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Sunday, February 24, 2013

El Chapo: More Powerful than Ever

Anabel Hernandez-- Proceso (2-23-13)   Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

Far from being dead, El Chapo Guzman seems to be stronger than ever. His organization, the Sinaloa Cartel, is getting established in Mexico and expanding throughout the continent, according to an analysis from  Mexico's Office of Attorney General

(PGR: Procuraduria General de la Republica). The agency's intelligence section warns that, in its conflict with rival organizations over control of national territory, Guzman's mafia will spill much more blood in the country than has already been spilled in recent years.

MEXICO, D.F. (Proceso).-- Although he has control in 20 of the 32 states and is expanding his power beyond Mexico, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Joaquin Guzman Loera -- designated as Public Enemy No. 1 in Chicago, equal to the legendary Al Capone, according to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration -- seeks to expand his empire even more.

Classified by Forbes magazine as one of the foremost multimillionaires in the world, in recent months El Chapo began to restructure his criminal organization and also recruited minors, who he puts to work as "informants"; now, in addition to trafficking marijuana, heroin and cocaine, he has personnel who help him manufacture, distribute and sell synthetic drugs.   

El Chapo does not only want to maintain his domination, but also to enlarge his domain and finish off his rivals in the next few months, according to a document drafted towards the end of the Calderon administration by researchers in the PGR's Center for Planning, Analysis and Information in the War against Crime (Cenapi: Centro de Planeacion, Analisis e Informacion para el Combate a la Delincuencia). According to the document, the Sinaloa capo modified his organization and redefined his strategy for maintaining his power, expand his territory and acquire protection from the new PRI government.

And, although for Pena Nieto and his collaborators El Chapo is unmentionable and the word "cartel" has been erased from official speeches -- as if the criminal organizations no longer existed --, the Sinaloa Cartel is repositioning itself to take on its rivals.

According to the information obtained, the criminal group that El Chapo leads has the deepest roots, which "provides him flexibility and considerable ability for social and institutional penetration, and projects him internationally.  It is the most complex of Mexican drug trafficking organizations, bringing together several entities and criminal groups."

Unlike other criminal groups, El Chapo and his followers have been able to maintain organizational cohesiveness most of the time and, the PGR admits explicitly for the first time, today they are the most powerful.

His institutional protection networks are more developed, that's why they can deploy greater logistical capabilities"; the Sinaloa Cartel is omnipotent and omnipresent, for it is present also in Central and South America. And the report warns:

"He will reinforce his positions in Central and South America. His institutional protection functions are more developed than those of its competitor, the Zetas (cartel). They have more land-based and coastal trafficking routes, in addition to storage areas."

The Sinaloa Cartel is present in at least 20 of the 32 states in Mexico. From what can be determined from the analysis, there will be an increase in violence in at least 16 of the states in the (Mexican) Republic.

New "modus operandi"

Since January, 2001, when he escaped from the maximum security prison in Puente Grande, Jalisco, innumerable myths have been woven about El Chapo: that he was captured and they let him get away, that he was executed -- this story has gone around at least a dozen times --, like what happened on Thursday, (February) 21, in the Peten Department in Guatemala, which turned out to be false.

The truth is that in the last 12 years, the Sinaloa capo became an all-powerful drug trafficker. The Cenapi analysis asserts for the first time that the Sinaloa Cartel -- rechristened the "Pacific Cartel" by the agency-- is the most powerful organization because because it has greater protection from the institutions responsible for fighting crime and drug trafficking. 

"Its institutional protection networks are more developed; because of that, it can deploy greater logistical capabilities," the document states; it points to businesses, businessmen, current and former municipal presidents, judges, and even regional prosecutors in different states, as the organization's suspected accomplices.

El Chapo already controls the trafficking of marijuana, cocaine and heroin within and without the country, and is now more aggressively venturing into the production of methamphetamine.  This is true in Jalisco, where narcotics laboratories proliferate, as well as in the so-called "Golden Triangle," which encompasses the States of Sinaloa, Durango and Chihuahua.

The PGR investigation indicates that there are laboratories in the Golden Triangle with "different levels of sophistication and capacity installed."
It cites the one in Tamazula, Durango, "that was notable for the great size of the building that allowed, simultaneously, its use as a large capacity warehouse for precursor chemicals and drugs, and as housing for personnel who worked in the installations." The laboratory was dismantled on August 6, 2009.

