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Monday, April 30, 2012

Videos of Zetas Interrogating and Decapitating a CDG Halcon

by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
Three videos:
The following two videos are of the same Golfo halcon, captured by Zetas, he is interrogated in the first video.  In the second he is dismembered.  Halcones are hired by cartels as look outs.  I have translated the dialog of the interrogation video.  In the video the halcone makes a feeble attempt to distanced himself from CDG....

 Z: What’s your name?
CDG: Martin Artemio Arteaga (the audio is not very good when the Halcon speaks. That is the name I understood)
Z: Where do you live?
CDG: In Gonzalez, Tamaulipas, in the colony Cesar Lopez de Lara, street Venustiano Carranza.
Z: What do you do for a living?
CDG: Tire repair (puncture/flats)  and I also was a halcon for about three weeks.
Z: You were what?
CDG: Halcon
Z: Halcon for who?
CDG: Gulf Cartel
Z: Who did you work for?
CDG: For Chivo Olorio
Z: Who’s that?
CDG: That man is in charge of Gonzalez territory
Z: How long have you worked for him?
CDG: About three weeks but he didn’t pay me so I stopped working for him.
In this video he is decapitated and dismembered.  I will post a translation at a later time, the essence of what is said in foul language is that the same will happen to all that work for CDG (Golfo), sicarios, halcones...all that work for them will receive the same fate.


Third video is of a man being kidnapped by sicarios in Reynosa Tamaulipas.  In broad daylight, and heavy traffic.  The man ran across the highway in a failed attempt to escape.

Thanks to Milo and Chivo for posting the videos on BB forum



  1. The Reynosa video is produced almost like a scene from a movie, the music, plus images was really ominous. Pretty good example of how they operate with impunity in their strongholds, just beating and throwing some guy in a truck, in broad daylight, in a traffic filled highway. I was surprised the guy filming was getting so reckless. The highlighting of the radios on their waistbands was a nice touch too. I guess you just stay in the car, and don't look over,hope no one starts shooting.

  2. Thanks for the translation Chivis.

  3. Jajaja pinches marucheros ni para cortar cabesas sirven jajaja por que mataron un Pobre pendejo igual que ustedes mejor ponganse a chuparle la verga al murtito alamejor se la ubieran arrancado mas rapido

  4. Why isn't any of the main stream media reporting on any of this shit?! this is just south of the U.S. Forget about kony 2012 bullshit this seems more of a serious problem. As well as the person being kidnapped in the third video. Why weren't there any police? nobody seemed to give a rats ass of what was happening to that guy. They just seemed to drive by without giving a shit.That country is fucked now. Most of the crimes seem to take place during day time and still they cant stop these fucking savages. And why the hell would anybody want to visit there for vacation??? That country cant even protect its own fucking citizens.

    1. People are sims just scared to do anything. They just need to find courage. Finding courage is not easy when you are surrounded by a population who are also afraid to help and stop things.

      It is very very sad and I wish I knew of a way to help.

      To be any one person going through an event that you know is going to be your end. How sad for those. We have all been scared but all of us living have not been to the point where we are hacked up and still conscious.

      I am sad for those who have lost touch of a human side of compassion and kill and I am more so sad for those who go through death in a way that they are not able to say good by to a parent, a loved one or their child etc.

      How sad indeed...


    2. Mexico,The land forgotten by God.

  5. Mexico is in desperate need of another Hernando Cortes to bring this vicious violence to an end. He would also tell the USA to shove their prohibition laws up their ass.

  6. Stop to post these vids MORON

    1. MORON?! Seriously? Wow... Such class.

  7. I can not and will not watch the sick video of the murder! But watching the kidnapping in broad daylight in front of all those people is sickening. Obviously the place is so corrupt they know they can do whatever they want to people with total immunity. Sick broken society.

  8. what's wrong with the video?? I watched it eating eggs and waffles (yes I'm serious) soo what's the prob? its really that disturbing? lmao. thanks BB! I've been jonesin for a nice decap video. hahaha. really though very hard to find thanks uuuu

  9. @April 30, 2012 11:49 PM
    The illumanitis control main stream everything there is a reason they dont want the US population knowing of what is goin on south of the border. dont know why but im sure they have something to do with it. fast and furious hint hint

  10. pendejos ni para cortar cabesas sirven!

