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Monday, August 29, 2011

People in Monterrey say Enough is Enough!

Mexican police say they have arrested five men they believe are members of the Zetas drugs cartel in connection with last week's Monterrey casino massacre.

The news has come too late for hundreds of local people, who have staged protests against how four million-strong Monterrey has become a gangster's shooting gallery.

Shoes were left to remember the innocent victims on the steps of the state governor's office, where protesters called for him and Monterrey's mayor to quit.


  1. Keep your eyes on this. Next sunday we will be more, many more protesting!

    The absent governor is going down!

  2. As elections get nearer,ill get bloodier. Im really hoping for a coup,roundup al narcopoliticians,narcocops,and narcowannabe hoodlums and execute them . Narcotrafikers been around for decades and did their jale quietly like is suppose to be. America needs their coke thats a reality. They tighten the border cause 9 11,zetas were starting to grow in tamaulipas, and they started selling tje coke in mexico cause it was getting hRder to get across. Same shit that happen with the blacks in the 80s with crack and gang wars.but this is the whole country. Buy a weapon save some food train yourself

  3. its time to change the constitution and let the people of mexico arm and protect themselves!!!!! The police, the politicians, the military are all corrupt and aren't going to protect anyone except the highest bidder.

  4. As I have said many times before:

    "The US makes tons and tons and tons of rat poison every year but thats not killing anyone is it? Guns like rat poison does not kill people its the retards pulling the triggers, I find it offensive at how many people are ignorant enough to even try and validate the issue of the US having any responsibility in the problems happening in Mexico...

    Mexico is its own worst enemy from sleeping with the criminal cartels making love to them like professional prostitutes taking all the money the cartels threw at them for decades never once caring that they were poisoning the US with all of there chemical drugs! NEVER once was that ever an issue...

    But now when the very dogs that they have been making love to for so long have now turned on them like rabid pit bulls they have no clue of what to do... Its like the John turning into a Gorilla pimp on them...

    If the US stopped using drugs and selling guns today it would not change anything in Mexico! That monster has been built over a number of decades and it is no ones fault but all of the prior and current criminal administrations that Mexico has so lovingly slept with over the years as the entire Mexican population glorified those very narcos like they are rock stars! Never once caring they were polluting the entire country of the US with their poison! No, what is happening in Mexico has allot to do with KARMA.

    It has been recently reported that the narcos now control more than 50% of Mexico which in my eyes makes it a failed country and the world needs to put together a council to figure out what to do about it before it spreads out any further than it already has..."-CHIVO

  5. There really needs to be a coup and then roundup ALL of the narcopoliticians,narcocops,and narcowannabe hoodlums and EXECUTE them! DO IT NOW!

  6. The mexican people say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

    They are no longer going to take it!

    They say this while holding a chankla in one hand and a fully loaded water gun in the other.


  7. Instead of throwing shoes at the governor's office, they need to start throwing cocktail bombs.

    They are not doing enough. All they do is complain to the media but the media can't do shit for them.

  8. Mexico is screwing mexico

  9. It was not a complaint to the media... in fact the media available about it is only half-truths...

    We want no violence, ajullo. NO MORE BLOOD. When will you fools get it?

    How disappointing. People from positions of comfort bash mexicans for doing nothing, and when they begin doing something, they bash them as well...


    Useless shit.

  11. "Anonymous said...
    its time to change the constitution and let the people of mexico arm and protect themselves!!!!! The police, the politicians, the military are all corrupt and aren't going to protect anyone except the highest bidder.

    August 29, 2011 8:49 PM "

    The Mexican const already allows for self defense. The mexicans need to stop being slaves to the socialist gov and the narcos and fulfill thier duty to defend themselves.

  12. "Enough is enough" understatement of the decade! Protests will do nothing but get people killed, as the narco/sicario target the leaders of these so called protestors or movements. What a crock of shit too, throwing "peace" at "violence" is fruitless. You want to make a difference, arm yourselves and go after the people in the community you know are narcos. Ok..can't buy a gun..grab bats, knives, crowbars..etc. What a fucking anarchy, a criminals paradise..Mexico.

  13. @6:13, Mexico is more of a fascist govt than socialist. Certain families and politicians control all the wealth and the govt institutions are there to oppress the people. I know socialism sounds better, but mexico is anything but a socialist govt.

  14. "@6:13, Mexico is more of a fascist govt than socialist. Certain families and politicians control all the wealth and the govt institutions are there to oppress the people. I know socialism sounds better, but mexico is anything but a socialist govt.

    August 30, 2011 9:20 AM"

    It was Joseph Stalin who started this lie that fascism is right wing and socialism/communism is left wing. He did this to discredit Hitler's nationally based (National Socialist = Nazi's) socialism in favor of an international socialism (communism). Fascism and socialism are both centralized statist governments that oppress their peoples. Socialism is the older more correct term (from the Fabian Socialist) which refers to a government and political philosophy that seeks to socially engineer society. Do some research on socialist governments and you will see that they do indeed seek to seize/control people's wealth and oppress them, even if it is just seizing 60% of their income to fund gov run programs.
    Based on the fact that Mexico denies its citizen's multiple rights, oppresses them through corruption and seizes assests for state control (oil industry) I would classify them as socialists. Socialism always leads to a neo-feudalistic society where there are the "peasants" and the elite class. Look at Soviet Union, China, Cuba, N. Korea, etc.

    Left wing = large centralized government who' extreme is tyranny
    Right wing = decentralized, small government who's extreme is anarchy.

  15. I am from Monterrey and I had to practically "escape" from this madness and start my life in another country and save my family as well. I can't believe that Monterrey is becoming as dangerous as Irak or Afghanistan.In fact,the whole country is becoming a war zone.

  16. Yoyo 10:58, your silly self made definitions of 'fascism' and 'socialism' are so off the wall! Since we had a 'large centralized US government' under Dubya and Cheney , then it must have been 'Left wing' according to little ol Right Winger you. Comical.

  17. "Yoyo 10:58, your silly self made definitions of 'fascism' and 'socialism' are so off the wall! Since we had a 'large centralized US government' under Dubya and Cheney , then it must have been 'Left wing' according to little ol Right Winger you. Comical.

    September 2, 2011 7:56 PM"

    You mean the president who signed the Patriot Act, expanded Medicare and signed a stimulus the last year in his office as well as TARP? Yes real conservative.


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