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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Puerto Vallarta Cruise Line Tourists Not Attacked by Group of Gunmen

This is a follow up to the widely reported story of cruise line passengers having been robbed while travelling on a bus in Puerto Vallarta.   I am posting it exactly as forum poster DD posted it on Borderland Beat forum….Paz, Chivis

By "DD" of Borderland Beat Forum
The original reports were that the 22 tourist were assaulted by a "group of armed gunmen wearing masks". Further investigation has shown that there was one stereotypical Mexican "bandito" wearing a bandana, sun glasses and baseball cap who robbed them, not a group of armed gunmen wearing masks.

As reported in today's LA TIMES, the Carnival cruise guests who were robbed last week were accosted by a single masked gunman in a remote area off a main trail as they were headed to a hike in the jungle, according to interviews and tourism officials.

"The group of 22 cruise passengers had signed up for a “City and Tropical Jungle Escape” when the bus pulled over Thursday evening and the passengers were told to leave the bus and get on a "tiny, little" trail, Linda Givant, one of the robbery victims, told KTXL-TV Fox 40 in Sacramento.

“I started feeling really uneasy,” Givant told the TV station. “I see this man who is wearing a bandanna, sunglasses and a baseball hat. That’s kind of all I really initially saw. That and the gun in his hand.”

After the suspect took valuables, the tourists were told to run and get out of the jungle, and they fled back to the bus, the TV station said.

Gustavo Rivas, a New York-based spokesman for the Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board, confirmed to The Times that there was only one gunman, not more than one, as local media initially reported.

This is an extremely rare incident,” the tourism board said in a statement, adding that tourism leaders were cooperating with police and the district attorney’s office in the investigation.

Rivas said the tour operator did not follow the rules. The group was robbed on the jungle trail at 5 p.m. even though they are only supposed to be brought into the wilderness in the morning. The tour operator was also faulted for having no security to escort the group.

“It was very late for what normally we do in Puerto Vallarta. Tours normally go out at 9 o’clock in the morning at the latest. This was very not normal,” Rivas said.

Rivas said the tour guide took the group into a location they were not supposed to be in -- a remote area not on the official main trail on the way to the pueblo of El Nogalito, known for its jungle canopy, and sights of wildlife like iguanas.

Rivas said the tour guide was employed by a reputable tour guide firm. Carnival has suspended the jungle tour for the time being, and an investigation is still pending.

Rivas sought to assure tourists that Puerto Vallarta is safe. Puerto Vallarta is not on the list of areas where the U.S. State Department has issued travel warnings because of the ongoing violent drug war."

Doesn't sound to me like organized crime is attacking tourist as the original article implied, but rather a bus driver and his partner scoring a mugging.

All you PV lovers rest easier.

DD's post can be linked on to here


  1. I'm sure the victims were relieved when only one gunman assaulted them.

  2. Crime is crime.

    Tourists were robbed on vacation. Just because a single armed man did it as opposed to busload of thugs doesn't make Mexico any safer for international tourists.

    In the context of Mexico's nationwide lawlessness, this crime is hardly unexpected.

    1. Another ignorant pendejo that does what hes saying not to do..."dont believe the hype" yet you say this shit and youve probably never been down there hahaha pobres ignorantes but oh no nobody EVER gets robbed in the u.s. haha

  3. All, I'm a full time gringo resident of PV, and you guys really need to calm down on the Mexico bashing. There are hundreds of muggings all over the US every day, and they don't even make the papers. But let just one American get robbed in Mexico, and it's a full-blown media circus.

    I'm not saying that Mexico doesn't have its problems, it certainly does have some areas that are severely in trouble, but to paint the whole nation with one brush is simply dishonest and irresponsible. I feel better about walking the streets of my adopted community than I do in almost any similarly sized city in the US.

    Please commence the bashing...

    1. Well said I'm a "gringo" to most Mexicans but actually I'm British and I lived in Monterrey for 2 years and had no problems I walked to work, Wenger on public transport, metro, bus, taxi, had no problems and I'd stand out as I'm white and have blue eyes but never had a problem a lot of Americans tend to exaggerate Mexico has major issues with cartels at the minute but I think random violent crime is worse in Manchester, London, Birmingham or any major American city than Mexico! It's also a case of knowing where to go and where not to I didn't really frequent bars or clubs, but I went to restaurants or friends houses.

