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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

NEW VIDEO: Tuta Speaks Emphasizes Z40 Must Be Killed

By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

What does the life
of one man matter,
when the future
of mankind is in danger
The quote is attributed to Ernesto "Che" Guevara the Argentine marxist guerrilla leader,  the camera zooms in on those words at the beginning of a new video released by the Knights Templar cartel. 

The backdrop of the video is crammed with an odd assortment of items apparently important and carefully chosen by the narrator of the film, Servando Gomez Martinez.  Among the items include; A photo of Che with the quote,  the Mexican flag, a photo of Che with Fidel Castro, the former leader of Cuba, a statue of a knight,  next to a hanging saber, a weapon and various photos and books.

Gomez Martinez is the leader of the Knights Templar, who is also known as “La Tuta” or “El Profe”,  as a homage to his former teaching profession.* 

In the video Tuta speaks to citizens, narcos, and President Felipe Calderon. The title of the video is “Communication (from) Los Caballeros Templarios (Knights Templar) Michoacán Guard”

After the close up of Che’s quote the camera pans out until the entire setting is in view and at that point Tuta enters the room, takes a seat and begins his narrative.

The Following is the narrative:   (translated from Spanish by Chivis) 
“Buenas, ciudadanos y ciudadanas, a nuestro pueblo, a nuestro estado, a nuestro bello Méx"Good afternoon citizens, of our city, our state, and our beautiful Mexico. Estamos aquí presentes ante ustedes para darnos a conocernos y que sepan ustedes quiénes somos realmente, qué significa nuestro grupo y cuál es nuestra intención. We here present before you to let you know who we really are, what our group stand for, and what our intentions are.
Muchos de ustedes ya me conocen por varias situaciones en los medios de comunicación, en las revistas, y por tantas cosas que se hablan de uno.
Many of you know me from various situations in the media, in magazines, and  from the many things spoken of me. Pueden llamarme como ustedes gusten El Profe, La Tuta, me da lo mismo, soy su amigo, queremos que de esa manera lo vean, que somos amigos de ustedes, que somos amigos del pueblo”, afirma La Tuta. You can call me as you like, “El Profe”, “La Tuta”, I do not care, I am your friend, that’s the way we would like to be seen as, as friends, we are friends of the people and of the country.

Servando se encarga de explicar quiénes son, “Nuestra hermandad, nuestro grupo, nuestra organización a la que orgullosamente represento, Los Caballeros Templarios, no somos ningún cártel ni ningún grupo de la delincuencia organizada. Our brotherhood, our group, our organization proudly present themselves as The Knights Templar.  We are not a cartel or any organized crime group. Somos una organización una hermandad que nos regimos y nos instituimos por medio de unos estatutos y unos códigos”. We are a brotherhood and we were founded by a set of statutes and codes. "  (he is holding a pamphlet of the organization mission and codes, see photo)

Para Los Caballeros Templarios es importante seguir su reglamento, “Nuestra intención es que todo en este pueblo, que todo en este estado, en nuestro país, en nuestro México funcione de una manera de lo más adecuado que se pueda.For The Knights Templar is important to follow  rules.  Our intention is that everything in this city, this state and in our country, operates in the most appropriate way as possible. No nos interesa en lo más mínimo ocasionar caos o terror, únicamente queremos que comprendan que por situaciones adversas a lo que queramos muchos de nosotros, estamos aquí presentes como un mal necesario”, dice Servando. We are not interested in the slightest in causing chaos and terror. We want you to understand that only by adverse situations, we are here today as a necessary evil.  Later, I will tell you our motives and what we want.

“Nosotros en estos códigos, en estos libritos, en estos estatutos que hemos elaborado cuidadosamente bajo un estricto programa, y no únicamente basado por mí o lo que diga yo, sino por cierto grupo de personas con mucha capacidad que pertenecen a nuestra organización, a nuestra hermandad a Los Caballeros Templarios, lo hemos elaborado cuidadosamente.In the these booklets, these statutes, were carefully crafted under strict program, and not just based on me, or what I say, but by a competent  group of people who belong to our organization, to our brotherhood to the Knights Templars, together we have carefully developed the program.

En estos libritos le marcamos a todos nuestros agremiados a todos nuestros muchachos qué se puede hacer y qué no se puede hacer, y todo dentro de lo ilegal en la más legalidad que se pueda.These booklets instruct all our members, all of our boys, what to do and what not to do. And everything within it is as legal as possible.  Decimos qué está prohibido, qué se puede hacer y qué no se puede hacer. We say what is prohibited, what can be done and what cannot be done. Para nuestros miembros está estrictamente prohibido el robo, el secuestro, el asesinato por paga, la violación y todos esos delitos que perjudican, y tanto mal le causan a nuestra sociedad”, afirma en el comunicado. For our members strictly prohibited is;  theft, kidnapping, murder for hire, rape and all those crimes that hurt,  they cause so much harm to our society.

“Nuestra única función es ayudar al pueblo, conservar nuestro estado, conservar nuestro país, libre de gentes que están causando terror”, asegura el líder de Los Caballeros Templarios.Our only role is to help the people, preserve our state, and keep our country free of people who are causing terror.

“Va a haber ocasiones en las que tendremos que pedir disculpas a la sociedad por actos indebidos que cometan nuestros muchachos y les aseguro con palabra de Caballero Templario que pondremos lo necesario para solucionar esas cuestiones, esos problemas”, acepta El Profe.There will be times when we will  have to apologize to society for wrongdoing committed by our boys and I assure you with the word of a Knight Templar, we will address these issues and find a solution to the problems.

I don’t think they commit them with bad intentions.  Because if they do, (he holds up the booklet), in here it says what will happen to them.  These mistakes these boys make, or even those I am capable of committing or any of our high ranking members, will not be accepted if done  with bad intentions.  And if it is done that way they must apologize to society, and apologize to Mexico.

We will live by the codes.  Why are we doing this?

So we can handle things in a way that does not harm society.  If at times we must publically apologize to society, we will, because we want society to have confidence in making us see and feel the mistakes we make.  So we will not make them again.  We love our family, we want to work and live in peace.  It sounds a little controversial, but that is what we want: to live in peace.

