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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Executed for Reporting on Cartel Activities

This video was uploaded in a Facebook account from user "Movimiento Militarizado: Soldados Unidos," and is a video of an execution perpetrated by alleged members of the Gulf Cartel (CDG). A man is killed for suspicion of reporting cartel activities on social media networks. The executioners send a warning to all who dare to use social media networks to report on cartel activities.
Warning: Video of execution, discretion advised.



  2. that was quick,what...the bounty had only been out for what....a week and a half now,he was only warning people not to venture into dangerous hotspots....this guy was doin the right thing and gets killed for it...CDG,how low can you get.

    1. A week ago someone offered 46 K US dollars for information for the whereabouts of the administrator of VALOR TAMPS. I wonder if these are the same people that offered the reward as an overt death. I doubt they feel the need to wait for the information to come before they feel the need to make someone pay the ultimate. no matter the who what or why, it's just so sad.

  3. Chivis, un tuitero me dijo que el Administrador de VxT y él habían analizado el video, con fechas, etc. y piensan que es un "fake" solo para asustar a la gente, pero no quieren decirlo para que no se enojen más esas gentes. Si me entero de algo más yo te aviso.

  4. Was that him? Cant imagine that...

  5. golfas jajaj cmon golfas what a fake ass video that guy aint even the one from VXT jajaja golfas like always...and they say that the zetas only kiddnapp inocent ppl jajajaj there goes ur proof fucking chaputas nuthuggers and golfas

  6. I should have watched the video before asking whether or
    not this was related to valor tamps the guy mentions valor tamps before he is executed. I don't believe anyone was handed 46 K there's no honor in any of this

  7. 1:44AM
    Gracias amigo...

    The commenter is saying what credible sources are concluding that the video is a fake.

    The FB page is new and was constructed apparently only for the video. But no one is touching the story except BDN/Mundo who are prominently featured on the new FB page as links. hmmmm..something stinks..

    What I have learned is ValorXTamps twitter-and Valor for Tamaulipas FB don't even acknowledge the video or the story and as you saw from the admin his response when threatened he is not afraid to report ALL things and is committed to do so even if it takes his life in the process.

    IMO I think the video was produced for fear just as the 1:44AM states, it is a lot cheaper than 46K USD, and it appears some blogs have gone along with the ruse. It is frustrating because now some people will believe it, though most people are giving it the thumbs down.

    Remember the N Laredo executions of "Bloggers"? the first couple were found to have absolutely no connection to blogs or social network reporting. So Letra was more careful the next time as people expose the truth, in the message left with Nena's decap body it states "in case no one believes" alluding to the botched first killings.

    But narcos use innocents as props and use every scare tactic they can imagine. So I am taking this with a heavy grain of salt because the story is stagnant even after 2 days. however I appreciate the messages sent...goodnight world...Paz, Chivis

    1. Chivas- You make complete sense It's so evil that the citizens are being intemidated to keep them silent. Sickening, whether this is real or not. It makes a terrifying threat. Texas Grandma,thanks, and God bless the innocents!! Peace to México.

  8. This is fake Chivis, the admin from Valor por Tamaulipas wrote that he didn´t want to mention it but this video is fake, you can see there´s no blood coming out, when shot on the side of the head he fall to the front, the smoke from the gun crosses in front of the guy´s face before he reacts and falls, Someone pointed out that the camo clothing is actually hunting gear sold in various Tamaulipas and Texas stores.

    Here´s a thread in a forum that VxT admin visits: go to page 7 and theres the video and comments about it.

  9. Definitely propaganda,fake or not,CDG wouldn't do that,would they(sarcasm)take an innocent person,tell him a script to say,and execute him?CDG wouldn't do that.Go take a look at the latest CDG execution video,they are cutting a mans fingers off,after they have already destroyed his other arm,then slowly cut his throat,all while he stares mutely into the camera in shock,all while strapped to a chair for supposedly snitching?No,,,CDG wouldn't do that to an innocent.

    1. What vid are you talking about. Ive seen a lot of cdg videos but I dont recall the one you're describing. Where did u see it?

  10. The cartels arent doin anything different than what the US is doing in the middle east

    1. Oh and like the middle east jihadist are nice people? Remember 911? Those people in the twin towers didnt have any say so in anything.and benghazi? So i say the middle east people who are doing this have it coming to them from the u.s. same goes for the cartels that are doing this to innocent ppl their day is coming

    2. @ Feb 23, 6:48am - this is an infactual and irresponsible comment to make. If you knew anything about the men and women that serve in our military you would know that all members - combatants or not are trained in The Geneva Convention rules of combat. Having been one of those men that have served I know that 99% of US servicemen follow the rules and we do so knowing it puts us at risk and serves to advantage those that wish to kill us.

