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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Guadalupe y Calvo Ongoing Battles for Drug Smuggling Routes - 11 Die

Borderland Beat
El Diario and various media outlets reported last summer, during July and August, that the entire police force of Guadalupe y Calvo deserted when gunmen from the Sinaloa cartel  overtook the area. 

"Last night the municipal police ran out, everyone left,  like 40 policemen, including commanders and principals, all surrendered their weapons and left because the gunmen threatened them and right now there is nobody to care for citizens".

"We are very afraid, no police and we are at the mercy of thugs, because there are just a few of the Judicial police who we do not want to leave..."

"Here the army does nothing, there are armed people everywhere, we know that there are many of Sinaloa gunmen but they do not stop them,  "We need help, the authorities know that the citizens of Guadalupe y Calvo are in danger."

Towns people also said that for months the criminal group of Joaquin  El Chapo",Guzman Loera, " was maintaining control of Guadalupe y Calvo, and that between 26 and 29 of July they took up arms to all agents, who charged 10,000 pesos per weapon to recover.

This information was denied by the Attorney General. In a statement, the agency reported that "there is no evidence on that group, no incidents have been reported, while they continued the ordinary coordinating with state forces military personnel stationed in the region of Chihuahua.
Friday and Saturday was the same repeat insecurity scenario in Guadalupe y Calvo

In what's become an all too common turn of events for the community of Guadalupe y Calvo, who once  again submitted to the violent gunmen who blocked streets, killed citizens. They burned two houses and fought in skirmishes until Sat. morning.  Eleven people died in different neighborhoods and there's an unknown number of wounded.

Around 19:00 pm, masked men armed with assault rifles, closed streets around a town plaza, entered two homes and executed two men,  later set fire to two houses that were located in the same area.

Throughout the night, without the support of military, municipal or ministerial police officers, clashes continued at several points in the town, where the dead and wounded were left behind.

In the morning, three more people were killed outside wake visiting facility which already had the bodies of the first victims.

The situation was considered a security emergency.  General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, official Mayor of Sedena from the Office of National Defense ordered troops to the mountainous area
At noon on Saturday Dec. 8th, convoys of soldiers from the 42nd Military Zone based in Parral were moving towards the town of Guadalupe y Calvo.

Sources in the Southern Zone, based in Parral, confirmed the death of eleven people, and noted that it would be from clashes between rival drug groups and claims arising from the breach of agreements at the end of the year.

The village is in an area considered a  'war' zone between drug gangs from the Sierra, which are contesting the routes for the smuggling of drugs.

Due to the number of men,  and the type of weapons used by those who were assaulting the town, the Ministry of Defense ordered to take over the safeguarding operation of the people of Guadalupe y Calvo and the prosecution of the criminals.

The village has endured various similar versions of this same story, as recently as a month ago a commando kidnapped a young man, son of one of the strongest candidates PRI municipal president.

The ten thousand villagers are terrified by the lack of security, and dismayed by the death toll of the clashes. Among the victims of the most recent flare up was a 17 year old.

Universal reports in summary, at least eleven people were shot dead by suspected criminals in the northern Mexican town of Guadalupe y Calvo , located in the Sierra Tarahumara, the state of Chihuahua, northern Mexico, authorities reported today 

Friday night six people were killed in two separate events and five others yesterday, apparently by the presence of a criminal group in the town, home to 10,000 people,

In the first incident occurred on Friday, three men aged 17, 22 and 37 years were killed by gunmen and were attacked hours later two more than 35 years each, and one of 40, told EFE spokesman Prosecution Chihuahua, Carlos Gonzalez. 

Villagers polled by Reuters said the access roads to the town were closed by gunmen who apparently entered several houses to kidnap local people. One of the kidnapped men was later found dead and identified as Rogelio Ponce Rodríguez, 40.

Local residents reported that one of the groups that took over the town fled in the direction of the highest parts of the Sierra...


  1. I told you before. Let me do it again. Chapo is no longer in mexico el señor loera guzmán isn't going back to prison. The mexican govt is doing all the killing. The cds cells are fighting over control against each other all over chihuahua,durango,and Sinaloa please believe me . This is gonna be over soon there is no unity. With Chapo out of the picture these lame fucks will kill each other soon. Puro sinaloa plebes

    1. I don't think so man talking out ure ass only they know what's really happening

    2. Who's they? Your amigos huh? How do you know this guy is wrong. Did your cousins friends uncles girlfriends tell you something? Yo vivo en chihuahua primo. Aqui el cartel de sinaloa se estan matando entre ellos mismos. Ya están igual que los jotos de los zetas. Don't forget el estado de sinaloa had 125 murders last month. That is no coincidence. A todos se los carga la berga

    3. Yo se todo si si

  2. Ah yes beautiful Mexico where there is no govt except extortion bribes and abuse of power, AND where citizens CAN NOT DEFEND themselves. Trust the govt you OBOMAcrats.

