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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jesus "El Rey" Zambada Extradicted to the US

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
Includes Wiretaps Transcript of conversations between Chapo, El Mayo, Mayo's son Vicente and others, discussing El Rey's arrest, potential extradiction and the desire to blow up U.S. buildings to send Gringos a messsage and the preference for American weapons....Paz, Chivis

Mexico has extradited to the United States Jesus Zambada Garcia alias "King", a partner of Joaquin Guzman Loera "El Chapo" and one of the leading sources of cocaine and methamphetamine from South America. Federal authorities reported that the alleged drug dealer was taken from the airport of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, sent to  New York, where he will face charges for conspiracy and other crimes.
 Jesus Zambada was arrested on October 20, 2008 and is considered one of the four leaders of the Pacific Cartel. Zambada Garcia is the brother of Ismael Zambada alias "Mayo", which in turn is a member of Guzman Loera and so was the late Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel. With the capture of Jesus the  authorities claimed that a substantial part of the Pacific Cartel was compromised, saying he was instrumental in tthe operation of the criminal organization.
"The King"  (El Rey)
Chapo and Mayo wiretaps reveal plans to blow up US buildings:
In wiretaps, a conversation "Chapo" and "El Mayo" discuss the recent (at that time) arrest of “El Rey” (the king) and the possible extradition of Rey.  Further discussing plans to blow up US buildings to “send gringos a message”…
Text of the wiretap:
A short while later, Flores participated in a meeting that also included Guzman-Loera, Ismael Zambada-Garcia, Zambada-Niebla, and others.
During that meeting, Guzman-Loera and Ismael Zambada-Garcia discussed the recent arrest of Zambada-Garcia’s brother, Jesus Zambada-Garcia, a/k/a “Rey Zambada,” by Mexican authorities.
According to Margarito Flores, Ismael Zambada-Garcia stated, in words or in substance, “This government is letting the gringos (American law enforcement) do whatever they want. All we need is for them to try and extradite him.”
Guzman-Loera responded, with words to the effect of “it’s too early for that, it’s going to take a long time. They are fucking us everywhere. What are we going to do?”

Ismael Zambada-Garcia responded, “It will be good to send the gringos a message. Whatever we do, we have to do it in someone else’s territory, in the smoke [Mexico City, which at the time was primarily under the control of the Beltran-Leyva Organization].”
Guzman-Loera responded, in words or in substance, “Yeah, it would be good to do it in the smoke. At least we’ll get something good out of it and Arturo (Beltran-Leyva) will get the heat.
"Mayo" and "Chapo"
Let it be a government building, it doesn’t matter whose. An embassy or a consulate, a media outlet or television station (attack a Mexican or U.S. government or media building in Mexico City).”

At that point in the conversation, Zambada-Niebla turned to Flores and said words to the effect of, “[Buddy], you know guys coming back from the war. Find somebody who can give you big powerful weapons, American.
We don’t want Middle Eastern or Asian guns, we want big U.S. guns, or RPGs (rocket propelled grenades).”
Zambada-Niebla made mention of a particular model of weapon, to which Flores responded that he did not think the weapon named was American.
Zambada-Niebla responded in words or in substance, “You know what I’m talking about. We don’t need one, we need a lot of them, 20, 30, a lot of them.” Flores responded, “I’ll see what I can do.” Guzman-Loera then said to Flores, “Make it your job;” and Zambada-Garcia said,
“See what you can do.”

As Flores was preparing to leave the mountaintop compound, Zambada-Garcia said in words or substance, “Make sure everything we talked about gets done,the rockets, Felipe, and stop sending those bills to Olivares* [stop sending small bills as payment to Zambada-Garcia’s lieutenant German Olivares].”
Flores then had another conversation with Zambada-Niebla while waiting on an airstrip to depart.
Zambada-Niebla stated, “We don’t need that small shit, I want to blow upsome buildings.
We got a lot of grenades, we got a lot of .50 calibers, we’re tired of AK’s.”
Vicente Zambada Mayo's son incarcerated in the U.S.
Zambada-Niebla continued, “ You want to be really good with me, get me my fucking gunsfucking money, fucking drugs.  I want to fucking blow things  up. I want some bazookas,some grenade launchers.”
After this mountaintop meeting, Flores called a DEA agent and informed him of  this plot to obtain military-grade weapons. Flores asked the agent to provide Flores with black market prices for rocket and grenade launchers so that Flores could appear knowledgeable about the topic if asked again by Guzman-Loera, Zambada-Garcia, Zambada-Niebla, or others.
Flores had such a conversation during the same November 29, 2008, recorded phone conversation with Zambada-Niebla described above.