In addition to the drug business, the official report admits that there are "related illegalities" in which Sinaloa Cartel members are engaged in, among them "extortion, unlawful deprivation of freedom, (constituting) kidnapping (of low and medium profile businessmen)", as well as abductions of rival gang members.

To increase control of the territory where he maintains a presence, it adds, El Chapo recruits minors to prevent his organization from being affected by casualties suffered during confrontations with gunmen from other organizations or with police, Army and Navy forces; they (the minors) are not subject to criminal penalties equivalent to those applicable to adults, which allows them to avoid prison and to resume criminal activities quickly.

In its "information follow-up" the PGR indicates that members of gangs such as "Los Antrax" and "Sanguinarios del M1" are in charge of hooking minors in the schools, especially high schools.

"It can be seen that that sector constitutes the bulk of the organization's base, while they are given specific tasks based on the behavior and loyalty they demonstrate, because they are so easy to manipulate and are replaceable in case they are arrested or killed by rivals or by authorities," states the document.

The majority are used as informants, whether it's "around the neighborhoods and colonias where they live, or through the Internet and social networks." In addition, they tend to join gangs and groups similar to the organization in the states where (the Cartel) has a presence.

One of these groups is known as Los Chapitos and it members are considered the "youth wing of the organization." According to the document, they are present in Nuevo Laredo and Ciudad Juarez.

(Portion of the main report in Proceso 1895, already in circulation)


  1. add a dope pic and its dope

  2. How is he gonna be stopped? if hes working with or along side the U.S. GOV.
    All this mass killings is to kill as many mexican people because the globalists and their agenda is to create THE NORTHERN UNION .

  3. Chapitos group in nuevo laredo jaja what a joke or is it they are behind the recent attacks in the city bueller bueller

  4. Un Vato- Great read. As, many will know, I think ALL CARTELS ARE KILLERS. With that the heck did a guy with a 3rd grade education make it to THE MOST POWERFUL?? Who did/does he have in his circle to pull this off? Back in the late 60's the only heroin you could get worlwide was from the Asian Golden Triangle(pre-American Ganster). For El Chapo to have gone global, who are his "friends" he needs to pull this off? I definantely agree with what one of your posters said about cleaning up China in 3 years. I'd love to see the US do the same,(never happen though). If you deal with the addicts,maybe the carnage in México of innocents would end. As for Chapo using minors now, nothing new for the cartels. But, EVIL, at the least. Thank,as always BB, Texas Grandma. PEACE TO ALL INNOCENTS. And, let's get "shorty", Sooner than later!

  5. Of course 12yrs. He rose to power because of the PAN party. It's sickning how this midget is allowed to a mass so much money & power and the politicians feed off his tit...Mexico is lost forever!!!!! I will never visit again. Too much barbarity...Too much corruption!!!!

  6. Wait but Stratfor told us the Zetas control most of Mexico!?! I mean how could they be wrong!?!?!?!?!?

    1. Borderland beat is a joke. They put out false info. Zetas r the most dangerous cartel in mexico. Drug wise chapo is the best traffiker. Also there r no chapitos in cd juarez. La linea still controls the streets juarez

  7. Stop it. You guys are going to give the guy a big head.

  8. Cooperating witnesses who are under the DOJ who last saw him in 2009, describe him being about 75 less then in the picture where he is with Don Juan. They also claim he has facial cosmetic surgery around the Eyes, cheek bones, nose & ears. Again this is just hearsay from morning drinking fountain conversations with lawyers.


  9. Having the most money, power, and influence, would be good enough reasons for Chapo Guzman to want to take control of more trafficking corridors;specifically the lucrative border corridors. Every empire throughout the history of the world had always looked to expand. From the Roman Empire to the Mongol Empire. From McDonalds to Wal-Mart. From the U.S. empire, in my opinion, to even the drug trafficking empire of the Sinaloa cartel. To the victor goes the spoils.

    1. 10:06am. When was there a time when McDonald's or Walmart killed their employees? Get your point but that analogy is laughable. Under paid but died? Thanks for the laugh!

