you dare to say that cartels are helping, they help no one by themselves, they do kill innocents, they do affect very much the lives of normal citizens in a very negative way, I live in Mexico, I'm not afraid for my life in general, but because of the cartels I have to be extra careful about ordinary activities that in any other country wouldn't require any extra thought, you do get used to these things, yeah, and just include them in your routine and go on with your life without thinking in them, but then every few days something happens that brings the tension back, an execution, a shootout, a kidnapping or something, pretty much everybody knows of at least one person who has been kidnapped, I do know of 3, none of them with any criminal ties...and you still say this is only among cartel members and they help people?

  26. Just moved from "beautiful" San Miguel Allende after two dreadful years. This kind of thing (murders, kidnappings, extortions, burglary, home invasions, robbery) happen every day in what these idiot ex-pats living there call "paradise", they live with their heads in the sand.

    Mexico is a lawless, corrupt, dangerous, dirty third world country that really hates gringos and I hope I will never have to return there.

  27. Congrats Havana. It is not the NY TIMES, but the NY DAILY NEWS credited your story as source in their story at
    It's nice to be noticed isn't it.

  28. As ironic as this seems to some of you the people of mexico have high morals. Its in our culture. So if the civilians had weapons the extortion would stop but instead were defenseless so these cartels take advantage

  29. The USA is to blame for every problem that Mexico, Central American and South American has. We are the problem. The USA is manufacturing these problems and these nations that should be safe are not.

    1. really .I visited Mexico many times in the 90's . You could go most anywhere and feel safe .within reason . The murdering mexican drug cartels are the reason the country is dripping blood . So take the freaking blame game home ,,,mkay .

    2. really .I visited Mexico many times in the 90's . You could go most anywhere and feel safe .within reason . The murdering mexican drug cartels are the reason the country is dripping blood . So take the freaking blame game home ,,,mkay .

  30. Thats some sad shit man,most of them are young bucks?Fuckin sad,their life probably a motherfucker anyway,and they end up like this?

  31. The US is to blame for all the problems and fools like you are to stupid to see it. The US has an uncontrolable drug problem. We have largest percentage of our population behind bars than ANY OTHER country in the world.

  32. Hello Havana,
    I read about this story in New York Daily News and I noticed the source link was BBB with your story. Congratulations that's a compliment. Awesome Job!

  33. Wow im from that city in mexico n its crazy because my aunts shop is like a minute away from where they were found and i would pass through there


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