  11. Wow you guys are sick whom take the joy in looking at that video. The purpose of it is to show truley what is going on in Mexico point blank with no restrictions. Its not intended for you sick perverts.
    The US mainstream media does not give a shit about what goes on in daily in Mexico. I only saw this site from a link weeks ago but now read it daily for us in America need to get agrip on whats going on down south, and cut the cord of dependance on Narco needs. Absoultely ridiculous what the people here in Mexico have to deal with on a daily basis. Israel I thought was bad for all the fears of daily bombings, attacks, etc. Nothing in the recent decade compares to what is going on in Mexico, yet it is largely ignored by all. The only focus of the US now is how to keep the violence from spreading. Man people need to start to act in he US on a larger scale, and it starts with information, not seeking gore and snuff films to get off when your eating your spam and eggs.

  12. May 1, 2012 8:30 AM .
    How do you start to help a nation that doesn't want your help?Indeed is actually more antagonistic to the US,than the crimes themselves?
    You need only look around some of the sites,especially Spanish speaking forums,to see the near hatred of the"gringo"and the US.You yourself are being critical,yet in the 3rd video there is 100s of people driving by?The change has to come from the people themselves,but as we know,that is so much easier said than done.You provide an answer?

  13. This shiit aint in Reynosa i can vouch for that!
    Puro CxDxG aunke lez duela culeros ...

  14. G .
    You must be really hard and tough.
    To anyone interested,it looks like the dude was already dead when they started to decapitate him.
    So at least he had that small mercy?
    The torture for him was knowing for a fact,that in a few short minutes his life was going to end.
    Z catching CDG,and vice versa,there is only one outcome for the individual caught.

  15. pendejos ni para cortar cabesas sirven!
    May 1, 2012 8:23 AM

    jajajjajajajajajajajaj tu as de saber cortar cabezas mejor

  16. Dont know why the War on drugs is still going, ita an epic fail, While Mexico fights Nixons war against a weed.
    in the U.S. they build Pot-theme restaurants.

  17. These are the only guys they do this do. Bums. Why they don't do this to high ranking gulf cartels member or sinaloa members! How pathectic and weak are the zetas. Low life pieces of shit!

  18. There are a lot of reasons they don't show this on network tv..thanks to bb. The we can see what's really going on in I don't have a gore fetish,but to the guy with eggs n waffle comment wouldn't it b funny if u choked to death on your waffle while you watched that video!!!

  19. Watching these scums beat a man, got me so angry. One on one w bear hands ill knock each one!!

  20. It is easy for a foreigner (and especially an American) to say that the people passing by the highway in Reynosa during the second video are at fault. When one actually live in situations like this, surrounded by organized crime groups and drug violence, it is hard for a regular citizen to stand up and make a difference. And especially when that citizen is unarmed, and in a society were cops, prisons, jails, and politicians are corrupted. I live in Matamoros, and often go to Reynosa. We grew up knowing that we cannot mess with the Gulf Cartel, and especially now that they aren't giving any second chances. On my way to work, I often see the cartel members in the streets. They're not as open as they used to be during the PRI regime, but they’re still there. It's not easy.

  21. These guys must be amatures at this type of carnage. Ive seen decapitations done easier with a pocket knife.

  22. regarding the comments about US not knowing what goes on in Mexico, I've been intrigued by the movie" El Infierno" not being released here in the US. I wondered if Mexico didn't ask for it to not be released. It really paints the Feds, Catholic Church, and Mexicans in a bad light.

  23. The U.S.A & its citizens wont kill up close & personal,they prefer carpet bombing,missiles,& any other weapon that allows them to achieve their goal & objective of exterminating those who oppose BIG BROTHERS laws!!

  24. that was crazy ,shit is out of control. here in mexico but if there really was a war on drugs i figured they put military in the river instead of chasing crackheads around .i guess this tops a manta with dead bodies . wonder whats next for those jacking off to this video.