    2. I agree with "gringo", I am a gringa that lives in Acuña and have never had problems. I too stand out with blonde hair and green eyes. I have lived hear for a year without any problems and have come to love Mexico. Everytine I go to the states to visit my family all I hear is news of murders, robberies and car accidents. There is just as much if not more violence in the states than there is in Mexico.

    3. Yea cause downtown Phoenix regularly has truckloads of headless corpses dumped on the street don't kid your selves

  4. Why do you think it was the bus driver in on the crime? Is there any real evidence of that besides he was not where he was supposed to be?

  5. all you right winged a-holes need something to do!!! why not try and raise your children to respect others and mind your on? Mexico is great!!!

  6. I hate all these retarded ass gringos thinking America is gonna make it all better. Just like Afganistan? Or Iraq? I live in the bay area an people get robbed and shot and killed EVERYDAY here, just like in Mexico.

  7. Stupid gringos. People get robbed and shot here in the US everyday. For more money too! Some retarded people really think the us can fix this for Mexico. What part of the drugs are coming HERE to the US don't these idiots understand? With no drugs coming here there's no funding for all the defense companies politicians and rich people own. The war on drugs is a business. Fighting the 'war' is way more profitable than winning it. And for all those that think the US does a good job helping other countries, go take a little vacation to afghanistan, Iraq, or evenly newly liberated LIbya. I can guarantee you Mexico is safer than those places that we helped to "liberate".

    1. Well said man, and America is in the midst of a terrible recession and the U.S. govt spent billions on the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and for what "democracy" lol yh right America should help their own first just like the European countries and use the money to fight our own crime at home and invest in education & health, but America thinks they can dictate to every country but is Iraq or Afghanistan any better... I agree Mexico isn't as bad as those countries but it needs to help itself just like all the Latin countries with newer prisons, better education & training, higher minimum wage, less corruption...the U.S. only help itself when it benefits them did they overthrow Robert Mugabe? Or Darfur, no because there's nothing they want there...

  8. Worry about your own problems in the U.S. then worry about sending your ass to Mexico

  9. Ok Mr. Presidential advisor hahaha have you ever even been to Mexico? Shiiit I feel more unsafe in downtown Phoenix than downtown Guadalajara !!

  10. I felt safe in Mexico, I was in Acapulco and Veracruz. I was out very late so were many ppl. I didn't feel my life was endangered.

  11. Not sure if any of you naysayers have even ever been to Mexico but I own a place in Puerto Vallarta and feel safer there than most places in the US.

  12. that does not make it right and michoacan esta lleno de miertha

  13. We, who live almost full time in Mexico are sick and tired of the bad publicity you give Mexico. One small incident, which was really the incompetence of the tour company, and you all blow up. And like the above mention, hundreds of muggins in the US and Canada DAILY and no mention anyware. Smarten up and find out the truth before you speak. Mexico is safe, safer than many cities in the US and Canada. So there!!~

  14. We moved to Lake Chapala area in June 2011 and absolutely love it, and feel perfectly safe. Of course there are problems in Mexico but what country in the world today does not have problems? The every day Mexican people are amazing, so friendly and such hard workers. Quit bashing Mexico please, look around you wherever you live, you cannot tell me there are no problems in your home countries.

  15. Any of you pendejos can show me a news story from the USA where tourists on a trusted tour were robbed at gunpoint? Nope, didn't think so. Yes, people get mugged and robbed in the USA, but it is normally indicated in areas or neighborhoods where tourists dont go! Call us gringos, but these port cities need gringo greenbacks to survive. Keep making excuses and watch your revenue dry up like Aca.

  16. european woman residing in PV for 5 years now.
    (snowbird) I have never seen, experiences, yet even heard of anyone being mugged or assaulted here. Heck I even feel safe about leaving my baby in the stroller outside the coffeeshop, while getting my coffee. pv is great and full of amazing friendly mexicans. COME ON DOWN! :)


    1. Please don't criticize our border towns, just as you don't want us criticizing PV. I am a gringa living in Acuña and I have NEVER felt unsafe. I walk around town and drive by myself all of the time. The Mexican citizens are very nice and helpful. My border town is jus as any other city in Mexico; there are certain areas you avoid and you have to know who you are associating with. Just as in the US, if you associate with the wrong people you are looking for trouble! So please, if you really care for Mexixo as you say you do, then do not run down one area of Mexixo just to make your city look better!!!!

