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Monday, April 23, 2012

Fighting in Nuevo Laredo enters 3rd day

By Chris Covert

A reported third day of gunfights between Mexican Army units and armed suspects took place in the border town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas Monday afternoon, according to various Mexican news reports.

As of Monday evening gunfights between Mexican Army soldiers and armed suspects have been reported on the road to the airport in Nuevo Laredo.  Earlier Twitter reports had mentioned two international bridges were the locations of roadblocks put up by drug gang shooters, but it was later confirmed that the bridges mentioned meant two bridges that lead to the airport.

Reports from El Norte news daily website Monday evening claimed  a number of dead and wounded armed suspects at the hands of army troops, but those reports will remain unconfirmed as all Mexican federal government entities are under restrictions under Article 41 of the Mexican Constitution not to publish government propaganda during federal elections.

At least one pursuit and gunfight took place on Avenida Reforma at about 1530 hrs when a Mexican Army road patrol encountered a convoy of armed suspects travelling aboard several pickup trucks.  Attempts by the army patrol to pursue were stopped as taxis, trucks and cars were, presumably carjacked, left in the path of pursuing security forces.

Roadblocks have been reported at the commercial zone to include Paseo de la Reforma hotel, avenidas Monterrey and Lago de Chapala, the airport roads and the road to Piedras Negras, Coahuila or Mexico Federal Highway 2.

Roadblocks have also been reported in Bulevar Luis Donaldo Colosio and near the intersection of, Avenida Reforma and Cesar Lopez de Lara.

Nuevo Laredo is generally considered to be Los Zetas territory, but that drug gang has been under considerable pressure from Gulf and Sinaloa drug cartel operatives in the city who have threatened to end Los Zetas' dominance in the city

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for


  1. Damn chapo does control the army!!#

  2. This is a targeted exercise by the army to push the Zs into certain zones, and then Chapos people gonna squeeze them, until z40 has to fight his way out....PAN making moves...

  3. Well nuevo laredo is suppose to be the strongest plaze of the zetas , let's see how long it takes cds to take back from los zetas

  4. Zetas are realy loosing the plazas

  5. I hope armed suspects In convoy were zetas and not chapos people in pursuit of going after and getting rid of zeta sicarios if it is once again the gov. Going after wrong group let chapo and gulf clean up nuevo laredo

  6. Has there been any known sightings of lazcano. I know its a question that will get idiotic answers, but you never here of the guy being anywhere.

  7. Lazca was about to get cought in coahuila.


  8. No q los zetas eran bien vergas en nuevo laredo el chapo se les metio asta el culo y los jefes corrieron dejaron a puros pinches werkios drogadictos retardos encargados para q se murieran halconsillos y reclutos nuevos ke kieran entrar ya vieron uds van hacer los primeros para morir y sus verga zetas se van a correr y esconder el r1 del golfo tenia razon cuando dijo es una verguensa de organizacion no lo hagan jovenes de nuevo laredo di no alos zetas eso es el mensage att:el gringo de estados unidos

  9. Fucking greedy Chapo wants to control Nuevo Laredo to impose his quotas levying them on a regular basis!!! I donna support los Zetas but if los chapitos will act in Nuevo Laredo there will be a massacre and a lot of innocent people would die... What do you prefer???....

  10. Trevino now hiding in a spider hole! or rather a rat hole! It will be horrific torture when the golfos and CDS capture him and his brother!

  11. Disinformation! Army says killed but captured for interrogation and then actionable intelligence. Golfos and CDS do the interrogation!!!!

  12. The Army and Chapo are trying to cut off the Zs source of drug income by taking away direct access to the border.

  13. I prefer that Zs and Chapo all kill hell out of each other, that the Military kill what is left. We all know there will always be drugs and criminals BUT its just OK if they kill each other, that is a good thing.

  14. hope they get this people

  15. I hope armed suspects In convoy were zetas and not chapos people in pursuit of going after and getting rid of zeta sicarios if it is once again the gov. Going after wrong group let chapo and gulf clean up nuevo laredo

    Fusilero Mexicano: Wait a minute, sarge! Those are Gulf sicarios we are shooting at. We shouldn't be shooting at them, right?
    Keep firing that rifle!

  16. Really,so a couple of firefights and deaths,and the Z stranglehold on Nuevo Laredo,is coming to an end?C,mon man,its going to take a lot more than this.A few mantas,corpse's,threats,and the Z fall away from one of the major squares?There hasn't even been that many major fights,and everyone getting excited?I don't get some of these comments and opinions at all?As for The Lazca,they should call him the Fantasma.This dude aint no fool,who the hell knows where he is?But that dude is a stone bad ass.