Request for weapons from American soldiers
After discussing the 13-kilogram heroin transaction, Flores and Zambada-Garcia discussed Zambada-Niebla’s request for weapons from American soldiers returning home from war.
During the recorded conversation, Zambada-Niebla spoke on behalf of his father, Zambada-Garcia, and told Flores that the Sinaloa Cartel would agree to purchase 20 to 30 weapons from a U.S. soldier who was leaving the service. The conversation was as follows:
MF (Margarito Flores): Hey, do you remember what we talked about? About those toys [rocket/grenade launchers].
VZN (Vicente Zambada Niebla): Yes.
Sources Used:
Indictment read here
Sanctions read here


  1. They don't like it when the US gets involved,because they can't control US law, thats clear.Who or how did these conversations get recorded? Good work but if it is known where these people have buildings meetings,own land etc it needs to be siezed or destroyed.

  2. he is just another hamster in the American prison system now

  3. All it would take to bring the GRINGO's Down on the Cartels like the (wrath of God) is a couple of terrosist bombings in the good old USA and the Sinaloa Cartel as well as the rest of them would be History. one thing the USA won't put up with is that type of shit. I've always thought that "El Mayo" and Chapo we're intelligent guys; and they would never be so Stupid as to do what they talk about
    in this peice. Guzman and Zambada would be sighning their "Death Warrants" if they ever even tried to pull something like that in the states. I think that they are on "Borrowed Time"
    as it is, just by bullshiting about Terorism. Are they really that "Dumb"...? After reading this in a public forum; I fear that their days are truly numbered!!! Bring It On !!!

    1. In one word "no"

    2. Yea.. I also thought those two guys were smarte then tht.. they already have enought trouble fighting there own country, trying to start a war against US.. ill give it less then 6 months for the Navy seals or US AMRY SPECIAL FORCES to get in that ass.. don't mess with the best.... even though US has its own problems with eachother.. dnt fuk wit us US ARMY.

  4. Ahora si pinche rata te van hacer que pages couta en la carcel. Estados unidos no es Mexico aqui la Maya y El sapo Guzman no son. Nadie . Pinches relajes jajaja
    .ontan Los sinaloas que van a entrar a michoacan? Muchos huevos? No creo yo. entrenle cabrones pa darles piso.

  5. Seems Like El Rey is leaving to the US to to become an informant like both his sons. His Step-son became an informant and was extradited to the US as soon as they were arrested, his younger son was actually flipped by mexican officials, and later, SUPPOSEDLY, comitted suicide. Word in the scene was that El Rey wasn't too happy about this.

    Prime example for all you CDS fanyboys and girls to see how things really are, these bosses of yours all cooperate with the government, turn in their own people and even rat on their own family.

  6. Asi trabajar de cartel de LOS sapos. ...cubriendo sus desmadres LA nombre de otro cartel.las como cuando matan gente inocente le hechan LA culpa a LOS contras.y les duele en de culo a LOS chapos cheerleadersque ES LA verdad de ES cartel de LA hipocresia.aver putos que tienen que decir sobre esto que ustedes son hombres y valientes jajajja sino tienen LOS huebos para aseptar sus desmadres ahora que. Ban a tener huebos para pelear de frente.las de verdad a LOS sapos cartel de LA hipocresia

  7. Propaganda from the DEA lies and lies I trust el Chapo more than greedy DEA's fucks.. What has the DEA done beside arm every cartel in Mexico including los Zetas.

    1. Are you one of these conspirisits who believe the CIA is doing this for money? Please tell me that your not one of them, because that is one of the lamest excuses.

      If you don't know why this is then there are others like you do don't feel alone. Just go read up read GOOD on the Federal Reserve and think about it some after you understand them.

  8. Wouldn't El Chapo realize that blowing up buildings is the best way to get himself arrested?

  9. I don't think Chapo or Mayo would want to bring that much heat to their organization much less any cartel in Mexico. Sounds like a bunch of propaganda. Just my opinion.