  10. How does Mayo Zambada feel about this?

  11. chapo is my hero .. i wish i could be just like him

    1. 10:12am. Are you freaking kidding us? Or are you a 12 year old what to be Chapo? Do you have a complex because you are 3'ft.2.inches tall(haha), like "SHORTY"?. Or are you just another pycho would loves to post your love for another pycho,murdering,greedy bastard? Or all the above??? You need help dude,rehab possibly??? Thanks for making me realize once again, how screwed up people can be.Texas Grandma. Peace to all innocents.

  12. There's no jagl vs mz stupid ass

  13. It seems like the capos including Chapo are scapegoats at times. Why don't we ever hear about the corrupt wealthy elites or political bosses that pull strings etc..? There ar families that control whole industries and buy politicians too. The narcos do the dirty work of selling drugs etc.. , but kick their money upstairs. And when the secret powers have had enough, the capos get killed or captured.


    1. Being a slave is not problem , til the master can offer it

  15. Ariba el CDS Los Jefes Chapo Mayo Y Azul.El Bravo Los Talibanaes Gente Nueva Grupo Antrax .El Lic Damaso Los Mayitos Edgar y Alfredito y todo el equipo..

    1. Edgar esta muerto,menso chancludo!!.

    2. Muy chingon el sicario ese al 100 con pocho shube el pedron y Frankie puro pa dealante con sol equipo

  16. "El Chapo does not only want to maintain his domination, but also to enlarge his domain and finish off his rivals in the next few months"

    He's strong but I don't think he's going to be able to do something he's been trying to do for years, in a few months. I don't think his rivals Los Zeta's or others are going anywhere for a while yet and they'll continue to be a thorn in his side. He's powerful no doubt about it but he does not own that side of the world just yet.

    Eventually Chapo will meet his demise. They all do in the end.


  18. it said expanding into syntethic drugs, there has been explosion of "molly" pure mdma in crystal form in the US. years ago it was rare to see , in the past year now it is everywhere and cheap too any idea if this is cartel related or coming from somewhere else?

  19. Chapo Guzman, outsmarting governments since 2001

  20. What a bunch of El Chapo worship bullshit. Just a bunch of crap. All based on some BS analysts opinion. Give me a break, these clowns work so hard to put an article together and piece information and think they figured it all out and can predict the worlds end. Come on. And to introduce hiring teenagers as if Chapo was the first to think of this. Come on. Zetas been there and done that for years. And he controls all heroin, cocaine, and marijuana in Mexico, "really." An he is just now getting into the amphetamine but well on his way, how out dated is that bullshit. This whole article is about banging the Chapo tangerine. There is no substance to it. Maybe the coalition is doing what he use to do, put the attention on him to draw the heat. I bet El Mayo is distancing himself even more from Chapo. Anyway, doubt you will get my opinion, my stuff get black balled.

  21. Guerrero @5:43 Chapo influences the government with lots of money for protection. He can go where he likes. He has been seen in Guatemala , Nuevo Laredo , Juarez and other southern cities. S.o.c.

  22. Why would Mayo distance himself ftom Chapo now? That makes no sense, I love how all the morons think Mayo is a saint or something.

  23. If you see valor por Tamaulipas in Facebook you can read that CDG is Kicking zetas ass .

  24. "Chapo Guzman, outsmarting governments since 2001"

    Now that is funny my friend.
    You think Chapo will open his own line of wine, and perhaps sports clothing as well?? Hahahaha!

    Don't anybody worship Chapo. He's a man like everyone else - and a deeply misguided one who is headed to the depths of hell. His key to success is that he has EVERYONE on his payroll. Everyone that matters ... that is.

  25. 8:06 Don't anybody worship Chapo. 8:06 Well said. you hit the nail on the head Chapo is no saint hero or someone to emulate & idolize he's a man that will try to step crush anyone that gets in his way of achieving what ever goal he has set for himself at that time, people should not look up to this man.

  26. Anybody remember narco jr's in TJ late 80's to late 90's, Arellanos recruiting kids from wealthy families both sides of border. When caught they got off hook using influence.

  27. Chapo Guzman is a myth. This story is exaggerated. 1 billion isn't shit compared to what governments have at their disposal. He's either the world's best protected rat or dead and people still claiming his name.