    2. I am so happy to hear life is good for you in acuna! I was taking my daughter there for her braces and really sad when the border patrol scared us into not crossing last Aug.

  18. What difference does it make if it was 1 ONE or 5 FIVE, Criminals who robbed them?? They were still robbed at gunpoint in Puerto Vallarta! GEEZ what spin to put on it!

  19. You are right it is very unsafe down here in Mexico! And everything you read about Mexico in the mainstream media is pretty accurate.. You should avoid vacationing or moving to Mexico for the forseeable future until they sort out all of these terrible problems they. And tell your friends as well, please I urge you. Especially Puerto Vallarta. I know this first hand, as I am a gringo who has been living here full-time for the last 3 years. From my beautiful condo on the beach (which is a less than half of what I use to pay for my NY City studio apartment with no window) I see crazy dangerous things every day. I am not exaggerating when I say it is like a war zone out here. Don't believe anyone who tries to tell you it is safe. The reason why I am staying here and risking my life, beside the fact that a beautiful Mexican local (Gabriela) is keeping me hostage as her love slave, is that I feel it is my duty as A red blooded American to try and help these poor uneducated people and their failed state. I feel like Eventually they will turn it around down here and eventually the amercians will come and help them sort it out. Until then I will try and avoid the madness the best way I can. So far I have found that the best way to avoid the narcos and random gunfire is by spending time on my boat. Either the bad guys don,t like the water or I have been extremely lucky. At any case, please don't risk your life coming down here to Puerto Vallarta. I'll try and stay safe the best way I can until the good old USA sends in the cavalry. I'll be sure to let you all know when it's safe to come down here.



    1. Calm down Captain America!!! We all know that Gabriela was born Gabriel....Pinche maricon!!!

  20. Mexico wouldn't have their drug problems if it wasn't for the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT using MX as the middle man back in the 60's when - as reported by retired generals+ about 20 years ago on shows like 60 Minutes & then silenced immediately - the government wanted to suppress blacks that were wanting a voice.

    I started noticing about 20 years ago a pattern - tourism was suddenly up in Mexico - that meant it was down in Hawaii & Florida - hence suddenly LOTS of HORROR stories would surface about how DANGEROUS Mexico was - & suddenly people would go back to HI & FL! Anyone out there going - hmmmmm!!!!

    Almost every time I turn on the U.S. news I hear of another mugging, murder, home invasion, car jacking!!!

    Puerto Vallarta is STILL a VERY SAFE place overall - it is NOT the rest of Mexico!!!

  21. people kill people for stupid shit just watch the the first 48

    1. Lol that's true damn some people are crazy

  22. I live in Mexico City and previously in Puerto Vallarta and orginally lived my entire life in Chicago.....I have never felt as safe as I do here in Mexico.....I used to take a cab home from the local bars after a couple of drinks for fear of being mugged and that was in the upscale neighborhood of Lakeview......I was a volunteer community advisor with the police department and I knew what went on in the evenings in our "safe" neighborhood.

    Mexico is like any other place in the world......don't go where you don't belong, know your surroundings and don't make yourself a target......

    As for the robbery of 22 people by a lone gunman, it is all too obvious it was a setup....I'm sure in time, it will come out.....Vallarta is an exceptional city and Mexico as a country is warm and inviting.....except for a few well know troubled areas, it is a safe place to visit and live.....

    1. Finally someone who speaks the truth!!! Mexico is safe! It's all about paying attention to your surroundings and knowing who you are hanging around with!!!!!

  23. It probably was an inside job, and the robbers were "planted" there and it was all planned with bus driver. Normal Mexicans don't own gun. Even the police often don't even have bullets . So if they had "real" guns the chance of them shooting anyone would be slim. They only want to rob . They were probably young kids that were really scared to death to pull this off. This is so UNLIKE Puerto Vallarta. The guys with real guns and real bullets are not out scaring tourist in the bushes ! They are out actually killing people who are standing in their way in acquiring easy routes to deliver their drugs. PV is on the Pacific Coast, unaccessable water on one side and mountains on the other. Not a satisfactory drug route. We have no real problems in Puerto Vallarta. These robbers were punks that should be whipped for maring the good reputation of Puerta Vallarta.
    It was an abnormal circumstance. Inside job.