  10. Fucking with the US you just shooting your self in the foot.

  11. And these are said to be pretty intelligent people?Angering the US,by possibly blowin shit up?
    I don't think they meant it for real,just blowin smoke up each others ass,cause they was pissed about the arrest.See the"gringo"shit?Sad to say,i think the majority of Mexicans feel this way,they seem to have a pretty big hatred for the"gringos"?
    But,a lot of neighboring countries around the world are just the same.Asia,Europe,Korea,great us humans aren't we.

  12. "Text of the wiretap:
    A short while later, Flores participated in a meeting that also included Guzman-Loera, "

    You inject this "Flores" without any background or history... Just *BOOM* and there he is in the mix without any build up conversation of who he is or what parts does he play etc... Its like theres a paragraph or two missing???

    Also what happened to TEX on the forums?

  13. Ahora si creo que este blog convierte or esta en control de pendejos que quieren traer confusion y panico al publico y ademas que el pinche govierno americano venga y interfiera con Mexico como lo a hecho en otros paisas ahorita... Haber director o el que controla este blog. Porque no ensenan estos supuestamente conversaciones de audio donde dicen que quieren tumbar pinches edificios con bombas??????? Las pinches noticias ahora valen verga. Domas son controlados por gente muy poderosa y hablan de lo que les dicen lo unico que pueden hablar y eso es puro pinche mentira domas para pisarle a el pinche dragon del govierno de los gringos....Gente cuidado en lo que leen o eschuchan. Estamos en un tiempo muy dificil para todos. Las noticias y los politicos nos confuden y nos meten terror. Y mas cuando son controlados por los idiotas que quieren destabilisar el mundo porque esots pinches hueros quieren....

  14. Damn a good. Reason to go to war
    With Mexico but it won't get attention
    Until its to late like September 11 2001
    Osama declared war on us in 1996
    That's 5 years before it happened doesn't
    It make Americans look retarded
    I'm mean it looks like El chaputo is
    Turning jihadist. If true this is really bad
    Cuse you know they have better chances
    To get in to America
    than Al-qaida does. But I think the
    Nsa , H.L.S. S.S. F.E.M.A. want this to
    Happen so they can profit. From it
    Cuse you know who likes to profit from
    wars/desasters the Americans

    1. Jesus! (meant as a non Spanish style name)

      You to need some education about the Federal Reserve. Go read up on it well. The fucking USA does not need "Money"!!!

      They can make what they need. If there is malicious intent by the USA then money is not is. Christ! Go fucking fish. It would be another reason.

    2. Just like they went to war with Iraq for oil, so yeah the u.s needs as much money and resources as they can. War with terrorists, possible conflict with Russia and China, yeah I think they need as much money as possible

  15. He is going to live a nice cosy life in american prison, 3 meals a day exercising, medical treatment for life, its going to be a good life for him in an american max prison

  16. i bet he thought he was tough when he was free, now i bet he cxries like a little bitch

  17. The mountain top conversation was not on a wire tap. The transcripts only touch on the subject. The way this written it sounds as if that whole Convo was recorded.


  18. Nobody?.........

  19. Will be labeled the queen shortly.

  20. This is wut happens 2 people that want 2 MESS W/ THE U.S., C wut happen 2 them; BUSTED 4 trying to fu*k w/ the gringos; yall sure dont want the US 2 go down there and wipe yall out now...

    1. So macho your words are. Hehehe jajajajaja!!!

      Chest Thumper!

  21. why the F*ck was Zambada-Niebla dealing with such a shitty amount of Heroin (13 Kilos?), i thought he was a kingpin.

  22. Mexico is revealed as Washington's little bitch, as it Felipe Calderon, when they extradite citizens for trumped up petite crimes, like those involving narcotics.

  23. Intresting dat the mex government would extradite him,since hes mayos brother!

    1. Why woudn't they.? They extradited his son....if ur going to comment on here,at least read some history into what ur going to comment about.

    2. Its part of the merida plan.

  24. I read the Audio on BB. (Sarcasm)
    Chapo Bin Ladin is coming to get you with DEA smuggled weapons.

    1. The US wouldn't need to smuggle them in. Seriously, they wouldn't.

  25. if this conversation was really true i would wish to hear it. but wait it didn't happen bcuz the flores brothers wanted shorter prison time

  26. Its interesting to hear comments that Mexican politicians are criminals,WHICH I TRULY BELIEVE THEM TO BE, comments made by Mexicans about the people they Elected?? I grudgedly accept the fact that all countrys have political bloopers, but Mexico holds the record.

