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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Veracruz: A New Armed Group, Now Six in Mexico

Borderland Beat
With this group, Veracruz has two groups that have risen up in arms and defend the inhabitants that are abandoned by the government to the will of the Narco. As it is well known Veracruz is Zeta zone and the violence had been increasing day by day.
The other group of citizen defense is north side and is called Guardia Civil Huasteca (Huasteca Civil Guard).
Veracruz and Tamaulipas are narco/hot states.
The Gobernors Egidio Torres and Javier Duarte had been topped by the cartels that operate those regions ( they have turned a blind eye).
New armed group has been created; “Mata Secuestradores" (“Kill Kidnappers”) in south Veracruz and the group announced their list of condemnations.
A macabre discovery made by peasants of La Palma community when they found at the end of a reed bed, a black nylon bag which had a dead human body inside tied of feet and wrists with tape as well as blindfolded with the same material; and over the body a cardboard poster with names and threats.
Personnel of the Municipal Police, Secretary of Public Safety of Region IX and members of the Investigation Agency of Veracruz arrived to the place of the discovery and noticed that the corpse presented a blade weapon wound in stomach and an orifice of entrance and exit on the right calf. 
 At the same time, the head of the Municipal Public Ministry of Huevapan de Ocampo and the regional delegate of Expert Services,  conducted the  removal of the body which was transported to SEMEFO in Catemaco, where the autopsy will be made.
Yesterday afternoon, the corpse was identified by a relative, who said that his name was William Jagun Jimenez Castillo of 22 years old and was from Acayucan.
It should be mentioned that the cardboard poster had the following message:
"Fucking pigs, he is one of you, it is a warning for taking away belongings to those that work, and this is the beginning, we are going after you: Montalvo, Gaspar, Kiri, Kiose, Topota, Oaxaco, Chibolín, Andrade, Calaco, Giovani, Pollo and  loquillo. Atte. Mata Secuestradores (Kill Kidnappers) and  Z”.
(this is confusing, what I think it means is they are targeting both  kidnappers and Zetas)
For now, the competent authorities are doing  corresponding investigations to try to clarify this cunning crime.
Source:  Menny Valdz


  1. You can not trust or have faith in anything or anybody in Mexico, BUT it is nice to see THE PEOPLE taking matters in hand,people will solve their problems, Govt itself IS a problem from the get go!

  2. looks like his pockets were 187'ed


  4. Siempre a dicho que la solucion para combatir la delincuencia es que el pueblo formen " escuardones de muerte " en todos las ciudades y estados . Para acabar con la rabia a que matar el perro .

  5. February 16, 2013 at 12:27 PM
    looks like his pockets were 187'ed
    No shit

  6. do not trust a clandestine vigilante group no matter how altruistic their goals are. dont group these guys in with la Guardia Civil Huasteca. they are different. GCH is out in the open. these guys are not.
    matasecuestradores = matazetas = CJNG = 35 innocents murdered. Remember that?

  7. this is the next step in the Mexican Government's plan in turning the public against legitimate civil defense groups.

  8. just keep killing each other ,we don't care how you do it .

  9. @6:47pm your right,the other vigilante groups have a court and dont murder the bad guys like whats happened here in Veracruz.....i dont like how they think they have the right to take someones life...just like the Cartels and kidnapper's.

  10. Mexico is rich in lots of other ways other than drugs.
    Although the dope game is big business around the world. The USA could stop all this horse shit. But they
    wont. If Obama puts a stop to this which he could. What's happens to border patrol what happens to district attorneys what happens to judges what happens to deputies. All these people would be out of work. The CIA loves to divide and conquer. For the average person this bullshit. To the smart person they know my point. Puro Chicano power East Los Angeles. I've been dealing with these fucken gringos since birth. They have made my life hard on this side of the border.

