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Monday, February 6, 2012

Zeta Comandante is killed in Nuevo Leon.

Mexican media sources are reporting a gunman killed Sunday afternoon by Marines on the streets of the colonia Residencial Anáhuac in San Nicolas, a suburb of Monterrey, was in fact an important Los Zetas commander in Monterrey and may have been the plaza chief for the state of Nuevo Leon.

Law enforcement sources identified the man as Mario Alberto Cantú Cantú, alias "El Comandante Chabelo", who had occupied the post of Nuevo Leon "jefe de plaza" for only a few months

Mario Alberto Cantú was the son of a commander with the now disbanded Policia Judicial de Nuevo Leon state police force who had held his post from 1993 to 2000.

According to the authorities Cantú was wanted by the federal government and also faced charges in several states.

"El Comandante Chabelo" was driving a white Tacoma pickup and was being escorted by armed men in other vehicles when his convoy was intercepted by a Mexican Marine unit in a planned operation on Avenida Manuel L. Barragan in San Nicolas.

The convoy attempted a getaway but Cantú's pickup was raked by gunfire on Anillo Periferico street, inflicting a fatal head wound. Two other gunmen in another vehicle were also arrested.



  1. Zetas give up already.

  2. Good job marines.
    I made it in before the z fan club.

  3. God I LOVE hearing these kind of successful killings/captures!

    More More More!!!

    But let's not forget I Job Well Done!

  4. A good Zeta is a dead Zeta, good work Marines.

  5. QUE A TODA MADRE!!!!!!

  6. Vamos recio semar!!!
    Mexican marines don't play around they'll shoot and ask questions later, that's how it has to be with these maruchanez

  7. I have nothing against the media but everytime a sicario gets caught or killed, they say he was an important leader or jefe de una plaza...This scumbags get replace by another dumbass in a heartbeat,so they aint really important etc..Important leaders are like Chapo, Z-40,Carrillo,etc..Like Arturo Beltran was a big dog in the game, not this low life thugs,like Chabelo

    1. Its so true without the big boss they arent doing shit

  8. Keep taking down zetas and chapo scum great job marines whoooooo raaaaaa prision aint stopong these fuks so whipe em out

  9. In some ways I wish they could pull his panda down, behead him, castrate etc etc etc. they think they like to do to others. I could add a lot more to that list.

    But that would be wrong and we have to show how we are better.

    This does not mean I still wouldn't like it on some level.

  10. This just made my day =)...

  11. Nuevo Leon is full of Zetas,its obvious that the Marines got lucky,and the Zetas werent aware of the operation that the Marines were doing,if they would of been aware the outcome would of probably have been different.Dont get excited,Los Zetas in Nuevo Leon have a new plaza boss already.

    1. Really? What is his name, please post it and let us know.

    2. For how long 2 or. 3 weeks

    3. fucken liar you dont know shit

  12. I have a question for you zetas do you guys really think that at the end you are going to win this war . Let's say you beat mexican goberment and the rival cartels. So then you think your going to do whatever you want with the country really? Don't you think that the usa goberment will step up and start huntting you all over the country untill they kill you all because they can they are way more powerfull than you and they do not give a fuck about human rights so once they get you they will kill you right on the spot. Come on zetas. Be smart. for the very first time in your lives and quit this shit while you can you're. Not going to win this war at the end. Because you do not have the federal goberment in your packet. as simple as that.

    1. People like you need to stop depending on the U.S. This is Mexico's own war..Come on now, U.S. Is invovled in sum deeper shit than this..The people of Mex should stand up,but instead we got them crossing the border..Plus we got these chingones waving the mex flag here and for what..what are they 2 mex..sum dont even want go back..And here they are living life and forgot where they come from..

    2. You two guys did not understand my point PENDEJOS my point was that the zetas are doomed to be destroy. Because they do not have the federal goverment in their pokets. So if you are a zeta you should realize of this fact and be smart and quit the organisation while you still alive and can do it if you stay in it and fight for it you will either get killed or get locked up for years if not for the rest of you're lives.

  13. Viva SEMAR! Like 9:40 PM says, the Marines don't fuck around. You better throw your hands in the air and beg for your life fast or your dead.

    Thank you Marina. You have our full support.

  14. 11:47

    Nuevo leon is not full of zetas. CDG control plazas there, and they have a presence in Monterrey.