  24. I have been going to PV for over 12 years and have made many friends there who I regularly communicate with and they are embarrassed and disgusted. Crime happens everywhere. Think about it. Unfortunatly this happened to tourists buy a single desperate man looking for a way to cash in from the rich people. PV is a safe and friendy town, they count on our tourisim and you think they would let crime run the town? There would be no visitors However there will always be the person(s) who spoil it for everyone, how unfortunate, and the media will dweal upon it. What they should report on is the positive, this sort of thing is random there.

    As anywhere you go you need to be aware of your surroundings and be smart. PV is a beautiful town full of culture warmth and inviting people. Please dont read into the media hype they are just trying to get a jucier story to sell. I feel more at ease in PV then making my way through the streets of Seattle, muggings bar fights agressive panhandling just in one night. I not downplaying the tourists crisis, im sure it was very tramatic, but this is not our PV that we love, give us a chance to show the world that the drug war in on the boarders
    not in an upscale tourtist town.
    Viva Mexico
    Lisa from Seattle

  25. Not saying wheres worse but....

    Feeling safe and being safe are totally different.

  26. Wow a lot of expats posting.

    Hope you're all right and the violence doesn't infect your little piece of paradise...

  27. Just returned from Ixtapa after 10 day wonderful days. I have been going to different cities in Mexico since 1983. I have never had a probably. I live in what is consider safe city in US but I wouldn't go out walking at night. Every country has it's thugs.

  28. God please forgive my sins I was stupid I feel sorry for averything I did from the bottom of my heart please forgive me like I forgive those who offended me

  29. i am reminded of animal planets video clips of zebra's crossing the river as crocodiles pick and choose dinner.
    to all the zebra defending mexico just don't look too close at the log in the water, i think it just winked.

  30. If Mexico is so safe and wonderful then tell me why so many of Mexico's people risk life and safety to come to the U.S. The people who come here claim that the country is dangerous and THEY FEAR living in Mexico. Some say they are afraid to even visit relatives. Sumbody Lyin Sumwhere....

  31. Look up "crime statistics" for your own town before you condemn PV for a US hyped robbery. I have lived in Mexico full time for almost 13 years and have never felt unsafe.

  32. to Lisa from Seattle, You remind me of the 3 students captured on the Iranian border. You are so smart and think you have a right to go anywhere you like, and that the people in other countries just love to see you. The only problem is when your butt gets in trouble you scream for the U.S. Government to come in and save you. You fools your 'rights and freedoms' as an American citizen END when you leave the United States. I have no sympathy for you fools who choose to put yourselves in danger and feel that the time and money to gain the release of fools is a waste of the American taxpayers money and embarrassment to the country. You are free to go, and you are free to find your way back any way you can. Just don't burden anyone else with your foolishness.

  33. Good input commenters!
    Ok…first of all I am a huge proponent of 2/3 of Mexico being safe or safer than the US. But it is not black and white and it is irresponsible to portray it that way. I also have lived and worked in Mx over 8 years. In the violent NE, in Coahuila with an apt in Mty. To paint a rosy picture is ridiculous. In my homes in the states I do not personally know one person that has been kidnapped, killed, carjacked or home burned to the ground. I have never been in the midst of a shootout, seen banners warning of death or pinned to our executed police chief with ice picks. In the states I never had a cartel break into my centers for the blind and kitchens for impoverished children and stripped of everything from braille machines to water heaters and destroying everything else “just because” with a warning to stay off the news .
    In Mx I personally know families who 6 of their loved ones kidnapped only one seen again after being rescued at a safe house, 4 friends carjacked and my assistant leaves her suv on the Tx side after being chased presumably to be carjacked, she drives a “naca-mobile” to be safe.. All the other aforementioned incidents happened in my town to people I know. We have had two major shoot outs directly in front of my office in the last year between the Marina and the last letter.
    So let’s not say all is perfect. To the guy touting Aca and Guadalajara…God bless you & chances are one will be safe there, but fact is your chance of being a victim of a crime goes up exponentially in those places and with so many safer and beautiful places in Mex..why chance it?
    To the British-Gringo with the blue eyes in Mty. Are you kidding me? Blue eyes in Mty or anywhere in Coahuila is far from a head turner as MANY Mexicans there have blue eyes, fair skin and hair. How can you live there and not know that? Or that murder is up in Mty 200% and violent crimes ditto?
    And to address why it makes a difference if one man did it or a gang? Think bigger. If one person commits the crime most folks will conclude “it can happen anywhere” If a group of gunmen rob a group of tourists one concludes organized criminals, narcos, and it is seldom a one time event but will evolve into standard practice and perhaps into murder as the buses of Tamaulipas….. it is a distinctive and important difference.
    I would like to ask those in PV what was reported there of this robbery, what “facts” and was it reported or did you have to rely on sources out of the area? In my city that’s what we have to do, even when the comandante was executed it was not reported for days and then barely so…..& my dos centavos says PV is still safe and I would not stay away because of any violence (at this time) Be responsible check with the state department for travel advisories though they tend to be over the top it is a good place to start. and sign up for the safe travel program. and lastly use your consulate! they will give you a fountain of info including crimes against americans in the past 60 days.
    Paz, Chivis