Además dejó en claro que, “Si en su momento tenemos que pedir disculpas lo haremos, públicamente si es necesario y también queremos que tengan la confianza de hacernos ver y notar los errores que cometemos para no volverlos a cometer.Los Caballeros Templarios hicieron un llamado a los grupos del narcotráfico para unirse contra Los Zetas, “También hacemos un llamado a todos los grupos que existen en la República Mexicana, grupos que los medios de comunicación ya sea en la televisión o en la radio los llaman delincuentes, por ciertos motivos.(Appealing  to other narco groups to unite against Los Zetas) We also appeal to all the groups that exist in Mexico.  Groups that, for certain reasons the television or radio calls “offenders”. Y también a todos aquellos grupos que están legalmente constituidos como organizaciones civiles, para que nos unamos y hagamos un frente común para luchar en contra de Los Zetas, especialmente en contra de El Z-40 Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, ya que esta persona que con su desmedida ambición ha propiciado tanto terror y tanta confusión social en nuestro país, en nuestro México”. And also all those groups that are legally constituted as civil organizations, to come together and make a common front to fight against Los Zetas, especially against  Z-40 Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, as this person with his boundless ambition has caused so much terror and social confusion in our country, in our Mexico.

“Es el primordial causante de todo lo que está sucediendo en México: robos, secuestros, extorsiones, y todo lo que conlleve a ese tipo de acciones.He is the primary cause of all that is happening in Mexico: robberies, kidnappings, extortion, and anything that may lead to such actions. Reconocemos que en ocasiones que nuestros muchachos se han equivocado, pero aquí hay reglas y van a tener que pagar por ellas, por sus acciones cuando hagan esas situaciones que no están contempladas y que por ningún motivo les vamos a permitir que se realicen aquí donde estamos nosotros, en nuestro México”, mencionó Servando Gómez. We recognize that sometimes our guys are wrong, but there are rules and they will have to pay for mistakes, under no circumstance will we allow them to be made, here in our Mexico.

“Se le está invitando a todos estos grupos llámense los del Golfo, los de Sinaloa, los de Jalisco, donde quiera que existan, inclusive tantos grupos que existen en Guerrero, tantas organizaciones. We are inviting all groups whether they are those of the Gulf, Sinaloa, Jalisco's, wherever they exist, including many groups that exist in Guerrero, many organizations. A todos los estamos invitando a que hagamos un frente común para atacar al Z-40 y acabar con él, atacar a Miguel Ángel. To all we are inviting them to make a common front to attack the Z-40, attack Miguel Angel and kill him.  In general  Es una invitación abierta en general para llevar a cabo esto”, dejó en claro el líder. It is  an open invitation to perform this.

En el comunicado se hace un llamado al Presidente, “También quisiéramos hacer un llamado al señor Presidente de la República, al señor Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa para que tome cartas en el asunto y que vea qué es lo que está sucediendo en nuestro país.We would also like to appeal to the President of the Republic, Mr. Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa to take action on the matter and see what is happening in our country. En gran parte es responsable de tantas muertes que han ocurrido en nuestro país, hasta este momento van más de 150 mil muertes registradas y un tanto o más todavía de desaparecidos”. That Z40 is largely responsible for many of deaths that have occurred in our country, so far more than 150,000 deaths and as much or more still missing.

“Esto no puede continuar señores, nosotros, nuestra hermandad estamos dispuestos a cooperar de la mejor manera que se pueda para solucionar este problema que tanto mal y problemas ha causado en nuestro México”, afirmó.This cannot do gentlemen, we, our brotherhood we are willing to cooperate in the best way we can to solve this problem that has caused harm to our Mexico

 “Queremos contribuir a la armonía y el desarrollo de nuestro pueblo, de nuestro país, queremos de alguna manera el Partido Acción Nacional que está en el poder, la Policía Federal al mando de Genaro García Luna, no se vayan por donde no es.We want to contribute to the harmony and development of our people, of our country.  We will cooperate in finding a solution.   We want that somehow the National Action Party, which is in power, and the Federal Police led by Genaro Garcia Luna, act responsibly. Queremos pedirles con mucho respeto que asuman su responsabilidad y actúen conforme a la verdad, no tomen partido en algún grupo delictivo por así llamarlo. We ask very respectfully that they take responsibility and act according to the truth, not to take sides in  criminal groups so to speak. Les reitero nuestra organización no es ningún cártel ningún grupo de la delincuencia organizada, somos una hermandad Los Caballeros Templarios”, señaló La Tuta. We reiterate our organization is no cartel, and not an organized crime group, we are a brotherhood The Knights Templar.

De igual forma hizo un llamado a los periodistas, “Los medios de comunicación: la televisión y la radio, han distorsionado completamente lo que sucede en nuestro país.The media, television and radio, have completely distorted what is happening in our country. Señores periodistas se les hace una invitación a que actúen con profesionalismo y digan la verdad de lo que está sucediendo y aconteciendo en nuestro país, no únicamente se los repito hagan lo que conviene al partido que está en el poder o lo que representa el Gobierno de la República Mexicana en estos momentos. Gentlemen journalists, we offer you an invitation to act with professionalism and tell the truth of what is happening in our country, not only what suits the party that is in power or currently representing the Government of Mexico.. Asuman su responsabilidad, actúen con la verdad sean profesionales señores periodistas, se lo pedimos de la manera más atenta”. Take responsibility, act as professional journalists.

“También queremos hacer un llamado y una invitación a los nuevos senadores y diputados que van a tomar posesión, para que vean esto que estamos mandado al aire como algo bueno, no lo tomen de una manera, no tenemos compromisos absolutamente con ningún partido político, con ningún partido tenemos compromiso, nuestro compromiso es con nuestro pueblo de México.We also want to issue  an invitation to the new senators and deputies who will take over, to see what we are sending as a good thing, we have no commitments at all with any political party, our commitment is to our people of Mexico.

Lo único que queremos es que esto funcione, somos un mal necesario pero aquí en México hay manera de que nos arreglemos.All we want is for this to work, we are a necessary evil, but here in Mexico is a way to fix ourselves.   Si a los intereses de otros países no les conviene lo que sucede en México que eduquen a su gente o que cuiden a su país”, declaró El Profe. If the interests of other countries do not include what happens in Mexico, educate your people or take care of your country.

“Queremos también hacerle un llamado a nuestro Ejército Mexicano, a la Fuerza Armada Marina de México, que orgullosamente nos representan en nuestro país, y que están legalmente constituidos desde el inicio de nuestra Carta Magna, que está establecida en nuestra Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos para que actúen como debe ser señores.We also want to ask our Mexican Army, the Armed Forces of Mexico and Marina, who proudly represent us in our country, and who are legally established from the beginning of our Constitution, the Constitution of the United Mexico, to act as they should. Be gentlemen.