  25. I am so sorry for this man.. halcon watch for cops on the border, right? either way, he didn't deserve this. Why don't they just go after the actual bosses, cut the head off the snake so to speak. I can only imagine being this man, doing it to make money and eventually ending up there

  26. He said he worked as a lookout.that's what he gets.....don't enter the game and make easy money.easy money equalls.easy death.

  27. I got all excited after watching the video... se me paro ver esa cabezita all sexy :-) Me sooo horny, me love you long time

  28. I wonder how this compares to the Bosnia -Serbia conflict? Out of political pressure Calderon cannot unleash all the power of the Armada Mexicana.

  29. .
    ¿ What is the effect on the mind and emotional system of a human being viewing such HORRIFIC VIOLENT ACTS OF CRUELTY? !! Come On!, this type material should not be posted online. ¿Does it even serve any purpose for those Investigating Crime!!?

    Who it does serve is criminals who wish to FRUSTRATE & TERRORIZE THE PUBLIC and it also communicates SEE, WE GOT AWAY WITH IT!, WE CAN DO WHAT WE WANT & YOU MAY BE NEXT OF THE LIST, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU DO, DON'T CROSS US! ... and so on.

    Does it pay to be negative in life? ¿And what do these gruesome video communicate, Extreme Negativity?!!

    Viewing such video is VOYEURISM. Stay Away From Corrupt Videos and Images, that's my advice. Feed yourself with the kinds of things that help you Enjoy Life, bring Enchantment Into Your Life, hear the sweet sounds of the birds, see the beauty of innocence in children, notice that the world Is Seen in color and not in grey or black in white, no need to wait for miracles to happen, WE ARE ALL LIVING IN THE MIRACULOUS CREATION OF L.I.F.E.

    . . . And teach your children values . . .

  30. It's a dog eat dog, kill or be killed world in Mexico. And a whole lot more killing still needs to happen. Calderon has not got the cajones to do what is necessary - he would have to annihilate entire villages and pretty much declare war on his own country. Mexico is fucked!

  31. The sociopaths who do this sort of thing for a living are less than human beings. They are the equivilent to the shit that squirts out of a dogs ass. So are the people who watch and get enjoyment from human torture. THX for posting the videos. Mexico is a dying nation and the scum like these sicarios enter the U.S. with impunity, rape our women, molest our children, and scurry back across the border. Is it time to take matters to a new level? I think YES.

  32. Dammm da murder is crazi but dont snitch or do dumm shitt ull regret, the video is fucken crazi i swear mexican opl r so scared of diz called kidnappers todos se miran bien flacos y pendejos y tanto tradfico q habia y no hicieron nada por eso mexico esta como esta toda la gente con wuebos y trabajora anda ya aki en estados unidos puro culero anda en mexico q no pueden ayudar a una persona y mas ese testigo chismoso ayi parado sube dios q le ayan echo y policia puta q no anda ni dando la vuelta le tienen miedo a unos putos yo si fuera policia me vale madre me ka rifo con quien sea es mil veces morir con honor q morir por tracion y d pendejo tengan wuebos

  33. Seriously, the US serial killers fail in comparison to this crap. When it happens in the US, it is a huge deal. Only a hand full of individuals actually have gone through with this kind of violence and those few have had movies and books written about them. This is going on daily with a huge number of people who are involved. The soul of Mexico is gone for sure. One day it would be nice of the illegals all got together and went down to take back their country. It would work for a few years until one person would take a bribe, and then break a few promises, and then they are right back into the mess. That said, if your a halcone, make sure your not wearing your wifes panties when you go to work. You might loose your head on video for all to see.

  34. I know this may pour a little cold water on some of you blood thirsty narcos who are so jaded to the violence, but think about this.

    This poor man died for what? He most likely had a mother who loved him. But more importantly he has a God that formed him in his mothers womb. He died a horrible death and for what?

    This should be a wake up call to all those in the narco life. Living a humble life in service to the God of creation beats the ending to this poor man's life. If he did not repent and come to a saving faith in Christ his suffering is just beginning with no end. An eternal separation from God in agony and suffering not imagined in this video.