  34. Sh@#$ happens... Muggings too. Everywhere in the World...

  35. @David Crandall,
    Really? Tell you what, why don't you pack your shit and relocate to Mexico, since you hate "Gringos!" What a fucking loser...the term gringos refers to foreign people..if you live in the Bay area than there aren't any "gringos" dipshit! BTW many mass graves, beheadings, dismemberments, corpses on public display, have there been in the "Bay area?" That's what I thought..STFU!

  36. 3/1 7:25PM,
    Wow...why would you leave your baby outside, while you go inside of a store? You sound pretty stupid...but hey your European. I would venture to say all resort towns/tourist areas in Mexico are safe partly because DTO's have business ventures there that generate money for them! Like that coffee shop you frequent is probably owned by a cartel member...being European is no excuse for being ignorant. Keep and eye on your baby!

  37. As a gringo living in NW Mexico i am glad to see the comments that try but probably unsuccessfully bend the perception of those that love to bash Mexico. Its like, look how bad it is in Mexico, then maybe you wont see how bad it is in the US. The story above does add context to the blown out of proportion story full of lies and exaggerations about what happened to those unfortunate people in PV. I am sure the way the articles were written sold a few more ads for the "news - arrg I hate saying that they tell the news" outlets. Heading out the door to witness some be-headings of my own, at the local sea-food market I have some Jumbo Blue shrimp that need to be cleaned.

  38. For the person saying robberies were not taking place on buses in the are San Francisco they are robbing 'bus robberies San Francisco' and you will find several. As an expat living in Puerto Vallarta who travels to the USA often I feel much safer here than in the USA where the news reports robberies & murders daily (and school shootings, etc)...this one item is big news here!

  39. All good comments. I spent the late '60s and early '70s in the DF and Mazatlan and I speak, read and write Spanish. I pay attention to media in both languages.

    You don't have to run me over with a truck. I get it. Feeling safe is whistling in the dark, hoping. Being safe is something different.

    Mexico is in a world of trouble. There is no rule of law. Never has been. There is a wide-spread, long-term tradition of corruption and impunity.

    Mexico has not one public institution that can be trusted - from the lowest traffic cop to the Federal Chief of Public Health. Some are good, many are not. It depends on where you are, when you are there and what the situation is.

    The prison system has collapsed. I believe Calderon is a good guy and is doing his level best to make the changes that will save his country. But he is up against 80 years of bad government.

    People that talk about the US sending troops have been watching too much TV. The US doesn't have what Mexico needs in the way of force. The US needs to UNDERSTAND Mexico for once and treat Mexico as a friend, for once.

    Listen to Tex and Chivis and Buggs and BB. You can trust their reports and views.

  40. I will share a little story with you people, on November 20th 2011 my nephew was robbed by a group of men in San Diego Ca, he was on his way back from school and he was riding an $1,800 cannondale bicycle, he was attacked by two individuals two blocks away from home, the people who attack him were outside a house hanging out, it was for men and a female, only two of the men attacked my nephew and they stole the bicycle. It took about 30 minutes for the police to come to the house to do the police report, my nephew told the police where the incident happened and they said they couldn't do anything because they said that they didn't know if the suspects live there or not, they only said that an investigator will take over.

    A week after in Corona Ca other nephews left their XBOX 360 in their garage, the next day after school they come back looking for their XBOX 360 and they realize their game console was gone, they called the police, the police said they will send someone to do the police report but no one ever came, they called again and they said the same thing, that they will send someone to get the police report, till today no one ever went to do the police report.