All of Todo nuestro respeto para la Marina y para los Militares. our respects for the Marina (navy) and for the military."

"Thank you"
Gracias”, así finalizó el comunicado por parte de L(With that last sentence, Tuta rises and leaves to leave the room)
*Tuta the “teacher" continues to recieve his paycheck..

La Tuta translates to The Teacher, El Profe means The Professor.
Mexican security forces would like very much to capture, or even kill, reputed crime boss Servando “La Tuta” Gomez, leader of the cultlike Knights Templar drug gang.

But getting Mexico’s Education Ministry to stop sending Gomez paychecks may prove a much bigger challenge.

According to Mexico’s El Universal newspaper, the former schoolteacher is still on the payroll, even though federal prosecutors are offering millions in reward money for his capture — and despite the fact that he hasn’t set foot in a classroom in more than a decade.

What’s worse, Gomez was issued checks totaling more than $2,000 in the first three months of this year, although the paper first reported the unseemly payments in December. Mexican lawmakers opened an investigation, demanding to know why Gomez — who was also indicted for drug trafficking by a New York federal court in 2009 — hasn’t been fired.

“Firing a teacher is nearly impossible here, a true bureaucratic labyrinth,” said Otto Granados, a professor of public policy at Mexico’s Tecnologico de Monterrey university. “This kind of thing happens all the time,” he said, citing a recent study that found that more than 100,000 Mexican teachers were drawing salaries despite not showing up for work.

The country’s main teachers union — the largest in Latin America — is a political juggernaut so powerful that it assigns jobs through an extensive system of patronage, Granados said. Only teachers who have been convicted of a crime can be fired, and since Gomez remains at large, he apparently can’t be taken off the payroll.

Gomez, whose nickname “La Tuta” means “the teacher,” first registered as an educator 15 years ago at a small rural primary school in his home town of Arteaga, in Michoacan state. He taught there for a few years, then tried his hand at farming, and ended up working with local drug smugglers, according to George W. Grayson, who has written extensively about the La Familia drug cartel, of which Gomez was a founding member. The group became famous for its bizarre Christian-themed worldview and for beheading and burning alive its enemies.
A thank you goes out to 777 of Borderland Beat Forum, for helping with a translation



  2. Bravo make it happen if hes inviting the other groups so be it stop z40 and his henchmen la tuta never had beef with chapo now if his men were doing otherwise what the book said then hey take em out well see how other groups in question react especially jalisco i know they had beef with ct.

  3. We are cub scouts for adults, nothing to see here, move along- lol ! What is this guy smoking? Is there a bigger hypocrite anywhere?

  4. The video can be found on YT under Comunicado de La Tuta

    1. No shit pinche gato enano , the video is right here on B.B arriva la Sierra Compá

  5. WOW, is it me or is this big news? Tuta only mentions Z40, which to me confirms the rupture between the Zetas as a whole. He's asking for all "organizations" to join forces to defeat this same guy... which makes me wonder if major back door negotiations are taking place behind closed doors between Government/criminal entities. It makes me wonder because it's pretty odd that this guy is inviting the CDS to join forces against Z40 when it's a known fact that CDJNG is associated to CDS and is supporting La Familia and fighting "Los Caballeros" in both Michoacan and Southern Jalisco... any thoughts?

  6. La Tuta is just a nother twisted mind!!!!!

  7. Wow is CT this weak its like a small nation calling in foreign nations for help cause they almost overrun or almost finished tuta feels the devils pitchforks up his ass so his trying to draw heat away from him... Really do you think they are better how about them 11 police men they killed there done if they were such a big cartel they wouldnt b asking for help specially from another cartel that's been butchering there people on video *cough* (CDJNG) it shows how much they cared about there men killed there no better than Z40, Chapo or CDG

  8. What is the point of this? Where are the plastic helmets and swords? I agree with the Z40 part, they need to dismantle his ass so the military can go in and kill him.

  9. For the people that say, it is a sign of weakness by the caballeros templarios. You guys are completely wrong because Ct still control michoacan and other parts of mx. What the caballeros are trying to do is to eliminate the zetas because they know that the zetas are their biggest threat.

    1. The Z brought all the heat to the border

    2. Yea they been trying to wipe out z nd that's been going since 2008 and hows that working out for them??? there not gonna capture or kill Z40 well at least a cartel is not maybe government but think about it my go as far as personally making a video to say they fallow what there make believe bible says and why only CDG Cds nd CDJNG why didn't he include CDJ BLO,or AFO

    3. Ummmm maybe because they work together(Z's, CDJ, BL, ) in case u didn't know ;)

  10. someone got busted in austria not sure who though think it was a heavy wieght

  11. Funny, this guy's reason for going after Z-40 is because Z-40 is responsible for so many murders, when it's El Chapo who is behind 80% of the murders in Mexico (by some estimates).
    I think they are upset because Z-40's people prey on civilians.
    Drug trafficking is fine and dandy by me, but kidnapping for ransom is totally unsavory.

    1. Chapo is responsible for all the murders in Mexico!!!!

  12. What does tuta mean? They're not a cartel or a criminal gang, erm ok how is it they make a living again...

  13. Cant wait to hear some replies from "other" cartels about this CT-video(if any).Wow,king of the Nuts has spoken...whats behind this video,i know its properganda but whats the ultimate goal really, is he sucking up to Mexican Society and the Law and their enemy's so as to turn the spotlight only on el-40cent,is there more to this ridicilous video?

  14. they are a cartel...he is an idiot. and they commit all those crimes that his precious booklet says not to do...they all kill, kidnap etc..

    notice his numbers of deaths? he says missing are as much..he should know...paz, chivis

  15. Strange quincidence, there`s a guy in jail in Norway, he killed 77 people last year and he have since claimed he belongs to an organization called Knights Templar. Except this was formed in south Africa by some Serbian war criminals. They even have pretty much the same agenda or plan, except this group is fighting against the islamification of Europe.

