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Monday, August 27, 2012

Knights Templar: Dump 11 Bodies on Guerrero Highway Leaves Message

Borderland Beat

Chilpancingo, Mexico. - On Sunday, "The bodies of 11 people were found in three different points of the highway between km 291-297. At one point the perpetrators left four bodies, in another three, and the last four, "reported  AFP deputy of Guerrero, Fernando Monreal.
The bodies, which were abandoned at a point on the road connecting Guerrero with the neighboring state of Michoacan (west) near the boundary between the two, showed signs of torture and each had a bullet wound to the head..
Furthermore,  narco messages were found signed by the criminal organization The Knights Templar, who have their base in Michoacán, in which  threats were issued against a  rival organization.

"Especialmente para ti Caballo alias el 11 para que te quede claro que nosotros jamas vamos a traicionar a nuestro escudo de los Caballeros Templarios, nosotros no somos unos pnches desertores como tu pinche puto”.
  “No perdemos las esperanzas de acabar contigo como hemos acabado con cada uno de ustedes, pinches putos, atentamente La Pelona

 “Ahi les va putos de Jalisco directamente para ti puto Cerebro para que sigas enganando a pendejos así como te los estoy tirando, no pierdo la esperanza de despedazarte a ti tambien, arriba los Caballeros Templarios, nunca podran con nosotros, ahi les va putos de Jalisco para todos los que pasen informacion Atentamente La Pelona”.
Translated to English:
"Especially for you Caballo(horse) aka the 11. So it is clear to you that we are never going to betray our coat of arms of the Caballeros templarios ( Templar Knights). We are not fucking desserters like you, fucking asshole".
"We don't loose hope of finishing you like we have finished each and everyone of you*, fucking assholes, Sincerely La pelona ( The bald one)".
"Here we go whores of Jalisco directly to you fucking Cerebro (brain) so you can keep cheating assholes as I am throwing them to you, I don't loose hope of also tearing you apart, Cheers for the Caballeros Templarios, nobody can beat us, This is for you whores of Jalisco, for those who give out information.
Sincerely La Pelona."
The identifications have not been determined  but "unofficially" they had been informed that "two of the 11 people executed are taxi drivers".
* this is an awkward phrase, could mean "we will finish each and everyone of you"
Guerrero, and particularly the resort of Acapulco, is one of the state hardest hit by the violence generated by drug trafficking affecting the country, as it brings together several criminal organizations vying for control.
According to official data, which do not distinguish between homicides that are attributable to organized crime and that the number of homicides in this district, which is on the Pacific coast, last year totaled more than 2,400, three times that recorded in 2006. (AFP)
Translation by Chivis
Source: El Debate-Narco Mexico Drugs Gangs


  1. "So it is clear to you that we are never going to betray our coat of arms" Or our plastic gladiator hats hecho en China :-) The first photo has nothing to do with this story and is a picture of a guy murdered directly in the tourist zone of Acapulco on the main tourist avenue in front of starbucks.

  2. Thanks was in Debate they usually say archive, but I wondered about the starbucks..down it comes...Chivis

  3. So what cartel are they reffering to?

    1. I beleive La Familia michoacana

    2. They are referring to cartel de Jalisco nueva generacion (CJNG)

  4. cjng getting their asses beat left and right. Too bad CT doesnt do videos because La Tuta doesnt allow them.

    El Chiludo

  5. Thanks Chivis-perder not flojo btw not to be a jerk. We aren't losing hope of finishing this is directed at a group from Jalisco in Acapulco? Seeing there are so many splinter groups in Acapulco-how do we know which one in particular

  6. sorry hit the wrong button. I am confused by it. I thought new generation. if that is the case they are in deep shit getting it from all sides. However, there are many gangs obviously the message was for specific people, hopefully someone will know and weigh in

    1. Who is in deep shit CT? Seems as in jalisco is trying to come in to michoacan from both south and north.. who knows

  7. cerebro and caballo are the ones this is directed to .i wonder if la pelona is a female,thats nickname usally is for a female.unless they are making ajoke and calling thier cock that.thats also a name for the not joking jus trying to figure this out.


  8. What other group from Jalisco? The first group were CT deserters the rest were CJNGs.

  9. lol hencho in china stupid ct they need to suffer the same why christ sufferd so they can say they do gods work

  10. Knights Templar getting Desperado ...moving outta michoacan....trying to grab other regions...Tuta selling El.Chayo Merchandise WTF.....atte: EL PATRICK SWAYZE 09

  11. Jalisco hmm..
    Is it CJNG, LFM, La Resistencia, or Milenio? Do these operate in Guerrero? Because CIDA and La Barredora don't operate in Jalisco right?
    Or is it BL? That theu message is towards? So confusing sometimes.

  12. So "Caballo" is a CT deserter in Guerrero and "Cerebro" is a CT deserter in Jalisco. This message is to the CT deserters.

  13. It seems people are responding to la tuta's message. The information must be pouring in to ct.

  14. La Pelona is a guy.

  15. dont worry la tuta will probably apalogize for his boys actions and be forgiven by the devil

  16. Is La pelona a female?

  17. @ Chivis they " loose hope"?

  18. Why don't u sit down and think about it jajaja

  19. Note, if you step planning a trip to acapulco,dont buy the packages.just get the best flight and deal directly with the five star resorts...they will cut the rate in half.and offer unlimited food drinks an golf...big deal "bodies on strip" as long as there's not one in my bathtub or face down in the pool...forget the Bahamas,or Turks,I can't think of a better place to watch the sunset!!! See ya in November.

  20. Come on Tyrone.

    It's like saying that La Barbie and La Tuta are women and ...LOL!!!

  21. La Palona is most likely just being written to question manhood as an insult IMO

  22. if they are sending a message to jalisco cartel. i think they are s2pid kuz didn't la tuta ask help from jaliso cartel to fight da zetas lol

  23. Theres the CT we all remember..

  24. La pelona means the cock or the bald female. its a joke. lol if you speak spanish.

  25. @ Chivis
    It's not an akward sentence. These sicarios are not exactly the most educated. The narco mensaje is intended for el caballo and what it says is : we will not stop until we get you. Just like we got you guys ( refering to the dead guys) .

  26. There were banners from Sinalio towards Mencho from CJNG. Dont know if their legit. Theyre are not happy about the heat and are acousing him of extortion and kidapping people. If this is true they are fucked from all sides.

  27. It would sure be cool if some terminally ill but still capable ex special forces soldier from the states or Britain went to Mexico and started wiping out every big name cartel chieftain they could shoot at. The one thing that surprises me about this war is the fact that more people haven't gone rogue vigilante and started killing these guys. I know it's half fantasy land rhetoric, but most of the Mexicans I have met in the states are very proud people with a strict code of honor etc. With all the family members being murdered how come there hasn't been more organic resistance from the ground up? Better to die on your feet than live on your knees

  28. this is why we needed guys like la barnie an chapo to rid out senseless killings


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