  27. thats just what to do..blow up some buildings..then the eve will turn towards YOU..

    the US army is real good at killing..we wont play cat and mouse like you putos narcos are used to ..NOOO!!!..

    it will be surround the whole country everybody out of the house..who are you? why are you here come with us..bag over head ..big tiewrap around the wrists..chains around the ankles..duckwalk..ya puto

    the tecates and tequila are good ..but you better sober up..before you are "king " in a cage

    it is good that these assholes have shown themselves for what they are ..not patriots..not robin hoods..just culeros willing to jeopardize millions of innocent people all for their greed and love of money and power

  28. CDS gave him up! Just like they ALWAYS do...

  29. It wasn't the complete wire was printed as an overview of which I thought tied in directly to the main subject which was the extradiction. Along with the sanctions and indictment....Pz, chivis

    1. Chivis, I got your back for what ever it's worth saying it on here and in this fashion and being anonymous.

      Some people just get all worked up in such odd ways that you have to try to ignore them. There is no pleasing some people. No mater how hard you try.

      Thank you for what you do. Your a type of hero but a hero all the same


  30. Ey man,these guys just talking tough,who in their right mind is gonna fuck with the US?I am not a citizen of the US,but people don't prod a fuckin giant,and expect him to sit there and take it.
    You see i say i right mind,911 motherfuckers were just that,fuckin loony tunes on a hot date with 97 virgins an all that shit.Don't fuck with the democracies,they got more money,more weapons,better trained,better logistics,everything.Chapo and Mayo,surely they aint that fuckin stupid,but on the other side of the coin,they all play games to their own ends.

  31. @6:37

    I think the most relevant thing in the wiretap was the fact that they wanted to blow up some buildings in Mexico or the US because I thought they were too smart to want to want to have the US going after them in an all out war. But it was in the wiretaps. SHows that anything is possible and it is not just about trafficking drugs anymore.

  32. Do any of the admins have any idea if the actual recordings are posted somewhere on line? Maybe a place like LexisNexis, Bloomberg Law, or Westlaw has them?

  33. I wonder if he has to show where he gets his money for his lawyer?

  34. This should prove that Sinaloa is not in cahoots with Calderon. By extraditing el Rey. Also I don't believe any of the tapes propaganda the deA and CIA are destroying Mexico .it's kind of funny how the zetas are gaining more territory while Calderon is in office I thought he backed Sinaloa

  35. Last night Mexican Army soldiers came under fire on the Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas- Anahuac, Nuevo Leon highway, when the gunfight was over Z's second in command in Nuevo Laredo aka El Quemado and three other Z members were dead. Good work Mexican Mexican Armed Forces! Keep up the good work and God bless you and your families!

    1. Kick some asses and stay safe my Mexican neighbor military.

  36. I read this fairy tail last year. Flores and his brother were gang bangers in Illinois that had a connection to a CDS rep in Aurora, IL or Chicago I believe. No cartel on earth would trust some hang bangers in their 20's with millions of dollars worth or drugs. If actual wire taps existed they would've been over the media for a while. I highly doubt that 2 gang banging idiots from Illinois would have been so high in rank to set up a mountain top meeting with two of the most wanted men in the world, and all over 13 k's of heroin???? Come on of you believe this I have some beach front property to sell you in Iowa.