    1. I have seen comments of such CT members saying they are actually in africa n.they will be back soon to.michoacan. now that you point this out is strange. There is way more shit we don't get info of. I think i might have a new research topic

  16. He is saying they do Not support ,,kidnap Civilians or extort Civilians,,,,like z40, Alot of heat is on Mexico because of the Z,,,,,,,,
    The Z main income is kidnapping Civilians and extortion of Civilians

  17. You would think with the money they make robbing extoring killing stealing logs and do everything else they're not suppose to do they could fix that squeaking door wd40 at least I've seen it in Mexico so I know its there or at least use avocado oil lol they steal all that land for it peace Loks

  18. No he highlighted ZETAZ aswell as el40cent,so he wants to eliminate all the ZETAZ..he is going to need help if thats the case.

  19. People have failed to realize something with this.
    This indicates just how powerful and untouchable the Z have become.For this guy to be doing this on video,he must be somewhat sincere?But,he also knows whats up more than any of us.This is a bit like a plea"lets unite to fight a common enemy"man,has 40 and his crew become this powerful?A militia of people fed up with government corruption and inaction is not a bad thing,if it can be ran properly.Look at what the people of Cheran did.Can anyone say they were wrong?But CT ?

    1. do you know the zetas go to poor towns and tell the men that if they dont join there cartel theyll kill there family? and that if they get caught and video taped they better say theyre zetas and admit to doing sick shit like raping and killing and extorting if not theyll kill there families still. and guess what? they still kill the familys. some of those people dont know what we know they just see a group if armed men and they do as they are told so they and there family can eat. the real zetas dont even consider those people zetas they are just there dogs. its a Military strategy also like how on How the latest predator movie wen they used there monster dogs to flushem out...??? than the real zetas go in and set up shop. other cartels dont do that.

  20. "fix that squeaking door wd40" or wdZ40
    To much,that pissin you off,me to.Ey man,i need some for my front garden gate,squeakin doors and shit,freaks me out.Fix itttttt.

  21. Does anyone know whether LA Familia treated there Michoacan citizens well or did they walk all over them like these KnightsTemplars do? does anyone live there could they pls give me an idea.

    1. I was in Mich (Municipio de Villa Jimenez) a few months back and I spoke to friends and family and everything was quiet and peacefull even though theres so many deported gang members. I over heard two of them talking how worried they were if CT decided to get rid of them. lol. Friends just warned me about the army and the feds because I liked to smoke weed. They said if they get you with a joint, your going to get your ass kicked. I had to start leaving the GDP and Silver Haze at home because they are all over. Dont know how other parts in Mich are. Dont always believe the media.

  22. @ 1:28 and CDG and CDS!!! chapo sux!!

  23. Pinche vato culo.... jajajaja.. esto hace pensar que los caballeros estan debiles y necesitan ayuda porque solos no pueden... pero bueno mi forma de pensar es que todos estos grupos que para mi son carteles necesitan ser exterminados que paso con el respeto a el pais? Mexico en los ochentas era un pais de narcos responsables de sus delitos y ahora son una bola de abusivos que lo unico que hacen es robar al mas debil. Yo recuerdo cuando los narcos entraban a un establecimiento y se escondian en una esquina x que no queria acaparar la atencion y ahora cualquier pinche naco se cree el rey de Mexico. Me da tristesa ver a un gran pais ser utilisado como qualquier cosa. Mexico despierta ya dormiste mucho..

  24. Taking Tuta to task for receiving a pay check and being in a union after Mexico's Russian like sell off of industries and services to a few rich folk is as strange as Tuta's message.

  25. CDG created los ZETAS ,Los ZETAS created la Familia Michiocana which then became Los Caballeros Templarios. All these groups are extorsionist and criminals . Juarez Cartel had many members leave and join CDS which itself broke up and had some members form Beltran Leyva cartel as well as some members formely from CDS Nacho corornel crew became CJNG .All these cartels betray each other and rape the working society

  26. I hope they kill z40 he is the one that has Mexico that way I wish he kept his old job washing cars

  27. I've seen.cia agenta photso,pictures ad.the way they refer to people . Now after seeing this guy on the video,i can right away relate him to that agency. Same clothe atire,same reactions ,calmly and powerful with.the message. I might be wrong which i hope,but like i said something is odd about him

  28. la tuti fruti is a douche bagg just like all the other scum bags

  29. At least he has shown his face and it wasn't cover up in the video spartans

  30. Although this is typical propaganda, much of Tuta's chosen symbolism (Che, Fidel, Chayo Saint, etc.) represent a new phase of the conflict in Mexico, in particular what is happening in Michoacan. The Cabelleros Templarios and its supporters are morphing into a rebel-guerilla movement similar to FARC.
    It is unfortunate considering that this will only lead to more violence and instability in Michoacan.

  31. Are any of the contributors to these comments able to write in proper English (one of those languages whose writing system includes capital letters, full stops, commas, colons, semi-colons, etc.)?

    1. stfu! You understand that? Many ppl here speak more then one language so why worry to write it to perfection professor.

      _yoshi phumo_

  32. dear chivis when cartel confirm your estimates you are onto something.
    "That Z40 is largely responsible for many of deaths that have occurred in our country, so far more than 150,000 deaths and as much or more still missing. " 150,000 + 150,000 plus = 300,000 plus dead.

    I must say that the sheer number of cartel members should give pause to American individuals. the cartels could bring company size elements to any mission they have in the USA. only a response from our military could stand against that size a threat. the video of 50 trucks carrying 5 and 6 guys each rumbling through city streets of mexico comes to mind. that video was of the KT the very cartel talked about in this post. the convoy can still be seen on youtube copy and paste
    or Drug Cartel Cruising through the City (Apatzingán, Michoacán) Mexico

  33. He is no teacher just a murderer.

  34. Admin you miss so many related cartel stories that happen on the US side when you don't follow the news channels on the border.
    Posted: Aug 22, 2012 5:43 PM
    Updated: Aug 22, 2012 6:52 PM
    HIDALGO COUNTY - Sheriff's deputies are searching for three suspected kidnappers.
    Officials said the trio took a man today from a tire shop at Mile 3 and Tom Gill Road north of Penitas. Deputies said the masked men pulled up to the shop and took the victim at gunpoint.
    Posted: Aug 22, 2012 9:33 PM
    Updated: Aug 23, 2012 7:32 AM
    ROMA - Military technology being tested along the border already has yielded positive results, officials said.
    Border Patrol officials did not want to release specifics about those positive results. They did say the equipment yielding the results are information-gathering aerostats. good video
    where do you think these were going?
    Posted: Aug 22, 2012 10:19 AM
    Updated: Aug 22, 2012 11:51 AM
    BROWNSVILLE - ATF agents are trying to track down the people responsible for hiding weapons in a truck.
    During a free air sniff at a Brownsville salvage yard , a K-9 alerted officers about a gray Dodge truck. Investigators discovered a package wrapped in foil in the truck's gas tank.
    Inside the package, agents found seven AK-variant rifles, six magazines and a large rifle scope. ATF agents seized the items.
    The person in charge of the salvage lot at IMANS Motors said he didn't know who dropped off the truck early Tuesday morning. The case is still under investigation. So far, no arrests have been made.