  15. Te agradezco virgencita ke te llevaras a esta lacra.te ruego ke te lleves a otros 5 esta semana.

  16. Half step away from the tevino brothers.
    And one step away from lazcano!!
    All 3 will be dead by the end of 2012 and the zetas who collected the rewards will be partying in Cancun.

  17. Viva Mexico,PROGRESS!! Good job now get some PR in the Mx media. Every day,every week the narcos are getting their asses handed to them, but the Media has been intrinched"Calderons War a Failure--" The media and left wind have decided this issue, and are clammering to get a President elected in Mexico who will ABANDON the challenge and reform which has interfered with criminal activity over the last few years. Voters in Mexico MAY be just as gullible as the OBOMABOTS in the US.


  19. Very very goooood ! Catafixio some fucking bulets for his miserable life .. this is what I call an even trade !!

  20. I assume the intelligence which is allowing the Marines to intercept and kill these high profile targets is coming from people who "rat" on these animals for the reward which the government has posted. It seems to be working and the Marina never seems to lose in these encounters. My thanks and appreciation go to the Mexican Marines for kicking ass at every opportunity--keep up the good work!

  21. Probably the Treveno hermanos will rat out lazcano to save their skin. They know the end is near.

  22. From a US Marine to my brothers in the Mexican Marines - GET SOME! You make us proud. Semper Fi.

    1. Yeah! To all soldiers in the Mexican Armed Forces! You make us PROUD! Get them all! From your brothers of the 7TH SOG.

    2. I wish I could invite this Marines a cold beer!

  23. I pray that Mexico will one day go back to what it once was, a beautiful country, full of beautiful humble people. Greed has such an ugly face, and it is haunting how many people are ready and willing to sacrafice all of what is important such as integrity, honor, and yes even sacraficing their own families for money. Money that comes attached with death. The devil always collects what is due to him, he is the father of lost souls. These people will surely spend all eternity in hell for the atrocities and choices made in this life. May the good people of Mexico continue to rise and put a stop to all this hell on Earth with the help of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I pray for the peace of Mexico, that they come out triumphant as they turn to God for their victory. Father have mercy on us.

    1. What are smoking? It's because of religion that Mexico has problems. The church does not allow condom use. These poor people have a lot of kids and no they turn into s life of crime.then they go and repent.what a joke.

    2. @ 153, it's because of the catholic church that Mexico has problems! What planet ru on? So whose fault is it that the Americans love guns with an obsession? The Protestants? The Baptists? & is it the Baptists & Protestants fault that the USA has the most drug addicts? Let's have people with brains post on here not tools like you. The people now want easy money, they're lazy & greed takes over that's not just a Mexican disease it's in every country, Mexico is a lovely country I lived there for 2 years never had a problem except just before I left, I hope Mexico gets rid of all this shit, every cartel is the same just in different states it's not like football choose Barca, no United, no Juventus, there all in it for the same things money, power, pinches putos viva Mexico

  24. @02/06 11:47PM,
    It doesn't matter whether or not there is a new plaza boss already...he will soon be joining the former one! The fact remains a Zeta leader (regardless of how minor he is) has been eliminated! It's better than allowing these assholes to roam around with impunity! Also, your typical street Zeta (vast majority of them) are no match whatsoever against a well trained professional soldier (Mexican Marina), so the outcome would have been the same!

  25. Anon 12:28 What you don't realize is the connection between Mexican Cartels and very important government figures here in the U.S. So you really think they care what US officials think or say? They are the same group!

  26. February 6, 2012 11:47 PM


  27. Like Zetas live forever? they live no more than 5 to 10 years tops. Then die and very violent death! Either shot up or kidnapped and tortured to death......ha, ha, ha

  28. Por que????Por PENDEJO!!!!!

  29. @11:47 pm
    I'm not sure if you are aware, but z scum have poor training and spray and pray. Marines shoot to kill, not to scare. A .308 hole will F*** up and z's day.

    1. I thought they were supposed to have some kind of special forces training? Guess theyre not so special huh? If mexico allowed thier citezens to arm themselves maybe these dicks wouldnt be able to pull people out of thier houses to extort, rape and kill them.

  30. Thank you Marina. That is a perfect strategy! AMBUSH and KILL the BASTARDS! You have our full support!!!


  31. Gotta agree with 12:28 AM

    The Zeta's are powerful but they are not THAT powerful. To think they can actually outdo the American armed forces is insane! I also don't think there will ever be a shortage of rival cartels fighting them either which is good as it means scum will be killing scum.