      Your comment could not be further from the truth and your irresponsible use of free speech is disgraceful to suggest that US troops in the middle east act no differently than coke fueled wacked out Cartel thugs that have as much self discipline as a two year old child. You should be ashamed, or else enlighten yourself to some reality if you truly believe the garbage you espouse.


  12. That's a fake video, I watch the video frame by frame and there is no blood, the guy is shoot from the side and yet the guy still moves his head back and falls forward. When someone is shoot in the head they just drop. Video 100% fake.

  13. Look at his hands they r in his pockets. Most times they would be tied up.

  14. We need more info like this

  15. Well I have seen many speculations for either argument but no one has yet presented any credible information to make a "without doubt conclusion" which by the way, almost never exists in cartel violence happening right now in Mexico, that should go without saying. Debate is important and everyone has a right to suggest their own opinion, but when I read a conclusive finding about the actual shooting from someone lacking a scientific forensic expertise, and is from the "cuff" type summation, you have to see it for what it is. Anyhow, it is interesting to read the opinions but this what I said when I made a decision to publish the video in the main page:

    "Yeah, I saw that but I posted for three reasons. According to some professionals in the field I spoke to who saw the video, it appears to be a real execution (no obvious red flags at first glance without in depth analysis) it's doesnt appear to be fake (although the possiblity still exists, as is the case wit hmany other events that are reported here in BB and other reputable media sources), I have not seen this video before and no one has produced a link yet where it has been posted before, and lastly these kind of videos can never be confirm unless someone who recognizes the victim comes forward, which almost never happens. And even if all the unsupported allegation of it being "fake" is true and was done to scare social media users, its still news worthy worth publishing to inform and allow BB readers to form their own conclusions.

    But remember we are here to share information not to be an official source, if we can find credible source to suppprt or discredit an event then we can certainly take that into consideration. Things in Mexico are fluid, lack investigative procedure from the government and many times are kept from the media. This new Mexican government administration has decided to take this approach, they stopped "presenting" the capture of big fish to the media and press conferences of big events, so expect this in how we gather information and our sharing of information then becomes extremely important."

    I typically do not respond to my posts, as I feel most of the BB community is smart enough to use common sense in the knowledge of cartel events but I felt necessry to at least explain my intent behind the posting of the video.

  16. U think they can get us in here

  17. "U think they can get us in here?"

    Not us, amigo. But definitely you :-)

  18. Not real; CDG does not look down on cartel war blogging, CDG not known for this.

  19. Who ever thinks this is staged is a.complete moron

  20. @ 6:35 AM
    Which video do you speak of? Ive seen lots of cdg videos but im not familiar with the one that you speak of. is it new?

  21. Like I said before the video is fake. On this link you can see the video in slow motion, you make your own conclusions.

  22. Anon February 23, 2013 at 1:01 PM You said Who ever thinks this is staged is a.complete moron.

    According to the video the person executed was from the facebook page Valor por Tamaulipas. The owner of the facebook page Valor por Tamaulipas said this video was fake.

  23. Buggs: I agree wholly with your perspective and policy response to the item.

    Keep publishing stuff like this ...I appreciate all you and the other BLB staffers do.

    As a researcher into the violence in Mejico, I fully understand that data about things that happen in the shadows may suffer from validity and reliability issues. I can deal with that in my own ways....But, I would hate to be denied "any" report on incidents that bears on issues of violence in Mexico as it relates to the "news" domain that BLB choses to operate in.

    Keep up the great work, and thanks again!!!!

    Mexico Watcher

  24. why in some cases with cartel hits, the bodies are burried somewhere clandestine, and in other cases they are dumped for all to see?? wouldnt this dude show up dumped somewhere to send the message home. anyway. why is he wearing bdu's??

  25. lame, that guy didn't report anything anywhere.... it's a lie. no need to kill reporters anyway. not like this.

  26. that video is real when people get shot they just drop and thats what he did it dosent matter
    if the gun shot him on the side and he was suppose to fall on the other side.
    YOU JUST DROP!!!well at least he didnt die like the 3 golfos
    now that one was hardcore.
    -AL QUDS

  27. Ok let me get this straight, cartels dont like people reporting on their activities but they have narco corridos singing about what they do??? Come on now really??? These people are fuckin stupid!


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