  35. What a heap of crap! The guy is clearly deranged. Should be killed like all the other murdering fuckers!

  36. The quote reads...
    What does the life of one man matter, when the future of mankind is in danger.

  37. Que se chi.gen al chapo y ala tuta por culos, que peleen como hombres no pidiendo ayuda como viejas

  38. Dont want too sound stupid but could it be that the zs have all the power in mexico I know for a fact they were killin for power that is why there have been a lack or mass murders I in varecruz and other states thay were trying too take over why wold they just know go after z so hard cause zetas has a big pay roll just wonderin can someone frm mx help on wats goin on

    1. Zetas Beltran Carillo Arellano were taking over,but with the " dumb" massacres of innocents that Zetas have been doing ..and because they got too greedy they heated things up not only for Zetas but also their allies..therefor the allies are slowly backing away and separating leaving Zetas or atleast Z40 and Z42alone,plus Chapo CDG CDJNG want their heads

  39. Hola a '5:28 AM (Aug. 23)'

    Bien dicho Y estoy de acuerdo con usted. Pero al mismo queremos ver un fin a los zetas y quizá la unión de muchos carteles oponiéndose contra los Zetas sería un buen plan de acción temporal.


    .M P.

    1. Si seria una biena accion.pero a quien chingados le confiamos?? A

  40. z4o is in saltillo coahuila

  41. its machiavelli 101..."always say you are for peace, live for peace, are all about peace, even as you wage war" Tuta is not crazy ...he's calculating and pretty smart, telling the people what they want and need to hear

  42. Sinaloa is with you Sir Tuta

  43. The fact that Gomez is still collecting a paycheck, as a teacher, although he has not step foot in a classroom, in more than a decade (according to the article) only proves, how fucked up the Mex Gov't system really is! This pos is wanted and has millions of dollars on his head for his apprehension, yet he cannot be "fired," as a school teacher because he hasn't been convicted of a crime! Talk about a "backward ass" policy! Even in the fucking video the guy is violation of the firearms laws of Mexico...there's a fucking assault rifle sitting in the background.

  44. First, Che and Castro? These guys are/were out to control every aspect of peoples lives. He feels like he is associated with these assholes because he is out to control the people as well, just like the Taliban. I love the hippie kids with the Che Guevera shirts. If they did any research on the guy, they would learn that if he was their leader he wouldn't be letting them wear anything but the standard clothes given to you buy his government. Imagine North Korea meets Mexico. These people were communists and extreme socialists. That basically means the masses live like crap while the select few who rule them try their hardest to live like rich American capitalists. Human nature is to strive to do better (I exclude those who are hell bent on being on welfare for life), to provide better for their families, to build something that is there own..... Leaders like these guys, and I put Obama in this being he was a member of the American Socialist Party, want you to work for the "greater good" of the people. It never works because eventually the money runs dry. Look at Europe. They have become a continent that has milked those who work dry, and those who think they are entitled to free money are bitching that there isn't any more money. Go figure! Same shit is happening here!! We are cash strapped to the hilt, our President has added more to the debt than every President combined, it is almost impossible to start a business on your own without a lot of capital, and the worst of it is when our leader tells us that we who have worked our fingers to the bone didn't do it. This guy is just like the rest who preaches a better life for the peasants only to line his pockets.

    1. Almost not completely truth in your statement when it.comes to che. Socialism doesn't completely work because it wasn't allowed to wprkbin the first place. Allowing people to re take the land ,giving.them the chance to survive ,n get more was always interrupted by people who saw this aas a threat to their own system. Lets add the discussion, cuba has become one if not the.most safe country in.the world. Has manage to stop malnutrition and by 2015 is expected to end poverty. Lets go to Venezuela it has allowed for the Poor and working class to become more able to sustain a life style above poverty ,more jobs then.ever before have been created . And the education is growing. Now this.countries are constantly bashed,spoken and presented as a threat to national security. As well as as a threat to national interest. Who's interest ? Not ours. But the interest of the pocket of.the elites. I embrace what's done good country but also speak up of what's been done wrong and we as.north Americans are brainwashed ,dumb down and only repeat what we hear on tv. Unknowingly that we arehated in the world not because we bring democracy but because we do the exact opposite. We bring.mayhem .what do you think is happening in Mexico,latin america n.middle east. Education of all people even if its through blogs would little by little allowed for atrocities such as the ones in Mexico backed up by the interest and.pockets of some be stopped..before they even start.

  45. Z40 and his gay brother omar will be dead soon.

  46. I agree with La Tuta. First Z40, then the rest.

  47. The audacity of El Profe to go on video. Love it. Funny how papers were saying he was in the mountains near Apatzingan but you can hear all the traffic in the background. Sounds like a big city.

  48. love how he tries to come across as everyone friend because he once was a nice teacher and now him and his Templars do nothing but help little old ladies across the street and give money to charity.

    PLEASE dude!! you think we are stupid?? you don't get involved in any crimes at all yeh rite.

  49. In any other job where you don't turn in for work you'd get fired, but there's the proof of the corruption in Mexico. The plazas are a joke I worked in Mexico for 2 years as an English teacher and a friend of mine who is a special needs teacher has a plaza through her mum told me that the person may not have the correct profile to be a teacher but because one of their parents are thats all that matters. And if a person fitted the profile brilliantly but their parent/s weren't a teacher they'd be on a contract but could be released at any time. How does that benefit the kids??? Joke.