  32. We need to send the U.S. Military and wipe these scum out, no jail time. My father is from Monterrey, NL and the s*it that is happening to that state is a total tragedy. All these fools that support Narco-Corridos are really keeping these scum bags alive and going. Little do these fools understand is that innocent people are being murdered every day by the zetas, and cartels.

    Even before all these turf wars were going on, you never were scared of going outside and worrying about being killed by these idiots. Now people don't even want to go out past certain time for fear of their lives.


  33. Viva Los Zetas!!! Haters talk ,but for some reason are scared to die,or simply cant stop us?Which one do you think it is?

    Arrrrrriba TamaulipassZz putos

    1. Callate pinche makuarro nako zeta Cheerleader! Go join them so ur ass can get a bullet in ur fucking head.

    2. pinche mamon tamaulipas esta lleno de caca

  34. the US marines are not needed ..even though i am sure there are thousands of them OMD who would love to get some narco ass...the marinas Mexicanos can easily handle these chupando maruchan putozzz...with every dead z the confidence of the people grows...and the stock of la leytra falls

    i am waiting for the nuevo Fuerza Civil's to score a big hit..the tv presentations featuring them are impressive... young,trained, educated,motivated ,paid well, retirements. ..and they are starting to appear on the scene...adios policia estatl y good riddance policia municipal...the narcos will not stand against a real professional police force ..


  35. Feb.6,2012 11:47PM - Yeah they got another dumbass crash-dummie 2 take that roll of a Zeta boss leader, like i said before this r nothing but low level thugs. The big dogs r like Lazcano etc.. an there time will come, trust me. So stop riding the Zetas dick, U WANNA BE...

  36. 4:11 pm if your such a tuff guy why don't you join the z faggot club inside Mexico? Mabe a mexican soldier/marine will do you a favor and take you sorry self out of your misery.

  37. A lot of low level Zetas are getting rich giving actionable intelligence on their bosses.
    Millions of $$$$ are available for one good tip on a zeta leader!!!! They are fighting each other to be the first to collect the millions $$$$ in reward $$$$!
    Sick of your boss, sick of your low paying zeta job with a life expectancy of weeks or maybe months, well, drop a dime and make a million$$$$

  38. Zetas wannabes= gangeros que se cren negros, pero nunca van a Mexico.

    Actual zetas inside Mexico= scum that must be eliminated at all cost same as roaches and rats.

  39. Yeah viva comandante chabela. He was a great man and he really helped Mexico by reducing the population of poor people. Very shrewd guy. First he employed them as criminals, paid them a few pesos, gave them a stolen car and then either killed them, had them killed or managed to be elsewhere when the Army killed them.

    And he had them lined up around the block waiting to sign on - to die - in a week, a month, a year. But dead is dead. Those zeta guys are really smart.

  40. What is it with the "COMANDANTE" title, seems like any drug addicted POS scum bag gets it real quick and easy. In law enforcement, it not for everyone. I am from Zacatecas and i know a 24 year old who has only been a Zeta for 1 and a half years and already a COMANDANTE who only has 4 halcones under his belt. This Chabelo is dead but there are 1,450 more COMANDANTES.

  41. and least you zetas forget,.anonymous does not forget you ,you are doomed,you ARE being tagged and at the proper time you will be revealed , there is no interest in your maruchanz, but with your upper hierarchy , you have walked with death, and death will walk with you,expect the worst,you pawns y maruchans abandon your sinking cause while you still can and fade away from a certain fate

  42. don't lose out , don't wait until your wiser compadre snitches and collects first, you will never get this opportunity again,the money will change your life,imagine living like el jefe, he would do it to you, it is part of the life to know when to advance yourself, don't be a fool and be left dead on the streets, think of your mother ,your family,dont be a dead fool who died for the power of another,there is more to life than hiding eating maruchan until you are killed, be bold and take control of your destiny while the time is here

  43. dam i wish i knew some big Z to sell to the militares, his ass for my cash, what a good deal, they all are gonna die anyway, why not get paid

  44. un pendej& menos en NL

  45. Good Job.

    Shoot to kill.

    Take no prisoners.

    Rest in hell comandante z.

