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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Police Arrest Adrian Soria 'El Hongo'

From the Forum
State of Mexico - Soria Adrian Ramirez, "El Hongo", alleged leader of the Central Cartel, was arrested Thursday by the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM) in the Municipality of Tecámac. According to the agency, the capture of the suspected drug trafficker was with 10 of his bodyguards, in the town of Ojo de Agua.

"El Hongo", 38 yrs old, was the rival of "La Mano con Ojos", who were fighting for control of drug sales in Mexico City in Tlalpan, Magdalena Contreras, Naucalpan, Tlalnepantla, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Ecatepec, Huixquilucan y Coacalco.

Oscar Oswaldo Garcia Montoya, "La Mano con Ojos", in his declaration mentioned that Soria is linked to Carlos Ramirez Alejandro El Ricalde, who once worked as a municipal police in Huixquilucan.

In the operation to arrest "El Hongo", not a single shot was fired, despite the fact that the criminals had drugs and weapons. Soria Ramírez remains in Toluca under strict security, his criminal organization is linked to at least 10 homicides in the State of Mexico, including two murders of municipal police.

A gun was seized with the letter "H" engraved in gold, it was reported by the unit of investigation that the Central Cartel was formed following the capture of Carlos Montemayor "El Charro", father in law of Edgar Valdez Villareal "La Barbie" captured last year by the Federal Police.

The arrest of La Barbie split the group led by Garcia Montoya and José Jorge Balderas Garza, "JJ" the aggressor of the soccer player Salvador Cabanas. After the arrest of "JJ", Soria Ramirez was at the head of the criminal structure that allegedly corrupted local and state police of the State of Mexico.

Cártel del Centro disputed the control of drug dealing with "Caballeros Templarios", "La Mano con Ojos" and "La Familia Michoacana," according to Mexico State Attorney Office.

Adrian Ramírez Soria
Apelativos: El H. o El Hongo
Edad: 38
Señas Particulares: ESTATURA: 1.65 metros, COMPLEXIÓN: Robusta, TEZ: Moreno claro, PELO: Lacio, parado, CEJAS: Depiladas, OJOS: Cafés, chicos, BOCA: Chica, LABIOS: Gruesos, NARIZ: Ancha
Delitos: Se sabe que este grupo delictivo, tomo el control del mercado de drogas y estupefacientes, y se les relaciona por lo menos con siete homicidios.
Organización Delictiva: El Cartel del Centro
Zonas de Operación: Ecatepec, Coacalco, Naucalpan y Cuautitlán.
Buscado por: PGJ-Estado de México


  1. I haven't seen anything from these guys since April of this year, when they dumped 5 bodies in trash bags in Mexico City? Or close to it. Are these guys completley independent, like Manos, (was) or are they working with someone else?

  2. A weak cartel like this was fighting La Familia and now CT? This guy looks like a chump not a gangster

  3. This group,after they caught La Barbies and El Charro,went back to the Beltran Leyvas,im not too sure but in the interrogation video of la mano con ojos he said this group is supported by El H..

  4. Diego Fernandez de Cevallos was kidnapped by this guys, according to Oscar Oswaldo Garcia Montoya, "La Mano con Ojos" According to the daily, the family paid a ransom of around $20 million.

  5. Im almost sure theres gonna be a interrogation video about this guy,not like when they captured Noel el Flaco Salguiero.

  6. I hope they put him in the same jail where la mano con ojos is!!!!

  7. chingen su madre todos los carteles

  8. este cartel fueron quienes firmaron como presuntos responsables de la muerte de mi hermano, solo espero el momento en que cada integrante de la CC, o los asesinos de mi hermano, mueran..


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