  50. I for one; find La Tuta Comical..! He mentions is his lil speach that he wants to help Senior Luna (Head of the Federal Police)catch and kill Z40. Is his memory shot completely..? This is the same group (K.T.) that raided and killed over 30 Federal Cops in thier Police Staion not more than 6 mos. ago..! he also calls this Z40 character the root of all evil in the Zetas. i have always been under the assumption that El Lazca runs the Z's unless La Tuta knows more than everyone else that El Lazca in no longer around and that Z40 is Really Running The Show.!
    This could be since no one has heard anything at all from "Lazca" so mabey he is Dead and for whatever reason Z40 is letting the Public think that he's Only #2 when in reality "Lazca" is and has been dead for along time. They call Z40 "El Judas" so possibly "Lazca" was murdered by either Z40 and his hermano Omar or even by other zeta's and it's all been kept quiet for reasons unknown..! As far as the Idea of taking out Z40 and his crew, I'm sure everybody involved can get behind that..

    1. Pendejo tan facil como que el Z50 menc iona al laZca en sus mantas si estubiera muerto ya lo habrian dicho el pedo aqui es por que al Z3 no lo menciona nomas al Z40 extraño que no?

  51. LOL...el .40 cent...La neta, treviño tiene mucho que no esta en México. Tu creés que con tanta lana va estar alli, esta en tejas, pinche estado tan grande. El talib siempre a tenido una tregua con chap, lazc tambié todos sólo forty la trono. I dont like any cartels that kill, which is all them. Todos matan, es una tristeza, Lo que le pasó a mi país. Todos los capos, viven en tranquilidad, el dinero que tenien les dura una vida entera. El gobierno de estados unidos queire matar mas de 90% de la población mundial. Este guerra de drogas es para la gente este preparada para ver.gran matanzas. The drug war is to program the human mind to see mass slaughter as just another contribution to reduce the population. Psy-op to be specific. The war on drugs is to make slaves out of the addicts in jail. Soon there will be no need for jail, theyre anybody foolish enough to break the law. Martial law is coming in october. Fast and furious, colombine, virginia tech, the sihk mosque shootings, Aurora Batman shooting..all to take.away our 2nd amendment..Prepare

  52. @7:42...
    Tuta is a vile, but educated man. I did smile seeing he estimates the drug deaths at 150K and says the the missing are as much. He knows how to use a calculator and sum the government figures as I did...

    @8:01..I admit I don't concentrate on US narco news. We just don't have a lot of time and I feel translating and bringing news for Mx is something of more value, EP people can look for the US news on their own, as you do. Plus we only have 7 slots for posts on mainpage. If you see an important story we miss on either side, just email us and let us know. Our email addys are on our profiles.

    @8:25 Stand corrected..thanks!

    @9:37 It is an outrage and an example how screwed up Mx is. They need to get rid of that Hitler in a Skirt teachers union leader, kids are suffering because of misappropriations.


    Paz, Chivis

    1. This was before ,he no longer gets payroll. When people even and even him came live on the air. That's when the checks were brought to light 2 yearsago? I think . Now he is just another criminal on the loose.

  53. You are correct, Zs do go into homes in south Mx kidnap young boys and force them to join. I saw a few articles about that last year. Mostly poor indigenous people. BUT LFM and I am sure KTs also do the same....

  54. Pancho Villa stole and killed and he is Mexico's heroe. His Dorados were his sicarios. The Cristeros faught for their Catholic belief. Mexico is like the Middle East. There has always been civil unrest. Over politics. In this case it's been the drug war. Look up Mexico in Wikepedia. You will see that every other 20 to 50 years, there is always some kind of conflict. It dates back from the Aztecs and Conquistadors time. It runs in our blood. Aztec warrior and mentality of a Conquistador. What do you get a Mexican.

    1. Sucks to see you have that kind of thinkin i suggest you inform your self on.Mexican history and who has screwed us sincw the beginning of.our revolution.. and why we can't advance probably you might find your to a arrogant American

    2. Same did Daniel Boone, while working for the Transylvania, Co. back in the 1800's, same did David Crocket, James Bowie and General George Armstrong Custer, he was killed by the Crow indians at Little Big Horn in Montana, the Indians got tired of his murdering attitude, but to the US government he is a hero because he decimated the Indian tribes and took their lives and their land, all in the name of the government.They were worst than Pancho Villa, Villa fought against the government of Porfirio Diaz, who was president for 36 years and didn't gave a flying fuck for the poor, only for the rich, same as in the US, Pancho Villa stole from the rich to by weapons and feed his army so they could fight and end Porfirio Diaz government.

    3. You couldn't be more wrong abou everything u said, even if you tried. But you got your facts from Wikipedia, so you know what your talking about right haha. Inform yourself well who you really are, not what you've been told.

  55. I agree with the poster above who mentioned Socialism and Communism etc. When you are a freshman in college you are such an idealistic, reading Che, Marx and others. I remember when my cousin came to my apartment and found one of my books he said, "wait until you graduate and join the real world/the work force, then you'll see!". He was so right, these men all wrote theories that are great on paper, but can't possibly be implemented into actual society, human nature would never allow it. Also question, when La Tuta was referring to the death toll was he addressing President Calderon, as a continuation of his statement? In listening to the recording I think he said Calderon was in part responsible doe the many deaths and disappearances since he began the war on drugs not Z40. Anyone else catch that????

  56. What's in the CT handbook? Does anyone know where the contents can be seen online?

    1. It is mostly a bunch of BS from tom cruise's scientology hand book..

    2. Its in YT. But only in spanish. Penalties are punishable by death. If they actally go by their code of conduct, They got my respects. Hey BB, can we have it translated for our non spanish speakers and posted somewhere here?

  57. Nobody cares if a mexican dies. Even TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND dead. But if they were gays,Libyan rebels,cubans,africans,or haitians good ole Tio Sam would be shining up his peace maker. I don't understand all the hate towards mexicans. Muslim extremists get better treatment and respect. I'm just tired of waiting for things to change for the better. I hope in my lifetime i get to see mexicans treated equally. Atte sam sarcasmo

    1. Muslims got lots of oil that why they get more respect lol

    2. Well Mexicans have lots of drugs & still get no respect. Fcuk the government.

  58. He has direct deposit lmao

  59. Aztec warrior in our blood? The Aztecas were ONE nation that reigned over a certain region, they were the ones who were conquested by the Spaniard armada. Mexico did not exist as a country as we know it today, there were many nations of natives. Greed does run in human nature, indiference,ignorance as well. You are right when you mention that there has always been one kind of conflict or another, however it is not specific to Mexico, or Mexicans, it is a trait of human nature, if you look for it you will find it in every history of any region, either every 40, 100, 250, 500 or every 1k years, we are always changing how we think, what our new tolerances will be and which ones we won't admit. I do agree that ignorance is the root of all evil, hence it is the same trait that motivates the ego to do or stop doing, to be or lack of being afraid.