    The Word of God says that you suffer in hell alone. There is no purgatory, no partying in hell with your reprobate friends. You suffer alone and in unmentionable agony, forever. That is forever. No parole or good time. Think and read what God says about your payment if you do not repent and turn from your ways. It's not too late.

  35. To those who say they have enjoyed watching the murder and subsequent dismemberment of this poor man...there's a special place in Hell for you. Even if you're joking and trying to be funny, you are still a sicko. I think the editors of this blog should search and release the IP address and identity of those posting how much they enjoyed watching the murder. Name, picture , address. I'm sure it's some 40yr old virgin, or nerd, recluse of some sort.

  36. Well what are u waiting for? Go to n.l. and Tamaulipas. Don't u think God would've done someting by now?

  37. It's amazing to read comments with regards to the U.S. is to blame or the U.S. isn't doing anything or the U.S. doesn't care..blah, blah, blah. I fail to see the connection on how the U.S. is in any way directly responsible for the drug related events in Mexico! What happens in Mexico is the responsibility of the Mexican government. The U.S. is virtually powerless to take action in Mexico. Mexico doesn't want U.S. involvement rather they want funding and equipment! All these bullshit comments with regards to the U.S. is filled with drug addicts and junkies...yea, right. The U.S. is populated with +360 million people..not everyone is a drug user. Regardless of the U.S.'s demand for drugs it's up to Mexico to stop the cartels supply. I've said it before and I will say it again it's the corruption level of high ranking Mexican gov't officials that is to blame! These cartels work and operate with impunity through bribes and payoffs. Stop the corruption and you will cripple the cartels. Money is not the most important asset in the fight against the cartels rather intel/information is...there are ordinary Mexican citizens, who know exactly what's going on and the whereabouts of top cartel members, yet this vital information is never shared! For example, my father in law used to reside in Puerto Vallarta and he has told me he has seen Chapo hanging around the area a few years back with his entourage (numerous occasions). My father law said Chapo appeared to be friendly and very "down to earth." When I asked my father law if he ever thought about relaying this info (at the time) to Mexican authorities? He laughed and said never because..why take a chance when you don't know what Mexican authorities are actually working for the cartels! I believe this is the mindset of the majority of citizens of Mexico! I've never known my father in law to be a liar!


  39. @9:22, well said. Mexico will never move forward until it's ran by people who refuse to take bribes. We have the same problem in the US, but not even close to the level that goes on in Mexico. I've never had the lady at the DMV ask for an extra $20 to have the process sped up, nor have I had to pay a grand to the Highway Patrol just to have them to stamp a form for my stolen SUV and boat trailer in Loredo. But I have in Mexico.

  40. May 1, 2012 10:26 AM
    better than ur brothers golfos who kills innocent animals to warn zetas

  41. @ 11:57
    Mx did try and ban it, as they did with Presumed Guilty Documentary. they pulled from, theaters, then relented. IMO they look wrse doing that.

    If you have not seen Presumed Guilty it is an intriguing documentary with unparalleled view of the Mx court system following the plight of a wrongfully accused man. Its the flip side of impunity.

    On forum it has been posted multiple times in full movie length here it is:

    I would recommend watching this first:

    Then the movie:

    both powerful and worth watching

  42. May 2, 2012 9:22 AM .
    Don't bother,your banging your head against a brick wall.They hate the"gringo"with a passion.
    What for,i don't know.
    May 1, 2012 4:21 PM .
    You say the video should not be posted?
    This is reality,this is life,this is what is happening in Mexico.Some journalist are losing their lives for doing less.Now we have people like you,who want to change the majority because you think it is wrong?You knew what the video held,yet you still watched it?This video is evidence of what is happening right now.
    The video is posted,it is up to the individual to watch,or not,individual choice.You do not want to watch it,please don't enforce your views on the rest of us.

  43. @ G .
    Now don't you look like a nob-head.
    Talking all tough cause you watched a video.
    Really constructive man.
    These videos tell everyone what is happening in Mexico and around the world,they are the best evidence,and the most concise way to get people involved.That is why they should always be posted,it is up to individual choice on whether or not to view them.They have adequate descriptions,so everyone is aware of what they contain.