    1. Not everyone in america thinks like u say we do.we know the cia and big money behind all this shit.we may be americans but we are poor and when u r poor in america u dont have much of a say in anything.just legalize the shit and be done with it.oh i forgot the pharmaceutical companies couldnt make money off their legal dope and they dont want to lose money to street drugs.sad but true no matter what country u come from its all about the benjamins.they have it and will kill to keep from losing it

  11. USA could stop all this goat shit. Although its big business on both sides of border. It's sad that kids and innocents is involved in this shit. These cartels should have rules and some type of under ground structure. All these cartel members are being teached
    how to be the best coward. How can you call yourself a man. Killing innocence! When Felix Gallardo was running the show. Everything was under ground and was running good. Once Felix Gallardo was arrested and he divided little cartels and left certain cartel in charge of different states. That was the beginning of All this goat shit!

  12. goat shit??? whats that meanses

  13. I'am not trying to down play the loss of life that is occurring in Mexico with the war on the cartels, but in the context of things this pales in comparison to the casualties of war for independence and Mexican revolution. It is estimated that both wars brought 1 million deaths. Other conflicts and plagues brought many more deaths. Violence and death seem to be way of life in Mexico.

  14. another mysterious vigilante group springs out of nowhere. They also despise the Zeta's I guess they can add them to the list of people who want to see all Zeta's drown in their own filthy blood.

  15. These are all citizens armed.groups backed by elements of o.c. and covert gov. agencies...
    atte. ThinkTank 28.7
    cuzzo we don't upgrade we advance to the next degree.

    1. Hahhahaha!! When are you going to become thinktank 30 upgrade to level 30 hahaha!!!

  16. February 16, 2013 at 9:51 PM
    "I've been dealing with these fucken gringos since birth. They have made my life hard on this side of the border"
    Ahhh,what do you want us to do,cry you a fukin river?And we gotta deal with cying bitches like you,puro chicano,fuck outta here with your bitch ass whining.

  17. ghost... ur rite bro the u.s.a govt. is behind most of the worlds conflicts they really dont care about other countrys as they say... they do what ever they want attack and kill who ever they want... and theyre the good guys come on they just want power over everyone... as long as theyre making money who cares how many people die how many families are destroyed they can just legalize and all this would end...

  18. @ Ghost --> You are a Racist piece of Trash and you deserve all the Misery that comes to you!

  19. @ Ghost... You need to stop Smoking that Meth Kid!
    You sound like a retard.

  20. Español, hablen español.No se entiende nada.

  21. To all the lames, that don't know shit go do your homework on life. Before you start running hot
    Breath. I pray for the kids and innocence in

  22. if you think crime would end if drugs where legal your a fool.the crimanal would just change crimes.the problem is greed and lust for power thats why they kill each other.

  23. @ Ghost..I pray you grow a brain you Racist Punk!

  24. Ghost! said...
    Oh,,,he started whining again

  25. February 17, 2013 at 11:57 AM
    "ghost... ur rite bro the u.s.a govt. is behind most of the worlds conflicts they really dont care about other countrys as they say"
    So fuckin what?Do you care or help your neigh-boor?Are you fuckin men or what?Fuck are you gibbering about?Who said the US had to care about fuckin anyone?Do you care about a stranger you fuckin phony ass whiner,why don't you people stop crying all the time and take charge of your own lives,take some responsibility for your own life.That is what adults do,believe it or not gringos dont get given nothing,in short fuckin grow up and be a man instead of a whining little bitch

    1. 5:38 why do you have have so much anger. Your mommy didn't give you
      love. What are you going to do when Obama makes it easier to get visa.
      For the people here in the USA that are Mexican. Start crying like you
      been. Calling me a bitch you don't know me son. Come to east Los Angeles and talk that crap. I'm Mexican American and proud. Viva Pancho Villa!

  26. "To all the lames, that don't know shit go do your homework on life"
    Wah,wah,wah,its all the fault of the gringos,wah,wah,wah.
    Errr,nothing to do with your attitude then ?

  27. February 17, 2013 at 11:22 PM
    "Español, hablen español.No se entiende nada"
    Huh,,,what,,its all a conspiracy to kill the Spanish language i know.