  3. Chapo needs to come back so they ( Zetas or Military ) can KILL that motherfucking midget.. Fuck sinaloa

  4. True Colors of the CDS is coming out,fkn murderers!!!!.....

  5. Seems Havana posts stories that more than anything gall her. This should gall everyone in Mexico cause what the folks of Guadalupe y Calvo have to endure because of inothing more than its location and cartels' greed.

  6. i agree. el chapo is no longer in mexico. the govt. is doing all thee killing. they run the trade. everrybody is fiighting everybody. arrivaa mi Sinaloa. tierra de reyes.

  7. thats too bad it looks like a nice little mountain village, they should have turned it into a ski resort and made it a tourist destination...

  8. Bloody Fools,why dont they just share the smuggling routes.....

  9. @9;45PM
    the govt. is doing all thee killing. they run the trade

    no its not quite like that you idiot! there is corruption sure but believe it or not there is still a lot of the government who actually wants Mexico rid of these vermin but your probably one of these types who thinks 9/11 was an inside job too.

  10. Mexican narco cartels have more than a trillion US dollar stacked away in banks...Why don't they do something good for Mexican society with some of their wealth? Too much of greed & murders have made Mexico a nightmare.

  11. You fools need to stop speculating in your comments you have no idea what's going on.

    1. Please tell us. I am just a fool for you.

    2. Ooooh. I bet ypu know something!! Or everything judging from your comment you are a cheerleader that can't stand the FACT that the cartels will turn on each other. It's been going on for centuries a humble beginning turned evil by greed. Suck it up vato. Remember once you turn 18 you can move to mexico and start your own cartel. It'll be awsome maybe Chapo will come back and join it. Cool huh.

  12. In the one picture it looks like the ground is covered in snow.
    Does anyone with knowledge of this area know if snow is common there?

    1. Yes during the winter we get alot of snow and Im from a small town in that region that is runed by la linea still so it might be la linea

  13. Les ase falta el Ondeado... el JT... el plebe del Fades... uno muerto.. el otro en prision... y el ultimo en san diego viviendose su vida...

    Sinaloa se calmara pronto plebes.

  14. What do you mean, "who cares?" You should care that opportunistic thugs are ruining many, poor,undeserving lives to further their own selfish monetary gains and getting away with something that is spreading and making even more people suffer! Obviously, you are clueless and lack compassion.

  15. Yes it is very typical to find snow in this part of Mexico, specially between November and January. I'm from Chinipas, Chihuahua in the high part of the Sierra Madre and we too get a fair amount of snow in the winter.

  16. Yes it is very typical to find snow in this part of Mexico, specially between November and January. I'm from Chinipas, Chihuahua in the high part of the Sierra Madre and we too get a fair amount of snow in the winter.

  17. It's la sierra madre and it can snow there. That is southern part of Chihuas which does get cold in the winter because of the altitude.
    Also, my speculated opinion. When Che-Salguiero was busted in Parral a few weeks ago it left a ridge open for now the GN-themselves and the Linea who are being supported by BLO and Z's. This area is very lucrative for routes and for cultavting of weed there. I haven't seen in reports who cleary took over the Parral plaza.
    With reports of M10 coming in to try and take over and now this reports. No one really knows what it is going. I am sure CDS with all the interest and work they put in to securing some of those areas and with their ties to local mafiosos have put someone in place. But as you can see it's clearly disputed still.

  18. If the locals had guns, it would be a different story. Arm the people you dummies. Then you will solve the problem. 10'000 people should get 100 guys with balls to take on the druggies. Mexico could take back it's towns one x one.

  19. So sad. My dad is from this land and well, I had the hope of one day being able to visit this land. To see where he grew up, where he played and worked as a kid. I don't think it'll ever happen. He used to tell us stories about Guadalupe y Calvo. Most of the killings back then were because of girls. His brother got killed because he went to rescue my aunt from this guy who wanted to marry her. It was to protect the family's honor. Not saying it was the right thing to do but right now they're killing for the hell of it. To feel the rush and to impose fear. That's not the way to live. Yeah, they bring fear to other people but for what? Some lousy coins? Such a great country. The sierra is a great place to get away from it all but not to get away from this life.

