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Sunday, January 29, 2012

5 Murdered during party in Tijuana

Five murdered during party in Tijuana, including brother of 'El R12'

Last night, in Tijuana, in Colonia Tres De Octubres, at least three armed men dressed in black fatigues, with high caliber automatic weapons, burst into a house during an early evening party. In a sadly familiar scenario, the gunmen separated the men and women , leading the men into a room, and then opening fire, massacring all of them including one minor, a 13 year old boy. One of those killed, Daniel Cabera, is the brother of Omar Cabera, 'El R12', a former Tijuana municipal officer, who was detained Jan. 4, 2012, suspected of being the head of security of Alfredo Arteaga Azarte, 'El Aquilles'.

About an hour after the attack, State Preventative Police, (PEP), working with municipal Tijuana police, as well as local Rosarito officers, caught up with the gunmen in Rosarito, who refused to stop their vehicle, which resulted in a gun battle between the PEP and the gunmen, who were eventually captured. Two Ak 47's, one R-15 assault rifles, and two pistols were recovered from the five men, whose identities and criminal affiliation are not known at this point. Different sources are conflicting on whether the gunmen captured in Rosarito Beach were those responsible for the murders in Tijuana, some say they were, others say it is still not known.

Some reports say that this was a message to 'El R12', that he was warned if he cooperated with authorities his brother and family would be targeted. This kind of intimidation is common, when Federal police in Tijuana arrested Manuel Zambrano, 'El Jimmy', in August 2009, he was told through an attorney, that if he gave up information on members of the cartel, his family members would be murdered.

This incident is the first of it's kind in 2012 in Tijuana, where, although murders are down nearly 50% from 2010, executions related to organized crime, and retail drug distribution continue with impunity.

Sources AFN Tijuana


  1. Interesting report.

    Will Tijuana heat up again?

    I'm not familiar with TJ but i'm starting to get interested in what's happening there.

    If anyone has more info about this situation please speak up.

  2. one more down "brother of 'El R12'" so many to go.
    as a bonus we also got " three armed men dressed in black fatigues, with high caliber automatic weapons" off the streets.

  3. The real story here is that Mexican Law Enforcement actually found attacked and arrested the killers,now I realize that the killers will probably suffer little ,Still a glimmer that someone in Mexico is trying to do something constructive, GOOD JOB!!

  4. Note: This Colonia is a notorious one in the eastern end of town and not part of the "Secure" part of town. It is where Raydel Lopez Uriarte operated before his arrest.

  5. this is just a friend keep thinking LA GRAN FAMILIA NO MANDA SON DUENOS DE BAJA CALIFORNIA LA REGLAS SON SIMPLE PONES DEDO EL R12 FUE QUIEN REALMENTE MATO ASU FAMILIA NO LA FAMILIA EL JIMMY NO CANTO Y SU FAMILIA SIGUE VIVA Y CON DINERO Y PROTEGIDA DONDE ESTABA el chapo pa protejer su gente este es un consejo nomas no quieran removerle la agua ala frontera porque les aseguro que se manchan los pantalones

  6. January 30, 2012 4:23 PM Apoco si? Dime tu GENTE DE TIJUANA por que si el Chiquilin y el Muletas cantaron como canarios no están muertos? Capo tras capo, criminal tras criminal cantan como gorriones y sus familias siguen vivas.
    No sera que tu eres otro pinche hocicón, y nada mas dices puras pendejadas. Hablas y te expresas de estos cabrones como si en verdad tuvieran mucho pinche honor.

  7. clasico anonima ni los huevos tienes para dar tu nombre el chiquilin y muletas corrieron con chapo despues de la balacera pendejo y sus familias si an temido por eso salieron de tijuana y no eran del CAF traisonaron ala FAMILIA si tan hombres eran se huvieran quedado a pelear vavoso reugale adios que no de contigo y cuando de demuestrame la valentia que demostraste january 30 2012 5:51


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