  44. As long as the people of the U.S and Europe keep demanding drugs the cartels will work day and night.

    It's time for the US goverment and european goverments to be looking for an legalisation in a nearby future...

  45. @ May 1, 2012 5:40 PM
    Don't blame Mexicans for raping your women and molesting your children. Your own citizens are responsible for that. What world do you live in?

  46. @May 2, 2012 9:22 AM Then u should be against kony 2012 it isnt any ones business to be involved in a foreign country except ugandans is that what you are saying then? we shoudnt have been in iraq, libya or any other country. And the U.S is involved never heard of fast and furious??? and its not the movie if your that of an ignorant fool.

  47. 4:14 Am karma doesnt exist Betrayal EXIST... And so the zetas are killing a halcon who doesn't work for CDG anymore? zetas are fucking scumbags and lowlifes...

  48. "As long as the people of the U.S and Europe keep demanding drugs the cartels will work day and night"
    A Mexican comment?That says it all.
    That's what everybody is up against,pathetic.

  49. @5/2 10:12PM,
    You are completely missing the point here. Operation "Fast and Furious" was no doubt an epic failure but you have to look deeper than just the ATF's how the gun shipments made it passed Mexico's border enforcement! Take the same operation and try it in Canada...and the guns never make it pass the Canadian border! When suspects purchase weapons from the U.S. (border towns) and cross into Mexico with the weapon shipments it's because Mexican authorities, who are supposed to enforce border crossings, are being paid to let the shipments through..unmolested. This was happening long before "F&F" was taking place! Again, the point here is regardless of any American wrong-doing it is Mexico's failure to control their end of the border that has allowed these types of operations to occur! Also, your ignorant to think that the cartels only access to weapons is from the U.S. With billions of dollars at their disposal, you can be sure the cartels have other sources, in which to acquire weaponary.

    As fas as Kony, Iraq, Lybia, etc..I will be the first to tell you, I'm not a supporter for US involvement military wise. Kony has been doing the same shit, since 1986 (26 years) and now all of sudden the international community wants to take action? The problem here is people (non-Americans) criticize the US for getting involved in the domestic problems (civil unrest) of other countries yet when the US fails to take action or get involved the same people criticize them for that too. So, you can't have it both ways or you can't satisfy everyone. I understand that Americans are not "liked" everywhere and there are quite a few countries that despise Americans! But I could careless with regards to the perceptions of other countries towards the US.

    We are talking about Mexico, a completely autonomous country that has its own political, domestic, commercial, and defense capabilities. Mexico is more than adept to handling their own domestic problems without support from any country! But that is not the case because politicians and authorities (law enforcement) in Mexico are greedy and are more concerned with making money off the situation than following the morale/ethical route, which their jobs require!

  50. He should have fought instead..everyone should do...

  51. Don't hate the player, hate the game...

  52. 5/3 12:42PM,
    Fighting your way out after you have been caught probably isn't an option. To ensure that you are compliant or subdued beyond resisting, I'm sure this guy was beaten into submission and surrounded by multiple aggressors. It's never illustrated as a "one on one," type of scenario. Bound hand and foot and faced with multiple firearms would easily make you comply or quickly dismiss any notions of putting up a fight. Plus, this guy (victim) was an alledged halcon and it's possible he's never even been in a fight for his life before or faced a threat of this magnitude! Perhaps, it is pure fear that kept him in compliance or the glimpse of hope that just a beating and torture would all he would sustain! Who knows..he's dead now and hopefully in much better place than he was here among the living!

  53. May 3, 2012 9:49 AM
    No, im actually european.

  54. About damn time you started posting up execution videos plz keep them coming

  55. I dont understand why they always display the corpses naked/wearing womens underwear/ pants pulled down. Is there some kind of sick fucking necrophilia thing going on?

  56. To all the people who r like why doesnt the mainstream news cover this in the USA, its because they dont care sooner or later WHEN THE ZETAS CONTROL AMERICA THEY WILL CARE

  57. Better off putting a bullet in your own head rather than being captured by a cartel.



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