  17. idiot people of already live like that in nuevo laredo,paying quotas,there is already massacres, and innocent people already dying.. some idiots commeny on here about how happy they are the zetas control that piece of shit town...that city needs some peace

  18. a person i know , 2 weeks ago left to work for the zetas this past saturday i saw him.his hand was smashed and burned he was all beatup .well it turned out they got picked by thier own ppl because they charged a quota that wasnt supposed to be charged thats a big no no.he was forgiven by lascano & z40 thats why he's alive but his commander they have no idea.its crazy how they do thier own soldiers.but you will get checked for using thier name and not reporting

  19. can someone translate this:

    Mensaje para el Pueblo:


    Pueblo, no nos tenga miedo, Nuestra gente esta completamente identificada.
    Por eso decidimos rotular las trokas. Traen la leyenda de “C.D.G.” y “XXX M3 ”
    XXX M3 = X CGD, X Gente del Chapito, X La Familia Mich., M3= M.P. al Servicio.

    Están Rotuladas para que el ejército no nos cofunda y no confundirnos. ya que habido rencillas. en diferentes puntos.

    Las trokas que no estén rotuladas o con una Z . son guarros o setillas. Nomás no se atraviese si ve balaceras, déjenos trabajar para erradicar esta basura.

    La prensa esta callada por parte del acuerdo., le damos los aplausos al Grupo Reforma por este espacio no hay de otra. es la única forma.

    Gente todo este pedo es por la nueva alianza entre el Chapo, CDG y la Familia. La gota que derramo el agua fue la presión de la sociedad por la muerte de los chavitos de la fiesta de Juárez y tantas otras chingaderas.

    El protegido del gob. El chapito en conjunto con la nueva alianza se levantaron en armas para ching.. a los Z por que estos últimos han desvirtuado el negocio del trasiego de la droga. Con sus Levantones, Cobro de piso. etc. Últimamente con sus pendejadas, valiéndole madre la libertad y tranquilidad del pueblo mexicano.

    El Chapito, CDG y la familia, en este acuerdo se va a respetar las plazas, no se van a cobrar mas cuotas, van a estar prohibido los secuestros entre otras ching.

    Todo esto es por la alianza, en este acuerdo el Gob. Fed. Se comprometió a dar retirada al EJM (Ejercito Mexicano) en menos de 3 años. Siempre y cuando existan las condiciones y este controlado este pedo. Para así dar paso libre al negocio. sin violencia. ya que esto nos a pegado a todos. en cualquier forma.

    Gente de Reynosa: NO Manden a sus hijos a la escuela. eviten salir, si no es importante. hasta nuevo aviso, ya saben lo que esta pasando en las calles.

    Gente de Monterrey: Sigan sus vidas normalmente, pero estén al pendiente de cualquier situación no entren en paranoia.

    Si la gente les quita la troka déjesela no exponga su vida de cualquier forma la recupera.

    Gente quiten los vidrios polarizados, no se pasen, no ande quemando llanta por que se confunde.

    Papas verifiquen a sus chiquillos. Jr. Cuiden que no se crean narcos. por que se confunde con la gente y le dan piso.

    El Gob. y la prensa no están hablando o están virando las atenciones. esto esta acordado.
    Estamos en “guerra” pronto pasara.

    Si eres Z correle porque hay viene el monstruo.
    Para los Guarros los granadazos son para que se alineen con la nueva.
    Guera Barbie después sigues tu.

    “Gente no se preocupe si esta “alineado” no hay pedo, pero si no Correle.”
    Y Zetillas como ustedes dicen pónganse bien pilas por que la compañía ya valió.

    Y no chillen con sus mantas, por que ya nadie los pela.


  20. Chapo is pushing Zetas out of Mexico. Has CDS officially won the war?

  21. fuck chapo lil greedy basterd...hope zetas win....chapo needs to keep his ass in sinaloa!!

  22. narco government its a disgrace who will help the indians in mexico.

  23. The Mexican army needs to be firing missiles from choppers at these bastards as they're trying to escape. To hell with trying to track them on the roads. Just kill them from the air.

  24. Zetas probably already send reinforcements to Nuevo Laredo. When the war started the CDG kicked them out of all the towns they controlled along the matamoros reynosa border, and were losing Nuevo Laredo until another 750 men were sent to keep from losing that corridor. That is there main plaza. Chapo is not going to go head on until his forces grow in number but will continue picking them off.

  25. April 24, 2012 6:35 PM .Who has he/they picked off?A couple of halcones,and dealers?I really don't get all this hysteria about this situation.
    Where are the Z getting annihilated?We are talking of an organization that is said to number more than the others.But according to people posting on here,the Z are being decimated?Nothing has happened of any huge note,there hasn't even been any names taken out,not even mid-level,yet a lot of people are saying some crazy things.Its going to take much more than a couple of mantas and bodies to get rid of these fuckers.The best thing would be for leaders to be killed in all this shit.Then maybe we might start getting somewhere,but i doubt it.


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