  60. How does he recieve a pay check? Surely authorities can be alerted of an address where someone is picking this up for him. Direct deposit maybe? Even then authorities should be able to track down where transactions are being used from this account.
    I wish that one word this complete liar said was true. The Caballeros Templarios are horrible murderers that rob and rape their own people. They have done countless atrocities and display them with pride to terrorize everyone that might stand up to them... and this dip shit's trying to say they are the good guys? The only thing I can hope for is maybe they are trying to change and become what he claims they are.

  61. Where is the info regarding chapo being a santanist?

  62. ese tuta la estupidez decantar estarola la cosa es muy cencilla que diga la verdad el y el chapo son responsable de mas de 90 porciento de las muertes en mexico y USA el sinismo de este compa traisono al cartel de michoacan y luego se une con el violador y secuestrador de varias mujeres hermosas la razon de este reportaje es que no pueden con LOS ZETAS Y SUS SOCIOS para que miren que cds y caballeros templarios no pueden con el paquete porque perdieron el apollo politico y ya estan en las ultimas como dice el tiempo con paciencia van aver quien realmente manda en TIJUANA BAJA CALIFORNIA Y LOS QUE PENSABAN QUE EL cds mandaba en todos lados ahora aver que es lo que dicen

  63. Like I said before he is only trying to get weight off of him. By trying to ally with other groups. Also the Zetas are the most hated so he is calling them out to get more charisma from the people/cartels. He is an idiot saying that if his men commit things against their rules, they surely didn't do them with wrong intentions. If his men do so they will apologize to the people. Why not kill them as a better punishment. Dumbass thinks he will get the government off him by saying all this. Pendejo! -_-

  64. He was paid in 2011.

    Would you be so kind to give me the link to the story that they stopped his pay? Because the union ruled otherwise....thanks!


    this story says he seized control of Z from lazca

  66. August 23, 2012 7:42 AM You are wrong is more like 250,000+250,000 = 500,000 or maybe 1 million and next year it will be 2 million.

  67. What a clown! This cartel is a disgrace to the name of the true crusaders. There are not just a few misguided members of his cartel. They all are. If they were truly righteous, they would support and help to legitimize law enforcement authorities and not tolerate the 'misguided' members within their ranks. Oops, one of our Junior associates made a small mistake and now your family has been skinned alive. Sorry, my bad!


  69. I don't cheer any cartel, but I will be happy the day Z40 gets killed.

  70. What a delusional phychopath!!!!" Servando La Puta I mean Tuta actually looks up to Pancho Villa,a respectful,honorable person who stole from the rich that had so much money they were soo greedy that they wouldnt help the poor(people who took advantage of the poor and over did it )only to feed his people which the goverment completely forgot about and who was and still is honored today,he fought for his people .La Puta and his Caballeras putiadas all they do is extort their people and steal from the poor. Caballeros Templarios instead of helping their people are helping them die someone should tell Servando Gomez that

  71. oh man found a report about hidalgo county wish you more brainy analysts could get some commentary on this. at
    Exclusive Videos Show How One Texas County Fakes Crime Stats to Make Border Look Safe (Aug. 20, 2012) In the first part of our exclusive series, PJ Media's Bryan Preston takes you inside the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department. Hidalgo County is one of the fastest growing border cities in the U.S. and receives millions of dollars each year in federal grants to fight spillover crime. But are the grants working? One whistle-blowing deputy claims that the sheriff is faking the stats to make Hidalgo look safer at the expense of the taxpayer. Don't miss this exclusive report.
    ps they have a limited amount of times you can view videos so hopefully one of our geek squad can pull the video and put it up here at bb.

    1. What an asinine comment

    2. Lol asninine; thats a word hank hill uses

  72. Wow,el.40cent has taken control of the ZETAZ aye, so whats happened to Lazcano lazcano? is he dead? did 40 kill him at the last ZETAZ meeting? or did Z3 just quit while he was ahead or while he still has a head?Ohhh....this just creates more questions. The ZETAZ are just too ruthless,its going too take a combined effort from all sides to fully eliminate the Z,TREVINO is the real DIABLO.


  74. Z-40 is hiding in Oak Cliff, a nieghberhood, in Dallas Tx.

    1. It's funny that you mention that. About six months ago, I saw what appeared to be a custom black Chevy pick up truck with a "Z" emblem centered on the back side of the roof above the rear window. I've also been passed up by a black sports car traveling at a very high rate of speed with the same emblem.

  75. Z-40 is a carwasher at the local cobblestone in Galvin Tx

  76. One thing I know is that ct is not loosing power. They dominate the crystal distribution. Their cartel is massive bigger than cjng. They have hundreds of youngsters in their military. Most Michigan and all of south Jalisco is theirs. And let's not forget their part of t la resistencia. Extortion and kidnappings are rare for their cartel. I mean, the reason thy split from la familia was cus of extortion and kidnapping.


  78. Z40 is in Dallas TX

  79. early retirement? He was born in 1966...
    has not set foot in a classroom in over 10 years..
    Mexico's teachers can retire at 35-36?
    spraying perfume on a pile of crap won't help...

  80. 2013 Zeta Democracy

  81. AP just reported that Z40 has officially taken over the Zetas. The article basically noted that 40 actually won the hearts and minds of the troops so to speak by being a more hands on leader than Lazcano and through being more vicious. I don't know how they know Lazcano is defeated, but I wouldn't count him out. The unsettling thing is that while Lazcano is a soldier and murderer in his own right, 40 is a gangster and sociopathic killer who has managed to gain the ire of all the other cartels. What is it about this person that makes him so uniformly feared and hated? Among people who sever heads and kill on a daily basis themselves?! Would it be unprecedented to have someone this vicious at the helm of a crime syndicate? Did Ramon Arellano compare? I for one am pretty nervous for the people of Mexico. I do find myself rooting for the lesser of the evils, and hoping that this isn't true. I am not a cartel fan boy in any respect, but having spent a significant portion of my life in Mexico, I am worried for the people and the country that was so warm and good to me for so many visits and adventures. I worry that when I have children, even talking about being able to visit Mexico will seem like trivial nostalgia of an era long passed. What can be done aside from outside intervention or an internal purging by the cartels themselves? Why are some of these people in the cartels and the government so hell bent on ruining their country?