  46. Raked by machine gun fire!!!!!!! Love It!!


  48. instead of leaving mexico and going to the U.S for a better life why cant they fix their own country and get rid of these narco scum? they call themselves real mexicans but i call them traitors most of them wont even go back they just abandon their country leaving it to shit. and yet they wave the mexican flag proudly. citizens of mexico do yourself a favor and take back and fix the country you abondoned!!

  49. This is a Mexican problem and the Mexicans will deal with it. There will be no American invasion. The Mexican government works closely with US intelligence, but the Mexicans do the real dirty work, as it should be. Mexicans are the proudest, most hard working people on this earth. They will overcome.

    As for the zetas, they should just grind em up and put them in dog food. On second thought, maybe they shouldn't. All that crack and meth in their system would just make the dogs sick. Just take em to the garbage dump and let the seagulls tear them apart.


    jajjajaaa..fukn crybaby zeta, better run crybabys, snitch on your boss take the money and run putoZ

  51. better snitch now while you can still collect, dont be left with nothing

  52. the rise and fall of los zetas, collect the money now while you still can,time is drawing close

  53. @ fucken liar you dont know shit
    February 7, 2012 8:24 PM

    they can break the FBI and Scotland Yard do you really think you are safe pendejo estupidio? your usefulness is done and soon so are you. your arrogance combined with your brutal stupidity insure that it is so. can it be that your dead body will be featured on this blog in the next weeks

  54. you big mouth zetas better look for a hole to crawl into before you are put into a grave

  55. Have you all noticed how everyone of these idiots is a 'Comandante'? I wonder how many ranks they have in their organization and how you get promoted to a 'Comandante'!

    1. Once a week the Marines or Army soldiers kill the comandante, so the halcon standing guard and eating a maruchan noodle soup in the closest street corner gets promoted. See? It is not that difficult!

  56. kill an innocent defenseless person with a hammer?

  57. For all you faggots that call cartel members scum and shit.Would any of you have the balls and courage to take up a gum and possibly get killed every day you go out?Fuck no,you keyboard hard asses sit in yo mamma and papas basement calling names to every on.You are a bunch of sad little pussy bitches who would run a mile from any kind of violence.And you Mexican motherfuckers who wave the flag from the safety of the US,WHY DONT YOU ALL GO AND HELP YOUR COUNTRY IF YOU HATE THE US SO BAD? Because you are flapping your bitch mouths because no one knows who you are.Do you claim Mexico from the US,the same kind who wave flags and all that shit.Think about that?How sad and pathetic are you?The US gives you a way out,but you still bitch like a little bitch made pussy.
    Pathetic puro snitches and bitches.

  58. good job get all cartels the same way.

  59. @ 3:20

    lmao! good point, whether some poeple want to admit it ur right. i dont think these cartel members are really doing all this shit cuz they really enjoy doing it, they are poor, kids are hungry, and theres no jobs. so they do what ever they tell them to do just to get some money for there kids, dont get me wrong its horrible what they are doing, but it takes balls to pick up a gun a go out into a gun fight just knowing theres a big chance u wont live threw it.

  60. Just want to thank all the staff of borderland beat for this website, this website is the best, not like blog del naco that all they do is post up stupid ass comments.i see alot of good facts and,opinions here. just a little to much chearleading but its not bad.

  61. February 8, 2012 3:20 PM im not that fucking stupid to put my life for a shitty cartel. i would rather die for my family and it ain't about having the balls pendejo im not stupid like you leva you could be the cartels bitch. and your a hypocrite your the one who is probably typing this from yur parent's basement.

  62. Have you all noticed how everyone of these idiots is a 'Comandante'? I wonder how many ranks they have in their organization and how you get promoted to a 'Comandante'!

    February 8, 2012 2:11 PM
    Anonymous said...
    kill an innocent defenseless person with a hammer?

    February 8, 2012 3:18 PM

    That about sums it up, fucking cowards the majority of them, and a handful of sociopath monsters to lead them to their pending doom, and all mexico with them.

    Its real easy to be a tuff guy when you and 10-20 of your boys are all armed with AK's and hiding behind masks to kill someone who has their hands and feet duct taped.

    The real funny shit happens when the tables are turned and its their turn to be at the "tablas" party, found in a ditch with their pants down, their polo shirt red with their own blood and their dick in the dirt.


  63. A commadante in the Los Zetas structure is the boss of the plaza bosses in a particular region. For Chabelo he was the commadante of the Monterrey metropolitan area, a commadante is a higher position than the plaza boss.

  64. Hmm so who exactly are the assassins here?


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