    1. Why don't u Google these guys.They where actually doing about 1-2 thousand kilos a month.

    2. The twins fell into the 2nd generation of distributors in US which is anyone born between 1969 - 1982. Many reporters stated on how it is unthinkable that the capos consider them "gatekeepers" @ the age of 25. How did they gain the trust? 1st they were schooled by their father & uncles in Mex, Margarito Sr was a trusted associate of the pacific cartel in chicago late 70s early 80s. Sr had strong ties back home, the twins also had an older brother that was involved in the business through the mid 90s. they were involved @ a young age starting around 98. The older brother & one of the twins "Pedro" had gang ties, The twins were probably introduced to their connect & which point they start moving weight to their own clients. From 1998- 2004 or 2005 they primarily dealt through a person here in Chicago working for Maunel " la puerca" who was under the BLO banner but still a part of the cartel del Pacifico. During this time Pedro was still considered a mid level distributor moving any where from 100-250 a month, in milwaukee they had trouble with one of their clients & in 2002 jr was kidnapped & held for ransom of 150 kilos + cash. In late 2003 they fled to Mex after being indicted in Milwaukee & even more set backs here in Chi when a load of 300 kilos was stolen from one of their workers. Like many individuals in the business when you lose a large load they have to answer directly to someone higher then who they were dealing with directly. This was around the time they had a sit down with the higher ups in the pacific cartel & with the twins now living in mex it was easier for folks to accept them. They had their cards pulled by mid level management & were being dealt a bad hand, in other words they wanted a better price in order to pay back all their loses. The twins opened up their books to Vincetillo & the rest present to show how much weight they moved for the group between 1999-2004. They desired to take on more responsibility but Vince did not trust them 100% @ this time they were not receiving the loads directly & unloading them in the Chi. Their crew had truck drivers, that would travel to Cali for loads of 1/4 to 1/2 ton loads bi-monthly. It was not until 05 hat Vince people in charge of transport to Chicago lost a load & the whole crew. That's when el Pacifico gave the twins the go ahead to be in charge of recieving larger loads 1000-1500 kilos, plus they had the workers in place and storage warehouses in place to pick up after that other crew was busted. So now their crew had the responsibility to safely recieve & unload the goods in chicago area. In 05 to 06 A number of trusted mid level distribution networks were busted, individuals working under the Pacifico umbrella (nacho&valencias) group took heavy hits. So a number of their clients went looking else were for work, who were buying 100 @ a time turned to the twins. One can call this diwnsizing of middle management & higher profits for the capos, the price of coke shot up to 20k & stayed there for all traffickers in the states. One has to question the claims of the gov that it was a consist shipments of 1-2 tons a month. But looking at the supply and demand & the fewer options the capos had to moving loads in the chi it seems possible.

  37. Well this proves that Sinaloa is not in cahoots with the Calderon administration because of the exrtadition of el mayos brother.the dea and CIA are destroying Mexico.i think that these tapes are all propaganda.i don't think chapo and mayo would want that kind of heat on them.whats also funny is why are the zetas gaining so much territory with Calderon in office if he's supposedly in cahoots with Sinaloa?

    1. Nice try but we have already decided that calderon fox chapo are working together not for long though

  38. I find the first picture very symbolic being that his name is Jesus el Rey and he has his arms outstretched like if he's going to be crucified by those two guys carrying him. His beard and his downward gaze also make him look like a modern day Jesus. It's very surprising to see those parallels but I'm sure that's where they end and people have alot of shit to say about him.

  39. extradited not extradicted

  40. Al Quds said ...
    ur right bro
    they always looking for a reson to invade other countries for own profit

  41. I am always wary of believing the claims of authority concerning drug busts.But if some of this is true,they are making the Flores bros out to be major players.2 tons of coke a month?700 million a year distribution sales?C,mon man,what yall think about that shit?In this story why are they mentioning 13 key?To the main men?I don't know about this,but they always exaggerate the amount they bust.Who knows for sure,but some of these numbers are crazy.

  42. yep 1-2 kilos of coke a month,chapo himself was involved with the 13 kilos of heroin,the twins were asked to go to the mountain top hideaway to agree on prices,only 1 twin went.chapo and mayo are not on wiretaps saying they want to blow buildings up! it is just the twins word on that.i dout they did,mayos son might of said something though

  43. chapo is a hands on capo.he got involed in the herion deal because the flores brothers were good customers,he was helping out

  44. yeah, thats the impression I get, is that Chapo was just taking care of the first tier clients, who were making them a lot of money, and major outlets for CDS product.

    They were building a relationship with the heroin, the 13/22 kilo deals were just a jumping off point. Plus, the price on heroin is more then double the coke, so it's a lot more money then it appears, even as 13-30 kilos.

  45. Sorry folks...We are busy with life this holiday week-end...I will try and post later..
    I wish you all a blessed and wonderful Passover and Easter....Paz, Chivis

  46. The twins where Members on the Almighty Ambrose Nation in Chicago at one point, I cant picture either one of them two idiots going anywhere near a mountain top.
    Mayitos defense id paid by his aubt who owns a legitimat buisness in chicago, "Productos Gallito" all of you in the Chicago area look in you local tienda and you'll see productos gallito everywhere from tortillas to Oregano.