  82. why would tuta cash his checks? he gets them but why would he cash them??? HE IS THE FREAKING LEADER OF CT!!!

  83. August 23, 2012 4:15 PM
    "I hope in my lifetime i get to see mexicans treated equally. Atte sam sarcasmo"
    You are talking utter shit.Same old same.You only have to see comments on here to see how most Mexicans feel.A crazy antipathy towards the US.
    Mexico would not allow the US to step foot inside Mexico,so what is your suggestion genius.Do you really think the US wants to see Mexican people going through this?Sometimes it is people with your attitude which makes this whole situation worse.How can the US help to Mexico's satisfaction.No matter what we did we would be the bad guy,as you yourself insinuate.No doubt these statements will elicit a negative anti US stance.

  84. Atte sam sarcasmo .
    How can the US help?Would Mexico allow troops to enter?It is easy to spout the anti US rhetoric,but you don't want us on your territory.
    The hated gringo?Always the same negative attitude you are espousing right now.This situation is somehow always transposed onto the US.

  85. "Sucks to see you have that kind of thinkin i suggest you inform your self on.Mexican history and who has screwed us sincw the beginning of.our revolution.. and why we can't advance probably you might find your to a arrogant American"
    Anti US racist bullshit AGAIN.And you got someone saying how unfair Mexcians are treated.You cant advance because of the US ?My God with people with your way of thinking you really are doomed.The eternal whiner.

    1. Yes bitch. I can back up my argument. Simply take a political science class. Learn about.your history and.Mexico history and world history . You'll see who are the fuckers here..who has been screwing.even Americans. I am a patriot and i do speak up of the wrong.doing of m y country towards countries like Mexico ,south America ,Caribbean and middle east. I can guarantee you i probably know more of the us history and the you don't have..i javelin facts I've research. do you have huh? your heath on a flag? Calling.your self proud American just serve the arm forces?.@ fucking quick research on your beloved bullshit politics. Do it and then.come back and argue.with me..ignorant like you who want to don't even wtf is going.on. but only.know.the given to ya. And.that's what's wrong with America majority are.arrogant.pricks. yeah army the seals.marines blah blank blah. Whole your own forces are cultivating.trafficking world wide. Whatbhappen to Colombia and Escobar? Who helped him n.took him out of.power? NORIEGA. In DR. Saddam hussein in Irak. Bin laden and.the blow bsck hit afte certain government trained sponsor him and later on they.killed.him.more.then 5 times ,never has the body been shown. Do a.research on what injustice.mention stealing of land..which the us by threat and violence made Mexico sell ita land. Never in history that happened before. But it did happen in the middle east . Let me give you a hint Starts.with a Iand ends with a El. Seriously prove me wrong.. i dare.any.ONE to

  86. Z40 just put armor all on,my tires and I just tipped him $5

  87. Tuta looks like he had smoked a little before he shot the video.

  88. It's true, the stats are fake, you guys once said that 4 people were killed in Reynosa, but being from here, I know the number was actually closer to 100, if not more.

  89. I really didnt know Mexicans whined this much.
    "Its all the fault of the US"keepin us from advancing?Dayuuuum boy,you is stupid.Oh and a loser racist.Usually are.Mexican racists again.

  90. I like how this greybush thinks an apology is good enough to excuse murder lol "oh sorry i killed your brother stole all the cash he had and tortured him too, my bad, and oh yea ill torch all the Pepsi trucks too so you guys will be forced to drink shitty diet coke, no hard feelings?" Lol dude if your a scumbag just man up to it. Stop acting like your a good guy when u take what's not yours.

  91. @ August 23, 2012 3:52 AM "This indicates just how powerful and untouchable the Z have become" really? put the pom poms down, it indicates that they are a group of another type that deals with terror of innocent people and extortion. They are not a cartel!!!

  92. Is it just me or does that sword in the back ground look like it is covered in coagulated blood?

  93. My apologies if i offend. I simply get overwhelmed by all the insanity in Mexico. I just wish the us would help. The only assholes that don't want the armed forces here are the criminals. We just wonder how many more have to die before our neighbors start giving a damn. Again I'm sorry if i sound anti american believe me i love this great land of justice and opportunity. Something just doesn't make sense about no involvement of the us our troops go everywhere to help???? Atte sam sarcasmo

  94. Atte sam sarcasmo ?
    Are you in the US? You sad bastard giving the US all kinds of negative press and you were born and live here.What kind of insipid cowardly little bitch are you?Isnt it bad enough the stick we get off Mexicans and everyone else without you chiming in with your bleeding heart shit.I guess you the type of man who is a"pacifist"you wouldnt fight for your country would you,you fuckin disgrace.

  95. Atte sam sarcasmo .
    Bitch,you can be proud to be Mexican and American.
    As i have seen written on here by an ex US Serviceman,who has done more for the US than both you and me.And he was proud of it,without any whining.

    1. You two slimy fucks know shit about anything. I samuel served my country proudly.. I am 100 percent american.. I lost my wife and son to the bullshit violence in mexico. She was mexican we went to visit in may 2010 and we attacked by these fucking cowards you pussies glorify. So when you call me a bleeding heart you are absolutely right.. I only wish i would of died in that ambush.. I tried to get help from the police the Mexican military and the us consulate . Nobody gives a fuck...
      As for my apologies they are for.everyone else not you two slimy assholes

    2. Sorry about your loss. Alot of us on bb have lost friends and relatives. We feel your pain and anger. Don't mind the bs directed at you i for one accept your apologies. There are idiots in every crowd as you know senore. God be with you amd your family. For god and country...

  96. August 25, 2012 8:59 PM
    "There are idiots in every crowd as you know senore"
    Fuckin idiot,he said he is 100 American you clown.
    Everybody loses loved ones and its sad.But why do you attack the US?What is the US supposed to do about this situation?You say you were married to a Mexican girl?Well you know how much antipathy is directed at the US.Fuck is you,callin people slimy fucks?You the clown talkin grimy about the US.You the one lives here,yet rips it apart?Every country on this planet does shitty things,but it hit you personal,so now you blame the US?Mexicans killed your world,not your fellow Americans.

  97. August 23, 2012 9:41 AM

    Stfu american dumbass. What the hell you know about Che and Fidel?


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