    Hope one day all of this changes and we can be the peaceful Mexico it used to be. Walk the whole city without fear of being kidnapped, caught in a gun fight or that sort of thing. My fondest memories are from Mexico. Walking to school and buying un raspado on the way or maybe a soda in a bag with some pizzerolas or rancheritos. No fear of nothing. Just being a kid. I can't believe all these Mexican kid's memories will be of beheadings, killings and injustice.

  20. The United nations needs to take over...pronto

  21. December 10, 2012 10:18 AM
    "You fools need to stop speculating in your comments you have no idea what's going on"
    Yup,i was thinking the same thing.Mexican or American,most don't know who is fighting up there right now.
    December 9, 2012 6:33 PM,,makes sense and sounds as though he knows what he is talking about,but you never know?We need Mexicans from the area to be able to speak without getting flamed on here?Hopefully someone will clear some of this up?

  22. Just love that entrance,looks like cobble stone.
    And too the right side looks like a mini watch tower,how cools would love climbing that entrance...i know i would,and im an adult.

  23. YES CARTELS HAVE A INFINITE AMOUNT OF SUPPLY OF MONEY. but how is it possible that they do? well its easy the biggest Consumer of drugs in the world , does the dirty laundry as well. how else would you think they can keep up with their economy. check texas state money records, its absurb the amount og money going in, compare to what is produced. it doesnt add up the wealthies banks are in the south, gun shops and places where NArcos buy their Mexican law enforcement clothing. there is videos proving this. they buy semar, sedena and police outfits in stores widely available to them in the southern states. We want to help mexico? lets starts by asking for the money to be traced, i can guarantee you it wont happen any time soon. why? because if it does many important people in the us will fall, along with the us economy. or why elsedo you thin they are actually allowing MJ to be legalized in two states. The black market is bringing them too much attention, they need to reform and bring inthe money but clean. This is reality. this is what'shappening in the world. we need to open our eyes. because mexicans alone couldnt get that amount of money for this stupid war btw cartels n government. nor they can obtain such high grade assault rifle.s we know who sponsors terror but we decided to turn a blind eye. This needs to stop. because im predicting as i have before n i have see things come true. its a matter of time before We hear assault Rifles firing outside our homes. YEs people we need to stop this before it his our house. Remember Karma is a bitch.

  24. This is what greed looks like. Pretty, isn't it?

  25. fuck cds and the nut huggers are still gonna be kissing "mini me's" ass. You putos are the new zetas! death to all cartels arriba mexico libre!!!

  26. That is snow definitely. They are in a moutainous, high altitude terrain. Not that much snow, more rain, but not uncommon. Winters are cold at night and mornings.

  27. i also wondered where it snows in mexico? just in guadalupe y calvo?

  28. @10:18 We aint speculating,that third picture from the top....see all that white stuff?...yeah,well its cocaine.

  29. If you didnt know better, that would be such a great place to visit..beautiful in the winter time!

  30. To the reader writing asking and condemning us for not posting the Jenni Rivera story.

    I did ask Buggs as there are so many rumors that Zetas sabotaged her plane, it was Buggs decision not to post the story at this time. I will say don't listen to the rumors, actually LA news has reported her plane was already in a crash, fixed and resold.

    En Paz Descanse Jenni

  31. I dont they will be hosting the winter xgames there any time soon....and the gazebo must look really pretty as they are driving you out of town with duct tape on your mouth!!

  32. you people from the states just talk up the ass!!! chapo guzman is barely holding on to parts of southern chihuahua,guadalupe y calvo was a strong hold for cds,these murders were done by juarez cartel against the cds. Planned timing like the attacks against police once again in juarez...its happening all over chihuahua...chapo nut huggers,el chaputo hasnt won over chihuahua,six years and look...cds doesnt control shit!!! keep attacking all cds people in chihuahua!!! cartel de juarez,keep it up!!!

  33. Omg!!!!! 12:15 pm are you the squad leader of the cheerleaders ?

  34. It snows more than people think. My familia is from southwest Zacatecas and every few years get some good amount of snow. U gotta realize many of these Towns in the sierra are above 7-8 thousand ft.

  35. "Yes during the winter we get alot of snow and Im from a small town in that region that is runed by la linea still so it might be la linea"
    Keep posting what you are hearing about La Linea and CDS/GN/Mazatlecos/etc,just what you may hear about any of them?People will be interested i guarantee


  37. @8:26 friend,nothing last's forever remember that.


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