    We are safer in the U.S. but one thing is for sure crimes do happen in the U.S. and many of us happened to be victims every now and then.

  41. i dont know what the f , people kill and rob every where , for example i got rob many times here in the us by criminals not by cops , and shot at by a few stuped kids and no one seemed to care , the world is fuckt , thats all i can say

  42. March 2, 2012 9:59 AM
    ok bt how many civillians your forces kill in afganistant iraq libya and syria people get killed because us want why dont u talk about innocent peoples killed by ur forces u motherfucker shut ur hole

  43. I live on a boat here in La Cruz and feel much safer then where I'm from Newport Beach,California!

  44. yeah Mexico is so safe that all those soldados y marinas y federal police are there just for show try to compare crime in the USa to what is going on in Mexico is an apples and oranges situation...the danger in Mexico is not from the common criminal but from the cartels...and they don't care how safe and special YOU feel ...if you are unlucky enough to cross any of them in any way are fucked ..more ways than one ..

    Mexico is as creepy as all hell right now ...mebbe not for you guerita especiale..or for you "love slave" about you break up with Gabriella ..and see if things change for you...

    you people are living in a dream world...

  45. Wow! All this makes for an interesting read for an insomniac! The world is full of crime. End of story. The focus on Mexico's crime is none other than propaganda to keep the u.s. citizens at home spending their greens. I've lived in Vallarta for 14 years and constantly hear about shootings in Vancouver. Are the cruiseships turning around because of the shootings there?? NO. It's all pretty obvious to me what this is all about. Be safe whether you're in Mexico, States or Canada. The focus on Mexico crime is getting a little boring. Good night!

  46. Speaking from the standpoint of one who has traveled to many of the most dangerous countries, (including treks through narco controlled countries like Guatemala, Honduras and Columbia), all one needs to do is have some common sense. Anyone in law enforcement knows where I’m coming from in the J.D.L.R. situational security assement and tactical advantage examination. Don't be an idiot and sign up for tours you havent thuroughly researched, if it looks suspicious it probably is, go with your gut insticnt and most importantly don’t take risks unless you are COMPLETELY prepared for the consequences.

  47. As a women Canada, living in Puerto Vallarta for 22 years I have seen some changes in Puerto Vallarta. In no way negative,the very unfortunate robbery that took place in Nogalito was a isolated incident for Puerto Vallarta. Meaning we do not have people or groups whipping out guns and asking everyone to hand over their goods! We have over 3,000 retired,or part time forein residents from the US, Canada, and other parts of the world that consider Puerto Vallarta and Mexico a home, a country they have grown to love, and more importantly many of us re raising our children here. Yes, truthfully there are parts of Mexico that the Embassy recommends we do not travel as there may be some drug related violence. Tourism and Trade with forein coutries is what Mexico does want and will continue to work at creating a safer enviroments!!

  48. I've just returned from 3 months driving around Mexico in an RV. Obviously this robbery in PV was a very isolated incident. The only times I felt unsafe were from the Acapulco municipal police and at 2 police check points (south of Mazatlan under a bridge & heading north on the pay highway in Sonora just before you pay). The police hold you ransom and insist on money/coffee/cigarettes/whatever and don't let you go until you give them something. If the Mexican government was smart, they'd send a gringo RV south with video cameras on satellite hookup to catch the police in the act. The military was professional, polite, thorough and responsible - I give them full credit for "keeping the peace". Considering I drove down to Oaxaca and through Puebla and around DF, etc, that's quite a distance and rarely had moments of feeling unsafe. The big dog helped though. PV is basically like being in a US city, and believe me, I was in several rural villages, off-beat towns, etc so this story was an unusual situation. The reason for not driving at night/going out late is that the military is dawn-dusk. I drove several times at night. Actually, Phoenix was where I felt unsafe.

  49. By the way dont' come to NYC either. It's so so dangerous. Generally the criminals go after tourists, so all of you stay the hell away. I want to mug a tourist for always being in my way when I'm in a rush, taking up space on the subway with their suitcases and just being general yokels from the midwest or especially the south. God if I have to hear another numbnut from down south with that hillbilly ass accent I'll scream, or even better whip out my gun and rob your ass.
    NYers can't stand you and despite what our silver spoon mayor encourages, after all his vision is NYC only for tourists and the wealthy, we don't want tourists, except maybe the Europeans as they have a modicum of sophistication.


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