  28. "I've been dealing with these fucken gringos since birth. They have made my life hard on this side of the border"?
    Racist little bitch,and you wonder why you get negativity?
    Stick to the fuckin story at hand,fuck off to BDN and be as racist as you want.

  29. "I've been dealing with these fucken gringos since birth. They have made my life hard on this side of the border."

    me too, only i took advantage of the good they had to offer i.e., Pell grants, cal grants, student loans, and scholarships to get ahead in life. now i work with mostly all white collar gringos and they are a lot more supportive and encouraging of my personal growth, than any cangrejo raza i deal with...they aren't all bad, and most of my experiences with them (gringos) have been good...all that "puro chicano East Los" pedo, only serves to keep you down, and soldiering for la eme. makes you sound like a light colored nigga...and don't get it twisted, i'm proud of my raza, only i show that by being the best example of a mexican i can be, i read about our culture, learn our history, help others, etc etc...not just chanting some brown pride pedo and being angry...that financial aid is available to you too, ya know.

  30. This little Kid Ghost is obviously uneducated and involved in some type of criminal activity..
    Must have been deported a few times from the USA and now he blames all his pathetic problems on the racist gringos..
    Punk please, you sound like a broke record of ignorance and hatred..
    Do us a favor and shut your mouth, no one cares what you think.
    You are such a tool that you have to come back to this post how many times to try and prove you are hard?
    Lmao @ the little Ghost boy


  32. February 18, 2013 at 11:55 PM
    "Calling me a bitch you don't know me son. Come to east Los Angeles and talk that crap. I'm Mexican American and proud. Viva Pancho Villa"
    Motherfucker you callin me names and dont kno me.
    Man,i couldnt give 2 fucks where you from.Mexican-American and your cryin about gringos?Imma a fuckin gringo,do you think i wanna hear some fuckin doja sayin the same shit all the time?Yeya man,gringos make my life hard too,who do i cry too?You talkin straight racist shit,im down,get to it brr,dont pussy out,call me a craka,or whiteboy,am i one of them gringos who make your life hard?Viva Pancho Villa?

  33. February 18, 2013 at 11:55 PM
    "What are you going to do when Obama makes it easier to get visa.
    For the people here in the USA that are Mexican. Start crying like you
    You are to blinded by hate and stupidity to realize shit.Why did you or your fams come to the US?To get a better life no?Just like millions of different ethnicity's.So why would you want to make the US into another Mexico?Think about it,use your brain.Or would you rather complain and hate an imaginary enemy cause of skin color?

  34. For one smart guys! Im a native of Los Angeles!
    The border crossed us. So before you run your hot
    breath again. Just go play a game of slap yourself.
    To the brown brother your right! I'm done with all these lames and haters. We need more leaders for
    our people's here in the USA. I know in every ethnicity you got your good and bad. I like to play with
    the gringos, they love to stress and hate. See ya later bitches!!!!

  35. Ghost your a trip, you have the desire. Just turn the anger into positiveness. Use all that energy to teach and make leaders not killers and dope addicts. Mex
    has big issue, the usa some where across the line needs to get involved.

  36. @ Ghost!
    You lost,go get a job.

  37. "We need more leaders for
    our people's here in the USA"
    Not you then.Listen to La Raza here.

  38. February 19, 2013 at 10:10 AM
    "Pell grants, cal grants, student loans, and scholarships to get ahead in life. now i work with mostly all white collar gringos and they are a lot more supportive and encouraging of my personal growth"
    No wonder this guy got ahead.We could all learn from him and im a fuckin gringo.Greetings to you brother and go right ahead.I know for a fact we aint all bad,im one of them.I take a person as i find them not on skin color.

  39. The only way things have changed in the past, in any country, is when the people have had enough, and revolution changed the way things worked. These people use intimidation, death, kidnapping and threats to scare people into submission. I think that those who are taking a stand are brave, and smart because if not them, than who?


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