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Saturday, June 25, 2011

LulzSec Files Claim Arizona Police Knew About the Presence of “El Chapo ” in Sonora

According to confidential documents released by LulzSec the Arizona Police knew about the presence of “El Chapo ” in Sonora but did not inform the Government of Mexico.

The group of hackers “LulzSec“ leaked more than 700 documents from the Department of Public Safety in Arizona for retaliation against SB 1070 in Arizona.

Authorities in Arizona learned through an informant about the presence of Joaquin Guzman Loera “El Chapo Guzmán” at a ranch near Sonoita, Sonora, on January 26, 2009, according to documents leaked by the group of hackers “LulzSec.”

The document leaked by the hackers said that “El Chapo Guzman, leader of the Sinaloa cartel met with members of his organization in the” Rancho Jalisco “, east of Sonoita, Sonora.

The confidential documents show that the authorities in the Arizona border town across from Sonora Mexico new “El Chapo” Guzman was in the area, on January 26, 2009.

The informant explained in the note that El Chapo arrived sometime in the last 48 hours, along with a large group of members of the cartel. He also mentioned that “there was a new transport line that works in Ajo, Arizona that was extremely violent and were ready to deploy grenades and rifles” (OSA-09-025)

LulzSec Chinga La Migra Leak:
"On 01/26/2009, at approximately, 2030 hours, I was informed by Ajo Disrupt Units that they had made contact with a source of information (SOI) which provided information on the Sinaloa Cartel. Chapo Guzman leader of the Sinaloa Cartel was currently at a ranch near Sonoita, Sonora Mexico. SOI stated he arrived sometime in the last 48 hours along with a large entourage of his cartel members. They had a meeting / Party at the “Ranch Jalisco” east of Sonoita, Mexico. The SOI was present at the ranch during the meeting. Chapo stated to members of the cartel that they will be responsible to defend their loads or there will be consequences for their losses. The drivers of the contraband were instructed to carry long arms and wear body armor. Chapo also stated that he was going to take care of anyone who betrayed him. This information is considered credible because it has been verified by a credible source of information.."


  1. So what? What were they supposed to do? Cross the border and crash the party? Tell the Mexican cops? They were probably already there to provide security. BFD. Big time hackers.

  2. First the attacks on playstation network, and now this. LulzSec is hacking in other areas besides gaming.

  3. Score 1 for the Good Guys!

  4. Why is this on BB? Wow what a shocker Arizona knew that there was drug cartel activity across the border. Geez!

  5. 50,000 plus hackers world wide and not one has done anything useful like make all the gas pumps sell gas for $1 a gallon!!....

  6. If El Chapo was holding a conference in that area anyone with common sense and any knowledge of Mexico would know that he considered it a safe area for himself because he controlled the authorities there, and passing this information on to them would accomplish nothing but possibly expose the informant and get him killed (which this hacker leak is likely to do).

  7. The U.S. Government made a deal with Chapo Guzman already.

  8. i would like to get a hold of some of the military manuals where can i get them? what is lulzsec website??????

  9. Yeh, I'd like info. on Lulzsec too.


  11. It's all on the forums if you want to download what was released by lulzsec.

  12. What does 'Chinga La Migra' stand for?

  13. Its a slangy way of saying exactly this: "fuck the immigration police"

  14. June 27, 2011, 12:59pm



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