  28. @ 8:56 am... You are correct. This is a Government Cartel these fools are idolizing. I am doubtful there is even a Chapo involved. This cartel is high federal officials at war against state officials. Another thing, the PRI will be backing the state cartels and the myth of Chapo will probably be used as their Red Heron.

  29. @ 6:03pm dude all those high kicks and cartwheels for the zetillas got you all dizzy, you're pathetic.

  30. In 1989 Pablo Escobar had 25 billion us dollars acording to Forbes.If Chapo has more influence smuggles more drugs (synth) and is more powerful than he ever was how is it that he only has a billion according to Forbes. EL Chapo is protected by CIA Wall Street and the Banks....arriba el senor Chapo saludos a los talibanes y El Bravo pura gente de negocios pesados en Mexico y todo el mundo

  31. @February 25, 2013 at 5:00 AM
    "Chapo Guzman is a myth"
    I think some people are getting a little bit awed again what do you think?"Thanks for making me realize once again, how screwed up people can be""because you are 3'ft.2.inches tall"No?Thats just my cock?This story is exaggerated.I always wanted to be just like him and raise my sons just like him,whats wrong with that?But then i realized i identified with Grande Bolas the main sicario of Tijuana and bloodthirsty.Dont forget nueces grandes,his primo and floppy registro,his main man in TJ and tejas abuela his main ho in Tijuana she is said to be meaner than him and takes anyone on in pants el azote burro

  32. @ 6:03pm dude all those high kicks and cartwheels for the zetillas got you all dizzy,If you see valor por Tamaulipas in Facebook you can read that CDG is Kicking zetas ass and i for one am all dl for it,always i am el azote burro who amores tejas abuela más y más i wnt to fornicar without lubricante.Another thing, the PRI will be backing the state cartels and the myth of Chaputo ?

  33. The taliban is worse than this so is kony from lord resistance army. Worse

  34. nothing new here, just anothoer chapo nuthugger article.

  35. The richest man in the world is not Slim Helu either. The richest people in the world are probably the Rothschilds. People like them and the Warburgs have been known to fund opposing sides in wars at the same time. The private central banks of nations, the federal reserve anyone, was their idea. Also, I believe JAGL has way more than 1billion. He 's been the head of his cartel since 1989.

  36. you best beleive help has come by way of the CIA

  37. " definantely agree with what one of your posters said about cleaning up China in 3 years."

    That poster overlooked many things, it was a different time with many different things - what happened in China will not work at all in Mexico.

  38. "The richest man in the world is not Slim Helu either. The richest people in the world are probably the Rothschilds."

    Together the Rothschilds might be but as individuals perhaps not.

  39. so basicly el chapo is mexicos version of
    saddam hussien. also i have a theory that el
    chapo is hideing in cuba just think about it
    its very close to mexico D.E.A cant set foot
    in cuba its like a drug lords peradise.
    remember just a theory.
    -AL QUDS

  40. 90% percent of americas drug users are not white
    not black not latino not asian.
    the truth is that all drug users are GANG MEMBERS
    and there are all types of gang members white gangs
    black gangs asian gangs lets not forget
    mexican gangs. so its not just the white people
    that are fucking up lovely mexico it the sur 13
    its norte 14 its the bloods and crips that
    fuck up mexico with there nasty habits/ cocaine also to the smart guy that says america needs
    to experience the pain. its called street gangs!!!
    to the guy that says america

    1. Wow you are wrong my friend, I know pretty much all gang members use drug but they are by no means the only ones! I graduated from high school 3 years ago and am in college now, but I can tell you when I went to high school almost no one was in a gang and/or had gang ties and I would say 80% of the school use drugs. Whether it be marijuana or ecstacy they were used by nearly the entire high school.

  41. 8:23: The fact that the Zetas are the most dangerous cartel is not the point. Sure they are, at least for unarmed citizens. The point is that the Sinaloa cartel controls a larger portion of the drug trafficking than the rest of the cartels put together.

  42. "the truth is that all drug users are GANG MEMBERS"
    There are many intelligent dudes in gangs who don't touch drugs,they make money,the be all and end all of this life,and no,it is not easy money.Much as people like to say.Many many"good kids"use ex all the time to party and they"definitely"aint in no fuckin gang,good punters though i imagine?

  43. repect you chapo your organization dont kill women and kids fuck the haters


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