    The guy that claims to have befriended Mayito in the fed detention is another lying sack of chit, he and a chicago cop where bajadores and would rob people, He was a ranking Member of La Raza in pilson La Raza and Ambrose are both part of the latin folk nation, I wouldnt put it past him to lie for the folks (flores bros)

    1. Sorry pal check your facts! I would question your knowledge on the subject just by simple fact that you stated "Pelon" is looking out for folks... One he and Glenn "police officer" kidnapped Magarrito for ransom like I stated in my earlier post. Second the two gangs you mention are enemies & have been so since the 80s.

      Also how is vincetillo related to el señor "Adolfo Vega"? I personally know the person who designed their logo & handled all their packaging design. La bodega- el gallito, There is no way this company is connected to that family. Now if you meant to say that it is "el Gallito importers" that is a different story.

  47. April 7, 2012 9:20 AM .
    We wait with baited breath for your return.
    As for El Rey,this guy deserves everything comin to him.Is he gonna throw his own bro's name and position up in the air?I wouldn't be surprised,but i wouldn't.You know what your getting into,you making the money,you get caught deal with it.

  48. Happy easter to u and urs chivi,keep reporting on dis war! Listen guys da flores brothers were da real deal,they were pushin weight like dat,i remember reading their paperwork which is available online and it tells u everything u need to know about da investigation except who da ci are! The feds dnt indicte u unless they have absolute proof ur guilty!!!! Its not in their best intrest to arrest and lose u in trial,dats a slap on da face for feds, they rarely lose in trial so dats why they only offer one deal and if u dnt accept u go to trial and usually lose!! To me it seems da flores brothers were very important to blo and cds ,so yeah they had access to bosses becuz afterall where do u find clients who push weight like dat!!!

  49. I knew the Flores brother when they where selling quater grams in the washroom I have pictures to prove that I knew, They moved big weight for about a year their dad was the real player they just happen to take the fall. They got big and when they knew they where in over their heads they called up the feds to rescue them, its bullshit Mago can say what he wants to the feds to save his ass but its hard to believe that CDS doesnt have the means to obtain big weapons by now, they been operating for decades they wouldnt resort to some gang bangers from Pilson who moved weight for about a year, I seroiusly doubt a big percentage of what the Flores brothers are saying is true...No sean pendejos you guys really think some young twins in there lower mid 20s where moving all that weight and in charge of anything?? Flores

    1. Ok, sounds like a plan post on the forum.. Pics anything else u may have. Lil more insight. I posted up earlier "2nd gen" with my insight.


  50. April 7, 2012 2:39 PM .
    Are you havin a laugh?Feds don't indicte unless they have proof?Man,i can tell you never had any dealing with any kind of authority.They will lie their ass off and make evidence to fit your ass up.Yes this shit actually goes on.Especially if its a name such as this.Hey man,read what the feds,etc did to fuckin Charlie Lucky,that fucker Dewey,just as example.All these numbers they throwin out about this case are fuckin huge,huge.It doesn't make sense,they talkin tons?Where are the tons?Where is the money seized?Where are all the players?I don't give a fuck about El Dickedillo,but this shit is shady.

  51. 1 to 2 tons a month ? Get the fuck outta here.
    Man,they couldn't fuckin produce that much a month.Never mind keep it on track,month in month out.Ye,they must have warehousing to hold all these tons,waiting to be dispersed,ye now i believe it,i think.

  52. I think windycity kid has more knowledge of wats goin on in chi town than anyone of us,and for ur info i do have expeirience with da fed gov since i was brought up fed charges years ago and went thru the ordeal and time and i got a brother doin 15 fed time so having to deal with lawyers u learn quit a bit,and believe me fed lawyers aint cheap

  53. Bunch of fuckin idiot speculators!!! They could've been moving couple tons a month,why not? But it could've been that their(flores Bros)main customers where the same feds,buying up all the product to go after the big fish.

  54. the us is the biggest crooks of all. I believe everything that Zambada niebla says about the us allowing all of this. flores are rats and I'm glad his father disappeared. long live sinaloa

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.


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